Furze Sentence Examples
In most nurseries the double Furze is kept in pots, and can be planted at any time.
Sometimes a difference of meaning is indicated by difference of spelling though the sounds in the two words are identical, as in furs and furze.
Furze and the common juniper are regular dune plants, and may also be found on the heaths of Drente, Overysel and Gelderland.
Furze (Ulex) - The native Furze is so beautiful and is so well suited for clothing dry banks and the like that it should be included among flowering shrubs.
Where the common Furze grows wild the double variety is well worth planting, as it is more effective and lasts longer than the single kind.
As all the kinds of Furze are difficult to transplant when large, the best plan is to get small plants of the double and of the dwarf kinds and to sow seed of the common single kind.
There are few finer sights than a bank of double Furze in full bloom, and this can be enjoyed in every garden.
The practice is confined to poorer types of land, such as heaths covered with furze and bracken or fens and clay areas smothered with rank grasses and sedges.
A narrow strip of level moorland, covered with furze and rich in deposits of peat, coal and amber, stretches inland, from the edge of the sheer cliffs which line the coast, to the foot of the mountains.