Gate Sentence Examples
She opened the gate and stepped through.
He opened the gate for her and she went straight to his waiting arms.
The gate, I suppose, is New York City, and Freedom is the great statue of Liberty.
At the autumn equinox, the gate is weakest.
Carmen closed the gate and sloshed back to the barn.
Shutting the last gate, Alex glanced at her and grinned.
He exited the stall and closed the gate, staring down at her defiantly.
Alex had made a temporary gate between the two fields.
Beyond the gate, in a place called the Hajun, is the chief cemetery, commonly called el Ma'la, and said to be the resting-place of many of the companions of Mahomet.
Two well-armed guards stood outside the gate, flanking the slender fed in a blue medical uniform.
AdvertisementShe glanced around to see if a gate was open.
Even the beggars outside the thick, bulletproof glass of the main gate were quiet, their small fires dark.
After crossing the low hills east of the Pyramus it passed through a masonry (Cilician) gate, Demir Kapu, and entered the plain of Issus.
Ferapontov's wife, who till then had not ceased wailing under the shed, became quiet and with the baby in her arms went to the gate, listening to the sounds and looking in silence at the people.
At the gate of one house three Frenchmen, who were explaining something to some Russians who did not understand them, stopped Pierre asking if he did not know French.
AdvertisementAt the gate, she finally paused to catch her breath, her face still burning.
He dropped the portcullis and shoved the lever to turn the iron gate.
Fires ignited near the south gate as his men attacked groups of Memon's advisors and the warriors that had been invited into the hold for the feast.
A portion of another, that of Nicias, was used to make the late Roman gate of the Acropolis.
Beverley was walled, and one gate of the 15th century remains; there are also some picturesque old houses.
AdvertisementThe parking lot was empty, and the only sign of unusual activity was the open gate.
Despite his foreboding, he left the chamber and sent word for Vara to meet him at the main gate.
The iron gate closed and then buckled as the furious demon beat against it.
When the three men rode through, she shut the gate and turned Princes toward the trail that Alex had chosen.
The bison were drifting through the gate as she got to the footbridge.
AdvertisementFelipa watched the children while Carmen showed the men where she wanted the fence and explained how she wanted the gate in the existing fence.
Alex rounded the corner of the barn and addressed the man working on the area where the gate was going to be.
When Cicero was quaestor in Sicily (75 B.C.), he found the tomb of Archimedes, near the Agrigentine gate, overgrown with thorns and briers.
Close to this temple on the west is the site of the gate known in later times as the Porta Aurea, through which the modern road passes, so that no traces now remain.
Two miles north-west of Callander is the Pass of Leny, "the gate of the Highlands," and farther in the same direction is Loch Lubnaig, on the shores of which stand the ruins of St Bride's chapel.
Another shorter valley began near the present Jaffa gate and, taking an easterly direction, joined the Tyropoeon; while a third ravine passed across what is now the northern part of the Haram enclosure and fell into the valley of the Kidron.
North of the Temple enclosure there was a gate, known as the Sheep Gate, which must have opened into the third valley mentioned above, and stood somewhere near what is now the north side of the Haram enclosure, but considerably south of the present north wall of the latter.
To the west of the Sheep Gate there were two important towers in the wall, called respectively Meah and Hananeel.
Westward of this gate the wall followed the south side of the valley which joined the Tyropoeon from the west as far as the north-western corner of the city at the site of the present Jaffa Gate and the socalled tower of David.
He doubled the area of the enclosure round the Temple, and there can be little doubt that a great part of the walls of the Haram area date from the time of Herod, while probably the tower of David, which still exists near the Jaffa Gate, is on the same foundation as one of the towers adjoining his palace.
The empress also erected a large church in honour of St Stephen north of the Damascus Gate, and is believed to have been buried therein.
On the Australian side the fact that Tasmania is richest in marsupial types indicates the gate by which they entered.
The superstructure of a similar gate (Porta Marzia), which was removed in 1540 to make way for the citadel, but is depicted in a fresco by Benedetto Bonfigli (between 1461 and 1 477), was re-erected in the substruction walls of the citadel itself.
As the city grew, the right to so many days a year atone or other shrine (or its " gate ") descended in certain families and became a species of property which could be pledged, rented or shared within the family, but not alienated.
The most important of the local dues is the gate tax, or dazio di consumo, which may be either a surtax upon commodities (such as alcoholic drinks or meat), having already paid customs duty at the frontier, in which case the local surtax may not exceed 50% of the frontier duty, or an exclusively communal duty limited to 10% on flour, bread and farinaceous products,2 and to 20% upon other commodities.
The most remarkable Roman building in Trier is the Porta Nigra, the north gate of the city, a huge fortified gateway, 115 ft.
On his death in 1035 Archbishop Poppo converted the gate into two churches, one above the other, but all the additions except the apse have now been removed.
Three years later, however, the whole road was paved with silex from the temple to Bovillae, and in 191 B.C. the first mile from the gate to the temple was similarly treated.
One of the most interesting institutions of Ghent is the great Beguinage (Begynhof) which, originally established in 1234 by the Bruges gate, was transferred in 1874 to the suburb of St Amandsberg.
Rome was at the same time in extreme peril from the advance of a Samnite army, and was barely saved by Sulla, who, after a hardfought battle, routed the enemy under Pontius Telesinus at the Colline gate of Rome.
The city has five gates, and from one of them, called Bala Khiaban gate (upper Khiaban), the main street (Khiaban), 25 yds.
These latter, as in the well-known case of the Lion's Gate at Mycenae, often appear with guardian animals as their supporters.
Being apprised by one of the nobles of the court of what had taken place, Firdousi passed the night in great anxiety; but passing in the morning by the gate that led from his own apartments into the palace, he met the sultan in his private garden, and succeeded by humble apologies in appeasing his wrath.
Wearing a jewelled crown, he stands before Abathur's door at the gate of the world of light; the Mandaeans accordingly invariably pray with their faces turned northward.
A railway line to connect the North Caucasian line (Rostov to Petrovsk) with the Transcaucasian line (Batum to Baku) has been built along the Caspian shore from Petrovsk, through the "gate" or pass of Derbent, to Baku.
The whole design was modified in 1688 so as to represent a triumphal arch in honour of Morosini Peloponnesiaco, who brought from Athens to Venice the four lions in Pentelic marble which now stand before the gate.
She had an altar on the Aventine hill, near the gate called after her Lavernalis, and a grove on the Via Salaria.
The scenery among them is justly celebrated, more especially in the neighbourhood of Haich`eng, Siu-yen and the Korean Gate.
The famous seat of the Platonic philosophy was a gymnasium enlarged as a public park by Cimon; it lay about a mile to the north-west of the Dipylon Gate, with which it was connected by a street bordered with tombs.
Like the Academy, it was an enclosure with a gymnasium and garden; it lay to the east of the city beyond the Diocharean Gate.
The walls of the city, now built under the direction of Themistocles, embraced a larger area than the previous circuit, with which they seem to have coincided at the Dipylon Gate on the north-west where the Sacred Way to Eleusis was joined by the principal carriage route to the Peiraeus and the roads to the Academy and Colonus.
The middle wall, beginning south of the Pnyx near the Melitan Gate, gradually approached the northern wall and, following a parallel course at an interval of 550 ft., diverged to the east near the modern New Phalerum and joined the Peiraeus walls on the height of Munychia where they turn inland from the sea.
The operations, which were carried on at intervals till 1890, resulted in the discovery of the Dipylon Gate, the principal entrance of ancient Athens.
The Dipylon consists of an outer and an inner gate separated by an oblong courtyard and flanked on either side by towers; the gates were themselves double, being each composed of two apertures intended for the incoming and outgoing traffic. An opening in the city wall a little to the south-west, supposed to have been the Sacred Gate (iep t riAn), was in all probability an outlet for the waters of the Eridanus.
The eastern gate was adorned with four Ionic columns on the outside and two on the inside, the.
These railway communications, and the situation of the city (on the Piedmont Plateau) on the water-parting between the streams flowing into the Atlantic Ocean and those flowing into the Gulf of Mexico, have given Atlanta its popular name, the "Gate City of the South."
In the 10th tablet the goddess Sabitu, who, as guardian of the sea, first bolts her gate against Gilgamesh, after learning of his quest, helps him to pass in a ship across the sea.
The end of this abutted on the land at the head of the present Grand Square, where rose the "Moon Gate."
The Grind of the Navir ("Gate of the Giants") is a staircase carved by the waves out of the porphyry cliffs.
There were three gates in the western city and four in the eastern; one of the latter, however, on the north side, called "Gate of the Talisman" from an Arabic inscription bearing the date A.D.
Close by are the remains of St Mary's Priory, which comprise a large Perpendicular gatehouse, refectory, precinct wall, abbot's gate and still-house.
Heron de Villefosse, who has laid bare a beautiful temple of Jupiter, a triumphal arch of Caracalla, a Byzantine basilica and the gate of the Byzantine general Solomon.
This meeting is recorded by the memorial column still to be seen outside the Camollia gate.
Thereupon certain Sienese citizens in Rome, headed by Aeneas Piccolomini (a kinsman of Pius II.), entered into negotiations with the agents of the French king and, having with their help collected men and money, marched on Siena and forced their way in by the new gate (now Porta Romana) on 26th July 1552.
Some relics of old military architecture survive, among them a cylindrical tower of the 15th century near the Porte Notre-Dame, the southern gate of the city, and the Porte Rivotte, a gate of the 16th century, flanked by two round towers.
Remains of a Roman theatre, of an amphitheatre, of an aqueduct which entered the town by the Porte Taillee, gate cut in the rock below the citadel, and an arch of a former Roman bridge, forming part of the modern bridge, are also be seen.
Outside the north gate is a street of tombs, in some of which were found arms, vases and fine mural paintings (now in the Naples Museum).
Under this bill culture was to be the gate to a share in political power, and in Hungary culture must necessarily be Magyar.
On the 8th of June Sir Redvers Buller, who had made a long halt after the relief of Ladysmith and reorganized his army and its line of communication, forced his way over Alleman's Nek, and on the following day occupied Laing's Nek, the Natal gate to the Transvaal, while the field marshal fought a widespread battle against Botha, De la Rey and Kemp at Diamond Hill, 20 m.
It possesses fine streets and open places, but of its fortifications the Kleiberg Gate (1647) alone remains.
Without the gate is a fine Decorated church.
Having succeeded in their object, they determined that so important a gate should no longer remain in a defenceless condition.
He was disappointed at the resistance which was made, and after musing a while " upon a stall over against the Bell Savadge Gate " he turned back.
Amanus by the Syrian Gate, Beilan Pass, to Antioch and Syria; and another ran northwards through a masonry (Amanian) gate, south of Toprak Kaleh, and crossed Mt.
The first gate, that of Anu, was successfully reached; but in ascending still farther to the gate of Ishtar the strength of the eagle gave way, and Etanna was dashed to the ground.
The fortifications of the citadel have an elaborate double gate with flanking towers.
The ground plan of the gate is practically the same in idea as that at Sinjerli.
The portcullis gate and a tower are all that remain of it; of the abbey which was at one time the finest in Wales, there still exist the external walls, with parts of the chapel, vaulted chapter-house, refectory and abbot's house.
Remains of the city walls, with traces of one gate and several towers, of a total length of over 3 m., still exist, and belong to three different periods, in all of which the crystalline limestone of the locality is used.
It may be described as the great gate of Italy, and by it most of the Teutonic tribes made their way to Italy.
The southern coast in particular is deeply indented; and there two bold peninsulas, extending for several miles into the sea, form two capacious natural harbours, namely, Deep Water Bay, with the village of Stanley to the east, and Tytam Bay, which has a safe, well-protected entrance showing a depth of 10 to 16 fathoms. An in-shore island on the west coast, called Aberdeen, or Taplishan, affords protection to the Shekpywan or Aberdeen harbour, an inlet provided with a granite graving dock, the caisson gate of which is 60 ft.
The Siegestor (or gate of victory) is a modern imitation of the arch of Constantine at Rome, while the stately Propylaea, built in 1854-1862, is a reproduction of the gates of the Athenian Acropolis.
The principal street runs from the south or Kandahar gate to the market in front of the citadel, and is covered in with a vaulted roof through its entire length, the shops and buildings of this bazaar being much superior to those of the other streets, and the merchants' caravanserais, several of which are spacious and well built, all opening out on this great thoroughfare.
In Staffordshire the main levels are also known as Laying gate roads."
The air from the down-cast shaft enters from the gate road, and passes to the up-cast through the air heading above.
It means "gate of the god," not"gate of the gods," corresponding to the Assyrian Bab-ili.
The Restoration raised a statue to him near the gate of the Retiro Park in Madrid.
The neighbourhood is hilly and pretty, while opposite the north-west gate Conquest Island forms a picturesque object.
Of the ancient town gates the Bar or North Gate, South Gate, West Gate, and Blue Anchor Gate remain.
The first three are important; the South and West gates date from the early 14th century, while Bar Gate, as it stands, is later, and retains excellent Decorated work.
The Gildhall, used as a court-house, is in the upper part of Bar Gate.
It is the largest railway centre in the state, and is popularly known as the Gate City of Florida.
Beyond the gate is the small Place de la Bourse, in which is the British consulate.
About a mile and a quarter from the Bab Bu Saadun, the north-west gate of the city, is the ancient palace called the Bardo, remarkable for the "lion court," a terrace to which access is gained by a flight of steps guarded by marble lions, and for some apartments in the Moorish style.
Of the town gates at present in use, five are on the south, two on the west, two on the north, and the great bridge gate on the east.
Ban Jellacic, though loyal to the Emperor, had given expression to their aspirations towards unity as early as 1848; but Francis Joseph handed over the Croats and Serbs to Magyar domination (1867), and Dalmatia, the territory of the Austrian Croats, had been neglected by Vienna for years past; thus it was not till the years immediately preceding the war that it was rapidly developed by the construction of ports and railways and the encouragement of tourist traffic. The Slovenes, who inhabited Carinthia and Carniola, had less grounds for discontent, for the barren Karst had been afforested at the expense of the state; but though they were at the very gate of Serbia, they suffered from a shortage of meat, for Hungary obstructed the traffic in livestock in the interests of her great territorial magnates, and Austria bore the brunt of this.
The walls of the Acropolis are in of thin slabs of stone set up on end, with others laid across the top of them; at the part of this enclosure nearest to the Lion Gate is an entrance.
They are preserved to a considerable height on all sides, except where the ravine is precipitous and they have been carried away by a landslip; they are for the most part built of irregular blocks of great size in the so-called " Cyclopian " style; but certain portions, notably that near the chief gate, are built in almost regular courses of squared stones; there are also some later repairs in polygonal masonry.
The main entrance is called the Lion Gate, from the famous triangular relief which fills the space above its massive lintel.
The gate is approached by a road commanded on one side by the city wall, on the other by a projecting tower.
There is also a postern gate on the north side of the wall, and at its eastern extremity are two apertures in the thickness of the wall.
Just within the Lion Gate is a projection of the wall surrounding a curious circular enclosure, consisting of two concentric circles though the historical identity of the persons actually buried in them is a more difficult question.
The Via Aemilia passes obliquely right through the heart of the city, from the Bologna Gate in the east to that of Sant' Agostino in the west.
In the 11th century the area was enclosed by earthen ramparts, with bastions and gateways; but of these the only surviving remnant is the Golden Gate.
The portion known as Freshwater Gate fronts the English Channel from the strip of low-lying coast interposed between the cliffs of the peninsula and those of the main part of the island.
The gate on the north-east still exists, and bears the inscription of three aediles who erected the gate, the towers and the wall.
By these ranges it is forced due south for 500 m., forming the boundary between the provinces of Shansi and Shensi, until it finds an outlet eastwards at Tung Kwan - a pass which for centuries has been renowned as the gate of Asia, being indeed the sole commercial passage between central China and the West.
On the land side the town was formerly defended by a fosse, and there are still considerable remains of the old wall, including the handsome South Gate of the 15th century.
Laomedon was buried near the Scaean gate, and it was said that so long as his grave remained undisturbed, so long would the walls of Troy remain impregnable.
Of the gates only two can be located, the eastern or Laconian, situated on the eastern side of the saddle uniting Ithome and Eua, and the northern or Arcadian gate.
The lintel of the inner gate was formed by a single stone 18 ft.
In 1534 Lord Thomas Fitzgerald, better known as Silken Thomas (so called because of a fantastic fringe worn in the helmet of his followers), a young man of rash courage and good abilities, son of the Lord Deputy Kildare, believing his father, who was imprisoned in the Tower of London, to have been beheaded, organized a rebellion against the English Government, and marched with his followers from the mansion of the earls of Kildare in Thomas Court, through Dame's Gate to St Mary's Abbey, where, in the council chamber, he proclaimed himself a rebel.
But in jumping a gate, or a flight of rails, as ordinarily situated, there is no width to be covered, and to make a horse go through the exertion of jumping both high and wide when he need only do one is to waste his power, added to which to ride fast at timber, unless very low with a ditch on the landing side, is highly dangerous.
The only relics of the fortifications of the old town, whose place is now occupied by shady promenades, is the Florian's Gate and the Rondell, a circular structure, built in 1498.
More important is San Francisco Bay, situated about midway on the Pacific coast of the United States, the result of a moderate depression whereby a transverse valley, formerly followed by Sacramento river through the outermost of the Coast ranges, has been converted into a narrow straitthe Golden Gate and a wider intermont longitudinal valley has been flooded, forming the expansion of the inner bay.
The inferior pilgrims and paupers were relegated to the north hall or almonry, just within the gate, as far as possible from the other two.
Near the gate to the south was the guest-hall or hospitium (T).
A cross (A), planted on the high road, directs travellers to the gate of the monastery, reached by an avenue of trees.
As soon as the porter heard a stranger knock at the gate, he rose, saying, Deo gratias,the opportunity for the exercise of hospitality being regarded as a cause for thankfulness.
He also threw himself at his guest's feet, and conducted him to the chapel (D) purposely built close to the gate.
This inner gate conducted into the base court (T), round which were placed the barns, stables, cow-sheds, &c. On the eastern side stood the dormitory of the lay brothers, fratres conversi (G), detached from the cloister, with cellars and storehouses below.
For more than two centuries and a half during which the Venetians remained in possession, it was one of the most valuable of their dependencies, and the lion of St Mark may still be seen, both over the sea gate of Chalcis and in other parts of the town.
The ancient fortifications, still extant in the beginning of the 19th century, have disappeared almost entirely, but of the four gateways one named after St Lawrence remains nearly perfect, consisting of two loopholed circular towers; and there are considerable ruins of another, the West or Butler Gate.
Being mostly Englishmen, they preferred to reside in the portion of their diocese within the gate, and Drogheda, being a walled town, was less liable to attack from the natives.
It stood at the corner of the main street near St Lawrence's gate, and its grounds extended back to St Peter's church.
Of the secular buildings the more interesting are the Palazzo Madama, first erected by William of Montferrat at the close of the 13th century on the Roman east gate of the town, remains of the towers of which were incorporated in it, and owing its name to the widow of Charles Emmanuel II., who added the west façade and the handsome double flight of steps from Juvara's designs; and the extensive royal palace begun in the 17th century.
The east gate, similar in character, still exists in part within the Palazzo Madama.
It is, however, part of the personal history of Abd-ar-rahman that when in 763 he was compelled to fight at the very gate of his capital with rebels acting on' behalf of the Abbasids, and had won a signal victory, he cut off the heads of the leaders, filled them with salt and camphor and sent them as a defiance to the eastern caliph.
Gate In the general framework of Romano-British life the two chief features were the town, and the villa.
A third, circular temple stood between the forum and the south gate.
Its walls and some other remains, including the guardroom at the principal gate, can still be clearly traced, and many such relics as sculptures, inscriptions, pavements and pottery have been discovered.
The only important gateway, which was on the east side, away from the sea, probably resembled the "lion gate" at Mycenae.
One of these and the chief gate are shown in fig.
From the main gate, which was defended by a tower, a strong passage led between the outer wall and an inner one to an inner gate, thence to a propylaeum or double porch, with two wooden columns on each side, adjoining which were chambers for guards.
The town walls, which can still be traced and indeed are partly standing, had a circuit of not more than 2 m., and the main street was less than half a mile in length; but remains of buildings on the road for fully a mile beyond the south gate, show that the town had outgrown the limit of its fortifications.
The spot, outside the Elster Gate, where Luther publicly burned the papal bull in 1520, is marked by an oak tree.
The Spey or Spy tower, the most important fortress on the city wall, guarded the south gate close to the river, but it was taken down early in the 19th century.
There is a third and smaller gate at about the middle point of the west wall, and nearly opposite the Pelopion in the Altis.
Immediately to the east of this doorway was the gate giving access to the Altis at its north-west corner.
We do not, however, hear of any damage wrought by fire, save in the case of Sallust's palace, which was situated close to the gate by which the Goths had made their entrance; nor is there any reason to attribute any extensive destruction of the buildings of the city to Alaric and his followers.
Another turbine of the mixed flow type is the " Victor," which consists of three parts - the outer guide case, and, inside this, the register gate, and the wheel.
The gate regulates the speed of the wheel by varying the quantity of water; when fully open it merely forms a continuation of the guide passages, and thus offers no obstruction to the flow of the water, but by giving it a movement through a part of a revolution the passages are partly blocked and the flow of the water is checked.
Each pair of wheels is built in three storeys, and the outflow of the water is controlled by a cylindrical gate or sluice, which is moved up and down by the action of the governor.
Tests of a turbine of this slow-moving type showed an efficiency of 82% at full gate, and one of 75% when half of the passages in the guide-blades were closed by the shutters, as described above.
But there is a break in these hills - a gate, as it were, to the great high road between Herat and India; and it is this gate which the fortress of Kandahar so effectually guards, and to which it owes its strategic importance.
The Idgah gate passes through the citadel, which is a square-built enclosure with sides of about 260 yas.
Access to the central aisle is gained through a door of sculptured wood known as the Beautiful Gate.
At the gate of the town he met the widow to whom he had been sent, gathering sticks for the preparation of what she believed was to be her last meal.
Remains of the wall are seen in the churchyard, and the West Gate still stands in the main street.
But exceptions are found on the west in the street leading from the Porta Ercolanese (gate of Herculaneum) to the forum, which, though it must have been one of the principal thoroughfares in the city, was crooked and irregular, as well as very narrow, in some parts not exceeding 12 to 14 ft.
Parallel to this last to the south is a street which runs from the Porta Marina through the forum, and then, with a slight turn, to the Sarno gate, thus traversing the whole area of the city from east to west (Via Marina, Strada dell' Abbondanza, Strada dei Diadumeni).
More considerable and important was a temple which stood at no great distance from the forum at the point where the so-called Strada di Mercurio was crossed by the wide line of thoroughfare (Strada della Fortuna) leading to the gate of Nola.
Outside the Porta Ercolanese, or gate leading to Herculaneum, is found a house of a different character from all the others, which from its extent and arrangements was undoubtedly a suburban villa, belonging to a person of considerable fortune.
There appears to have been in the same quarter a considerable suburb, outside the gate, extending on each side of the road towards Herculaneum, apparently much resembling those which are now found throughout almost the whole distance from thence to Naples.
The two Roman Catholic churches, the castle, now the commandant's house (built in 1417), the Berliner Tor Berlin gate - (built in 1722 and recently restored), the LowerRhenish museum of antiquities and the modern gymnasium and military hospital, are among the other chief buildings.
The wall was pierced by "the gate of Assur," "the gate of the Sun-god," "the gate of the Tigris," &c., and on the river side was a quay of burnt brick and limestone cemented with bitumen.
To the south the range is not continuous with the Swiss Jura, the valley of the Rhine being connected here with the Rhone system by low ground known as the Gate of Mulhausen.
The banking law was designed tc reduce this circulation of notes; 19,250,000 was fixed as an aggre gate maximum of uncovered notes of t,he banks.
The town walls, built by Sir Henry Sidney, are still visible on the west and north, and the North Gate remains.
Two stately convents of the 14th century stand at the ends of the city; for the Franciscans were set to guard the western gate, or Porta Pile, against the hostile Sla y s, while the Dominicans kept the eastern gate, or Porta Ploce.
In the interior, and to the north of the western gate, a citadel adjoins the fortifications.
There are eight gates, the more important being Porta Pila and Porta Romana towards the east, and the Porta Lanterna or Lighthouse Gate to the west.
But his warnings had no effect; he himself was obliged to flee to Catana, where he died and was buried before the gate called after him the Stesichorean.
At the mosque called the Ashrafia they separated, one party proceeding to the Azhar and the houses of certain sheiks, and the other continuing along the main street, and through the gate called BI-b Zuwla, where they turned up towards the citadel.
Two Mamelukes had in the meantime succeeded, by great exertions, in giving the alarm to their comrades in the quarter of the Azhar, who escaped by the eastern gate called BIb al-Ghoraib.
Having taken coffee, they formed in procession, and, preceded and followed by the pashas troops, slowly descended the steep and narrow road leading to the great gate of the citadel; but as soon as the Mamelukes arrived at the gate it was suddenly closed before them.
The last of those to leave before the gate was shut were Albanians under Salih Kush.
Of the betrayed chiefs, many were laid low in a few moments; some, dismounting, and throwing off their outer robes, vainly sought, sword in hand, to return, and escape by some other gate.
According to some, he leapt his horse from the ramparts, and alighted uninjured, though the horse was killed by the fall; others say that he was prevented from joining his comrades, and discovered the treachery while waiting without the gate.
The French emperor, however, preferred to keep Parga, as a convenient gate into the Balkan peninsula, and it remained in French occupation until March 1814, when the Pargiots rose against the garrison and handed the fortress over to the British to save it from falling into the hands of Ali, who had bought the town from the French commander, Cozi Nikolo, and was closely investing it.
The (Roman Catholic) parish church is remarkable for a gate (Rdmertor) with grotesque sculptures of animals, dating from the 12th century.
Archaeologists have variously interpreted its original purpose, whether as church door, city gate or palace gate.
With this answer they left the assembly, and the sultan's apology overtook them before they had passed the palace gate.'
Access from the city to the Alhambra Park is afforded by the Puerta de las Granadas (Gate of Pomegranates), a massive triumphal arch dating from the i 5th century.
A hand, with fingers outstretched as a talisman against the evil eye, is carved above this gate on the exterior; a key, the symbol of authority, occupies the corresponding place on the interior.
The cemetery of Kerameikos outside the Dipylon Gate was being extensively excavated and restored, so far as possible, to its original 5th-century appearance by the German Institute in 1914.
Among the ancient buildings which are still preserved, an amphitheatre, an aqueduct and a city gate may be mentioned.
Their name for Antichrist is Dajjal, and they have a tradition that Jesus will slay Antichrist by the gate of Lydda.
But Dajjal may be derived, by a very common confusion between n and 1, from Dagon, whose name two neighbouring villages bear to this day, while one of the gates of Lydda used to be called the Gate of Dagon.
C - Thermit weld before removing riser and pouring gate.
The tower or church-gate, one of the finest specimens of early Norman architecture in England, and the western gate, a beautiful structure of rich Decorated work, together with ruined walls of considerable extent, are all that remains of the great abbey.
Here some rebels of 1798 were executed and their heads exhibited on the spikes of the castle gate.
Thus Palestine lay at the gate of Arabia and Egypt, and at the tail end of a number of small states stretching up into Asia Minor; it was encircled by the famous ancient civilizations of Babylonia,.
Further on they had a scuffle with certain " Arabians "; and at last, after successfully accomplishing the passage of the " rough and stony " road that led to Jerusalem, they were obliged to dismount before the gate of the city till they should receive license from the governor to enter.
Even the Protestant churches are not exempt from blame in the matter; a small tomb near the Damascus Gate of Jerusalem has been fixed upon by a number of English enthusiasts as the true " Holy Sepulchre," an identification for which there is nothing to be said.
The massively moulded ormolu stair balustrade of Northumberland House, now at 49 Prince's Gate; the candelabra at Windsor and Buckingham Palace, produced in Birmingham by the firm of Messenger; the cast-iron railings with javelin heads and lictors' fasces, the tripods, Corinthian column standard lamps and candelabra, boat-shaped oil lamps and tent-shaped lustres with classic mountings, are examples of the metal-work of a style which, outside the eccentric Brighton Pavilion and excursions into Gothic and Elizabethan, was universally accepted in the United Kingdom from the days of the Regency until after the accession of Victoria.
The remains of the splendid foundation of St Martin's priory, of the 12th century, include the great gate, the house refectory, with campanile, and the spacious strangers' refectory, now incorporated in Dover College.
Ghazni was reached 21st July; a gate of the city was blown open by the engineers (the match was fired by Lieut., afterwards Sir Henry, Durand), and the place was taken by storm.
There are also an old town gate, and an ancient cemetery with slight monastic remains.
It was carried in procession by a boy whose parents were both alive to the temple of Apollo, where it was suspended on the gate.
The ramparts of the old town can still be traced for a long distance, and there are fragments of two moles, of the theatre and of a gate.
A road, the Via Ardeatina, led to Ardea direct from Rome; the gate by which it left the Servian wall was the Porta Naevia; a large tomb behind the baths of Caracalla lay on its course.
The valley is thus closed to the north and south, and is surrounded by a mountain wall, which is broken down in but a single place, the gap behind the Golden Gate at San Francisco.
Great herds of seals once lay like toll-gatherers off the Golden Gate and other bays of the coast, taking a large share of the salmon and other fish; but they are no longer common.
They have greatly increased since hunting them for their hides and oil ceased to be profitable, and thousands sometimes gather on the Farallones, off the Golden Gate.
The redwood grows only in a narrow strip on the Coast Range from Southern Oregon (where there are not more than loco acres) down nearly to the Golden Gate, in a habitat of heavy rains and heavy fogs.
The east and south gates exist (the latter, a double gate with three arches flanked by two towers, is the Porta Praetoria, and is especially fine), while the rectangular arrangement of the streets perpetuates the Roman plan, dividing the town into 16 blocks (insulae).
Leaving the west gate of the city two roads lead to Lan-chow Fu, from which town begins the great high road into Central Asia by way of Lian-chow Fu, Kan-chow Fu and Su-chow to Hami, where it forks into two branches which follow respectively the northern and southern foot of the Tian-shan range, and are known as the Tian-shan pei lu and the Tian-shan nan lu.
To defend this line of communication the Great Wall was extended beyond Su-chow, and the Kia-yu gate, "the door of the empire," was built.
The Clock Gate (1771) is noticeable, and portions of the old walls are to be seen.
His body was quartered and his head fixed on the abbey gate.
He had not even the common interest in the little world coming up to the convent gate which most monks may be supposed to have.
He first explored the Odeum and the Great Theatre situate in the city itself, and in the latter place had the good fortune to find an inscription which indicated to him in what direction to search for the Artemision; for it stated that processions came to the city from the temple by the Magnesian gate and returned by the Coressian.
These two gates were next identified, and following up that road which issued from the Magnesian gate, Wood lighted first on a ruin which he believed to be the tomb of Androclus, and afterwards on an angle of the peribolus wall of the time of Augustus.
Besides these excavated monuments, the Stadion; the enceinte of fortifications erected by Lysimachus, which runs from the tower called the "Prison of St Paul" and right along the crests of the Bulbul (Prion) and Panajir hills; the round monument miscalled the "Tomb of St Luke"; and the Opistholeprian gymnasium near the Magnesian gate, are worthy of attention.
In the 15th century the great Eastern trade with Europe was carried on by the Venetian Republic - Venice was the gate from West to East, and her fleets, richly laden with goods brought down to the shores of the Mediterranean in caravans, supplied Europe with the luxuries of the Orient.
He proceeded to Falkland near Perth and passed through Aberdeen, where he saw the mutilated arm of Montrose suspended over the city gate.
There is evidence that the gate Electrae was on the south, and near it was the tomb of the Thebans who fell at the capture by Alexander.
It possesses an old town hall dating from 1566, a hospital, a lunatic asylum, an orphanage, and a large parish church rebuilt in 1756; but the chief interest centres in the church of the Holy Sepulchre, built in 1337, which attracts thousands of pilgrims to its Porta Caeli or Gaadenpforte (Gate of Mercy) opened annually on Michaelmas eve and closed again on the 4th of October.
A gate was knocked in by the field-pieces, and the town and citadel were stormed in a few minutes.
The chief items were a new Great Gate with two flanking towers, a belfry for St George's Chapel and houses in the Lower Bailey, probably for the canons, and in the Upper Bailey, probably for the royal household.
Under Wykeham, William of Wynford, who appears in 1360 as "appareller" under Sponle, in 1361 became chief mason and ordinator, and he was probably what we should call the architect of the Great Gate, the rest of which was built under Wykeham's supervision.
He was chief mason for Wykeham's works at Winchester Cathedral and for Winchester College, where his portrait may be seen in the east window of the chapel, and where his contract with the clerk of the works, an ex-scholar of the college, for the building of the outer gate, is still preserved.
Between 1890 and 1900 the harbour entrance from the Pacific was strongly fortified; it lies through what is called the Golden Gate, a strait about 5 m.
Golden Gate Park (about 1014 acres) was a waste of barren sand dunes when acquired by the municipality in 1870, but skilful planting and cultivation have entirely transformed its character.
The Government presidio or military reservation (1542 acres) is practically another city park, more favourably situated and of better land than Golden Gate Park, and better developed.
A beautiful drive follows the shore, giving views of the Golden Gate and the ocean.
In Golden Gate Park is a museum owned by the city with exhibits of a wide range, including history, ethnology, natural history, the fine arts, &c. Very fine mineral exhibits by the State Mining Bureau, and California Agricultural and Pacific Coast commercial displays by the CaliforniaDevelopment Board, are housed in the Ferry Building, and there is a Memorial Museum in Golden Gate Park.
Oakland, Berkeley, the home of the State University (damaged by the earthquake), and Alameda, all eastward just across the bay; Burlingame, San Mateo, Menlo Park and Palo Alto, wealthy and fashionable towns southward on the peninsula; Sausalito and San Rafael, summer residence towns on the northern peninsula across the Golden Gate; all lie well within an hour of San Francisco, and are practically suburbs of the metropolis.
In the winter of 1894 the California Midwinter International Exposition was held in Golden Gate Park.
A new residence district known as Parkside was developed south of Golden Gate Park.
The fine Gothic bastion tower overlooking the harbour was built in 1532; the East gate not later than 1578.
They consisted of a gate faced on the outside with a projecting portico of four columns, on the inside with two columns in antis.
The Landwehr Canal, leaving the Spree near the Schlesische Tor (gate), and rejoining it at Charlottenburg, after a course of 6 m., adds not a little to the charm of the southern and western districts, being flanked by fine boulevards and crossed by many handsome bridges.
Among the most important public squares are the Opern-platz, around or near which stand the opera house, the royal library, the university and the armoury; the Gendarmenmarkt, with the royal theatre in its centre, the Schloss-platz; the Lustgarten, between the north side of the royal palace, the cathedral and the old and new museums; the Pariser-platz with the French embassy, at the Brandenburg Gate; the KBnigs-platz, with the column of Victory, the Reichstagsgebaude and the Bismarck and Moltke monuments; the Wilhelms-platz; the circular Belle-Alliance-platz, with a column commemorating the battle of Waterloo; and, in the western district, the spacious Liitzow-platz.
Of the former nineteen city gates only one remains, the Brandenburg Gate (1789-1793), an imitation of the Propylaea at Athens.
The gate has been enlarged by two lateral colonnades, each supported by sixteen columns.
Entering the city at the Potsdam Gate, traversing a few hundred yards of the Leipziger-strasse, turning into Wilhelm-strasse, and following it to Unter den Linden, then beginning at the Brandenburg Gate and proceeding down Unter den Linden to its end, one passes, among other buildings, the following, many of them of great architectural merit - the admiralty, the ministry of commerce, the ministry of war, the ministry of public works, the palace of Prince Frederick Leopold, the palace of the imperial chancellor, the foreign office, the ministry of justice, the residences of the ministers of the interior and of public worship, the French and the Russian embassies, the arcade, the palace of the emperor William I., the university, the royal library, the opera, the armoury, the palace of the emperor Frederick III., the Schloss-briicke, the royal palace, the old and new museums and the national gallery.
Facing the west portal is the monument to the emperor William I., and before the north gate, opening upon the Lustgarten, are the famous bronze groups, the " horse-tamers " by Clodt, the gift of the emperor Nicholas I.
From the south side of the Kiinigs-platz crossing the Tiergarten and intersecting the avenue from the Brandenburg Gate to Charlottenburg runs the broad Sieges-allee adorned by thirty-two groups of marble statuary representing famous rulers of the house of Hohenzollern, the gift of the emperor William II.
The garden towards Unter den Linden is adorned by a bronze statue of Helmholtz; the marble statues of Wilhelm and Alexander von Humboldt, which were formerly placed on either side of the gate, have been removed to the adjacent garden.
In the north wall is situated the famous Kashmir gate, while the Mori or Drain gate, which was built by a Mahratta governor, has now been removed.
The gates on the river side of the city included the Khairati and Rajghat, the Calcutta and Nigambod - both removed; the Kela gate, and the Badar Rao gate, now closed.
Next to the Ridge the point of most interest to every English visitor to Delhi is Nicholson's grave, which lies surrounded by an iron railing in the Kashmir gate cemetery.
C. Home and P. Salkeld, who blew in the gate in broad daylight on the day that Delhi was taken by assault.
In his time Delhi extended from where Humayun's tomb now is to near the southern gate of the modern city.
The assault was thoroughly successful, although the column which was to enter the city by the Lahore gate sustained a temporary check.
Three bridges cross the North Channel, a footbridge, North Gate bridge and St Patrick's bridge, the last a handsome three-arch structure leading to St Patrick's Street, a wide and pleasant thoroughfare, containing a statue of Father Mathew, the celebrated Capuchin advocate of temperance, born in 1790.
The Clarks, South Gate, Parliament and Parnell bridges cross the South Channel to the southern parts of the city.
There were originally four principal gates, with four streets meeting in the middle of the quadrangle, after the style of a Roman camp. The eastern gate, or Porta Aenea, is destroyed, but, though the side towers are gone, the western gate, or Porta Ferrea, and the main entrance of the building, the beautiful Porta Aurea, in the north front, are still in fairly good preservation.
The most conspicuous monument is the triple Gate of Hadrian, flanked by a tower built by the empress Julia.
It is in this section that the entire mountain system is narrowest, and here it is that (apart from the " gate " at Derbent close beside the Caspian) the principal means of communication exist between north and south, between the steppes of southern Russia and the highlands of Armenia and Asia Minor.
On the 14th of September, after three days of artillery preparation, the assault was delivered, under Nicholson's leadership. Two practicable breaches had been made by the siege guns, and a party of engineers under Home and Salkeld blew in the Kashmir gate.
Women were formerly lodged in the old infirmary, close to the main gate, which is now a hotel.
Entering by the west (or Akcha) gate, one passes under three arches, which are probably the remnants of a former Jama Masjid.
Mention may be made of a few more moral treatises such as the Ufa poceiintei, " Gate of Penitence " (Kronstadt, 1812); Oglinda omului din eiuntru, " The Mirror of the Inner Man "; or Pilde filosofesti, " Philosophical Saws and Maxims " (Tirgovishtea, 1715).
Images came crowding on his mind faster than he could put them into words, quagmires and pits, steep hills, dark and horrible glens, soft vales, sunny pastures, a gloomy castle, of which the courtyard was strewn with the skulls and bones of murdered prisoners, a town all bustle and splendour, like London on the Lord Mayor's Day, and the narrow path, straight as a rule could make it, running on up hill and down hill, through city and through wilderness, to the Black River and the Shining Gate.
However, the Wicket Gate became a type of baptism, and the House Beautiful of the eucharist.
At the northern or upper end was the Bab el Ma`la, or gate of the upper quarter, whence the road continues up the valley towards Mina and Arafa as well as towards Zeima and the Nejd.
The lower or southern gate, at the Masfala quarter, opened on the Yemen road, where the rain-water from Mecca flows off into an open valley.
The third or western gate, Bab elOmra (formerly also Bab el-Zahir, from a village of that name), lay almost opposite the great mosque, and opened on a road leading westwards round the southern spurs of the Red Mountain.
Considerable suburbs now lie outside the quarter named after this gate; in the middle ages a pleasant country road led for some miles through partly cultivated land with good wells, as far as the boundary of the sacred territory and gathering place of the pilgrims at Tanim, near the mosque of Ayesha.
The subject - the descent of Christ into Hades to succour the souls of the just, as related in the apocryphal gospel of Nicodemus - is introduced in a kind of prologue; then follows the dispute between "Dominus" and "Satan" at the gate of Hell; the gatekeeper runs away, and the just are set free, while Adam, Eve, Habraham, David, Johannes and Moyses do homage to the deliverer.
He certainly set out for Rome from the south of Italy (where he remained as proconsul) at the bidding of the aristocratic party, when the city was threatened by Marius and Cinna, but he displayed little energy, and the engagement which he fought before the Colline gate, although hotly contested, was indecisive.
Kingsgate, on the North Foreland, north of Broadstairs on the coast, changed its name from St Bartholomew's Gate in honour of Charles II.'s landing here with the duke of York in 1683 on his way from London to Dover.
He handed them over to the king, who beheaded them both outside the gate of York, without any proper trial before their peers.
Russian diplomacy was exerting an increasing influence in Persia, and the latter had always coveted the city of Herat, which was popularly regarded as the gate of India.
Among other conspicuous buildings are the large barracks and other military establishments; the town hall; and the Brandenburg gate, in the style of a Roman triumphal arch.
Mahomet himself called fasting the " gate of religion," and forbade it only on the two great festivals, namely, on that which immediately follows Ramadan and on that which succeeds the pilgrimage.
There the principal gate of the town opened upon the Egnatian road.
From that gate the wall descended towards the Sea of Marmora, touching the water in the neighbourhood of the Seraglio lighthouse.
One is found in the name Isa Kapusi (the Gate of Jesus) attached to a mosque, formerly a Christian church, situated above the quarter of Psamatia.
If we may trust two contemporary inscriptions, one Latin, the other Greek, still found on the gate Yeni Mevlevi Khaneh Kapusi (Porta Rhegium), the capital was again fully armed, and rendered more secure than ever, by the prefect Constantine, in less than two months.
On reaching the west of the 3rd hill, it divided into two branches, one leading across the 7th hill to the Golden gate, the other conducting to the church of the Holy Apostles, and the gate of Charisius (Edirneh Kapusi).
On the north side of the Augustaion rose the church of St Sophia, the most glorious cathedral of Eastern Christendom; opposite, on the southern side of the square, was the Chalce, the great gate of the imperial palace; on the east was the senate house, with a porch of six noble columns; to the west, across the Mese, were the law courts.
Of the palaces outside the walls, the most frequented were the palace at the Ilebdomon, now Makrikeui, in the early days of the Empire, and the palace of the Pege, now Balukli, a short distance beyond the gate of Selivria, in later times.
To the west of that gate, on the site of Kadriga Limani (the Port of the Galley), was the harbour of Julian, or, as it was named later, the harbour of Sophia (the empress of Justin II.).
To the east of Yeni Kapu stood the harbour of Kaisarius or the Heptascalon, while to the west of that gate was the harbour which bore the names of Eleutherius and of Theodosiur I.
A harbour named after the Golden gate stood on the shore to the south-west of the triumphal gate of the city.
There in August 1876 he began work in the Dometombs and by the Lion Gate, and opened a large pit just within the citadel.
The Imgur-Bel of Sargon's time has been discovered by the German excavators running south of the Qasr from the Euphrates to the Gate of Ishtar.
They have also laid bare the site of the "Gate of Ishtar" on the east side of the mound and the little temple of Nin-Makh (Beltis) beyond it, as well as the raised road for solemn processions (A-ibur-sabu) which led from the Gate of Ishtar to E-Saggila and skirted the east side of the palace.
His great-nephew, King Dom Manuel, had a statue of him placed over the centre column of the side gate of the church of Belem.
Just within the northern gate is the market place, which contains the chief mosque.
Randver is hanged and Svanhild trampled to death by horses in the gate of the castle.
There are also many memorials of the battle of Leipzig, including an obelisk on the Randstadter-Steinweg, on the site of the bridge which was prematurely blown up, when Prince Poniatowski was drowned; a monument of cannon balls collected after the battle; a "relief" to Major Friccius, who stormed the outer Grimma gate; while on the battle plain itself and close to "Napoleonstein," which commemorates Napoleon's position on the last day of the battle, a gigantic obelisk surrounded by a garden has been planned for dedication on the hundredth anniversary of the battle (October 19, 1913).
The story tells how Jacob discovered its sanctity, - it was the gate of heaven, - made a covenant with its God, established the sacred pillar, and instituted its tithes (xxviii.).
Cond resumed civil war with the support of Spain, because he was not given Mazarins place; but though he defeated the royal army at Blneau, he was surprised at Etampes, and nearly crushed by Turenne at the gate of SaintAntoine.
These houses were at Alvingham, Catley, Holland Brigg, Lincoln, before the gate of which the first Eleanor Cross was erected by Edward I.
Three springs outside the west gate throw up streams of tepid water to a height of about 2 ft.
The natural geographical and ethnical southern frontier of Egypt is the First Cataract; Egyptian scribes of the Old Empire recognized this truth no less clearly than Diocletian, and Juvenal anticipates the verdict of every modern observer when he describes the " porta Syenes " as the gate of Africa.
Between the two the road from Ephesus entered the city by the "Ephesian gate," near which was a gymnasium.
A porter, appointed by the municipal authority of the place, is always present, lodged just within the gate, and sometimes one or more assistants.
It is possible, however, that "gate" is used here in its old signification, and that the name means simply high road.
In the time of stage-coaches a custom was introduced of making ignorant persons believe that they required to be sworn and admitted to the freedom of the Highgate before being allowed to pass the gate, the fine of admission being a bottle of wine.
Hunyadi, at the head of the vanguard, crossed the Balkans through the Gate of Trajan, captured Nish, defeated three Turkish pashas, and, after taking Sofia, united with the royal army and defeated Murad II.
The Derb el-Mistakim, or "Straight Street," still runs through the city from the eastern to the western gate.
At each end was a gate, the northern leading to the plain, the southern, at the upper end, to Syracuse.
Diablo's gate was smooth, and in spite of her injured ankle she began to enjoy the ride.
At some point in two days' time, I have given the order to those loyal to me to open the southeastern gate to your enemies, thus slamming you from two sides.
The eastern gate would open in two days, and Tiyan would fall.
There was a pause, and Memon's gaze settled on the open gate to Tiyan.
Turning Ed toward the gate, he leaned over, lifted the latch and pushed it open.
The property was comprised of 12 walled, secure acres complete with gate keeper and private bridge with an impressive twin towered entrance.
The ' white gate ' belonged to Vale Royal abbey, once the largest Cistercian abbey in England.
One final gate bars the deceased from entering the abode of the blessed dead.
The walls had three gates and in the center of the city was a fortified acropolis with a single gate.
This gate is, however, mentioned in 1390, with its present appellation.
Please use the links on the left to find out more about a particular piece of gate automation equipment.
The keep towers over the walls surrounding the inner bailey with King's Gate in the center of the picture.
Let me draw your attention to what might be called British barbarians at America's gate.
Continue ahead up a rising field, to a gate at the right of a corrugated barn.
Opposite the East gate was a covered bazaar selling things I really needed to take home.
As you enter the woods look out for the gate, just after the first tight right-hand bend, it's usually closed.
That means T5 will have to collect its own biometrics from passengers and check it at the gate.
The older bullocks who had made the trip several times would lead the rest to the moor gate.
A locked gate at the front leads to a passage by the side of the house where there are two rainwater butts.
In dynamic RAMS each bit of information is stored as an electrical charge on the gate capacitance of a field effect transistor.
Follow the path on the right after entering the churchyard and keep to the path beyond the far churchyard gate.
The ruins opposite the main gate were the garrison's quarters, and 3 underground cisterns kept the castle supplied with water.
The bishop might have spared his visit, but since he offered that civility, they could not keep him at the gate.
In the cockpit the now familiar click clack sound of the gear stick shaft moving through the exposed metal gate.
From the gate to the entrance you can pass through another deep and very narrow cleft called the Roman Cave.
A dark figure walked through the garden gate; a loud clunk came as metal hit metal, and the gate swung shut.
The said gate houses may with small charge be made more commodious.
Nonetheless a win at Ashton Gate is a must for City to launch themselves into play-off contention.
The entrance to this lane was situated roughly where the gate to the new courthouse is now.
In Bridlesmith Gate, you'll find designer stores and retailers stocking the biggest names in haut couture.
Ian (Pro back in the day early 80's) can still gate yet his 40plus year old bones are a little creaky.
The gate they're gaun the noo, they couldnae win through an the muckle deil were there to pilot them.
Traps at the front and back gate dielectric interfaces, as well as traps in the body of the dielectric are considered.
Started out promising, just as we got through the reserve gate we encountered two different snakes and our first emus.
Jacksons fencing is a market leader in gate and barrier automation, utilizing the latest technologies to satisfy domestic and commercial security applications alike.
There is a large flagstone across the rear of the property with a lovely view through a wrought iron gate to a bordered pathway.
St Martin's Gate A concrete footbridge over the 1960s Inner Ring Road which, controversially, punched through the City Wall.
The current fencing obstructs the public footpath -- there is a gate to one side but no stile over the fence the other side.
Continue on Horsebridge & go through gate to rejoin riverside footpath.
Go through kissing gate & continue ahead on Thames Path.
To the rear of the villa is a small, secluded lawn and a lockable gate leading directly into Monte Carvoeiro.
The drive, as ever almost on auto-pilot, nothing much on the road until the locked gate stood between me and the water.
Perhaps there are so few Adelphiasophists because they are the few that find the strait gate that leads to life.
The rusty original sluice paddle gate has survived being buried for 30 years.
Take the next right turning through a large iron gate onto a cobbled road.
The first airborne event was a timed entrance gate at Puffin Island which they flew at 1000 feet.
Struncheon Hill Lock - close up of the upper gate paddle gear.
One fell at the gate of the forest and became the black genies!
When dad came through the back gate he looked ghastly.
As they walked up the steep hill to the top of the fort they had each left a handprint beside the Iron Gate.
You'll see a big silver hangar to your left, with a crash gate entrance.
If you had hobnails in your boots you weren't allowed through the gate.
Jesus suffered outside the city gate to make the people holy through his blood.
A voltage across the channel acted like a gate voltage in a conventional transistor, shutting off the flow of potassium ional transistor, shutting off the flow of potassium ions.
All the people who did jihad will be called from the gate of jihad.
When first constructed the Canonry served as a defensive gate for the Cathedral - keeping the laity out during celebrations of the mass.
Go through a gate and follow the track as it winds gently left through open fell, with scattered mature larch.
The older one had an interesting lych gate dating from after the first world war.
The Town school was situated where the church lych gate is today.
There was a gate across the road (it's not marked) I suppose to keep sheep from wandering.
Turn left again through kissing gate to the path right beside the river with two short incursions to avoid very marshy ground.
The rectory gate house could have been demolished at the time the new mermaid was built.
You'll see the miller turn the wheel on the right to open the sluice gate in front of the waterwheel.
The fort has a three storied structure with slender minarets at the South Gate.
New Deal postponed signing a new catering deal with Gate Gourmet until the dispute is resolved.
A late 19th century photograph of Paradise Cottage showing Mrs King, a former occupant, at the garden gate.
The priests shall offer his burnt offering and his peace offerings, and he shall worship at the threshold of the gate.
The giant ogre was smashing the gate with his huge ax each time iron cracked off sending sparks into the air.
Norfolk Street will temporarily become one-way from its junction with Arundel Gate to George Street during the construction work.
The gate tower of 1512 is paneled all the way up and has an oriel high up flanked by two statue niches.
They had gate paddles in the top gates to let the water in.
We approached the Euros kennel and John unlocked the padlock on the gate.
The entrance gate to the fishery is fitted with a combination padlock.
Of particular interest is the Square Four Gate pagoda, the oldest stone pagoda in China.
Across the entrance is a gate made of sleepers and telegraph poles to stop the debris.
The rear communal pool can be accessed via a gate in the rear garden wall.
In addition to the drawbridge there was a long, vaulted gate passage, 50ft long that was protected by two portcullises.
We parked and joined the bridal procession forming up behind the fiddler outside the farm gate.
Anger mounting at bungled police raid ANGER IS still mounting at the police dawn raid in Forest Gate.
The police watchdog is to conduct a second inquiry into Scotland Yard's controversial Forest Gate anti-terror raid, it has been confirmed.
Large enough to have been part of the springing of a defensive timber rampart across the entrance of the gate!
With a share of the gate receipts of around £ 100,000, the game was not without it's plus points.
Insect life is abundant with many common species of butterfly such as wall and meadow brown, ringlet and gate keeper.
The property can be found behind a gate just where this raised roadway meets the High Street on the left hand side.
Now largely ruinous, the south gate still shows the slot for the portcullis on the west side.
The adjoining Little Gate with its iron scrollwork is also attributed to the pencil of Wren.
In the corner of the lower slab is a rather shapeless hinge socket, indicating that the gate hinge also was not well formed.
Embsay station with the quarry siding through the gate on the right, Summer 1959.
The track soon narrows to a path that descends a slope to a gate with a stile set in the fence beside it.
Pass through a metal kissing gate and over the concrete spillway into the wood and Pinchmill Islands.
While I stopped at the gate by the perimeter fence I saw some lion spoor and it was very fresh.
There was wild lion spoor in the car park and by Tammy's gate, but no sign of Tammy or the Born Free lions.
Go over a two stepped wooden stile, then a wooden spring gate through a hole in the wall.
The Committee had reservations about the rather strident new Bath stone gate pillars.
He had to pretend to be drunk in order to allay the suspicions which might have been aroused by his appearance at the gate.
From its left-hand gable turn left through a gate to the burial ground with tall sycamores.
The south gate was guarded by a pair of guards wearing clean white tabards over shining chain mail.
In some places, usually on the edge of the moor the walls can be seen to gently taper toward a gate.
Keep ahead thru gate (with river on your L ), under RD bridge.
Traitor's gate is a river entrance, where the heads of traitor's gate is a river entrance, where the heads of traitors were put on spikes.
A voltage across the channel acted like a gate voltage in a conventional transistor, shutting off the flow of potassium ions.
A mounted trooper of the 3 rd Cavalry was outside, calling on the people to open the gate.
Within the Library a gate provides a means of entry for wheelchair users and others who are unable to use the turnstiles.
Entrance via Dock Gate 4 SS Shieldhall is maintained and operated by the members who are all unpaid.
The western tower of the gate was erected around six large timber uprights.
Of course the " burnt " gate was perfectly useable, for operational purposes, just lacking a balance beam.
My partner - a non veggie also recommends The Gate and re-booked another evening.
On the west is a single iron gate from the former vicarage.
As you walk up Ash Lane don't take the first gate signposted Tara Center or you'll end up on the woodland walk.
The metal gate is at an access point used by the vast majority of hill walkers over many years.
Five section gate with walk-through center gate that opens with one hand action.
The tail gates and tail gate paddles of this lock and Lock 2w are hydraulic and operated by windlass.
Before beginning the work, he made a preliminary reconnaissance of the fortifications on the south of the town from the Valley Gate, which was near the S.E.
Here was the most southerly point of Jerusalem, and the wall turning hence to the north followed the west side of the valley of the Kidron, enclosing the city of David and the Temple enclosure, and finally turning west at some point near the site of the Golden Gate joined the wall, already described, at the Sheep Gate.
We have no account of the size or position of this camp, but a consideration of the site, and a comparison with other Roman camps in various parts of Europe, make it probable that it occupied an area of about so acres, extending over what is now known as the Armenian quarter of the town, and that it was bounded on the north by the old or first wall, on the west also by the old wall, on the south by a line of defence somewhat in the same position as the present south wall where it passes the Zion Gate, and on the east by an entrenchment running north and south parallel to the existing thoroughfare known as David Street.
To facilitate communication between the city and its suburbs, the Bab ez-Zahire, or Herod's Gate, and a new gate, near the north-west angle of the walls, have been opened; and a portion of the wall, adjoining the Jaffa Gate, has been thrown down, to allow free access for carriages.
The so-called Arco di Augusto is a town gate with a Decorated superstructure, perhaps of the Etruscan period, bearing the inscription Augusta Perusia; above this again is a Renaissance loggia.
The most conspicuous of the many symbols and signs of his transgression was the golden eagle which he had placed over the great gate of the Temple; its destruction was the obvious means to adopt for the quickening and assertion of Jewish principles.
Near the ruined West Gate is the entrance to Pembroke Castle, a splendid specimen of medieval fortified architecture.
The curtain-wall and towers of the Mycenaean citadel, its gate with heraldic lions, and the great "Treasury of Atreus" had borne silent witness for ages before Schliemann's time; but they were supposed only to speak to the Homeric, or at farthest a rude Heroic beginning of purely Hellenic, civilization.
It was not till Schliemann exposed the contents of the graves which lay just inside the gate (see Mycenae), that scholars recognized the advanced stage of art to which prehistoric dwellers in the Mycenaean citadel had attained.
Many accidents have arisen from horses rushing through a gateway directly the latch is released, or from their jumping a gate at which they have been pulled up to enable the rider to open it.
One of the finest buildings is the modern Jain temple of Hathi Singh outside the Delhi gate, which was built only in 1848, and is a standing monument to the endurance of Jain architectural art The external porch, between two circular towers, is of great magnificence, most elaborately ornamented, and leads to an outer court, with sixteen cells on either side.
Of the secular buildings the more interesting are the Palazzo Madama, first erected by William of Montferrat at the close of the 13th century on the Roman east gate of the town, remains of the towers of which were incorporated in it, and owing its name to the widow of Charles Emmanuel II., who added the west façade and the handsome double flight of steps from Juvara's designs; and the extensive royal palace begun in the 17th century.
It was in this sense, and not, as has been often asserted, in the sense of " Gate of God " or " Gate of Religion," that the title Bab was understood and assumed by Mirz&`Ali Muhammad; but,though still generally thus styled by non-Babis, he soon assumed the higher title of .Nugta (" Point "), and the title Bab, thus left vacant, was conferred on his ardent disciple, Mull& Husayn of Bushrawayh.
More is known of the lead and iron mines which, at least in the first two centuries, were worked in many Scale In Feet I I i 1 [[Gate Corridor ' 'Nen?Ol2e]]??n \\??
These are protected at frequent intervals by towers, and can be entered only by two gates, one to the east, the other to the west, both of which are themselves elaborately fortified (see Gate).
The papal brief establishing the hierarchy was dated 29th September 1850, and on 7th October Wiseman wrote a pastoral, dated " from out of the Flaminian Gate " - a form diplomatically correct, but of bombastic tone for Protestant ears - in which he spoke enthusiastically, if also a little pompously, of the " restoration of Catholic England to its orbit in the ecclesiastical firmament."
In the autumn of 1825 the handsome and fascinating enfant gate of the salons and ateliers - "La Neuvieme Merveille du monde " - had the luck to get an operetta (Don Sancho) performed three times at the Academie Royale.
The result was that in 1652 a fort and vegetable 1 The Gate usually assigned (1486), on the authority of De Barros, has been shown to be incorrect (see DIAz) .
The northern wall, famous in the siege of Delhi in 1857, extends three-quarters of a mile from the Water bastion to the Shah, commonly known as the Mori, bastion; the length of the west wall from this bastion to the Ajmere gate is 14 m.
Mai., and consisted in a procession leaving Rome by the Flaminian gate, and proceeding by way of the Milvian bridge to a sanctuary at the 5th milestone of the Via Claudia, where the flamen quirinalis sacrificed a dog and a sheep to avert blight (robigo) from the crops (Fasti praenestini, C.T.L.T., p. 317).
For, as not a single pilgrim passes through the Wicket Gate in infancy, and as Faithful hurries past the House Beautiful without stopping, the lesson which the fable in its altered shape teaches, is that none but adults ought to be baptized, and that the eucharist may safely be neglected.
One striking alteration in the appearance of the city was the conversion of the territory extending from the head of the promontory to within a short distance of St Sophia into a great park, within which the buildings constituting the seraglio of the sultans, like those forming the palace of the Byzantine emperors, were ranged around three courts, distinguished by their respective gates - Bab-i-Humayum, leading into the court of the Janissaries; Orta Kapu, the middle gate, giving access to the court in which the sultan held state receptions; and Bah-i-Saadet, the gate of Felicity, leading to the more private apartments of the palace.
In 728 the Arabs entered into possession, and established a principality in the city, which they called Bab-el-Abwab ("the principal gate"), Bab-el-Khadid ("the iron gate"), and Seraill-el-Dagab ("the golden throne").
The arch near the Vardar Gate - a massive stone structure probably erected towards the end of the 1st century A.D., was destroyed in 1867 1 Charger, a large flat plate (see Charge).
The cows came home from the pasture and stood mooing at the gate.
It is quite near the park gate.
Sometimes, it is true, a sense of isolation enfolds me like a cold mist as I sit alone and wait at life's shut gate.
I would gladly tell all that I know about it, and never paint "No Admittance" on my gate.
A woman, bent with age, with a wallet on her back, and a short, long-haired, young man in a black garment had rushed back to the gate on seeing the carriage driving up.
When they reached the gate Dolokhov whistled.
Dolokhov stayed by the gate.
Dolokhov, after Anatole entered, had remained at the wicket gate and was struggling with the yard porter who was trying to lock it.
The cook and a shop assistant came to the gate.
The innkeeper stood at the gate.
Alpatych went out to the gate.
As Alpatych was driving out of the gate he saw some ten soldiers in Ferapontov's open shop, talking loudly and filling their bags and knapsacks with flour and sunflower seeds.
An old peasant whom Prince Andrew in his childhood had often seen at the gate was sitting on a green garden seat, plaiting a bast shoe.
He stopped in the village at the priest's house in front of which stood the commander-in-chief's carriage, and he sat down on the bench at the gate awaiting his Serene Highness, as everyone now called Kutuzov.
He's coming! shouted a Cossack standing at the gate.
On the Poklonny Hill, four miles from the Dorogomilov gate of Moscow, Kutuzov got out of his carriage and sat down on a bench by the roadside.
He glanced at the dirty innyard in the middle of which soldiers were watering their lean horses at the pump while carts were passing out of the gate.
Pierre dressed hurriedly and, instead of going to see them, went to the back porch and out through the gate.
Every day thousands of men wounded at Borodino were brought in by the Dorogomilov gate and taken to various parts of Moscow, and thousands of carts conveyed the inhabitants and their possessions out by the other gates.
The housekeeper, the old nurse, the cooks, coachmen, maids, footmen, postilions, and scullions stood at the gate, staring at the wounded.
The former housekeeper, old Mavra Kuzminichna, had stepped out of the crowd by the gate, gone up to a cart with a hood constructed of bast mats, and was speaking to a pale young officer who lay inside.
That night another wounded man was driven down the Povarskaya, and Mavra Kuzminichna, who was standing at the gate, had him brought into the Rostovs' yard.
But there were some carriages waiting, and as soon as Pierre stepped out of the gate the coachmen and the yard porter noticed him and raised their caps to him.
He went up to the gate.
While the troops, dividing into two parts when passing around the Kremlin, were thronging the Moskva and the Stone bridges, a great many soldiers, taking advantage of the stoppage and congestion, turned back from the bridges and slipped stealthily and silently past the church of Vasili the Beatified and under the Borovitski gate, back up the hill to the Red Square where some instinct told them they could easily take things not belonging to them.
Someone stopped at the gate, and the latch rattled as someone tried to open it.
Mavra Kuzminichna went to the gate.
Mavra Kuzminichna opened the gate and an officer of eighteen, with the round face of a Rostov, entered the yard.
A few infantrymen ran to the Kutafyev Gate.
The sound of three more shots came from the gate.
To all of them from the marshal to the least soldier, that place was not the Vozdvizhenka, Mokhavaya, or Kutafyev Street, nor the Troitsa Gate (places familiar in Moscow), but a new battlefield which would probably prove sanguinary.
The shot rattled against the stone of the gate and upon the wooden beams and screens, and two wavering clouds of smoke rose over the Square.
Nothing more stirred behind the screens and the French infantry soldiers and officers advanced to the gate.
Next day, with the sole idea of not sparing himself and not lagging in any way behind them, Pierre went to the Three Hills gate.
As Pierre passed through the fence gate, he was enveloped by hot air and involuntarily stopped.
In Smolensk, at the Malakhov Gate, he had hardly dozed off in a paroxysm of fever before he was awakened by the bombardment of the town--and Smolensk held out all day long.
Through the smoke, as he approached the gate, Petya saw Dolokhov, whose face was of a pale-greenish tint, shouting to his men.
On the opposite side stood Dolokhov's Cossack, counting the prisoners and marking off each hundred with a chalk line on the gate.
All the profound plans about cutting off and capturing Napoleon and his army were like the plan of a market gardener who, when driving out of his garden a cow that had trampled down the beds he had planted, should run to the gate and hit the cow on the head.
The alarm was first raised by the harbor security officer on the main fish key gate.
The police watchdog is to conduct a second inquiry into Scotland Yard 's controversial Forest Gate anti-terror raid, it has been confirmed.
Large enough to have been part of the springing of a defensive timber rampart across the entrance of the gate !
A further ranch style gate leads to a Second Paddock of some 320 ' x 61 '.
The ratchet mechanism for the gate paddle is fitted.
The whole cost of refitting the ship and the purchase of the property belonging to the Forest Gate District has been £ 30,000.
There was no mutual resiling from the convention between PW and Milton Gate.
Extensive roadworks along the highway have created a long deep trench running directly in front of the main gate.
Following the mass sackings at Gate Gourmet it is important for our voices to be heard.
At 0325 two Israeli sappers blew the gate, and the Palmachniks pushed on to the Jewish Quarter.
King was paid the endowment for 5 years until 1587 when Anthony Gate succeeded him as schoolmaster of the grammar school.
Babydan Fireplace Hearth Baby Gates £ 79.98 Keep babies and toddlers away from scolding hot fireplaces with this quality gate from Baby Dan.
Queen 's Parade Place You can see two small gate houses where the sedan chair men used to ply their trade.
A test of a good self-closing gate is whether it closes the last few centimeters.
It is deserted apart from American sentries at the gate.
Make your way toward a gate, passing more shepherds crooks, ( see picture right) and out onto the road.
The solidarity action by BA workers to come out on strike in support of Gate Gourmet staff was illegal in the UK.
Toby was squealing like a pig caught under the gate.
For every second of time was the strait gate through which the Messiah might enter '?
The remains of the factory gate were strewn all over the bottom of the mountain of rubble.
Go through the gate to find yourself at the south end of a long sward of grass, sloping up to your left.
Keep ahead thru gate (with river on your L), under RD bridge.
The crowd is silent; the gate is thrown open, the thud of hooves resonates around the ring.
In the summer time, parking fees apply at a toll gate, during the off peak season tickets are issued from the cafe.
I think I like this picture of a torii gate near Hiroshima best.
Many older townsmen will remember the thought-provoking placards he used to display in his shop window at 18 Belgrave Gate.
Traitor 's Gate is a river entrance, where the heads of traitors were put on spikes.
Sanderson 's tripe dressers in Carter Gate had a shop in Upper Parliament Street, opposite the top of Queen Street.
Opposite was the site of the turnpike gate which was removed in 1884.
It was not unconscionable to enforce the strict legal position between Milton Gate and PW which would be required to make the penalty payment.
He delivered the load and as he returned the boys darted in through the unlatched gate.
There is no vehicular access across campus from the Earley Gate entrance.