Gaps Sentence Examples
In some forms other gaps (perforations) appear in the vascular tube placing the pith and cortex in communication.
The gaps in the outer tubular stele, however, are formed by the departure of aerial branch-traces, instead of leaf-traces as in the ferns.
The result is, on the one hand, a clearing away of much fantastic phylogeny, on the other, an enormous reduction of the supposed gaps between groups.
The increasing number of measurements of the height of land in all continents and islands, and the very detailed levellings in those countries which have been thoroughly surveyed, enable the average elevation of the land above sea-level to be fairly estimated, although many vast gaps in accurate knowledge remain, and the estimate is not an exact one.
It is perhaps noteworthy that Xavier himself never mentions Pinto; but the omission may be explained by the numerous gaps in his correspondence.
Account must also be taken of the number of lines in each page, the number of pages in each quire, of gaps or lacunae in the manuscript, and so forth.
Leaf-gaps are formed in essentially the same way as in the ferns, but when in the case of a plurifascicular trace the bundles are distributed at intervals round the cylinder it is obvious that several gaps must be formed as the different bundles leave the stele.
There are gaps in the narratives, and the further back we proceed the more serious do their difficulties become.
On the other hand, in certain Polychaeta the bundles of setae are so extensive that they nearly form a complete circle surrounding the body; and in the Oligochaet genus Perichaeta (=Pheretima), and some allies, there is actually a complete circle of setae in each segment broken only by minute gaps, one dorsal, the other ventral.
Nevertheless, the constant increase of our knowledge of insect forms renders classification increasingly difficult, for gaps in the series become filled, and while the number of genera and families increases, the distinctions between these groups become dependent on characters that must seem trivial to the naturalist who is not a specialist.
AdvertisementThe variations of the gaps between " spot " and " present month futures " are somewhat mysterious, a matter to which we shall recur.
The task of maintenance consists almost entirely in closing the gaps which occur when the banks on which the levees are built cave into the river.
His instructions on this point deserve the closest study, for he foresaw the inevitable attraction which a complete entrenched camp would exercise even upon himself, and, therefore, limited his engineers to the construction of a strong bridge head on the right bank and a continuous enceinte, broken only by gaps for counter attack, around the town itself.
On the margins of the plateau there are several gaps or indentations, which can best be likened to gigantic trenches, like railway cuttings, as with an insensible gradient they climb to a higher level.
A, D, E Several gaps remain to be filled, but the results so far recorded can leave no doubt that the five effects, varied as they may at first sight appear, are intimately connected with one another.
AdvertisementThat doctrine took some few years to produce its effect, but it became evident at once to those who accepted Darwinism that the natural classification of animals, after which collectors and anatomists, morphologists, philosophers and embryologists had been so long striving, was nothing more nor less than a genealogical tree, with breaks and gaps of various extent in its record.
There were yawning gaps in their ranks.
But at this moment the archers, taking their hatchets, swords or other weapons, penetrated the gaps in the now disordered French, who could not move to cope with their unarmoured assailants, and were slaughtered or taken prisoners to a man.
But even by postulating the highest possible dates for he Dynasties of Babylon and Ur, enormous gaps occurred in he scheme of chronology, which were unrepresented by any ro al name or record.
In his valiant attempt to fill these gaps Rad„ u was obliged to invent kings and even dynasties, 13 the existence f which is now definitely disproved.
AdvertisementThey indicate the great gaps in our present knowledge of the subject of valency.
There are, no doubt, gaps in the record; there are long periods for which the chronology is still uncertain.
There is the full series of 44 teeth, generally without any gaps, and most of the bones of the skeleton are separate and complete; while, in many instances at any rate, the tail was much longer than in any existing ungulates, and the whole bodily form approximated to that of a carnivore.
These gaps have lately been repaired, or made passable with the help of iron stanchions; the remains cf the buildings at the top and at the foot of the mountain have been excavated; and the entrance to the gallery, between the outstretched paws of a gigantic lion, has been laid bare.
The field magnet of the dynamo has two gaps in it.
AdvertisementThe main watershed follows a tortuous course which crosses the mountainous belt just north of New river in Virginia; south of this the rivers head in the Blue Ridge, cross the higher Unakas, receive important tributaries from the Great Valley, and traversing the Cumberland Plateau in spreading gorges, escape by way of the Cumberland and Tennessee rivers to the Ohio and Mississippi, and thus to the Gulf of Mexico; in the central section the rivers, rising in or beyond the Valley Ridges, flow through great gorges (water gaps) to the Great Valley, and by southeasterly courses across the Blue Ridge to tidal estuaries penetrating the coastal plain; in the northern section the water-parting lies on the inland side of the mountainous belt, the main lines of drainage running from north to south.
The only way of filling up the gaps in the population of the ravaged land was to invite foreign immigrants of a superior class, chapmen and handicraftsmen, not only given to peace ful pursuits and accustomed to law and order, but Cities.
His industry in every department was great, and though we find in his system many of those gaps which are characteristic of scholastic philosophy, yet the protracted study of Aristotle gave him a great power of systematic thought and exposition, and the results of that study, as left to us, by no means warrant the contemptuous title sometimes given him - the "Ape of Aristotle."
We are again driven to fill up the gaps in our knowledge by conjectures; but some such outline as the following has much to commend it.
Phyletic gaps began to be filled in this general way, however, by discovery, especially through remarkable 1 The Dutch botanist, De Vries, has employed the term in another sense, to mean a slight jump or saltation.
The sum of the primitive characters approximately restores the primitive form; and the gaps in palaeontological evidence are supplied by analysis of the available zoological, embryological and anatomical evidence.
Thus in 1871 he was led by certain gaps in his tables to assert the existence of three new elements so far unknown to the chemist, and to assign them definite properties.
The most frequent motive is the removal of some difficulty in the sense, expression or metre of the text, and especially obvious gaps or corruptions which the interpolator endeavours to fill or to heal.
According to him, whatever inferences we make, certain or uncertain, are mere economies of thought, adapting ideas to sensations, and filling out the gaps of experience by ideas; whatever we infer, whether bodies, or molecules, or atoms, or space of more than three dimensions, are all without distinction equally provisional conceptions, things of thought; and " bodies or things are compendious mental symbols for groups of sensations - symbols which do not exist outside thought."
These are regarded as representing a distinct family, the Saghatheriidae, characterized by the possession of the full series of twenty-two teeth in the upper jaw, among which the first pair of incisors was modified to form trihedral rootless tusks, while the two remaining pairs were separated from one another and from the teeth in front by gaps.
The main chain is pierced by several deep gaps or "doors," through some of which important railways have been carried; e.g., the line connecting Paderborn and Hanover, and that connecting Herford and Hamm.
Superficially, the continuity of the zone is broken at intervals by gaps of greater or less extent; but these are due, in part at least, to the subsidence of portions of the folded belt and their subsequent burial by more recent accumulations.
They consist largely of limestone; but marls and sandstones are by no means rare, and there are considerable gaps in the succession indicating that the region was not continuously beneath the sea.
Tomatoes are frequently employed to fill gaps in the orchard-house.
A few writers have insisted that they are discontinuous, and that real gaps exist between them.
New Egyptian shades off almost imperceptibly into demotic, and it may be hoped that gaps which now exist in the development will be filled by further discovery.
The succession and number of the kings are also ascertained for other dynasties, together with many regnal dates, but very serious gaps exist in the records of the Egyptian monuments, the wo,rst being between the XIIth and the XVIIIth Dynasties, between the XIth and the VIth, and at Dynasties 1.-Ill.
Gaps then appear in the apposed surfaces, usually at the isthmus; the entire protoplasts either pass out to melt into one another clear of the old walls, or partly pass out and fuse without complete detachment from the old walls.
A large proportion of men who follow hounds are quite content to do so passively through gates and gaps, with a canter along the road whenever one is available.
The task of filling up gaps, smoothing away inconsistencies, rounding off the tale, was accomplished by Giles Tschudi, whose recension was adopted, with a few alterations, by Johannes von Muller in his History of the Confederation (1780).
The record is at present full of gaps.
In this creature, which was not larger than a European hare, there was the full number of 44 teeth, which formed a regular series, without any long gaps, and with the canines but little taller than the incisors, while the hinder cheek-teeth, although of the crescentic type, were low-crowned.
Here the metacarpals and metatarsals have partially united to form cannonbones, the skull has assumed the elongated form characteristic of modern camels, with the loss of the first and second pairs of upper incisors, and the development of gaps in front of and behind each of the next three teeth, that is to say, the third incisor, the canine and the first cheek-tooth.
The order of the categories is in the main outlines fixed; but in the minor details much depends upon the philosopher, who has to fill in the gaps between ideas, with little guidance from the data of experience, and to assign to the stages of development names which occasionally deal hardly with language.
As the flood poured over Syria and flowed south, Israel (Samaria) suffered grievously, and the gaps caused by war and deportation were filled up by the introduction of new settlers by Sargon, and by his successors in the 7th century.
Before long gaps appeared in the close ranks of pike heads, and after sufficient preparation Edward again launched his men-at-arms to the charge.
There were gaps both to the right and left of the 35th, though the Alpini were holding north of the Posina and the 27th Div.
Their origin is the fact that where the bars appear nearly to coincide the apparent gaps bear the greatest ratio to the dark spaces; i.e.
A third Thule expedition started in 1920 under the leadership of Lauge Koch, who proposed to explore the interior of Peary Land and to fill in certain gaps in the chart of the N.W.
No doubt gaps abound in these seven chapters.
It is little more than a collection of fables told with scarcely any attempt at criticism, and with no more regard to chronological sequence than was necessary to make the tale run smoothly or to fill up such gaps as that between the flight of Aeneas from Troy and the supposed year of the foundation of Rome.
What they found written they copied; the gaps they supplied, where personal experience failed, by imagination.
The inferiority of the allies in numbers made it therefore inevitable that there should be gaps between the different divisions.
There will be a tendency on the part of the writer to fill up gaps; to state local customs as if they obtained universally; to introduce his personal equation, and to add to that which is the custom that which, in his opinion, ought to be.
The gaps are neither broader nor more obscure than those which may be found in the contemporary annals of the other kingdoms of Europe.
Becoming associated with Paul Lacroix ("le Bibliophile Jacob"), he planned with him a history of France, to consist of excerpts from the chief chroniclers and historians, with original matter filling up gaps in the continuity.
Wollaston made the experiment in 1802, and perceived the spaces of colour to be interrupted by seven obscure gaps, which took the shape of lines owing to his use of rectangular slit.
Between these two gaps stretches the snow-clad range of the Bogdo-ola, which runs at an average altitude of some 13,000 ft., and rises to an altitude of 17,000-18,000 ft.
These two rivers have emptied a large system of lakes, which in pre-Glacial times occupied the eastern zone, thus forming a region suitable for colonization in the broad valleys and hollows, where the rivers, as in the case with those in the north, cut through the Andes by narrow gaps, forming cataracts and rapids between the snowy peaks.
Between the gaps of the river Aisen and river Cisnes or Frias, which also pierces the chain, is found a huge mountain mass, in which is situated Mount la Torre (7150 ft.).
The gaps of Bermejo and Iglesia, in the Uspallata road, the best known of all the passes between Argentina and Chile, are at 13,025 ft.
Radially placed gaps in the tissue (at first erroneously interpreted as medullary rays, but subsequently more aptly compared to the air-spaces of large Algae) contain very sparse hyphae, which here branch more freely than elsewhere.
Storriei, from the Silurian (Wenlock) of South Wales, described by Barber, there is no sharp differentiation of the two kinds of tubes; they are rarely observed to branch, except in the gaps, which in this species are not radially directed.
Breaks in the chain of life, as represented by gaps in the blurred and incomplete documents afforded by fragmentary fossils, are a necessary consequence of the general plan of geological evolution; they mark missing chapters rather than sudden breaks in an evolutionary series.
Our knowledge presents so many gaps, and the mode of action of many remedies is so obscure and imperfectly understood, that any arrangement adopted must be more or less tentative in character.
Firmly seated on his throne, Nicholas proceeded to fill up the gaps in his education by studying the condition of his empire.
Jack and Chandra have taught her many combat and technical skills, with her innate curiosity filling in the gaps.
Skills gaps persist for the vast majority of junior level professionals who are thought to be fully proficient at their job.
The stairs may also have balustrades or gaps between the steps into which little children can get arms, legs or heads stuck.
The gaps in these images are where the frozen cadaver was initially divided with a saw to produce portions of a more manageable size.
Gaps increased 4-fold, breaks 2-fold, and dicentric chromosomes and acentric fragments 10-fold.
We cannot dismiss a priori biblical chronology simply by assuming genealogical gaps.
I left 2 " gaps between the boards for air circulation.
Before we move on there is need for a slight diversion which will help to fill in some gaps in the story.
The readout gaps are milled obliquely into silicon beams used focused ion beam etching.
The negative game plan simply covers gaps and weaknesses among the players, all of whom have been signed by Ferguson.
Use the class master sheet to help them fill the gaps.
The image below takes the limb stacking a stage further by closing the strip gaps.
It would not help senior officers ' careers if they were to speak out about the glaring gaps in the Government's compiling methods.
Some lecturers prepare handouts with gaps for the students to fill in during the lecture.
Each staggered horizontal and straight vertical line should be complete, with no gaps in the dot pattern.
I particularly liked the interplay between Petrucci's solid riff mid-section and Rudess ' Hammond organ improvisation in the gaps between the riffs.
So is the necessarily incomplete form of the procedure before later Review Conferences filled in the gaps in politically easier times.
Likewise, apprenticeship indentures are only mentioned where they fill gaps or offer additional date coverage.
The true reason for annual meadow-grass ingress into our fine turf putting surfaces, was the creation of gaps in the turf.
Provision was made for readily supplying the accidental gaps which were so injurious to the phalanx.
They key point is that women filled the gaps in the labor market.
David Bache's ideas were to leave gaps on it, which just looked a bit much when they saw the mock-ups.
One of the features of myelination is that it leaves distinct gaps in the myelin layer where the axon is not surrounded by myelin.
Gaps in insurance coverage premium to protect dsa president Neil h to the right.
She has a large, hooked nose, gaps in her teeth and sunken eyes.
The aim was to create a patchwork of layers without adjoining gaps.
By default, gaps placed at the very ends of sequences in global alignments are not penalized at all.
By considering permissive, negotiated or other access routes gaps in the network may be dramatically reduced.
Brussels has a list of 21 activities for the next five years to tackle gender inequality issues, mostly those still pervasive pay gaps.
There should be no gaps between the guard petals of each open flower.
The map shows that there are still some big gaps to fill in where we know polecats are present, such as West Wales.
We've seen that twin primes seem to occur forever, yet we can find arbitrarily large gaps between primes.
This can, to some extent be corrected using a rasp to remove any extra bone, or with extra cement to fill gaps.
If there are any gaps then please nominate a referee who can verify your activities.
Gaps in the sequence may be due to the ship undergoing a refit, or being lost during the war years.
Fill any gaps in skirting boards with silicon sealant.
Drop spoonfuls of the mixture on top of the peaches, leaving gaps to expose the fruit.
Gaps must be made first in the grass sward.
In the 19th century, fishermen still caulked (filled the gaps in) their boats with a mixture of pine tar and moss.
The study described its findings as ' necessarily tentative ' because of major information gaps.
A third wave of 617 Squadron's aircraft was now invading German territory, as an airborne reserve to fill in the gaps.
This needs some careful thought about the gaps, or you will not be able to turn the strands smoothly.
Trim the edges and use the trimmings to fill any small gaps.
They appear to be magnetic vinyl, but don't adhere well at all, looking very wavy, with gaps under them.
The electromotive force of the coil is, however, great enough to create in these air gaps displacement currents which are of magnitude sufficient to be equivalent to the conduction current required to actuate a telephone.
The gaps, are, however, often filled as they are formed by the development of external conjunctive tissue immediately above the points at which the bundles begin to bend out of the stele, so that sharply defined open gaps such as occur in fern-steles are but rarely met with in flowering plants.
While convincing us that the plants of past ages in the earths history were exposed to very similar conditions of life, and made very much the same adaptive responses as their modern representatives, one of the main results of this line of work has been to reveal important data enabling us to fill various gaps in our morphological knowledge and to obtain a more complete picture of the evolution of tissues in the vascular plants.
Just as Nitzsch had laboured under the disadvantage of never having any example of the abnormal Passeres of the New World to dissect, and, therefore, was wholly ignorant of their abnormality, so Muller never succeeded in getting hold of an example of the genus Pitta for the same purpose, and yet, acting on the clue furnished by Keyserling and Blasius, he did not hesitate to predict that it would be found to fill one of the gaps he had to leave, and this to some extent it has been since proved to do.
A closer examination will reveal further that the magnitude of these gaps varies a great deal; and Attempts to explain them were made in an article in the Economic Journal in December 1904, and in the paper already referred to read to the Royal Statistical Society.
Numerous instructive examples of the active tendency to develop tradition may be observed in the relationship between Genesis and the " Book of Jubilees," or in the embellishments of Old Testament history in the Antiquities of Josephus, or in the widening gaps in the diverse traditions of the famous figures of the Old Testament (Adam, Noah, Enoch, Abraham, Moses, Isaiah, Ezra, &c.), as they appear in noncanonical writings.
Egtfally great gaps, however, may exist between males and females, between climatic phases or summer and winter forms. The attempt to find a physiological criterion has similarly failed; many forms that have been universally accepted as true species produce fertile hybrids (see Hybridism).
His work constitutes the oldest commentary in the world on Genesis and part of Exodus, an enlarged Targum on these books, in which difficulties in the biblical narration are solved, gaps supplied, dogmatically offensive elements removed and the genuine spirit of later Judaism infused into the primitive history of the world.
Numerous minor chroniclers fill up the gaps, but no one of them has the idiosyncrasy which distinguishes these three writers, who illustrate the three periods of the middle ages - adolescence, complete manhood, and decadence.
The visual portion extends from about w.1.3700 to 7200 tenth-metres; the ultra-violet begins about 2970, beyond which point our atmosphere is almost perfectly opaque to it; the infrared can be traced for more tlian ten times the visual length, but the gaps which indicate absorption-lines have not been mapped beyond 9870.
In an attempt to make a spark gap quench at the first primary notch, several small gaps can be placed in series.
About Part 1 Open Cloze You will read an authentic text which has 15 gaps.
We found gaps in our data concerning the religious affiliation of RUC members.
Wide static gaps, Resonant charging does not only apply to systems incorporating a rotary spark gap.
The key advantage of this type of self-propelled, tracked machine is that it can travel through narrow gaps and across rough surfaces.
Gliding spectral lines can be recreated by gradual reduction of the time gaps between the events.
The heat from the early morning sun warmed his face, the spiky grass poking through the gaps in the sleeves of his shirt.
This would also suffice where gaps in an existing original are completed by a new author.
Plant death or sward damage can allow ragwort to invade the gaps in established vegetation.
This gave them a greater attacking threat, but was leaving gaps in their rearguard for South to exploit in swift counter-attacks.
Generally tho the tailbacks on the road mean that there are big gaps for people to get across.
By filling these small gaps with liquid crystals we have also been able to develop a new low voltage tunable microwave filter.
They appear to be magnetic vinyl, but do n't adhere well at all, looking very wavy, with gaps under them.
Use one receiving blanket to fill in any gaps between the wrapping paper tube and the Boppy pillow.
Check to make sure there are no gaps between the diaper and your baby's legs as these would cause leaks.
The crib mattress should fit snugly, without gaps between the edge of the mattress and the frame.
The crowds are still at a minimum and if the new truck shipment arrived on that day the stockers have had time to fill the gaps.
Be sure to check for holes or gaps in branches as well as protruding tips.
More recently, engineers improved on the efficiency of photovoltaic cells by using several different cells with multiple band gaps, known as "multijunction" cells.
On the other hand, if you have a huge banquet table with plenty of space, you will want your decorations to fill in the gaps.
If there are any gaps, replace the mirror clips with the smaller mirror clips provided in the kit.
If you're looking for something to fill in the gaps between jobs, you can benefit from one of these listings.
Consider coating your design with colored ink that matches your flocking powder to help camouflage any gaps in the glue.
Place greenery or flowers in spaces where you find gaps.
If you're too tired to take accurate notes, bring a small tape recorder to help fill in the gaps.
Their runners will fill in the gaps and keep the strawberry bed overflowing with new plants!
If you lay a floor leaving gaps and uneven areas, your flooring will end up looking shoddy no matter how much money you spent.
Once the crown molding is up you will probably want to caulk around it to seal any gaps.
This putty can also be used to fill small gaps at the joints.
To fill gaps at joints and at the top and bottom of the molding, use acrylic painter's caulk.
Composite manufacturers are continually upgrading the product so the gaps are closing fast between wood and composites.
Apply roofing felt to the area to be shingled, overlapping each course to insure there are no gaps.
Although tub surround panels are already waterproof, it is important to seal the gaps between the panels and wall around the perimeter with a latex adhesive caulk.
Finally, remove the spacers and add floor boards or trim to cover the expansion gaps.
Because there are small gaps between vinyl tiles, moisture can build up over time, particularly in areas like bathrooms or kitchens.
The presence of pets in your home may have an impact too, as their claws can dig down into the gaps between tiles.
If you choose a more permanent solution, such as replacing the stairs with a pre-insulated option, or constructing a knee wall, you may wish to speak to an installer to ensure that all gaps are covered and your stairs are installed safely.
Return inside and insulate gaps between the window frame and the wall studs.
Attach the Window - Nail the window in place and add caulk to all gaps and joints.
If they are too cold or warm, they'll expand or shrink after installation, leaving gaps or possibly creating buckling or overlapping.
The weatherstripping helps prevent air from entering the gaps around the doors.
Lay the next length of screen slightly overlapping the first length and place an anchor clip directly on the overlap to prevent movement or gaps.
Organic whole food supplements are meant to complete nutritional gaps due to diet or lifestyle and to promote good health and wellness.
Some have gaps in nutrition due to diet choices or medical issues.
Likewise, the torso shouldn't fit well while the top gaps or squeezes you tightly.
The fly can gather awkwardly around the areas that the buttons meet, leaving unsightly gaps.
Evaluate your intimate wear wardrobe and fill in the gaps.
It should also not fit so loosely that it gaps or overlaps itself.
Employers are scrambling to figure out how to fill in the gaps left behind from Baby Boomer retirement.
The advisor can look at the situation in a professional manner and point out any gaps in your plan.
Often filling those letters will complete gaps elsewhere.
And we can see a man on the moon because there's just enough information there for our brains to fill in the gaps.
I did love the fact you had lots to do during the mission, but at times there were gaps of inaction between checkpoints that wasted my time.
Because of the "u-turn" nature of this course, there are several opportunities to shoot in the gaps that you produce and gain yourself bonus points, but beware of accidentally missing and getting yourself in more trouble.
Some collectors will look to fill in gaps of their collection with cards regardless of condition, with a view to changing the card for one in better condition when it becomes available.
A neurotransmitter is a chemical produced by the body that conveys nerve impulses across the gaps (synapses) between nerve cells.
This knowledge takes care of any gaps in the family history.
If you have large gaps in your form, you will know where you need to research.When you have completed the form as much as you can, be sure to include your name and the date.
The treatment takes about 60 to 90 minutes and works by filling in gaps in the hair shaft with keratin.
Those gaps are what cause the hair to curl, wave, and absorb enough moisture from the air to become frizzy.
If there are any major gaps in the curriculum, the other homeschool parent will likely tell you what those gaps were and you can more easily fill those gaps with supplementary materials.
Free homeschool curriculum materials can help fill in the gaps when you're designing your own curriculum, or give you a chance to try out materials before you buy them.
The blocks and strap are used to deepen stretches and bridge gaps that may occur because your pregnancy has limited your flexibility.
Additionally, if it gaps, then it is too large or the style is wrong.
Going a size too large means unflattering gaps; not attractive.
This vitamin will help to ensure that you fill in any nutritional and sun exposure gaps.
Tape the rub-on in place when you're transferring the image in order to avoid gaps in the design.
Check the skirt to ensure that there are no bare spots or gaps.
Men and women may be raised a bit differently from one culture to the next, making it difficult to bridge some of the cultural gaps.
A fitted wedding band is typically manufactured at the same time as the engagement ring and is designed to fit snuggly against it, without any gaps or loose ridges.
The vast majority of invisible settings use princess cut stones because their flat edges and sharp corners can fit together smoothly without any gaps to reveal the setting.
Fill in any gaps, and you've got a poem written!
Newspaper reporters can't be everywhere at once, so it's common for editors to rely on freelancers to help fill in the gaps.
There are allegedly less gaps in learning with a more consistent school schedule.
If you're looking for any childhood movies you may have missed, perhaps a list of classic Disney movies will help you fill in the gaps.
Both of these spin-off shows are popular and fill-in the seasonal gaps when episodes of the original show have completed their run.
If that imprint shows the entire sole of your foot, with no gaps where the foot didn't touch the paper, your feet may be a little on the flat side.
Skirt length should kiss the top of the boot or extend over it; gaps between the hem of the skirt and the top of the boot will attract the eye and make you appear shorter.
The history of full body tattoos is long and varied, with several gaps as tattoos went out of style.
Since the goal is to complete the design, careful financial planning should be done ahead of time to ensure that no long gaps need to take place in the process.
The nature of a chronological resume makes substantial employment gaps standout.
Common reasons for these gaps include unemployment, maternity leave, and travel.
It's especially useful for de-emphasizing employment gaps, doesn't identify you as a job hopper nor does it call attention to the fact that you've been in one job too long and your resume has gone stale.
It can also be a good option for individuals with significant gaps in their employment history.
If you've had significant gaps in your employment history, this type of resume format can be a good choice even if your work experience is related to the jobs you are currently applying for.
With a chronological resume, gaps in work history are emphasized, whereas gaps are less apparent when the primary focus is skills.
They are quite useful for job seekers for whom a chronological resume highlight work history gaps.
Problem areas may include things like significant gaps in your employment history.
No matter what the reason, it may be difficult for novices to write around these gaps.
It is most often used by people who do not have a solid work history, or who have long gaps in employment history.
By learning to interact with people across cultural lines, communication and cooperation grows and bridges the gaps of misunderstanding and differences.
Including this section is appropriate for individuals who (a) have relevant employment experience and (b) do not have significant gaps in their employment history, and (c) have not changed jobs too frequently.
You can fill in the gaps with supplements, but a better choice is to add fresh fruit and vegetables, along with low-fat or non-fat dairy products.
Healthy nutritious snack foods fill in nutritional gaps that come about during the course of a busy day.
These are generally used to fill the gaps in nutrition that occur as a result of reducing caloric intake below recommended levels.
Many programs suggest the used of vitamin supplements to help fill in some of the nutritional gaps that occur in the ketogenic diet menu.
The coverage benefits offered by the Original Medicare Plan is somewhat limited, leaving gaps in your healthcare coverage.
The gaps in coverage can be covered by purchasing private health insurance called MediGap Insurance or Medicare Supplemental Insurance.
You want to minimize any gaps in your health insurance coverage.
It can be convenient for those who are in between health insurance policies or those who need to cover gaps in their insurance coverage.
Payment options are flexible, resulting in many customers using the card for gaps in their insurance policy.
Many individuals choose this option for healthcare payments due to gaps in coverage.
As the name implies, short term health insurance policies are designed to be temporary coverage, usually to fill in gaps between more long-term policies.
Humana also has numerous Medicare supplement or Medigap plans that are designed to fill in gaps in traditional Medicare coverage, such as deductibles and coinsurance.
It isn't uncommon to have gaps in your insurance coverage, and if you need dental work but aren't covered, supplemental dental insurance can be the key to affordable coverage.
Supplementary insurance allows you to have insurance coverage from a separate company that takes care of the gaps left by another insurance plan.
Minimizer bras are not effective when there are wrinkles or gaps in the cups, and they are also easily worn too tight because it seems like they are "working" that way.
The center front should lay flat against your breastbone with no gaps between cups.
Almost as good as footie pajamas, this one-piece, generous fit outfit covers your whole body-no gaps.
There won't be any gaps in the midsection to let in drafty air.
Sales associates can assist in fitting, as there should be no gaps, bunching or discomfort.
This fourth-generation family-run venue features daily specials, live entertainment on the weekend and a rollicking jukebox to fill the gaps in between.
A rug would help, but it wouldn't stop the wind from climbing the insulationless walls or seeping through the gaps around the mopboards.
In the receiver there is a strong electromagnet, excited by a local current, which has in its circuit two annular air gaps, across which the magnetic field is practically uniform and constant.
Thus, in the case of one station and one moving railway carriage, there is a circuit consisting partly of the earth, partly of the ordinary telegraph wires at the side of the track, and partly of the circuits of the telephone receiver at one place and the secondary of the induction coil at the other, two air gaps existing in this circuit.
But there are gaps in Kant's system - a imperfect gap between sensation and the sense-forms of time and space; a gap between sense-forms and thought; a gap between the lower but practicable processes of the Understanding and the higher but unrealizable ideas of Reason.
Kant had fewer isolated points of departure than intuitionalists; yet gaps and isolation recurred in Kant, and helped to make him the father of modern agnosticism.
In the beginning there are some gaps.
There are awkward gaps in his narrative and statements inconsistent with each other.