Further Sentence Examples
The assistant asked some further questions.
Without further conversation, the Indians started down the gully.
He offered no further information and she felt uncomfortable about asking.
Miss Keller's later education is easy to understand and needs no further explanation than she has given.
Darian's grounded 'til further notice.
Fred returned to the courthouse, museum, and library for further research.
Len walked further into the room.
Lisa hesitated, afraid of blundering further, but why did he need a sitter when his mother lived in the house?
Without further argument, Sarah and Tammy left, and Lisa was alone.
Before we take that further, let's consider something the Internet has taught us about ourselves.
AdvertisementAny further conversation was interrupted by Howie's return.
Details were withheld pending further investigation.
They chatted further about general matters—mutual friends, and from Weller, some advice on campaigning.
Betsy took his hand and we moved further down the sidewalk.
Is it not possible to take a step further towards recognizing and organizing the rights of man?
AdvertisementRather, he'd done the decent thing and spared her further heartache.
This statement further incensed Howie.
While I dreaded frightening my wife further, I knew I owed her the information on the motor home.
The last point sealed the deal against further discussion.
And her sympathies go further and shape her opinions on political and national movements.
AdvertisementSaying that might go further toward getting him to forget the kidnapping and murder and going on with his life.
He raised the dark brow further, blue eyes twinkling with humor.
Going that way will put us further away from Ashley, but it will give us two advantages.
In the week that followed, they drifted further apart.
The accident did a hell of a job and the long coma and operations further messed him up.
AdvertisementWith each tip we give there's further chance someone will start stringing them together.
Nor did I open my mouth further, the entire walk back to the office.
I've just been paddling to keep my head above water my whole life long and sinking down further with every stroke.
This camera was positioned further away and the picture blurry, and more intermittent.
The problem is the further I go into the past, the less accuracy I can attain.
That's when all the weird tips occur, not further back in the past, but he doesn't know that.
Prince Bagration gave no further orders and silently continued to walk on in front of the ranks.
There is no need to put you out further.
She soft-peddled her answers, knowing to tell the truth would only upset him further.
Further, the results obtained with the water-dropper at two heights -viz.
But first we must go further back, from Shakespeare at the end of the sixteenth century to Plato around 370 BC.
The icon was carried further, accompanied by the throng.
Frustrating as it was - as he was - it would do no good to question him further.
The fact that she was uninterested only enticed him further.
Perhaps I'll move further east and see if the plucking is better when the weather is cooler.
Martha asked if she'd like to hold the baby, thrilling Molly further.
I knew he wanted to remain close to Julie so I said nothing further about trying to go back.
A few feet further, in a dry grotto scooped out from the main walkway, something glinted in Dean's flashlight.
Pumpkin's original deposit with Bird Song was overdrawn and requests for further funds were excused away, purportedly awaiting some expected but unexplained bounty via the mail.
A phone call interrupted further discussion.
To further enhance yield, at the same time Borlaug bred wheat strains with short, stubby stalks, which were able to better handle more weight of grain.
The colonel and some of his men got across and with difficulty clambered out on the further bank.
Every day I stay in this house I degrade myself further.
It would only confuse the issue further.
Buoyed by his successful human authentication of Martha's bone, Dean decided to do further snooping.
Dean considered a further prompt, but a dozen years of dealing with attorneys taught him it would be both unsuccessful and unwise.
Fred, with the help of his cadre of lady friends, was the one person who had the best shot of producing further information on the family and its history.
He gave a wave but no further comment as he hurried to his Jeep and left.
He began first a short ascent, then a drop to a sharp curve he nearly missed, causing him to reduce his speed further.
With his hands free, he unfastened the larger flashlight and pointed it downward, trying to find a path level enough to search further, now absent the security of the totally expended rope.
He brought Cynthia up to speed on his meeting with Lydia after confirming there was no further word on Martha's disappearance.
They both agreed it was further evidence that he was involved in the death of Billy Langstrom, but they remained uncertain about his involvement with Martha's bones.
But, further, every attempt to think clearly what those relations are, what we really mean, if we talk of a fixed order of events, forces upon us the necessity of thinking also that the different things which stand in relations or the different phases which follow each other cannot be merely externally strung together or moved about by some indefinable external power, in the form of some predestination or inexorable fate.
The man just nodded but didn't comment further.
Cynthia Dean, in hoping for further confirmation that the bones had been switched, tried to contact the parents of Caleb Jones, Martha's friend who was with her in the mine.
I'll check further on that storage facility ownership, too.
The phone interrupted any further discussion of electronic larceny.
I'm gonna dig further on Monday but just the last name's a mighty strong coincidence, isn't it?
We'd better watch our step, and not give him any excuse to harass us further.
When the old man tried to engage him in further conversation—this time about Pumpkin Green and the general irresponsibility of today's youth—he excused himself on an important errand and left Westlake standing in the hall.
It was no use pressing Fred further.
After that, neither of them would discuss the matter further with her.
There was no point in discussing the subject further.
She is from even further.
In 1864 a tremendous flood almost ruined it, and another flood in 1878, and a famous strike in Denver and Leadville in 1879-1880 were further, but only momentary, checks to its prosperity.
The Deans jumped at every ring of the phone for the balance of the afternoon, but there was no further word.
There was no further official word on Martha's whereabouts, but Fred continued to assure the Deans not to worry, saying the girl was in good hands, whatever that meant.
Dean wanted to question him further, but he abruptly turned on his heels and walked away.
And no, Jake Weller told them, there were no further details on Fitzgerald's absence.
Perhaps if they learned further details from Martha in the morning that would help.
A quick telephone call to Jake Weller produced no further word on whether or not Fitzgerald had reported as summoned to Denver.
He remained, however, uncertain how to do so without immersing himself further in Lydia Larkin's sordid activities.
It brought a further smile to the old man's face.
She was most pleased to know her bones had been identified and the effort the Deans put forth to accomplish this was a further, if now unneeded, sign of their love.
Dean knew the look and he put the brakes on Fred's euphoria before the rampant speculation could go any further.
Otherwise, it had looked as if further education was out of the question.
He hung up, giving no further details.
There was no further conversation after they parked and hurried to the terminal.
Their brief search halted when a security guard swore no one had passed his way and too many corridors and stairways went in other directions, making further search difficult.
The cluster of 12 riders who passed him further up the mountain was now about to pass the other rider.
The log house was further on, and up a steep incline – a sentinel overlooking the valley.
Slowly his warm fingers left her chin and worked their way down her neck, caressing and exciting her further.
His deep voice carried much further than he was aware.
He turned and climbed back down the stairs, obviously disgruntled, but not arguing further.
She calmed further, another emotion soon crossing her gaze.
He gripped her waist with his hands, preventing her from getting an inch closer or further away.
There are three little words I'd like to hear from you before we go any further.
But Los Angeles wasn't all of California, and Megan was toying with the idea of opening another office further north.
Nor would it seem as if it could be the intention of the author to do much more than point out the lines on which the further treatment of the subject should advance.
At a further stage of their growth the particles disperse in the perpendicular direction a light which is no longer fully polarized.
After this, Peter seemed for a time to take no further interest in Alexius.
After not a little hesitation, Hastings consented to allow the Company's troops to be used to further the ambitious designs of his Oudh ally, in consideration of a sum of money which relieved the ever-pressing wants of the Bengal treasury.
A frame naturally slight had been further attenuated by rigorous habits of temperance, and thus rendered proof against the diseases of the tropics.
The Short View was followed by a Defence (1699), a Second Defence (1700), and Mr Collier's Dissuasive from the Playhouse, in a Letter to a Person of Quality (1703), and a Further Vindication (1708).
An Angevin fleet and army, under Robert's son Charles, was defeated at Palermo by Giovanni da Chiaramonte in 1325, and in 1326 and 1327 there were further Angevin raids on the island, until the descent into Italy of the emperor Louis the Bavarian distracted their attention.
Perceiving further, that in order to understand these relations I should sometimes have to consider them one by one, and sometimes only to bear them in mind or embrace them in the aggregate, I thought that, in order the better to consider them individually, I should view them as subsisting between straight lines, than which I could find no objects more simple, or capable of being more distinctly represented to my imagination and senses; and on the other hand that, in order to retain them in the memory or embrace an aggregate of many, I should express them by certain characters, the briefest possible."
On land their general Myronides beat off two Corinthian attacks on Megara, which had been further secured by long walls drawn between the capital and its port Nisaea, nearly a mile distant.
With the spring of 330 Alexander was prepared for further pursuit.
A considerable portion of the Turkish population emigrated in 1881; a further exodus took place in 1898.
The lime deposit or " fur " is a poor conductor of heat, and it is therefore most detrimental to the efficiency of the system to allow the interior of the boiler or any other portion to become furred up. Further, if not removed, the fur will in a short time bring about a fracture in the boiler.
During the same year, however (according to some, two years later, under Pompey's new law), Scaurus was condemned on a charge of illegal practices when a candidate for the consulship. He went into exile, and nothing further is heard of him.
These rods, which were commonly called "Napier's bones," will be described further on.
They were unanimous in regarding ministerial service as mainly pastoral; preaching, administering the sacraments and visiting from house to house; and, further, in perceiving that Christian ministers must be also spiritual rulers, not in virtue of any magical influence transmitted from the Apostles, but in virtue of their election by the Church and of their appointment in the name of the Lord Jesus.
Equally indecisive is the further exploration as to evidence for the opinion held by other naturalists that the endemic species of the different islands have resulted from subsidences, through volcanic action, which have reduced one large island mass into a number of islets, wherein the separated species became differentiated during their isolation.
The chief sources in which further information may be sought have been already mentioned.
Cuvier on anatomical, and Von Baer on embryological grounds, made the further step of proving that, even in this limited sense, animals cannot be arranged in a single series, but that there are several distinct plans of organization to be observed among them, no one of which, in its highest and most complicated modification, leads to any of the others.
The older advocates of evolution sought for the causes of the process exclusively in the influence of varying conditions, such as climate and station, or hybridization, upon living forms. Even Treviranus has got no further than this point.
The theory of natural selection, or survival of the fittest, was suggested by William Charles Wells in 1813, and further elaborated by Patrick Matthew in 1831.
He showed further, that the increase of common salt in the soil is correlated with a reduction in the number and size of the chlo,-oplastids, and therefore in the amount of chlorophyll.
Further, no theory of calciolous and calcifugous plants can be regarded as satisfactory which fails to account for the fact that both kinds of plants occur among aquatic as well as among terrestrial plants.
HaberIandt has shown that in plant cells, when any new formation of membrane is to take place in a given spot, the nucleus is found in its immediate vicinity; and Klebs found that only that portion of the protoplasm of a cell which contains the nucleus is capable of forming a cell-wall; whilst Townsend has further shown that if the non-nucleated mass is connected by strands of protoplasm to the nucleated mass, either of the same cell or of a neighboring cell, it retains the power of forming a cell-membrane.
Good cytological evidence has been adduced in favor of both theories, but further investigation is necessary before any definite conclusion can be arrived at.
Phenol is characterized by the readiness with which it forms substitution products; chlorine and bromine, for example, react readily with phenol, forming orthoand parachlorand -bromphenol, and, by further action, trichlorand tribrom-phenol.
He further complained of the ill-treatment to which his friends and partisans had been subjected during his absence.
These were still further extended in 1250 by the anti-Caesar William of Holland, who had made himself master of the place and of the imperial regalia, after a long siege, in 1248.
References to original papers indicate further sources of information.
The intervertebral joints are further complicated by the interposition of a cartilaginous or fibrous pad or ring.
Further on this subject we must not go; we can only state that Godman has shown good reason for declaring that the avifauna of all these islands is the effect of colonization extending over a long period of years, and going on now.
The fourteen orders of the Carinatae are further congregated into four " Legions ".
See further articles, Aaron; Decalogue; Hebrew Religion; Levites.
A further curious fact, doubtless of very great significance, but hitherto lacking interpretation, is that the administration of colchicum during an acute attack of gout may often hasten the oncoming of the next attack; and this property, familiar to many gouty patients, may not be affected by the administration of small doses after the attack.
As the discussion of the Law led up to the compilation of the Mishnah, so the Mishnah itself became in turn the subject of further discussion.
Mention need only be made further of Isaac of Troki, whose anti-Christian polemic (1593) was translated into English by Moses Mocatta under the title of Faith Strengthened (1851); Solomon of Troki, whose Appiryon, an account of Karaism, was written at the request of Pufendorf (about 1700); and Abraham Firkovich, who, in spite of his impostures, did much for the literature of his people about the middle of the 19th century.
See further David, Saul.
Annaberg, together with the neighbouring suburb, Buchholz, is the chief seat of the braid and lace-making industry in Germany, introduced here by Barbara Uttmann in 1561, and further developed by Belgian refugees, who, driven from their country by the duke of Alva, settled here in 15 9 o.
There is a distinction between Christians and Saracens; among Christians there seems to be again a distinction between Greeks and Latins, though perhaps without any distinct use of the Latin name; there is again a further distinction between "Lombardi" and "Franci"; but Normans, as a separate class, do not appear.
As a further tribute of national recognition the "college" or "gild" of poets and actors was granted a place of meeting in the temple of Minerva on the Aventine.
The Bank of the Republic was established in 1896 with a nominal capital of $12,000,000, and in 1899 it received the right to issue further shares amounting to $5,000,000.
His second term was marked by premonitions of further disorder.
A solution of the free acid may be obtained by decomposing the barium salt with dilute sulphuric acid and concentrating the solution in vacuo until it attains a density of about 1.35 (approximately), further concentration leading to its decomposition into sulphur dioxide and sulphuric acid.
This was justly regarded by him as an important service to his country and one of the triumphs of his career, and he hoped to obtain further successes with the assistance of Germany, but the cordial relations between the cabinets of St Petersburg and Berlin did not subsist much longer.
It is a minority, a minority strictly marked out by birth from other members of the commonwealth, a minority which seems further, though this point is less clearly marked, to have had on the whole the advantage in point of wealth.
See further the article Gentleman.
Further, there is no evidence for any kings in Kent from 784 until after Offa's death.
No one will fault you for taking that one step further and cleaning house, Dr. Wynn said with a faint smile.
The information was beyond valuable, and on a level that further altered Gabe's perception on Deidre.
I don't need to tell you that any further assistance I provide you will not be by my choice.
I've been avoiding talking to you about us for awhile, he said, aware he couldn't push it off any further.
She trailed him to an elevator that took them even further underground.
Barks and roars from further down the stairs made her stop and grip the railing.
While Kris would love to sacrifice a certain infuriating mortal to further his cause, he wouldn.t even sacrifice her, let alone allow Darkyn.s to wipe out a village.
Their confidence in him would fall further.
His words stung, and any further argument died on her lips as she realized how serious he was.
Any resentment she had at A'Ran melted further.
Fred O'Connor bounced into the room before the woman could comment further.
There was no further sign of either Edith Shipton or the boy.
Edith smiled, and in Dean's judgment feigned interest, but she made no further move to leave the room.
Edith stood there, neither following her son, nor making any move to enter further into the room.
Cynthia took the opportunity to push Edith a bit further.
Further speculation ended as they both drifted back to sleep.
After dawn arrived at last and the couple were showered and dressed, they speculated further on the late night sounds as Cynthia filled Bird Song's breakfast table with fresh baked goodies.
While he didn't want to hold back important information, neither did he wish to unduly upset the nervous woman any further.
You should consider taking steps to assure your husband understands that you've left him for good and want no further contact with him.
He immediately regretted fueling further speculation.
When Dean didn't ask anything further, Martha continued.
When Ryland said nothing further, Dean broke the silence.
Donnie remained with his father and his new found ice climbing friends while Dean took his wife's hand and strolled further down the snow covered path, away from the edge.
Cynthia acknowledged her reluctant agreement with a deep sigh and no further conversation as Dean extinguished the light.
He shrunk further back into the shadows of the dining room.
I know I was stupid to get further involved, but damned, she's an obsessive woman.
Cynthia asked as she snuggled even closer, the earlier troubles of the day drifting even further away.
Dean wanted to question Edith further but she rose, with Effie following, her arm on Edith's elbow and the pair returned upstairs.
Janet was late again and Cynthia's bedside attempt to call her mother in Indiana resulted in unanswered rings, causing her further concern.
Much to their dismay, the incoming plane for Cynthia's scheduled flight had been diverted to Grand Junction, sixty miles further away.
He began walking down the road before Fitzgerald could protest further.
Weller prodded him further to the shadows beyond before he answered.
Fred, seeing that further discussion was fruitless, excused himself.
They took their time over the ice cream, making soup of the last few spoons full, but Dean learned nothing further.
The pair was interrupted from further speculation by the sound of Martha's laughter and footsteps bounding down the stairs.
He pushed the door further but hesitated entering, as if remaining outside would absolve him of responsibility from what lay beyond.
Mrs. Shipton was packaged a little loosely to start with, so the white dress and her being pregnant and all just pushed her all the further.
The following weekend, two and a half weeks after Edith's death, Penny and Mick returned to bird Song for a couple of days of ice climbing, a further reminder of the ice park incident.
He started to enter the first room, on the northwest corner, but Cynthia tugged him further down the hall until they reached Edith Shipton's room on the southeast corner.
He pulled away further.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
When she left the dairy on her way to the house, Carmen was further convinced of Alex's love of fine things.
The dogs were distracted momentarily by the sound of the telephone, but when it stopped ringing, they advanced further.
He held out a hand to her, and she withdrew further.
The forest was soon filled with the sound of pursuers. Katie needed no further encouragement. She pulled her arm free and ran behind Gabriel as he kept to the invisible path. A shadow caught her attention. She glanced over and froze, tripping.
Each passing year brought the mayhem further northward, causing the old timers and the local newspaper to fret for the good old days when violence was no worse than a dog fight.
Dean, unable to concentrate further on his files, pushed closed his desk drawer, packed a tape recorder in his briefcase, and left the office.
Neither of us had ever traveled further west than Ohio but when we were old and retired, we were going there and drink manhattans at sunset.
Further questioning revealed that Byrne had signed out a pool company car for the seven-hour trip to Virginia.
Harrigan got up, still smiling, and went to the can, effectively cutting off further conversation.
Further investigation revealed nothing.
Sackler questioned Vinnie briefly but got no further than Dean.
Dean stepped back further, the smile fading from his face as the two men drove away at a very sedate pace.
After an hour of circles he spotted a numbered highway he recognized, although he was much further from Parkside than he'd suspected.
Dean had no way of checking Byrne's mileage and if by chance he had detoured east on Interstate 84, probably 30 miles further, instead of taking the more direct south-easterly route between Scranton and Parkside.
Feeling like 20 kinds of pervert for doing it, he hoped to at least be spared undressing her further.
He pledged to himself to refuse any further urge to "beat this dog," as his Norfolk detective friend had so aptly put it.
He hung up before Dean could question him further.
Strangely, Fred made no further mention of Monday night's revealing identification of Jeffrey Byrne by Chip Burgess.
He pressed her further about Arthur and she finally answered.
Dean also spoke to Cece Baldwin again, just to touch base and see if she might have heard further from her mysterious benefactor.
While the lawyer's death did nothing to undo the damage his note had caused to Cynthia, it at least eliminated her need for any further dealings with the miscreant.
There were scores of dots of color but Dean had little trouble catching sight of a yellow blur rounding a corner, further below than he would have guessed.
They rolled past South Fork, and 20 miles later, Del Norte, where the lead cadre of bikers hummed their way toward Monte Vista, 14 miles further, and then the final 17 miles to Alamosa.
Carmen barely had the rope unwrapped from the horn before water and debris shoved the tree further.
I wouldn't think it would be all that much further.
She mustered all her emotional strength and pushed him further away.
Her first thought was that he had been fighting with another dog, but further inspection revealed no injuries.
He made no further comment and concentrated on his supper.
He leaned forward, picked up his fork and began devouring his supper without further comment.
She sipped her coffee, no doubt waiting for further explanation before commenting again.
The old tool shed was leaning further to the side each year.
Katie had forgiven his inexperienced blundering, but as she had grown closer to Alex, she had drifted further from Carmen.
But he couldn't know that the fear was retreating further with each minute.
She wanted to talk to Mums or one of Josh's sisters but was afraid of upsetting them further.
His body burned for her, while her body relaxed even further as she drifted asleep.
The man's air cooled even further, and the men in the chamber tensed.
The tension was heavy enough to make Taran lower his stance further.
He wanted no further trouble from either female.
Taran stepped aside, and Rissa tensed further as the man squatted before her.
Her breathing quickened even further, uncertainty in her gaze.
At the frown on his face, Taran's stomach sank further.
They found the ruins about a mile further where the creek followed a gorge between two high cliffs.
On the next ride, I'll take you further from the house.
Carmen walked a little further before responding.
He looked up at her, obviously afraid she would further chastise him.
Of course, he could have changed - in which case they would drift further apart if she reverted.
The furrows between his eyes deepened as his brows drew down further.
The wild-eyed cow needed no further encouragement.
The cabin couldn't be much further.
Before he could question the issue further, she escaped into the kitchen.
She slid her hands further back on the handle, as she had seen him holding it.
It was tempting to untie the twine from her waist and wander a little further, but the forest was too confusing.
There is a reason your Sight brought you here and no further.
After her come-to-Jesus moment with Jonny, he'd left a further reminder in the form of a letter that awaited her on the pillow beside hers when she woke.
She stopped her eyes from traveling further down his body and turned quickly to the sink.
She, however, had no further use for me.
But this idea involves the further conception of Leibnitz, that of a pre-established harmony, by which the Creator has taken care to arrange the life of each monad, so that it agrees with that of all others.
Further, the skin is stated to be much less rough, with fewer cracks, while a more important difference occurs in the trunk, which lacks the transverse ridges so distinctive of the ordinary African elephant, and thereby approximates to the Asiatic species.
A few experimenters have carried the verification much further.
After the death of the tsaritsa Natalia, Peter's mother, in 1694, his influence increased still further.
Further persecutions of a whole batch of Lollards took place in 1428.
He further endowed it in 1434 with lands in Bedfordshire and Huntingdonshire, and his brothers, William and Robert, gave some houses in London in 1427 and 1438.
Candidates had further to be fugitives (probably slaves), and as a preliminary had to break off a bough from a specified tree.
Successful feuds with the bishops of Strassburg and Basel further augmented his wealth and his reputation; rights over various tracts of land were purchased from abbots and others; and he was also the possessor of large estates in the regions now known as Switzerland and Alsace.
A further step was taken by Henry II.
The war of Urbino was further marked by a crisis in the relations between pope and cardinals.
The Ibn Tibbon family thus rendered conspicuous services to European culture, and did much to further among Jews who did not understand Arabic the study of science and philosophy.
In order to render an 'account of Tyndall's "residual blue" it is necessary to pursue the approximation further, taking for simplicity the case of spherical shape.
After the revocation of the edict of Nantes the settlement of some French refugees further stimulated this industry.
There is the further complication that in some countries thunder seems to be on the increase.
But there remained further advance and further fortification.
Further discussion of the question of Douglas's alleged Humanism will be found in Courthope's History of English Poetry, i.
The Supreme Court in 1871 decided in favour of West Virginia, and there has been no further question.
He hoped to see further service, but the queen was opposed to this, and he was removed from the navy, and given the honorary post of colonel-general of hussars.
A still further facility was given to the use of the filar micrometer by the introduction of clockwork, which caused the telescope automatically to follow the diurnal motion of a star, and left the observer's hands entirely at liberty.'
Such rotation can obviously be controlled within limits that need not be further considered.
The other parts of the instrument will be readily understood from the figure without further explanation.
After this the island began to furnish con siderable supplies of corn; it was treated as a conquered country, not containing a single free city, and the inhabitants were obliged to pay a tithe in corn and a further money contribution.
A co-ordinate woman's college, the William Smith school for women, opened in 1908, was endowed in 1906 by William Smith of Geneva, who at the same time provided for a Hall of Science and for further instruction in science, especially in biology and psychology.
Macaulay in especial exerted all his art, though in contradiction of probability and fact, to deepen still further the shade which rests upon his reputation.
This universal motive is further connected, as by Paley, through the will of God, with the "general good, the root where out all our rules of conduct and sentiments of honour are to branch."
But Maximilian was regarded with suspicion by the states of Netherlands, and after suppressing a rising in Gelderland his position was further weakened by the death of his wife on the 27th of March 1482.
Early in 1490 he took a further step and was betrothed to the duchess, and later in the same year the marriage was celebrated by proxy; but Brittany was still occupied by French troops, and Maximilian was unable to go to the assistance of his bride.
Vitellius pretended to believe this, and eventually pardoned Paulinus, after which nothing further is heard of him.
This observation led him to further work, and he succeeded in showing that in vascular organs the presence of cells in inflammatory exudates is not the result of exudation but of multiplication of pre-existing cells.
Further floggings are inflicted with the "cat" upon convicted prisoners for breaches of discipline in prison.
The analysis must be deeper, if we are to gain any further conclusions.
It is not much comfort to learn further from Descartes that " he denies life to no animal, but makes it consist in the mere heat of the heart.
By a further act of 1541 - which was not repealed until 1845 - artificers, labourers, apprentices, servants and the like were forbidden to play bowls at any time save Christmas, and then only in their master's house and presence.
It was further enjoined that any one playing bowls outside of his own garden or orchard was liable to a penalty of 6s.
In match play each space is further marked off from its neighbour by thin string securely fastened flush with the turf.
Towards the end of the 17th century the fortifications were greatly strengthened by Coehoorn, and in 1725 they were further extended.
Prussia should probably be further subdivided, either with each province getting its own category, or grouping provinces together.
After that, most of Europe will be corresponding more or less to international borders, so I'll wait for further comment from Engels before going further.
For further references to the literature on Alexander, see Kaerst's article in Pauly-Wissowa's Realencyclopadie (1894).
He further tells us this pitch was a tone, nearly a tone and a half, higher than a suitable church pitch (Chorton), for which he gives a diagram.
The Hampton Court organ of 1690 shows that Schmidt had further lowered his pitch a semitone, to a' 441 7.
In 1874 a further rise in the fork to a' 454 was instigated by Sir Charles Halle.
Two burgesses were summoned to the parliaments of 1300, 1307 and 1309, but no further returns were made until 1625.
This conception of the exiles as the kernel of the restored nation he further set forth in the great vision of ch.
In 1910 he had published a collection of his patriotic speeches, and a volume La Ligue des Patriotes containing further extracts from them appeared two years after his death.
See further the literature on Gen.
We know nothing further of the personal history of Haggai from the Bible.
Compared with heating by hot water, steam-heating requires less piping, which, further, may be of much smaller diameter to attain a similar result, because of the higher temperature of the heat yielding surface.
In 1558 a further stage in the development of Presbyterian church polity was reached.
Presbyterianism in the United States is a reproduction and further development of Presbyterianism in Europe.
A weekly market on Wednesdays was granted to John, earl of Richmond, in 1308 together with an eight days' fair beginning on the vigil of St Margaret's day, and in 1445 John de la Pole, earl of Suffolk, one of his successors as lord of the manor, received a further grant of the same market and also two yearly fairs, one on the feast of St Philip and St James and the other at Michaelmas.
After further travels on the continent he returned to London, where he posed as the founder of a new system of freemasonry, and was well received in the best society, being adored by the ladies.
Boyd Alexander, a British officer, further explored the lake, which then contained few stretches of open water.
At the time when further armaments were suspended, the effective strength of the Argentine navy consisted of 3 ironclads, 6 first-class armoured cruisers, 2 monitors (old), 4 second-class cruisers, 2 torpedo cruisers, 3 destroyers, 3 high-sea torpedo boats, 14 river torpedo boats, 1 training ship, 5 transports, and various auxiliary vessels.
When the crash came and the national treasury was found to be without resources to meet current expenses, further issues of $110,000,000 in currency were made.
These measures have served to give greater stability to the value of the circulating medium, and to prevent the ruinous losses caused by a constant fluctuation in value, but the rate established prevents the further appreciation of the currency.
Forty years were now to elapse before any further efforts were made by the Spaniards to colonize any part of the territory of the river Plate and lower Parana.
By the 1859 conventions the state railway system obtained an entry into Paris by means of running powers over the Ouest from Chartres, and its position was further improved by the exchange of certain lines with the Orleans company.
The policy of protection was further accentuated by raising the impost on corn from 5 to 7 francs per hectolitre (23/4 bushels).
This law was followed by further measures tending to decentralization and the protection of the native races.
In 1703 she supported the Methuen Treaty, which cemented still further the alliance between Portugal and England, and in 1704 she was appointed regent of Portugal during the illness of her brother King Pedro II., her administration being distinguished by several successes gained over the Spaniards.
A further persecution of Christians in Uea, during 1875, called forth a protest from the British government.
After further negotiations with Sulla, he finally agreed to send a message to Jugurtha requesting his presence.
Further to conciliate the Romans and especially Sulla,he sent to the Capitol a group of Victories guarding a device in gold showing Bocchus handing over Jugurtha to Sulla.
Ctesias mentions further, with regard to a number of Persians kings, either that their remains were brought " to the Persians," or that they died there.'
See further PRIEST.
But Jesus further maintains that this view of the law as a whole, and the interpretation of the Sabbath law which it involves, can be historically justified from the Old Testament.
Further, if the Sabbaths fell on each 7th day through the year, any indication by dated documents of a falling off in the number of transactions on the 7th day of the month must obviously be completely disguised.
Its most suggestive likenesses are indicated above, but further evidence may render the similarity less striking when the meaning of it is more fully understood.
It may further be added that materialism can be shown to be an inadequate philosophy in its attempts to account even for the physical universe, for this is inexplicable without the assumption of mind distinct from, and directive of, matter.
The Rhodian navy, which had distinguished itself in most of these wars, did further good service on behalf of Pompey in his campaigns against the pirates and against Julius Caesar.
A further gentle rise in the high steppes leads to the mountains of the West Australian coast, and another strip of low-lying coastal land to the sea.
South Sea Islanders and other coloured races, numbering probably about 15,000, were in 1906 to be found principally in Queensland, but further immigration of Pacific Islanders to Australia is now restricted, and the majority of those in the country in 1906 were deported by the middle of 1907.
The manganese ores of the Bathurst district of New South Wales often contain a small percentage of cobalt - sufficient, indeed, to warrant further attempts to work them.
Further evidence of the antiquity of Australian man is to be found in the strict observance of tribal boundaries, which would seem to show that the tribes must have been settled a long time in one place.
On his return to England he published an account of his voyage, which resulted in his being sent out in the " Roebuck " in 1699 to prosecute his discoveries further.
In the course of the proceedings it was announced that Queensland desired to come within the proposed union; and in view of this development, and in order to give further opportunity for the consideration of the bill, the convention again adjourned.
The third and final session was opened in Melbourne on the 10th of January 1898, but Queensland was still unrepresented; and, after further consideration, the draft bill was finally adopted on the 16th of March and remitted to the various colonies for submission to the people.
In 1873 there was an important rise in wages, in the following year there was a further advance, and another in 1876; but in 1877 wages fell back a little, though not below the rate of 1874.
Three years later, however, Godfrey was murdered, and although the raids of the Northmen did not entirely cease for upwards of another century, no further attempt was made to establish a permanent dynasty in the land.
For further details the reader is referred to Thulin's monograph, Die Etruskische Disciplin, II Die Haruspicin (Gothenburg, 1906) .
It but remains to call attention to the fact that the earlier view of the liver as the seat of the soul gave way among many ancient nations to the theory which, reflecting the growth of anatomical knowledge, assigned that function to the heart, while, with the further change which led to placing the seat of soul-life in the brain, an attempt was made to partition the various functions of manifestations of personality among the three organs, brain, heart and liver, the intellectual activity being assigned to the first-named; the higher emotions, as love and courage, to the second; while the liver, once the master of the entire domain of soul-life as understood in antiquity, was degraded to serve as the seat of the lower emotions, such as jealousy, anger and the like.
By the time the third stage, which placed the seat of soul-life in the brain, was reached through the further advance of anatomical knowledge, the religious rites of Greece and Rome were too deeply incrusted to admit of further radical changes, and faith in the gods had already declined too far to bring new elements into the religion.
Lothair was crowned emperor at the Lateran in June 1133, and as a further reward Innocent gave him the territories of the Countess Mathilda as a fief, but refused to surrender the right of investiture.
In his attitude towards Arabi, the would-be saviour of Egypt, Abd-ul-Hamid showed less than his usual astuteness, and the resulting consolidation of England's hold over the country contributed still further to his estrangement from Turkey's old ally.
On the 24th an irade announced the restoration of the suspended constitution of 1875; next day, further irades abolished espionage and the censorship, and ordered the release of political prisoners.
The Portuguese were satisfied with the possession of Malacca itself and did not seek further to extend their empire in Malaya.
In the 13th century the barony fell to three daughters and co-heiresses, and further subdivisions followed.
After a struggle the Protestant faction gained the upper hand, and on the 7th of February 1550 Bonner's deprivation was confirmed by the council sitting in the Star Chamber, and he was further condemned to perpetual imprisonment.
But the principles on which the theory was founded compelled a further advance.
The law was ably and justly administered, and Irish trade was admitted to the same privileges as English, enjoying the same rights in foreign and colonial trade; and no attempt was made to subordinate the interests of the former to the latter, which was the policy adopted both before and after Cromwell's time, while the union of Irish and English interests was further recognized by the Irish representation at Westminster in the parliaments of 1654, 1656 and 16J9.
The Long Parliament had ordered a strict observance of Sunday, punished swearing severely, and made adultery a capital crime; Cromwell issued further ordinances against duelling, swearing, racemeetings and cock-fights - the last as tending to the disturbance of the public peace and the encouragement of "dissolute practices to the dishonour of God."
The Protestant policy was further followed up by treaties with Sweden and Denmark which secured the passage of the Sound for English ships on the same conditions as the Dutch, and a treaty with Portugal which liberated English subjects from the Inquisition and allowed commerce with the Portuguese colonies.
These naval victories were followed by a further military alliance with France against Spain, termed the treaty of Paris (the 23rd of March 1657).
More recently, the area has been further explored by the German expedition in the ss.
Soon afterwards it receives the Swat river from the north and the Bara river from the south, and after a further course of 40 m.
See further Body-Snatching, and Burial And Burial Acts.
Although they held the town but a short time they inflicted very great damage, destroying many churches, further damaging the castles and carrying off much treasure.
Douglas Ogilby (Catalogue of Australian Mammals, p. 1, Sydney, 1902), but expressed the hope "that further inquiries might be made by naturalists in Australia as to the actual finding of such eggs in the burrows, so that this most interesting point might be finally settled."
See further Chevalier, Repertoire des sources hist., Topobibliographie, s.v.
The whole district of Casas Grandes is further studded with artificial mounds, from which are excavated from time to time large numbers of stone axes, metates or corn-grinders, and earthern vessels of various kinds.
The female is viviparous, and the young, which, unlike the parent, are provided with a long tail, live free in water; it was formerly believed from the frequency with which the legs and feet were attacked by this parasite that the embryo entered the skin directly from the water, but it has been shown by Fedschenko, and confirmed by Manson, Leiper and others, that the larva bores its way into the body of a Cyclops and there undergoes further development.
The different kinds of motive power used to actuate cranes - manual, steam, hydraulic, electric - give a further classification.
In 374 the Quadi, a German tribe in what is now Moravia and Hungary, resenting the erection of Roman forts to the north of the Danube in what they considered to be their own territory, and further exasperated by the treacherous murder of their king, Gabinius, crossed the river and laid waste the province of Pannonia.
The rarity of any reference to him in contemporary documents makes further specification conjectural.