Fusiform Sentence Examples
They are spherical, oval, fusiform, or rod-like, and are always found in the cytoplasm, never in the cell-sap. They appear to be permanent organs of the cell, and are transmitted from one cell to another by division.
Shell fusiform, with elongated spire; margin of shell and mantle notched.
Foot narrow; dorsal papillae linear or fusiform, in several - series.
If the roots are examined numerous fusiform swellings are found upon the smaller rootlets.
Comparing faces against the baseline (scrambled faces) showed bilateral activation of the fusiform gyrus.
The coloring matters are not dissolved in the stroma of the chrornoplast, but exist as amorphous granules, with or without the presence of a protein crystal, or in the form of fine crystalline needles, frequently curved and sometimes present in large numbers, which are grouped together in various ways in bundles and give the plastids their fusiform or triangular crystalline shape.
Shell fusiform and solid, aperture elongated, columella folded; no operculum; eyes on sides of tentacles.