Garry Sentence Examples
Fort Garry became Winnipeg, and there were soon indications that it was destined to be a great city, and the commercial doorway to the vast prairies that lay beyond.
The departmental stores and offices of the Hudson's Bay Company and its Fort Garry court, which stand on Main Street South, are worthy of that ancient company.
Johnson, R.N., showed from experiments in the iron steamship "Garry Owen" that the vessel acted on an external compass as a magnet.
It lies on the left bank of the Tummel, a little below the confluence of that river and the Garry, 350 ft.
But there are also several important transverse valleys, those of the Garry and Tay being the most conspicuous examples.
The valley of the Garry and Tay crosses the strike of all the Highland rocks, traverses the great fault on the Highland border, and finally breaks through the chain of the Sidlaw Hills at Perth.
As freighters for the Hudson's Bay Company many of these settlers made, with their ox or pony carts, the long journey over the natural prairie roads to Fort Garry, fording or swimming the streams, carrying furs for a thousand miles or more on the eastern trip, and returning brought loads of merchandise for the company.
It is situated at the confluence of the Tilt and the Garry.
A golf course has been laid down south-east of the village, between the railway and the Garry, and every September a great display of Highland games is held.
It was also great to work with the talented 3D animator Garry Marshall.
AdvertisementThus Whitey joined the Fort Garry, and was duly attested as the regimental mascot.
Christmas double as Uppies take men's ba ' Clutching his prize, Uppie Garry Cooper is congratulated after winning the ba ' .
The former chess champion Garry Kasparov, now active in Russian politics, wishes we wouldn't.
In the throws Garry Power won the discus for the second match in succession.
Garry, a mature student at Queen's Armagh campus, has dystrophy.
AdvertisementMore about Garry... Garry has been actively involved in space exploration for more than three decades.
Garry Bog is a flat area of farmland, carr, raised bog and coniferous forestry which includes the large straight edged Garry Wood.
Now, local footballing heroes like Nigel Clough and Garry Birtles have helped launch a national campaign to meet the £ 500,000 target.
Garry asked Dave to prepare the specimens to make them look lifelike.
They must not tread the sacred precincts of the Garry lines.
AdvertisementShe is sure Garry Ryan (Nicholas Ball) had something sinister to do with it - but how can she prove it?
Later we will start our journey southwards through the Spey Valley then on to the dramatic scenery of Glen Garry.
So the afternoon we went for a stroll up Glen Steall then tootled off for an evening on the Garry.
The numbers of the half-breed settlers of this district had been increased by the migration of many of those who had taken part in the first uprising at Fort Garry.
The final installment was with Garry Shandling.
AdvertisementThe most famous match of computerized chess was played between top-ranked human Garry Kasparov and the IBM computer Deep Blue in 1997.
Another household name is Garry Kasparov.
R.J. runs into a group of fresly awakened hibernators led by a turtle, Verne (Garry Shandling).
It is traversed by the Grampian mountains and watered by the Tay, Tummel, Garry, Tilt, Bruar and other streams. Glen Garry and Glen Tilt are the chief glens, and Loch Rannoch and Loch Tummel the principal lakes.
One of these, a young man named Thomas Scott, having treated Riel with defiance, was court-martialled for treason to the provisional government, condemned, and on the 4th of March 1870, shot in cold blood under the walls of Fort Garry.
In August 1870, the force reached Fort Garry, to find the rebels scattered and their leader, Riel, a fugitive in the neighbouring states.
After bloodshed between the rival fur companies, and their union in 1821, Fort Garry was erected, as a trading post and settlers' depot, and with somewhat elaborate structure, with stone walls, bastions and portholes.
Fort Garry (2) was erected at a considerable cost in 1835.
When the transfer of Rupert's Land took place to Canada in 1870, the governor of Assiniboia had his residence at Fort Garry, and here was the centre of government for the settlers over the area surrounding Fort Garry.