Gateways Sentence Examples
Doorways were usually square, but corbelled archways and gateways surmounted with sculptures were not uncommon.
Round the base is a flagged pathway surrounded by a stone railing and entered at the four points of the compass by gateways some 18 ft.
Both gateways and railing are elaborately covered with bas-reliefs and inscriptions.
In the 11th century the area was enclosed by earthen ramparts, with bastions and gateways; but of these the only surviving remnant is the Golden Gate.
The town is surrounded by a medieval wall, with three gateways, and contains two Protestant churches, of which that of St Nicholas (14th century) is remarkable for its three fine aisles.
Of Leiden's old gateways only two - both dating from the end of the 17th century - are standing.
The ancient fortifications, still extant in the beginning of the 19th century, have disappeared almost entirely, but of the four gateways one named after St Lawrence remains nearly perfect, consisting of two loopholed circular towers; and there are considerable ruins of another, the West or Butler Gate.
Its houses are of the usual central American type, constructed of adobe, rarely more than one storey high, and surrounded by courtyards with ornamental gateways.
The enceinte is pierced by nineteen openings or gateways, but of these seven are not used by the public. As soon as the enceinte was finished eight detached forts from 2 to 22 m.
It is a large town with wide and airy streets, and is adorned with pagodas, gateways and other buildings of considerable pretension.
AdvertisementThe design of these entrance gateways is extremely simple and massive, depending for their effect on the fine ashlar masonry in which they are built, the decoration being more or less confined to ornamental disks.
An ad j acent opening, the Khyber Pass, the Kurram Pass to the south of it, the Gomal Pass near Dera Ismail Khan, the Tochi Pass between the two last-named, and the famous Bolan Pass still farther south, furnish the gateways between India and Afghanistan.
Above these rise the towers of the Roman Catholic cathedral, the high curved roofs of the royal audience halls, the palace gateways, and the showy buildings of the Russian and French legations.
Some ruined gateways belonging to the old city walls are still standing; among them being the tower-gateway called the Dromedary (1540), which overlooks the harbour.
The town is walled and is entered by six gateways, which are fortified.
AdvertisementOf the 365 bastions which formerly strengthened the walls, however, nearly too are still in situ, and a few of the interesting old gateways have also been preserved.
The river, thus far navigable, is here crossed by a fine old bridge; and the antiquity of .the town betrays itself by the irregularity of its arrangement, by its walls and gateways, and by its numerous inscriptions and other relics.
It has two Evangelical churches (among them that of St Mary, dating from 13th century), two ancient gateways, a powder tower and a gymnasium.
C. Hovey, in 1907, was led by expert guides into still wilder recesses, where a series of five domes were found, that opened into each other by tall gateways; each dome being 60 ft.
Walks and gardens now surround the town in the place of the old city walls, but a few towers and gateways adorned with various old coats of arms are still standing.
AdvertisementApart from the outworks, the castle forms an irregular square with round towers at the angles, the principal buildings being grouped round a central courtyard, the entrance to which is from the south through a series of gateways.
Two gateways, the Kdnigstor and the Berliner Tor, remains of the old fortifications, are still standing.
In addition there are ten others at the various gateways.
Its former greatness is attested by many Roman remains, the chief of which are two well-preserved stone gateways, the Porte d'Arroux and the Porte St Andre, both pierced with four archways and surmounted by arcades.
The walls, which are of great strength, are surmounted by machicolated battlements, flanked at intervals by thirty-nine massive towers and pierced by several gateways, three of which date from the 14th century.
AdvertisementThe Binnenhof, which has been already mentioned, was once surrounded by a moat, and is still entered through ancient gateways.
There were also monumental gateways, and the island was protected by a stone quay all round with the necessary staircases, &c., and a Nilometer.
The former, situated on the top of the hill, is of comparatively small extent, and forms almost a parallelogram, surrounded by ramparts of the 13th century, and, outside them, by boulevards, and entered by ancient gateways.
The walls of the city seem to be Seleucid in origin; some of the Roman gateways being still in good order.
The ancient walls of Avila, constructed of brown granite, and surmounted by a breastwork, with eighty-six towers and nine gateways, are still in excellent repair; but a large part of the city lies beyond their circuit.
Examples include new electronic journals, web-based information gateways or electronic courseware.
It is one of two surviving fortified gateways in Winchester.
Employing standard schemes will also assist in the provision of browsing structures for subject-based information gateways [18] .
Mini roundabouts, in common with some other traffic calming features such as contraflow gateways may help reduce vehicle speeds.
We bred for a child who could draw enough raw enough raw power to open the gateways without the need for worshippers and ceremony.
Between those gateways, there will be annual progression unless a job holder is significantly underperforming.
Outside this again lies a projecting semicircular bastion, which commands the entrance from the exterior of the city on the E., a winding trench approached by a pair of double gateways, which are not vaulted but covered by the gradual projection of the upper courses.
These outworks, with a few gateways, the audience hall and the baths, were the only parts of the building that survived in 1840.
We bred for a child who could draw enough raw power to open the gateways without the need for worshippers and ceremony.
In the Abyssal Shelf located in the Hellfire Peninsula, fly on a gryphon or Wyvern to bomb demons from the Burning Legion and stop the dimensional gateways from allowing the introduction of more enemy forces into the area.
First dates are gateways to a social relationship that may grow into a long-term relationship, a solid friendship, or a few great memories.
Politeness, formality, respect, and knowledge of basic French phrases are gateways to winning help and assistance on your trip.
However, it is much like trying to fight a hydra; every time a particular site is blocked, hackers come up with a new site (or whole group of sites) that have new proxy gateways available.
You will want to make sure that your server is upgraded to the latest versions of PHP, because sometimes guestbooks can be used as gateways for malware to get into the site and cause mischief.
With features such as multiple payment gateways (including the most popular, PayPal) and on-the-fly shipping calculations and tax functionality, OSCommerce can save hundreds or even thousands of dollars in setup costs for entrepreneurs.
I have two gateways to guard.
The Grey God cannot guard two gateways.
The only way to protect the humans was to close the gateways between worlds.
And now, two gateways were open again, and the immortals readying the human world for another battle.
Even if he couldn't close it, there had to be a way to monitor it, or he'd never be able to manage the gateways.
Even if I can't close the gateways between worlds.
I can't camp outside both gateways, but I could one.
Are you saying you share gateways?
You failed to close the gateways, the Watcher said.
The four turreted gateways furnish excellent examples of 6th and 17th century architecture.
The plan of the Propylaea consists of a large square hall, from which five steps lead up to a wall pierced by five gateways of graduated sizes, the central one giving passage to a road suitable for beasts or possibly for vehicles.
Gorinchem possesses several interesting old houses, and overlooking the river are some fortified gateways of the 17th century.
The result of trans-border surveys to the north and west of India has been to establish the important geographical fact that it is by two gateways only, one on the north-west and one on the west of India, that the central Asiatic tides of immigration have flowed into the peninsula.
There are seven towers, fifteen gateways and, according to Los Santos, no fewer than 12,000 windows and doors.
Two of its gateways are noteworthy, namely that at Hyde Park Corner at the southeast and the Marble Arch at the north-east.
Provision was made in the design, by Sir Aston Webb, for the extension of the Mall to open upon Trafalgar Square, through gateways in a semicircular range of buildings to be occupied by government offices, and for a wide circular space in front of the Palace, with a statue of the Queen by Thomas Brock in its centre.
Among the relics of its former importance are the cathedral, built in1420-1424(though originally founded in 1188), restored in 1893 and now housing the archaeological collection of the Altmark, the Gothic church of St Mary, founded in 1447, a "Roland column" of 1535, and two fortified gateways, dating from the 13th century.
The gateways are strongly fortified.