Fuller Sentence Examples
He was by occupation a fuller, and tradition still points out the site of his mill.
The above statements, though correct as far as they go, are an imperfect account of the nature of the radiation from a coupled antenna, but a mathematical treatment is required for a fuller explanation.
He wrote light verse to celebrate the incidents of court life in the manner of Desportes, but his verse is more fantastic and fuller of conceits than his master's.
The powerful fleet and maritime empire which Minos was said to have established will no doubt receive fuller illustration when the sea-town of Cnossus comes to be explored.
But fuller conceptions of evolution raise further difficulties for intuitionalism in its wonted forms. Knowledge cannot be divided into the two components - immediate certainties, precarious inferences.
The jewellers art received large encouragement in a country which had so many independent courts; but nowhere has it attained a fuller development than at Rome.
Possibly, fuller study of religions may help theologians to formulate the imperial claims of Christianity more happily than in the dry contrast between what is " revealed " and what is " natural."
Inevitably the question forces itself upon the mind, is not some fuller synthesis possible?
Ptolemy used the word geography to signify the description of the whole oekumene on mathematical principles, while chorography signified the fuller description of a particular region, and topography the very detailed description of a smaller locality.
And the Moslem came on the scenes bringing, as a gift for Christendom, fuller knowledge of classical, especially Aristotelian, texts.
AdvertisementLouis de Bougainville obtained a fuller acquaintance with the archipelago in 1768, and called them the Navigators' Islands (Iles des Navigateurs) .
But an inductive and deductive treatment, both comprehensive and in due proportion, does not as yet (19to) exist, and awaits fuller external evidence.'
Both Israel and Judah had their own annals, brief excerpts from which appear in the books of Samuel, Kings and Chronicles, and they are supplemented by fuller narratives of distinct and more popular origin.
Where the material is fuller, serious discrepancies are found; and where external evidence is fortunately available, the independent character of the biblical history is vividly illustrated.
That the Judaean compiler has not given fuller information is not surprising; the wonder is that he should have given so much.
AdvertisementAnd if the work of criticism has brought a fuller appreciation of the value of these facts, the debt which is owed to the Jews is enhanced when one proceeds to realize the immense difficulties against which those who transmitted the Old Testament had to contend in the period of Greek domination.
The medieval Jews on the whole lived, under the crescent, a fuller and freer life than was possible to them under the cross.
The foregoing brief review of the principal territorial divisions according to which the forms of life are distributed in Asia, indicates how close is the dependence of this distribution on climatic conditions, and this will be made more apparent by a somewhat fuller account of the main features of the flora and fauna.
The lists of officers, &c., are fuller than those in Samuel, and here and there contain notices of value.
C. Brunet chronicles editions of 1488, 1494, 1513, 1520 and 1533 - of this last date there are two, one published by Jehan Petit, the other by Philippe Lenoire, this last by far the better, being printed from a much fuller manuscript.
AdvertisementLovering is first mentioned as master in 1619, so that Taylor probably spent seven years at the school before he was entered at Gonville and Caius College as a sizar in 1626, 1 eighteen months after Milton had entered Christ's, and while George Herbert was public orator and Edmund Waller and Thomas Fuller were undergraduates of the university.
Thomas Fuller writing in 1662 mentions lead, malt and ale as the chief products of the county, and the Buxton waters were already famous in his day.
But every genuine attempt to overcome its difficulties brings us into closer touch with the period we are examining; and though we may not be able to throw our conclusions into the form of large generalizations, we shall get to know something of the operation of the forces which determined the economic future of England; understand more clearly than our forefathers did, for we have more information than they could command, and a fuller appreciation of the issues, the broad features of English development, and be in a position to judge fairly well of the measures they adopted in their time.
To treat the actual forms of religion as expressions of our various human needs is a fruitful idea which deserves fuller development than it has yet received; but Feuerbach's treatment of it is fatally vitiated by his subjectivism.
The electromotive force of each cell is i 07 volts and the resistance 3 ohms. The Fuller bichromate battery consists of an outer jar containing a solution of bichromate of potash and sulphuric acid, in which a plate of hard carbon is immersed; in the jar there is also a porous pot containing dilute sulphuric acid and a small quantity (2 oz.) of mercury, in which stands a stout zinc rod.
AdvertisementIn Greek art, Demeter is made to resemble Hera, only more matronly and of milder expression; her form is broader and fuller.
The state contains deposits of iron, gypsum, marl, phosphate, lignite, ochre, glass-sand, tripoli, fuller's earth, limestones and sandstones; and there are small gas flows in the Yazoo Delta.
Tampa is an important shipping point for naval stores and phosphate rock, for vegetables, citrus fruit and pineapples, raised in the vicinity, and for lumber, cattle and fuller's earth.
Khulasa, " Quintessence"), or according to its fuller title `Enyaneuderashed'mabutha umassektha (" Songs and Discourses of Baptism and the Ascent," viz.
Of this an abridged edition by the name of Ornithologisches Taschenbuch appeared in 1802 and 1803, with a supplement in 1 812; while between 1805 and 1809 a fuller edition of the original was issued.
In the neighbourhood of Nottingham, and other places in the Midlands, barytes forms a cementing material in the Triassic sandstones; amber-coloured crystals of the same mineral are found in the fuller's earth at Nutfield in Surrey; and the septarian nodules in London Clay contain crystals of barytes as well as of calcite.
They waited; but the closer contact of a prolonged stay only brought into fuller play the essential antipathy of the Greek and the Latin.
Brehier's L'Eglise et l'orient au moyen age (Paris, 1907) contains not only an up-to-date account of the Crusades, but also a full and useful bibliography, which should be consulted for fuller information.
Florida is also the principal source in the United States for fuller's earth, a deposit of which, near Quincy, was first discovered in 1893 and clay (including kaolin) is also mined to some extent.
Curd soap and London grey mottled are prepared from kitchen or ship fat, whilst fuller's fat is employed in the manufacture of soft soaps.
Its property of absorbing large proportions of water, up to 80%, and yet present the appearance of a hard solid body, makes the material a basis for the hydrated soaps, smooth and marbled, in which water, sulphate of soda, and other alkaline solutions, soluble silicates, fuller's earth, starch, &c. play an important and bulky part.
He became one of the famous circle of the transcendentalists, always keenly preserving his own individuality amongst such more or less potent natures as Emerson, Hawthorne and Margaret Fuller.
The fuller titles of the ark originate in the belief that it contained the "covenant" (berith) or "testimony" (`eduth), the technical terms for the Decalogue; primarily, however, it would seem to have been called "the ark of Yahweh" (or "Elohim"), or simply "the ark."
In his method of employing illustration he is suggestive of Thomas Adams, Thomas Fuller, Richard Baxter, Thomas Manton and John Bunyan.
The limits of space do not permit of a fuller treatment of those matters here.
Fuller discussions of the gerousia will be found in Aristotle, Politics, ii.
Unfortunately Mr Nicholson gives no detailed account of the form used in consecration, and on this and other points fuller information is needed.
For a fuller bibliography, see Encyclopadie der math.
It is also repeatedly mentioned (Kpkos) by Homer, Hippocrates and other Greek writers; and the word "crocodile" was long supposed to have been derived from Kancos and whence we have such stories as that "the crocodile's tears are never true save when he is forced where saffron groweth" (Fuller's Worthies).
For fuller bibliography, including the controversy about the De Melisso Xen.
In heart disease the chief work of the latter half of the 19th century was, in the first quarter, such clinical work as that of William Stokes and Peter Mere Latham (1789-1875); and in the second quarter the fuller comprehension of the vascular system, central and peripheral, with its cycles and variations of blood pressure, venous and arterial.
It is natural that little should be said of so obvious a practice until the fuller development of ritual in a later age.
A year before his death, in 529 B.C., he associated his son Cambyses in the government, making him king of Babylon, while he reserved for himself the fuller title of " king of the (other) provinces " of the empire.
For fuller treatment see Baruch.
For fuller treatment see Ezra.
For a fuller account see Enoch.
This fashion continued until, in the 17th century, the sleeves became much fuller; but it was not till the, 8th century that they developed into the familiar exaggerated balloon shape, confined at the wrists by a ribbon, beyond which a ruffle projected.
The incident is fuller and shows a great advance in ideas of morality.
For a fuller description of Aranjuez see D.S.
The Bovidae are divided into a number of sections, or subfamilies, each of which is briefly noticed in the present article, while fuller mention of some of the more important representatives of these is made in other articles.
In 1642 he was ordered into custody as a delinquent; thereafter he took refuge in Oxford, and ultimately returned to London to the house of William Fuller (1580?-1659), dean of Ely, whose daughter Jane was his second wife.
The form Jehovah was used in the 16th century by many authors, both Catholic and Protestant, and in the 17th was zealously defended by Fuller, Gataker, Leusden and others, against the criticisms of such scholars as Drusius, Cappellus and the elder Buxtorf.
Unfortunately an exact record of the steps in her education was not kept; but from 1888 onwards, at the Perkins Institution, Boston, and under Miss Sarah Fuller at the Horace Mann school in New York, and at the Wright Humason school, she not only learnt to read, write, and talk, but became proficient, to an exceptional degree, in the ordinary educational curriculum.
The Annales have been generally regarded as the same with the Commentarii Pontificum cited by Livy, but there seems reason to believe that the two were distinct, the Commentarii being fuller and more circumstantial.
Maurice, which he afterwards published, along with a fuller examination of the doctrine of the essays.
Lavisse, which contains a fuller bibliography of the subject.
To Augustine's doctrine of man's total depravity, his incapacity for any good, and the absolute sovereignty of the divine grace in salvation according to the divine election, Pelagius opposed the view that "God's grace 1 For fuller details see separate articles.
For fuller details and explanations of the elements of the subject, the reader must be referred to general treatises such as Baynes's Thermodynamics (Oxford), Tait's Thermodynamics (Edinburgh), Maxwell's Theory of Heat (London), Parker's Thermodynamics (Cambridge), Clausius's Mechanical Theory of Heat (translated by Browne, London), and Preston's Theory of Heat (London).
In all these cases fuller details will be found in the articles bearing their names.
It shared to the full in all the quickening that transformed so many departments of civilization during that epoch, and has been specially influenced by the missionary enterprise, the discoveries of science, the fuller knowledge of the Bible, the awakened zeal for social service.
In 1118 he died, after an expedition to Egypt, during which he captured Farama, and, as old Fuller says, "caught many fish, and his death in eating them."
He might easily have told us what these "certain things" were and given us fuller details of the negotiations between the two great bishops, for in all probability he was himself in Rome at the time.
No book is fuller of devotion to the Church of England than The Temple, and no poems in our language exhibit more of the spirit of true Christianity.
For a fuller account of the history, people and customs of Alava, see Basques and Basque Provinces, with the works there cited.
In spite of these and other anticipations of a fuller idealism, the idea remains as a form imposed from without on a reality otherwise conceived of as independent of it.
At that age he was apprenticed to a fuller and clothier, to card wool, and to dye and dress the cloth.
Somewhat later the evidence becomes fuller, and much valuable light is thrown upon the part which the Philistine coast played in the political history of Palestine.
The details of house accommodation are fuller.
Later on, the last item was abandoned in favour of a fuller return of agricultural resources, a feature which has remained a prominent part of the inquiry.
For fuller discussion reference should be made to Geometry and Trigonometry, as well as to the articles dealing with particular figures, such as Triangle, Circle, &C.
Men so moved so to act could hardly be commonplace; and so among them we find characters strong and marked, with equal ability to rule and to obey, as William Bradford (1590-1657) and Brewster, Edward Winslow (1595-1655) and Miles Standish (1584-1656), John Winthrop (1588-1649) and Dr Samuel Fuller, and men so inflexible in their love of liberty and faith in man as Roger Williams and young Harry Vane.
One hundred and thirty-seven years later, Cook, in the barque "Endeavour," gained a much fuller knowledge of the coasts, which he circumnavigated, visited again and again, and mapped out with fair accuracy.
There can have been little personal intercourse between them, for Haydn was rarely in the capital, and Mozart seems never to have visited Eisenstadt; but the cordiality of their relations and the mutual influence which they exercised upon one another are of the highest moment in the history of 18th-century music. " It was from Haydn that I first learned to write a quartet," said Mozart; it was from Mozart that Haydn learned the richer style and the fuller mastery of orchestral effect by which his later symphonies are distinguished.
Commencing abruptly (after some Benjamite genealogies) with the death of Saul, the history becomes fuller and runs parallel with the books of Samuel and Kings.
Thomas Fuller (Church History) traces the earliest use of the term "Puritan" to 1564.
A rhyming oath, quoted by Fuller, was taken.
He is described by Fuller as "low of stature, little in bulk, cheerful in countenance (wherein gravity and quickness were all compounded), of a sharp and piercing eye, clear judgment and (abating the influence of age) term memory."
For the purpose of a fuller co-operation in matters common to both, a general assembly (meeting once a year) was established in 1864.
William Fuller and others (appointed by the commissioners of parliament) .
Fuller knowledge of this coast was acquired by Alvaro de Saavedra (1527-1529), and among later voyages those of Ruy Lopez de Villalobos (1542-1545) and Miguel Lopez de Legaspi (1564-1565) should be mentioned.
These, as also the citations in the course of this article, give fuller information.
A fuller grant in 1206 gave the burgesses a gild merchant, the husting court to be held once a week only, and general liberties according to the customs of Oxford, saving the rights of the bishop and the earl of Arundel, whose ancestor William D'Albini had received from William the moiety of the tolbooth.
Turning now to the early coinage, we see the fuller weight kept up (17) at Samos (202), Miletus (201), Calymna (100, 50), Methymna and Scepsis (99, 49),
In later times, in Asia, however, the fuller weight, or higher Egyptian group, which we have just noticed in the coinage, was kept up (17) into the series of cistophori (196-191), as in the Ptolemaic series of 199.
For fuller details with respect to some of these works, for an account of tables published in the latter part of the 19th century, and for those which would now be used in actual calculation, reference should be made to the article Tables, Mathematical.
Gregory Nazianzen tells us that his father was a fuller, and that he himself soon became notorious as a parasite of so mean a type that he would "sell himself for a cake."
As the states are older than the Federal government, and as the latter was, indeed, in many respects modelled upon the scheme of government which already existed in the thirteen original states, it may be convenient to begin with the states and then to proceed to the national government, whose structure is more intricate and will require a fuller explanation.
A fuller account of their special features will be found under the articles on the different provinces.
The irritation caused by the decision gradually subsided, but at the moment it led to strong expressions on the part of Sir Wilfrid Laurier and others in favour of securing for Canada a fuller power of making her own treaties.
Grosart's reprint (1872) in the Fuller Worthies Library, was published by Mr Charles Edmonds in his Isham Reprints (1895).
A fuller survey of literature will be found in Scharer.
Revelation, according to their view, is progressive, and no revelation is final, for, as the human race progresses, a fuller measure of truth, and ordinances more suitable to the age, are vouchsafed.
Feckenham used all his influence with Mary "to procure pardon of the faults or mitigation of the punishment for poor Protestants" (Fuller), and he was sent by the queen to prepare Lady Jane Grey for death.
Lucubrationes were partially collected at Basel 1563 and in 1566 (omnia opera) at Louvain; a fuller edition drawn chiefly from these two appeared at Frankfort and Leipzig in 1689.
The book in its fuller form was most probably written in the 2nd century B.C. The writer places his romance two centuries earlier, in the time of Ochus, as we may reasonably infer from the attack made by Holofernes and Bagoas on Judaea; for Artaxerxes Ochus made an expedition against Phoenicia and Egypt in 350 B.C., in which his chief generals were Holofernes and Bagoas.
Both Camden and Fuller mention the trade in barrelled oysters and candied eringo-root.
This manifesto was at first taken, not only as the platform of the government, but also as that from which its resigning free-trade members had dissented; and the country was puzzled by a statement from Lord George Hamilton that Mr Balfour had circulated among his colleagues a second and different document, in fuller agreement with Mr Chamberlain.
Dr William Harris Rule (1802-1890), who was appointed chaplain at Gibraltar in 1832, won for it fuller recognition from the authorities.
Special periods, or aspects are dealt with in fuller detail elsewhere, e.g.
Faraday took notes of these lectures, and afterwards wrote them out in a fuller form.
A fuller description of the combination of steel and concrete will be given later.
A fuller analysis, and some notice of the predecessors of Grotius, will be found in Hely, Etude sur le droit de la guerre de Grotius (Paris, 1875).
These cases, however, have a peculiar interest and importance for they have been studied in fuller detail than any others and the discovery of a particular instance in South America first suggested to Bates the theoretical explanation of this bionomical phenomenon.
The fullest and darkest skins of each kind are the most valuable, and, in cases of bluish grey or white, the fuller, clearer and brighter are the more expensive.
The Bengal are dark and medium in colour, short and hard hair, but useful for floor rugs, as they do not hold the dust like the fuller and softer hair of the kinds previously named.
C. Fuller, who succeeded Sir Donald Stewart as chief commissioner early in 1905, was able to report in the following year that among the Ashanti suspicion of the "white man's" ulterior motives was speedily losing ground.
The permanency of colour by which they are distinguished is attributed to the properties of the water of the Stour, which is impregnated with iron and fuller's earth.
The majority of Greek cursives agree generally with the Latin Vulgate, and offer the fuller text in a corrupt form.
Another establishment on a large scale was a fullonica (fuller's shop), where all the details of the business were illustrated by paintings still visible on the walls.
His chief book was Undesigned Coincidences in the Writings both of the Old and New Testaments (1833; fuller edition, 1847).
The evidence as to the date of his death is a little fuller, but not quite satisfactory.
Fuller evidence is not found until Eusebius, who dates the arrival of Peter at Rome in 43 and his martyrdom twenty-five years later.
They are shorter in the heads and legs, and fuller at the jowl, thicker and more compact in the body.
For a fuller description of these social reforms, see the Jahrbuch fir Gesetzgebung (Leipzig, 1886, 1888 and 1894); also the annual summary of new laws in the Zeitschrift fur Staatswissenschaft (Stuttgart).
Baldacci, Descrizione geologica dell' isola di Sicilia (Rome, 1886), with map. For fuller and later information reference should be made to the publications of the Reale Comitato Geologico d'Italia.
Kingsford, Henry V., the Typical Medieval Hero (New York, 1901), where a fuller bibliography will be found.
The completion of the Assuan dam by ensuring a fuller supply of water enabled 20,000 acres of land, previously unirrigated and untaxed, to be brought under cultivation in the three years 1903-1905.
In 1833 Scottish burghs were for the first time entitled to be governed by directly-elected bodies, and at various times since that date fuller powers of legal self-government were granted in different directions.
They were catchwords, as it were, memoria technica, which could easily be remembered, and would recall the fuller expositions that had been based upon them.
Although it has the deciduous dentition, Mme Pavlow considers herself justified in referring the Kherson skull to the genus Procamelus previously known only from the Lower Pliocene or Upper Miocene strata of North America, and differing from modern camels, among other features, by the retention of a fuller series of premolar teeth.
To this simplicity and directness of narrative we may in large measure attribute the fact that when two later evangelists desired to give fuller accounts of our Lord's life they both made this early book the basis of their work.
To begin with, it contained a fuller account of the teaching of John the Baptist.
Again, we note that it supplies just what we feel we most need when we have reached the end of St Mark's story, a fuller account of the teaching which Jesus gave to His disciples and to the people at large.
Fuller says (Church History), " God's pardon and all good men's pity along with him."
At Berlin Henning served to prepare the intending disciple for fuller initiation by the master himself.
The history of the world is a scene of judgment where one people and one alone holds for awhile the sceptre, as the unconscious instrument of the universal spirit, till another rises in its place, with a fuller measure of liberty - a larger superiority to the bonds of natural and artificial circumstance.
The fuller our knowledge of reality the more does the object stand out as an invulnerable system of ordered parts, but the process by which it is thus set in opposition to the subject is also the process by which we understand and transform it into the substance of our own thought.
If this raises the presumption that even the oldest and most isolated biblical evidence may rest upon still older authority, it shows also that the fuller details and context cannot be confidently recovered, and that earlier forms would accord with earlier Palestinian belief.'
Hstian Tsang also travelled to India from China by the Central Asia route, and has left a fuller record of the state of the two religions in the 7th century.
Fuller also published an admirable Memoir of the Rev. Samuel Pearce, of Birmingham, and a volume of Expository besides a considerable number of smaller pieces, chiefly sermons and pamphlets, which were issued in a collected form after his death.
His father was by some said to have been descended from Attius Tullius, the Volscian host of Coriolanus, while spiteful persons declared him to have been a fuller; in any case he was a Roman knight with property at Arpinum and a house in Rome.
Extremely valuable and varied marls, kaolins and clays, fuller's earth, asphaltum and mineral waters show special promise in the state's industry.
The references in this article furnish fuller information and are usually made to works suitable for pursuing the subject more thoroughly.
Other literature and references to fuller bibliographies in separate departments have been given in the notes.
Further, that the former (Roman) is the more original of the two, being related to the latter (Antiochene) as fuller first draft to severely pruned copy.
For him there is only the One Absolute Being, the one reality that is all in all; whilst all the phenomenal existences and occurrences that crowd upon our senses are nothing more than an illusion of the individual soul estranged for a time from its divine source - an illusion only to be dispelled in the end by the soul's fuller knowledge of its own true nature and its being one with the eternal fountain of blissful being.
The order has been divided into seven tribes, of which a fuller summary than can here be given will be found in Stebbing, History of Crustacea (1893).
The vines, the methods of viticulture and vinification as regards the red wines of the Graves district, are similar to those of the Medoc. The wines are, if anything, slightly fuller in body and more alcoholic than those of the latter region.
In 1691 he became acquainted with William Fuller, whom he induced to forge another plot, though not with the success he had himself attained.
Nevertheless H is fuller, except in ch.
Talmud did not attain the eminence of the sister recension, and survives in a very incomplete form, although it was perhaps once fuller.
Towards the end of the 18th century many of the Particular Baptist churches became more moderate in their Calvinism, a result largely attributable to the writings of Andrew Fuller.
The controversy between Francis Wayland and Richard Fuller (1804-1876) on the slavery question ultimately convinced the Southern brethren that separate organization for missionary work was advisable.
It is customary to mix these colours together, thus producing a curious ginger-coloured yarn, which upon being dyed black in the piece takes a fuller and deeper shade than can be obtained by piecedyeing a solid-coloured wool.
Among the public buildings on or near the park are the federal building, housing the post office and the United States courts, the city hall, the Dane county court-house, the public library, the Fuller opera-house, the county gaol, and the high school.
Some Septuagint MSS., and the Syriac and other versions, have the fuller title Lamentations of Jeremiah.
In spite of the discontent of the Liberals, the Conservative ascendancy secured a long period of firm stable government, which was essential to put an end to the confusion in public life and to give time for the people to awake to a fuller realization of the duties and responsibilities of national independence.
The envoy managed to obtain an interview with the minister of foreign affairs in London, who, in July 1839, stipplied him with a statement, fuller than before, of all English demands upon his country.
To lessen irritation the skin is protected by dusting powders, such as oxide of zinc, starch, fuller's earth, &c., or by ointments.
Hence come the increased importance and fuller treatment which from this time forward fall to the lot of the " external duties " (Kat17Kovra).
To the former belongs the fuller and more elaborate description of vv.
When Shaftesbury wrote that "religion is still a discipline, and progress of the soul towards perfection," he gave birth to the same thought that was afterwards hailed in Lessing's Erziehung des Menschengeschlechtes as the dawn of a fuller and a purer light on the history of religion and on the development of the spiritual life of mankind.
Here, indeed, their materials were naturally fuller and more trustworthy, and less room was left for fanciful decoration and capricious alteration of the facts.
Others have held that the self has a complex content, the subject self being, as it were, a fuller expression of the object-self (so Bradley); or again the subject self is the active content of the mind, and the object self the passive content which for the moment is exciting the attention.
The influence of other Transcendental teachers, Dr Hedge, Dr Ripley, Bronson Alcott, Orestes Brownson, Theodore Parker, Margaret Fuller, Henry Thoreau, Jones Very, was narrow and parochial compared with that of Emerson.
Amendments had been made in the colonial law giving parliament fuller control over Congo affairs and securing greater independence for the judicature.
It will not be easy to infuse into so abstract and bloodless a term as "metaphysics" the fuller life (and especially the inclusion of ethical considerations) suggested by the more concrete term "philosophy."
Sir Thomas Fuller, a Cape Town representative, though he remained outside office, gave staunch support to every enlightened liberal and progressive measure which was brought forward.
The city rose against Bourbon rule in 1820 and in 1848.1860 came the final deliverance, at the hands of Garibaldi; but with it came also the yet fuller loss of the position of Palermo as the capital of a kingdom of Sicily.
Neither of these texts is, however, very good, and the student who can decipher old Dutch would do well to read it in the metrical translation published by Joenckbloet, Roman van Lanceloet, as the original here was considerably fuller.
The chronicles; which in the I5th century are usually meagre productions like Warkworths (Camden Society), get fuller, especially those emanating from London.
Fuller details regarding Abelard's writings in the same author's art.
Great advance is made in organizing Catholic theology by the fuller theory of sacraments.
Another famous statue is one from Gabii, in which she is finishing her toilet and fastening the chlamys over her tunic. In older times her figure is fuller and stronger, and the clothing more complete; certain statues discovered at Delos, imitated from wooden models (oava), are supposed to represent Artemis; they are described as stiff and rigid, the limbs as it were glued to the body without life or movement, garments closely fitting, the folds of which fall in symmetrical parallel lines.
In this connexion it may be pointed out that the fuller study of the extinct forms has as yet been of most use in emphasizing the difficulty of the questions at issue.
We must now proceed to trace the fuller development of the Socratic theory in the hands of Plato and Aristotle.
In the main the appeal to reason has followed the traditional course of such movements in ethics, and has reaffirmed in the light of fuller reflection the moral principles implicit in the ordinary moral consciousness.
The Annals are now almost the sole material for Icelandic history; they had begun earlier, but after 1331 they got fuller and richer, till they end in 1430.
Then, before D was united to P, five appendices of very various dates and embracing poetry as well as prose, were added so as to give a fuller account of the last days of Moses and thus lead up to the narrative of his death with which the book closes.
Fuller bibliographical information will be found in the works already mentioned, in the articles in the Ency.
Hemihedral forms are of special importance in crystallography, to which article the reader is referred for a fuller explanation of these and other modifications of polyhedra (tetartohedral, enantiotropic, &c.).
The weaver, the fuller, the armourer, the potter, the shoemaker were told exactly how to do their own work.
Red and grey sandstones, hornblende and argillaceous schist are found in the mountains, porphyry and basaltic rocks also occur; sulphur and fuller's earth are worked.
The above brief outline of the guiding principles of natural swarming is merely intended as introductory to the fuller information given in a good text-book.
See Livingstone's Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa (London, 1857) for the story of the discovery of the falls, and the Popular Account of Dr Livingstone's Expedition to the Zambesi and its Tributaries 1858-1864 (London, 1894) for a fuller description of the falls and a theory as to their origin.
For fuller information regard - ing the Scottish parish see Connell on Teinds; Duncan's Parochial Ecclesiastical Law; the Cobden Club essays on Local Government and Taxation in the United Kingdom (1882); Goudy and Smith's Local Government in Scotland; Atkinson, Local Government in Scotland.
In special cases, such as the preparation of edible oils and fats, a further improvement in colour and greater purity is obtained by filtering the oils over charcoal, or over natural absorbent earths, such as fuller's earth.
Without a fuller knowledge of internal structure and of the reproductive organs, we are compelled to speak of some of the Mesozoic plants as possibly Ferns or possibly Cycads, and not referable with certainty to one or other class.
We must turn to North America for a fuller knowledge of the earlist flowering-plants.
This stream, now called Kara Kuyun, and the other are exhausted in the irrigation of the gardens lying south-east of the town, except when fuller than usual, when they reach the Balih.
Their marriage was stronger - fuller - than it had ever been.
Please see the section entitled " How to be an alumni ambassador " for fuller comments.
A fuller explication of this proposed axiology would have been useful.
This shape is called a buckyball after Richard Buckminster Fuller, who invented the geodesic dome.
Fuller figure, plain face, this perfect pair my saving grace Help needed to turn egg shape into cute little chick!
To create a much fuller sound I then layered in the voices of four professional singers - experts in performing 16th century choral music.
It enables Orlando Bloom to deliver a much fuller performance that marks a coming-of-age for him.
Kerry Fuller from posh tea company Jacksons of Piccadilly joined me in the studio with news on how to brew the perfect cuppa.
Founded in 1991, Changing Faces main goal is to assist people with facial disfigurement to live fuller lives.
Gullibility Fuller now is interested in seeking to refute the idea that people 2000 years ago were not gullible.
Pinnock feels that Fuller is not consistently inductive; Fuller says the converse is true.
At Fuller's house, Uri stroked the three wires in his usual manner and produced sharp kinks in each.
Abdominal breathing inflates the lungs from the bottom up, allowing a much fuller breath.
Is the government right to start its new campaign for fuller membership?
Bursting with fruitiness and fuller in body than most, it almost resembles a light red wine.
We got the scrip and the equipment from Carol Fuller in America.
While the sound is fuller, the effect is to make the lyrics even more spooky.
Bowling slightly fuller than usual on or around off stump is the best tactic.
Another of Fuller's projects, which he began in 1928, involved the design of a highly unconventional car.
Of these only the outstanding features can be mentioned here; for a fuller discussion the reader must be referred to The Italic Dialects, pp. 400 sqq.
For fuller details the reader must be referred to the separate articles already mentioned, and to lGuvluM, PIcENUM, OscA LINGUA, MARSI, AEQUI, Sicuu and LIGURIA.
Either the fuller or the narrower way of dealing with theism will differ according to the philosophical stand rather the history of many and diverse theistic schemes.
The general proposition as to a parallelism between individual and ancestral development is no doubt indisputable, but extended knowledge of the very different ontogenetic histories of closely allied forms has led us to a much fuller conception of the mode in which stages in embryonic and larval history have been modified in relation to their surroundings, and to a consequent reluctance to attach detailed importance to the embryological argument for evolution.
Parallel to Onkelos was another Targum on the Law, generally called pseudoJonathan, which was edited in the 7th century in Palestine, and is based on the same system of interpretation but is fuller and closer to the original tradition.
There is a fuller bibliography of Russian history in vol.
Thus, the south Judaean or south Palestinian element shows itself in Judaean genealogies and lists; there are circumstantial stories of the rehabilitation of the Temple and the reorganization of cultus; there are fuller traditions of inroads upon Judah by southern peoples and their allies.
In 1831 he published a short popular account of the philosopher's life in Murray's Family Library; but it was not until 1855 that he was able to issue the much fuller Memoirs of the Life, Writings and Discoveries of Sir Isaac Newton, a work which embodied the results of more than twenty years' patient investigation of original manuscripts and all other available sources.
Reference must be made to the textbooks (see Electrochemistry) for a fuller account of the very varied solutions and methods employed for electroplating with silver, gold, copper, iron and nickel.
The results were substantially the same as those given by Poisson's theory, so far as the latter went, the principal additions including a fuller investigation of magnetic distribution, and the theory of magnetic induction in aeolotropic or crystalline substances.
This idea finds fuller expression in the algebra of matrices, as to which it must suffice to say that a matrix is a symbol consisting of a rectangular array of scalars, and that matrices may be combined by a rule of addition which obeys the usual laws, and a rule of multiplication which is distributive and associative, but not, in general, commutative.
Again, the physician as naturalist, though stimulated by the pathologist to delineate disease in its fuller manifestations, yet was hampered in a measure by the didactic method of constructing "types" which should command the attention of the disciple and rivet themselves on his memory; thus too often those incipient and transitory phases which initiate the paths of dissolution were missed.
Periodic variations of level due to meteorological causes account for the Baltic being fuller in the time of the summer rains than in winter, when the rivers and lakes are frozen and most of the precipitation on the land is in the form of snow.
The interdependence of the south Palestinian peoples follows from geographical conditions which are unchangeable, and the fuller light thrown upon the last decades of the 8th century B.C. illuminates the more fragmentary evidence elsewhere.
The sketch given below of the evolution of the Christian Church (see Church) may well be prefaced by a summary of the history of the great Church historians, concerning whom fuller details are given in separate articles.
The minerals known to exist are - alum, antimony, arsenic, asbestos, boracide, chrome, coal, copper, emery, fuller's earth, gold, iron, kaolin, lead, lignite, magnetic iron, manganese, meerschaum, mercury, nickel, rock-salt, silver, sulphur and zinc. The vegetation varies with the climate, soil and elevation.
The metaphor of Renaissance may signify the entrance of the European nations upon a fresh stage of vital energy in general, implying a fuller consciousness and a freer exercise of faculties than had belonged to the medieval period.
Carmoly edited and translated a fuller recension which he had found in a MS. from the library of Eliezer Ben Hasan, forwarded to him by David Zabach of Morocco (see Relation d'Eldad le Danite, Paris, 1838).
Teachers of the deaf often express surprise that Helen's speech is so good when she has not received any regular instruction in speech since the first few lessons given her by Miss Fuller.
After reflow this produces a fuller solder filet, with a greater component stand-off from the board.
Fuller cut in from the right wing and sent a low drive under the body of Miller from the tightest of angles.
Another of Fuller 's projects, which he began in 1928, involved the design of a highly unconventional car.
This current FAQ offers a fuller explanation of wavelet compression, whilst still trying to avoid using too much hard maths.
You might prefer an additional measure of vodka in your drink to make for a fuller and more potent drink.
Mix the fuller's earth with rose water and lemon juice to form a paste.
The company was founded in 1990, by designer Peggy Fuller, who has been working in the interior design field since 1984.
Tightlining the upper lashes will make your lashes appear fuller without it being obvious that you're wearing liner.
The lighter the lip color, the fuller the lips will appear.
A good product for all ages and skin types, it freshens the face and makes lips look fuller and sexier.
Based on Cover Girl's website, their IncrediFULL lipstick will create lips that appear fuller and feel softer.
Thus creating a fuller lip without the harsh lip plumpers.
Use soft matte lip colors in pink, berry, coral or peach shades to make your lips fuller.
Place a small portion on the bow of your lips to help them appear fuller, or on your brow bone to accent eyes.
Fuller, sexy lips are easily achieved when the pigment is applied just outside the natural lip line.
The promise of flawless skin, a fuller pout, longer lashes and naturally flushed cheeks is irresistible.
One of my favorite glosses is Physicians Formula Plump Potion Lip Plumping Cocktail has an instant plumping, hydrating and smoothing effect for fuller looking lips that will really make your smile pop!
So whether a guy just wants to make his lash line a little fuller, or dares to wear a permanent Jack Sparrow liner look, there's no time like the present for men to embrace their own style!.
I'm not a big fan of matte lipsticks -their drying tendencies feel very uncomfortable as the day wears on, and the colors tend to look harsh on my fuller lips, and I prefer not to wear glosses without lipstick.
It is slightly tapered in order to lift and separate the lashes, which creates a more natural look, and also slightly widened in one section to amplify the lashes and create a fuller look.
Revitalash is a product that promises larger, fuller, and thicker lashes.
Then, after three to ten weeks, your own natural lashes should appear longer, thicker and fuller.
This product is a special serum from Beauty Society (formerly Intuit Beauty) designed to make eyelashes longer, thicker, fuller, and healthier.
One end is filled with the plumper, a pearly product designed to make your lips look fuller, and the other end comes with a sheer gloss-like color.
Standard application from the lash line to lash tips creates fuller lashes.
This prescription claims to give you fuller and darker looking lashes in just a few weeks of use.
Eyelashes will be thicker and fuller as well as more conditioned.
It will make your lashes longer and fuller during use.
If you are unhappy with the appearance of your eyelashes and desire longer, stronger, and fuller lashes, try either a prescription product such as Latisse or one that can purchased over the counter.
Volumizing mascara products make the lashes look fuller and thicker, kind of like false eyelashes.
Plumpers temporarily make the lips fuller so be aware the look will only last a few hours.
These special glosses contain essential oils and other stimulating ingredients that make lips appear larger and fuller, at least in the short term.
Lashem is an over the counter lash growth product that contains peptides, green tea and goji berry extract to promote longer and fuller lashes in as little as two weeks, according to the company.
Slim and tall body types - Choose a jacket with a high shoulder line, which will make you look fuller.
Pear shaped gals need to focus on balancing the torso and the bust while disguising fuller hips and thighs.
However, some of the styles they carry can be flattering to fuller figured teenagers.
If you want a fuller look, you can add more fabric to the width to your pattern design.
Mary-Kate and Ashley Fuller Olsen were born in Sherman Oaks, California to David Olsen and his wife Jarnette Fuller, who divorced in 1995.
Played Dolores Fuller in the Oscar Award winning film, Ed Wood, opposite Johnny Depp.
Have you ever noticed come the New Year that Fido looks a bit fuller?
Whatever kinds among these we may prefer, a fuller and more graceful use of the Ivy in or near the flower garden and its surroundings is desirable.
The flowers are smaller, fuller, and more refined, with broader and blunter petals.
Flowers rose color, changing to flesh-pink, broader in petal and fuller than in M. carnea, with the color deepening towards the tips.
This will feed the lawn throughout the fall and it will help to give your lawn a fuller look in the summer.
As a result, the device produces lower, fuller sounds.
Some brands contain fiber to help you stay fuller, longer.
It is not possible to add a bra extender as you might on back closure bras to accommodate for a fuller back.
Post maternity tummy weight - Gowns are designed a little fuller in the front to accommodate any extra inches.
Nursing-only gowns - The gowns are not sized for maternity wear, but they are a little fuller in the tummy area to give you some extra room.
The rayon gives a drape to the fabric which keeps it from clinging or pulling on a woman with a fuller figure.
Buying from companies that specialize in the plus size market will ensure that you not only get fabulous clothes in the latest styles, but that they fit you well because they're tailored for the fuller, fabulous figure.
Persephone Plus offers an online catalog with plus size gothic clothing designed to flatter fuller figures.
A-line - This style is fitted in the shoulder and arm areas and becomes fuller around the hips.
Their sexy shirts are designed to flatter fuller figures.
It has a fuller front and a bare back style to eliminate panty lines while giving you coverage in the front.
You can find lace, Lycra and ruffled thongs in styles that are daring and designed for a fuller figure.
For fuller busted women, this miracle garment lifts the breasts and pushes them together.
She has appeared on Celebrity Fit Club, a reality show that helps celebrities shed pounds, but she always maintains her fuller figure and doesn't intend to starve herself to make a weight that's unhealthy for her.
Fortunately, designers now understand how to create dresses for the fuller figure that are appropriate for the season and the woman wearing the dress.
The nature of the medieval and Renaissance dresses makes them ideal for fuller figures.
Plus Size Costume Shop is a great online store that features lovely selections for fuller figures.
Many of their dresses come in a size range that accommodates the fuller figure.
Ivory is a lovely choice for fuller figures because it is not as reflective as stark white gowns.
Some manufacturers offer larger size gowns while others cater to fuller figures.
If a larger size is needed, PS Bridal Online custom makes gowns in larger sizes for fuller figured women.
A great looking jacket for a fuller figure is the longer jacket featuring dropped shoulders, patch pockets and horn toggle closures.
Shopping for plus sized Gothic dresses can be challenging but some stores are dedicated to making darkly gorgeous outfits specifically for fuller figures.
Bulletproof Cupid is a company based in the United Kingdom that offers alternative clothing for fuller figures.
Most of the formal clothing choices offered in retail stores lacked style, generally making the fuller figure appear shapeless and unattractive.
Whether you love the look of solid black or the stunning handpainted black floral design, this beautiful A-line style, complete with spaghetti straps and a lace-up back, is designed to look sophisticated and stylish on the fuller figure.
Designed by Yuliya Raquel, each plus size style is created to enhance the fuller figure while maintaining a look that is sensuous and feminine.
The best swimsuit for your fuller figure is whichever one addresses your concerns with style.
It didn't take long to see that the need for plus size designer clothing and quality casual apparel made for the fuller figure was in demand.
Many women have thought they can't pull it off "the look." However, today's fabrics and plus size styles are designed to flatter the fuller figure.
Having a demi bra cut on top, the bridal lace torsolette-dominique is a perfect choice for a women with a fuller figure.
Capri pants that are part of a set are usually cut a little fuller than those designed strictly for casual wear.
If you have a fuller body shape, or if you know someone who does, check out some of these great websites where you can find deals on plus size white tights.
Designed to offer the same firming, slimming results as their fuller coverage counterparts, thong shapewear includes everything from basic panties to full body briefers.
You have the option of adding a pad if you want a slightly fuller look.
This top provides support for those with fuller breasts and will create a flattering look.
While a skimpy string bikini will not be the most flattering choice for a larger woman, a style with a fuller bottom and a halter style top may be.
For those concerned with fuller busts, be careful wearing skimpier styles in the water or for activities.
The halter style top will flatter a fuller bust while the bottoms will conceal the midsection to create a slimmer look.
One figure may be slightly heavier on top, another may be fuller in the hip and thigh area and still others may possess hourglass figures.
You will also want to avoid tops that are overly baggy since they will make you look fuller.
Thanks to the belted waist and fuller skirt - sometimes with a few pleats - it is a style that flatters almost every shape.
Here are a few ideas to help you impress your significant other with just how sexy a fuller figure can be.
Buying flattering plus size clothing is easier than ever, thanks to the wealth of designers that make clothes specifically to suit a fuller figure.
Variations of A-line skirts, flared skirts are fuller than A-lines and have more flare.
To minimize color touch-ups, try a fuller style, a less obvious part or a style where your hair is not pulled back from your face.
Supplements, including biotin, can help your hair hold moisture, making it appear fuller.
This is not nearly as satisfying as the fuller Band World Tour.
It appears that you must get the fuller versions in order to enjoy those notable features.
Developer Landon Fuller feels that there has been some misunderstanding.
The Palm Pre has a virtual numeric keypad for dialing, but a full QWERTY keyboard slides out of the bottom for fuller text entry.
Nigel Lythgoe, a British film producer, and Simon Fuller are the two co-creators of both American Idol and So You Think You Can Dance.
At the turn of the century, Isadora Duncan, Ruth St. Denis, and Loie Fuller began to hone the craft in the states, while Rudolf von Laban and Mary Wigman followed suit in Germany.
Loie Fuller, while just as free thinking as Duncan, found her choreography based in nature.
Simulating flowers, butterflies, flames, or any other element found in nature, Fuller inspired the Modern dance world by often adding unique lighting and costuming that was not otherwise seen in a traditional dance production.
Once you have a text that you feel comfortable with, you will start to develop a fuller understanding of the hexagrams, their shades of meaning, and how their wisdom relates to your inquiries.
These clips are fundamental hair items for busy moms and contemporary corporate women, and they will give your hair a fuller appearance than would a tight-fitting elastic band.
Anyone with fine hair can relate to the desire for fuller locks.
There are great products to make hair feel and look fuller but please...no comb-over's!
Use your fingers to style your hair, instead, carefully separating the twists for fuller curls.
In fact, loose waves are a beautiful way to disguise a fuller facial shape while enhancing feminine features such as full lips and gorgeous eyes.
Short styles will pack on the pounds and emphasize a fuller jaw line.
A hair piece is an accessory that is affixed to the hair to give the illusion of longer or fuller hair.
Additionally, these clips can help to naturally create some height which will translate into more body, and a fuller look, once you are done.
If you've got a fuller frame but desire the ease of a shorter style, you may consider any of these shorter styles as an alternative to a long and layered cut.
With fuller faces, darker around your cheekbones and lighter around the fringe and the top of the cut can really heighten and add volume.
Stringy, thin hair hanging limply around the face can make it look even bigger, while fuller, thicker hair adds slimming height and movement.
Your breasts might look a little fuller.
Your breasts will look rounder and fuller.
All of the benefits of a traditional corset are there; the breasts are lifted and appear fuller, the waist is cinched, but the entire look has nothing to do with Victorian England.
Actually, most bikinis don't properly fit a woman right off the rack, as many women have varying body types, like fuller bust with small hips and vice versa.
An underwire top is usually a good choice for a fuller figure.
Finding a swimsuit that is flattering to a fuller figure can be quite a challenge.
The cut is still full and loose, but the bosom is darted to create more form, and the top fans out slightly to still effectively cover a fuller tummy.
Just my Size also offers blouson-style swimwear for the fuller figured woman.
A push up bra-style bikini top, or triangle top allows women to make the most of their assets, while relying on a pair of fuller bottoms to make sure the overall look isn't too risque, even for the beach.
If you're looking for fuller coverage than your typical bikini bottoms, but you still want to stay stylish, you're in luck.
Fergie herself commented that the fuller curves were much enjoyed by husband Josh.
Color is a great way to drop pounds quickly, or look fuller in the areas you want to.
However, if you would like your bust line to look fuller and rounded, but would prefer to look trim around your waist and hips, then opt for styles that feature bright color on top, but darker, more neutral shades on the bottom.
If you want an even fuller look, you can add breast pads for an extra boost."
Pear shaped women may instead find that a tankini-style swimsuit top in a bright pattern paired with a darker solid bottom piece actually focuses attention on the bust area, while de-emphasizing a fuller bottom.
If you want to take the emphasis off of a fuller bottom, switch and wear a solid bottom with a patterned top.
The suits are cut with fuller dimensions and are available in long torso models.
This thong is slightly different because it has a "fuller" pouch to create a more "enhanced" look.
By the time she's 13, a suit with fuller coverage may help parents and daughters to feel more comfortable.
Fuller figures, including plus sizes, require a bit of strategic support to keep everything in place, but the typical mono isn't designed to provide more than a patch of fabric as coverage.
After all, aren't both genres designed for a fuller figure?
However, if you have a fuller midsection, you may find that a one piece bathing suit provides better coverage.
This style works well for triangle shaped figures or those with fuller hips and bottoms, particularly when paired with darker colored bottoms.
To give the illusion of fuller hips, wear a high waist 'kini bottom.
Soft v-neckline tankinis complement the fuller bust line.
Diagonal stripes in the chest area will also create an illusion of a fuller bust.
Padded one-piece swimsuits are a good option if you have a smaller cup size, you want to look fuller or you don't want your nipples to show through your bathing suit.
By contrast, women with small busts are greatly benefited by pleats because they give your bustline the illusion of a fuller, rounded appearance.
The glamour of the 70s lead to fuller hair for Barbie.
Little do they know you would kill for a fuller bust line or the ability to wear styles designed for women with an hourglass figure.
Darker denims are also particularly flattering for fuller figured women.
This is a great choice for women who have fuller behinds and is available in two styles.
Amp up your femininity with silhouettes from the 1950s and 1940s, which include nipped-in waists and fuller skirts.
Oftentimes, a petticoat was worn beneath the skirt to give it a fuller silhouette.
It's perfect for women who want a fuller, easy design.
Dress Barn's items have less of a contemporary fit than other selections, with fuller shaping for women.
Dress Barn items are fuller in the hips.
Millard Fuller and his wife Linda founded Habitat for Humanity in 1976, resulting partially from their experiences at Koinonia Farm outside of Americus, Georgia.
Pants are fuller through the hips and thighs.
This section is optional, but it can help paint a fuller picture of you to your potential employer.
In fact, the first known manufactured paper doll was the Little Fanny paper doll, produced by S&J Fuller in London, in 1810.
Try adding French green clay or fuller's earth to your soaps.
Fiber slows down the digestion of food, hence keeping the stomach fuller for a longer period of time.
Psyllium - use of the whole seeds in this plant, botanically called plantago ovata, has shown a reduced intake of calories due to its ability to make one feel fuller sooner.
Fiber helps keep you fuller longer, hence fewer calories being consumed over the course of the day.
Fiber makes you feel fuller, longer, and therefore you eat less and consume fewer calories.
Swap soft drinks for water to help you feel fuller between meals.
Whole grains take longer for your body to digest, leaving you feeling fuller longer and causing your metabolism to work harder.
Adding acai berry to your diet also gives you a fuller more satisfied feeling which causes you to at less.
Avoid pre-packaged, flavored oatmeal, which contains excessive sugar, thus adding empty calories.Oatmeal is high in fiber, which aids in digestion and allows you to feel fuller, longer.
Consume oatmeal with a source of protein to give you optimal energy and keep you feeling fuller all morning.
Proteins, however, have been proven to keep dieters fuller, longer.
These foods may tickle your taste buds, but do not offer the benefits of whole foods like fruits, vegetables and whole grain snacks, which pack a nutritional punch and leave you fuller, longer.
The fiber also helps you to feel fuller for longer so you stay satisfied.
Look for whole wheat versions for added fiber, which makes you feel fuller, longer.
You should feel fuller than normal, which should reduce your desire to eat a large meal.
Fruits and vegetables are full of vitamins and fiber that leave you feeling fuller longer.
Raw foods tend to have far higher fiber content than cooked and processed foods, which means dieters get the benefit of staying fuller longer.
Give your cleavage a boost - The "Strap Perfect" claims that it can make your cleavage look up to one cup size fuller.
Gel and water inserts are also widely available for smaller breasted women who want to achieve the appearance of fuller breasts in her gown.
Perfect for women who have a fuller bust, Cabernet bras offer incredible support and style, and because of the way they are fashioned, look fantastic and smooth under your clothing.
But underwear padded to create a fuller hourglass is gaining popularity, thanks to people remembering that extra curves are very sexy.
Invisible lift strap - This strap is what makes the butt appear fuller and firmer.
If you are fuller figured or simply have a larger cup size, a bra that looks great with frilly panties is one that takes polka-dotted mesh and uses that as an overlay on a smooth-cup bra.
Plus size brassieres are easy to find nowadays because so many women are embracing their fuller figures.
The coverage on the body is also fuller than contemporary bras.
Most demi bras offer lift, creating fuller and more enticing cleavage.
Trim is tasteful, colors are plentiful, and sizes are somewhat extended for the fuller figure, too.
Like padded bras, water-filled bras help to augment the look of the breast by making it appear fuller and adding size.
This style helps to mold the breasts in such a way that you'll instantly have a fuller shape.
Check out camouflage lingerie for fuller figures at Torrid.
Avoid corsets with unfinished seams and details under the breasts, which are uncomfortable for women who have sensitive skin or fuller busts.
Hips and Curves carries open lingerie for fuller figures.
Silk panties are great when designed in a longer, fuller short design.
Silk ribbons that tie in the front or have a pretty ruffle give the illusion of fuller breasts.
Their 'dream' manager came along in October '94 in the form of Simon Fuller, ex-Annie Lennox manager.
Cowell's fellow creator was former Spice Girls manager Simon Fuller.
Clarkson was unhappy with her management, which was supplied by Idol co-creator Simon Fuller, for failing to increase her success outside of the US.
Clarkson dumped Fuller in 2004, starting the rumors of a rift between Clarkson and American Idol.
Runner-up Justin Guarini was also signed to Simon Fuller's 19 Management, along with Fuller's 19 Records.
If you plan to have a fuller meal rather than just Halloween party snacks, this is the perfect addition to your table or buffet.
This serum is formulated to hit those deep wrinkles at their core, decompress them and essentially lend the skin a fuller, smoother appearance.
This Gruber fellow tossed me out of the house like a Fuller Brush Jehovah Witness selling life insurance.
In 1691, desiring to compromise Halifax, he discredited himself by the patronage of an informer named Fuller, soon proved an impostor.
It Simplifi- is possible for Christians to work out natural theology in separate detail; but we cannot wonder if they rarely attempt the task, believing as they do that they have a fuller revelation of religious truth elsewhere.
In 1644 Tasman made a second voyage to effect a fuller discovery of New Guinea.
To-day, however, fuller data are available than when Wallace wrote, and the more generally accepted theory is that the Malayan race is distinct, and came from the south, until it was stayed by the Mongolian races living on the mainland of southern Asia.
He at the same time shows the Greeks that their own greatest philosophers and poets recognized the unity of the divine Being, and had caught glimpses of the true nature of God, but that fuller light had been thrown on this subject by the Hebrew prophets.
Meagre at first, it becomes fuller about 1340 and is specially valuable for the history of the French wars.
Miss Fuller and Miss Sullivan could understand me, but most people would not have understood one word in a hundred.
When she came to retell the story in a fuller form, the echo was still in her mind of the phrases she had written nine years before.
Of course, Alex didn't have any gray hair yet, and his lips were fuller - more defined.