Funerary Sentence Examples
The subject-matter is funerary, i.e.
His funerary temple at Kurna is also in a fairly complete condition.
Several of these books were used in the ritual of feast days, but all have received a secondary funerary employment, and are therefore found buried with the dead in their tombs.
On the west bank of the huge colossi of Memnon marked the entrance of his funerary temple, a magnificent building which was afterwards destroyed, and the great lake of Birket Habu was dug and embanked in front of his brick palace at the extreme south.
Some of the isolated burials, finds and Norse funerary sculpture may even suggest occasional intermarriage and individual Viking settlement.
Finally, marvel at museum facsimiles of some of Tutankhamun's greatest golden treasures, including the funerary mask.
The region has examples of the exceedingly rare survival of funerary monuments above ground.
Columbarium A building, sometimes at least partly underground, whose walls are full of niches for funerary urns.
No prehistoric funerary and ritual monuments have been recorded in the Levels.
On stepped square plinth a pedestal in form of Roman funerary monument, surmounted by tapering obelisk, pointed at summit.
AdvertisementSadly, it is far from clear what the standard funerary rite was for Britain at this time.
First the dead have to wait in another land until the funerary ritual is over and to be punished if they are sinners.
The figure is believed to be the lid of a pagan funerary urn.
Many cemetery and funerary violinists local Guild branch owners and operators believe Music Memorialization is insignificant or perhaps should be discouraged.
Food is often given to a god because he is believed to take pleasure in eating; the germ of this idea may have been identical with that of some funerary sacrifices - to nourish the divine life.
AdvertisementIn the Saite period a sort of standard edition was drawn up, consisting of 165 chapters in a fixed order and with a common title the book of going forth in the day; this recension was published by Lepsius in 1842 from a Turin papyrus Like the Pyramid texts, the Book of the Dead served a funerary purpose, but its contents are far more heterogeneous; besides chapters enabling the dead man to assume what shape he will, or to issue triumphant from the last judgment, there are lists of gates to be passed and demons to be encountered in the nether world, formulae such as are inscribed on sepulchral figures and amulets, and even hymns to the sun-god.
This work is the first comprehensive study of funerary stelae exhibiting mixed iconography from Upper Egypt during the Roman period in Egypt.
They were commonly used in homes, temples, and for funerary or other religious purposes.
These new probabilities open up considerable possibilities in research with regard to the relations of the early Minoans and other Aegeans with Syria and Egypt and the undoubted fact of the resemblances of Minoan on the one hand to Syrian and Egyptian religions and funerary practices, and on the other hand to those of the Etruscans.
Peet, resulted in interesting discoveries, some of which tend to show that the cult of the Aten or Solardisk was not so rigidly enforced by the heretic king Akhenaton as has been supposed, and that ordinary people were allowed to worship other gods than the sun-disk, at any rate in connexion with funerary ceremonies.
AdvertisementSculptured stelae, honorific or funerary, all with pyramidal or slightly rounded upper ends, and showing a single regal or divine figure or two figures, have come to light at Bor, Marash, Sinjerli, Jerablus, Babylon, &c. These, like most of the rock-panels, are all marked as Hittite by accompanying pictographic inscriptions.
In very early inscriptions the funerary prayers in the tombs are addressed to him almost exclusively, and he always took a leading place in them.
The funerary cult of Khufu and Khafre was practised under the twenty-sixth dynasty, when so much that had fallen into disuse and been forgotten was revived.
In later times in Egypt a class of large glass scarabs for funerary purposes seem to be adjusted to the shekel (30).
The ostensible objects of nearly all such collegia of which we have any knowledge were twofold, the maintenance of the worship of some god, and provision for the performance of proper funerary rights for its members.
AdvertisementThe most important monument of the Middle Kingdom now extant at Thebes is the funerary temple of Menthotp III.
The funerary ritual is known from texts in the Theban tombs (XVIIIthXXth Dyn.) and papyri and sarcophagi of later date; older versions are contained in the Pyramid texts and The Book of the Dead.
A late class of stelae, of which the be,st specimen has been published by Golenischeff, consists of spells of various kinds originally intended for the use of the living, but later employed for funerary purposes.
The occasional visitor to the tomb is reminded by its inscriptions of the many virtues of the dead man while he yet lived, and is charged, if he be come with empty hands, at least to pronounce the funerary formula; it will indeed cost him nothing but the breath of his mouth !
The funerary customs that have been described are meaningless except on the supposition that the tomb was the regular dwelling-place of the dead.
Yet very few great monuments were originated by him; even the Ramesseum, his funerary temple, was begun by his father.
Mineptah has left few original works; the Osireum at Abydos is the only one of which much remains, his funerary temple having been destroyed as completely as he destroyed that of Amenophis Ill.
The funerary temple of Nebhepr Menthotp III., the last but one of these kings, has been excavated by the Egypt Exploration Fund at Deir el Bahri, and must have been a magnificent monument.
In his long reign of forty-six years he built a pyramid at Dahshr, and at Hawra near the Lake of Moeris another pyramid together with the Labyrinth which seems to have been an enormous funerary temple attached to the pyramid.
The colossi known to the Greeks by the name of the Homeric hero Memnon, which look over the western plain of Thebes, represent this king and were placed before the entrance of his funerary temple, the rest of which has disappeared.
A principal object of it was the adoration of the early kings, whose cemetery, to which it forms a great funerary chapel, lies behind it.
For the graves yielded not only new types of statues, bronzes, ivory carvings and painted pottery - all of the highest artistic value - but also a large number of stone stelae inscribed with funerary formulae in the Meroitic script.
These two kings built the great columnar hall of Karnak, added a large court with pylons to Luxor, and on the west bank built the funerary temple of Seti at Kurna, and the Ramesseum with its gigantic colossus, besides other edifices of which only traces remain.
The actual practices of the cult, both funerary and divine, are better known, and we are tolerably familiar with the doctrines as to the future state of the dead.
It is possible that these incantations were recited as part of the funerary ritual, but there is no doubt that their mere presence in the tombs was supposed to be magically effective for the welfare of the dead.