Gaskets Sentence Examples
The gaskets keep the containers airtight and prevent the baby food becoming contaminated with bacteria, molds or insects.
Not only does it feature a revolutionary system of waterproof seals and gaskets, which keeps the camera's guts protected, it can also survive five-foot falls onto concrete.
Head gaskets fail on the 1.4 gasoline engine; check the underside of the oil filler cap for white emulsion.
The problem of pressurizing a hot assembly with soft pyrophyllite gaskets must be investigated further; perhaps the gaskets can be fired before use.
Another improvement is the suggestion that guitarists install string gaskets between the knot on the string and the bridge itself to minimize wear on the holes in the bridge.
Where retail consumers can buy plumbing fixtures, like toilets, in complete kits that include screws, gaskets and wax rings, commercial plumbing products are more often sold separately.
The gaskets on these goggles are somewhat slimmer than those of the Biofuse model, increasing the streamline effect that reduces water drag.
Available replacement parts include water filters, blender gaskets, blender screw cap, coffee maker carafe, blender motor brush, blender jar and blender O-ring seal.
In blenders the parts that most often need to be replaced include the jar, the blades, and the gaskets that seal the blades into place.
The warranty excludes gaskets, knobs, valves and pumps, unless the consumer proves these pieces were defective at purchase.
AdvertisementDoor gaskets on dishwashers, refrigerators and ranges should be inspected and cleaned regularly.
The Avenger series also features unidirectional ratcheted bezel and crown with screw-locked, two gaskets.
The watches only remain water resistant if the crown, crystal, push buttons, case, and gaskets are not disturbed.
It bought the rights to Stimvak in 2003 and currently produces not only the Stimvaks themselves but also spare parts, such as brushes, gaskets and pumps, and cleaning solutions specifically developed for use in the Stimvak.