Game Sentence Examples
It's a game, like a treasure hunt.
He smiled to himself, enjoying the game they always played.
Sofia waited, staring blankly at the football game on TV.
And so we will keep the game going till it is time for school to be dismissed.
She finished her game of patience and only then examined the presents.
Evelyn loved his game face.
Frustration finally drove the couple to play the game the same way—contact no one, put your head in the sand, and hope everyone leaves you alone and forgets you exist.
No one will play the game if the rules only apply to one team. 2.
Would you like to play a game?
The game had begun.
AdvertisementBut already a change is taking place, owing, not to an increased humanity, but to an increased scarcity of game, for perhaps the hunter is the greatest friend of the animals hunted, not excepting the Humane Society.
State game officials are involved as well.
Deidre clenched her fists, uncertain what game the deity played with her.
There were about twenty-five thousand people at the game, and, when we went out, the noise was so terrific, we nearly jumped out of our skins, thinking it was the din of war, and not of a football game that we heard.
It wasn't a game to me.
AdvertisementWant to play a game?
All he needed was to figure out how to win a game of strategy he didn.t know how to play, before his time was up and he lost the only thing that mattered.
The children thought the new game was very funny.
Well, maybe I should call a game warden.
She frowned, wondering when someone would explain the rules of this game to her.
AdvertisementHis favorite occupation when not playing boston, a card game he was very fond of, was that of listener, especially when he succeeded in setting two loquacious talkers at one another.
How much more complex than this is the game of war, which occurs under certain limits of time, and where it is not one will that manipulates lifeless objects, but everything results from innumerable conflicts of various wills!
It's like a chess game, and the humans are pawns to be used and destroyed, he explained.
Pierre was unfazed by his raised voice and continued playing a game on his phone.
There were a great many things she'd let him do to her to win the game in her head.
AdvertisementHis game isn't the one you think he's playing.
We play a little game which I find most useful in developing the intellect, and which incidentally answers the purpose of a language lesson.
It was a pretty game, played on the smooth surface of the pond, a man against a loon.
The game continued; a waiter kept handing round champagne.
Pierre changed places several times during the game, sitting now with his back to Natasha and now facing her, but during the whole of the six rubbers he watched her and his friend.
A good chessplayer having lost a game is sincerely convinced that his loss resulted from a mistake he made and looks for that mistake in the opening, but forgets that at each stage of the game there were similar mistakes and that none of his moves were perfect.
He took a pack of cards that lay on the table and began to lay them out for a game of patience.
Later, when I talked to the FBI, they mentioned this turkey we're chasing plays the switch game with plates all the time.
The wing housed an indoor basketball court, indoor pool, a small game room, and a huge theatre room where music blared from some action movie.
Cynthia asked, cutting the game short as Mrs. Lincoln leaped into her lap, purring like a buzz saw.
Sex is a whole different ball game when it's not my idea.
He knew who I was when we first talked at the basketball game, but it was years later he told me about it.
Martha lugged out a tattered game of Monopoly.
I'll send you this video game I'm addicted to, Jule offered.
Imagine, he's even considering playing this game, and in some foreign country!
She clung to one of the warriors, attempting to climb him as the cat-like critter-- convinced it was a game-- wagged its tail and chased her around the large man in the center of the room.
To her surprise, what appeared to be a video game popped into 3D life in the center of the table.
The video game showed two holograms at once, a space battle and a land battle.
I am not going to play this game.
Oh, is that the game we were playing?
When we first played this game two or three days ago, she showed no ingenuity at all in finding the object.
At first it was still a game.
This is your game.
Dean was sure that, deep down, she thought whacking at a ball or chasing one someone else clobbered was an extended children's game and certainly not a worthwhile profession.
We met at a school basketball game.
They sat on the bed, playing a card game.
Of the two soups he chose turtle with savory patties and went on to the game without omitting a single dish or one of the wines.
Betsy was thrilled to lead the game.
Pierre glanced up from the game he played on his iPhone as she passed him.
It's too bad the game department was unable to get out here to get the mother when she was alive.
He despised her video game playing and art, instead saying she needed a man capable of keeping her feet on the ground long enough for her to focus on doing something real with her life.
He added with a smile, "You know my feelings on this entire game."
Sasha wasn.t that stupid, though Kris wondered what game his brother played.
Excited to see that even this world had video games, she sat in the chair behind the buttons and screen, studying all three in an attempt to figure out how the game worked.
We're still in the game.
In the middle of the game, the officers saw some wagons approaching with fifteen hussars on their skinny horses behind them.
Alex didn't like highly spiced food, so she decided to bake Cornish game hens for the base of the meal.
It's the hunter that throws nature out of balance, selecting only the best game.
Quinn, sensing his wife's discomfort, changed the subject back to the game.
On Saturday we took in a Broadway show and Sunday a baseball game.
I can vouch for myself but going out on the limb for someone else is a whole different ball game.
A simple reconnoiter until I have all the pieces to my chess game.
And delight of delights; there's a pretty young girl in the game!
Knowing the players in this game of chance is certainly taxing.
He watched her until verifying where she went before returning to the game.
He was amused at whatever game he played as he closed the distance between them once more.
Might give you an advantage with him if you're willing to play the seduction game.
To Dean, the tunnel was even more claustrophobic as he hunched forward, taking baby steps like a second grade schoolyard game.
Dean had to admit—never out loud—that Fred O'Connor was far ahead in this junk collecting game.
In his mind, anyone tied to the Dawkins, no matter how obliquely, was fair game.
It was a young man's—or woman's—game, although Dean doubted he'd have joined the contest, at least not willingly, even in his careless years.
I planned to let her game play itself out, but I don't want to see any bloodshed.
I thought it was a game.
I just don't want to be in the game.
Logan and Jared were in front of the television, talking about the basketball game.
This is a game your predecessor played very well.
She didn't ask for fear of discovering he was going to stop playing his keep-away game and offer her an arrangement she couldn't refuse.
The game consisted almost entirely of strategy, and it was dark outside before she realized how long she'd been at it.
The next morning, she went to the game room after her sparring session and sat the entire day, learning more and more about the game and experimenting with how the symbols on the keyboard interacted with the images before her.
The game room was the only place the sisters didn't bug her, and for the first time since being kidnapped by Evelyn and A'Ran, she found herself having fun.
Less than an hour after she'd started playing the game, the communicator lit up and beeped.
It's a very interesting game, though I don't understand how it works exactly.
Cynthia just ignored them, instead watching the younger, more civilized occupants of the room play their card game.
There was a moment of realization as he understood her brave actions, and then a snap as the line let loose and he tumbled backwards like some mortally wounded game bird shot from the sky, arms outstretched, scream muffled in his mask.
That was a game Dean had no intention of playing and the silence draped the room like a spring fog.
When they were about half way through the game he asked, "Do you think she will ever agree to stay for the full moon again?"
The Ground Game Act 1880, prohibits night shooting, or the use of spring traps above ground or poison.
The ruffed grouse and wild turkey are found in the wooded mountainous districts, while the quail (here called "partridge") is a game bird of the open stubble fields.
Large game is still very abundant west of the continental divide.
Gamble's quail, bob-white, grouse, English pheasants and wild turkeys are the most important game birds, and the mocking-bird is common throughout south-western New Mexico.
Many forms of game are forbidden; for example, all water-fowl.
Feathered game is abundant.
The game birds include quail ("Bob White") and partridges.
In the middle of a game at tipcat he paused, and stood staring wildly upwards with his stick in his hand.
Game and trout are plentiful; milk, butter, hams, hides and wool are exported, principally to France.
Other game have been so reduced in numbers as to require special protection.
Other game birds include the francolin, quail, guineafowl, sand-grouse, snipe, wild duck, wild goose, widgeon, teal, plover and rail.
This will be extremely useful, because the game, as they say, has just changed completely.
I took my "Reader for Beginners" and hunted for the words I knew; when I found them my joy was like that of a game of hide-and-seek.
Miss Sullivan and I kept up a game of guessing which taught me more about the use of language than any set lessons could have done.
The waves seemed to be playing a game with me, and tossed me from one to another in their wild frolic.
If I happen to be all alone and in an idle mood, I play a game of solitaire, of which I am very fond.
I often tell them stories or teach them a game, and the winged hours depart and leave us good and happy.
I do not mean that exactly, but I mean something which he might think a good deal like that; I mean that they should not play life, or study it merely, while the community supports them at this expensive game, but earnestly live it from beginning to end.
One hastens to southern Africa to chase the giraffe; but surely that is not the game he would be after.
What a saute of game au madere we are to have, my dear!
Boris, in the accurate way characteristic of him, was building a little pyramid of chessmen with his delicate white fingers while awaiting Berg's move, and watched his opponent's face, evidently thinking about the game as he always thought only of whatever he was engaged on.
He was silent in surprise once more, unable to understand how she might consider his battle plans nothing more than a complex game.
This … game, you do very well at it.
Gladys Turnbull was pounding away on a lap top computer in a corner of the parlor while young Martha and Donnie played a game of Old Maid on the sofa.
The children's game broke up and Martha began to don her coat to go home but Cynthia coaxed her to stay for supper.
Now he wants to try the breeding game one more time.
Like if I'm in a ball game, I'm the one who has the ground ball roll between my legs.
The trio, at Fred's direction, had played an ice-breaking game of pretending the backgrounds of the various other dinners.
Dean asked sharply, tired of Weller's game playing.
Having a child nowadays is tough enough but jumping in in the middle of the game is bewildering.
After the chores were finished, the group emigrated to the parlor for a game of Scrabble.
Donnie won the first game with "cant" which Dean questioned, unsuccessfully, assuming the boy meant the more common version, "can't," which was unacceptable.
She had joined the three hosts for a game of dominoes when Bird Song welcomed a new guest.
His head was not in the game.
They'd make it a game night or sit around getting wasted on twenty-year old scotch recounting countless, crazy times they had through the years.
I'll stay, you up for a game Jackson?
The two were well-matched opponents and their last game ended in stalemate.
Sarah suggested a game of Scrabble after dinner.
Elisabeth won the game and when they finished Sarah and Connor said goodnight.
If conversation is all you have in mind, why don't we go in and talk over a cup of coffee - maybe play a game or two with Katie.
Whatever Tim's intentions, he'd agreed to let her out of his political game.
Rhyn lowered his hand, the strange note in her voice warning him the game wasn't over.
Or if you and the girls want to play a game, we have a bunch of board games too.
The kid could have a future, at least get a college education out of the game.
Jeffrey Byrne asked about Randy's ball game and inquired about the mail.
He has a game this afternoon, too.
In spite of the relative lateness of the hour, a baseball game was still in progress.
The game finished but Dean ignored an impulse to introduce himself and chat with the boy.
Each took turns at this unconscious game and probably thought he or she communicated with the other.
I set the game up, pretend to tie one on.
I spent two years on the bench and never played a down until the last game of my junior year.
He couldn't believe he was stupid enough to play Vinnie's silly game.
He capsulized his session with Vinnie as he turned on the ball game.
I watched your game on Thursday.
The jerk couldn't even get it right—they'd only tied the game.
Later, when the game had run to silence, she became serious once more.
Sunday was a sleep-in-late kind of day, followed by a Phillies game on TV and a few naps in between mental re-hashes of the prior late-night conversation with Cynthia Byrne.
But we're going to beat them at their own game.
They ended up in the living room, watching a baseball game in which neither had a lick of interest.
Somewhere up there past the tree line were the four Elk Alex had coerced from the Game and Fish Commission.
Alex had written the Game and Fish Commissions in several western states, hoping for a chance at a mountain goat or sheep.
One day, she would beat him at his own game.
You're head's not in the game.
Whose head isn't in the game now?
The game was now his.
For the first time in her life, she thought she'd found someone she wasn't sure she could challenge without losing herself in the game.
He almost called off the game, but something in Jenn's dark eyes stopped him.
I don't know how else to say this, Jonny, but that's the game we're playing.
But this isn't a game you'll win.
They'd traveled over a fortnight on the king's largest ship, bearing silks, game, and swords to offer as gifts with the barbarians.
The stakes must be high - or maybe he simply enjoyed the game.
Two can play that game.
The sharp masculine voice cut their game short.
We're going to play a new game.
We should start another game called, let's tell my babysitter what I erased from the calendar.
It was a game to him, she knew.
This isn't a game, Jessi.
You thinking you're gonna win this game.
Xander caught her with one arm, enjoying the game of cat-and-mouse she was unwittingly playing.
There was no way in hell it was going to be her, not with all he'd revealed during their secrets game.
Enjoying their game of tug-of-war, he released her.
He'd never lost this game, and it amused him to no end that the woman in the seat beside him was beating him every night.
Jessi wanted to cry again, but wasn't about to, not when she had to keep her game face on for Xander.
She was debating whether there was a polite way to tell him she was done with his game and how likely he was to stalk her and the cousins, until he got what he wanted.
He was surrounded by intriguers who were playing a game of their own, and for some time he appeared almost disposed to be as reactionary as his great-uncle Abbas I.
Among other objects also known by the name of "cat" is the small piece of wood pointed at either end used in the game of tip-cat, and the instrument of punishment, generally known as the "cat o' nine tails."
Another MS. of the same century has a picture - crude, but spirited - which brings us into close touch with the existing game.
In Mary's reign (1555) the licences were withdrawn, the queen or her advisers deeming the game an excuse for "unlawful assemblies, conventicles, seditions and conspiracies."
This passage is interesting also as showing that women were accustomed to play the game in those days.
It is pleasant to think that there is foundation for the familiar story of Sir Francis Drake playing bowls on Plymouth Hoe as the Armada was beating up Channel, and finishing his game before tackling the Spaniards.
When John Knox visited Calvin at Geneva one Sunday, it is said that he discovered him engaged in a game; and John Aylmer (1521-1594), though bishop of London, enjoyed a game of a Sunday afternoon, but used such language "as justly exposed his character to reproach."
During his stay at the Northamptonshire village of Holdenby or Holmby - where Sir Thomas Herbert complains the green was not well kept - Charles frequently rode over to Lord Vaux's place at Harrowden, or to Lord Spencer's at Althorp, for a game, and, according to one account, was actually playing on the latter green when Cornet Joyce came to Holmby to remove him to other quarters.
But the earlier clubs did nothing towards organizing the game.
It was in this sense that Scottish bowlers saved the game.
In Ireland the game took root very gradually, but in Ulster, owing doubtless to constant intercourse with Scotland, such clubs as have been founded are strong in numbers and play.
On the European continent the game can scarcely be said to be played on scientific principles.
The game is obviously bowls, the sole difference being that an upright peg, about 4 in.
Serious efforts to organize the game were made in the last quarter of the 19th century, but this time the lead came from Australia.
The visits to the United Kingdom of properly organized teams of bowlers from Australia and New Zealand in 1901 and from Canada in 1904 demonstrated that the game had gained enormously in popularity.
It is the game on the perfectly level green that constitutes the historical game of bowls.
The Queen's Park and Titwood clubs in Glasgow have each three greens, and as they can quite comfortably play six rinks on each, it is not uncommon to see 144 players making their game simultaneously.
In theory the game of bowls is very simple, the aim of the player being to roll his bowl so as to cause it to rest nearer to the jack than his opponent's, or to protect a well-placed bowl, or to dislodge a better bowl than his own.
On all good greens the game is played in rinks of four a side, there being, however, on the part of many English clubs still an adherence to the old-fashioned method of two and three a side rinks.
The leader has to place the mat, to throw the jack, to count the game, and to call the result of each end or head to the skip who is at the other end of the green.
His official duty is to mark the game on the scoring card when the leader announces the result.
In English practice the leader is entitled to a second throw if he fail to roll a On Scottish greens the game of points is frequently played, but it is rarely seen on English greens.
There are four sections in the game, namely, drawing, guarding, trailing and driving.
A "toucher" bowl is a characteristic of the Scottish game to which great exception is taken by many English clubs.
It is obvious that the points game demands an ideally perfect green.
Mitchell, Manual of Bowl-playing (Glasgow, 1880); Laws of the Game issued by the Scottish B.A.
Abisares preferred to play a double game and wait upon events.
This region abounds in big game and birds are plentiful.
Just as the latter afterwards makes Nathan the Wise and Saladin meet over the chess-board, so did Lessing and Mendelssohn actually come together as lovers of the game.
There are also many kinds of game birds, pigeons, ducks, geese, plovers and quails.
Stringent rules, too, governed the food of women and the youth of both sexes, and it was only after initiation that boys were allowed to eat of all the game the forest provided.
They neither plant nor have they any manufactures except their rude bamboo and rattan vessels, the fish and game traps which they set with much skill, and the bows, blow-pipes and bamboo spears with which they and the produce of their hunting and fishing.
The ruffed grouse (or "partridge") is the most common of game birds, but woodcock, ducks and geese are quite common.
There is a state fish and game commissioner, and the state has a fish hatchery at Roxbury and a forest and game farm at Sharon.
The administrative officers of the state are a governor, a lieutenantgovernor, a secretary of state, a state treasurer, and an auditor of accounts, elected by popular vote, and an inspector of finance, a commissioner of taxes, a superintendent of education, a fish and game commissioner, three railroad commissioners, and various boards and commissions, of whom some are elected by the General Assembly and some are appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of the Senate.
His successors, Rachis and Aistolf, attempted to follow the same game of conquest.
But from this time forward they laid down their arms, and played the game of warfare by the aid of mercenaries.
Their generals substituted heavy-armed cavalry for the old militia, and introduced systems of campaigning which reduced the art of war to a game of skill.
Whatever parts the Italians themselves played in the succeeding quarter of a century, the game was in the hands of French, Spanish and German invaders.
When the pursuit of game becomes the chief occupation of a people there is of necessity a higher development of courage, skill, powers of observation and invention; and these qualities are still further enhanced in predatory tribes who take by force the food, clothing and other property prepared or collected by a feebler people.
Mansel tried (1858) to play Pascal's game on Kantian principles, developing the sceptical side of 'Kant's many-faceted mind.
The other part comprehends inner Persis lying northwards; it enjoys a pleasant climate and has fertile and well-watered plains, gardens with trees of all kinds, rich pasturages and forests abounding with game; with the exception of the olive all fruits are produced in profusion, particularly the vine.
It is full of fish, and the neighbouring country, though barren and uncultivated, contains quantities of game.
Fish and game are plentiful, and the silkworm is bred in the warmer districts.
In the absence of its native records its relations with Palestine are not always clear, but it may be supposed that amid varying political changes it was able to play a double game.
They were not even a pawn in the game which Antiochus proposed to play with Rome for the possession of Greece and Asia Minor.
Among the more common species of game are squirrels, opossums, musk-rats, rabbits, racoons, wild turkeys, ", partridges" (quail, or Bob White), geese, and ducks; deer, black bears, grey (or timber) wolves, black wolves and "wild cats" (lynx), once common, have become rare.
They are famous, too, as hunters of big game, attacking even elephants with sword and spear.
Amongst its chief recommendations were those relating to amendments in the Agricultural Holdings Acts, and to tithe rentcharge, railway rates, damage by game, sale of adulterated products, and sale of imported goods (meat, for example) as home produce.
When young its spreading boughs form good cover for game.
The parallel extends even to the secret negotiations; for, if Austria could have been induced in May 1807 to send an army against Napoleon's communications, his position would have been fully as dangerous as before Austerlitz if Prussia had taken a similar step. Once more he triumphed owing to the timidity of the central power which had the game in its hands; and the folly which marked the Russian tactics at Friedland (14th of June 1807), as at Austerlitz, enabled him to close the campaign in a blaze of glory and shiver the coalition in pieces.
Elliot, Gallinaceous Game Birds of North America (New York, 1897) and Wild Fowl of the United States and British Possessions (1898), and Robert Ridgway's learned and invaluable Birds of North and Middle America, published by the Smithsonian Institution, Bull.
Some of the islets were still uninhabited, covered with a dense low growth which served as cover for game and even for wolves.
Inland streams and lakes are well supplied with game fish; state laws prohibit the sale of game fish and their being taken, except with hook and line.
An agricultural lease does not, apart from stipulation, confer any right to kill game, other than hares and rabbits (as to which, see the Ground Game Act 1880, and Game Laws) or any right of fishing.
The Crusade lost its élan when it became a move in a political game.
There are no large game birds, but song birds and doves are numerous on the mountains, and flamingoes and other water-birds frequent the coast.
Moreover, the higher problems of rhythmic movement in the classical sonata forms are far beyond the scope of academic teaching; which is compelled to be contented with a practical plausibility of musical design; and the instrumental music which was considered the highest style of art in 18 3 0 was as far beyond Wagner's early command of such plausibility as it was obviously already becoming a mere academic game.
Lastly, the rules of that game were useless on the stage, and Wagner soon found in Meyerbeer a master of grand opera who was dazzling the world by means which merely disgusted the more serious academic musicians of the day.
Mention is made of nets and snares, but the dog does not seem to have been used in the pursuit of game.
In the early periods of their history the Greeks depended too much on their nets to capture game, and it was not until later times that they pursued their prey with dogs, and then not with greyhounds, which run by sight, but with beagles, the dwarf hound which is still very popular.
They are fed on fish, game and meat.
Field spaniels are excellent shooting dogs, and are readily trained to give notice of the proximity of game.
Setters owe their name to their having been trained originally to crouch when marking game, so as to admit of the net with which the quarry was taken being drawn over their heads.
Since the general adoption of shooting in place of netting or bagging game, setters have been trained to act as pointers.
Pointers are employed to mark game for guns, and are especially' useful in low cover such as that afforded by turnip fields.
Among game birds are three varieties of bustard, guinea fowl, partridges, sand grouse and wild geese.
They are great hunters and use small poisoned arrows to bring down their game.
He loved riding and walking, was an expert swimmer and enjoyed a game at tennis.
The destruction of game, recklessly carried out under Turkish rule, is prevented by the laws of 1880, 1883 and 1893, which enforced a close time, and rendered shooting-licences necessary.
The preservation of game is now enforced.
The dehesas or moorlands abound in game, and fish are plentiful in all the streams. The mineral resources of the province, which are considerable, were known to some extent to the ancients.
Cattle-rearing is not well developed, but game and fish are plentiful.
Among the wild animals found in the mountains are elephant, rhinoceros, bison and various kinds of feathered game.
The gallinaceous birds are well represented, especially in game birds.
In winter the game of curling is played on Duddingston Loch, and Dunsappie, St Margaret's Loch, Lochend and other sheets of water are covered with skaters.
Among the larger birds are cranes, herons, the ibis, storks, eagles, vultures, falcons, hawks, kites, owls, the secretary birds, pelicans, flamingoes, wild duck and geese, gulls, and of game birds, the paauw, koraan, pheasant, partridge, guinea fowl and quail.
Among the rodents there are hares, marmots, beavers, squirrels, rats and mice, the last in enormous swarms. Of the larger game the chamois and deer are specially noticeable.
Lord's, as it is called, is the headquarters of the M.C.C. (Marylebone Cricket Club), the governing body of the game; here are played the home matches of this club and of the Middlesex County Cricket Club, the Oxford and Cambridge, Eton and Harrow, and other well-known fixtures.
When first entered by white men the Transvaal abounded in big game, the lion, leopard, elephant, giraffe, zebra and rhinoceros being very numerous, while the hippopotamus and crocodile were found in all the rivers.
To preserve the native fauna the low country on the Portuguese frontier has been made a game reserve.
Game is plentiful and the rivers swarm with fish.
They were distinguished by their mode of hunting, climbing a tree to survey their game, and then pursuing it with trained horses and dogs.
Although Voltaire had neither the perfect versification of Racine nor the noble poetry of Corneille, he surpassed the latter certainly, and the former in the opinion of some not incompetent judges, in playing the difficult and artificial game of the French tragedy.
In Pall Mall and the neighbouring Mall in St James' Park is found the title of a game resembling croquet.
In the Crystal Palace grounds the final match for the English Association Football cup is generally played, and huge crowds from both the metropolis and the provinces witness the game.
The citizens of London were a divided body, and Duke William knowing that he had many friends in the city saw that a waiting game was the best for his cause in the end.
Even the vast forest of Middlesex, with its densely wooded thickets, its coverts of game, stags, fallow deer, boars and wild bulls is pressed into the description to give a contrast which shall enhance the beauty of the city itself.
The great kori bustard, the koorhan, turkey buzzards (known as insingisi), wild duck, and paauw are among the game birds.
The first vortex dilates and moves slower, while the second contracts and shoots through the first; after which the motion is reversed periodically, as if in a game of leap-frog.
Among game birds the bustard, guinea fowl, sand grouse (kata), blue rock, green pigeon, partridge, including a large chikor (akb) and a small species similar to the Punjab sisi; quail and several kinds of duck and snipe are met with.
For the composition of the uta gradually deteriorated from the end ofthe 9th century, when a game called uta-awase became a fashionable pastime, and aristocratic men and women tried to string together versicles of 31 syllables, careful of the form and careless of the thought.
The uta-awase, in its later developments, may not unjustly be compared to the Occidental game of bouts-rimis.
This is called go-no-me-namako, because of its resemblance to the disposition of chequers in the Japanese game of go.
Of game, deer, wild boars, hares, snipe and partridges are fairly abundant, while the mountain streams yield trout of excellent quality.
Fish and game are also plentiful.
But Fox was soon convinced that the French ministers were playing a false game.
The harsh treatment of the Hanoverian demands was inspired by him, and won favour with the queen, while Oxford's influence declined; and by his support of the Schism Bill in May 1714, a violent Tory measure forbidding all education by dissenters by making an episcopal licence obligatory for schoolmasters, he probably intended to compel Oxford to give up the game.
He was peculiarly adapted for the wise and skilful treatment of difficult problems in the spirit of an international set, playing the great game of diplomacy with grace and honour.
The tree vegetation consists rather of jungle or copse than forest, abounding in game which is preserved by the native chiefs.
The Texas game birds consist chiefly of plover, snipe, teal, mallard and wild geese.
Revenue is chiefly derived from hut and poll taxes, R customs, wharfage dues, game licences and land tax.
Of game birds the most characteristic is the partridge (ruffed grouse), exclusively a woodland bird; the Wilson's snipe and the woodcock are not uncommon in favourable localities, and several species of ducks are found especially in the bays and marshes near the coast during the seasons of migration.
Very interesting to ornithologists are the few heath hens, the eastern representative of the prairie hen (pinnated grouse), which are found on the island of Martha's Vineyard, and are the sole survivors in the eastern states of one of the finest of American game birds, now practically exterminated even on the western plains.
The introduction into England of the game of golf is traditionally placed here in 1608, and attributed to King James I.
Despite D'Erlon's misadventure the emperor had the game still in his hands, for Ney's failure had actually placed the AngloDutch army in a precarious position.
He was still determined to play the game out to the bitter end, and involve Wellington and Billow's corps in a common ruin.
Of small game, hares, jungle fowl, peacocks, partridges, snipe, woodcock, wild ducks and geese, and green pigeons are numerous in the tarai, and jungle fowl and pheasants in the hills.
Owing to the varied and beautiful scenery, this is a favourite summer resort; the game of the forests and the fishing in the streams and in the multitude of lakes serve as further attractions.
The original varieties of trees still abound, though in less numbers, on lands illadapted to agriculture, and in the Adirondack and Catskill Mountains, where the state has established forest preserves, and the Forest, Fish and Game Commissioner began reforesting in 1901, principally with pine, spruce and larch.
Of the fur and game animals which were inhabitants of the primeval forests few of the larger species remain except in the Adirondack region.
The moose, the elk and the beaver have been placed under the protection of the Forest, Fish and Game Commissioner.
Game birds include ducks, geese, plovers, snipe, loons, grebes, terns, rails, the woodcock and the ruffed grouse; quails are scarce except on Long Island, where a number or young birds are liberated each year, and by the same mea 's a supply of pheasants is maintained in some parts of the state.
There is a state game bird farm (1909) near Sherburne in Chenango county.
Under the present system, therefore, there is a biennial election (in even-numbered years) of a governor, a lieutenant-governor, a secretary of state, a state comptroller, a state treasurer, an attorney-general and a state engineer and surveyor; and the governor appoints, subject to the approval of the Senate, a superintendent of public works, a superintendent of state prisons, a superintendent of insurance, a superintendent of banks, a commissioner of excise, a commissioner of agriculture, a forest, fish and game commissioner, a commissioner of health, a commissioner of labour, a state architect, a state historian, a state librarian, two public service commissions, a civil service commission, a board of charities, a commission of prisons, a commission in lunacy, three tax commissioners and several other boards and commissions.
Trained in a school where the principles of responsible government were still in an embryonic state, where the adroit management of coalitions and cabals was essential to the life of a political party, and where plots and counterplots were looked upon as a regular part of the political game, he acquired a dexterity and skill in managing men that finally gave him an almost autocratic power among his political followers.
The blue grouse and partridge are the principal game birds.
Among other game birds are prairie-chickens, ducks, geese, swan, brant, sandhill crane and snipe.
The speckled trout, which abounds in nearly all of the mountain streams and lakes, is the principal game fish.
For all the more desirable game a close season has been established by the state.
Big game was then abundant.
The immigrant farmers ruthlessly shot down game of all kinds and most of the animals named were exterminated, so far as the province was concerned.
Both by sea and by land, such strategy was an exceedingly difficult game to play.
After he had minutely arranged the Eastern Detachment in a series of rearguard positions, so that each fraction of it could contribute a little to the game of delaying the enemy before retiring on the positions next in rear, the commander of the detachment, Zasulich, told him that " it was not the custom of a knight of the order of St George to retreat," and Kuropatkin did not use his authority to recall the general, who, whether competent or not, obviously misunderstood his mission.
Black-tailed mule deer are still favourite game for sportsmen.
The president's uncle, Robert Barnwell Roosevelt (1829-1906), was a New York lawyer, New York state fish commissioner in 1866-68, a member of the Committee of Seventy which exposed the corruption of Tammany in New York City, a Democratic member of the national House of Representatives in 1871-73, U.S. minister to the Netherlands in 1888, and author of works on American game birds and fish.
His African Game Trails, the record of his scientific hunting expedition in Africa in 1909-10, is much more than a narrative of adventures on a wild continent.
Besides being famous as a hunter of big game, he was a skilful horseman and a good tennis player.
Clowes; The Rough Riders (1899); Oliver Cromwell (1901); the following works on hunting and natural history, Hunting Trips of a Ranchman (1886), Ranch Life and Hunting Trail (1888), The Wilderness Hunter (1893), Big Game Hunting in the Rockies and on the Plains (1899; a republication of Hinting Trips of a Ranchman and The Wilderness Hunter), The Deer Family (1902), with other authors, and African Game Trails (1910); and the essays, American Ideals (2 vols., 1897) and The Strenuous Life (1900); and State Papers and Addresses (1905) and African and European Addresses (1910).
Game is fairly abundant; hares and partridges are found in the plains to the north-west, capercailzie in the neighbourhood of Tharandt and Schwarzenberg, and deer in the forests near Dresden.
Large game within the state is practically extinct.
The islands are highly cultivated; deer and other game abound, and trout are plentiful in the mountain streams. A majority of the inhabitants are Christians.
Few countries are so well stocked with big game as is Siam.
The Ardennes are the holiday ground of the Belgian people, and much of this region is still unknown except to the few persons who by a happy chance have discovered its remoter and hitherto well-guarded charms. There is still an immense quantity of wild game to be found in the Ardennes, including red and roe deer, wild boar, &c. The shooting is preserved either by the few great landed proprietors left in the country, or by the communes, who let the right of shooting to individuals.
There are athletic institutions, and football is quite a popular game.
He has left The Game of Chess, an imitation of Vida, and Proporzec albo hold pruski (The Standard or Investiture of Prussia), where he describes the fealty done by Albert of Brandenburg to Sigismund Augustus.
The Khartum Zoological Gardens are free to the public and are under the control of the municipality, but the collection of animals is under the Game Preservation Department.
In the larger gardens, however, the greater part of the space is engaged by a few extensive enclosures for herds of herbivorous animals, and where no attempt is made to associate the function of a game reserve with that of a menagerie a smaller area is quite satisfactory.
Among the social clubs of the city are the Queen City Club, organized in 1874; the Phoenix Club, organized in 1856 and the leading Jewish club in the city; the Cuvier Club, organized in 1871 and originally an association of hunters and anglers for the preservation of game and fish; the Cincinnati Club, the Business Men's Club, the University Club, the Art Club, and the Literary Club, of the last of which many prominent men, including President Hayes, have been members.
There are two main varieties; in one luck alone prevails, since the player has no choice of play but must follow strict rules; in the other an opportunity is given for the display of skill and judgment, as the player has the choice of several plays at different stages of the game.
In other varieties of Patience the object is to make pairs, which are then discarded, the game being brought to a successful conclusion when all the cards have been paired; or to pair cards which will together make certain numbers, and then discard as before.
From that time he played a losing game.
Of the larger game there remain only a few deer, bears and lynx in the mountain districts, and the numbers of small game and fish have been greatly reduced.
The early settlers and the Indians came to the springs to shoot large game for food, and by boiling the waters the settlers obtained valuable supplies of salt.
Next in importance comes the timber trade; game is also plentiful.
Game is plentiful, and the fisheries on the coast are excellent.
The favourite game of patolli has been already mentioned for its similarity to the pachisi of modern India.
How closely related some of the Central-American nations were in institutions to the Mexicans appears, not only in their using the same peculiar weapons, but in the similarity of their religious rites; the connexion is evident in such points as the ceremony of marriage by tying together the garments of the couple, or in holding an offender's face over burning chillies as a punishment; the native legends of Central America make mention of the royal ball-play, which was the same as the Mexican game of tlachtli already mentioned.
Rabbits, squirrels, raccoons, woodcock and quail are also common game.
Abandoned farms were advertised as suitable for country homes, and within fifteen years about two thousand were bought; and the carriage roads were improved, game preserved and the interests of visitors studied.
Such a state of affairs is produced by the march of civilization into the " hinterlands " of the various colonies, when man, together with the numerous domesticated animals which accompany him, is brought into proximity to big game, &c., and, what is equally important, into the zone of the particular blood-sucking insects which prey upon the same.
Here in the spring the half-dozen or more coyote pups are brought forth; and it is said that at this season the old ones systematically drive any large game they may be chasing as near to their burrow, where the young coyotes are waiting to be fed, as possible before killing it, in order to save the labour of dragging it any great distance.
When hunting antelope (prongbuck) and deer the coyotes spread out their pack into a wide circle, endeavouring to surround their game and keep it running inside their ring until exhausted.
Game, birds of prey and fish are plentiful.
They have many games and sports, including boxing, wrestling (both in and out of water), hill-sliding, spear-throwing, and a game of bowls played with stone discs.
The woods and mountains harbour large quantities of game, such as red deer, roedeer, wild boars and hares.
Under the protection of a game commission which was created in 1895, of some game preserves which have been established by this commission, and of various laws affecting wild animals and birds, the numbers of Virginia deer, black bear, rabbits, ruffed grouse, quail and wild turkeys have increased until in some of the wilder sections they are quite plentiful, while the numbers of weasels, minks, lynx and foxes have been diminished.
The game birds include the ruffed grouse, quail and English pheasant (which have increased rapidly under protection), besides woodcock, snipe, many species of ducks and a few Canada geese.
To gamekeepers and those interested in the preservation of game, all animals such as the pole-cat, weasel, stoat, hawks, owls, &c., which destroy the eggs or young of preserved birds, are classed as "vermin," and the same term includes rats, mice, &c. It is also the collective name given to all those disgusting and objectionable insects that infest human beings, houses, &c., when allowed to be in a filthy and unsanitary condition, such as bugs, fleas, lice, &c.
Trade is in cattle, agricultural produce, wine, baskets and game.
The number of restaurants and similar places of evening resort is very great, and there are several public courts where the Basque game of pelota can be witnessed.
Into society he rarely went, and his only amusement was a game of bowls on Thursday afternoons.
The policy of the government which protects game, both in the park and in the surrounding national forests, has induced elk, deer, antelope, mountain-sheep, bears, porcupines, coyotes, squirrels, gophers and woodchucks to take shelter here.
Gardens of large extent should be encircled by an outer boundary, which is often formed by a sunk wall or ha-ha surrounded by an invisible wire fence to exclude ground game, or consists of a hedge with low wire fence on its inner side.
The forests are well stocked with game, deer, chamois (in the Alps), wild boars, capercailzie, grouse, pheasants, &c. being plentiful.
There is a large trade in cattle with Petropavlovsk, and considerable export of grain, tallow, meat, hides, butter, game and fish, there being three large fairs in the year.
Nearly all the kinds of game mentioned are found chiefly in the western and southern districts.
Red deer, wild swine and various other game are found in the forests.
For the most part he steals upon it in the manner of a cat, or ambushes himself near to the water or a pathway frequented by game.
He, moreover, by no means limits himself to animals of his own killing, but, according to Selous, often prefers eating game that has been killed by man, even when not very fresh, to taking the trouble to catch an animal himself.
Wild animals, especially bears, are numerous, but prior to 1896 the fish and game had been almost exterminated by indiscriminate slaughter.
Menier, the French chocolate manufacturer, who converted the island into a game preserve, and attempted to develop its resources of lumber, peat and minerals.
Wallis, on his side, was not less ready to keep up the game in English than he had been to begin it in Latin.
Of game there are the roe, stag, boar and hare; the fallow deer and the wild rabbit are less common.
But his interest was in the fascinating game of diplomacy; he was ambitious of playing the leading part on the great stage of international politics; and he was too consummate a courtier to risk the loss of the imperial favour by any insistence on unpalatable reforms, which, after all, would perhaps only reveal the necessity for the complete revolution which he feared.
In the next session (1845) he moved for an inquiry into the operation of the Game Laws.
In 1848 he voted for Hume's household suffrage motion, and introduced a bill for the repeal of the Game Laws.
In the meanwhile Tissaphernes began to play a double game with the object of wasting the strength of the combatants.
The animals of Nigeria include the elephant, lion, leopard, giraffe, hyena, West-African buffalo, many kinds of antelope and gazelle and smaller game.
Finally, the Wild Birds Protection Acts 1880 to 1904, with various game acts (see Game Laws), extend the protection of the law to wild birds.
As a rule, however, they are so wary and suspicious that they are very difficult to approach, and their haunts are so well stocked with fish and other game that they make off and hide rather than attack a man swimming in their waters.
Hunting, Fishing, &c.In the desert hunting was carried on by hunters with bows and arrows, dogs and nets to check the game.
Bears, wolves, foxes, boars and various varieties of game are found, and on some of the mountains the chamois.
These tracts remain still, as of old, sparsely inhabited and given over to the breeding of stock and the pursuit of game.
But the abolition of the law of hypothec in 1879 - under which the landlord had a lien for rent upon the produce of the land, the cattle and sheep fed on it, and the live stock and implements used in husbandry - the Ground Game Act of 1880, the sevekal Agricultural Holdings Acts, and the construction of light railways improved matters and established a better understanding.
With regard to the ancient Egyptians, however, we learn that the huntsmen Historic constituted an entire sub-division of the great second Field dresses and furniture were ornamented with similar subjects.2 The game pursued included the lion, the wild ass, the gazelle and the hare, and the implements chiefly employed seem to have been the javelin and the bow.
The Assyrian kings also maintained magnificent parks, or "paradises," in which game of every kind was enclosed; and perhaps it was from them that the Persian sovereigns borrowed the practice mentioned both by Xenophon in the Cyropaedia and by Curtius.
Lions, leopards, lynxes, panthers and bears are also specially mentioned among the large game; sometimes they were taken in pitfalls, sometimes speared by mounted horsemen.
The game was sought in the open deserts which border on both sides the valley of the Nile; but (by the wealthy) sometimes in enclosed spaces into which the animals had been driven or in preserves.
The Conqueror himself "loved the high game as if he were their father"; and the penalty for the unauthorized slaughter of a hart or hind was loss of both eyes.
These extracts do not finally decide the point, because both Mr Boothby's and Lord Arundel's hounds may have hunted other game besides fox, just as in Edward IV.'s time there were "fox dogs" though not kept exclusively for fox.
Should the otter be transfixed by a spear, the person who threw it goes into the water and raises the game over his head on the spear's point.
Surveying the questions connected with landed property, with the game laws, the poor, the Established Church, especially in Ireland, he expressed grave doubt on the legislative capacity of the English parliament as compared with the power of renovation manifested in other states of western Europe.
The rock is a favourite material for curling-stones, about three-fourths (according to estimate) of those in use in the countries where the game obtains being made of it.
Owing to the restricted period allowed for hunting, deer and small game are abundant, and the brooks, rivers, ponds and lakes are well stocked with trout and black bass.
Lumbering is an important industry, but it has been much restricted by the creation of a state forest preserve, containing in 1907, 1,401,482 acres, and by the purchase of large tracts for game preserves and recreation grounds by private clubs.
Golf he did not take up till comparatively late in life; and, though he became keen on the game, he never attained more than a moderate proficiency.
Pigeons, partridges, quail, plover, duck, teal, sheldrake, widgeon - all of many varieties - complete the list of small game.
But when the European war broke out again in the following year, Napoleon (then first consul) became very exacting in his demands on King Ferdinand, who consequently played a double game, appearing to accede to these demands while negotiating with England.
In the wild state it does great damage among poultry, and frequently makes off with the young of swine and sheep. When hunted it makes a determined resistance, and emits a scent so strong as even to sicken the dogs, who nevertheless are exceedingly fond of the sport, and cannot be got to pursue any other game while the stench of the zibeth is in their nostrils.
Their food consists principally of game, roots and wild fruits.
The fauna is not so varied as was formerly the case, large game having been to a great extent driven out of the coast regions.
The game, which is abundant, consisting of blackcock and grouse, is strictly preserved.
They thrive in the Wyoming streams and rivers and are superior game fish.
Game is plentiful, and the rivers abound in fish, specially trout.
Guicciardini could play the game to perfection.
After the murder of Duke Alessandro in 1537, Guicciardini espoused the cause of Cosimo de' Medici, a boy addicted to field sports, and unused to the game of statecraft.
Wars were conducted on a showy system by means of mercenaries, who played a safe game in the field and developed a system of bloodless campaigns.
That the animal now occurs in a wild state is no argument whatever as to its being indigenous, seeing that a domesticated breed introduced by man into a new country abounding in game would almost certainly revert to the wild state.
These parks are frequented by great quantities of large game, and - especially the North and Middle - are famous hunting-grounds.
Considerable bands of antelope live in the parks and even descend to the eastern plains, and the mule-deer, the most common of large game, is abundant all through the mountains of the west.
Rarest of all is the magnificent mountain sheep. Game is protected zealously, i not successfully, by the state, and it was officially estimated in 1898 that there were then probably 7000 elk, as many mountain sheep, 25,000 antelope and roo,000 deer within its borders (by far the greatest part in Routt and Rio Blanco counties).
A tract of forest jungle, called the tarai, stretches along the extreme north of the district, and teems with large game, such as tigers, bears, deer, wild pigs, &c. The river Sarda or Gogra forms the eastern boundary of the district and is the principal stream.
But Job himself, or whosoever was the justest judge, by such hunting for matters against him as hath been used against me, may for a time seem foul, specially in a time when greatness is the mark and accusation is the game."
Wild game is plentiful; pheasants, partridges, snipe and water-fowl of many descriptions make the country a tempting field for the sportsman.
In the coniferous forests the black grouse, hazel grouse and willow grouse, capercailzie and woodcock are the principal game birds; the crane is found in marshy clearings, birds of prey are numerous, and the Siberian jay in the north and the common jay in the south are often heard.
Athletic sports are in high favour, especially such winter sports as snow-shoeing (ski), and, among ball games, lawn-tennis, and to some extent football, together with the game of park, peculiar to Gotland, are played.
But it soon became evident that the Caps were playing a losing game; and, when the Riksdag met at Norrkoping on the 19th of April, they found themselves in a minority in all four estates.
The idea of the active capitalist having any duties towards his employes never seems to occur to him; the labourer is, in fact, merely an instrument in the hands of the capitalist, a pawn in the game he plays.
Among the game birds are quails ("Bob White"), "partridges" (ruffed grouse), ducks, geese, woodcocks, snipes and plovers.
Korra(30s), a game of skill for a long time in great vogue at ancient Greek drinking parties, especially in the 4th and sth centuries B.C. It is frequently alluded to by the classical writers of the period, and not seldom depicted on ancient vases.
The thrower, in the ordinary form of the game, was expected to retain the recumbent position that was usual at table, and, in flinging the cottabus, to make use of his right hand only.
To succeed in the aim no small amount of dexterity was required, and unusual ability in the game was rated as high as corresponding excellence in throwing the javelin.
Various modifications of the original principle of the game were gradually introduced, but for practical purposes we may reckon two varieties.
The discovery (by Professor Helbig in 1886) of two sets of actual apparatus near Perugia and various representations on vases help to elucidate the somewhat obscure accounts of the method of playing the game contained in the scholia and certain ancient authors who, it must not be forgotten, wrote at a time when the game itself had become obsolete, and cannot therefore be looked to for a trustworthy description of it.
The game appears to have been of Sicilian origin, but it spread through Greece from Thessaly to Rhodes, and was especially fashionable at Athens.
He investigated the trade prospects at Bear Island, and recommended his patrons to seek higher game in Newland; hence he may be called the father of the English whale-fisheries at Spitzbergen.
Large game has almost disappeared.
Among game birds are various species of ducks, the quail, or " Bob White," and the woodcock.
The efforts of the British minister to defeat the French marriages of the Spanish princesses, by an appeal to the treaty of Utrecht and the other powers of Europe, were wholly unsuccessful; France won the game, though with no small lost of honourable reputation.
History became the tragic spectacle of a game of dupes - the real movers being priests, kings or warriors.
Maine are exceptionally well adapted; many of them abound in trout, salmon, togue, black bass and pickerel; and near them there is still much game.
The game in the North Woods attracts large numbers of sportsmen during the autumn season.
In elephant-hunting iron bullets weighing a quarter of a pound are used; throwing-clubs are employed for small game, and lions are hunted with the spear.
Its policy was to discourage colonization so as to maintain the territory in which it operated as a vast game preserve.
The game birds include quail (Bob White), ruffed grouse and a few pinnated grouse (once very plentiful, then nearly exterminated, but now apparently reappearing under strict protection), and such water birds as the mallard duck, wood duck, blueand green-winged teals, Wilson's snipe, and greater and lesser yellow legs (snipe).
The game fish include the bass (small-mouth and large-mouth), brook trout, pike, pickerel, and muskallonge, and there are many other large and small food fishes.
It was raging from 1088 to 1091, and again from 1093 to 1096, when Robert tired of the losing game, pawned his duchy to his brother and went off on the First Crusade.
Tyler demanded that all differences of rank and status should cease, that all church lands should be confiscated and divided up among the laity, that the game laws should be abolished, and that no lord should any longer hold lordship except civilly.
But the council, still backed by the nation, refused to give up the game; Burgundy was beaten off from Calais, and the youngduke of York, the heir of the Mortimers, took the command at Rouen, and recovered much of what had been lost on the Norman side.
The English fought out the losing game with a wonderful obstinacy.
Whether he was the tool of other and more highly placed malcontents, or whether he was simply a ready-witted adventurer playing his own game, it is hard to determine.
Amid these distractions the king had an easy game to play.
The abundance of game made the region between the lakes and the Mississippi a favourite hunting ground of the Indians, and later a productive field for the trapper and fur trader.
The song-birds are well represented in the hermit thrush, wood thrush, Wilson's thrush (or veery), brown thrasher, robin, blue bird, bobolink, meadow lark, gold finch, &c. Among the game birds are the ruffed grouse (partridge), quail, prairie hen and wild turkey.
To complain of the over-subtlety of a theological adversary is a recognized move in the game; it may constantly be played in good faith; it proves little or nothing.
Other deputies rose to demand the repeal of the game laws, the enfranchisement of such serfs as were still to be found in France, and the abolition of tithes and of feudal courts and to renounce all privileges, whether of classes, of cities, or of provinces.
He describes various kinds of game, methods of hunting, the best breeds of horses and dogs.
Game laws were instituted in 1898.
Hawks and turkey buzzards are common types of the larger birds, and the wild turkey, prairie chicken and quail are the principal game birds.
The forests abounded in game, the red deer and wild boar were common, whilst wolves ravaged the flocks.
Fish, especially salmon, and game should of course be added to the list.
The nobles waged private war unrestrained, and the game of playing off one chieftain against another was carried on with varying success.
Owing to a lack of water it is only slightly cultivated, but game is plentiful.
The Altenburg peasants are industrious and prosperous; they are said to be avaricious, but to love pleasure, and to gamble for high stakes, especially at the card game of Skat, which many believe to have been invented here.
Game, both large and small, is plentiful in the mountains, and the streams abound with trout and other fish.
The elephant (though its range has become restricted through the attacks of hunters) is found both in the savannas and forest regions, the latter being otherwise poor in large game, though the special habitat of the chimpanzee and gorilla.
The vast herds of game, formerly so characteristic of many parts of Africa, have much diminished with the increase of intercourse with the interior.
Game reserves have, however, been established in South Africa, British Central Africa, British East Africa, Somaliland, &c., while measures for the protection of wild animals were laid down in an international convention signed in May 1900.
The main portion therefore of the inhabitants of the forest zone are agriculturists, save only the nomad Pygmies, who live in the inmost recesses of the forest and support themselves by hunting the game with which it abounds.
But these ethnological names cover a very great variety of half-savage tribes, differing in speech and in institutions, each surrounded by frontiers of dense forests abounding in game.
Nowhere was his blind faith more plainly shown, combined as it was with total ignorance of the formidable migrations that were convulsing Asia, and of the complicated game of politics just then.
In vain Condb tried to play with the parlement of Paris the same game as with the states-general, in a sort of anticipation of the Fronde.
France had worked for the king of Prussia from 1740 to 1748; now it was Maria Theresas game that was played in The Seven the Seven Years War.
Cattle are numerous and of excellent breed, and game is abundant.
For a century politics in Spain had been a game, played by professionals, between the ins and outs; victory or defeat at the polls depended less on any intelligent popular judgment on the questions at issue than on the passing interests of the wire-pullers and bosses (Caciques) who worked the electoral machinery.
Its flesh is said to resemble mutton, but has a flavour of game.
Then in 1579 the council decided to arrest Claud and his brother John (afterwards 1st marquess of Hamilton) and to punish them for their past misdeeds; but the brothers escaped to England, where Elizabeth used them as pawns in the diplomatic game, and later Claud lived for a short time in France.
The forests are well stocked with game, such as deer and wild boar, and the open country is well supplied with partridges.
What the game lacked in professionalism, it more than made up for in creativity and fun.
Dulce watched briefly, but after a failed attempt to get Alondra to leave the childish game behind, she stalked away.
At the end of February, Carmen was playing a game with Destiny on the family room floor when Alex came home early.
Nothing made the hours pass faster than a lively discussion, and Fritz was always fair game.
She had been flirting with him and enjoying his clever side steps for the last few days, but she was tiring of the game.
In New Hampshire, our sessions bordered on simple curiosity; we'd described it as a parlor game, but with each new revelation another level of gravity descended over us like a snow-melt fog.
Before Howie could answer the game broke for half time and a news bulletin followed.
The Watchers then relegated themselves to the role of a benevolent audience in the bloody basketball game that was Damian's war.
As if finally realizing her game was called, she hesitated then said, "I'll tell you everything you want to know about Czerno."
Frustration finally drove the couple to play the game the same way—contact no one, put your head in the sand, and hope everyone leaves you alone and forgets you exist.
She was pleased as punch that baseball had given her son four otherwise unaffordable years at prestigious and expensive Bucknell University but now the silly game was going to cause him to chuck the final year.
Dean had to admit—never out loud—that Fred O'Connor was far ahead in this junk collecting game.
I'm not even an apprentice in the snooping game, compared to you and Fred.
After all, the whole business remained supposition—conclusions jumped to like fourth graders in a schoolyard hopscotch game.
It was a young man's—or woman's—game, although Dean doubted he'd have joined the contest, at least not willingly, even in his careless years.
When he stepped inside the ancient building, he was surprised to see Fred was engaged in a robust game of pinochle with the jail matron in the outside office.
Finding new ways to excite her had become a game – one that increased his excitement as well.
It was impossible to forget Fate or Death or any other deity once one crossed their paths or to deny that such creatures not only existed, but played a game no one else understood or had a chance of winning.
Mentally exhausted from the intricate game, she rose to return to her room for bed.
Certain symbols pulled up certain features of the ships or angles of battle, similar to how picture-symbols in her video games on earth brought up different functions, allowing her to maneuver characters in the game or review the armament and skills of her opponents.
This … game, you do very well at it.
Once the bond between the half-breed and its human re-emerged a mere seven days after it was severed, Rhyn could channel his power again. Death was waiting for that day, and Darkyn had to beat her at her game.
By morning, we'll probably be surrounded by shapeshifting demons and assassins out to get us. I'm tired of playing this game. I'm not going to be helpless anymore.
She was done being at the mercy of Immortals. The first Immortal, Death, she'd tell that would probably be the last, but she was done with this game.
Sunday was eight hours of listening to Vinnie's uninformative babble, followed by a TV ball game, a couple or three beers and a steak.
The jerk couldn't even get it right—they'd only tied the game.
I've been talking to the fish and game department here about some Elk that aren't up to par for a release into the wild.
Not much in the way of a game reserve, but nothing to sneeze at, either.
Whatever game Xander played, it wouldn't benefit the Guardians.
Focusing hard on not letting him affect her, she continued her game of seduction, teasing him with looks, touches, whispers, until Darian's body was rigid and his turmoil had melted into lust intense enough to make his eyes glow.
Whatever sick game or alternate reality this is, I'm not playing anymore!
The game of mahjong is easier to play than it first appears and is also highly aesthetic.
The game was augmented by the addition of a small black dart.
It is bewildering to see how much of a technical advance the second game is.
He enjoyed the camaraderie of a single, tight-knit army squad, bound together through the chaos of battle over the course of the entire game.
When they conceded a tie game, Darby's men showed their character.
At the domestic level, Manchester United treat the FA, which presides over the national game, with barely concealed contempt.
Spectacular jumps and imaginative ambushes give you plenty to chew on, but also provide refreshing contrast to other sections of the game.
He made some remarks to disparage the women's game in the past.
It added a somewhat dubious moral structure to the game.
Updates were a common point of reference for all game players tofacilitate communication.
The league chairman deserves the gratitude of all the players for his great service to the game.
The hackneyed old football cliché "a game of two halves," was proved correct yet again.
There were ironic cheers from the side that lost the game.
The game starts with you turning up in town, looking to score some races and win some kudos.
The game changed during the lucid interval.
The business of making games depends on the innovation of game makers.
Game theory was also developed into a central element of the deterrence paradigm.
Passionate about football, Derrick focused on his natural talent for the game of basketball.
He has a penchant for the game.
According to conspiracy theory, there is no obvious end game for Iraq.
I don't have a vague recollection of either game.
The game was won on the premise that the home team had been out of bounds.
Dave Jones is the only notable absentee from Fridays game with Steve Egerton coming in.
The setting and sheer abundance of game conspire to provide an unforgettable wildlife experience.
It is also a recursive acronym which stands for " Allegro Low Level Game Routines " .