Gain Sentence Examples
All they gain is a sense of contributing.
My loss is your gain, Josh.
Worst of all, it had all been to gain access to money she could have had without protest.
Had the idea only been a clever method to gain favors?
She let up on the accelerator long enough to gain control of the vehicle.
With Andre's help, he might gain some insight into Deidre's illness and be able to counter the demons tracking and stealing souls.
Maybe you are having a little water gain, but you look great.
He ravaged me, and he used me, just to gain access....
She was much like you, though neither of you were able to gain his trust, for reasons I believe are understandable.
Let's consider examples of how the effect is positive for some, negative for some, but the net is a gain in the overall wealth of the system.
AdvertisementThen change it, purify thyself; and as thou art purified, thou wilt gain wisdom.
In any case, the house rental was her business and she needed to gain the confidence of running it without his direction.
In ethics, he is a hard determinist and hedonist, though not without qualifications (man's boundless desire for "gain and glory") and peculiarities.
Our artificially-established classifications collapse whilst we gain further insight into the mutual affinities of the existing groups.
A sudden storm gave abundance of rain, while hail and thunder confounded their enemies, and enabled the Romans to gain an easy and complete victory.
AdvertisementThere is, no doubt, a direct interchange of heat between the plant and the air, which in many cases results in a gain of heat by the plant.
He sets the Normans before us as a race specially marked by cunning, despising their own inheritance in the hope of winning a greater, eager after both gain and dominion, given to imitation of all kinds, holding a certain mean between lavishness and greediness - that is, perhaps uniting, as they certainly did, these two seemingly opposite qualities.
He sought to gain the favour of the government of the Restoration, but in 1816 was exiled in virtue of the law against the regicides.
Saturninus also brought in a bill, the object of which was to gain the support of the rabble by supplying corn at a nominal price.
Wagner failed to gain a footing, and Rienzi, destined for the Grand Opera, was rejected.
AdvertisementTo gain this, an extensive propaganda was carried on by secret agents, many of whom were officers.
The opening of the Chippewa lands in the northwest and the coming of peace marked the beginning of a new period of rapid growth, the Federal census of 1870 showing a population of 439,706, or a gain of 75.8% in five years.
Its democratic constitution, which seems to have been entirely congenial to the population of small freeholders, and its ambition to gain control over the Alpheus watershed and both the Arcadian high roads to the isthmus, frequently estranged Mantineia from Sparta and threw it into the arms of Argos.
The enemy, having everything to gain and nothing to lose thereby, agreed finally to a six weeks' suspension of arms. This was perhaps the gravest military error of Napoleon's whole career, and his excuse for it, " want of adequate cavalry," is the strongest testimony as to the value of that arm.
During a two years' visit to England he sought earnestly to gain friends to his colony's cause, but returned to Boston in April 1776 convinced that a friendly settlement of the dispute was impossible.
AdvertisementHis adversaries vainly endeavoured to gain him by favour, for as court-marshal and senator he was still more hostile to the dominant patricians who followed the adventurous policy of Magnus de la Gardie.
Shortly before the Restoration he came to England on a highly successful mission to gain for Charles the support of the Presbyterians.
In 1906 the percentages were 31 and 6.67, showing a considerable loss for the former and a slight gain for the latter.
The Cabetes, who possessed the soil, were fierce and pertinacious; and, assisted by the French, who traded to that coast, Coelho had to gain by inches what was granted him by leagues.
But he had to gain his living, and accordingly he accepted the post of tutor once more, this time in the house of Dr Smith, vice-bishop of Bergen.
He therefore supported Venice against her enemies, refused to enter the League of Cambray in 1508, and concluded a ten years' alliance with the Signoria, which obliged Hungary to defend Venetian territory without any equivalent gain.
But he was not a blind follower of the system; he wished for unlimited freedom of trade in many,cases; and he was in advance of his more eminent contemporary Montaigne in perceiving that the gain of one nation is not necessarily the loss of another.
He shows how, for purely personal ends, Kruger allied himself with the British faction who were agitating for annexation, and to undermine him and endeavour to gain the presidency, urged the Boers to pay no taxes.
But the truth was that the Boers thought they stood to gain by fighting, while the British, though not expecting war, and acting up till the last month or so on the assumption that serious military preparations were either unnecessary or sufficiently unlikely to be necessary to make them politically inexpedient, had with no less confidence committed themselves to a policy which was impracticable on peaceful terms.
He was a born leader of mercenaries, and, although he did not shrink from cruelty to gain his ends, he afterwards showed himself a mild and popular "tyrant."
After the latter's death in 1197 he assisted his own brother Otto, afterwards the emperor Otto IV., in his attempts to gain the German throne.
They further say, govern and regulate your feelings, discharge your duties to God and to man, and you will gain everlasting blessedness; purify your heart, cultivate devotional feelings and you will see Him who is unseen.
It is especially necessary that they should gain experience in management of men, and in the conduct of the business details, which cannot well be taught in schools.
Numerically, the contending armies would at this very critical juncture of the campaign be almost equal, the invaders rather the stronger; but the Turks were much dispersed, so that the result almost hinged upon the speed with which the attacking side should gain ground before the defenders had time to concentrate.
But later, with the growing claims of the individual and the acknowledgment of these in the religious and intellectual life, both problems, and especially the latter, pressed themselves irresistibly on the notice of religious thinkers, and made it impossible for any conception of the divine rule and righteousness to gain acceptance, which did not render adequate satisfaction to the claims of both problems. To render such satisfaction was the task undertaken by apocalyptic, as well as to vindicate the righteousness of God alike in respect of the individual and of the nation.
In 1390 Gian Galeazzo Visconti, having made himself master of a large part of northern Italy, intrigued to gain possession of Pisa and Siena.
His unwillingness to agree to the coalition was magnified into a determination to defeat it, though it is quite obvious that he could only gain by the humiliation of Frederick, and nothing was ever proved against him.
It should therefore be kept a year or more in heaps in some waste corner and turned over once or twice so that the air can gain access to it and oxidize the poisonous ingredients in it.
The history of these islands is in every case one of varying loss and gain in the struggle with the sea.
It could most easily make them useful to gain the influence and support which it needed, and to provide for the public functions which fell to its share, by employing the precarium tenure.
The Egyptian rebels managed to gain most influence, and, in accordance with their desire, 'Ali was appointed caliph by the citizens of Medina.
By Abdallah's advice the expedition was abandoned; Fesal hastened back with all his forces to Riad, and invested the citadel where Masharah had taken refuge, but failed to gain possession of it, until Abdallah with two companions found his way into the palace, killed Masharah, and placed Fesal on the throne of his father.
The proof lies in the new Offenburg demands of the 19th of March, and in the resolution moved by Hecker in the preliminary parliament of Frankfort that Germany should be declared a republic. But neither in Baden nor Frankfort did he at any time gain his point.
He laid siege to them, and his men could only gain access to the caves by being let down from above.
The life-history of Schistostomum haematobium is still unknown, but the difficulty in obtaining developmental stages in any of the numerous intermediate hosts that have been tried suggests that the ciliated larvae may develop directly in man and either gain access to him by the use of impure water for drinking or may perforate his skin when bathing.
Otto failed to take Mainz and Augsburg; but an attempt on the part of Conrad and Ludolf to gain support from the Magyars, who had seized the opportunity to invade Bavaria, alienated many of their supporters.
In 1533 his father married him to Catherine de' Medici, from which match, as he said, Francis hoped to gain great advantage, even though it might be somewhat of a misalliance.
It was a labor of loving service, untouched by the spirit of material gain, conferring upon the work of the older masters a dignity and poetic feeling which we vainly seek in much of the later work.
Godoy in his memoirs asserts that Escoiquiz sought to gain his favour by flattery.
The mere fact that he was selected to be the tutor of the heir apparent, Ferdinand, afterwards King Ferdinand VII., is of itself a proof that he exerted himself to gain the goodwill of the reigning favourite.
How could the emperor gain the right,"he asks," to rule my faith?"With that only the Word of God is concerned."
His great object was doubtless to gain supreme power and to keep it by any means, and by any betrayal that the circumstances demanded; and it is not without significance perhaps that on the very day of Oxford's dismissal he gave a dinner to the Whig leaders, and on the day preceding the queen's death ordered overtures to be made to the elector.5 On the accession of George I.
The one complete survival of the generation after the death of Ennius, the comedy of P. Terentius Afer or Terence (c. 185-159), exemplifies the gain in literary accomplishment and the loss in literary freedom.
The latest form of poetry adopted from Greece and destined to gain and permanently to hold the ear of the world was the elegy.
On the other hand, though the Athenian fleet became stronger and several cities were captured, the league itself did not gain any important voluntary adherents.
The permanent gain to the service due to his exertions was far more than formal, for it is to him that the general staff owes its tradition of thorough and patient individual effort.
On the first ballot he stood third (with 134 votes); on the seventh ballot second (with 2951 votes); on the twelfth ballot first (with 404 votes); on the thirtieth ballot he dropped to second (with 4002 votes); on the thirty-ninth vote he again stood first (with 4682 votes); and continued to gain thereafter until he was nominated on the forty-fourth ballot.
If, starting from E, the same amount of heat h is restored at constant pressure, we should arrive at the point F on the adiabatic through B, since the substance has been transformed from B to F by a reversible path without loss or gain of heat on the whole.
If there is no external loss or gain of heat through the walls of the pipe, and if the flow is steady, so that energy is not accumulating in the space AB, we must evidently have the condition E'+U'+p'v' =E'+ U"+p"v" at any two cross-sections of the stream.
Assassination for gain was with them a religious duty, and was considered a holy and honourable profession.
It is quite clear, however, that the marshal of Champagne, who was one of the leaders and inner counsellors of the expedition throughout, sympathized with the majority, and it is fair to point out that the temptation of chivalrous adventure was probably as great as that of gain.
The motive seems to have been primarily commercial-that is, the love of gain.
On the other side, it is said that the men who are doing well at home are the ones least likely to emigrate, because they have least to gain.
Emigration is therefore an economic gain, both directly and indirectly.
Attempts have sometimes been made to put a money value on the economic gain by immigration.
If he is diseased, crippled, dishonest or indolent, he may be a direct loss to the community instead of a gain.
At the same time improvements in agriculture and the opening up of new countries have enabled the modern community to gain its food and raw material with a less expenditure of labour force, and the surplus agricultural population has gone to the city.
The army merely swung backwards, pivoting on its left wing, the corps preserving their relative order as it had been on the 16th, with the exception that the Imperial Guard was withdrawn to the spur on which Fort Plappeville stands, and the 6th Corps (Marshal Canrobert) crossed the line of march of the 3rd and 4th Corps in order to gain St Privat la Montagne.
Even in so important a matter as the great conflict between Persia and Greece it has been suggested more than once that we should be able to gain a much truer view were Persian as well as Greek accounts accessible.
Who but Mary herself could have written about this unknown affair of the Bishop, and what had the supposed forger to gain by inventing and adding these references to affairs unconnected with the case?
In the Samian and the Peloponnesian wars, Artaxerxes remained neutral, in spite of the attempts made by both Sparta and Athens to gain his alliance.
The Dutch admiral manoeuvred to keep, and Monk to gain, the weather-gage.
But the rights of Clarence were conveyed in the first instance to an only daughter, and the ambition and policy of the house of Lancaster, profiting by advantageous circumstances, enabled them not only to gain possession of the throne but to maintain themselves in it for three generations before they were dispossessed by the representatives of the elder brother.
The attempt to reduce the brigand-soldiery, and especially the ordinances passed by the estates of Languedoil at Orleans in 1439, which not only gave the king an aid of ioo,000 francs (an act which was later used by the king as though it were a perpetual grant and so freed him from that parliamentary control of the purse so important in England), but demanded as well royal nominations to officerships in the army, marked a gain in the royal prerogative which the nobility resolved to challenge.
His biographer attributes the comparative failure of the Clavis to its inferiority in point of style, but the crudeness of his thought had quite as much to do with his failure to gain a hearing.
She agreed with their plan of an armed congress, and on this idea both she and Fersen insisted with all their might, Fersen leaving Brussels and going on a mission to the emperor to try and gain support and checkmate the émigrés, whose desertion the queen bitterly resented, and whose rashness threatened to frustrate her plans and endanger the lives of her family.
In April 1776 he went to Montreal with Charles Carroll, Samuel Chase and John Carroll, as a member of the commission which conferred with General Arnold, and attempted without success to gain the co-operation of Canada.
Lugard then endeavoured to settle some of the burning disputes relative to the division of lands and chiefships, &c., and to gain the confidence of both parties.
Though the excellence of his work as agent-general in the years 1780-86 was fully acknowledged, and earned him a special gift of 31,000 livres, yet he did not gain a bishopric until the beginning of the year 1789, probably because the king disliked him as a freethinker.
He maintained his ascendancy until about 515, when Oroetes, the Persian governor of Lydia, who had been reproached for his failure to reduce Samos by force, lured him to the mainland by false promises of gain and put him to death by crucifixion.
So soon as the modern national state began to gain strength, the issue between secular rulers and the bishops of Rome took a new form.
He maintained that Christ was the only high priest and that the gospel did not gain its sanction from the authority of the Church.
Fighting cautiously at first with his leading line to gain time for his second to come up, he then charged and broke up the hostile right wing of cavalry, while some battalions of infantry scaled the hill and captured the Bavarian guns.
The federal census of 1900 showed that of every ioo persons employed for gain only 37.5% were of native descent (that is, had a nativeborn father).
Abandoned since 495 - for Kasyapa was eventually slain during a battle fought in the plain beneath - it has, on the whole, well withstood the fury of tropical storms, and is now used again to gain access to the top. When rediscovered by Major Forbes in 1835 the portions of the gallery where it had been exposed for so many centuries to the south-west monsoon, had been carried away.
They were especially anxious to gain Bern, and Zwingli challenged the Romanists to a public disputation in that city.
To gain the best chance of success he would have to concentrate his whole army almost within gunshot of the centre of the enemies' outposts without attracting their attention; otherwise he would find the allies concentrated and waiting for him.
But his shy, proud nature was not fitted to gain patients, and the Leipzig doctors would not recommend one who was not a Leipzig graduate.
In the freer atmosphere of Holland the exiles lose the antithetical attitude, with its narrowing and exaggerative tendency, and gain breadth and balance in the assertion of their distinctive testimony.
Kieft promised the concessions to gain the board's consent to waging war, but later denied its authority to exact promises from him and dissolved it.
To that, and to the annual gain by immigration, the fairly rapid rate of increase is due.
Between 1885 and 1891 the colony lost more than it gained oversea; but from 1892 to 1908 the gain by immigration was 90,000.
After the surrender of Cronje at Paardeberg on the 27th of February 1900 Bloemfontein was occupied by the British troops under Lord Roberts (March 13,) and on the constitution met on the 18th of December 1907, when it was announced that the Transvaal and Orange Colony had each given notice of the termination of the intercolonial council with the intention of each colony to gain individual control of its railways and constabulary.
Their strategy was to gain time without immobilizing themselves so far that the Japanese could impose a decisive action at the moment that suited them best.
Kuropatkin, who had taken command of the army, saw from the first that he would have Kuro- to gain three months, and disposed his forces as they patkin's came on the scene, unit by unit, in perfect accord plan.
He therefore chose Liao-Yang as the point of concentration, and having thus to gain time by force instead of by distance, he pushed out a strong covering detachment towards the Yalu.
They had incurred an additional loss of 13,000 men without substantial gain, except a lodgment on the counterscarp of Sung-Shu.
As the giver of luck he became a deity of gain and commerce (KEpS ios, 6.yopa70s), an aspect which caused his identification with Mercury, the Roman god of trade.
At this time the Czechs were trying to gain a foothold in frontier lands which had hitherto been considered solely German.
This was at first left wholly to private enterprise; but, as Austrian buyers not only competed with each other but also with buyers from other countries, this was bound to send up prices, while the interests of the State were subordinated to private gain.
The gain was chiefly confined to cattle, but the number of horses, sheep and swine also showed substantial increases.
Just as in Protestant countries there has often been an amalgamation of evangelical belief with national feeling, to the great gain of both, Catholics demand that Catholicism shall enter into the sphere of their national interests, and that the activities of the Catholic Church should rest on a national basis.
Hence the second clock will gain or lose on the other.
If the difference of the number of oscillations made by the two pendulums in a given time is small compared to the number made by either of them separately, then it is easy to show that the power given to the circuit is measured by the gain or loss of one clock over the other in a given time, and can therefore be indicated on a counting mechanism or registering dials.
At the close of the year Louis went to Paris, partly in order to procure a divorce from Hortense and partly to gain better terms for Holland.
He travelled much, always to gain knowledge, and generally to complete his historical equipment.
A few days afterwards (June 26th or 27th) John of Antioch arrived, and efforts were made by both parties to gain his ear; whether inclined or not to the cause of his former co-presbyter, he was naturally excited by the precipitancy with which Cyril had acted, and at a conciliabulum of forty-three bishops held in his lodgings shortly after his arrival he was induced by Candidian, the friend of Nestorius, to depose the bishops of Alexandria and Ephesus on the spot.
During the 17th and 18th centuries, while the Romanist majority of the Swiss cantons steadily refused to accept Geneva as even a subordinate member of the Confederation, the city itself was distracted on several occasions by attempts of the citizens, as a whole, to gain some share in the aristocratic government of the town, though these attempts were only partially successful.
In return the duke probably agreed to aid Charles in his proposed attack on the league as soon as he could gain the consent of the Saxon estates, or at all events to remain neutral during the impending war.
According to a well-known story, a young woman in humble circumstances, whose father (or mother) was lying in prison under sentence of death, without food, managed to gain admittance, and fed her parent with milk from her breast.
He hoped to gain Prussia also to his side, and by uniting the German powers to force Alexander to retire from the position he had so uncompromisingly laid down.
Many authorities attempt to restrain visitors from feeding the animals in their charge, but such a restriction, even if practicable, is not all gain, for animals in captivity are less inclined to mope, and are more intelligent and tamer, if they become accustomed to regard visitors as pleasant sources of tit-bits.
This was the solitary gain of the whole operation.
In Virginia Burnside had made, in January 1863, an attempt to gain by manoeuvre what he had missed in battle.
Meade was to "hammer" Lee, and Sherman, at the head of the armies which had been engaged at Chattanooga and Knoxville, was to deal with the other great field army of Confederates under Johnston, and as far as possible gain ground for the Union in the south-east.
This was a triumph for Abd-el Kader, who regarded the peace as but a truce which would allow him time to gain strength to resume the war under more favourable conditions.
The first task, of Old Testament textual criticism after the Reformation was to prove the independence of these two texts, to gain general Tecognition of the fact that vowels and accents formed no part .of the original Hebrew text of the Old Testament.
Here the gain has been more direct; e.g.
William, who had always been bitterly opposed to the policy of abandoning the French alliance in order to gain better terms from Spain, did his utmost to prevent the ratification, but matters were too far advanced for his interposition to prevail in the face of the determination of the states of Holland to conclude a peace so advantageous to their trade interests.
In 1902 the petroleum produced in the state amounted to 248,950 barrels, valued at $172,837, a gain in quantity of 81.4% over 1901.
Carlos Buell, in command of the Federal Army of the Ohio stationed there, and entering Kentucky in August 1862 proceeded slowly toward Louisville, hoping to win the state to the Confederate cause and gain recruits for the Confederacy in the state.
In 1842 he went to Stockholm Observatory in order to gain experience in practical astronomical work, and in the following year he became observer at Upsala Observatory.
At the head of his troops, who idolized him, he was a Cromwell, adding to the zeal of a fanatic and the energy of the born leader the special military skill and trained soldierly spirit which the English commander had to gain by experience.
Profit arises as soon as stock, being accumulated in the hands of one person, is employed by him in setting others to work, and supplying them with materials and subsistence, in order to make a gain by what they produce.
In development of this consideration, Smith goes on to explain the gain to the community arising from the substitution of paper money for that composed of the precious metals; and here occurs the remarkable illustration in which the use of gold and silver money is compared to a highway on the ground, that of paper money to a wagon way through the air.
The mutual jealousies of the Gallic tribes had enabled German invaders first to gain a foothold on the left bank of the Rhine, and then to obtain a predominant position in Central Gaul.
Caesar must have seen that the Germans were preparing to dispute with Rome the mastery of Gaul; but it was necessary to gain time, and in 59 B.C. Ariovistus was inscribed on the roll of the friends of the Roman people.
It was chiefly during the generalship of Acquaviva that the Society began to gain an evil reputation which eclipsed its good report.
As the trustees of this institution were Federalists with the right to fill vacancies in their number, the Democrats attempted to gain control by converting it into a state university and increasing the number of trustees, but when the case reached the Supreme Court of the United States that body pronounced (1819) the charter a contract which the Federal constitution forbade the state to violate.
Ransomed in 1103 by the generosity of an Armenian prince, Bohemund made it his first object to attack the neighbouring Mahommedan powers in order to gain supplies.
Perhaps we may illustrate his position by saying that the elements undergo a change analogous to what takes place in iron, when by being brought into an electric field it becomes magnetic. The substance of the elements remain as well as their accidents, but like baptismal water they gain by consecration a hidden virtue benefiting soul and body.
Yet in spite of these accessions, the population of the country realized a slightly smaller proportion of gain than when the foreign arrivals were almost insignificant.
Defeated in her object of obtaining employment in the Russian secret service, she resumed her efforts to gain converts to theosophy.
Beyond this we often find the calefactorium or day-room - an apartment warmed by flues beneath the pavement, where the brethren, half frozen during the night offices, betook themselves after the conclusion of lauds, to gain a little warmth, grease their sandals and get themselves ready for the work of the day.
She was in constant communication with her son, the future king, during his exile in Brittany, and with her husband, Lord Stanley, aided him to gain the crown in 1485.
At all these farms experiments are conducted to gain information as to the best methods of preparing the land for crop and of maintaining its fertility, the most useful and profitable crops to grow, and how the various crops grown can be disposed of to the greatest advantage.
Numerous and striking discrepancies may be due to the fact that there was more than one edition or recension of it in early times, or to the author leaving his work in such a condition that such discrepancies must inevitably gain currency.
His special gift lay in the power to make what had been traditionally received impressive, to give to it its proper form, and to gain for it new currency.
But Izz ed-din, intriguing with the Mameluke sultans of Egypt to expel his brother and gain his independence, was defeated by a Mongol army and obliged to flee to the imperial court.
About the fifth week of human embryonic life the tunica albuginea appears in the male, from which septa grow to divide the testis into lobules, while the epithelial cords form the seminiferous tubes, though these do not gain a lumen until just before puberty.
His remaining years were spent in futile plans to make Poland a hereditary monarchy, to weaken the power of the Saxon nobles, and to gain territory for his sons in various parts of Europe.
Public opinion in England, lately so hostile, now became confident, and Wellington, whose rewards for Talavera had been opposed in both Houses, began to gain extraordinary popularity.
If we widen the slit still further rapid loss of purity results, with very little gain in light, the maximum luminosity obtainable with an indefinitely wide slit being four times that obtained with the normal one.
If within the range5100-3700A, the constants are determined once for all, the formula seems capable of giving by interpolation results accurate to o 2 A, but as a rule the range to which the formula is applied will be much less with a corresponding gain in the accuracy of the results.
He had concluded peace with the Porte (June 13, 1700) on very advantageous terms, in order to devote himself wholly to a war with Sweden to the end that Russia might gain her proper place on the Baltic. The possession of an ice-free seaboard was essential to her natural development; the creation of a fleet would follow inevitably upon the acquisition of such a seaboard; and she could not hope to obtain her due share of the trade and commerce of the world till she possessed both.
The gain to Russia was, indeed, much more than territorial.
Each had its turn of supremacy, and in his early years it seemed as if the humanistic influence would gain the final victory.
But the divisions of Christendom testify to the harm done by undue insistence on the claims of the individual to gain scope to extend the kingdom in his own way.
It is a confusion, resulting in loss, not in gain, as regards spiritual power, to try to combine the two types of piety, as his readers were more and more apt to do.
Although, among other obstacles, the popes of the 12th century had experienced some difficulty in subduing the inhabitants of the city, which was the seat and centre of the of the Christian world, their monarchy did not cease to gain in authority, solidity and prestige, and the work of centralization, which was gradually making them masters of the whole ecclesiastical organism, was accomplished steadily and without serious interruption.
Although the ecclesiastical monarchy continued to gain strength, the successors of Innocent III.
If Spain could gain this Alpine valley her territories would touch those of Austria, so that the Habsburgs north of the Alps could send troops to the aid of their Spanish cousins against Venice, and Spain in turn could help to subdue the Protestant princes of Germany in the Thirty Years' War (1618-1648).
The solution will thus gain solvent, and will grow more and more dilute.
The old sacrificial hymns were probably obscene and certainly nonsensical, and the substitution for them of the psalms, and of lections of the prophets and New Testament, was an enormous gain.
Her irreligion was shared by multitudes of contemporaries who had never been called upon to renounce one form of Christianity and profess belief in another in order to gain a crown.
As the wealthiest of Roman provinces it had most to gain by the pax Romana, and therefore welcomed the empire, and established and maintained the most devout cult of Augustus by means of the organization known as the Koinon or Commune, a representative council, meeting in the various metropoleis.
Although the Bab g (4) g Y lonian religion presents a very gloomy view of the world of the dead, it is not without a few faint glimpses of a hope that a few mortals at least may gain deliverance from the dread doom.
Assuming the materials to be of equal tensile strength per unit of area - hard-drawn copper is stronger, but has a lower conductivity - the adoption of aluminium thus leads to a reduction of 52% in the weight, a gain of 60% in the strength, and an increase of 26% in the diameter of the conductor.
Certain springs and geysers lose some of their energy at intervals, while others gain; certain geysers have become quiescent, but some new ones have been formed.
It should always be borne in mind that in the Western and Central Alps there is but one ridge to cross, to which access is gained by a deep-cut valley, though often it would be shorter to cross a second pass in order to gain the plains, e.g.
The gain of the Milanese in 18J9 by the future king of Italy (1861) meant that Italy then won the valley of Livigno (between the Upper Engadine and Bormio), which is the only important bit it holds on the nonItalian slope of the Alps, besides the county of Tenda (obtained in 1575, and not lost in 1860), with the heads of certain glens in the Maritime Alps, reserved in 1860 for reasons connected with hunting.
He saw that unaided the patriotic party could not hope to resist the power of Philip II., and he had therefore resolved to gain the support of France by the offer of the sovereignty of the Netherlands to the duke of Anjou.
At the same time Maurice of Nassau, now grown to man's estate, began to display those military talents which were to gain for him the fame of being the first general of his time.
William, now supreme in the States, while on land struggling with chequered success against the superior forces of the French, strove by his diplomacy, and not in vain, to gain allies for the republic. The growing power of France caused alarm to her neighbours, and Sweden, Denmark, Spain and the emperor lent a willing ear to the persuasions of the stadholder and were ready to aid his efforts to curb the ambition of Louis.
Most genera are saprophytes, but some - Chaetocladium, Piptocephalis - are parasites on other Mucorini, and one or two are associated casually with the rotting of tomatoes and other fruits, bulbs, &c., the fleshy parts of which are rapidly destroyed if once the hyphae gain entrance.
In 1673 he was chosen with Joliet for the exploration of the Mississippi, of which the French had begun to gain knowledge from Indians of the central prairies.
With the width at the bottom thus limited, the furnace builder naturally tries to gain volume as rapidly as possible by flaring or " battering " his walls outwards, i.e.
In 1751 Hume was again unsuccessful in the attempt to gain a professor's chair.
Within a very few years the sale of the History was sufficient to gain for the author a larger revenue than had ever before been known in his country to flow from literature, and to place him in comparative affluence.
The chiefs and their followers that settled Iceland were "picked men," the flower of the land, and sought a new home from other motives than want or gain.
The left wing of cavalry was to move under cover of woods, houses and hollows to gain Wangenies, where it was to connect with the frontal attack of the French centre from Fleurus and to envelop Waldeck's right.
The expedition had been instructed to endeavour to afford assistance to Heinrich Barth, who had in 1851 crossed the Benue in its upper course, but Baikie was unable to gain any trustworthy information concerning him.
The Saxons and the Thuringians were soon in arms, and they were joined by those warlike spirits of Germany to whom an age of peace brought no glory and an age of prosperity brought no gain.
A feature of this struggle was the reckless way in which the rival kings gave away the property of the crown in order to gain adherents, thus enriching the princes and weakening the central government.
If the cities had gained the day they might still have aimed at balancing the power of the princes, but owing partly to their imperfect union, partly to the necessity of fighting with hired troops, they did not gain any serious advantage.
Charles was aided by soldiers hurried from Italy and the Netherlands, but he did not gain any substantial successes until after October 1546, when his ally Maurice invaded electoral Saxony and forced John Frederick to march northwards to its defence.
He was still dealing with this matter and hoping to gain support for it from the diet of Regen.sburg when he died (October 1576).
The growth of the Polish population has caused much anxiety; supported by the Roman Catholic Church, the Polish language has advanced, especially in Silesia, and this is only part of the general, tendency, so marked throughout central Europe, for the Slays to gain ground upon the Teutons.
There was, moreover, a tendency for local parties to gain in numbers and influencethe Volkspartei in Wurttemberg, the Anti-Semites in Hesse, and the Bauernbund (Peasants League) in Bavaria.
At Vermont Station, in a 127 days' test, Chester Whites made an average gain of 1.36 lb and dressed 84.5% carcase, and they can gain fully 1 lb of live weight for 3 lb of grain consumed.
During Charles V.'s struggles with the German Protestants, Ferdinand preserved a neutral attitude, which contributed to gain Germany a short period of internal peace.
In this settlement a concession on commercial policy would be set off against a gain on the financial agreement; e.g.
The Poles wished to gain as much autonomy as they could for their own province, but they had no interest in opposing the centralization of other parts; they were satisfied if Austria would surrender the Ruthenes to them.
In this case the concessions to the Servo-Croatians lrad been made by the Liberal ministry; they required the parliamentary support of the Dalmatian representatives, who were more numerous than the Italian, and it was also necessary to cultivate the loyalty of the Slav races in this part so as to gain a support for Austria against the Russian party, which was very active in the Balkan Peninsula.
The actual gain was small; but the invaders took seizin alike of the coast and of the island.
They could grow only within the island; they could gain no strength from outside.
The Southern states had greatly enlarged representation in Congress on account of their slaves, and the national government was constitutionally bound to assist in the capture of fugitive slaves, and to suppress every attempt on their part to gain their freedom by force.
This had occurred in a moment of weakness, in order that by such a promise, which yet left Allah in his lofty position, he might gain over his fellowcountrymen.
There is a small Episcopalian body, which has a large unfinished church, and a schismatic "catholicos," who has vainly tried to gain acceptance into the Anglican communion.
Their cupidity is mitigated by generosity; their natural indolence by the necessity, especially among the peasantry, to work hard to gain a livelihood.
As a whole, we gain the Impression that a really distinct and more primitive stage of hieroglyphic writing by a substantially vaguer notation of words lay not far behind the time of the 1st Dynasty.
As this was in origin identical with that professed by the Carmathians, he hoped to gain the submission of their leader by argument; but this plan was unsuccessful, and there was a fresh invasion from that quarter in the year after his arrival, and the caliph found himself besieged in his capital.
He then tried to gain possession of Aleppo, as the key to Irk, but this was prevented by the intervention of the Byzantines.
Aggrandizement southwards, at the expense of the German empire, was becoming every year more difficult; and in every other direction she had nothing more to gain.
He only wanted to gain time, and he gained it.
Under these circumstances the latter appealed to Frederick, who, resolved that Austria should gain no unnecessary advantage, took his part, and brought pressure to bear upon the emperor.
In 1674 he was made "commander-in-chief"; and in connexion with this another unsuccessful attempt, graphically described in Clarke's Life of James, was made to gain from Charles a tacit admission of his legitimacy.
Not stopping to reflect that in the angry and suspicious state of men's minds he was sure to lose as much in one direction as he would gain in the other, Justinian entered into the idea, and put forth an edict exposing and denouncing the errors contained in the writings of Theodore generally, in the treatise of Theodoret against Cyril of Alexandria, and in a letter of Bishop Ibas (a letter whose authenticity was doubted, but which passed under his name) to the Persian bishop Marls.
To gain a clear distinction between the ninth and tenth commandments on this scheme it has usually been felt to be necessary to follow the Deuteronomic text, and make the ninth commandment, Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife.'
The Pharisees were occupied with the piecemeal realization of the dreams of their supposed opponents, which gain a vague glory from their being far off.
The new subjects compared with the old show some falling off in dramatic stress and intensity of expression, but on the other hand a marked gain in largeness of design and clearness of composition.
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A series of exquisite books, which gain in value every year, witnesses to the thorough and whole-hearted fashion in which he invariably threw himself into the exigencies of his life-work.
From that time to the present day the record of the Hungarian capital has been one of uninterrupted advance, not merely in externals, such as the removal of slums, the reconstruction of the town, the development of communications, industry and trade, and the erection of important public buildings, but also in the mental, moral and physical elevation of the inhabitants; besides another important gain from the point of view of the Hungarian statesman, namely, the progressive increase and improvement of status of the Magyar element of the population.
Henry was then particularly anxious to cement his alliance with Francis I., and gain his co-operation as far as possible in the object on which he had secretly set his heart - a divorce from Catherine of Aragon.
To gain the support of the estates of Gelderland in this war of succession, Arnold had been compelled to make many concessions limiting the ducal prerogatives, and granting large powers to a council consisting of representatives of the nobles and the four chief cities, and his extravagance and exactions led to continual conflicts, in which the prince was compelled to yield to the demands of his subjects.
It is of the first importance that we should endeavour to see this book as a whole; to gain the total impression which it makes on the mind; to look at the picture of Jesus Christ which it offers.
It is probable that many passages of St Luke's Gospeel which have no parallel in St Matthew were also derived from this early source; but this is not easily capable of distinct proqf; and, therefore, in order to gain a secure conception of the document we must confine ourselves at first to those parts of it which were borrowed by both writers.
He who seeks to gain his life will lose it.
At every juncture in his life his object had been to gain for himself and his own narrow policy everything that he could, while conceding nothing in return.
In the following year, in order to gain insight into another side of his calling, he spent four months at Wetzlar, where the imperial law-courts were established.
But for the literary life of both poets the gain was incommensurable.
While in the baths at Sinuessa, Tigellinus received the news that he must die, and, having vainly endeavoured to gain a respite, cut his throat.
Early in his term he carried out a policy he had urged upon the government when minister to France and when vice-president, by dispatching naval forces to coerce Tripoli into a decent respect for the trade of his country - the first in Christendom to gain honourable immunity from tribute or piracy in the Mediterranean.
The notable gain to France during this reign was the duchy of Burgundy, which Robert claimed on the death of his uncle, Duke Henry, in Io01.
He took a prominent part in 1816 in founding the American Bible Society; was a judge of Westchester county from 1818 to 1843, when he was removed from office by the party in power in New York, which hoped, by sacrificing an anti-slavery judge, to gain additional strength in the southern states; joined the American anti-slavery society in 1834, and held several important offices in this organization.
Luneburg existed in the days of Charlemagne, but it did not gain importance until after the erection of a convent and a castle on the Kalkberg in the 10th century.
The gain in this was great, seeing that no more than 6 to 8% were actually sent to gaol after the commission of a second offence, and that there was therefore a very distinct saving in expense of maintenance of prisoners incarcerated.
The malcontents sought to gain their end by force.
Moawiya seems to have done his best to gain that approbation, but the details given by the historians are altogether unconvincing.
Being a Tamimite, he belonged to the Moelar, on whom the government in Khorasan depended; but he aided the Yemenites to gain the upper hand of them.
For a long fortnight Dankl hammered at the line south of the Posina and east of the Val Canaglia, but could not gain a yard.
The wings of the Italian line had held firm, and it was above all necessary to gain room south of Arsiero.
An endeavour to gain ground in the Val Sugana had failed on May 26, and no other attempt was made in this sector, for which, in fact, there were no more troops available.
Von Koevess was to gain a little more ground.
In the spring of 1845 Fremont was despatched on a third expedition for the professed purposes of further exploring the Great Basin and the Pacific Coast, and of discovering the easiest lines of communication between them, as well as for the secret purpose of assisting the United States, in case of war with Mexico, to gain possession of California.
No scientific discipline, however, with the doubtful exception of descriptive psychology, stands to gain anything from a temper like that of Hume.
Were this all, the gain by their introduction would consist mainly in a clearer insight into the mechanism of co-ordinate systems, rectangular or not - a very important addition to theory, but little advance so far as practical application is concerned.
When that is done, the full value of Hamilton's grand step becomes evident, and the gain is quite as extensive from the practical as from the theoretical point of view.
If steam or vapour is " wire-drawn " or expanded through a porous plug or throttling aperture without external loss or gain of heat, the total heat (E+pv) remains constant (Thermodynamics, § I I), provided that the experiment is arranged so that the kinetic energy of flow is the same on either side of the throttle.
Americans supposed that Great Britain wished to exchange Mexican bonds for California; France also was thought to be watching for an opening for gratifying supposed ambitions; and all parties saw that even without overt act by the United States the progress of American settlement seemed likely to gain them the province, whose connexion with Mexico had long been a notoriously loose one.
It is often declared that in these teachings there is nothing new, and indeed analogies can be found for many sayings; yet nowhere else do we gain so strong an impression of H 'silty.'
The word, " What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul?"
In his later work, on St Paul the Traveller and the Roman Citizen (1895), Ramsay's views gain both in precision and in breadth.
The gain lies chiefly in seeing beyond the Bezan text to the " Western " text as a whole.
It was only to gain time that he attempted a stand on the Tagliamento.
Down by the mouth of the river Hungarian troops succeeded in establishing themselves between the Old Piave and the main stream, but they were unable to gain any more ground.
However that may be, the German divisions, in spite of a great expenditure of shells, could gain no ground.
There was much retrogression with the intrusion of new barbarian races; but from their absorption by the 10th century until the 10th there is not a century in which some notable gain was not made towards the attainments of modern civilization.
At each step there is a gain in itccu racy and comprehensiveness; and the conviction is cherishei that some system of rectangular axes exists with respeci to which the Newtonian scheme holds with all imaginabb accuracy.
A long flight of steps leads up the eastern height to the abbey, the ruins of which gain a wonderful dignity from their commanding position.
Henceforward the minority of James was disturbed by constant quarrels between a faction, generally favourable to England, under Angus, and the partisans of France under Albany; while the queen-mother and the nobles struggled to gain and to regain possession of the king's person.
Indeed, it may be confidently affirmed that those who desire to gain an insight into the true principles and feelings of the men who made and wrote history in the 16th century will find it here far more than in the work designed for publication by the writer.
It appears to the author, however, that where such methods are employed merely with a view to overcoming a specific malady and there is no intention of increasing the quantity of the wine for purposes of gain, or of giving it a fictitious appearance of quality, these operations are perfectly justifiable and may be compared to the modifications of procedure which are forced upon the brewer or distiller who has to deal with somewhat abnormal raw material.
Should enough free states be admitted into the Union to destroy the balance of power, the North would naturally gain a preponderance in the Senate, as it had in the House, and might, within constitutional limits, legislate as it pleased.
Here Pedro Romero de Terreros made the fortune in 1739 that enabled him to present a man-of-war to Spain and gain the title of Count of Regla.
In 1788 war again broke out between Sweden and Russia, and was carried on for two years without much glory or gain to either party, the main aim of Gustavus being to recover the lost Finnish province.
Escheats and lapsed legacies (caduca) were further miscellaneous sources of gain to the state.
The Sla y s, driven perhaps to the west, had only the Volkhov and the Dnieper, while the (Mahommedan) Bulgarian empire, at the confluence of the Volga with the Kama, was so powerful that for some time it was an open question whether Islam or Christianity would gain the upper hand among the Slav idolaters.
But on the eve of the occupation of Casale by the French, Mattioli - actuated by a tardy sense of patriotism or by the hope of further gain - betrayed the transaction to the governments of Austria, Spain, Venice and Savoy.
Pierre de Breze seems especially to have used Agnes to gain his ascendancy over the king.
Long after the Act of Toleration (1689) was in full forcein England, the Boston Baptists pleaded in vain for the privileges to which they were thereby entitled, and it required the most earnest efforts of English Baptists and other dissenters to gain for them a recognition of the right to exist.
So the Arabs of East Africa anoint themselves with lion's fat in order to gain courage and inspire the animals with awe of themselves.
On his arrival in Sweden, however, he tried to gain time by provisionally confirming what had been done; but the aggressiveness of the Protestant faction and the persistent usurpations of Duke Charles (the Riksdag of 1595 proclaimed him regent though the king had previously refused him that office) made a civil war inevitable.
Yet, though the immediate gain was small, she had not dissipated her blood and treasure altogether in vain.
Charles's subsequent endeavour, in stress of circumstances, to gain a friend by dividing his Polish conquests with the aspiring elector of Brandenburg was a reversal of his original policy and only resulted in the establishment on the southern confines of Sweden of a new rival almost as dangerous as Denmark, her ancient rival in the west.
The y oung king was full of promise, and had he been permitted gradually to gain experience and develop his naturally great talents beneath the guidance of his guardians, as his father had intended, all might have been well for Sweden.
Influenced by the economic reaction which took place in 1879 in consequence of the state of affairs in Germany, where Prince Bismarck had introduced the protectionist system, a Protec- protectionist party had been formed, which tried to tionist gain adherents in the Riksdag.
School attendance is not compulsory, however, and the gain upon illiteracy (75%) appears to be very slow.
In order to gain money for prosecuting the war Agesilaus had supported the revolted satraps, and in 361 he went to Egypt at the head of a mercenary force to aid Tachos against Persia.
At Rome he tried to gain acceptance for them in the college of presbyters and in the church; indeed he had previously made similar attempts in Asia Minor.
Then, to gain the living, Christ raised up Paul as his apostle.
Charles was in favour of religious toleration, and a declaration issued by him in October 1660 aroused great hopes; but he made little effort to conciliate the Presbyterians or to effect a settlement through the Savoy conference, and his real object was to gain power over all the factions and to free his co-religionists, the Roman Catholics, in favour of whom he issued his first declaration of indulgence (26th of December 1662), the bill to give effect to it being opposed by Clarendon and defeated in the Lords, and being replied to by the passing of further acts against religious liberty.
An immediate gain to Charles was the acquisition of another mistress in the person of Louise de Keroualle,the so-called "Madam Carwell,"who had accompanied the duchess of Orleans, the king's sister, to Dover, at the time of the negotiations, and who joined Charles's seraglio,being created duchess of Portsmouth, and acting as the agent of the French alliance throughout the reign.
The germinating spores are not only able to pierce the leaves and stems of the potato plant, and so gain an entry to its interior through the epidermis, but they are also able to pierce the skin of the tuber, especially in young examples.
To suppress them, and to gain a better market for his own ideas, he was even ready to strike up an alliance with the Jesuits, and force on a reluctant France the-doctrine of papal' infallibility.
The fall of the republic was a gain, for it 3 Works of Posidonius and Hecato have served as the basis of extant Latin treatises.
The Spaniards failed to gain any compensating advantage, and on the 13th of February 1668 peace was concluded at Lisbon, Spain at last consenting to recognize the independence of the Portuguese kingdom.
Great hills were razed and tumbled into the bay for the gain of land; others were pierced with cuts, to conform to street grades and to the checker-board city plan adopted in the early days.
The curious Chapman (or Asbury Harpending) case of 1863 was a Confederate scheme involving piracy on Federal vessels in the Pacific and an effort to gain the secession of the state.
But a disturbance of less favourable wave-length may gain the preponderance in case its magnitude be sufficient to produce disintegration in a less Lime than that required by the other disturbances present.
The presence of foreign germs, which may gain the upper hand and totally destroy the flavours of butter and cheese, has led to the search for those particular forms to which the approved properties are due.
In such diseases the bacteria, when introduced into the subcutaneous tissue, rapidly gain entrance to the blood stream and multiply freely in it, and by means of their toxins cause symptoms of general poisoning.
It is also probable that in a state of health organisms do gain entrance to the blood from time to time and are rapidly killed off.
The occasion was one of compliment, and there is nothing striking in the speech as reported; but it served to gain for him the attention of the house when ho presented himself, as he soon afterwards did, in debates of a party character.
His one great object was first to gain office, and then to make his tenure of office secure by conciliating the favour of the king.
To penetrate Albania and gain the desired foothold on the coast, the III.
The manufactures under the factory system were valued at $3,133,903 in 1900 and at $4, 6 7 6, 944 in 1905 - a gain, greater than that of any other city in the state, of 49.2% in five years.
Sir Edmund Baynham was sent on a mission to Rome to be at hand when the news came to gain over the pope to the cause of the successful conspirators.
A second textile industry in which New Jersey in 1900 and in 1905 took first rank was the manufacture of felt hats; the total value of the product in 1905 was 16,540,433, a gain of 32.3% since 1900, and constituting 26% of the value of the product of the entire United States.
From 1900 to 1905 the value of the worsted goods increased from $6,823,721 to $11,925,126, or 74.8%, the greatest gain made by any of the textiles.
Petrarch, who possessed a MS. of Homer and a portion of Plato, never acquired the Greek language, although he attempted to gain some little knowledge of it in his later years.
The Renaissance marked the first great gain in the historic sense, in the efforts of the humanists to realize the spirit of the antique world.
When he was on the point of being shown up, he said, in order to gain time, that if he were buried alive he would rise again on the third day.
Even human dead are not safe from their attacks, their powerful claws enabling them to gain access to newly interred bodies in cemeteries.
Not only in Great Britain and America did the agitation against the administration of the Congo State gain ground, but in Belgium and France reform associations enlightened public opinion.
The widow can gain no advantage from any advancement.
But his far-reaching schemes and studies brought him no immediate gain, and diverted him from the tasks by which he should have supported himself.
A further gain obtained through these operations has been the uncovering, immediately above the main subject, of a beautiful scheme of painted lunettes and vaultings, the lunettes filled by Leonardo's.
The total result, if adequate steps can be taken to counteract the effects of atmospheric change in future, will remain a splendid gain for posterity and a happy refutation of D'Annunzio's despairing poem, the Death of a Masterpiece.
Canning had a taste for mystery and disguises, which he had shown at Oxford, and which did much to gain him his unfortunate reputation for trickery.
At the same time he wisely strove to gain the goodwill of the powerful priesthoods of the great sanctuaries of Delphi and Olympia.
A long and intermittent struggle with the representatives of the emperor Louis IV., who had invested his own son Louis with the mark of Brandenburg, enabled him to gain military experience and distinction.
It is held by some botanists (Celakovsky) that the seminiferous scale of the Abietineae is homologous with the arillus or second integument of the Taxaceae, but this view is too strained to gain general acceptance.
It is urged that in time industries are set up that would not otherwise have existed, and population thereby attracted, this being especially the argument for protective duties in new countries; but even so, there is loss to set against the final gain, if any, and we have not yet had an account in which a balance of loss and gain is attempted..
They live principally in boats, travelling from place to place, profess Mahommedanism, and gain their subsistence by wood-cutting in the Sundarbans, fishing, fortune-telling and trading in trinkets.
This expensive practice was abolished; various checks were placed upon legislative extravagance, and upon financial, special and local legislation generally; and among reform provisions, common enough to-day, but uncommon in 1875, were those forbidding the General Assembly to make irrevocable grants of special privileges and immunities; requiring finance officials of the state to clear their accounts precedent to further eligibility to public office; preventing private gain to state officials through the deposit of public moneys in banks, or otherwise; and permitting the governor to veto specific items in general appropriation bills.
Portions change places so rapidly and so continually, that we may take it, where any average is reached, the energy is so distributed that there is neither gain nor loss when such a change occurs.
Disagreeably awakened to the insecurity of his position by the refusal of the tsar and the sultan to accept him as a vassal, he feigned to resume negotiations with the Poles in order to gain time, dismissed the Polish commissioners in the summer of 1648 with impossible conditions, and on the 23rd of September, after a contest of three days, utterly routed the Polish chivalry, 40,000 strong, at Pildawa, where the Cossacks are said to have reaped an immense booty after the fight was over.
The principles which bound the buccaneers together were, first the desire for adventure and gain, and, in the second place, hatred of the Spaniard.
In 1626 the Dutch and English made an unsuccessful attempt to gain possession of the island of Bombay, and in 1653 proposals were suggested for its purchase from the Portuguese.
The essential thing was that a man should come to baptism of his own free will and not under compulsion or from hope of gain.
In spite of this policy, however, the Polish element continued to gain, this being partly due to immigration over the eastern border, partly to the repressive policy of the Prussian government, which converted what had been an aristocratic opposition into one that is popular and radical.
Harold accepted the crown without a moments hesitation, and at once prepared to defend it, for he was aware that the Norman would fight to gain iiis purpose.
Apparently he hoped thereby to gain vantage ground for an interference in Spanish politics, which would have been most offensive to Ferdinand.
The violence of the Restoration had been directed primarily against Puritanism, and only against certain forms of government so far as they allowed Puritans to gain the upper hand.
Popular incredulity expressed itself in the assertion that, as James had attempted to gain his ends by means of a packed bench of judges and a packed House of Commons, he had now capped the series of falsifications by the production of a supposititious heir.
By religious liberty those inside gain as much as those who are without.
Nevertheless these years of war called for the united action of a national government, and in seeking to gain this 5upport for himself, he hit upon an.
The two sections of which the government was composed had different aims. The Rockingham section, which now looked up to Fox, rested on aristocratic connection and influence; the Shelburne section was anxious to gain popular support by active reforms, and to gain over the king to their side.
A wider intelligence might have held that, let France gain what territorial aggrandizement it might upon the continent of Europe, it was impossible to resist such changes until the opponents of France had so purified themselves as to obtain a hold upon the moral feelings of mankind.
Boabdil soon after sought to gain prestige by invading Castile.
To gain a footing in the House of Commons was all that his confident spirit ever asked, and Froude vouches for it that he succeeded only just in time to avert financial ruin.
Sometimes they fancied they had got within the topping walls of the maze, and might hope to gain the point whence survey could be made of the whole; but as often they found themselves, in a moment, where they stood at last and at first - outside.
In order to gain a practical knowledge of the language and complete his investigations into it, he visited the Basque country itself, the result of his visit being the valuable "Researches into the Early Inhabitants of Spain by the help of the Basque language" (Priifung der Untersuchungen fiber die Urbewohner Hispaniens vermittelst der vaskischen Sprache), published in 1821.
Henceforth Fredegond did all in her power to gain the kingdom for her child.
With the support of many who were not Jacobins but detested the government, it bade fair to gain a majority.
If the attack is to be finally repulsed it will be imperatively necessary for the libertarian to maintain that no full explanation of the physical universe can ever gain assent which does not take account of the reality and influence within the material world of human power of initiative and freedom.
He now only contends that " virtue deserves to be chosen for its own sake, and vice to be avoided, though a man was sure for his own particular neither to gain nor lose anything by the practice of either."
He thus undoubtedly simplifies his system, and avoids the doubtful inferences from nature and Scripture in which Paley's position is involved; but this gain is dearly purchased.
The argument, for instance, that intuitive and a priori beliefs gain their absolute character from the fact that they are the result of continued transmission and accumulation of past nervous modifications in the history of the race would, if taken seriously, lead us to the belief that ultimate ethical sanctions are to be sought, not by an appeal to the moral consciousness, but by the investigation of brain tissue and the relation of man's bodily organism to its environment.
The only inhabited districts are the shores of the fjords, where grass grows capable of supporting sheep; but a large proportion of the population gain their livelihood by fishing.
Of the primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols having the same empirical formula, the primaryhave the highest, and the tertiary the lowest boiling point; this is in accordance with the fairly general rule that a gain is symmetry is attended by a fall in the boiling point.
Gain (Comptes rendus, 1906, 1 43, p. 823) by calcining ammonium metavanadate and saturating a solution of the resulting oxides with sulphur dioxide; the resulting blue solution (from which a sulphate of composition 2V 2 0 4.3S0 2.10H 2 O can be isolated) is then boiled with water, when sulphur dioxide is liberated and a pale red crystalline powder of hypovanadic acid, H4V205, is precipitated.
Considered as a part of the universe, our solar system is insignificant in extent, though, for obvious reasons, great in practical importance to us, and in the facility with which we may gain knowledge relating to it.
The non-mathematical reader may possibly be able to gain some general idea, though vague, of the significance of the subject.
Each increase of mechanical skill claims a corresponding gain in the subtlety of analysis; and vice versa.
We hear also of one Master Peter, who inscribed and illuminated maps for the infante; the mathematician Pedro Nunes declares that the prince's mariners were well taught and provided with instruments and rules of astronomy and geometry "which all map-makers should know"; Cadamosto tells us that the Portuguese caravels in his day were the best sailing ships afloat; while, from several matters recorded by Henry's biographers, it is clear that he devoted great attention to the study of earlier charts and of any available information he could gain upon the trade-routes of north-west Africa.
Wherever among her own children the ancient loyalty was yielding to love of pleasure or of base gain, there, above all, it was the duty of Athens to see that the central hearth of Hellas was kept pure.
Maelsechlainn, taken by surprise and feeling himself unequal to the contest, endeavoured to gain time.
But both Celt and Northman acknowledged the polity of Eugenius, and it was chiefly in the matters of tithe, Peter's pence, canonical degrees and the observance of festivals that Rome had still victories to gain.
In fact, while trying to compass the destruction of the republican movement of the Left, he was taking careful steps to gain over all classes.
A determined attempt was made by some Frenchmen to gain for their country an overwhelming influence by means of a treaty which they induced the king to sign.
But points of resemblance between Joshua the invader and Saul the founder of the (north) Israelite monarchy gain in weight when the traditions of both recognize the inclusion or possession of Judah, and thus stand upon quite another plane as compared with those of David the founder of the Judaean dynasty.
They thus gain a new value which cannot be impaired when it is realized that their significance is quite independent of their origins.
The Catholic Valtellina, freed from the claims of the Protestant Grisons, became an independent state under the joint protection of France and Spain; the question of the right of passage was left open, to trouble France during the campaigns that followed; but the immediate gain, so far as Richelieu was concerned, was that his hands were freed to deal with the Huguenots.
That the lieutenants of the caliph at Damascus should take the place of the Visigoth kings, their dukes and counts seemed to many no loss and to a still greater number a gain.
As the conquerors swept away the Roman fiscal system, which the Visigoths had retained, and replaced it by a poll tax (which was not levied on old men, women, children, cripples or the very poor) and a land tax, the gain to the downtrodden serfs of the fisc was immense.
Their disappearance greatly promoted the work of national unification, and was a gain, since they had long ceased to serve any really useful purpose.
Henry asked for permission to invade and subjugate Ireland, in order to gain absolute ownership of that isle.
They contain much clay and marls, non-absorbent and subject to such excessive wash that vegetation cannot gain a foothold.
Hood, having detached a part of his army, desired to gain time to bring in his detachments by holding this line for another day.
On the other hand they are greedy of gain, quarrelsome in small matters, self-seeking and wanting in stability; and they are gifted with a tendency to exaggeration and a love of intrigue which has had an unfortunate influence on their history.
The country was raided by Seljuks and harried by Byzantine soldiers, and the miseries of the people were regarded as gain to the Orthodox church.
When the view commenced to gain ground that whitebait were largely young herring, the question arose whether or not the immense destruction of the young brood caused by this mode of fishing injuriously affected the fishery of the mature herring.
Apart from national characteristics, the individual has far more to gain under the British system of private enterprise.
The King and Gordon gain Macquarie Harbour; the Davey and Spring, Port Davey.
Hence they must be brought into relation with the specimens preserved as casts or impressions, in order to gain a better conception of the plant as a whole.
He left Rome only to witness the crowning triumph of Roman arms in Africa, and to gain a practical acquaintance with Roman methods of government by assisting in the settlement of Achaea.
Victor Emmanuel's object now was the expulsion of the Austrians from Italy and the expansion of Piedmont into a North Italian kingdom, but he did not regard the idea of Italian unity as coming within the sphere of practical politics for the time being, although a movement to that end was already beginning to gain ground.
In 1609 the British attempted to gain a footing.
The then dangerous state of the seas at all times, and the continuous war with Spain, gave him ample opportunity to gain a reputation as a resolute fighting man.
Was it a ploy to gain her trust?
Why should she care – and what did he have to gain by all this attention?
Only then would he be free of their interference and maybe even gain the support of some of their members.
All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent. She glanced up at him again, not expecting someone from the lower class and trained for battle to wear such a classic quote.
As fast as Kris ran, he couldn't catch her. He grew more baffled when she seemed to pull ahead of him without any sign of the exhaustion she'd showed when they stopped. Desperation could motivate, and so could fear for her sister. He pushed himself harder to catch her. Thunder boomed overhead. Forms he assumed were demons swooped above the canopy, casting shadows. He caught glimpses of fur and wings through leaves and ran until his chest was heaving. Hannah remained ahead of him, though he realized he was beginning to gain on her. He had to reach her before the demons did and swept her away, as they had Kiki.
I don't give a shit about your forgiveness, Kris. Think about it. What do I have to gain by telling you about Lilith now?
Lynsey decided that marital bliss needn't mean weight gain.
Cravings for carbohydrates can lead to weight gain.
I am the first academic to gain a PhD by public output featuring video capture and speaking the Doric dialect of NE Scotland.
For him to gain any kudos from the deaths of good men would be loathesome.
The school provides the opportunity to gain a degree with European Studies.
Several appreciated the depth of their courses for helping them gain important perspectives on their present work.
But they deserve close scrutiny, not uncritical acceptance - if only to find out who would gain, and who would not.
Time taken to gain access in extreme cases can run into hours.
For example, the SAI used interchange options for the staff to gain experience on auditing accrual accounting in government.
In return the student volunteers gain vital skills and experiences which can be academically accredited to enhance future employability.
Greater BMI gain in late childhood and adolescence predicts increased adult adiposity.
She was also, through her famous friend Dr. Johnson to gain admittance to the London literary set.
When these users gain confidence or want to use more advanced zipping features, the full WinZip Classic interface is just a click away.
Research new technologies to gain advantages over the other players.
Do graduates who experience disaffirmation, in their initial career period, seek ways to gain affirmation, in their initial career period, seek ways to gain affirmation in second or subsequent jobs?
This increases the daytime albedo but also increases the night-time heat retentivity of the atmosphere for an additional heat gain.
As it turned out Matlock Bath's loss was Matlock's gain and the small alehouse profited at the expense of the grand hotel.
In this collection, loving reflections provide wisdom and encouragement to help overcome anxiety, gain self-esteem, and improve relationships.
This is backed by our diverse client base, which allows us to gain a broader appreciation of the cocoa market.
Down climb a corner from the steps then traverse right to gain the arete.
I will try to locate and to gain permission to reproduce original magazine articles and road tests of TVR wedges in the motoring press.
Similarly, identity ascriptions by certain actors are more likely to gain acceptance by others when expressed in such terms.
If increasing the feed results in over-exuberant behavior or weight gain then add a balancer as these will provide nutrients without energy.
In order to gain the maximum benefit from these improvements, ICRA needs to update its own system.
It also gets big n bluesy when the channels Gain control is cranked up.
In the last lesson we saw that atoms can lose or gain electrons to form ionic bonds.
Use your car underwriters figure the to gain loyalty deductible says Brian.
Briefcase Digital Video Recording System This is simply a high quality leather briefcase Digital Video Recording System This is simply a high quality leather briefcase containing a cleverly concealed high-resolution color camera and high gain microphone.
Many athletes who want to remain legal and yet gain muscle bulk and energy, use creatine instead of steroids.
To gain entrance press the buzzer on the intercom.
All these supply empty calories which lead to weight gain Cut back on alcohol.
A few from the refugee camps in France have made perilous trips to gain entry to the United Kingdom.
Trainee chefs or commis chefs, work three to six months in each section to gain experience in every area of the kitchen.
Likely health gain or effect on demand Patients get seen in broadly chronological order.
If you get people to join ciao through an email, then you gain rewards through their earnings as well.
In this course, you gain the knowledge to build cohesive, high-performance teams.
To gain Grasmoor is simply a matter of heading NW then W across the broad grassy col.
Night after night, television comedians gain laughs at his expense.
Losing the daily commute can also gain valuable extra time to devote to the business.
This is a book for anyone who genuinely wishes to gain a thorough comprehension of Advaita.
Once the routine has been established, students gain the confidence to control their learning.
The entrance was so constricted that KG was the only member able to gain entry.
A stakeholder consultation event will be held at this stage to gain feedback on the proposals and ideas on implementation.
In an effort to gain some male support she even had a brief snog with fellow girl contestant Tania.
The key is that you gain direct control over the publication process to ensure no delays at the crucial point.
Gain the flake crack above and move up (Friend 3½) to flat holds on a slanting broken crack.
Heydrech has gone to gain more information to help him create more undead creatures.
To gain the LLB with criminology, students must take 100 credits worth of Criminology modules (five modules ).
Gain two small crimps from a large ledge then pull up right to gain a sloping break.
They are therefore crucial references for anyone wishing to gain a good understanding on the impacts of ICT on tourism.
It is wise to choose transistors with greater gain to favor lower quiescent current.
Predictable and dose-related side effects include weight gain with steroids, reduced white cell counts with high-dose cyclophosphamide and bleeding with too much warfarin.
Different studies have shown that mutant SOD1 causes motor neuron degeneration by a toxic gain of function, but the mechanism is not clear.
You will also, of course, gain a prestigious UK BA or BSc honors degree.
Then for a given value of the optimum gain can be found by setting the partial derivative of with respect to to zero.
Women who gain excessive weight during pregnancy should see a dietitian.
The new cavity configuration allowed tuning of the laser continuously over 25 nm of the erbium gain bandwidth by using a bulk diffraction grating.
It has numerical gain 8.4 with respect to a practical half-wave dipole.
The volume setting is a gain applied direct to the signal.
What benefits do we gain from EU membership, which outweigh the disadvantages listed above, which are only the basics?
Richard W. Gibson pleaded guilty this week to wrongful disclosure of individually identifiable health information for economic gain.
The premium income a better rate out of auto insurance discounters houston texas the gain their support.
The Windows XP startup disk will automatically load the correct drivers to gain access to the CD.. .
This in turn involves bond dissociation, gain of an electron by the halogen, and hydration of the halide ion.
This is a training practice and each year we have a fully qualified doctor attached to us to gain experience in general practice.
Those facing the possibility of redundancy or mid life career doldrums will gain in equal measures too.
From here, They are safe to develop Their theories, gain new converts, and plot the downfall of Their enemies.
An aerial platform was used to gain access to the top of the bagging plant stacks and the high level extraction ductwork.
Some people with laryngeal dystonia can gain benefit from speech therapy.
She would often gain even more as a result of comfort eating.
Graduates will be expected to gain the skills that will help them to remain employable throughout their working life.
How many say " I joined because I wanted to gain self enlightenment "?
The nursing team offer a friendly and relaxed environment in which to gain skills and fully develop as a cancer nurse.
Keeper was the Estonian Mart Poom, scorer of a recent 90th minute equalizer to gain a draw at Derby.
Mixed ethnicity Groups Courses are of mixed ethnicity to enable participants to gain experience of interacting with other cultures.
Their findings suggest that a more responsible approach to arms exports is not a question of economic loss versus moral gain.
Register your CV to gain exposure to the UK's most active Engineering Industry Recruiters.
That was a permanent gain for Irish democracy, but most people fa iled to remember it.
There is a training function to help users gain familiarity with the on screen use of the product.
For example, if this diet is very fattening, John will tend to gain more than you will.
Meanwhile, another form of agricultural feedstock for heating, biogas, seems to gain little encouragement from the Report.
They often fidget and sit in distorted postures to try to gain stability.
Montenegrins voted May 21 to end their 88-year-old union with Serbia, becoming the Fifth Republic to gain independence from the former Yugoslavia.
The Biometric devices scan the fingerprint or retina of the eye to allow only authorized personnel to gain access to secure areas.
To achieve the speed gain, researchers at the University of Southampton added fluorine to the silicon devices.
These transistors are configured as a push-pull emitter follower pair and therefore provide current gain.
You must first gain a foothold in the target machine.
What do you have to gain from not forgiving?
It also helps individuals gain the skills they need to be employable and personally fulfilled.
When the chiefs perceive that a net gain can be derived, they readily enter into an alliance with the state elite.
Companies should have their sights set on long-term business transformation rather than just using outsourcing as an operational tactic to achieve short-term monetary gain.
This is not a time to try to lose weight, or prevent weight gain.
Slim had returned home to his parents house after smoking ganja with some friends and could not gain entrance to the house.
They are joined by Comet Gain, who quitely craft sparkly retro pop gems on the ace Fortuna Pop!
Students will gain an appreciation of the role of engineering geology in the development of the built environment.
It is a means of using geometric devises to gain an insight into abstract views of cosmology, mental and emotional disciplines.
Move left across to the flake to gain a good crack directly below the hanging arete, climb the crack to reach a glacis.
For the first ports to gain the second in Egyptian glyphs.
Surrey Walking Club had a good afternoon at Dartford Track on Sunday to gain silver team medals in the Southern One Hour.
In any case, true to form, your ultimate goal is to gain one last bowl of pink goop.
The weight gain is so gradual that we hardly notice the change.
The more we respect the old, great grandmaster, the more we gain respect form our own students.
These may include poor memory and concentration, irritability and overactivity in children, swollen gums, acne and weight gain.
It is still under testing and will therefore mainly be of interest for kernel hackers but should soon gain stability for wider use.
Hands-On Training You gain hands-on Training You gain hands-on UML experience using CASE tools.
Analysis confirmed that height growth is strongly heritable with estimates of genetic gain from 2 to 25% .
In the Spring Term these same sports continue and Years 5 and 6 also gain experience of playing competitive hockey matches.
In addition, there will be a record kept of the marks you gain for the weekly homework.
The parties then held hustings which aimed to gain votes from their peers in a following election.
If you have a rabbit hutch on your lawn, the rabbit will be at risk if the badger can gain entry.
Only schools that offer the hypnotherapy Practitioner Diploma (HPD) are able to gain accreditation through the NCH.
Increasingly, Firms are rewarding staff who gain ILEX qualifications and attain Member and Fellow status, many will fund ilex qualifications and attain Member and Fellow status, many will fund ILEX courses too.
We provide impartial, high quality interpretations that will help you gain the most from your image logs.
It is much easier for tyrants to gain control of nations in which the people are too impoverished to resist them.
The 60 Ã… gain regions of these devices typically contains 9% indium and 34% aluminum resulting in a high affinity for oxygen.
When racism becomes economically inefficient then any perceived electoral gain will quickly be lost.
Historians argue that it was the political ineptitude of his opponents which allowed Stalin to gain power.
Perhaps those with most to gain are the physically infirm who will be able to transcend their bodily limitations.
Third, the skeptics often have little to gain other than their desire to defend the basic tenets of scientific inquiry.
Many mobile models have been mounted on a good groundplane in fixed installations to make use of this gain.
High quality pre-amp with variable gain control and band pass filters to minimize interference.
We are also seeing the increased use of cyber intrusions by criminal groups who attack systems for purposes of monetary gain.
Some of these symptoms include jaundice, dark urine, nausea, vomiting, abdominal swelling, unusual weight gain, and abdominal pain.
This is an excellent opportunity for a first time jobber to gain experience in a friendly, hard working environment.
Fifty percent of the unique prehistoric landscape surrounding the Thornborough Henges has already been denied to posterity for short-term economic gain.
And the campaign to gain fair pay for fe lecturers has been among the foremost priorities for NATFHE.
He went on to gain his PhD in 1984 and was appointed a lectureship at the Veterinary School in the same year.
The campaign looks to gain maximum leverage from the heritage of each region.
However, due to their high cost they did not gain widespread use and the rare-earth magnets superseded them.
You know the mantra - no pain, no gain.
The court case is a frank admission that the company has failed to gain market share despite having technologically competitive products.
Family planning is a human effort to control fertility in order to gain mastery of the body.
We can adapt your existing marketing materials to create a new site, or point you in the right direction to gain afresh content.
It will be necessary for the student to gain a thorough understanding of boundary-layer meteorology and atmospheric turbulence.
As we gain confidence, we will learn not just to shrink digital microelectronics but to go where no digital circuit has gone before.
We have used laser microsurgery to dissect single cells to gain access to the plasma membrane for patch clamp recording.
Use of these types of antennas is typically mobile UHF and SHF (cellphone) applications where gain is desired.