Gaining Sentence Examples
Then she started gaining weight.
His kiss began softly, slowly gaining passion.
Both were in their late 30's, losing their hair, gaining a mid-section and happily married.
His opportunities of gaining knowledge were very scanty, but he strenuously set himself to make the most of them.
He was educated at the school which he afterwards superintended for so long a period, and first signalized himself by gaining a king's scholarship. From Westminster Busby proceeded to Christ Church, Oxford, where he graduated in 1628.
Here he waited for a year until his companions could join him, and meanwhile he occupied himself in his usual good works, gaining several more companions and meeting Giovanni Piero Caraffa, afterwards Paul IV., who had lately founded the Theatines.
Both in 1876 and 1884, after his failure to receive the nomination for the presidency, he was nominated by the Democratic National Convention for vice-president, his nomination in each of these conventions being made partly, it seems, with the hope of gaining "greenback" votes - Hendricks had opposed the immediate resumption of specie payments.
The fact that its product is shut out of its natural markets, without gaining that of the United States, is also a great handicap. The civic status of the people is still unsettled, but there has been under American rule a notable advance in the well-being of the island.
John Gambold, a member of the Holy Club, who afterwards became a Moravian bishop, says "he was blest with such activity as to be always gaining ground, and such steadiness that he Iost none.
By the spring of 1866 the ex-Confederates had succeeded in gaining possession of most of the local government and most of the state offices, although not of the governorship. The Republican party naturally became extremely radical.
AdvertisementThe scenery of the islands is picturesque, gaining beauty from the fine colouring of the sea and the rich vegetation.
Primarily their system was based on the great principles enunciated by the immediate successors of the Prophet, especially by Omar, involving the absolute distinction between, and impartiality of treatment of, the Mussulman conquerors and the i As Dedeagatch is gaining, and will gradually gain, importance, it has been included in this table.
The conquered peoples fell into an inferior caste, made to work for, and to pay for the subsistence of, their conquerors, as under the Arab domination; the principal taxes exacted from them were the kharaj, a tax of indeterminate amount upon realty, based on the value of lands owned by unbelievers - (in contradistinction to the tithe [ashar] which was a tax of fixed amount upon lands owned by believers) - and levied in payment of the privilege of gaining means of existence in a Mussulman country, and the jiziye, a compulsory payment, or poll-tax, to which believers were not subjected, in lieu of military service.
These succeeded in gaining over the Sheikh-ul-Islam, and in obtaining from him a fetva for the deposition of Abd-ul-Aziz.
Meantime he was gaining a great reputation as a scholar, not only in the Netherlands, but also in France and England.
AdvertisementAfter gaining recognition as one of the most prominent members of the Suffolk bar, he became associated in 1848 with the Free Soil movement, and took a prominent part in the Buffalo convention of that year.
Old Caramuru, who still survived, rendered the governor essential service by gaining for his countrymen the goodwill of the natives.
The Sienese government conceived hopes of gaining possession of the city of Arezzo, which was first occupied by Durazzo's men, and then by Enguerrand de Coucy for Louis of Anjou; but while the Sienese were nourishing dreams of conquest the French general unexpectedly sold the city to the Florentines, whose negotiations had been conducted with marvellous ability and despatch (1384)..
In the spring of 1706 he travelled, in company with a student named Brix, through London to Oxford, where he studied for two years, gaining his livelihood by giving lessons on the violin and the flute.
Returning to Mittau, he succeeded in gaining a footing at court there through one of his sisters, who was the fancy of the ruling minister, Peter Bestuzhev, whose established mistress was no less a person than the young duchess Anne Ivanovna.
AdvertisementIn extraneous pigmentation we have coloured substances either in a solid or fluid state, gaining entrance into the organism and accumulating in certain tissues.
They declare that moral righteousness, the gaining of wisdom, divine contemplation, charity and the cultivation of devotional feelings are their rites and ceremonies.
Now as our own bodies thus manipulate substances poisonous and antidotal, if in every hour of health we are averting selfintoxication, so likewise are we concerned with the various intruding organisms, whose processes of digestion are as dangerous as our own; if these destructive agents, which no doubt are incessantly gaining admission to our bodies, do not meet within us each its appropriate compensatory defensive agent, dissolution will begin.
It is on clinical grounds that beriberi, scarlet fever, measles, &c., are recognized as belonging to the same class, and evolving in phases which differ not in intimate nature but in the more superficial and inessential characters of time, rate and polymorphism; and the impression is gaining strength that acute rheumatism belongs to the group of the infections, certain sore throats, chorea and other apparently distinct maladies being terms of this series.
He then took lodgings with an agent of his, one Demoulin, in an out-of-the-way part of Paris, and was, for some time at least, as much occupied with contracts, speculation and all sorts of means of gaining money as with literature.
AdvertisementBut he was inordinately vain, and totally unscrupulous in gaining money, in attacking an enemy, or in protecting himself when he was threatened with danger.
Robertson, who laboured in the country for many years, gaining the confidence both of Panda and Cetywayo.
Realizing the urgent need of gaining ground before the enemy was gathered in full strength, and hoping to win the heights beyond Krithia and Achi Baba, Sir I.
Moreover, the linking up of Turkey with the Central Powers by railway ensured that Liman von Sanders would in due course be furnished with ample munitions of all kinds, and this must make the prospect of Entente forces gaining possession of the Straits remoter than ever.
When in 1785 he returned to Berlin, he received the appointment of secret secretary to the royal Generaldirectorium, his talents soon gaining him promotion to the rank of councillor for war (Kriegsrath).
During an illness, which kept him virtuous by confining him to his room, he studied French and English, gaining a mastery of these languages which, at that time exceedingly rare, opened up for him opportunities for a diplomatic career.
Gentz, who from the winter of 1806 onwards divided his time between Prague and the Bohemian wateringplaces, seemed to devote himself wholly to the pleasures of society, his fascinating personality gaining him a ready reception in those exalted circles which were to prove of use to him later on in Vienna.
The brevity of the note and its lack of doctrinal significance prevented it from gaining frequent quotation in the early Christian literature, but it appears in Marcion's canon as well as in the Muratorian, whilst Tertullian mentions, and Origen expressly quotes it.
At the age of twenty he was gaining his livelihood in the streets of Moscow as a vendor of meat-pies.
Of necessity the poor man must surrender to his powerful neighbour the ownership of his lands, which he then received back as a precarium - gaining protection during his lifetime.
To archaeology also his services were of equal importance, for, besides copying numerous inscriptions in the district between Hail and Tema, he succeeded in gaining possession of the since famous Tema stone, which ranks with the Moabite stone among the most valuable of Semitic inscriptions.
Affairs continued in this unsettled state until the middle of 1885, Caceres meanwhile steadily gaining many adherents to his side of the quarrel.
The preparation of lectures thus took up much of his time, and he was also gaining an extensive practice as a physician.
He did not succeed in gaining the support of Henry VIII.
He declared himself a Tory, attached himself to Harley (afterwards Lord Oxford), then speaker, whom he now addressed as "dear master," and distinguished himself by his eloquence in debate, eclipsing his schoolfellow, Walpole, and gaining an extraordinary ascendancy over the House of Commons.
During the following winter he made himself useful in France in gaining information for the government.
The security of the kingdom was sensibly promoted by the erection of a cordon of fortresses on its north-eastern borders, and a blow was given to foreign interference when Casimir succeeded in gaining dominant influence over the independent Polish principality of Masovia, which had hitherto gravitated between Bohemia and the Teutonic Order.
The Yorkists had many adherents in Ireland, and thither Lambert Simnel was taken by Symonds early in 1487; and, gaining the support of the earl of Kildare, the archbishop of Dublin, the lord chancellor and a powerful following, who were, or pretended to be, convinced that the boy was the earl of Warwick escaped from the Tower, Simnel was crowned as King Edward VI.
Gates recommended him for a brigadier-general's commission for services which another actually performed, and succeeded in gaining it, but their friendship was broken by the collapse of the Conway Cabal against Washington in which both were implicated and about which Wilkinson had indiscreetly blabbed.
In T499 the Swiss won a victory in the Calven gorge (near the head of the Adige valley) against Maximilian, which resulted in the Swiss gaining their practical independence of the empire.
In September 1540 he entered himself for further study in the medical school at Montpellier, possibly gaining there a medical degree.
On gaining possession of London they burnt his magnificent palace of the Savoy.
His own belief in Mahomet and his doctrines was so thorough as to procure for him the title El Siddik (the faithful), and his success in gaining converts was correspondingly great.
The best remedy in such cases is to prevent the air from gaining access to the coal by building a wall round the burning portion, which can in this way be isolated from the remainder of the working, and the fire prevented from spreading, even if it cannot be extinguished.
During the last years of his stay in England there had been repeated attempts to win him (probably with an under-secretaryship) to the British service, and in these same years he had done a great work for the colonies by gaining friends for them among the opposition, and by impressing France with his ability and the excellence of his case.
Gaining at last room to form, the Swedes charged and routed the first line of the Imperial cavalry but were stopped by the heavy squadrons of cuirassiers in second line, and at that moment Gustavus galloped away to the centre where events had taken a serious turn.
While its principle of congregational autonomy has been gaining ground in the more centralized systems, Another disability, acutely felt by all Nonconformists, created by the act of 1662, viz.
Taxation, direct and indirect, had to be further increased, and as a means of gaining support for this in 1888 Sir Harry Atkinson, who was responsible for the budget, gave the customs tariff a distinctly protectionist complexion.
After gaining office at the beginning of 1891 the BallanceSeddon party had to struggle with the last four years of the period of depression.
His policy of gaining time had received a severe blow in the failure of his executive officer to realize it, and that officer, though his unpursued troops quickly regained their moral, had himself completely lost confidence.
The bombardment began on the 19th of August and continued for three days, while the infantry was spreading along the front and gaining ground where it could.
He headed a Corsican deputation which went to France in order to denounce Paoli and to solicit aid for the democrats; but, on the Paolists gaining the upper hand, the Bonapartes left the island and joined Lucien at Toulon.
His elder brother Napoleon supervised his education with much care, gaining for him scholarships to the royal military schools of France, and during the time when the elder brother was a lieutenant in garrison at Auxonne Louis shared his scanty fare.
Only a remnant of the defenders succeeded in gaining the forests of Mount Zygos, where most of them perished.
The explorers reached Amboyna and Ternate, after gaining some knowledge of Java, Madura, Sumbawa and other islands, possibly including New Guinea.
He was not slow to use the opportunity of gaining what was at once an official triumph and a personal satisfaction.
His health had been for some years gradually declining, and disease in the shape of gout gaining upon him.
While these thoughts were filling men's minds, opposition to the papal rule over the Church was also gaining continually in strength.
Still, the guns of the attack were now steadily gaining the upper hand, and at last on the 8th of February the Germans entered the two Perches redoubts.
For the Gymnasium the aim of the new scheme is, in Latin, " to supply boys with a sound basis of grammatical training, with a view to their understanding the more important classical writers of Rome, and being thus introduced to the intellectual life and culture of the ancient world "; and, in Greek, " to give them a sufficient knowledge of the language with a view to their obtaining an acquaintance with some of the Greek classical works which are distinguished both in matter and in style, and thus gaining an insight into the intellectual life and culture of Ancient Greece."
The Dutchman Jacob Roggeveen, in the course of a voyage round the world in 1721-1722, crossed the Pacific from east to west, and discovered Easter Island, some of the northern islands of the Paumotu Archipelago, and (as is generally supposed) a part of the Samoan group. The voyage of Commodore George (afterwards Lord) Anson in 1740-1744 was for purposes rather of war than of exploration, and Commodore John Byron's voyage in 1765 had little result beyond gaining some additional knowledge of the Paumotu Archipelago.
This last conception lay beyond the horizon of Caesar, as of all ancient statesmen, but his first act on gaining control of Italy was to enfranchise the Transpadanes, whose claims he had consistently advocated, and in 45 B.C. he passed the Lex Julia Municipalis, an act of which considerable fragments are inscribed on two bronze tables found at Heraclea near Tarentum.3 This law deals inter alia with the police and the sanitary arrangements of the city of Rome, and hence it has been argued by Mommsen that it was Caesar's intention to reduce Rome to the level of a municipal town.
But while thus gaining power in one direction, the Society was losing it in another.
A Trypanosome usually produces markedly harmful effects upon gaining an entry into animals which have never been, by their distribution, liable to its invasion previously.
On gaining an entry into the blood of a vertebrate the organisms pass rapidly into the general circulation, and are thus carried all over.
From the time of Bruce the Campbells had been gaining the ascendancy in Argyll.
In the course of history the demons sought to bind men to themselves by means of sensuality, error and false religions (among which is to be reckoned above all the religion of Moses and the prophets), while the spirits of light carried on their process of distillation with the view of gaining the pure light which exists in the world.
In North Africa it found its most numerous adherents, gaining secret support even among the clergy.
Glacial erosion has been potent in excavating great cirques and small rock-basins, especially among the higher southern surmounting summits, many of which have been thus somewhat reduced in, height while gaining an Alpine sharpness of form; some of the short and steep canyons in the eastern slope have been converted into typical glacial troughs, and huge moraines have been laid on the desert floor below them.
The same years, however, made apparent a rapid fall, general and marked, yet possibly only temporary, in the rate at which such urban centres, as well as larger ones, had been gaining upon the rural districts; this reaction being most pronounced in the South and least so in the North Atlantic states, whose manufacturing industries are concentrated in dense centres of population.
At some particular epoch the president has seemed to be gaining upon Congress, at other epochs Congress has seemed to be gaining upon the president.
But in this he relied on Polybius, whom he might justly consider as having from his position at Rome far better means of gaining accurate information.
Within two decades (1880-1900) the capital almost at a single bound advanced into the front rank of German commercial and industrial towns; but while gaining in prosperity it has lost much of its medieval aspect.
The governor appoints, by and with the consent of the Senate of the Territory, an attorney-general, treasurer, commissioner of public lands, commissioner of agriculture and forestry, superintendent of public works, superintendent of public instruction, commissioners of public instruction, auditor and deputy-auditor, surveyor, high sheriff, members of the board of health, board of prison inspectors, board of registration, inspectors of election, &c. All such officers are appointed for four years except the commissioners of public instruction and the members of the said 1 Large numbers of Japanese immigrants have used the Hawaiian Islands merely as a means of gaining admission at the mainland ports of the United States.
It was on this place that Grouchy advanced on the day of Waterloo, gaining a useless success here over a Prussian corps while the fate of the campaign was being decided elsewhere.
He was for a time politically associated with Lord Randolph Churchill, Sir Henry Drummond Wolff and Sir John (then Mr) Gorst, the quartette becoming known as the "Fourth Party," and gaining notoriety by the freedom of the criticisms directed by its leader, Lord Randolph Churchill, against Sir Stafford Northcote, Lord Cross and other prominent members of the "old gang."
Moreover, the Church of Jerusalem, narrowed by Jewish Christian particularism, was hardly qualified to remain the metropolis of Christianity, which was gradually gaining ground in the Graeco-Roman world.
From slow beginnings these factors kept gaining momentum until they compassed the overthrow of the mighty order of the Jesuits, and culminated in the revolutionary spoliation of the Church.
When Fortis became prime minister, San Guiliano accepted the post of minister for foreign affairs, and on the fall of the Cabinet early in 1906 he was appointed ambassador in London, where he remained until 1910, gaining much popularity and contributing to render Anglo-Italian relations ever more cordial.
During the Macedonian period Greek influences had been steadily gaining ground in Phoenicia; relations with the Greek world grew closer; the native language fell into disuse, and from the beginning of the Roman occupation Greek appears regularly in inscriptions and on coins, though on the latter Phoenician legends do not .entirely vanish till the 2nd century A.D.; while the extent to which Hellenic ideas penetrated the native traditions and mythologies is seen in the writings of Philo of Byblus.
The little treatise became widely popular, gaining rather than losing popularity in the 18th century.
In 1860 he was ordained priest, and in 1862 became rector of the church of the Holy Trinity, Philadelphia, where he remained seven years, gaining an increasing name as preacher and patriot.
His sympathy with men of other ways and thought, and with the truth in other ecclesiastical systems gained for him the confidence and affection of men of varied habits of mind and religious traditions, and was thus a great factor in gaining increasing support for the Episcopal Church.
Moreover, this resistance increases much more rapidly than the height of the furnace, even if the rapidity with which the blast is forced through is constant; and it still further increases if the additional space gained by lengthening the furnace is made useful by increasing proportionally the rate of production, as indeed would naturally be done, because the chief motive for gaining this additional space is to increase production.
The next year he was elected a member of the council of state, and being recalled from Scotland was entrusted with the command of the forces in England, and played a principal part in gaining the final triumph at Worcester.
Julius Caesar conquered the tribes on the left bank, and Augustus established numerous fortified posts on the Rhine, but the Romans never succeeded in gaining a firm footing on the right bank.
The campaign in the state resulted substantially in a drawn battle, the Democrats gaining a majority in the state for president, while the Republicans elected the governor and state officers.
Saxony, the home of the Ottos, became less prominent in German politics, while Bavaria and the south were gradually gaining in importance.
About this time the princes were gaining influence in another direction.
He was king of Spain, of Sicily, of Naples and of Sardinia; he was lord of the Netherlands, of the free county of Burgundy and of the Austrian archduchies; he had at his command the immense resources of the New World; and he had been chosen king of Germany, thus gaining a title to the imperial crown.
During these years the religious and political ideas of the Reformation were rapidly gaining ground, and, aided by a vigorous and violent polemic literature, opposition to Rome was growing on every side.
With regard to the religious question efforts were made to compose the differences among the Protestants; but while these ended in failure the Roman Catholics were gaining ground.
Side by side with these changes the imperial diet was becoming more useless and unwieldy, and the electors were gaining power, owing partly to the Wahlkapitulation, by which on election they circumscribed the power of each occupant of the imperial throne.
Thus, under Maximilian of Bavaria and Christian of Anhalt respectively the two great parties were gaining a better idea of their own needs and of each others aims and were watching vigilantly the position in the duchies of Cleves, Julich and Berg, where a dispute over the succession was impending.
The loss of seats by the Socialists showed that even among the working men the national agitation was gaining ground; the diminished influence of the anti-Semites was the most encouraging sign.
The Persians, however, succeeded in causing his recall and in gaining the services of his fellow-countryman Iphicrates.
Meanwhile the employment of the Arabic language had been steadily gaining ground, and in 706 it was made the official language of the bureaux, though the occasional use of Greek for this purpose is attested by documents as late as the year 780.
The Mamelukes in the citadel directed a fire of shot and shell on the houses of the Albanians which were situated in the Ezbekia; but, on hearing of the flight of their chiefs, they evacuated the place; and Mehemet Au, on gaining possession of it, once more proclaimed Mahommed Khosrev pasha of Egypt.
After gaining some small successes, Abd-el-Kader was superseded by Suliman Niagi on the 20th of February 1883, and on the 26th of March Ala-eddin Pasha was appointed governor-general.
Thus, very dexterously, Griffenfeldt had succeeded in gaining his subsidies without sacrificing his neutrality.
Still acting under Shaftesbury's advice, Monmouth now went upon the first of his progresses in the west of England, visiting the chief members of the country party, and gaining by his open and engaging manner much popularity among the people.
This lasted till 539, when Chosroes declared war, alleging that Justinian had been secretly intriguing against him with the Hephthalite Huns, and doubtless moved by alarm and envy at the victories which the Romans had been gaining in Italy.
This change of policy was doubtless the result of timidity rather than of a desire to secure re-election by gaining the favour of the Southern Democracy.
He then endeavoured to enlarge his estates at the expense of Childebert's sons, Theodebert, king of Austrasia, and Theuderich II., king of Burgundy; but after gaining a victory at Laffaux (597), he was defeated at Dormelles (600), and lost part of his kingdom.
Materialism and low moral principles seemed to him to be gaining the upper hand; and the hope that religion might survive the " old clothes " in which it had been draped seemed to grow fainter.
The amalgamation of the ministry of commerce with the ministry of ways in 1889 further enabled Baross to realize his great idea of making the trade of Hungary independent of foreign influences, of increasing the commercial productiveness of the kingdom and of gaining every possible advantage for her export trade by a revision of tolls.
For ten or twelve years this movement had been gaining ground in England, and the Social Democratic Federation was formed in 1881.
The trade of the Illinois country was now diverted to the settlements in the lower Mississippi river, but the French, although they were successful in gaining the confidence and friendship of the Indians, failed to develop the resources of the country.
Heresy was gaining ground in high places, especially after the king's marriage with Catherine Parr; and there seems to be some truth in the story that the queen herself was nearly committed for it at one time, when Gardiner, with the king's approbation, censured some of her expressions in conversation.
In 1904 it was stated that the system was gaining favour in the east,' and that it had been adopted more or less by all the eastern colleges and universities with the exception of Harvard, Yale, Princeton and Columbia.
Since the beginning of the century the conviction had been gaining ground that Goethe's mission was accomplished, that the day of his leadership was over; but here were two works which not merely re-established his ascendancy, but proved that the old poet was in sympathy with the movement of letters, and keenly alive to the change of ideas which the new century had brought in its train.
The latter half of the 19th century is mainly occupied with the record of a very remarkable process of colonization and settlement - French and Russian monastic and other establishments, some of them semi-religious and semi-political; German colonies; fanatical American communities; Jewish agricultural settlements - all, so to speak, " nibbling " at the country, and each so intent upon gaining a step on its rivals as to be forgetful of the gathering storm.
After a long halt there he advanced (August 20), and gaining rapid successes, occupied Kabul (September 15), where Nott, after retaking and dismantling Ghazni, joined him two days later.
Of the two conflicting sentiments, the favour of the young, gaining as years passed away, naturally prevailed; sophistry ceased to be novel, and attendance in the lecture-rooms of the sophists came to be thought not less necessary for the youth than attendance in the elementary schools for the boy.
In 1771, in the hope of gaining a Snell exhibition and proceeding to Oxford to study for the English Church, he went to Glasgow, where he attended the classes of Thomas Reid.
The holy war against the border countries which Mahomet had already inaugurated, was the best means for making the new religion popular among the Arabs, for opportunity was at the same time afforded for gaining rich booty.
Some historians say that he had already given orders for his execution, when he himself was killed (September r4th, 786) by his mother Khaizoran, who had systematically and successfully intrigued against him with the object of gaining the real power for herself.
Rabi`, with the view of gaining the new caliph's confidence, hastened to call together all the troops of the late caliph and to lead them back to Bagdad, in order to place them in the hands of the new sovereign, Amin.
As quit rents were customary and not rack rents, the successors of those who had redeemed their services were gaining the whole surplus in the value of goods and labour as against money, while the successors of those who had commuted their right to claim services for certain sums in money lost all the corresponding difference.
He succeeded in 1762 in gaining an appointment in the excise, but was discharged for neglect of duty in 1765.
Though intended for the Church, his studies and tastes inclined him to astronomy, and with a view to gaining experience in the routine of an observatory he accepted the post of observer in the university of Durham.
Thiers, however, refused to listen to any suggestion for depriving him of any part of Syria; but, instead of breaking off the correspondence and leaving the concert, he continued the negotiations, and before long circumstances came to the knowledge of the British government which seemed to prove that he was only doing so with a view to gaining time in order to secure a separate settlement in accordance with French views.
He was assigned to the infantry and served on the frontier and on the Pacific coast, gaining some experience of war in operations against the Indians.
The sect is said to be gaining ground in Gujarat.
In 284 Arsinoe, desirous of gaining the succession for her sons in preference to Agathocles (the eldest son of Lysimachus), intrigued against him with the help of her brother Ptolemy Ceraunus; they accused him of conspiring with Seleucus to seize the throne, and he was put to death.
There they grew peaceful and prosperous, acquiring large flocks of sheep and gaining a reputation as makers of blankets.
These were severely persecuted by the dominant party and were denied even the scanty privileges that Baptists had succeeded in gaining.
In Butte, Montana, reverberatories have in the past been preferred to cupola furnaces, as the charge has consisted mainly of fine roasted concentrates; but the cupola is gaining ground there.
Eventually he betook himself to Harold Bluetooth, then king of Denmark, and endeavoured to secure his assistance in gaining the Swedish throne by force of arms. Although he failed in this attempt he was not deterred from attacking Eric, and a battle took place between the two at the Fyrisa (close to Upsala) in which Styrbiorn was defeated and killed.
It was, however, only natural that its adherents should be won, first and chiefly, among the countrymen of the prophet, and its further success in gaining over all the Iranian tribes gave it a national stamp. So the Susan translation of Darius Behistun inscrrption TThese ideas are strongly exposed in a polemic against the Christians contained in an official edict of the Persian creed to the Armenians by Mihr Narseh, the vizier of Yazdegerd IT.
Thus the Persian army was lost, if heavy-armed hoplites succeeded in gaining their lines.
While Hellenism was thus gaining a firm footing in all the East, thenative population remained absolutely passive.
Tile rebellion of the asafu d-daula, maternal uncle of the shah, was punished by exile, while his son, after giving trouble to his opponents, and once gaining a victory over them, took shelter with the Turcomans.
Still Marcion seems never to have abandoned his design of gaining over the whole Church to his gospel.
Ranulph, his first treasurer and representative at Ely, had been extortionate and dishonest, and the monks accused Nigel, probably with some justification, of spending the estates and treasures of the see in maintaining knights and gaining court influence.
A curious combination of the fierce warrior and the pious churchman, he manifested the one aspect of his character in his ruthless suppression of an insurrection in his northern dominion (thus gaining for himself the title of "the Fierce"), the other in his munificent foundation of bishoprics and abbeys.
Regarded at first with distrust by Turkey, Russia and Austria, he succeeded in gaining general recognition in six months; but he had to contend for ten years with fierce party struggles between the Conservatives and the Liberals.
Army moved on the same day, but very slowly, along the KyustendilEgri-Palanka road, with instructions to advance thence both on Stratsin (Stracin) and on Kratovo, gaining touch with the I.
Gregoras remained loyal to the elder Andronicus to the last, but after his death he succeeded in gaining the favour of his grandson, by whom he was appointed to conduct the unsuccessful negotiations (for a union of the Greek and Latin churches) with the ambassadors of Pope John XXII.
The last independent archbishop was Hieronymus von Colloredo (1732-1812), who ruled with energy and justice but without gaining popularity.
In 1888 she achieved the greatest of her successes, gaining the Prix Bordin offered by the Paris Academy.
The Liberal section of the government was gaining ground.
Contradictions are often copied down without the writer noticing them; and since the middle ages forged and falsified so many documents, - monasteries, towns and corporations gaining privileges or titles of possession by the bold use of them, - the narrative of medieval writers cannot be relied upon unless we can verify it by collateral evidence.
As the general land laws of the United States were not extended to Alaska in 1884, there was no means, generally speaking, of gaining title to any land other than a mining claim, and so far as any method did exist its cost was absolutely prohibitive.
After gaining some fresh victories over the Sarmatians, Theodosius was made Augustus at Sirmium on the 19th of January 379, and was assigned all the eastern provinces, including part of Illyricum.
They were about to accept his offer, not having received their subsidies from the pope and the king of Spain, when a fresh corps of mercenaries descended into Italy, desirous both of gaining booty and of showing their prowess against their new rivals the French and Lower Rhine "lansquenets" (Landsknechts) and against the French gendarmerie, whom (alluding to the "Battle of the Spurs" at Guinegatte in 1513) they called "hares in armour."
He was also a man of education and intelligence, superior to those among whom he lived, with natural talents for governing and gaining the esteem of others.
She had no less difficulty in gaining a qualifying diploma to practise medicine.
Soon after he had come of age he disposed of his property, and in 1593 went to Flanders and enlisted in the Spanish army, assisting at the capture of Calais by the Spanish in 1596 and gaining some military reputation.
Bogdan's successor, John the Terrible (1572-74), was provoked by the Porte's demand for 120,000 ducats as tribute instead of 60,000 as heretofore to rise against the oppressor; but after gaining three victories he was finally defeated and slain (1574), and the country was left more than ever at the mercy of the Ottoman.
Meantime, however, the movement for the abolition of slavery was gaining strength in England, and the missionaries at length appealed from the colonists to the mother country.
Of late years an opinion is gaining ground that they may be regarded as constituting collectively an independent phylum of their own (Graptolithina).
Meanwhile he had written creditable student verse, and contributed both prose and rhyme to newspapers, thus gaining friends and obtaining a decided if provincial reputation.
The romantic movement, with Gericault, Bonington and Delacroix, was gaining favour.
Here he is usually said (but on inadequate data) to have adopted the opinion then gaining ground in favour of the celibacy of the clergy, and to have separated from his wife Theosebia, who became a deaconess in the church.
Maurice, his son, joined the confederation against the two Despensers, and lay in prison at Wallingford until his death in 1326, the queen's party gaining the upper hand too late to release him.
He travelled in Russia, European Turkey and Asia Minor, gaining a thorough knowledge of Greek, Turkish and several Slavonic languages.
The enemy were gaining ground when the Swiss received an order from the king to cease firing and withdraw.
Lawrence left it (1752) to his widow Anne Fairfax (who in the same year married George Lee) with the proviso that it should pass at her death to George Washington, who meanwhile rented the estate, gaining full possession at her death in 1761.
But he succeeded in gaining the intimacy of Voltaire, who had known his mother and who wished to make a poet of him.
It was late in June before he returned from Thrace to Pella - thus gaining, under the terms, all the towns that he had taken meanwhile.
She looked with much suspicion upon 1 R P P the ideas then gaining power among many of her people, and determined to strike a decisive blow at the new teaching.
He inaugurated that autocratic rule which was to continue gaining strength until Louis XV.s time.
Gaining by means of their professional skill as physicians a high rank in the society of the Moslem world, the Nestorian scholars soon made Bagdad familiar with the knowledge of Greek philosophy and science which they possessed.
By this time the situation had altered for the worse and Mandism was gaining strength among tribes in the Nile valley at first hostile to its propaganda.
It is therefore not surprising that he eagerly welcomed the opportunity of gaining the goodwill of Spain, and supported by all the means in his power the offer made by Marshal Prim that Prince Leopold of Hohenzollern should be chosen king of that country.
He was educated at Eton and Christ Church, Oxford, gaining the chancellor's prize for Latin verse in 1779.
So far as gaining Romolo's confidence and affection, the plan was entirely successful, but it was thwarted by Philip's own resolve to take holy orders.
Rinuccini took part in the proceedings, but as his demands were ignored he refused to recognize the peace which was concluded in March 1646, and gaining the support of the Irish general, Owen Roe O'Neill, he used all his influence, both ecclesiastical and political., to prevent its acceptance by others.
The lady succeeded in gaining an absolute ascendancy over him, which increased with time.
True, he didn't succeed in gaining custody, but...
Fate's mention of him gaining access to the underworld made Gabriel wonder if the deity was referring to Darkyn's mate.
Fatigue kept most of the thoughts from gaining traction, and they melted away like much of her dreams did. Gabe stopped at sunset, as darkness settled into the jungle. Katie watched him set up a small fire.
The most rewarding part of my week, although it sounds mundane, was gaining my guide camp license.
Drug A attaches to the acetylcholine receptors on the smooth muscle without stimulating them and prevents acetylcholine from gaining access to them.
Slowly, we are gaining adherents to our cause.
Rhianna has been gaining massive airplay with her debut offering of ' Oh Baby ' .
In my late 20's, I returned to college to study Architecture, my childhood ambition, gaining an Honors degree and post-graduate diploma.
This would be roughly analogous to a criminal gaining access to insides of the telephone system or a police station.
This was important in gaining their support for the move and avoiding any animosity.
Hot terrestrial anurans are particularly at risk from problems of water loss, as well as gaining water.
In its place an increasingly authoritarian bureaucracy was gaining strength.
Patient empowerment is fast gaining currency, not just as a political buzzword but as a clinical model.
At 1850 GMT, four robbers armed with crowbars boarded a bulk carrier, gaining access via the forward mooring ropes.
Fitzgerald Lighting is currently working on an Environmental Management System with the hope of gaining ISO14001 certification.
Louise, gaining her revenge for the previous weekend's club champs loss against Jane Cook.
Returning to practicalities I recalled Bill's problem in 1939, in gaining this beautiful little cirque, as being similar in some respects.
Mr Mello also met with a number of MEPs - gaining messages of support that will be used to promote disarmament in the US.
She has also had success with playing piano duets, gaining the highest marks in the country in a recent exam.
Personally, when parting with hard earned cash, seeing effort being used in the gaining of results counts for a lot.
He has recently embarked on the BBA Degree Program through the College gaining entry at 2nd/3rd Study Year.
Tactics Sheets (written by careers advisers) with tips on gaining employment in a wide variety of occupational areas.
They were clearly not expecting the house to be occupied at the time and made off without gaining entry when disturbed.
Did Hevel violate any known principle by being successful and gaining favor in the eyes of his Maker?
Inspectors found many examples of good practice gaining a firm foothold.
Firewall A Firewall is a program which prevents hackers from gaining access to your computer.
Gaining parameters to populate models of gene introgression rates.
Firstly, last academic year Mr Slater was successful in gaining a government grant to refurbish the main chemistry laboratory.
Some work for one of the large costumiers, gaining experience of costume making.
Our strategy is gaining positive momentum across the business.
The event really came into its own when in February 1967 Clown Smokey succeeded in gaining permission for Clowns to attend in full motley.
Atomic clocks are accurate to the nearest nanosecond - equivalent to losing or gaining one second in about 33 years!
The publication of her first novel was slightly overshadowed by Robert gaining his doctorate in law the same year.
To the left home reputed top maximum bet on gaining paybacks on.
These are subtle ploys committed in the hope of gaining an advantage without having to resort to a full-blown illegal method.
How To Rank High On MSN Search The new MSN Search is quickly gaining popularity among internet search engine users.
It's like gaining membership to a private clique which you never wished to become privy to.
For a number years he was employed as a relief projectionist enabling him to work at many cinemas in the chain gaining valuable experience.
Thatâs the message that Jane Johnston wants her story to convey, as she celebrates gaining a degree in forensic psychobiology from Abertay University.
We were only concerned in winning praise for the team, and gaining publicity for the club.
It's been about gaining knowledge and skills that make individual lives more purposeful and communities more cohesive.
Cricket reasons apart, Freddie is gaining a reputation for being eminently quotable.
A dance remix of the song is reported to be gaining notoriety in the holiday resort of Ibiza.
But the men are gaining a knowledge of their duties so rapidly that I am very sanguine of the ultimate result.
The battle settled down into a long, hard slog gaining small amounts of ground in periodic smaller scale attacks.
The North facade of Boughton House has led to it gaining the sobriquet of ' The English Versailles ' .
It was therefore vital for Britain to prevent Napoleon from gaining an economic stranglehold on the country.
If you've stopped growing and still gaining weight, you need to take care it doesn't get unhealthy.
And, in between showers, there were moments when Australia looked to be gaining the upper hand.
The CD covers all aspects of driving for this age group, from gaining their license through to becoming a safe road user.
Cool climate viticulture is fast gaining a reputation for producing good quality wines at a good price.
Lo, lo, the wretched wight, Who God disdaining, His mischief made his might, His guard his gaining.
Seven years later (1580), when the new colony had been firmly established, Juan de Garay proceeded southwards, and made the third attempt to build a city on the site of Buenos Aires; and despite the determined hostility of the Querendi Indians he succeeded in finally gaining a complete mastery over them.
This peculiar relationship suggests at once a symbiosis, the Fungus gaining its nutriment mainly or entirely from the green plant, while the latter in some way or other is able to utilize the free nitrogen of;he air.
But, although his first speech on the bill for the prevention of cattle diseases excited the opposition of country members, and a subsequent speech against the suspension of the Habeas Corpus Act in Ireland was very unfavourably received, Mill thoroughly succeeded in gaining the ear of the House.
These endoparasites have a peculiar larval development, the results of which are to increase their numbers and enhance the opportunity of their gaining the necessarily remote station in some fresh individual host.
Forced and distorted expression, exaggerated emphasis, point and antithesis, an affected prettiness, are studied with the view of gaining the applause of audiences who thronged the lecture and recitation rooms in search of temporary excitement.
Improving his advantage, Bolivar pressed forward, and on the 6th of August defeated Canterac on the plains of Junin, after which he returned to Lima, leaving Sucre to follow the royalists in their retreat to Upper Peru - an exploit which the latter executed with equal ability and success, gaining a decisive victory at Ayacucho, and thus completing the dispersion of the Spanish force.
His successor, Alexander Mavrocordato, surnamed Exaporritos, was charged by the Turkish government with the delicate and arduous negotiation of the treaty of Carlowitz, and by his dexterity succeeded, in spite of his questionable fidelity to the interests of his employers, in gaining their entire confidence, and in becoming the factotum of Ottoman policy.
Both sides sent embassies to the emperor at Constantinople, as both saw the importance of gaining the recognition and support of the East, for on this practically depended the victory in the struggle between papacy and council for the supreme jurisdiction over the church (see CouNcILs).
Fortis became prime minister, he accepted the post of minister for foreign affairs, and on the fall of the Cabinet early in 1906 he was appointed ambassador in London, where he remained until 1910, gaining much popularity and contributing to render Anglo-Italian relations ever more cordial.
The Germans, who accepted the principle of dualism, were indignant at the financial arrangements; for Hungary, while gaining more than an equal share of power, paid less than one-third of the common expenses.
The events that followed; the occupation of the duchies by Austria and Prussia, the war of 1864, gallantly fought by the Danes against overwhelming odds, and the astute diplomacy by which Bismarck succeeded in ultimately gaining for Prussia the seaboard so essential for her maritime power, are dealt with elsewhere (see Schleswig-Holstein Question).
A great extent of the English coast is constantly undergoing visible alteration, the sea in some instances receding from the land, and in others gaining upon it.
Doing excellent things continually through all the 'seventies, when he was in late middle age - gaining scope in colour, having now so many notes - faithful no longer wholly to his amazing range of subtle greys, now blithe and silvery, now nobly deep - sending to the Salon great canvases, and to the few enlightened people who would buy them of him the toile or panel of most moderate size on which he best of all expressed himself - Boudin was yet not acceptable to the public or to the fashionable dealer.
At the same time he cultivated literature, entertaining poets and writers both at the Luxembourg and at his château of Brunoy (see Dubois-Corneau, Le Comte de Provence a Brunoy, 2909), and gaining a reputation for wit by his verses and mots in the salon of the charming and witty comtesse de Balbi, one of Madame's ladies, who had become his mistress, 4 and till 1793 exerted considerable influence over him.
We are gaining speed, not winding down.
A truce was Kutuzov's sole chance of gaining time, giving Bagration's exhausted troops some rest, and letting the transport and heavy convoys (whose movements were concealed from the French) advance if but one stage nearer Znaim.
Vienna considers the bases of the proposed treaty so unattainable that not even a continuity of most brilliant successes would secure them, and she doubts the means we have of gaining them.
The first to come into view was Milka, with her black markings and powerful quarters, gaining upon the wolf.
From behind Erza rushed the broad- haunched, black-spotted Milka and began rapidly gaining on the hare.
As if measuring themselves and preparing for the coming movement, the western forces push toward the east several times in 1805, 1806, 1807, and 1809, gaining strength and growing.
It 's been about gaining knowledge and skills that make individual lives more purposeful and communities more cohesive.
All three of these support the use of distributed repositories, and have recently been gaining popularity.
Doors must be shut firmly behind them to prevent anyone gaining unauthorized access to an area.
The North facade of Boughton House has led to it gaining the sobriquet of ' The English Versailles '.
But in spite of all persecution the solidarity of 30a.htm the workers of the world is growing and gaining in strength.
Careers advisers will also encourage job-hunters to consider trusteeship as a way of gaining skills and experience for their career.
If you 've stopped growing and still gaining weight, you need to take care it does n't get unhealthy.
Our research shows that employees in unionized workplaces are still gaining in a variety of ways, relative to comparable workplaces without unions.
We may have to learn the disappointment of gaining such vanities many a time.
Gaining any amount of improvement in her psychosocial health would aid her chances of forming lasting relationships.
You may well find yourself exhausted from lack of sleep and gaining twenty pounds from being on the road.
Couples showers are gaining in popularity and can be more like a party where there happen to be gifts for baby than a traditional shower.
Gaining weight during your pregnancy is necessary to maintain your and your baby's health.
How do you know if you are gaining the right amount of weight during your pregnancy and how can you tell if there is a problem?
Infant can be fed by mouth and is gaining weight.
Unless he is not growing and gaining weight, however, there usually isn't cause for concern.
However, many compact SUVs get better gas mileage, and SUV hybrids are gaining popularity as a more eco-friendly choice of wheels for driving.
The beauty of owning a motorhome is gaining another community and the new friends that are just around the next bend in the road.
Bamboo is a more exotic material but is gaining popularity because it is both anti-bacterial and hypoallergenic.
A synthetic comforter filling that is gaining in popularity is the Primaloft comforter.
Apple computers are gaining in popularity, but Windows-based PCs are still by and large the "norm" when it comes to personal computing.
Isometric or square heads are gaining in popularity among those starting out in the sport, because they provide a larger sweet spot and thus allow novices to have fewer missed shots.
While traditional animal prints are considered passé, animal print inspired fabrics in bright colors are gaining popularity.
I started gaining national attention and getting TV gigs in larger and larger markets and things really took off.
Today's Bengals are prized for their wonderful, entertaining personalities, gaining themselves a reputation as great family pets.
To keep your indoor cats from gaining too much weight, avoid "free feeding."
Today, a return to the once familiar traditional looking Siamese cat is gaining in popularity.
Prepaid Maestro cards are extremely popular abroad and are rapidly gaining in popularity within the United States.
This type of financial obligation is generally regarded as one of the most toxic debts because interest is perpetually charged on balances that are not secured by anything gaining value or appreciating.
Divorce lawyers advise against dating while still married in order to prevent your spouse's attorney from gaining an edge during court proceedings and property settlements.
Gaining this knowledge may also help end the entire matter in a quick and efficient way.
This is an effective energy source and one that is gaining in popularity.
It is the first 24 hour channel dedicated to environmental issues and it is quickly gaining fans.
For the homeowner, reducing trash volume while gaining a rich soil supplement are some of the powerful advantages of a compost pile.
Because of the mercury gaining steam as it travels from one organism up the food web to the next, oceans, rivers and lakes are filling up with mercury-poisoned sea life and we are eating it.
This means that someone looking to install their own system could be starting with a major project rather than gaining confidence with smaller projects.
With the invention of flexible solar panels, which reduce the manufacturing, transport, and installation costs, the average person on the street, is gaining better access to one of the main components for living off grid.
In terms of industry growth, technology to harness renewable energy resources is gaining ground as the knowledge of earth's finite fuel resources grows.
While composting may have been practiced by a minority in the past, it is gaining in popularity for a variety of reasons.
Stevia is gaining wider acceptance in the United States and around the world because it is a low-calorie, low carbohydrate natural sweetener.
Mosaics are gaining a lot of popularity because of their ability to add sparkle.
Most recently, the Grammy winning singer, actress, and business woman is gaining attention for her marriage and impending divorce to her former back-up dancer Kevin Federline, with whom she has two sons, Sean Preston and Jayden James.
If you're fortunate enough to be an accredited beauty industry professional, you'll have no problem gaining admittance to the show.
That is, players are awarded points for scoring touchdowns and for gaining yards, usually six points per TD and one point for every 10 yards rushing or receiving.
At various times, different fruit appear on the screen which you can eat, gaining you some points.
They are put together by Internet users just like you, or discovered from other sources before gaining viral popularity.
If you don't have any experience, assisting is a great way to start gaining it.
Beer, while not traditional, is gaining popularity among the younger set.
There are many aids available to help sufferers from stress and one that is gaining a lot of attention is the StressEraser.
Once you understand that concept, you have taken the first step towards gaining control of your anger.
A type of massage that is quickly gaining popularity due to our busy lifestyles and stressful days is the chair massage.
Bullying in the work place is gaining more attention as individuals come forward with their stories.
One way to alleviate these feelings and reduce the effects of stress on your body is gaining control over the time you have during the day.
Reducing stress and gaining control of your life are just two to of the numerous advantages of time management.
It means accomplishing the tasks at hand while gaining more time for relaxation and enjoying the things you want to do.
Teens volunteering are poised to change the world while gaining valuable skills and experiences.
Students in attendance often must wear a standard uniform, speak in a certain manner, and are expected to abide by the Catholic beliefs, all while gaining their education.
If your child is a few pounds overweight, that is not dangerous, but it can be a warning sign that he has a tendency toward gaining weight easily.
Bullying is defined as intentionally hurting another person, whether physically or verbally, with aggressive behavior for the purpose of gaining power over another person or group.
Live diets are gaining ground, but are they sound?
Hemp protein powder is quickly gaining popularity in the vegetarian world and is available through a number of well-known brands.
While prenuptial agreements have been around for a very long time for the wealthy, they're gaining in popularity for those who aren't as well-to-do.
The coffee wedding favor is gaining in popularity.
The trend towards these super size limo rides began explosively gaining popularity just prior to 2000.
Celtic wedding rings are gaining in popularity.
Gaining weight, becoming moody, and fighting with cravings can be extremely difficult.
A person who suffers from bulimia will consume large amounts of food, but vomit or use laxatives to avoid gaining weight.
The purpose is not to create poetry that is worthy of publication in a major literary journal, but rather to tap into poetry as a tool for gaining a better understanding of one's addiction.
This improved focus can help recovering addicts work on gaining insight about why they began using drugs or alcohol, and this can help them learn how to deal with the situations that will trigger them to begin using again.
This demonstrates the gaining popularity of comforters over the past years.
While Lopez has long been known for her ample tush, she is gaining even more attention lately for her overall appearance.
He has a full schedule planned, "The racing plan for the rest of this year is to do as many ARCA and NASCAR Busch races as we can to continue gaining a lot of experience for next year.
Gannascoli, who lost a total of 32 pounds, but not without actually gaining 12 pounds at one point in the show (a show record for weight gain).
Cindy Margolis seemed to become an overnight sensation, perhaps a result of being in the right place at the right time as the Internet was gaining speed.
Portman's first film role was in The Professional, gaining her enough attention to keep the actress working steadily.
While it is reported that her move to L.A. was to follow her boyfriend at the time, it really was fate, because it was there that Garner's career really began gaining momentum.
Reports state that he's in the process of gaining the weight needed to fill the much larger pants of the comedic icon.
Gomez has appeared in many Disney series' and television movies, and is quickly gaining a large fan following.
Gomez has appeared in a handful of films, gaining traction from cameo parts to lead roles.
The sad part is, if the celeb ends up gaining the weight back, the cycle starts all over again.
Matt Damon's career keeps gaining momentum and it's showing no signs of slowing down.
The show is gaining viewers all over the world, bringing its stars almost instant fame.
Doris Day was gaining popularity quickly, and by the mid-1940s she was touring the country and performing on live radio programs.
Ford enjoyed the harder rock and roll that was gaining popularity in the late 1960s and early 1970s, and it wasn't long before she joined a band.
Still, the health risks of smoking outweigh the disadvantages of gaining a few pounds.
Elisabeth Hasselbeck – After originally gaining fame as a contestant on Survivor, Hasselbeck became a co-host of The View and doesn't hesitate to share her conservative views.
They have sold over 20 million units worldwide, with many of their commercial albums gaining platinum status.
With a considerable mail-order business, and retail and outlet stores becoming more and more numerous, L.L. Bean is gaining ground in both adults' and kids' outdoor clothes.
The PhD is the most common Doctoral degree in America, but the EdD is gaining in popularity.