Funding Sentence Examples
In 1895 an arrangement was made for a reduction of the rate of interest, for the funding of the arrears, and for the creation of a sinking fund.
When we first accepted Mr. Cooms' generous funding, we established this secure connection in case he ever had a need to contact us.
He probably thought she had unlimited funding.
I'm offering you full funding for your endeavor; secure operating quarters, any place of your choice, sizeable salaries for all of you involved and a gift of stock to each that will assure a lifetime income from dividends.
The operation of funding was too difficult to be suddenly accomplished, and Necker rather pointed out the right line to be followed than completed the operation.
He also took a leading part in the senate in securing the passage of laws for funding the national debt, assuming the state debts and establishing a United States bank.
The Council can also provide advice about a funding opportunity.
Quinn's sabbatical project lost its funding.
Amounts involved are often relatively modest, but can form a useful adjunct to other funding streams.
A funding request had been made for costs associated with the trip (excluding airfares to Sioux Falls ).
AdvertisementThe quality of your funding arrangements will be examined.
The cost of funding the post would be £ 31,900 in a full year which had been included in the approved revenue budget.
Funding FAQ's How do you fund short films?
Funding for primary care generalist training is to be managed through the postgraduate education system.
The Diabetes Charitable Trust Fund is a major source of funding for diabetes initiatives.
AdvertisementBoth are non-government, not-for-profit entities with a global remit to manage public research funding to deliver specific objectives.
The Service is currently funding research examining the life history, captive rearing, and conservation biology of the sphinx moth.
Probably, the funding would have been stacked in favor of the yes campaign.
Further, the question of " funding fewer better " was linked to the probability of continuation of standstill funding.
In September 2003 we started writing a bid to Youth Music for a further year of funding.
AdvertisementFunding The DfES has allocated start-up funding to LAs for the development of extended services in their areas.
European funding, through the Leader Plus program, has aided the steading conversion and part funded a full-time Development Officer.
Funding of students Students are paid stipends based on the Wellcome Trust 's own studentship stipend scale [PDF 14KB ].
New election spending limits plus a small expansion of present state funding would cleanse British politics from the unfounded accusations of sleaze.
The PRS Foundation for New Music The PRS Foundation for New Music (PRSF) is a refreshingly approachable and adventurous funding body.
AdvertisementPartnerships have succeeded in securing external funding for the most deprived areas of the Boro.
The HLF should develop a working relationship with funding agencies which are supporting pure research to identify areas where synergy is possible.
Suitable people will then have an assessment by a qualified assessor in order to obtain social services funding.
Or would like your business to remain authentic even after you have attracted funding Authentic Capital may be for you.
The views expressed by the author are not necessarily those of the commissioning or funding bodies.
Funding Some firms or consortia fund projects on their own balance sheet.
Further funding was found to turn the rather barren courtyard into a welcoming site.
But, the level of work being produced often belies the levels of funding.
Even where these needs are today addressed by voluntary organizations the funding is largely by public grants rather than private benefaction.
The budgetary process results in funding bids being assessed against priorities, with many not being accepted.
Larger zones are planned in cities that, unlike Brighton & Hove, did not miss the funding boat.
Funding Nursing and midwifery students on diploma-level courses receive a non-means-tested bursary.
There are funding schemes available to help the freelance cameraman from Skillset.
This review should include the funding of education support teachers, school capitation grants, transport provision and school uniforms.
It also donates the relevant medical equipment to doctors ' surgeries and hospitals, plus funding the sports cardiology at the Olympic medical center.
Lombard builds in a residual value to reduce the rentals, thus helping cash flow and making ' off-balance sheet ' funding possible.
This conference looks at the different approaches to becoming network centric, and provides a forum for discussing funding, rationalization and convergence.
The organizing committee is actively seeking more funding in order to further substantially reduce the cost to participants.
It is increasingly common for funding sources to be made up of several different funders.
The funding of the proposal will be by a private sector concessionaire, who will raise funds on the money markets.
Scope out the funding for an external person to review the concordat.
It is the Council's intention to have any additional funding consequent to designation available from the beginning of the AY 2001-02.
It has never received Government funding yet it continues to be the world's premier training institution for textile conservators.
Further funding from DCMS and DfES has enabled continuance of the latter in 2005â06.
They are also preparing a bid to the Heritage Lottery Fund for funding for retrospective conversion of the existing card catalogs.
That's the top priority, particularly against the background of growing cynicism in the sector over the lack of progress on funding reform.
The current transaction results from the second funding tranche of the previously announced convertible debentures of 5 October 2005.
He has not been above funding and training terrorists such as the Al Aqsa Brigades while publicly decrying them in the past.
But with full funding still to be secured, the College has announced a temporary deferment to the project.
Funding Funding should be shared by Central Government, commerce and industry to facilitate the development of a common approach.
Certainly it could be, much funding in schools is locally devolved and could be spent in this area.
Funding was by voluntary individual donation to offset out of pocket costs.
I was aware of the usual drudgery of funding issues which so often affects the work that we do.
An increase in funding of discretionary grants to reduce the number of unfit private sector dwellings.
In addition, a tiny minority have core capital funding earmarked for adult basic skills learning.
Some of the funding available is specifically earmarked for Cancer Research.
Projects to promote eco-tourism are now underway, partly to supplement reduced government funding.
This has only emanated from the recent revelations about Labor's corporate funding.
Due to our limited funding options for overseas students, we strongly encourage you to seek your own funding.
There is a risk that partnerships will prove ephemeral if they are devised in response to a particular funding regime.
It also recommends the establishment of a central funding source for disabled students, together with a central source of information.
Evaluation A BNF self evaluation A BNF self evaluation questionnaire was completed at the outset of the funding period.
Any such shifts in funding have to be match funded from the national exchequer.
Newton Community Hospital Association granted funding for incidental expenses, incurred during the study.
Those who wished to pursue this theory were free to apply to funding agencies for resources to conduct such experiments.
Ward Jackson Park received a two million pound face-lift with significant funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund.
The applicant is receiving federal Pell Grant funding during the academic term of his/her application.
Facilities Plymouth track has recently been awarded funding from Sport England to improve facilities including floodlights which will enable all year round training.
Last August, with the help of funding from the Prince's Trust, she opened a designer florist called Amanda's.
This shift in funding signals the transformation of the PACs from virtually free-standing production houses to becoming infrastructure accessible to all.
Welsh Conservatives are fighting for more funding to reach the frontline, with better support for teaching staff.
Search by funding details The search by funding details is the best method of identifying potential funders.
Finally we look through our information about local trusts and other non-statutory funders to complete the funding search.
Funding and pilot projects VRH is funded from a variety of statutory and private sources, and each of the 32 branches undertakes fundraising.
The South West Office of Employment sees C-FAR as a specialized gateway into New Deal and is contributing funding support.
We may well be absolutely gob smacked once the figures for SRB funding in Northwood are released.
The large grant scheme provides funding for projects which require a grant scheme provides funding for projects which require a grant in excess of £ 750.
The funding agency should give the grantee a choice of methods for providing OA to the resulting publications.
The Agency plans to raise funds from a mixture of increased charges, external funding and increased grant-in-aid.
This funding is now under the spotlight and many has are reviewing arrangements.
We will cut significantly freight vehicle excise duty, funding this by introducing a daily charge which includes overseas hauliers who currently escape VED.
This funding should be based primarily on a simple head count.
We Need More Funding Things often forgotten or unconsidered when we think of NHS funding homeopathy.
Precision Acoustics are funding the development of a fiber optic hydrophone.
Such a move is not considered imminent, however, & there are no short-term funding issues at the firm.
Failure to apply to an external body for funding will render the applicant ineligible for a Manchester Postgraduate Fellowship.
Arts Council funding would at least be free from the factional infighting that determines so much in local government, in EDDC as elsewhere.
On the other hand, highly co-ordinated funding could become inflexible.
Funding of railroad infrastructure has been substantially increased and the London congestion charge has proved successful.
I got funding by the then inner London Education Authority.
It is however invidious to have different funding mechanisms applying to young people's learning opportunities.
Short-term funding and lack of full cost recovery are particularly knotty problems.
We p LAN to submit a funding application this autumn.
Because of the long lead times, funding allocations should extend beyond Treasury controlled 2-3 year spending cycles.
Topping In global liquidity, the process of sending funding payments from accounts held in the UK to accounts held overseas.
Firstly, I present a brief history of gender mainstreaming in EU research funding.
It was also anticipated that the Parish Council who could provide the funding for the maypole's upkeep could then adopt the new Maypole.
Other statutory duties include the provision of grant funding for disabled facilities adaptations where the occupants meet a financial means test.
Various options are possible but there would be no government funding; costs would have to be met through efficiency measures.
How appropriate are the current funding mechanisms for the support of international research in farm animal genomics?
We have also bid for the funding of induction mentors to support a cluster of primary schools.
Women's football may be the fastest-growing sport in the UK but the coverage of it remains minuscule, as does the funding.
They also have their sights on running the New York Marathon next year to maintain funding momentum.
This has placed pressure on institutions to increase postgraduate numbers to fulfill funding objectives.
The issue of funding the action is still a major obstacle.
Crucial to the development of Scottish onomastics is the whole question of funding.
The Scottish Arts Council is calling for applications for the next round of funding for its artist residency pplications for the next round of funding for its artist residency program, p art ners.
Projects have often had to develop many innovative funding partnerships, which have enabled LGB youth work to thrive.
Because they would be based on revenue rather than capital funding, RSOs would have greater permanence and stability.
I think the private funding is something that is not common outside of the United States, private philanthropy.
Nevertheless, current research funding emphasizes the role of ultraviolet vision in birds with research ranging from receptor cell physiology to behavioral experiments.
Other sources of funding for international postgraduates British Council Fellowships - range of grants, including for postgraduate study leading to a PhD.
Our strong support for transferring research postgraduate students to the research funding stream.
The School's funding site outlines the application procedures for those awards.
Central funding has now ceased and the responsibility for the scheme has now been devolved from NHS professionals to SHAs.
Monitoring is not always proportionate to the amount of funding provided.
They have secured funding to put some experienced anglers through a training course that would give them a professional coaching qualification.
Together with another lottery funding quango, the New Opportunities Fund, it is being replaced by the Big Lottery Fund.
This outstanding success of UK research in universities made the impact of the actual funding decisions following the 2001 Rae doubly hard to bear.
He felt that the funding should be sourced from elsewhere without affecting the ratepayers.
It may also be of interest to note that the Faculty received an 'excellent ' rating in the Higher Education Funding Council subject reviews.
As counsel to the issuer, an $ 8.8 billion warehouse funding facility backed by real estate related assets.
The letter is a direct rebuttal to calls last week for a funding rethink from Doctors for Reform.
Helen Hockx-Yu then gave a recap of the 12 workpackages for forthcoming JISC funding, outlining some of the preservation elements.
However, workforce reform is about more than additional funding.
During the past six months, property developers and investors seeking funding for their property transactions have contacted me on an increasingly regular basis.
This may become relevant in the long term but is not an answer to the shorter term funding needs of the Partnership.
Central Government funding available for Local Authority PFI schemes Central Government allocates specific resources for Local Authority PFI projects through the Spending Review.
I proposed record funding for the first responders, $ 3.5 billion in the current budget.
The funding of illegal militias which set up illegal roadblocks and harass citizens.
Most of those who received saplings said they had not been given funding for labor, insecticide or spraying equipment to nurture them.
The large grant scheme provides funding for projects which require a grant in excess of £ 750.
Nowadays there are lots of schemes available for young postdoctoral scientists to gain funding.
Please see funding section of website for more details or contact your local MEDIA Desk / Antenna for more details.
The remit has now been widened to all sources of funding, and provides a useful resource to the voluntary and community sectors.
Funding No national library is ever going to be able to be financially self-sufficient.
Acquisitive crime (particularly shoplifting, burglary and fraud) are the primary means of funding drug misuse.
This resulted in government funding to sort out serious shortfalls in cycle parking at 200 sites.
Despite the funding shortfall, we are going to make a start.
We do not believe that a similar situation exists within Fair Funding.
The only way to end the sleaze is to provide state funding for political parties.
Here the tale gets even more sordid with shady characters offshore funding and other private investments appearing.
The rest of the money has been contributed by the other funding sources.
During the recent spat over school funding, new localists have derided the center.
Mark Ballard (Green) said that the problem is clearly that councils are expected to do more on almost standstill funding.
Thos who take a stand will be literally starved to death in funding terms.
This funding is also statutory funding, which means its criteria and regulations are governed by law and are set centrally by the government.
Funding of students Students are paid stipends based on the Wellcome Trust's own studentship stipend scale [PDF 14KB] .
Funding streams from such bodies are used by England Hockey to develop the sport throughout the country.
The Trust is also funding two 3 year PhD studentships with a view to capacity building in eating disorder research.
Available Funding The Department is able to provide a number of fees-only studentships to well-qualified students on an annual basis.
Updating is particularly important when the file contains information such as a weekly schedule or a deadline for a program funding announcement.
Several European Union funding programs, including ERDF which encompasses a swathe of North East London has relevance to multimedia.
Funding - Secured by your sales invoices Bank of Ireland Commercial Finance offers tailored Invoice Finance facilities to assist your cashflow.
This funding, together with average box-office takings, usually covers the concert fee.
We undertake annual fundraising telethons and schools can bid for funding from the alumni fund.
Four studies are now close to publication and I currently have funding for further work on the human fetal testis.
Insufficient funding to complete Inner Relief Road and canal bridge in order to relieve central area congestion from vehicular traffic.
In July 2004, Lunar was granted access to the final tranche of funding to complete the Prototype design.
Manchester hopes that Mr Darling will unblock funding for extensions to its tram network in return for its cooperation in testing congestion charging.
This will be largely uncommitted funding to improve faculty stipends and student grants, and build and renew laboratories and infrastructure.
Once feasible reform is identified then unconditional funding should be offered.
It is amazing that someone who claims to be a transport consultant should be so unknowing about the way government funding works.
As yet, funding for full restoration remains unsecured.
Funding JC informed the group that funding for the next 2 years will be issued to health board areas with an small percentage uplift.
There is a continuing wrangle between mental health charity Sane and the Department of Health about funding for the helpline Saneline.
Such projects have been able to attract further major funding from other sources as a result of our early ' pump priming '.
If you 're going for pump priming money, it will be important to show where follow-on funding can be expected to come from.
The original target of funding for this Quadrennial project has long been surpassed.
Direct public affordable health insurance company funding the formula is security act namely m c. Quintile of communities the review offers.
We have received funding to develop race discrimination work in relation to immigration cases.
This outstanding success of UK research in universities made the impact of the actual funding decisions following the 2001 RAE doubly hard to bear.
It may also be of interest to note that the Faculty received an 'Excellent ' rating in the Higher Education Funding Council subject reviews.
The scheme is part of York CVS and receives funding from the Early Years and Extended Schools Service and the City of York Council.
Technical Co-Operation Program The TACC recommended the approval of TC program funding for 2004.
The first recourse for funding should be to your own institution (where applicable).
Harbor A total of £ 2.7m of council funding has been secured to regenerate central Leith.
We don't receive any government funding, and are totally reliant on donations and fundraising events for our income.
Over the last 7years the biggest increase in BBSRC funding had been in responsive mode fundamental research.
Oil revenue is funding the expansion of the war.
Funding There must be a reversal of the trend of reduced levels of health service funding in real terms.
This is about the same as the total of grants given to charities by the UK government (excluding public service contract funding).
Also an application for funding a large randomized trial of beta-interferon for multiple sclerosis treatment.
All applications receive careful scrutiny by the assessors, in the context of competing claims on available funding.
Kirkby Times has featured many news items which show the secretive manner in which public funding is being spent here in Kirkby.
We hope in the future we will finally secure lottery funding for Bedford.
Joint Projects provide seed corn funding for future larger scale funding.
We are gravely concerned about increasing levels of selectivity in research funding.
We are increasing transport funding by 45 percent over the next three years to turn around the shameful neglect of the last Government.
There will be a shortfall in the funding needed to achieve Decent Homes.
Interested Sector Skills Councils are reminded that the closing date for this funding is Friday 21 April 2006.
The price of the pill in Myanmar skyrocketed by 600% recently when a major international donor withdrew funding for the pill.
We organize a variety of trips and funding for the stroke survivors and any children is provided by the group.
Charging Principles Other services provided by UKERNA out with this agreement shall not be subsidized by the funding associated with this agreement.
If necessary public funding should be made available to allow this to happen in the form of a ' suitors fund '.
The research was eventually suspended due to lack of funding from Rolls-Royce.
This is still fairly unusual for an educational site of this type, but is perhaps symptomatic of the current trend in Internet funding.
The annual induction day in July has been improved by providing funding for resources for taster lessons.
Testing the teats has been funding pan out they games on the.
The traineeship program has drawn additional new deal funding.
The Government agreed, in March 03, to provide £ 325m funding for tramway routes in Edinburgh.
I 'm applying for a second tranche of funding.
At the practical level the aqueduct has provided match funding for us to obtain a substantial tranche of European money.
We want Government to provide funding so more books can be transcribed into alternative formats, and to zero rate VAT on audio books.
They also provide funding for tricycles for disabled children.
The original design was truncated due to a last minute reduction in hoped for funding by the major donor, the Swiss Government.
Unfortunately however the very fact they are such a minority means that this levy would by no means provide all the funding needed.
Wait a minute, were n't Irish American groups responsible for funding IRA activities.
Housing the problem government funding for in wasting money.
Public funding is intended to help the least well-off in society with the costs of their legal advice.
Our current proposals sound like tearing down the whole funding system in favor of some whiz-bang voucher thing.
These organizations are generally not household names, and therefore often have to work twice as hard to secure the funding they need.
The demographic region was extremely poor, due to lack of funding going into education.
The property tax referendum passed by a slim margin, contentiously funding improvements to the city's streets.
On a granular level, of course, the unexpected often happens; a funding source suddenly dries up, a new customer appears seemingly out of nowhere.
Whether your funding sources start drying up or you receive a lowball buyout offer, you can use a given phase to analyze the problem and seek a solution.
Until you generate a positive cash flow, your startup will need to raise adequate funding or it will sputter and eventually die.
Though you may be reluctant to ask people close to you for money, keep an open mind about it. In the majority of startups, these individuals provide at least part of the initial funding.
If the money you were counting on to move forward suddenly dries up, you may have to wait until you can secure a new funding source.
Kickstarter is an alternate funding source, mostly for things, not services, but if your product fits it offers another way of achieving the same hypothesis-validating goal.
I've seen very few companies die because of a lack of resources. While many do run out of money eventually, the cause of their demise usually has little to do with adequate funding.
In a bootstrapping situation, you provide the initial capital, and once it gets going, your startup is responsible for funding itself.
The startup group should have their own funding (just enough to create a product) and the ability operate independently.
If your funding is solid, you can leave the store with your coveted electronic device.
However, going with a company that offers a direct stock purchase plan can be easier because the company will set up recurring funding for you.
Funding means placing money in your account so you may be able to start making trades.
First, you will need to provide information about the finances of your law firm and a projection of your funding needs.
Find a company that specializes in funding for plaintiff's lawyers.
Esquire Capital - They offer the same funding as banks plus they can tailor financial programs specifically for your law practice.
A year's worth of account statements, limits on spending, sources of funding, personal information, card blocks, and balance and activity can all be accessed using this Discover online system.
You can reload your cards online by linking it to your checking or savings account, or through another funding method.
If you purchase these debit cards from brick and mortar retailers, you can use any type of funding the retailer accepts for purchases to load the card.
Some merchants offer these cards to customers; in some instances buying one of these cards is as easy as grabbing one from a grocery store kiosk and then funding the card at the register.
Debit cards are one form of funding people may take along when traveling.
It receives funding from both the federal and State governments.
This means the income is considered twice, although a portion is already spoken for in the funding of a separate maintenance payment.
They also have all the information on the funding opportunities created by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act that relate to home solar kits.
In Pennsylvania, waste coal and methane from coal mines are defined by the state as renewable energy sources and eligible for the same tax breaks, funding, and government support as solar cells and wind turbines.
The court system did not protect naturopaths, insurance refused coverage for naturopathic treatment and the legislature eliminated funding for naturopathic study and education.
Follow the funding and you can often make a good judgment about the validity of the research.
The current articles are available, but new ones are on hold until funding is found.
He created an initiative to help support the advancement of the Internet through government funding.
There are a number of databases that aren't free, but are provided free to patrons through state or local funding.
Most of these hotlines are free and are supported by public school systems, government or other charitable funding.
Lacking the type of funding that some of the private schools have, it still manages to stay competitive year after year.
Their programs probably have good funding and they consistently go to state championships, if not win them.
If your bridesmaids have a modest dress budget or you are funding all the dresses, include consignment shops, department store clearance sections, and online auction sites such as eBay in your search.
Not only does it help your bridesmaids be able to afford to participate in the festivities, it also is a smart move if you are funding the bridal party dresses yourself.
He aided in the funding of the Gilda Radner Ovarian Cancer Detection Center in Los Angeles, and started Gilda's Club, a support group for cancer patients and their loved ones.
Once you've received an acceptance letter from the school of your dreams, it's time to start thinking about college funding options.
In most cases, students receive college funding from a variety of sources.
Since they don't have to be repaid, grants are a form of college funding based primarily on your financial need.
Scholarships are an ideal college funding source, since the money you receive does not have to be repaid.
If you aren't eligible for work study funds, part-time employment can still be an important part of your college funding plan.
Many college scholarships are highly competitive and most organizations only have a limited amount of funding available.
Private colleges don't receive state funding, so they're more dependent on tuition to pay operating costs.
College grants and scholarships are ideal sources of college funding.
The amount of your FSEOG grant can range from $100 to $400 a year, although not all eligible students will receive funding.
In fact, it is not necessary to pay for any type of college funding assistance.
If you've completed a FAFSA application and are eligible for work study funding, you should have no trouble finding on-campus employment.
One of reasons college tuition is rising so fast is lawmakers are devoting less resources to funding higher education.
For example, Iowa's community colleges received 24.39% of their total funding from tuition revenue in 1980.
In many cases, schools simply must increase tuition to compensate for their decreased state funding.
However, with all the types of funding available, there's no reason not to go to college.
This can involve funding for research supplies and participation in academic conferences.
Community and outreach service programs continue to contribute to college funding and local diversity.
Grants provide single mothers with a necessary resource - funding so they can go back to school right now.
Students who are accepted to JJC can apply for scholarships or other financial aid to help them with funding to complete their degrees.
Remember to submit your application on or before the deadline to ensure that the grant committee considers you for funding.
However, it isn't the be-all-and-end-all of your funding opportunities.
Since grants are financial awards that do not require repayment, they should be at the top of an aspiring college student's list of funding possibilities.
Funding for additional programs such as debate teams, clubs and sports programs.
Schools with larger sports programs will often receive additional funding from other sources to help defray the cost burden to students paying tuition.
This cost is often less due to many factors, including the city, state and national government funding support public schools receive.
Does the school provide any aid to help students start businesses, obtain funding, or find clients after graduation?
Apply for financial aid after choosing a program, and consider other sources of funding as well.
Most often, distance learning courses cost just as much as on-site classes, if not more, so it's certainly worthwhile for prospective and current students to look into various options for funding their education choice.
There are scholarships available, and students are also encouraged to look into additional funding for their work.
You can indulge in a little guilt-free shopping when you purchase Vera Bradley jewelry cases, knowing the company puts considerable effort and a portion of its profits into funding breast cancer research.
In 2006, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill requiring libraries and schools receiving certain types of federal funding to keep minors from accessing MySpace and other social networking sites.
Since most centers operate from local, state, and federal funding, the energy of volunteers helps keep things running smoothly.
Individuals may pay out-of-pocket for uncovered services and some agencies receive funding to provide care to low-income individuals.
Educate yourself on matters concerning retirement funding and your estate.
Guardian First Funding hired several executives from the Senior Lending Network, so it may a good starting point to find additional information.
Before contacting Guardian First Funding or another financial services company, consider if a reverse mortgage is something that may be beneficial to you.
Federal grants for senior citizens provide important funding for much needed services for seniors in many areas of their lives.
The types of available activities for senior citizen centers vary, depending on funding and their target clients.
Other centers have funding from religious organizations or charitable groups.
Additionally, if you are in the market for a career change due to job loss, you may qualify for federal Workforce Investment Act (WIA) funding to help pay for the cost of career training.
As more research is conducted and more people are diagnosed with narcolepsy there is a chance that research efforts will be increased and more funding will be designated for research on narcolepsy.
They are funding up to 100 online games to be developed in China over the next several years.
Some people make movies with no funding, no buyers, and no realistic hope of distribution.
This way you'll know whether or not you're likely to qualify for funding and what price range you need to focus on when shopping.
Even though the company has a separate name and presence, much of its original funding and development came directly from Motorola.
The NEA is also concerned that home schooling will eventually lead to a diversion of funding from the public schools.
Staffing and funding Head Start programs is a common problem.
If the public school cannot adequately provide FAPE for such students, parents can seek legal representation to obtain funding from the public school for their child to attend an appropriate alternative school.
Putting on a successful event will bring the media to your studio - providing you with the funding you may need to stay in operation during tough financial times.
Supported through federal funding, kids can learn strengthening exercises, jazz technique and contemporary dance moves at a very low cost.
In 2009, the government allocated funding to preserve the Baggage and Dormitory Building.
In addition, smaller Christian schools may or may not have enough funding or staff to provide more than a basic curriculum to meet minimum state standards, and many of them are not accredited.
In the majority of states, the funding for the program is done through a tax imposed on employers.
Depending on the type of funding available for Workforce Investment Act retraining programs your state, you may be eligible to participate in federally funded job training opportunities after you lose your job.
Job training classes that are available at no cost to trainees receive funding from a variety of sources.
Qualifications for participation vary based on the requirements specified by the funding organization.
The U.S. Department of Labor provides funding for employment skills training under the Workforce Investment Act.
Those who are approved for WIA funding must enroll in an approved program offered by a training center or school that has been pre-approved by the state as a provider.
Contact the schools that interest you directly to inquire about requirements for admission, WIA qualifications, and information on applying for funding.
Regardless of who is funding their efforts, they may need to hire skilled oil recovery workers as well as locals who are willing and able to participate in cleanup efforts.
The ARRA's focus on, and funding of, developing or enhancing new or renewable energy sources encouraged employers to create thousands of new jobs.
Funding for this program is provided by the federal government but disbursed by states.
The Internet offers many options for people seeking mortgage funding.
While it is a federal program, the U.S. government does not back it, nor does it receive funding from the government.
There are many lenders specializing in assisting consumers get the funding they need to purchase both manufactured homes and land on which to place the structure.
Individuals who are ready to seek funding are encouraged to fill out the complete application.
Programs such as the American Dream Downpayment Initiative, the HOME program and the Good Neighbor Next Door program provide special funding assistance to first time homeowners.
A minimum of 10 percent down is often required to be paid either in cashier's check or through a letter stating funding availability.
Often, the fraudulent fees can be as high as ten percent of the reverse mortgage funding.
Funding a college education or remodeling your home are two examples of long-term investments.
In the past, most people who wanted to buy a home or refinance their existing one would apply for funding directly through their bank.
You can also find funding options for military finance and for combined purchase and renovation financing.
These loans may require funding fees, although this requirement depends on the qualifications of each eligible applicant.
Funding for these clinics comes from a combination of sources which may include government grants, donations, and patient fees.
Title X is a federal program to provide funding for family planning.
Clinics which use Title X funding are required to provide a broad range of birth control options, including natural family planning.
They receive federal funding to provide birth control and reproductive health care at low cost and sometimes even for free.
San Francisco Grants for the Arts provides much of the funding for the band and their free concerts.
The San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge had received whatever government funding was available, leaving no federal or state funding available to build a bridge across the Golden Gate Strait.
The attached program donation letter can be used to ask for funding for a specific program.
Funding for the veterans' services comes from donations made to the organization.
The organization relies solely on private donations, merchandise sales and adoption fees since they do not receive federal, state or government funding.
It's always a good idea to prepare a grant writing portfolio for your project before you begin seeking funding.
Federal funding for cancer research is critical for the fight against cancer.
What many do not know is that in order for this research to happen, funding must be received from federal sources.
Congress appropriates funding for cancer research and prevention yearly by allocating money to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Cuts in federal funding have hurt cancer research.
Most research relies on this funding to continue their efforts in the fight against cancer.
For the past several years, Congress has increased its financial commitment to the fight against cancer but many feel that federal funding for cancer research through the NCI and other programs is not enough.
Over the last 20 years, funding for cancer research has increased by only one percent.
The CDC receives federal funding but that does not mean that all of their partners will be funded federally.
Make phone calls to both senators and representatives and urge them to support federal funding for cancer research.
You can even write a letter to your local newspaper editor making it known that there is a need for federal funding.
Cancer research funding comes from a vareity of places, but primarily it is found through the generosity and support of communities and the people who live in them.
This research quickly becomes very expensive, and funding is rarely readily available in a healthcare system that already lacks the cash to cover basic operational expenses.
The majority of cancer research funding comes from annual events that help put money in the pockets of organizations that need it most.
Current fundraising events include "Up Till Dawn", where students all across the nation pull all-nighters to raise funding for childhood cancer research.
With all the awareness being raised about this difficult disease, cancer research funding is becoming more prevalent and the future looks bright.
You need to know about your funding agency before you start the process.
The primary sources of funding for this type of event are sponsorships and runner registration fees.
If you want to secure grant funding to support the work of your nonprofit organization, you'll need to learn how to apply for free grants.
The first step in applying for grant funding for a nonprofit is to identify grant programs that may be a good fit for your organization.
There are many places to look for funding programs, and the opportunities that are available to you will depend greatly on the type of work the nonprofit entity you are representing does and where it is located.
You can search by agency or by category, which makes it easy to quickly search for funding opportunities that are consistent with the mission of your organization.
In addition to posting funding opportunities in the database, individual government agencies often post requests for proposals on their own websites.
Additionally, if you feel that foundations are likely to provide an excellent resource for funding for your organization, you may want to consider subscribing to The Foundation Center's Foundation Directory Online.
You can identify potential funding sources for arts programs in your region by searching National Assembly of State Arts Agencies and the partner listing page on the National Endowment for the Arts website.
There are many additional opportunities to secure grant funding.
Diligence is essential when searching for funding opportunities.
If you're responsible for securing funds for a nonprofit, you'll need to constantly be on the lookout for funding opportunities.
Before getting started, review the guidelines thoroughly so you can be certain that your organization and the project or program you are requesting funding for meet the criteria.
If a grant application is late, it will not even be considered for funding.
If you hire someone to research funding opportunities and write grant proposals, it's a good idea to verify that he or she has a successful track record in securing funding for similar programs.
While the competition is fierce, nonprofits, businesses and individuals receive government grant funding all the time.
The U.S. government has a large number of funding opportunities, all managed through the various agencies, such as the Department of Health and Human Services or the Environmental Protection Agency.
In addition to the previous sources, is a valuable resource for locating nonprofit funding opportunities.
State and local governments also offer funding to nonprofits, businesses and individuals.
Contact the funding authority if you have questions.
Without federal funding, many state or local programs would simply not exist.
The State determines who is eligible and places the restrictions on the funding.
The Social Services Block Grant gives funding to States to provide social service programs to individuals within that specific state.
There are many state and local programs that give assistance to those needing help through funding from a block grant.
Before requesting grant funding, it's important for an applicant to know what exactly a community foundation is.
For example, a San Francisco community foundation would grant funding to groups in the bay area for the sole purpose of meeting social and economic goals within its own community.
The more chances you have to find funding, the stronger your financial foundation will be so you can effectively focus on more important matters - namely, improving your corner of the world for the better.
There are many ways to earn money to support a non-profit organization, however sometimes traditional fundraising tactics do not work well if you need to raise a large amount of funding for your fiscal year.
Grant funding is beneficial because it can provide for all of your annual costs in one fell swoop.
You need to make sure your application stands out from the crowd if you want to get noticed and earn your group's funding via governmental means.
Fundraisers and other methods of collecting financial funding can seem very daunting, especially if you've been commissioned to help with the process and have no experience.
If you decide to take grant funding opportunities to supplement your organization, get ready to study hard and work even harder.
Private grant foundations are some of the largest sources of funding.
They are self-suffient and do not rely on public funding of any kind.
The source of funding can be an individual, a family, a group of individuals or a corporation.
The main difference between private foundations and public charities is how they get their funding.
The private foundation uses a single source for its funding.
This private foundation operated by Bill and Melinda Gates gives grant funding in the areas of education, health, global development and global health.
Write a letter of inquiry and submit the letter, along with any required materials, to the grand funding agency or organization.
The funding organization reviews the proposal.
Send required reports to the grant funding organizations.
Even though each funding organization will have specific writing guidelines, there is a general basic structure to grant proposals.
Remember, the more research and preparation that goes into your grant proposal, the greater your odds of receiving funding.
During a capital campaign it is common to ask for funding for specific projects.
Being able to read what the funding is for allows people to know what activities are going on in the church, and how they can invest time and finances to become more involved.
When completing a grant application, try to get the attention of the funding agency and demonstrate that your project is worthy of funding.
Try to make your project stand out so that each prospective funder will see it as something worthy of funding.
Donation request letters are a means for nonprofits to secure funding for their organization.
This introduction can be set up as a question related to the reason you are asking for funding, but it should also give a description of what your organization does.
This is where you will explain why the funding is needed, and how it will be used if you receive it.
If you are about to submit a request for grant funding, you may want to review several free sample grant proposals before starting or finalizing your work.
Consider starting with the funding agency and your own professional network, then expand your search your local library and the Internet.
You may even find sample documents published on the funding organization's website available for review without even having to ask.
Visit your local library when you are searching for free sample grant proposals to use in your efforts to secure funding for a nonprofit organization.
Perhaps there is a special project that your organization needs funding for, a donation letter could be written for that request as well.
Not only does it supply the organization with necessary funding, but it also helps the organization to show it is a credible and financially stable agency.
These local communities may receive some funding from county and state budgets, but donations are very important.
The CDBG gives funding for various community development projects to local communities in the United States.
Some community development activities that use the funding are acquiring real estate, demolishing run down properties, rehabilitating houses, improving public facilities and paving streets and sidewalks.
When determining funding, the CDBG gives grants to entitlement communities across the United States.
Another area eligible for funding under the CDBG is disaster recovery assistance.
Unlike other types of grants, individuals cannot apply for this type of funding.
Depending on your organization's mission and location, there are sure to be sources of funding that match your nonprofit's needs.
Nonprofits can receive funding from various types of foundations.
Foundations also require grant reports once the funding is given to an organization.
There is a wide range of funding options for nonprofit organizations to consider.
Many foundations will not give funding for special events, conventions, staff salaries or annual operating expenses.
Foundations will clearly spell their specific requirements as well as what area they will grant funding to.
However, it is sometimes difficult to find grants that give nonprofits sufficient funding to survive.
They have a list of funding opportunities for human services, health and substance abuse treatments, and research.
After exhausting all of the resources the Federal Government has to offer, it's time to move on to other organizations that have funding for nonprofits.
They also have some other funding opportunities available.
Visit your local library to browse books on funding options for nonprofits and other businesses.
Finding funding is a skill and the more you do it, the better you'll get at it because you'll find more resources and better ones.
Finding grants available to nonprofit organizations is the first step towards funding your program.
Many of the federal grant agencies submit significantly sized grant funding to states and local governments without awarding the funds to any particular organization.
If you're preparing to draft and submit an application for grant funding, reviewing a written example of a grant before you get started is certainly a good idea.
You may be able to access sample grant proposals from (1) funding organizations, (2) professional contacts and (3) online resources.
Organizations that offer grant programs are often willing to share proposals that have been selected to receive funding in the past.
If you are able to see successful applications from the past, you may gain unique insight into exactly what the particular funding entity is looking for in proposals.
Make sure that the finished product that you turn in is your own work and that it accurately represents the particular funding needs and proposed programs of your organization.
In addition to this, note that in some cases, charities can receive grant funding through local and state governments.
In some situations, this is the best way to get funding since at the local level, there are fewer organizations competing for these funds.
Realize that finding grant opportunities is only the first step in obtaining this funding.
Grants are given for a specific purpose, such as making energy-efficient improvements to a home, funding the expansion plans of small businesses or paying for school.
Many teams do not receive much funding to help cover costs so to make the sport more affordable to players, fundraising is a must.
Funding is not always available for teams or clubs so many rely on the support of the community and parents.
The primary purposes of this law are to increase the federal role in education, to set standards and requirements for every American public school, and to provide necessary funding to allow schools to meet such standards.
Not enough funding is being provided to implement the policies required by this legislation.
With the exception of 1948 and 1950, when it was cancelled due to lack of funding, the Festival has been held every year since.
Once the funding is in place and all of your details are planned out, you can begin recording.
When funding efforts fell through, the owner attempted to have the building condemned so that it could be demolished.
Today, thanks to efforts and funding from Sun Microsystems and local historic groups, the potentially haunted hospital is now listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
As with any retirement account, the TSP has different funding programs available.
However, the majority of the funding is devoted to serving communities with the coldest winters.
Each state determines the amount of welfare payments for TANF recipients based on federal guidelines and available funding.
The two escaped to the tropics to celebrate their closeness, but sadly for Greenlee, she discovered that Leo was funding their tryst with her ransom money.
The increased public interest in savants may lead to more funding opportunities for autism research that can potentially benefit all people with autism.
Children who receive less one on one program hours due to funding issues or lack of qualified personnel, could also require a longer period of ABA therapy.
Because of this, angels want to help with both the financial funding and the operations of your business.
Since 1958, more than 107,000 businesses have received funding, and most of them sought financing in the $250,000-$5 million range.
Program regulations specify SBICs must ensure 25% of their funding is extended to corporations which are considered smaller businesses.
Business owners interested in working with an SBIC should consider a number of factors before approaching a participating corporation for funding.
Each SBIC sets its own policies on how much to lend and the criteria it looks for when considering an application for funding.
They prefer to provide funding for companies in niche industries which the corporate officers and directors are familiar with.
In situations where a company requires a higher level of funding than one SBIC can provide, it is possible to work with more than one investor to receive the full amount needed.
Entrepreneurs are encouraged to approach more than one participating investor to find one with funds available that is a good fit for the company's vision and management style before applying for this type of funding.
Each of the Small Business Investment Companies (SBICs), established by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) have different rules for applying for funding.
In general, however, business owners must submit a business plan containing a request in order to apply for funding.
If a business does not meet the definition of "small," it is ineligible for funding.
Usually, a business owner applies for SBIC funding by submitting a business plan containing a request for financing.
The first eight sections typically remain the same regardless of the amount or type of funding sought.
Common areas where people seek business startup advice include legal issues, capital and funding sources, marketing and human resources.
Because funding cuts make the future of many BICs uncertain, some local city libraries are taking over some of the same functions as are Small Business Development Centers SMDCs (See the article on SBDCs at xxx).
Repayment time depends on the borrower's ability to repay and how the funding is used.
One of the greatest deterrent for people considering starting a home business can be funding.
Venture capital is another option to consider for funding.
Banks are a very conservative lot and unwilling to provide start-up funding.
No amount of funding will breathe life into a dead horse.
Using offshore outsourcing saves funding to fuel development projects that would have been unaffordable, allowing the small business entrepreneur to compete in a world of corporate giants.
The amount of inventory you start with will dictate how much funding you'll need to get off the ground.
The amount of inventory you start with will dictate how much funding you'll need to get off the ground and how much to charge for your work.
Certainly good news for women entrepreneurs, but more importantly, SBA resources are available to any small business owner, not just those who seek funding.
The plan can and should clarify stages of growth and how funding or a revenue stream will accommodate these stages.
Business activity summary, especially important if requesting larger funding.
It provides funding of up to $250,000.00 for qualified applicants.
The thrill of having an idea and making a commitment to start a new business is very different from the reality of writing a business plan, securing funding, and following through with all the practical steps to starting a small business.
A friend, family member, or former co-worker may know of an organization that has funding available.
Be creative and you will be able to find the funding you need.
The quality of the letter you write can have a significant impact on your friend's ability to gain employment or secure funding necessary to start or expand their business.
If you're looking for funding to start a new business or expand an existing one, it's natural to wonder if there are special programs offering women's small business loans.
There are a number of funding options available to women business owners as well as other entrepreneurs.
The Small Business Administration's Office of Women's Business Ownership (OWBO) is an excellent resource for identifying potential funding sources.
Be honest with your banker about your financial situation and funding needs.
While they don't have money to lend, they can provide information about lending programs for small business owners and facts about the possibility of obtaining funding via an Angel Investor funding program.
There are plenty of online scams, promising access to entrepreneurial grant funding and women's small business loans to those who pay a fee or purchase a program.
You won't likely find out about any funding opportunities that you can't easily learn about on your own.
Having a business plan is not only essential for getting funding, it will also help you stay on course to fulfill your business goals.
Detail how much funding you need and how you intend to use the funds.
While there are willing investors from whom you can request money, asking the right people will make the difference between raising capital or funding your business on your own.
This document serves as an overview of your business plan and should convince readers to read the entire document for the purpose of considering your business for private funding.
Any time you create a business proposal or apply for funding, you should plan to create an executive summary.
If you do not pay close attention to your executive summary, you may never get a chance to discuss your business plan with investors who could provide needed funding for capital expansion or the introduction of new products or services.
Typographical errors, spelling mistakes and inaccurate financial data reduce your credibility and may reduce the number of funding opportunities you have for your business.
Business owners and employees need to pay business and occupational taxes to ensure continued funding for these programs.
The use of a profit and loss statement is also needed when you want to apply for additional funding for business purposes.
One of the options for funding a small business is through the United States Small Business Administration, or SBA.
Some of these local programs offer disadvantaged women funding options.