Garb Sentence Examples
With shaking hands, she dressed in the simple garb of a page and pulled her hood to cover her face.
In that garb he'd make a better spectator than anything else.
One look at her disheveled '70s garb, and she decided to change into pajamas.
Scott justly observed that Defoe's style "is the last which should be attempted by a writer of inferior genius; for though it be possible to disguise mediocrity by fine writing, it appears in all its naked inanity when it assumes the garb of simplicity."
They wear a distinctive garb and are not allowed to carry arms or live in the same quarter as Moslems. Another foreign element of considerable strength in the coast towns of Muscat, Aden and Jidda, is the British Indian trading class; many families of Indian origin also have settled at Mecca, having originally come as pilgrims.
She looked so lovely in that garb that he simply stood and watched in silence.
The village has always been a fishing-place of importance, the " fishwives " in their picturesque garb being, till recently, conspicuous figures in the streets of the capital.
It was the usual garb of scribes, servants and peasants, and in the earlier dynasties was worn even by men of rank.
After her husbands death the ambitious Hatshepsut assumed the full regal power; upon her monuments she wears the masculine garb and aspect of a king though the feminine gender is retained for her in the inscriptions.
Apart from the two sects, Sunnis and Shias, whose garb differs in some respects, there are four families of Moslems, viz.
AdvertisementHe is usually represented in the garb of a pilgrim, with a wound in his thigh, and with a dog near him carrying a loaf in its mouth.
The list follows the forms of the Greek language so closely that a category emerges appropriated to the use of the perfect tense of the middle voice to express the relation of the subject to a garb that it dons.
In the person of an emperor, Frederick II., they emerged under the more agreeable garb of liberal culture and Epicurean scepticism.
In time, however, he perceives that behind the fantastic garb of language there is an earnest and vigorous mind, an imagination that harbours fire within its cloudy folds, and an insight into the mysteries of spiritual life which is often startling.
He therefore leaves Mecca in pilgrim garb on the 8th of Dhu'l Hijja, called the day of tarwiya (an obscure and pre-Islamic name), and, strictly speaking, should spend the night at Mina.
AdvertisementThe girl wore the garb of Hell but appeared uncertain, mirroring Deidre's emotion.
My baby stirred within me today and were I not so bundled in winter garb the few times when I venture out, surely all the wagging tongues in town would know of my maternal state.
After, or it may be, during its completion he and she left Umbria for Rome; and there, about the year 34 B.C., he assumed the garb of manly freedom.
And, as the sympathizers with Hegel try to force mechanical necessity into the garb of absolute or ideal necessity, so they seek to show that moral necessity is only an inferior form of absolute or ideal or, we might say, mathematical necessity.
They were enduring of toil, hunger, and cold whenever fortune laid it on them, given to hunting and hawking, delighting in the pleasure of horses, and of all the weapons and garb of war.
AdvertisementOf an olive-green above, deeply tinted in some parts with black and in others lightened by yellow, and beneath of a yellowish-white again marked with black, the male of this species has at least a becoming if not a brilliant garb, and possesses a song that is not unmelodious, though the resemblance of some of its notes to the running-down of a piece of clockwork is more remarkable than pleasing.
On the other hand, neither sex of the latter at any age puts off its striped garb - the mark, it may be pretty safely asserted, of an inferior stage of development.
The king and his courtiers joined in the processions in the garb of penitents, and scourged themselves with ostentation.
Some of these, it may be said, are simply the old Scholastic problem in a different garb; but the extended horizon of which Haureau speaks is amply proved by mere reference to the treatises of Albert and St Thomas.
The monkish garb was revealed by Satan to Peter at the baptism, when it was the devil, the ruler of this world, who, so costumed, leaned forward and said, This is my beloved son.
AdvertisementAmongst the most northerly races the latter garb is worn by both sexes alike; farther south by the men, the women retaining the tropical form; farther south still the latter reigns supreme.
The retention by women in Europe of the tropical garb can be explained by the fact that her sphere has been mainly confined to the house, and her life has been less active than that of man; consequently the adoption of the arctic dress has been in her case less necessary.
Dressing himself in the armour of the slain knight, which he has great difficulty in handling and eventually puts on over his peasant's garb, he sets out on a series of adventures which differ greatly in the various versions, but the outcome of which is that he becomes a skilful and valiant knight and regains the heritage of his father.
Seeking out Nonnus, she overcame his canonical scruples by her tears of genuine penitence, was baptized, and, disguising herself in the garb of a male penitent, retired to a grotto on the Mount of Olives, where she died after three years of strict penance.
In or before 1530 he left Maillezais, abandoned his Benedictine garb for that of a secular priest, and, as he himself puts it in his subsequent Supplicatio pro Apostasia to Pope Paul III., "per seculum diu vagatus fait."
In comparing the Irish tales with the saga, there will be felt deep divergencies in matter, style and taste, the richness of one contrasting with the chastened simplicity of the other; the one's half-comic, half-earnest bombast is wholly unlike the other's grim humour; the marvellous, so unearthly in the one, is almost credible in the other; but in both are the keen grasp of character, the biting phrase, the love of action and the delight in blood which almost assumes the garb of a religious passion.
He looked even more distinguished than usual in his Spanish garb.
Both alike are merely old Babylonian divinities in a new Biblical garb.
If the book be properly understood, it must not only be admitted that the author made no pretence at accuracy of detail, but also that his prophecies were clearly intended to be merely an historical resume, clothed for the sake of greater literary vividness in a prophetic garb.
The Protestant religion was forced upon the Irish in a foreign tongue and garb and at the point of foreign pikes; and national sentiment supported the ancient faith and the ancient habits inresistancetothe Saxon innovations.
The excavators also brought to light a vast number of human corpses in the garb of Buddhist monks.
In race and garb and speech the population grew largely oriental.
Sometimes they consider moral intuition as determining the comparative excellence of conflicting motives (James Martineau), or the comparative quality of pleasures chosen (Laurie), which seems to be the same view in a hedonistic garb; others hold that what is intuitively perceived is the rightness or wrongness of individual acts - a view which obviously renders ethical reasoning practically superfluous.
Early work in this direction was done by Jon Gudmundsson, Olaf the Old and John Olafsson in the 17th century, who all put traditions on paper, and their labours were completed by the magnificent collection of Jon Arnason (1862-1864), who was inspired by the example of the Grimms. Many tales are but weak echoes of the sagas; many were family legends, many are old fairy tales in a garb suited to their new northern home; but, besides all these, there are a number of traditions and superstitions of indigenous origin.
The dress of the upper classes was similar to that of a Scottish Highlander before it degenerated into the present conventional garb of a highland regiment.
Louis was deposed at the assembly of Compigne (833), the bishops forcing him to assume the garb of a penitent; but he was re-established on his throne in St Etienne at Metz, the 28th of February 835, from which time until his death in 840 he fell more and more under the influence of his ambitious wife, and thought only of securing an inheritance for Charles, his favorite son.
The highest point, beyond which strictly philosophical inquirers did not penetrate, was the active intellect, - a sort of soul of the world in Aristotelian garb - the principle which inspires and regulates the development of humanity, and in which lies the goal of perfection for the human spirit.
These latter wear a distinctive garb and occupy separate villages, or quarters in the towns.
Two travelers in dusty desert garb spoke in a language unrecognizable to Howie.
Pierre unloading his shotgun on the man in executioner's garb from Czerno's.
Lounging in a pillowed corner of the room, Tamer resembled a cross between a lion at rest and a desert Bedouin with his muscular form and loose garb.
She was dressed in typical teenage garb and her large amethyst eyes were accentuated with heavy makeup.
I do the usher thing, and it would appear that I look quite dashing in wedding garb.
Stubbornly embracing the American dream, desperate to be a hero, George dons superhero garb and performs good deeds.
The deadly sin of Pride is most insidious when it wears the garb of humility, like a wolf in sheep's clothing.
Yet hostility to such endowments often assumes the garb of a generous and high-minded patriotism.
Months passed and Churchward gradually changed his dress from the very English fashion of the time, to adopting native garb.
But why does he stare at her so, this shy and lonely Oxford don in clerical garb?
I think part of the horror lies in the strange garb with so many buttons.
Planting a tree in the West Coast of Africa among the people in their colorful, traditional garb.
We want you to let your imagination run wild and tell us which of these hunks would look best dressed in religious garb.
Since she is in prison garb, one of the men takes it upon himself to whack her over the head with a baton.
The Cuillin Ridge is still in full winter garb with the snow pack solid from just above 2000 ' .
While in the infirmary, patients wore workhouse garb and their own clothing was stored away after being fumigated if necessary.
Strip away the foundation powder designer garb, big mouth bravado and delve behind closed doors - and what will we find?
The first is Saint James in his pilgrim's garb, as if about to set out for Santiago de Compostella.
The White Eagles overtly identified themselves as such and wore outfits that combined elements of military and civilian garb, including headbands.
This makes a change from " winter garb " and " winter raiment " but still sounds balmy to me.
We thus see in the Scandinavian settlers in Gaul, after they had put on the outward garb of their adopted country, a people restless and enterprising above all others, adopting and spreading abroad all that they could make their own in their new land and everywhere else - a people in many ways highly gifted, greatly affecting and of Sicily modifying at the time every land in which they settled, but, wherever they settled, gradually losing themselves among the people of the land.
No distinct latitude can be assigned as a boundary between the two forms, from the simple fact that where migration in comparatively recent times has taken place a natural conservatism has prevented the more familiar garb from being discarded; at the same time the two forms can often be seen within the limits of the same country; as, for instance, in China, where the women of Shanghai commonly wear trousers, those of Hong-Kong skirts.
He held that the wearing of religious garb, praying and practising penance to be seen of men, only produced hypocrisy, and that those who went on pilgrimages to sacred streams, though they might cleanse their bodies, only increased their mental impurity.
It was owing to their thorough organization, the secrecy and security with which they went to work, but chiefly to the religious garb in which they shrouded their murders, that they could, unmolested by Hindu or Mahommedan rulers, recognized as a regular profession and paying taxes as such, continue for centuries to practise their craft.
The "Absolute" doctrines he regarded as a mere disguise of failure, a dishonest attempt to clothe ignorance in the pretentious garb of mystery.
He was aware that the wellknown geometrical methods of the ancients would clothe his new creations in a garb which would appear less strange and uncouth to those not familiar with the new method.
Above the mural crown is a garb or sheaf of wheat or corn used to represent farming.
Still, some parties are fancier than others and will necessitate a certain kind of garb.
Each doll came dressed in traditional garb from her country or a famous costume, such as the Canadian Barbie in Royal Canadian Mounted Police gear or the Parisian can-can dancer.
However, it is just as common to see him in blue and white garb as it is to see him in his traditional red and white suit.
Everyone who works at the faire dresses in proper period costume, or garb, from Queen Elizabeth down to the peasants.
Since dressing up is a huge part of the fun, many faire-goers elect to dress in period garb as well.
These costumes are generally less fancy versions of the nobility's garb.
The most popular garb by far is that worn by the peasantry.
A well-laden belt is a nice finish to your garb.
One of the nicest shops for really top-notch garb is Very Merry Seamstress.
They also include a list of faires and events to wear your garb so that you're guaranteed to get the most use of it.
The outfits of the upper class or royalty were extremely detailed and elaborate, while the peasants wore very simple garb and drab colors.
The typical fairy costume ideas for the dark side consist of black garb and wings that look more like bat or beetle wings, rather than something light and airy.
For years, in the Strip Cell section of D-Block, both guards and prisoners reported seeing a man dressed in 1800's prison garb walking down the hallway.
You can also buy lingerie online at a large number of retailers who specialize in sexy, skimpy garb.
Ask guests attending your child's party to dress up in their favorite pirate garb.
Time travel was an excuse to get an attractive cast into historical garb and shred story continuity.
In the North many combatants chose military garb based on their home countries in order to represent their ethnic heritage.
The fascinating transition from ragged citizen soldier garb into the eventual Continental Army distinctive uniform has been the object of research for countless historians.
When the state of war had just been established between the kingdom of Great Britain and the Thirteen Colonies, a citizen soldier's battle garb was anything but consistent.
The Army's service uniform is the military garb worn by those who represent the United States military.
Alex took her home, changed into his western garb, and helped her with the chores.
Some general information as to the Platonic doctrines (chiefly in a Neoplatonic garb) was obtainable from the commentary with which Chalcidius (6th century) accompanied his translation, from the work of Apuleius (2nd century) De dogmate Platonis, and indirectly from the commentary of Macrobius (c. 400) on the Somnium Scipionis of Cicero, and from the writings of St Augustine.
Setting out shortly after Christmas, he had a meeting with abbot Hugo of Cluny at Besancon, where he was joined by the young monk Hildebrand, who afterwards became Pope Gregory VII.; arriving in pilgrim garb at Rome in the following February, he was received with much cordiality, and at his consecration assumed the name of Leo IX.
The portrait prefixed to the Leipzig edition of her works is a striking one, representing a handsome, intellectual-looking woman, dressed in the garb of some religious order.
These two exist in many forms more or less grotesque, and after death the soul passes to one of them and there receives its due; but that existence too is marked by desire and action, and is therefore productive of merit or demerit, and as the soul is thus still entangled in the meshes of karma it must again assume an earthly garb and continue the strife.
When we add to this the fact that the writers of the 12th century represented the personages and events of the 6th in the garb, and under the conditions, of their own time, we can understand the reason of the manifold difficulties which beset the study of the cycle.
The Arabic scholar Averroes gave Aristotle to western Europe in a pantheistic garb, and thus influenced medieval scientists.
Seated statues of both the Plinies, clad in the garb of scholars of the year 1500, maybe seen in the niches on either side of the main entrance to the cathedral church of Como.
Under this name he is said to have appeared at Mugello in 1413 and at Bologna in 1415 (in the garb of a Franciscan of the third order).
Gilbert Walmesley, registrar of the ecclesiastical court of the diocese, a man of distinguished parts, learning and know ledge of the world, did himself honour by patronizing the young adventurer, whose repulsive person, unpolished manners and squalid garb moved many of the petty aristocracy of the neighbourhood to laughter or disgust.
Mention must be made of the Rebecca riots in1843-1844in South Wales, wherein many toll gates were destroyed by mobs of countrymen dressed in female garb, " as the daughters of Rebecca about to possess the gates of their enemies "; and the Anti-Tithe agitation of1885-1886- largely traceable to the inflammatory language used concerning clerical tithe by certain organs of the vernacular press - which led to some disorderly scenes between distraining parties of police and crowds of excited peasants in the more remote rural districts.
Later, they are winged maidens of serious aspect, in the garb of huntresses, with snakes or torches in their hair, carrying scourges, torches or sickles.
The poet was born in the faith, and adhered to its liberalized tenets, its garb and speech, throughout his lifetime.
The tragedy of Lucrece Borgia, coequal in beauty and power with its three precursors, followed next year in the humbler garb of prose; but the prose of Victor Hugo stands higher on the record of poetry than the verse of any lesser dramatist or poet.
Christianity is essentially "Stoicism triumphant in a Jewish garb."
Guides dressed in colonial garb will dot the trail and answer any questions you might have.
Shivering, she stripped out of the Hell garb and flung it aside to put on some of the clothing she'd chosen.
In remembrance of these victims of popular wrath Jalal-uddin founded the order of the Maulawi (in Turkish Mevlevi) dervishes, famous for their piety as well as for their peculiar garb of mourning, their music and their mystic dance (sama), which is the outward representation of the circling movement of the spheres, and the inward symbol of the circling movement of the soul caused by the vibrations of a Sufi's fervent love to God.
When garb and miscellany were re-packed, sort of, the two struggled indoors amid greetings and apologies just as Fred and Cynthia entered the hall.
As early as 1875 he published a volume of poems in Gujarati, followed in 1877 by The Indian Muse in English Garb, which attracted attention in England, notably from Tennyson, Max Miller, and Florence Nightingale.
After the play Miss Sullivan took me to see him behind the scenes, and I felt of his curious garb and his flowing hair and beard.
Still wearing the garb of Hell, Darkyn's mate was sporting fangs with her pink hair and a heavy sultriness that made Deidre look twice.