Gap Sentence Examples
There was already a sizable gap between her wagon and the one in front of her.
In fear lest he should be outflanked by Uluch Ali, he stood out to sea, leaving a gap between himself and the centre.
There is a gap from xvi.
In the interest of euphony some harmonious sound is needed to bridge the great gap which almost always exists between the bass and the upper instruments, but this filling out must be of the softest and most atmospheric kind.
Through a gap in the broken wall he could see, beside the wooden fence, a row of thirty year-old birches with their lower branches lopped off, a field on which shocks of oats were standing, and some bushes near which rose the smoke of campfires-- the soldiers' kitchens.
The gap between the two ends has now to be closed by splicing on new cable and paying out until the buoyed end is reached, which is then hove up and brought on board.
But there are gaps in Kant's system - a imperfect gap between sensation and the sense-forms of time and space; a gap between sense-forms and thought; a gap between the lower but practicable processes of the Understanding and the higher but unrealizable ideas of Reason.
The early myths, legends and traditions which can be traced differ profoundly from the canonical history, and the gap is wider than that between the latter and the subsequent apocalyptical and pseudepigraphical literature.
We have surmised the future widening of the gap between the rich and poor, and looked at how that has played out in history.
Alex gave his full attention to tucking the photo into the box through a gap in the top.
AdvertisementThe gap was twenty meters wide and on the other side, a graveyard of burnt-out vehicles.
The gap in the abductions we're looking at is under ten years, meaning he was probably sent up for a lesser crime that could be anything from robbery, burglary, serious assault or rape.
Dean picked up the pace and closed the gap on the yellowshirted rider, low on his bike to minimize the wind resistance as he raced downward at a dangerous speed.
If these spark balls are set at the right distance, then when the potential difference accumulates the antenna will be charged and at some stage suddenly discharged by the discharge leaping across the spark gap. This was Marconi's original method, and the plan is still used under the name of the direct method of excitation or the plain antenna.
When this is the case, if discharges are made across the spark gap oscillations are excited in the closed circuit, and these induce other syntonic oscillations in the antenna circuit.
AdvertisementIn this case a closed condenser circuit is formed with a battery of Leyden jars, an inductance coil and a spark gap, and oscillations are excited in it by discharges created across the spark gap by an induction coil or transformer.
In many cases additional condensers or inductance coils are inserted in various places so that the arrangement is somewhat disguised, but by far the larger part of the electric wave wireless telegraphy in 1907 was effected by transmitters having antennae either inductively or directly coupled to a closed condenser circuit containing a spark gap.
His transmitter consists of a nearly closed oscillating circuit comprising a condenser or battery of Leyden jars, a spark gap, and the primary coil of an oscillation transformer consisting of one turn of thick wire wound on a wooden frame.
His proposed radiator and absorber consisted of two wing-shaped plates of copper, the transmitter plates being interrupted in the centre by a spark gap, and the receiver plates by an inductance coil from the ends of which connexions were made to a coherer.
When the methods for effecting this had been worked out practically it finally led to the inventions of Slaby, Braun and others being united into a system called the Telefunken system, which, as regards the transmitter, consisted in forming a closed oscillation circuit comprising a condenser, spark gap and inductance which at one point was attached either directly or through a condenser to the earth or to an equivalent balancing capacity, and at some other point to a suitably tuned antenna.
AdvertisementThe receiving arrangements comprised also an open or antenna circuit connected directly with a closed condenser-inductance circuit, but in place of the spark gap in the transmitter an electrolytic receiver was inserted, having in connexion with it as indicator a voltaic cell and telephone.
In the more typical Lemuridae there are two pairs of upper incisor teeth, separated by a gap in the middle line; the premolars may be either two or three, but the molars, as in the lower jaw, are always three on each side.
After this there is a considerable gap before New Guinea, Borneo, Madagascar, Sumatra and the vast multitude of smaller islands descending in size by regular gradations to mere rocks.
Akhma, over the northern end of which runs a single easy pass (Beilan) to the north-east angle of the Levant coast (Alexandretta), while at the southern end is a gap through which the Orontes turns sharply to the sea.
There is usually a short gap between the canine and first premolar; the upper molars are short-crowned and transitional between the bunodont (tubercular) and selenodont (crescentic) types, with two outer concave tubercles and two inner conical ones; while the lower molars are crescentic, with three lobes in the last of the series..
AdvertisementAt one point it is pierced by a gap scarcely five paces wide with walls of variegated marbles polished by the transport of goods.
Sometimes I bolted suddenly, and nobody could tell my whereabouts, for I did not stand much about gracefulness, and never hesitated at a gap in a fence.
Toward two o'clock the regiment, having already lost more than two hundred men, was moved forward into a trampled oatfield in the gap between Semenovsk and the Knoll Battery, where thousands of men perished that day and on which an intense, concentrated fire from several hundred enemy guns was directed between one and two o'clock.
Tikhon scratched his back with one hand and his head with the other, then suddenly his whole face expanded into a beaming, foolish grin, disclosing a gap where he had lost a tooth (that was why he was called Shcherbaty--the gap-toothed).
In other cases the leaf-gaps are very broad and long, the meristeles separating them being reduced to comparatively slender strands, while there is present in each gap a network of fine vascular threads, some of which run out to the leaf, while others form cross-connections between these leaf-trace strands and also with the main cauline meristeles.
A wide gap separates Archaeopteryx from the next order of fossil birds of the Cretaceous epoch, and, since freshwater deposits of that age are rare, bird remains are uncommon.
Geological evidence shows that this gap was once bridged by a continuous isthmus which according to the temple records was breached by a violent storm in 1480.
The depressions which gap the borders of the central plateau thus acquire a greater importance than the small differences in its vertical elevation.
A captain of landsknechts, Fabian by name, holding his long pike crosswise, brought it down with all his force upon the opposing spears, and at the cost of his life made a narrow gap through which the French broke into the mass of the enemy.
The Judaean narratives do not allow us to fill the gap or to determine whether Judaean policy under the regent Jehoiada would be friendly or hostile to Israel, or whether Judaean nobles may have severed the earlier bond of union.
Unlike the early horses, the later premolars are as complex as the molars; and although there is a well-marked gap between the canine and the premolars, there is only a very short one between the former and the incisors.
The interest of these two types of web lies in the fact that they bridge over the structural gap between the simple sheet-web of Agalena and the perfected orb-web of Aranea.
After approaching its south-west extremity it abandons the broad valley which leads to the lake, and makes its way northwards through a narrow gap in the mountains and joins the Angara at Irkutsk.
The influence of expectations of the new crop on "futures" running into the new crop is plain on inspection; but owing to the gap between the two crop years it would be astonishing if "futures" against which cotton from a new crop could be delivered were not appreciably independent of "spot" at the time of their quotation.
To these stormy periods we may safely assign the alterations which may be traced in the staircases, which sometimes abruptly cut off, leaving a gap requiring a ladder, and the formation of secret passages communicating with the arenariae, and through them with the open country.
The incisors are chisel-shaped, and the canines tend to become isolated, so as in the more specialized forms to occupy a more or less midway position in a longer or shorter gap between the incisors and premolars.
In the earlier short-crowned forms these teeth are unlike the molars, and the first of the series is separated by a gap from the second.
The incisors are chisel-shaped; and (unlike the early Hippoidea) there is no gap between the first premolar, when present, and the second.
The absence of a gap between the lower canine and first premolar and between the latter and the following tooth is regarded as an essentially tapir-like feature.
In America the family is represented by Heptodon, of the Middle Eocene, which differs from the early members of the tapir-stock in having a long gap between the lower canine and first premolar; the dentition is complete, and the upper premolars are simple.
In this group the incisors and canines are very variable in number and form; the lower canine being separated by only a short gap from the outer incisor (when present), but by a long one from the first premolar, which is in contact with the second.
The conversion of nitrogen into ammonia by electricity has received much attention, but the commercial aspect appears to have been first worked out by de Hemptinne in 1900, who used both the spark and silent discharge on mixtures of hydrogen and nitrogen, and found that the pressure and temperature must be kept low and the spark gap narrow.
On the 16th Berthier went on to Augsburg, where he learnt that Lefebvre's advanced troops had been driven out of Landshut, thus opening a great gap seventy-six miles wide between the two wings of the French army.
At length when both sides were exhausted by their efforts he sent forward nearly a hundred guns which tore asunder by their case-shot fire the enemy's line and marched his reserve right through the gap. Had he possessed an adequate cavalry force the victory would have been decisive.
On the 18th the fighting was resumed and by about noon Bernadotte came up and closed the gap to the N.E.
Hitherto from Oxford its course, though greatly winding, has lain generally in a southerly direction, but it now bends eastward, and breaches the chalk hills in a narrow gap, dividing the Chilterns from the downs of Berkshire or White Horse Hills.
Thus, the upper portion of the system, above the gap at Goring, is a basin in itself, defined on the west and south by the Cotteswold and White Horse Hills and on the east and north by the Chilterns and the uplands of Northamptonshire.
It may be noted further that the Kennet continues upward the line of the main valley below the Goring gap, and the Cherwell that of the main valley above it.
Through or near this gap flow northwards in parallel courses the rivers Heri-rud (Tejend) and Murghab, until they lose themselves in the desert of Kara-kum.
Those substances which are attracted, or rather which tend, like iron, to move from weaker to stronger parts of the magnetic field, are termed paramagnetic; those which are repelled, or tend to move from stronger to weaker parts of the field, are termed diamagnetic. Between the ferromagnetics and the paramagnetics there is an enormous gap. The maximum magnetic susceptibility of iron is half a million times greater than that of liquid oxygen, one of the strongest paramagnetic substances known.
If a long magnetized rod is divided transversely and the cut ends placed nearly in contact, the magnetic force inside the narrow air gap will be B = H +47rI.
The width of the gap may be diminished until it is no greater than the distance between two neighbouring molecules, when it will cease to be distinguishable, but, assuming the molecular theory of magnetism to be true, the above statement will still hold good for the intermolecular gap. The same pressure P will be exerted across any imaginary section of a magnetized rod, the stress being sustained by the intermolecular springs, whatever their physical nature may be, to which the elasticity of the metal is due.
Between the two and at the highest point of the arc, so far as morphological differentiation is concerned, stands the scorpion; near to it in the trilobite's direction (that is, on the ascending side) are Limulus and the Eurypterines - with a long gap, due to obliteration of the record, separating them from the trilobite.
In the Cape this gap is represented by the Witteberg and Bokkeveld series.
Towards the close of this period great earth movements took place and the gap between the Alps and the Carpathians was formed.
Meanwhile the 8th Federal corps advanced also, but actuated probably by political motives it took the general direction of Cassel, and between the two German corps a wide gap opened, of which Vogel v.
He left a gap to the north of the circular fort which formed the centre of the Athenian lines, the point where Epipolae slopes down to the sea, and he omitted to occupy Euryelus.
Thus, the farther the four main columns penetrated into the French right wing, the wider would the gap become between Bagration and Kolowrat, and Liechtenstein's squadrons could not form a serious obstacle to a heavy attack of Napoleon's centre.
The delay had, however, opened a gap between Kolowrat and the 3rd column on his left; and towards this gap, and the denuded Pratzen plateau, Napoleon sent forward St Hilaire's division of Soult's corps for the decisive attack.
But the French had to fill the gap between the villages, and also to move forward to give room for the supports to form up.
The Austrian line was broken through, between Rosenberg's right and Hohenzollern's left, and the French squadrons poured into the gap. Victory was almost won when the archduke brought up his last reserve, himself leading on his soldiers with a colour in his hand.
In the west the Palghat and Vallagiri Hills form a connecting link between the Anamalai range and the Nilgiris, with the exception of a remarkable gap known as the Palghat Pass.
This gap, which completely intersects the Ghats, is about 20 m.
There is a great gap in style, though none in subject, between the really poetical prose of the first historian of the fifth crusade and the Latin empire and the awkward mannerism (so awkward that it has been taken to represent a "disrhymed" verse chronicle) of his follower.
The canines are somewhat elongated, and were followed by a short gap in each jaw, and the cheek-teeth were adapted for succulent food.
But there is an obvious gap between the two groups of major planets which is filled by the group of minor planets.
Those squadrons of Tallard's left which retained their order fell back towards the Danube, and a great gap was opened in the centre of the defence, through which the victorious squadrons poured.
But a gap opened between the right of the infantry and the left of the cavalry and Wallenstein's second line squadrons pressed into it.
When he had left for the front, the emperor proceeded with Grouchy to reconnoitre the Prussian position at Gilly; and handing over the command of the right wing to the marshal, whom he ordered to capture Gilly, Napoleon returned to Charleroi, to hasten the passage of the French army across the Sambre and mass it in the gap between the allies.
In the other gap are pivoted two coils wound on an iron core and connected at nearly a right angle to each other.
Thus there is here a gap, easily traversed, across the Appalachian mountains and plateaus to the more level and fertile plains beyond.
A low gap also leads northward from the Hudson to the Champlain Valley across a pass only 147 ft.
The physiography has enabled the state to become a great highway of commerce between the central part of the United States and the sea-coast, by rail and by water, along the Mohawk Gap and by other routes.
Its independent value is small, but it sometimes fills a gap left by the more authoritative records.
It begins on the western side of Arthur's Pass, a gap the floor of which is 3100 ft.
The first, practically co-extensive with the western half of Alsace, consists of the Vosges range, which running in a northerly direction from the deep gap or pass of Belfort (trouee de Belfort) forms in its highest ridges the natural frontier line between Germany and France.
The remainder of the 2nd division was following the 12th, leaving a nine-mile gap between Kuroki and Nozu, as well as the river.
It was not into this gap, which had no military significance, but upon the isolated divisions of the 1st Army that the Russian general proposed to launch his counterstroke.
To fill the gap in the approaches when the bridge is rolled forward a frame carrying that part of the road is moved into place sideways.
Between 1600 and 1775 there was a great gap in the production of new editions of the principal Greek classics.
In Kentucky the Unionist victory was secured almost without a blow, and, even at the end of 1861, the Confederate outposts west of the Alleghenies lay no farther north than the line Columbus - Bowling Green - Cumberland Gap, though southern Missouri was still a contested ground.
On the 24th of August Lee ordered Jackson to march round Pope's right wing and descend on his rear through Thoroughfare Gap on Manassas and the old battle-ground of 1861.
This literature is especially valuable because it illustrates contemporary Halaka and Haggada, and it illuminates the circle of thought with which Jesus and his followers were familiar; it thus fills the gap between the Old Testament and the authoritative Rabbinical Midrashim which, though often in a form several centuries later, not rarely preserve older material.'
Dr Thomas Walker (1715-1794), as an agent and surveyor of the Loyal Land Company, made an exploration in 1750 into the present state from the Cumberland Gap, in search of a suitable place for settlement but did not get beyond the mountain region.
The aristocratic influences in both states have always been on the Southern and Democratic side, but while they were strong enough in Virginia to lead the state into secession they were unable to do so in Kentucky., 1 Most of the early settlers of Kentucky made their way thither either by the Ohio river (from Fort Pitt) or - the far larger number - by way of the Cumberland Gap and the " ` Wilderness Road."
This latter route began at Inglis's Ferry, on the New river, in what is now West Virginia, and proceeded west by south to the Cumberland Gap. The " Wilderness Road," as marked by Daniel Boone in 1775, was a mere trail, running from the Watauga settlement in east Tennessee to the Cumberland Gap, and thence by way of what are now Crab Orchard, Danville and Bardstown, to the Falls of the Ohio, and was passable only for men and horses until 1795, when the state made it a wagon road.
Though no line can be drawn between ancient and modern metrology, yet, owing to neglect, and partly to the scarcity of materials, there is a gap of more than a thousand years over which the connexion of units of measure is mostly guess-work.
Here we see the Belgic foot passed over to England, and we can fill the gap to a considerable extent from the itinerary measures.
That this unit is quite distinct from the Persian 86 grains is clear in the Egyptian weights, which maintain a wide gap between the two systems. Next, in Syria three inscribed weights of Antioch and Berytus (18) show a mina of about 16,400, or 200 x 82.
There was thus left a gap between 20,000 and 90,000, which was filled up by Adrian Vlacq (or Ulaccus), who published at Gouda, in Holland, in 1628, a table containing the logarithms of the numbers from unity to 100,000 to ro places of decimals.
The trochus forms the powerful currents for locomotion, and for the supply of food material, while the cingulum produces a local current round the upper rim of the corona to bring the food particles direct to the mouth, which is displaced through a postero-ventral gap in the trochus to lie behind the disk, just as occurs in the more specialized Ciliata.
In most Ploima the dorsal gap is not well marked, and the trochus is broken up into a number of lobes, often furnished with vibratile styles, in front and at the sides, but ventrally passing into the uniformly ciliated oral funnel.
The average rainfall for the state is 49.3 in.; the maximum is 71.7 in., at Rabun Gap in the extreme N.E.
On the other hand, the American forms, which have one pair of large chisel-like incisors in the lower jaw, also possess a lower canine, and show no marked gap in front of the cheek-teeth, nor any indication of the characteristic rodent backwards movement of the lower jaw.
The effects may be varied by altering the capacity and self-induction of the circuit which contains the spark gap. The insertion of self-induction has the advantage of avoiding the lines due to the gas through which the spark is taken, but it introduces other changes in the nature of the spark, so that the results obtained with and without self-induction are not directly comparable.
Hemsalech have observed that the insertion of a self-induction in a condenser discharge almost entirely obliterates the air lines, and the same effect is produced by diminishing the spark gap sufficiently.
The explanation of these facts presents no difficulty, inasmuch as during the sudden discharge which takes place in the absence of a self-induction, the metallic molecules have not sufficient time to diffuse through the spark gap; hence the discharge is carried by the gas in which it takes place.
When the spark gap is small, the sudden evaporation of the metal has a better chance of filling the interval between the poles, even without the introduction of a self-induction.
Behind the incisors is a considerable gap, followed by the cheek-teeth, which are all contiguous, and formed almost exactly on the pattern of some of the perissodactyle ungulates.
Their crest lines are often of nearly uniform height for miles and generally are little broken except by an occasional V-shaped wind gap, a narrow water gap or a rounded knob.
Work was begun on the system in 1826 and was continued without interruption until 1840, when the completed or nearly completed portions embraced a railway from Philadelphia to Columbia on the Susquehanna, a canal up the Susquehanna and the Juniata from Columbia to Hollidaysburg, a portage railway from Hollidaysburg through Blair's Gap in the Alleghany Front to Johnstown on the Conemaugh river, a canal down the Conemaugh, Kiskiminetas, and Allegheny rivers to Pittsburg, a canal up the Susquehanna and its west branch from the mouth of the Juniata to Farrandsville, in Clinton county, a canal up the Susquehanna and its north branch from Northumberland nearly to the New York border, and a canal up the Delaware river from Bristol to the mouth of the Lehigh; considerable work had also been done on two canals to connect the Ohio river with Lake Erie.
The latter was built with ten inclined planes, five on each side of the summit at Blair's Gap and cars were drawn up these by stationary engines.
There was a gap between the "Intrepid" and the eastern bank; he steered into it, collided with the "Intrepid," rang the gong to signify the imminent blowing of the charges, went astern and then ahead.
Such a gap is that between the Alps and the Carpathians, but a glance at a geological map of the region will show that the folding was probably at one time continuous.
In the case of orchard-house plants no shoots are suffered to lengthen out, except as occasionally wanted to fill up a gap in the outline of the tree.
He at once brought his second line back to oppose them, but while he was doing so the French leader filled up the gap between himself and the frontal assailants by posting infantry around Wagnelee, and also guns on the neighbouring hill whence their fire enfiladed both halves of the enemy's army up to the limit of their ranging power.
The plains about Kandahar are chiefly watered by canals drawn from the Arghandab near Baba-wali, and conducted through the same gap in the hills which admits the Herat road.
The succession of bishops in Cologne is traceable, except for a gap covering the troubled 5th century, from A.D.
The castle, through which the town is famous, guarded a gap in the line of considerable hills which rise in the centre of Purbeck.
The gap in our knowledge of the development of Palaeolithic into Neolithic civilization has recently been partially filled in by discoveries in north Germany and France of objects showing rather more developed forms than those of the former period, but still unaccompanied by earthenware.
The majority of the krypton lines which Baly identifies with auroral lines require for their production a Leyden jar and spark gap.
It is only by the most careful scrutiny, or the exercise of the most piercing insight, that the imperfectly spelled Egyptian has been made to yield up one grammatical secret after another in the light brought to bear upon it from Coptic. Demotic grammar ought soon to be thoroughly comprehensible in its forms, and the study of Late Egyptian should not stand far behind that of demotic. On the other hand, Middle Egyptian, and still mote Old Egyptian, which is separated from Middle Egyptian by a wide gap, will perhaps always be to us little more than consonantal skeletons, the flesh and blood of their vocalization being for the most part irretrievably lost.
There is generally little gap between the canines and the premolars.
It is connected with that river by the Bahr Yusuf, which reaches the oasis through a gap in the hills separating the province from the Nile Valley.
The whole region is below sea-level, and save for the gap mentioned is encircled by the Libyan hills.
Cassilis was a Protestant and the patron of Knox's friend and teacher, George Wishart; Cassilis would not commit himself formally, and the threads of the plot are lost, owing to a great gap in the records.
The element of chance, which prevails in the region on either side of the border between pass and failure, obviously prevails equally on either side of the border between " classes," where candidates are classified; it has been suggested by Dr Schuster that numerical order should accompany classification so as to avoid the creation of an artificial gap between the last candidate in one class and the highest in the next.
Of these the first upper premolar is a simple tooth placed close behind the premaxilla and separated by a long gap from the two other teeth of the same series; while the lower incisors, of which the outermost is the largest, are directed partially forwards.
In the skull the socket of the eye is surrounded by bone; while the dentition begins to approximate to the camel type - notably by the circumstance that the lower canine is either separated by a gap from the outermost incisors, or that its crown assumes a backwardly curved shape.
There would still be a great gap to be filled before we reached the earliest letters of St Paul; but yet we should know what the Apostle meant when he wrote to " the Church of the Thessalonians in God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ," and reminded them how they had " turned from idols to serve the living and true God, and to wait for His Son from heaven, whom He raised from the dead, even Jesus who delivereth us from the wrath to come."
But Christiane gradually filled up a gap in the poet's life; she gave him, quietly, unobtrusively, without making demands on him, the comforts of a home.
Between these two distinct strata there is a gap, through which persons on a vessel near the island may obtain a glimpse of the peak.
An enormous gap severs the pre-monarchical period from this age, and while the tribal schemes and tribal traditions can hardly be traced during the monarchies, the inclusion of Judah among the " sons " of Israel would not have originated when Judah and Israel were rival kingdoms. Yet the tribes survive in post-exilic literature and their traditions develop henceforth in Jubilees, Testament of the XII Patriarchs, &c.
The fortifications of Epinal are connected to the southward with Belfort, Dijon and Besancon, by the fortified line of the Moselle, and north of it lies the unfortified zone called the Trouee d'Epinal, a gap designedly left open to the invaders between Epinal and Toul, another great fortress which is itself connected by the Meuse forts d'arret with Verdun and the places of the north-east.
These ranges are separated from the Nilgiris by a broad depression or pass known as the Palghat Gap, some 25 m.
This gap affords a passage to the winds which elsewhere are barred by the hills of the Ghat chain.
The country to the east of the gap receives the rainfall of the south-west monsoon; and during the north-east monsoon ships passing Beypur meet with a stronger wind from the land than is felt elsewhere on the Malabar coast.
The larger species prey fiercely on other kinds of birds, while the smaller content themselves with a diet of small animals, often insects and worms. But however diverse be the appearance, structure or habits of the extremities of the series of species, they are so closely connected by intermediate forms that it is hard to find a gap between them that would justify a generic division.
Corps being en route to fill the gap between the 35th and 34th Divs.
The recognition of the individual is a matter of his accidents, to which even sex belongs, and the gap from lowest universal to individual may still be conceived as unbridged.
The valley is thus closed to the north and south, and is surrounded by a mountain wall, which is broken down in but a single place, the gap behind the Golden Gate at San Francisco.
When Provence was ceded to the Franks by the Ostrogoths, he received the cities of Orange, Carpentras and Gap. In 531 he marched against the Thuringi with his brother Theuderich(Thierry)I., and in 542 with his brother Childebert against the Visigoths of Spain.
Although it is true that there is a certain amount of gradation in the degree of development to which these organs have attained in the various orders, yet it is hardly sufficient to enable the imagination to bridge over the gap which separates Amphioxus from the lowest fishes in regard to this feature of organization.
There is a great gap to be bridged between the highest anthropoid and the lowest man, and much importance has been attached to the discovery of an extinct primate, Pithecanthropus, which has been regarded as the "missing link."
Such an arrangement constitutes in effect a condenser, and when the two plates respectively are connected to the secondary terminals of an induction coil in operation, the plates are rapidly and alternately charged, and discharged across the spark gap with electrical oscillations (see Electrokinetics).
There are then no letters in existence from Saint-Mars to Louvois up to Louvois's letter of July 19, in which he first refers to Dauger; and for three months (from April 22 to July 1 9) there is a gap in the correspondence, so that the sequence is obscure.
It is when the excitation is partial only, when it does not inevitably and immediately appear as action, that we have the appearance of intellect in the gap. The chief and fundamental difference between Schopenhauer and Spencer lies in the refusal of the latter to give this "adjustment" or "automatic action" the name of will.
The attack of the English failed to make any gap in the line of defence, many knights and men-atarms were injured by falling into the pits, and the battle became a melee, the Scots, with better fortune than at Falkirk and Flodden, presenting always an impenetrable hedge of spears, the English, too stubborn to draw off, constantly trying in vain to break it down.
The mountain has a north-east-south-west trend, crossing the Delaware river at the Delaware Water Gap and continuing S.W.
Beyond Culver's Gap the mountain again narrows to a ridge, and for a portion of its length it is double-crested.
At the Water Gap the ridge is cut through to its base, and the Delaware river flows through the opening.
Torrington took his station opposite the rear of the French centre, leaving a great gap between himself and the ships in the van.
Being apprehensive that the French centre would tack and pass this gap so as to put him between two fires, he kept a long way off so as to be free to manoeuvre against them if they made the attempt.
North of the gap in the low escarpment in which the town of Lincoln centres, a close fringe of villages borders the escarpment on the west; and throughout the belt the alternations of clay and hard rock are reflected in the grouping of population.
Saladin had by now decided that the only hope of success lay in compelling the rear of the Christians' column to halt - and thus opening a gap, should the van be still on the move.
He followed up his success by entering Dauphine, where he took possession of Embrun and Gap. After another campaign, which was uneventful, the further prosecution of the war was abandoned owing to the defection of the duke of Savoy from the coalition, and Prince Eugene returned to Vienna, where he soon afterwards received the command of the army in Hungary, on the recommendation of the veteran count Riidiger von Starhemberg, the defender of Vienna in 1683.
Accordingly the Naval Works Acts of 1895 and subsequent years sanctioned works for closing the gap - about 2 m.
In some respects it helps to fill up a gap in the canonical text between verses 23 and 24 of chapter iii.
They certainly fill up excellently a manifest gap in this text.
Neither is the gap in the account of his doings after he first went to the court of Milan really so complete as has been represented.
Whatever the cause may be, while Rumanian poetry could well compare with that of any Western nation, in the domain of prose writing, and of novels in particular, one must look to the future to fill up the gap now existing.
The highest points in the state are Tom Sauk Mountain (more than 1800 ft.), in Iron county and Cedar Gap Plateau (1683 ft.), in Wright county.
The geological history of the state covers the period from Algonkian to late Carboniferous time, after which there is a gap in the record until Tertiary time, except that there was apparently a temporary depression of the north-western and southwestern corners in the Cretaceous age.
To this rich collection the author, who assumes the name of Isidore, the saintly bishop of Seville, added a good number of apocryphal documents already existing, as well as a series of letters ascribed to the popes of the earliest centuries, from Clement to Silvester and Damasus inclusive, thus filling up the gap before the decretal of Siricius, which is the first genuine one in the collection.
From 1793 to 1815 is another gap only partially filled.
In 1895 he founded for the education of the "mountain whites" the Lincoln Memorial University at Cumberland Gap, Tenn.
It was natural that the earlier Stoics should be chiefly occupied with delineating the inner and outer characteristics of ideal wisdom and virtue, and that the gap between the ideal sage and the actual philosopher, though never ignored, should yet be somewhat overlooked.
The sense of the gap between theory and fact gives to the religious element of Stoicism a new force; the soul, conscious of its weakness, leans on the thought of God, and in the philosopher's attitude towards external events, pious resignation preponderates over self-poised indifference; the old self-reliance of the reason, looking down on man's natural life as a mere field for its exercise, makes room for a positive aversion to the flesh as an alien element imprisoning the spirit; the body has come to be a " corpse which the soul sustains," 1 and life a " sojourn in a strange land "; 2 in short, the ethical idealism of Zeno has begun to borrow from the metaphysical idealism of Plato.
He was principally concerned to show that in morality, as in other departments of human life, it was not necessary to postulate a complete and abrupt gap between human and merely animal existence, but that the instincts and habits which contribute to survival in the struggle for existence among animals develop into moral qualities which have a similar value for the preservation of human and social life.
West of the Urumchi gap, the Bogdo-ola is continued in the double range of the Iren-khabirga Mountains (11,500 ft.), which curve to the north-west and finally, under the name of the Talki Mountains, merge into the Boro-khoro range.
After traversing the desert of Gobi from Sa-chou to Hami, the great northern route crossed over into the Dzungarian valley either by the Otun-koza depression or by the gap at Urumchi, or else it proceeded over the Muz-art pass on the east side of Khan-tengri or over the Bedel pass in the Kokshal-tau and so down into the valley of Kulja.
The gap has been partly filled by the new department, and a good deal has been done.
In the neighbourhood of Vienna a gap in the folded belt - the gap between the Alps and the Carpathians - has formed a connexion between these two regions since the early part of the Miocene period.
We cannot suppose that these first gained their sacred character in the pre-Mosaic "patriarchal" age; there is in any case the obvious difficulty of bridging the gap between the descent into Egypt and the Exodus, and it is clear that when the Israelites entered Palestine they came among a people whose religion, tradition and thought were fully established.
The treaty of Cateau-Cambrsis (August 1559) finally put an end to the Italian follies, Naples, Milan and Piedmont; but it also lost Savoy, making a gap in the frontier for a century.
Between the two lips there is a gap. The throat is the part where the tube and the labiate limb join.
Aurivillius considered that Pollicipes signatus showed a closer approach to the Balanidae than any other of the Lepadidae, but he, too, in ignorance of the Devonian Protobalanus (Whitf.), discoursed needlessly about the gap in the distribution.
Dr Bather justifiably anticipates further discoveries, but if, already in Silurian as in modern times, the members of these families had to pass through nauplius and cypris stages to maturity, there is one " enormous gap " between them and the common ancestor of the crustacean class that will not be easily filled.
The precise date of the separation is fixed as later than the Miocene, since the fringe of the marine Miocene deposits along the southern coast of Victoria is broken, from Flinders to Alberton; and this gap was no doubt due to the subsidence of the land; of which the islands in the Bass Strait are remnants, which then connected Tasmania with the continent.
However extraordinary it may appear, especially to those who bring the living forms only into focus, that opposition should still be made to Huxley's primary division of the vertebrates other than mammals into Sauropsida (birds and reptiles) and Ichthyopsida (batrachians and fishes), it is certain that recent discoveries in palaeontology have reduced the gap between batrachians and reptiles to such a minimum as to cause the greatest embarrassment in the attempt to draw a satisfactory line of separation between the two; on the other hand the hiatus between fishes and batrachians remains as wide as it was at the time Huxley's article Amphibia (Encyclopaedia Britannica, 9th ed.) was written.
Apparently there is here some gap in the line of descent of the horse, and may be suggested that the evolution took place, not as commonly supposed, in North America, but in eastern central Asia, of which the palaeontology is practically unknown; some support is given to this theory by the fact that the earliest species with which we are acquainted occur in northern India.
The incisors are small and the canines scarcely enlarged; the latter having a gap on each side in the lower, but only one on their hinder aspect in the upper jaw.
Add a bead of sealant into the gap and let it dry completely.
Eloquent prose, coupled with well-pitched humor, crosses the generation gap in a single fluent stride.
Many types of smooth muscle also contain gap junctions and muscarinic acetylcholine receptors, but here acetylcholine normally leads to contraction.
Equally, however, any loss in the gap is not allowable.
Retention of organic anions causes a progressive increase in the anion gap and a further fall in plasma bicarbonate concentration.
The test coating is applied to a test panel using an applicator with a gap of 180 microns.
Some packages just consist of GAP code and the installation is done by unpacking the archive in one of the places described above.
In the race of life they start behind and the gap gets bigger as they get older.
You will notice a huge difference in the spark gap's ability to quench with and without spark breakout.
Innate Management Systems stand 61 bridging the credibility Gap - Organizations are looking at IT departments to deliver business value.
In the darkest days of WWII sea cadets from units around the country volunteered to plug the gap in the thin blue line.
Pete climbed up and put his head through the gap and reported a wall of pure white calcite.
The hand pulling the weight down to ground level represents the action of the spark gap, periodically discharging the tank capacitor.
A sizable chunk of the CDs sold in the UK have an unintended gap in the middle of the first track.
An almost classical permutation group of small degree is examined with some elementary GAP 3 commands.
Instead, there is a tiny gap called the synaptic cleft.
There are rapidly eroding low sandy cliffs in the middle of the bay near Bourne Gap.
Can be a cost-of-living adjustment cola for any gap american soul opened.
In order to maintain such constancy the Catholic employment gap has had to widen or narrow as aggregate unemployment has risen or fallen.
Curiously, however, the basic properties of these materials (band gap, elastic constants, piezoelectric constants) are not well known.
In silent contemplation, we can be mindful of the gap.
We crossed the track, and went through the wide hedge gap along the wide grass path passing a young copse on our right.
Close support mobility tasks include deliberate countermine, gap crossing, complex obstacle breaching as well as route opening.
This faux pas attracted much attention and a great credibility gap began to open between government and governed on the subject of UFOs.
These two crazy critters aren't going anywhere as there popularity crossed the generation gap and continues to entertain kids and adults alike!
I was trying to fill a gap, not to lead a crusade.
This produces a very narrow gap across which oxygen and carbon dioxide can rapidly diffuse.
A straight split dipole of length 980mm overall, with around 10mm center gap in 9.5mm tubing produced the best result.
There is often a gap between what donors commit to give, and what they actually disburse.
Hodes's story includes almost thirty photographs and a comprehensive discography, filling a gap in the world of jazz literature.
Gap years can be about more than just drunken nights out and shrinking bank accounts.
Assuming the corneal thickness = 1 unit, assess the width of the " aqueous gap " from corneal endothelium to iris.
And while a handful of employers are reacting, the gap between expectation and reality remains enormous.
This was a 12 cylinder engine minus one bank of cylinders, the gap being closed by a plain entablature.
The pig genome will fill a large ' gap ' in genome evolution.
Student Profile Sophie Powell is raising money for a trekforce expedition to Borneo for her Gap Year.
At the time it seemed that only industrialized farming could bridge the gap.
How to do good and have fun Young people caught in this summer's A-level fiasco may decide to take a last-minute gap year.
They produce a lubricating fluid that fills the gap between the two pleura.
A 7 man break formed on the second lap and soon forged a 45 sec gap.
Stock markets have not yet bridged the gap in investment finance.
I am happy to make available a basic discography on this site to at least plug this gap.
Close the gap carries out a range of activity designed to encourage positive action to narrow the gender pay gap.
New technologies have the power to improve our lives, but they can also widen the gap between rich and poor.
The gap opening penalty involves the of a negative scoring penalty to the substitution matrix for the first residue in a sequence alignment gap opening penalty involves the of a negative scoring penalty to the substitution matrix for the first residue in a sequence alignment gap.
The paper finds that the main barrier to employment is the widening skills gap.
The productivity gap averages around 5% in Taiwan while the corresponding figure for Korea exceeds 10% .
They are also consistent, but systematically higher than, the H1 data obtained using the large rapidity gap method.
The pay gap has widened in favor of the public sector worker by almost £ 1 an hour.
A far cry from when this panorama could be snatched only by peering through a gap out over the old gasworks.
Gap bed, screwcutting gearbox, power sliding and surfacing.
Reducing the gender gap in health and education can significantly reduce personal and household poverty and generate national economic growth, says the report.
That's where the so-called generation gap comes in.
Choose the correct homophone to fill in the gap in each sentence.
The Position implementations (marks) store the array index and can easily calculate the sequential position from the current gap location.
The disadvantages of the air gap are - More turns are required to obtain a given inductance.
But isn't the digital divide just a function of the apparently insoluble economic gap between the developed and developing world?
The air gap creates a thermal insulator with the third layer enabling all the moisture to escape at its own rate.
Long gap but returned in force during July and early August but then very intermittent through September.
It deals, firstly, with the widening gap between the mentality and values of Junteros and Africanistas that would ultimately prove irreconcilable.
Very recently a Harrow pupil spent a Gap Year in Japan learning judo.
Before changing the entries, you might have to run GAP once first to create the appropriate registry keys.
George, who seems to have inherited my Thespian leanings, is in his gap year.
In fact GAP supports finite fields with elements represented via discrete logarithms only up to a given size.
With First moving out of the market, there's a gap for another operator to move in to a potentially lucrative market.
The rotor, incorporating permanent magnets, runs in a bore with a gap of just 1mm.
Some conditions only affect the trabecular meshwork where the water in the eye drains out at the drainage gap.
As one of Art Blakey's jazz messengers he was also joined by his pianist brother Gap Mangione.
The gap between Intel and the other processor minions is growing.
During the battle, Falkland was killed charging alone through a gap in a hedge lined with parliamentarian musketeers.
However a gap remained between linking a genetic mutation to the outcome of the disease.
Anti-tank obstacles can not be located adjacent to each other; there must be a gap of at least 4 base widths.
The geometric parameters taken into account are area ratio, diffuser length to annular gap ratio, and divergence angle.
O'Leary's side had to show immense patience, while remaining wary of Francesco Baiano, lurking in the gap between the midfield.
Childcare also plays a role in meeting other key objectives, including boosting productivity and closing the gender pay gap.
It has been shown that convoluted elements offer a substantial reduction in band gap frequency of 42% for a given lattice periodicity.
But if you just plop a big roller there, its going to be useless if the gap really is 2mm.
What should my spark plug gap be set to?
In 2002/03, the gap between the high crime quartile and the remaining three quartiles was 27.1 offenses per 1,000 population.
The gap between the plasterboard laminate layers was typically around one meter, with a 100mm mineral fiber quilt in between.
Once in the gap it is possible to exit by the head of a steep rake on its northern side.
The parish registers go back to 1574, with a gap from 1596 to 1667.
Contact Dr. Alan Blackburn Driving models of forest gap regeneration dynamics using remote sensing.
They filled the gap from the autumn brambles and damsons to the early rhubarb in spring and cooking varieties were the most valued.
At Glyne gap beach a there was a purple sandpiper.
This gap must be plugged by foreign credits, and by the state reducing its accumulated savings in the banking system.
A Gap Year Taking a year out at the end of compulsory schooling can be a good option.
A small gap should be left which can be filled with a flexible sealant.
Note that the final semicolon, normally required by GAP, is optional in a command string for a message.
A skill gap is different from a skill shortage.
February 2006 releases women shortchanged on equal pay The Government's Women and Work Commission has put forward recommendations to close the pay gap.
Run a bead of clear silicone caulk to seal the gap where the backsplash meets the wall.
The game itself, for the uninitiated is deceptively simple - just bridge the gap from the left to the right with lines.
The High Court Judge for the area has taken on additional sittings in the area to cover the gap.
Earlier maps (and later ones that continued to show an unbroken terrace) are probably too small-scale to show the gap.
The first graph shows the effect of electrode spacing on the average firing rate of the spark gap.
The tunneling spectroscopy clearly shows the opening of a gap at the Fermi energy at the MIT.
The gap between rich and poor seemed even starker than here in Britain.
The H&M Group has further acquired the American clothing chain GAP's german subsidiary.
Britain would no longer be there to plug the budget gap with massive subventions from the UK Treasury.
The gap in the sandstone tenements is Spottiswoode Street.
Five common sandpipers and 20+ turnstones were present on the new sea defenses at Glyne Gap.
You get lots of output in the GAP command window and seven new vertices.
In practice the Static gap may be set such that its breakdown voltage is equal to the peak voltage of the supply transformer.
Pan's gravity causes the ring material either side of the Enke gap to appear wavy.
They are sickened by the rapidly widening gap between rich and poor.
Only by objective methodology can we bridge the gap between our minds and the minds of the biblical writers.
My own yardstick for a wall to worktop maximum gap would be no greater than 3mm.
Third year After two gap years I started my geography degree.
Bach himself is known to have executed it in a very polyphonic style, and this for the excellent reason that plain chords would have contrasted so strongly with the real instrumental parts that they could not fail to attract attention even in the softest tones of the harpsichord or the organ, while light polyphony in these tones would elude the ear and at the same time perfectly bridge over the gap in the harmony.
The amplitude of the signals can be varied in several ways, either by a shunt across the electromagnet, or by altering the tension of the controlling springs or by altering the air gap between electromagnets and armatures.
It has sometimes been claimed that Edison's proposed elevated plates anticipated the subsequent invention by Marconi of the aerial wire or antenna, but it is particularly to be noticed that Edison employed no spark gap or means for creating electrical high frequency oscillations in these wires.
Wien's method of impact excitation by employing a form of spark gap which quenches the primary discharge instantly and excites the free oscillations in the antenna by impact or shock.
If we try to bring the contents of theism under Kant's three traditional arguments, then moral and aesthetic considerations - the " values " - fall under the Design argument or the study of teleology; albeit there is a great gap between Paley's supernatural watchmaker and any moral argument or appeal to the beautiful.
In the natural process of growth, the gap must necessarily be wider between the summits of the twigs than lower down, and, instead of imagining " missing links," it is necessary to trace each separate branch as low down as possible, and to institute the comparisons between the lowest points that can be reached.
But the thread of the history is broken, and apart from an allusion to the favour shown to the captive Jehoiachin (with which the books of Jeremiah and Kings conclude), there is a gap in the records, and subsequent events are viewed from a new standpoint (§ 20).
The interesting conjecture that the second Temple suffered another disaster in the obscure gap which follows the time of Zerubbabel has been urged, after Isa.
Many chapters are lost at the beginning; there is a gap in chapter xxxvii., also before lviii., not to mention others.
But as the man who had doggedly, yet unpretentiously, filled the gap in the days of difficulty, and been somewhat contemptuously criticized by the Unionist press for his pains, Sir Henry was clearly marked out for the post of prime minister when his party got its chance; and, as the head of a strongly composed cabinet, he satisfied the demands of the situation and was accepted as leader by all sections.
After they had passed away and before the Christian Scriptures were canonically sifted and collected there was a gap which for us is only slenderly filled by such productions as the so-called 2nd Epistle of Clement, really a rambling homily on repentance and confession (see Clementine Literature), and by what we can imagine was the practice of men like Ignatius and, on the other hand, the Apologists.
For many years this southern projection of the northern wilderness was spanned by only one railway, and offered a serious hindrance to the development of the regions beyond; but settlements are now spreading to the north and rapidly filling up the gap between east and west.
It has been urged that the neurons retract during sleep, and that thus at the synapses the gap between nerve cell and nerve cell becomes wider, or that the supporting cells expand between the nerve cells and tend to isolate the latter one from the other.
In an attempt to make a spark gap quench at the first primary notch, several small gaps can be placed in series.
The p-quotient and soluble quotient algorithms are implemented in the GAP 4 library, but those implementations are not yet described in the documentation.
The entire edifice came to rest in a huge gap excavated into the railroad embankment in an operation that lasted around 10 hours.
The Gap is a ravine carved by glacial meltwater.
The industry 's campaign against 1% charge caps is a red herring in the debate about the savings gap.
The parish Registers go back to 1574, with a gap from 1596 to 1667.
A small gap should be left around the edges of the plasterboard to avoid bridging the resilient layer.
Wide static gaps, Resonant charging does not only apply to systems incorporating a rotary spark gap.
Work, visa and relocation information Searching for work Summer jobs, placements and gap years Fast facts Israel is the 100th smallest country.
February 2006 releases Women shortchanged on equal pay The Government 's Women and Work Commission has put forward recommendations to close the pay gap.
As the training program will be modular staff may opt for top-up training in areas where a skills gap is identified.
The first is the so-called ' information gap ' between the current decision support capabilities and the information needs of senior executives.
What happens is, when we build our libraries we leave a large gap between each floor and then soundproof the floor.
Not splayed to either side or with a gap in between.
Waters found a rare gap in the Bath backline and sprinted about 30 meters.
The gap has started to stabilize in recent years, but as yet has not reversed - at least for full time workers.
The H&M Group has further acquired the American clothing chain GAP 's German subsidiary.
These should be tapered slightly - the bottom edge slightly narrower than the gap, the top edge slightly wider than the gap.
Drives me wild, as he is tired, so is being an exaggerated tony blair - seems like hours gap every few words !
Jeremy Staunton 's touchline conversion pulled the gap back to just five points.
If so, could the filling of that gap avert the greatest tragedies ever to face humankind?
Data for Transitive Groups has been taken from the current GAP distribution.
Unless you 're over 40 or unconcerned with fashion trends, one could guess that you are n't shopping at The Gap.
We must now carry this policy into the wider world where the gap between the industrialized and the underdeveloped nations is still so great.
There is a gap in the houses, still there today to remind us of unfortunate victims.
The North Tor is one last big upthrust of granite before the slopes fall away to a pronounced gap.
The final whistle seemed to come too soon; the RAF 's valiant attempts had failed to close the gap.
The Recycling Fund A venture capital fund for SMEs, designed to fill the ' equity gap ' identified in the recycling sector.
Australia Holidays Simpsons Gap At Simpsons Gap there is opportunity to see rock wallabies which are the smaller cousin of the kangaroo.
Pan 's gravity causes the ring material either side of the Enke gap to appear wavy.
The invasion of Iraq seemed to widen the gap.
The gap between our richest and poorest neighborhoods has widened dramatically.
The attitudinal gap among ability levels widened with age, tho for academic reading attitude the negative trend was similar regardless of ability.
There is little short of five years left during which to bridge what is a yawning gap.
Because many primary and secondary schools had managed to close the gap, or at least to stop it yawning so widely.
Third Year After two gap years I started my geography degree.
You've pulled out the Pottery Barn Kids and Baby Gap catalogs, and have spent hours lusting after particular furniture pieces or wall hangings that will be a perfect fit for your dream nursery.