Gait Sentence Examples
Gerald was tall and lean, his gait casual.
He has a ridiculous gait (waddles like a duck) !
Conine, gelseminine and sparteine all exert a paralysing effect on the terminations of the motor nerves, to the implication of which the weakened gait and other symptoms are due.
It won't be as steep, but it will be easier as you become more accustomed to the gait of the horse.
It has a peculiar kind of hopping gait; and is mainly diurnal, in accordance with which habit its eyes are protected by lashes.
His gait was confident, his stature commanding, his face hard and cold.
He pulled himself together, looked round, screwing up his eyes, glanced at Prince Andrew, and, evidently not recognizing him, moved with his waddling gait to the porch.
A reeling gait, oscillations of the body which impart a zigzag direction to the walk, difficulty in standing, owing to unsteadiness of limb, are common in cerebellar disease.
With a long overcoat on his exceedingly stout, round-shouldered body, with uncovered white head and puffy face showing the white ball of the eye he had lost, Kutuzov walked with plunging, swaying gait into the crowd and stopped behind the priest.
The symptoms include trembling of the fingers or hands, a shuffling gait, and tight or rigid muscles.
AdvertisementHe was very careful about his personal appearance, and paid an almost foppish attention to dress and gait.
In epic poetry Hephaestus is rather a comic figure, and his limping gait provokes "Homeric laughter" among the gods.
He approached with a slow, steady gait, like a predator inspecting its disabled prey before going for the kill.
The first neurological symptom was generally ataxia, 26 including cerebellar, limb or gait ataxia.
My gait became unstable; my arms became weak; I dropped things; doing my hair became a chore.
AdvertisementThe certain rhythm of the neon changes seem an amusing and appropriate reference to a Western and a horse's gait.
This would have resulted in restricted head movement, possibly a stooping gait.
I knew him at once by his staggering gait.
I looked round and observed eight or ten huge ostriches stalking toward me with slow funereal gait.
He is virtually untouchable in his neighborhood because he walks with the gait of a legend.
AdvertisementThus the gorilla runs with a sidelong shambling gait, but more commonly progresses by resting on its bent hands.
An observer watching from the nearest hill could have told this from her staggering gait.
With its small but masculine appearance, pushed in muzzle and rolling gait, the bulldog has become a favorite among people seeking a smaller but sturdy breed, and one suitable for apartment and smaller home environments.
The first symptom is usually gait incoordination.
Spasticity in the thighs causes them to turn in and cross at the knees, resulting in an unusual method of walking known as scissors gait.
AdvertisementIt consists of several comprehensive and in-depth assessments of mental status, cranial nerves, motor abilities, reflexes, sensory acuity, and posture and walking (gait) abilities.
The examination of gait can detect a variety of disease states.
A high-stepped, slapping gait may be the result of a peripheral nerve disease.
The condition progresses with a slowing of growth of the head and gait disturbances.
However, on smoother ground, they have a beautiful fast gait.
The boy will widen his stance to maintain balance and walk with a waddling gait to advance his weakened legs.
Before choosing a running shoe, talk to a specialist in a reputable running store in order to learn more about your specific running gait and whether or not FiveFingers shoes will work for you.
It is a lightweight shoe that features Asics' Impact Guidance System which enhances a runner's natural gait.
It is designed for a wide range of runners and is perfect for those with a neutral gait.
For example, the GEL-Nimbus 12 is part of the cushioning collection and is not only extremely comfortable but is designed to maintain a runner's gait efficiency.
Fritz was slumped on the back of his mule, half-asleep, his stocky frame rolling with the gait of the mule.
There wasn't time for more conversation, even if they had been able to talk through the jarring gait.
Taran's gait slowed as he approached, dread sinking into his stomach.
I even spotted a tree in the distance bobbing along under its own steam with a most peculiar loping gait.
The first presenting symptom is generally ataxia, a medical term used to describe an unsteady gait.
The GUIDE study, in line with several previous studies, used glucosamine sulfate whereas the GAIT study used glucosamine hydrochloride (HCL ).
There will be opportunities for you to work with physiotherapists from the NHS Trust for practical sessions on gait and human locomotion.
Symptoms of acute intoxication include unsteady gait, slurred speech and sustained nystagmus.
Simon's practice specialties include sports medicine, foot orthotics, and pediatric and adult foot and gait abnormalities.
For a man whose gait is a little ungainly, he has always possessed such delicacy of touch, such deft balance.
I watched her for some time as she moved about, trying to take long strides in order to carry out the idea I had given her of a camel's gait.
The tune he was whistling, his gait, and the gesture with which he twirled his mustache, all now seemed offensive.
Somewhat unusual movements, however, were displayed in France in 1957 by four dwarves who had a waddling gait.
These toy dogs have small compact bodies with heavily plumed tails and a smooth gait when they run or walk distances.
The brief neurological exam includes a review of the patient's mental status, motor and sensory system, deep tendon reflexes, coordination, and walking pattern (gait).
Neurologic abnormalities resulting in poor coordination and an unsteady gait (ataxia).
Unless corrected soon after birth, congenital hip dysplasia can cause a characteristic limp or waddling gait in children.
People who have glimpsed the creature on land also report no discernable front limbs or appendages, and use words such as lumbering to describe its gait, as if it is uncomfortable on land.
The problem is, current research indicates that modern running shoes have also changed people's natural running gait which can actually lead to more injuries.
This gait naturally reduces impact, shortens stride length, and according to one study, even reduces the volume of oxygen consumed, making running feel easier.
This heel-to-toe gait is especially important for individuals engaging in speed walking for exercise.
Obscuring body and gait produced a small decrement in recognition performance.
If you have any limp at all my OS told me to continue using them until I could walk a normal gait.
They will be able to tell you if there are any concerns regarding the way your running gait is functioning.
You may notice that you will tend to trip while walking up stairs or dragging your feet and tend to have a wide-based gait.
A history of trauma is frequent and abnormal gait is present in most of the times.
Parents or teachers may notice an abnormal turning in of the foot, an awkward gait or contractions of many different muscle groups.
Their movement should be free with a slight rolling gait.
These are P. megapodius, called El Turco by the natives, which is noticeable for its ungainly appearance and awkward gait; the P. albicollis, which inhabits barren hillsides and is called tapacollo from the manner of carrying its tail turned far forward over its back; the P. rubecula, of Chiloe, a small timid denizen of the gloomy forest, called the cheucau or chuca, whose two or three notes are believed by the superstitious natives to be auguries of impending success or disaster; and an allied species (Hylactes Tarnii, King) called the guid-guid or barking bird, whose cry is a close imitation of the yelp of a small dog.
In Bdelloidaceae this may alternate with a leech-like gait; the corona being withdrawn, the cupped end of the proboscis serves as a sucker for attachment alternately with the adherent foot, so that the animal loops its way along.
In 428 or 429 the whole nation set sail for Africa, upon an invitation received by their king from Bonifacius, count of Africa, who had fallen into disgrace with the court of Ravenna Gunderic was now dead, and supreme power was in the hands of his bastard brother, who is generally known in history as Genseric, though the more correct form of his name is Gaiseric. This man, short of stature and with limping gait, but with a great natural capacity for war and dominion, reckless of human life and unrestrained by conscience or pity, was for fifty years the hero of the Vandal race and the terror of Constantinople and Rome.