Gardeners Sentence Examples
He is the patron of Brie, and gardeners invoke him as their protector.
The gillyflower of Chaucer and Spenser and Shakespeare was, as in Italy, Dianthus Caryophyllus; that of later writers and of gardeners, Matthiola.
In fact, it may not even occur to some gardeners that the source of the seed is as important as the growing method.
Notwithstanding the losses that the city had sustained, `Amr was able to write to his master, the caliph Omar, that he had taken a city containing "4000 palaces, 4000 baths, 12,000 dealers in fresh oil, 12,000 gardeners, 40,000 Jews who pay tribute, 400 theatres or places of amusement."
As to the nectarine, of its origin as a variation from the peach there is abundant evidence, as has already been mentioned; it is only requisite to add the very important fact that the seeds of the nectarine, even when that nectarine has been produced by bud-variation from a peach, will generally produce nectarines, or, as gardeners say, "come true."
Perhaps the explanation of the fact that some of the cultivated varieties are, as gardeners say, "bad setters," - i.e.
At night it crawls about in search of food, which consists to a small extent of dead animal or vegetable matter, but principally, as gardeners are aware, of the petals and other parts of flowers of growing shoots and soft ripe fruit.
There is another remarkable feature of the Japanese gardeners art.
Adjoining the above-named buildings is the Hibiya Park, modelled on the European style, while retaining the special features of the Japanese gardeners' art.
By gardeners the bullfinch has long been regarded as a deadly enemy, from its undoubted destruction of the buds of fruit-trees in spring-time, though whether the destruction is really so much of a detriment is by no means so undoubted.
AdvertisementArtificial heat applied to the roots, called by gardeners " bottom-heat," is supplied by fermenting materials such as stable manure, leaves, &c., or by hot-water pipes.
In some instances buds form on the roots, and may be used for purposes of propagation, as in the Japan quince, the globe thistle, the sea holly, some sea lavenders, Bocconia, Acanthus, &c. Of the tendency in buds to assume an independent existence gardeners avail themselves in the operations of striking " cuttings," and making " layers " and " pipings," as also in budding and grafting.
Among gardeners the general opinion is against the possibility of graft-hybridization.
The reproductive process of which the formation of the flower is the first stage being an exhaustive one, it is necessary that the plant, as gardeners say, should get " established " before it flowers.
The defects which cause gardeners to speak of certain vines as " shy setters," and of certain strawberries as " blind," may be due either to unsuitable conditions of external temperature, or to the non-accomplishment, from some cause or other, of cross-fertilization.
AdvertisementMany gardeners are still afraid to disturb an unsuitable subsoil, but experienced growers have proved that by bringing it up to the surface and placing plenty of manure in the bottoms of the various trenches, the very best results are attained in the course of a season or so.
Gardeners often dispense with the pot, using sphagnum moss and leaf-mould only when propagating indiarubber plants, perpetual carnations, dracaenas, &c.
In cultivation the potato varies very greatly not only as to the season of its growth but also as to productiveness, the vigour and luxuriance of its foliage, the presence or relative absence of hairs, the form of the leaves, the size and colour of the flowers, &c. The tubers vary greatly in size, form and colour; gardeners divide them into rounded forms and long forms or "kidneys," and there are of course varieties intermediate in form.
Excellent agriculturists and gardeners, very laborious, and having a good reputation for honesty, they live on the best terms with their Russian peasant neighbours.
They also are agriculturists and gardeners; while some 12,000 Kundrovsk Tatars still continue the nomadic life of their ancestors.
AdvertisementThey are celebrated for their excellence as gardeners, agriculturists, cattle-tenders and artisans.
The ad was looking for knowledgeable gardeners, RHS members or non-members.
This mild, pH balanced soapless cleanser with natural bactericides is perfect for everyone, including cooks and gardeners.
Gardeners must take care not to plant Spanish or hybrid bluebells in the countryside or near native populations.
The fertile soil and gentle climate of Perthshire have long inspired botanists, gardeners and horticulturalists.
AdvertisementThe Doctor must pass safely through the vast gardens of the royal estate while evading the clutches of their fanatical gardeners.
Diamond is the best eggplant that we can recommend to gardeners in cooler climates with shorter growing seasons.
The Gardeners ' Atlas The on-line way to buy a regularly updated atlas to take on your UK garden hunting expeditions.
Drought resistant plants can be grown by budding young gardeners.
Over the the last few centuries there have been many great garden designs that have inspired other gardeners to copy or further improve on.
By working with the RHS we hope to encourage more gardeners to get involved with wildlife and to share their experiences.
Read by keen gardeners and hobby gardeners, Garden News contains news, views and expert opinions.
Warm compost promotes the rapid germination of most herb seeds and is particularly useful for gardeners who raise their plants in an unheated greenhouse.
Chemical control Organic gardeners can use sulfur dust to control powdery mildews.
Under the guidance of Dutch garden designer, Henk Gerritsen, our gardeners are creating naturalistic plantings within the existing formal gardens.
There are no chemical soil sterilants available to gardeners.
Young Gardeners Gardening Project Get a head start in the GardenAdvice great sunflower competition with this step-by-step guide to sowing sunflowers.
Greenfingers Greenfingers is the leading UK online gardening store and resource offering gardeners advice and gardening tips.
Related articles Meet Chris Beardshaw Find out all about charismatic Chris, Flying gardener and one of the presenting triumvirate of Gardeners ' World.
Gift trugs innovative new gifts for gardeners Finest quality essential garden tools and accessories, beautifully packaged in a wooden presentation trug.
The spores on germination make a white felted mat, more or less dense, of mycelium; this, when compacted with dry, half-decomposed dung, is the mushroom spawn of gardeners.
Gardeners and farm laborers convey spores from one bed or field to another; carted soil, manure, &c., may abound in spores of Smuts, Fusarium, Polyporei and in sclerotia; and articles through the post and so forth often carry infective spores.
No truthful man, however much he may love the bird, will gainsay the depredations on fruit and eggs that it at times commits; but the gardeners and gamekeepers of Britain, instead of taking a few simple steps to guard their charge from injury, deliberately adopt methods of wholesale destruction - methods that in the case of this species are only too easy and too effectual--by proffering temptation to trespass which it is not in jay-nature to resist, and accordingly the bird runs great chance of total extirpation.
Ventilation must be adequate and most gardeners agree that both side and ridge ventilators are essential for proper airing during the summer months.
Gardeners talk about tilth or seedbed conditions meaning that they need a suitably fine soil in which to plant their seeds.
Check if your neighbors use slug bait especially if they are keen gardeners to be sure.
Gift Trugs innovative new gifts for gardeners Finest quality essential garden tools and accessories, beautifully packaged in a wooden presentation trug.
Poorer people could buy the plain yellow tulips that are still familiar to many gardeners, while rich people could buy flowers such as the Semper Augustus, which sported red flames and was sold for exorbitant prices.
Many gardeners will build a box and divide it into three sections, or use three barrels with holes drilled into the sides to allow for air circulation.
Gardeners with a lot of experience and space for composting may find that a compost tumbler is inadequate for their needs.
For gardeners that still appreciate the ease of use that compost tumblers offer, they may consider using several tumblers that are all in different states of decay.
Take a look at what other gardeners are growing successfully locally and ask for advice.
Gardeners are often keen to share their experience and expertise.
Even if you have no need for the finished compost, you are bound to have plenty of neighbors who are keen gardeners or local organizations who will be pleased to take it from you.
Advice - many gardeners are happy to share their experience and this includes their experience of building and maintaining a compost area as well as sharing their knowledge of growing plants.
Fellow gardeners are always delighted to receive good compost.
Homestead Garden has a great forum where gardeners answer your questions.
Each variety has a different culinary or traditional use so many gardeners grow several different types.
Basil grows best in warm, sunny spots and is often planted in containers by home gardeners.
Home gardeners should incorporate 1/2 - 3/4 lb. per 100 square feet of 10-10-10 fertilizer.
Gardeners admire the beauty of dogwoods in a variety of forms.
Orchids have captured the attention, as well as the imagination, of gardeners for centuries.
To me it appears to have a character altogether its own, and the many botanists and gardeners to whom I have shown it have without exception come round to my opinion.
Here the great trees, getting out of the gardeners way, or any attack of pruners or self-appointed tree-architects, assume their true and natural form, and are fine at all seasons.
Gardeners in the larger places rather neglect it, and seldom plant it in groups and colonies, as they might well do on dry banks.
Japanese gardeners adapted the tradition to the scale of their own country and a new style began to evolve.
Some gardeners do this by keeping two bins side by side and forking the half-made compost from one to the other regularly.
Home gardeners usually just stick their hands into the pile and see if it feels pleasantly warm.
Some gardeners remove flowers during the first year of growth to promote stronger root and leaf growth, others prefer to have a small crop the first season.
Most gardeners have had more than a few run-ins with aphids.
Some gardeners like to remove all plant material that has died back after a frost as a further precaution.
Some gardeners cut back all their perennial plants in the fall to a height of three to six inches.
Most gardeners choose an approach somewhere between these extremes.
Peonies and roses, for example, are vulnerable to black spot, somust gardeners remove the foliage even if it was healthy all summer.
Many gardeners admire the look of plant stalks covered with snow or ice.
Backyard gardeners enjoy cranberry as both a desirable full sun groundcover and as part of a fruit and vegetable harvest.
Some backyard gardeners have even begun to create their own bog gardens.
Place most of your budget into the size, as most indoor gardeners complain about the lack of space.
This is an advantage in the wild, but it can be frustrating to gardeners.
Experienced gardeners will tell you that individual plants show very different tolerances for cold, with some flourishing despite the occasional sharp freeze or light snow while others die after a relatively light freeze.
Water Fountains are a must for some water gardeners.
Some gardeners recommend planting marigolds in every spare space in your garden because they are so helpful.
One wonderful place to shop online is Gardeners Supply Company.
Their brands, including Holly-tone, Plant-tone and Earth-tone, are recognized by professional and amateur gardeners as the finest, safest and most effective gardening products available.
Most experienced gardeners prefer to use a non-soil mixture of perlite, peat moss and vermiculite.
The National Home Gardening Club is a great organization for people who are interested in connecting with other gardeners, learning more about their hobby and get discounts as well as possibly test and keep gardening tools.
These online gardening clubs are a fun way to connect with other gardeners and learn more about the hobby you love.
Growing gardenias challenges even the most experienced gardeners.
Gardeners throughout the ages have included pinks in some form in perennial gardens and fragrance gardens.
The Gardeners Network includes advice, information, and propagation techniques for pinks.
Organic gardeners use compost to improve soil health and structure.
Questions from readers are answered by the expert gardeners on staff.
While some gardeners rely solely upon rainwater, most backyard gardeners need supplemental water to ensure that plants thrive.
Most gardeners, when speaking of spring flowers, refer to annuals and perennials that bloom March through May.
With their sturdy beauty, bulbs provide gardeners with plant-and-forget flowers.Most spring flowering bulbs are actually planted in the fall, but if you forgot to plant yours, don't fret.
Although most crops that grow on vines need a lot of space to spread out, new varieties of bush or miniature fruits allow even patio gardeners to cultivate fruits that grow on vines.
Most home gardeners in zones 4 through 8 can grow several varieties of melons.
Gardenias attract many gardeners for their glossy green foliage and white to creamy yellow, heavily scented flowers.
Emmitsburg Master Gardener Lisa Utt offers advice in this article for gardeners on how to design beautiful container gardens.
Most vegetables need full sunlight, which gardeners define as six or more hours of sunlight per day.
Vegetables are highly adaptable, which is good news to gardeners.
After building an enclosure or wall of some sort, gardeners fill in the area with soil and compost and plant the flowers of their choice.
Newer methods do not use the same harsh chemicals that caused concerns years ago, but still many gardeners prefer to avoid pressure treated wood altogether.
Conversely, although full sun throughout the yard sounds like paradise, other gardeners may want to add raised beds in shady areas to grow ferns, astilbe, impatiens and other flowers that love shade.
Many gardeners in hot climates prefer to treat strawberries as annuals and replant them year after year.
The biggest pests most home gardeners have to contend with are birds and slugs or snails.
Another favorite for strawberry gardeners is the strawberry pyramid.
Although blueberries do not need a lot of space, many home gardeners don't find the success they desire with these plants.
Many home gardeners choose to create raised beds in which to plant their gardens, as it is easier to control a small area of soil and get the proper acidity and fertilization.
Often gardeners start their vegetable gardens when neighboring trees' leaves are still small.
Southern gardeners may be able to grow and harvest spinach, chard and broccoli well past Thanksgiving and sometimes over the winter, depending on how cold it gets.
For vegetable gardeners, raised bed gardening offers many advantages too.
Gardeners looking for inspiration for their own raised beds can find ideas in many places.
As many gardeners who've used wood chips will attest, even when using landscape fabric pesky weeds find a way to germinate.
Many gardeners have questions about hydrangea care.
Whether it be a fluffy mophead type with blooms that beckon gardeners from a far or a lacecap type with intricate blooms that make you want to take a close look, all hydrangeas (in my opinion) add wow factor to the garden.
The best advice for gardeners is to follow the pruning, site location details and feeding suggestions on the plant tag.
However, because there are so many types of hydrangeas/hydrangea varieties, most gardeners shouldn't have too difficult of a time finding the right hydrangea for their growing conditions.
For sunflowers tips, harvesting is only the first of a series of tasks gardeners can take to harvest, store and enjoy sunflower seeds.
Sunflowers tips, harvesting and enjoying these delicious seeds are just a few of the many ways gardeners can enjoy the fruits of their labors.
Growing sunflower tips, harvesting information and more can help gardeners enjoy these wonderful flowers.
Tall, blowsy perennials mingle with shorter flowers with equal ease, and while some like to plant hues of similar colors, many cottage gardeners just fill their gardens with a profusion of blossoms in whatever colors strike their fancy.
The Japanese are expert gardeners, creating tranquil settings using elements of water, stone, wood and plants.
Gardeners who produce their own get to enjoy this treat more frequently as long as they provide these plants with what they need to be productive.
Twenty species of hellebores provide gardeners with choices ranging from greenish-tinted flowers to yellows and pinks.
But unlike ranunculus, hellebores bloom in the winter garden, often surprising gardeners with blossoms in January or February.
Some cool weather flowers offer several more weeks of color, and for lucky gardeners in zones 7, 8 and 9, may bloom throughout the winter.
Gardeners are often surprised that vegetables can be planted in the fall, but you can easily extend the harvest for several weeks by planting quick-growing, cool season vegetables such as lettuce, radish, Swiss chard, spinach and kale.
Grapes are particularly fussy about drainage, which is why many gardeners recommend planting grape vines on a sunny slope.
While some gardeners say you can plant the entire thing, box and all, many boxed plants have a plastic liner.
Some gardeners swear by adding pickle juice to their gardenia soil.
There are many reasons why gardeners choose raised bed gardens, particularly for vegetable gardens.
In areas with poor soil, raised bed gardens offer the opportunity for gardeners to start with the best soil possible.
For elderly or handicapped gardeners, raised beds make it easier to sit on a chair or in a wheelchair and garden.
Gardeners can move their chair alongside the raised bed and tend their flowers or vegetables without having to reach way down to ground level.
From selecting the right site for the garden to planning out the beds, it walks new gardeners through planning and construction step by step.
Some gardeners like to reinforce the corners with metal brackets.
Many gardeners wonder when to plant fruit trees, and the best answer is late fall, early winter or early spring, depending upon your location and climate.
However, high density planting is preferred by some gardeners because smaller trees are desirable in smaller spaces.
When the first hint of warmth melts winter's chilly mantle, gardeners across the land start asking, "When, oh when do you plant strawberries?"
There are a wide variety of homemade recipes for weed killer that have been used successfully by gardeners for centuries.
The popularity of vinegar weed killer among organic gardeners has not dimmed.
Beginning gardeners often have the best success with starter plants.
Organic gardeners can add well rotted manures or make a compost tea to water into the ground.
Conventional gardeners can apply a high nitrogen fertilizer to the plants.
Since not all species of plants are able to survive low temperatures, gardeners purchase only vegetables that should survive in their zone.
Though most beginner gardeners only plant a garden to harvest in the summer, most zones actually have a long enough growing season to produce two harvests.
For gardeners in the deep south or zones 8 through 11, there may even be a winter season.
For hundreds of year, gardeners have observed which plants grow well together, repel insects, increase the harvest or stunt each other's growth.
Many traditional gardeners also avoid combinations of certain companion plants.
Japanese beetle control is important to many gardeners living along the eastern and southeastern portion of the United States where beetles are prevalent.
These fragrant flowers are a favorite among hummingbirds and gardeners alike.
This helps gardeners know which plants are likely to survive and thrive in their particular area.
In areas where it is bordering on being too cold, gardeners need to use proper mulching to protect plants.
Some gardeners leave the hoops in place but draw and old blanket or sheet over it at night, removing the cover during the day.
A cold frame with angled sides and a permanent, hinged glass top is a luxury many gardeners dream about, but it can successfully prevent damage as well as keep herbs and some vegetables alive throughout the winter.
Gardeners throughout the ages used some form of cold frame or hot bed to keep plants warm during the winter months.
Most gardeners build the box to match a recycled storm window, so the dimensions match the footprint of the window itself.
Although fall doesn't officially start until around September 21, gardeners typically consider fall as the season starting around the beginning of September.
Garden zones 4 and 5 (northern climates) should begin fall garden planning during the summer months, while gardeners in warmer zones can begin in September.
Gardeners should also consider where they wish to plant spring flowering bulbs such as tulips, crocus, narcissus and daffodils, for each of these bulbs must be planted in the fall.
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) publishes a hardiness zone map of North America to help gardeners determine which plants thrive best in their area.
Understanding what the lowest temperature may be in your growing area is especially helpful for winter gardeners since many plants will not survive in colder climates.
Though everyone's definition of what is attractive may be slightly different, most gardeners prefer flowering plants or plants with colorful foliage.
Most gardeners simply allow annuals to die, collecting seeds if possible for next year.
Most gardeners in North America refer to the vine type of clematis when speaking in general of clematis and are familiar with the plant's tendency to climb on almost anything and produce abundant flowers.
Deadheading is a term used by gardeners which means to remove spent flowers.
Starting seeds indoors offers gardeners many advantages.
Planting seeds offers gardeners the chance to indulge in their hobby even when snow still covers the ground.
Since each type of plant grows at a different rate and to a certain height, gardeners can plant certain varieties together to make the most of their gardening space.
Pest control is another reason gardeners choose to place certain plants together.
Gardeners choose plants that attract bees and other pollinators to their garden to insure there is enough of an insect population to adequately pollinate their plants.
Planting larger plants in order to provide shelter to more fragile plants is another reason gardeners use companion plants.
The variety known as "Christmas Rose," though not from the rose family, is especially well liked by gardeners because its pure white and pale pink blooms typically bloom during late winter when nothing else is blossoming.
In olden times, gardeners raked the ground underneath pine trees to collect the needles, then spread them in the garden.
Companion planting is another technique many small space gardeners employ.
For gardeners who prefer traditional row methods, raised beds can accomplish this but still remain small.
The main premise of square foot gardening is that plants can be planted in a one foot square grid pattern in order to increase yields for small space gardeners.
This makes this method perfect for gardeners who don't have a lot of space to work with but still want to plant vegetables.
Gardeners growing flowers from seeds using indoor lights often need to transplant seedlings into the garden.
This lore passed down through the generations until today, with our online and tech savvy culture, gardeners can find companion planting charts with ease.
Like a little black dress that goes with everything, radish is the best friend of gardeners using the companion planting organic gardening method.
Even today the Burpee seed catalog is highly anticipated each January as gardeners can't wait to see what new hybrids or old heirloom seeds the company will offer.
Gardeners love its great selection, colorful pages, and enticing array of seeds.
Since 1881, American gardeners have enjoyed the wintertime ritual of opening their mailbox, grabbing the Burpee flower catalog, and settling by the fire to peruse the gorgeous pictures and descriptions of plants for sale.
Most offer classes of some sort to help new gardeners get their gardens off to a great start.
Many gardeners have reached into the green leaves to pluck a berry, only to feel the harsh sting of an angry wasp, hornet or bee who was also sampling the wares.
Organic and heirloom seeds are tested varieties that have been used by farmers and gardeners for many years, so it's likely that you will have success with them as well.
Many gardeners have developed individualized formulas from just a few key components available in most garden centers, farm supply stores, and even neighborhood hardware stores.
Many gardeners desire heirloom plants for their purity and sustainability.
Gardeners with a small back yard through to farmers managing multi-acre farms recognize the benefits of organic gardening.
The ethos of organic gardening is shared by gardeners worldwide.
Organic gardeners look to garden without resorting to the use of chemical pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers, using instead organic and sustainable alternatives.
You can also get your organic gardening questions answered by San Diego's Master Gardeners when you visit their website.
Obtain a soil test to see if you need to amend with an organic fertilizer.Often, well-meaning gardeners will add fertilizer that isn't needed.
Using the Internet, organic farmers and home gardeners are able to locate organically certified vegetable seeds from various suppliers.
Growing an organic garden is a big goal for a lot of gardeners because it allows them to get organic produce in their own backyards.
Seeds of Change began seeking out these heirloom plants from all over the world and making the seeds available to home gardeners.
The company encourages gardeners to learn to save their own seeds and continue to propagate these plants that have been enjoyed for generations.
These seeds are then sent to farms where they will be grown for seed to sell to the many organic gardeners that are loyal to this company.
They cater to kitchen gardeners, so if you're looking for a variety of great-tasting fruits and vegetables, this is a wonderful place to shop.
Back yard gardeners have the space they need, can grow exactly what they want, and have the time needed to manage their crops carefully.
I hope to expand my approach all over the country and have Instant Organic Gardeners in lots of cities, spreading the word.
Many gardeners get great satisfaction from planting and harvesting their own food and experiencing the entire food cycle from seed to table.
If there is one thing organic gardeners are more passionate about than their plants it is the health of their soil.
For most home gardeners, the satisfaction, cost effectiveness and long-term sustainability of organic fertilizer makes it a positive and practical option.
Conventional gardeners sometimes tend to see a garden as a project - like building a deck or mowing a lawn.
Organic gardeners, however, realize just how much is going on in that soil and view their garden as a thriving ecosystem.
Other residents who were gardeners when they had their own homes will especially enjoy this activity; others will be empowered by making things grow.
For gardeners, a garden caddy is a comfortable four-wheeled seat that eliminates the need to stoop over or kneel.
The minute insects included in it, which haunt blossoms and leaves, are fairly well known to gardeners by the name Thrips, a generic term used by Linnaeus for the four species of the group which he had examined and relegated to the order Hemiptera.
Among the early writings, besides the book of Curtis, there may also be mentioned a still useful little publication by Pohl and Kollar, entitled Insects Injurious to Gardeners, Foresters and Farmers, published in 1837, and Taschenberg's Praktische Insecktenkunde.
Compensation was given to market gardeners for unexhausted improvements by the Market Gardeners' Compensation Act 1895 and by the Agricultural Holdings Act 1906 for improvements effected before the commencement of that act on a holding cultivated to the knowledge of the landlord as a market garden, if the landlord had not dissented in writing to the improvements.
This proved one of the most momentous steps taken in the history of South Africa, for the Indian population rapidly increased, the " free " Indians becoming market gardeners, farmers, hawkers, traders, and in time serious competitors with the whites.
It encouraged home gardeners and farmers to grow food without the use of chemicals or pesticides.
In 2010, the magazine has changed to meet the needs of a new generation of organic gardeners who are interesting in a simpler, eco-friendly lifestyle.
This user friendly website allows readers to watch videos on a variety of subjects and gardening techniques, chat with other organic gardeners, read blogs on a variety of related subjects, and find recipes for the produce they have grown.
Homegrown Texas is a magazine geared toward the special needs of Texas gardeners.
As one of the most heavily modified crops, corn presents special concerns for home gardeners and professional farmers alike.
According to the Organic Consumers Association, commercial producers must use certified organic seed stock as part of organic certification requirements, but is it an important consideration for home gardeners as well?
Home gardeners may rationalize that the small bit of chemicals used in seed production cannot possibly transfer over to a mature crop.
Seeds that are certified organic must not be genetically modified in any way, a distinction that, for many corn farmers and gardeners, makes the extra 25 percent money well spent.
For gardeners who are committed to ensuring a healthy and sustainable food source in the future, choosing corn seeds that are certified organic is one small way of making a difference.
Usually organic gardeners that use this method create paths between the raised beds.
Companion planting is widely used by organic gardeners.
Some websites have chat boards where you can ask specific questions and interact with other organic gardeners.
They are useful for gardeners who don't want to spoil their garments and can even be used as part of fantasy costume for adult dress-up.
Gardeners may enjoy special tools for gardening that have easy grip soft handles, special garden caddie seats or a small raised garden bed.
This activity not only allows experienced gardeners to share their knowledge with others at the center, but also to contribute to local service agencies that distribute food to the hungry.
Time shifts and hardworking, career-minded individuals become gardeners, golfers, and travelers.
These children are likely to make good farmers, gardeners, botanists, geologists, florists, and archaeologists.
Home gardeners can plant and grow their herbs and through using an herb grinder, grind them up for a fresh infusion of flavor when cooking or dry and store them so they're available for use all year long.
If your volunteers are excellent gardeners, a plant sale may be a good idea.
Selecting the perfect live Christmas tree can be a little complicated, but gardeners are certainly up to the challenge.
Teachers may need to plan outdoor activities, builders need to plan their work schedule, gardeners and farmers need to plan for harvest or planting, plus many more.
Gardeners and the sounds of leaf blowers and lawn mowers are everywhere.
With all of the people living in the house, there is no need for housekeepers or gardeners.