Gallows Sentence Examples
Quinn was the first to vocalize what dominated all our minds like a walk up the gallows steps.
Imagine facing the gallows, or the firing squad.
But after five years in jail, he escaped the gallows when his sentence was commuted.
The following day Parsons, Spies, Fisher and Engel mounted the gallows.
They're building a gallows in the town square.
Furia, in feudal law, was the right granted to tenants having major jurisdiction to erect a gallows within the limits of their fief.
At any rate, even though we should lack bread, it is better to die of hunger than on the gallows."
The gallows appear to have been set up in some sort of cathedral cloister.
Royal authority, sheriffs, juries and witnesses gradually superseded ordeal, compurgation, and trial by battle, though even barons long retained the right of " pit and gallows."
Syd had the gallows erected in the cellar of the post office.
AdvertisementThere are plans to dress captured Taliban fighters in Santa costumes and string them from makeshift gallows along the city's main shopping street.
This is the door through which the condemned were led to the new gallows, re-named The New Drop.
I cannot think of another case where two men were hanged on the same gallows an hour and a half apart.
A murderer haunted victims through its cavernous rooms and gaslit passages for his own private gallows.
Your average village hag was usually dispatched by hanging at the public gallows or, more precisely, by being slowly strangled.
AdvertisementThe collection includes Oscar Wilde's Reading Jail cell door and, from Wandsworth Prison, the last gallows to be used in England.
Thus the Danleno is heaved tight to the top sheave of the gallows.
To save his client from the gallows, Mr Gordon's defense counsel changed tack by calling evidence to show he was insane.
He dared not show himself in the streets without the protection of prize-fighters, while the jack-boot (a pun upon his name) and the petticoat, by which the princess was represented, were continually being burnt by the mob or hanged upon the gallows.
To save his client from the gallows, Mr Gordon 's defense counsel changed tack by calling evidence to show he was insane.
AdvertisementI think Mademoiselle Lucy will now confess that the cord and gallows are amply earned; she trembles in anticipation of her doom.
At the top of the lane, near the boro boundary, we see the town gallows where convicted thieves end their lives.
While Bullseye has a certain twisted gallows humor, Foggy is a goof who realizes that he's a goof.
The Simon Wiesenthal Center dismissed the contest as " gallows humor.
At 3- 30 pm the unveiling of a new milepost at Gallows Tree Bridge, Welshpool took place.
AdvertisementThe name Tyburn (q.v.) was notorious chiefly as applied to the gallows which stood near the existing junction of Edgware Road and Oxford Street (Marble Arch).
The usual barbarities practised upon him after he had been cut down from the gallows were inflicted on a body from which all life had already fled.
The term was, however,, particularly applied, in O.E., to a gallows or cross, especially to the Holy Cross on which Christ was crucified, the sense in which the word survives.
It was probably in connexion with this market that the "kind gallows of Crieff" acquired their notoriety, for they were mostly used for the execution of Highland cattle-stealers.
For centuries, they exercised the power of life and death; a stone stands where the gallows were formerly erected, and indicates that here they exercised jur y regalia.
Early in December 1837 Mackenzie gathered a mob of his followers, to the number of several hundred, at Gallows Hill, some miles to the north of Toronto, with the intention of seizing the lieutenant-governor and setting up a provisional government.
The bishops, to whom the manor belonged until the Reformation, had difficulty in enforcing their warren and other rights; in 1351 Bishop Grandison obtained an exemplification of judgments of 1282 declaring that he had pleas of withernam, view of frank pledge, the gallows and assize of bread and ale.
In time the villages dependent on a chartered city, as they grew to be towns themselves, fotight for, and in many cases won, emancipation, which they then sought to have confirmed by the king and proceeded to symbolize by setting up their own gallows in the market-place.
Kennington Common, now represented by Kennington Park, was the site of a gallows until the end of the 18th century, and was the meeting-place appointed for the great Chartist demonstration of the 10th of April 1848.
Moody represented to Mr Stratford Canning that the boy, although full of promise, was on the high road to the gallows under the evil influence of Reddish.
The Old Hall, or manor house of the Asshetons, remains in an altered form, with an ancient prison adjoining, and the name of Gallows Meadow, still preserved, recalls the summary execution of justice by the lords of the manor.
Though the jury found no witch-marks on his body he was convicted and executed on Gallows Hill, Salem, on the 19th of August, the only minister who suffered this extreme fate.
There it was hanged on a gallows, and in the evening taken down, when the head was cut off and set up upon Westminster Hall, where it remained till as late as 1684, the trunk being thrown into a pit underneath the gallows.
The reaction came suddenly in Salem, and in May 1693 Governor William Phips ordered 1 There is nothing but tradition to identify the place of execution with what is now called Gallows Hill, between Salem and Peabody.