Fulfilling Sentence Examples
After a long and fulfilling kiss, she laid her head on his chest and hugged him.
Fulfilling and interesting game all-around.
Next, complete it again using a character with whom you've already cleared Arcade mode, fulfilling the same conditions as with the Akuma unlock.
Cynthia telephoned at two-thirty, fulfilling her promise to let Dean know when she'd safely arrived.
She would not tell me what you took from her in fulfilling her oath to you, but you did not choose anything a man like Sirian would have chosen.
Berenice, who was fulfilling a Nazarite vow, interposed in vain.
He never married, thus further fulfilling his policy of what one of his essayist-biographers has termed "indulgence in fine renouncements."
It is not fitting to subtilize overmuch, and in the end John of Salisbury's solution is the practical one, his charitable spirit pointing him in particular to that love which is the fulfilling of the law.
The Austrian advanced guard engaged at daybreak, and the French in Telnitz made a vigorous defence; both parties were reinforced, and Legrand drew upon himself, in fulfilling his mission, the whole weight of the allied attack.
In the canonical Old Testament angels may inflict suffering as ministers of God, and Satan may act as accuser or tempter; but they appear as subordinate to God, fulfilling His will; and not as morally evil.
AdvertisementIn the New Testament angels appear frequently as the ministers of God and the agents of revelation"; and Our Lord speaks of angels as fulfilling such functions', implying in one saying that they neither marry nor are given in marriage.
And its greatness appears in its inexhaustibly deep teachings concerning Christ's sheep and fold; the Father's drawing of souls to Christ; the dependence of knowledge as to Christ's doctrine upon the doing of God's will; the fulfilling of the commandment of love, as the test of true discipleship; eternal life, begun even here and now; and God a Spirit, to be served in spirit and in truth.
For the purpose of creating villages, land was put at the disposition of societies or individuals, who undertook to people them with immigrants fulfilling the same conditions as independent settlers.
A good many transactions on the Manchester Exchange are intermediate, without fulfilling any useful function, and could be accomplished by the principals if they were brought together.
Here they were placed under the authority of a prior, and were condemned to severe manual labour, fulfilling the duties usually executed by the lay brothers, who acted as farmservants.
AdvertisementFrom this time he showed the utmost zeal in fulfilling the duties of his office, and undertook many journeys both within and without his province.
In opposing Napoleon, " the oppressor of Europe and the disturber of the world's peace," Alexander in fact already believed himself to be fulfilling a divine mission.
He professed to rest all upon Scripture, yet accepted from the Babylon of Rome a baptism neither scriptural nor primitive, nor fulfilling the chief conditions of admission into a visible brotherhood of saints, to wit, repentance, faith, spiritual illumination and free surrender of self to Christ.
Accordingly, some years after the fall of Jerusalem - we cannot tell the exact date or the author's name - the book which we call the Gospel according to St Matthew was written to give the Palestinian Christians a of St full account of Jesus Christ, which should present Him as the promised Messiah, fulfilling the ancient Hebrew prophecies, proclaiming the kingdom of heaven, and founding the Christian society.
The further question, however, remains, What shorter narrative piece fulfilling the conditions of an independent poem has Lachmann succeeded in disengaging from the existing Iliad?
AdvertisementAs attorney he was merely fulfilling his duty in obeying the command of the king; and in laying down the law on the disputed point, he was, we may be sure, speaking his own convictions.
Sections A, B and C consist of men who are fulfilling the reserve portion of their original twelve years' liability.
Matthias, the eldest of his brothers, came to Prague and pointed out to Rudolph the necessity of appointing a coadjutor, should he be incapacitated from fulfilling his royal duties, and also of making arrangements concerning the succession to the throne.
The latter view was held by Beza and other Calvinists, and, it is said, repelled Arminius from Calvinism, and led him to formulate the doctrine that as repentance and faith are the divinely decreed conditions of eternal life, God has determined to give that life to all whom He foresees as fulfilling these conditions.
He was released in 1564 on conditions which he had no intention of fulfilling; and crossing to England he threw himself on the mercy of Queen Elizabeth.
AdvertisementMost of the year 1859 was spent in the exploration of the river Shire and Lake Nyasa, which was discovered in September; and during a great part of the year 1860 Livingstone was engaged in fulfilling his promise to take such of the Makololo home as cared to go.
In this case the altar of Apollo at Delphi, upon which on the Greek vases Neoptolemus is frequently represented as taking refuge from Orestes, might be regarded as the pedestal of an invisible image of the god, and as fulfilling the same function as did the base of the actual image of Athene in Troy, towards which Cassandra fled from Ajax.
Neither France nor Austria had any conception of the necessity of fulfilling these requirements.
May we not then infer that man, as man, has his proper function, and that the well-being or " doing well " that all seek really lies in fulfilling well the proper function of man, - that is, in living well that life of the rational soul which we recognize as man's distinctive attribute ?
On love depends the " fulfilling of the law," and the sole moral value of Christian duty - that is, on love to God, in the first place, which in its fullest development must spring from Christian faith; and, secondly, love to all mankind, as the objects of divine love and sharers in the humanity ennobled by the incarnation.
Burnet found it wiser to retire to England on the plea of fulfilling his duties as royal chaplain.
Darkyn brought Past-Death back, fulfilling their mystery-deal, and you were at the mercy of Darkyn, Gabriel finished for her.
Anne Fenner, who is nearly 80, rode on the footplate of the WD from Holt to Sheringham, fulfilling a lifelong ambition.
The adoptee as a commodity has specific meanings, such as fulfilling a desire to have children or to show benevolence and charity.
Only by setting an example of humility, obtained through fulfilling the commandments, can we ever hope to be successful missionaries.
By them he fulfills most of the promises, but he is still fulfills most of the promises, but he is still fulfilling others.
Contrary to the stereotype, using the Internet can be productive and spiritually fulfilling.
Thereby fulfilling the great aim of every literary genius.
The support of our members is vital to fulfilling our charitable work to encourage and promote horticulture.
In fulfilling this remit, the GPCC undertakes regular reviews of the BBC's processes and performance in relation to complaints handling.
However, after fulfilling certain residential qualifications in the UK, the non-British spouse may apply for British citizenship.
With hard work and passion, interior designers can have lucrative, fulfilling careers.
It shows loving families that want to help the people they love get sober and return to living whole and fulfilling lives.
Learning to play jazz can be a fulfilling experience for both new and experienced players.
Creating handknit and crocheted items is a fulfilling pastime.
Fortunately, the truth is that senior sex, while different from the sex you had in your 20s, can still be hugely satisfying and fulfilling.
The locked costumes can be unlocked by fulfilling certain criteria.
Fulfilling the "Wants" awards each of them with "Aspiration Points", which are redeemable for "Aspiration Rewards", objects that will help your Sims along their life's journey such as the "Money Tree" and the "Elixir of Life".
This gets us back to wine tasting parties - one of wine's more fulfilling dimensions is to share it with others and hopefully find some collective serendipity.
Sipping the port through the "pipe" that runs from the bottom of the glass to the lip of the glass was said to enhance its flavors, resulting in a more fulfilling port wine tasting experience.
Individuals with mild to moderate mental retardation are frequently able to achieve some self-sufficiency and to lead happy and fulfilling lives.
A small subset of patients are partly or totally disabled by the effects of the disorder, but most can have active and fulfilling lives.
Timely therapy and medication can effectively manage the disorder and help the bulimic live a normal, productive, and fulfilling life.
The parents in such homes generally lead active, fulfilling lives themselves and have many interests.
Wherever and whoever you learn from, your classes should be, above all, fun - and by taking some time to research them before joining can guarantee a more fulfilling experience.
Networking can ensure that your ballroom dance career, whether it's for fun or a bona fide career, will be fulfilling whether you are out on the competition floor or preparing for the next competition in the studio.
You don't have to display books with only positive title messages like "How to Lead a Fulfilling Life" but you definitely don't want to display books with titles like "Living a Bitter Life" either.
By tracing the history of parents, grandparents and great grandparents, the researcher often discovers a fulfilling sense of self as they discover the histories of those who came before them.
He later freed his siblings and seized the throne himself, fulfilling the prophesy.
On the other hand, other genealogists are less likely to accept the DNA research, seeing it as a very limited way to trace lineage and ethnicity, and not as fulfilling as the name and date tracing of more traditional genealogy practices.
Buying a home is fulfilling the American Dream, after all, and a great deal of self-satisfaction can come from owning a home.
While some lenders have several professionals who work on the different stages of a mortgage application, other lenders may consolidate the positions and have one person fulfilling several roles.
Luckily, with the wide variety of towels that are available today, you should have no difficulty in fulfilling all three of these requirements.
Unfortunately, Selena's parents divorced when she was just five years old, but even though her father and mother parted ways, that didn't stop this bubbly actress from perusing and fulfilling some of her larger goals.
While the popularity of the Snuggie does show that it is fulfilling a need, many critics point out that one can be just as comfortable and practical in a poncho, sweater or any other lounge clothes that are probably already in the wardrobe.
You should also keep track of the length of time it takes you to make your candles and how much time you're spending posting and fulfilling auction listings in order to determine an appropriate hourly wage for yourself.
Whether you are young or young at heart, there is something about making candles that is enjoyable and fulfilling.
You'll also begin a more fulfilling conversation, learning more about the other person as a potential date.
Loneliness can make an otherwise fulfilling life seem empty, but it doesn't have to bring you down.
With Zenegra, Internet dating and having a fulfilling sex life have become much more achievable.
Additionally, once you meet Ms. Right, you are prepared to have a fulfilling sex life with her, as well, by taking Zenegra.
With proper information and preparation, a fulfilling life as you've always known it can continue.
Marriage is a lot of work, but it can also be fun and fulfilling.
The people you meet there (and in person) are likely to share your common interests, spark a connection, and lead to a much more fulfilling relationship.
Men who are no longer interested in sex with their partners are fulfilling their needs elsewhere whether it is emotional or sexual in nature.
While a fulfilling relationship isn't only one person's responsibility, knowing how to be a good girlfriend can help keep you both in love.
Couples often think happily ever after begins with the marriage proposal, however more than a ring or romantic proposal is needed, for a happy, fulfilling marriage.
No matter how a proposal is staged, however, the most important part of it is that it represents the love and devotion of two people ready to spend their lives together fulfilling the answer to that all important question.
Be willing to be emotionally available and supportive of each other, and the two of you may well be on your way towards a fulfilling and successful relationship!
The conversation with a Gemini can be fulfilling, and the fantastic sex followed by cuddling will leave the Libra wondering how heaven could be any better.
Sex with a Virgo can be exciting and fulfilling because of his attention to details.
In fulfilling the requirements of a school uniform, shorts may or may not be allowed by your local school board.
If your child is struggling in the home and is having difficulty fulfilling his family contributions, a small reward at the end of each week may make the difference in his motivation.
Now that divorce has lost the stigma that it had in the past, people are less likely to stay in marriages that they don't find fulfilling.
Life as a single parent can be fulfilling and rewarding, but it can also be extremely stressful.
Many carry a large selection and can be just as fulfilling as mainstream store options with their name brands.
The cheapest and most fulfilling way to stay in Europe is with alocal family.
They came to America from Copenhagen, Denmark in 1987 intent on fulfilling a long-held desire to start their own business.
Christian yoga is a very fulfilling form of exercise and another way to worship for many devout Christians.
Yoga has also been used in childbirth to help relax both the mother and the baby so a fulfilling, alert, and calming birth is experienced.
People are responding to current autism treatments and living healthy, fulfilling lives.
Coaches help clients discover who they really are, and guide them toward fulfilling their potential.
Regardless of how you get started, the job can be exciting, fulfilling and financially rewarding for a person with the habits of an effective business manager, as well as the required skills and experience.
Cheerleaders form a bond with each other during the time in high school that can last a lifetime, and working with your peers to keep your school's spirit strong makes varsity cheer an exciting and fulfilling experience.
Snacks dense in vitamins or phytonutrients can pack an added punch, while some less-dense items are your best option for fulfilling the need to munch when your caloric needs have already been met.
In 1985, Taylor intended to retire from music, fulfilling his agreement to appear at the Rock in Rio festival.
I consider myself socially competent, which is way more important to building a fulfilling, meaningful life.
The ultimate goal for these women is to meet the man of their dreams and enjoy a fulfilling relationship.
To do this, he managed to borrow a Huey 204 helicopter and pilot it, fulfilling a childhood dream of his.
While it is still wonderfully fulfilling to keep a spiral bound diary at the bedside to record life's most precious of moments, online journaling definitely has its advantages.
Occupational therapists help patients learn or reacquire skills that will help them lead more active, fulfilling lives.
Maybe it was his way of fulfilling his end of the bargain she'd refused by making sure she had a place to stay.
The roots are prevented from fulfilling their function of taking up water and salts from the soil; the leaves accordingly droop, and the whole plant wilts and in bad attacks dies.
He retained his influence during the reign of Henry II., fulfilling important missions in Switzerland and at the imperial court (1547-1551), and at the courts of the German princes (1553-1554).
He was, however, so far from fulfilling the terms of this treaty that it was determined to depose him; and an army being sent against him, he surrendered to the British, who made a provision for his maintenance, and elevated his infant son Desalji II.
In May 1880 he returned to England, having established in the Transvaal a legislative council with powers so limited as to convince many of the Boers that there was no intention of fulfilling Shepstone's promises.
Thus the liability to tubercular infection is far commoner in the midst of a depraved population than in one fulfilling the primary laws of nature; rickets is a disease of great cities rather than of rural districts; and syphilis is more disastrous and protracted in its course in the depraved in health than in the robust.
The fulfilling of that duty was one of the most beautiful features of the life of the early Church, and it did perhaps more than anything else to make the Christian circle attractive.
America; and all over that region it is the chief figure in a group of myths, fulfilling the office of a culture hero who brings the light, gives fire to mankind, &c. Together with the eaglehawk the crow plays a great part in the mythology of S.E.
This half-success in a subordinate sphere was, however, so far from coinciding with his aspirations that he had again, in the winter of 1821, begun to turn his attention towards missionary labour in the East, when the possibility of fulfilling the dream of his life was suddenly revealed to him by an invitation from the Caledonian church, Hatton Garden, London, to "make trial and proof" of his gifts before the "remnant of the congregation which held together."
The problems to be solved were the frontier difficulty with Argentina, the question of the possession of Tacna and Arica with Peru, and the necessity of fulfilling the obligation contracted with Bolivia to give that country a seaport on the Pacific coast.
Crates of Mallus, one of his teachers, aimed at fulfilling the high functions of a " critic " according to his own definition - that the critic must acquaint himself with all rational knowledge.
To the last Gregoire remained a devout Catholic, exactly fulfilling all his obligations as a Christian and a priest; but he refused to budge an inch from his revolutionary principles.
During the summer season, however (from May to July), when drones are abundant, the loss of a queen is of comparatively little moment, as the workers can transform eggs (or young larvae not more than three days old), which would in the ordinary course produce worker bees, into fully-developed queens, capable of fulfilling all the maternal duties of a mother-bee.
Darkyn brought past-Death back, fulfilling their mystery-deal, and you were at the mercy of Darkyn, Gabriel finished.
How far has the department come in fulfilling the mandate of Congress to establish this new department?
They work, they're nice and low power, but they haven't been fulfilling expectations.
Any person fulfilling certain legal requirements with regard to capacity, age and character may set up privately an educational establishment of any grade, but by the law of 1904 all religious congregations are prohibited from keeping schools of any kind whatever.
God in nature as well as history is fulfilling a redemptive as well as perfective purpose, of which these miracles are appropriate signs.
Becket's opposition rested upon a casuistic interpretation of the canon law, and an extravagant conception of the dignity attaching to the priesthood; he showed, moreover, a disposition to quibble, to equivocate, and to make promises which he had no intention of fulfilling.
Purchasers were to be Frenchmen, or Europeans naturalized as French citizens, who had never held " colonization lands "; and they were obliged, under pain of forfeiture, either to take up residence themselves on their property within six months and to live on it and exploit it for a period of ten years, or else to place on the land another family fulfilling the same conditions.
A system fulfilling this condition and free from spherical aberration is called " aplanatic " (Greek a-, privative, irXavrl, a wandering).
At the Beatrix Potter Shop (located in the UK but fulfilling Web orders online with reasonable international shipping costs), you can find adorable Beatrix Potter curtains.
The cat's ability to communicate vocally is what makes having a feline such a fulfilling experience.
By understanding what work stress can be and how to cope with it, you can make your job less stressful so it will be more enjoyable and fulfilling.
For example, many teenage girls may find that their periods become less severe when they pay attention to fulfilling their nutritional needs.
These are only a few of the problems that can result from not fulfilling adolescent nutritional needs.
In counseling and therapy sessions, teens can learn how to resist peer pressure and replace drug using with other more fulfilling activities.
Electra has denied being pregnant, but the 36 year old has expressed the desire to have children with Patterson, stating, "I have pictured myself as a mother for years and look forward to fulfilling that strong desire."
While local suppliers will generally offer personal service and help with measurements and fulfilling the list of requirements, an online vendor will be less costly in most cases.
Although many print-based courses have become antiquated, those that do still exist are just as rigorous and fulfilling as online versions.
Overall, distance learning at Auburn University will allow you to explore undergraduate coursework as well as let you take the next steps towards a higher paying job and a more fulfilling career.
Your chances of having a satisfying and fulfilling academic experience depend on the considerations you make about the online school you choose to obtain a paralegal bachelor's degree.
A more likely interpretation of this act of dressing has more to do with fulfilling a group aesthetic about standards of public appearance.
It grows freely in peat or loam, a mixture of both with a little road-scrapings best fulfilling its requirements.
Many older adults were raised with the notion that work is a means to an end, and it should not be fun or fulfilling.
It's important to stay active mentally, physically, and emotionally during retirement, so make sure the hobbies you choose are fulfilling and involve activities that you enjoy.
Finding activities that are fulfilling and enriching is profitable for seniors of all skill levels.
The production value alone is worth experiencing the game, yet the content and mechanics make it an entirely fulfilling experience.
Valve packed all the intense action and breathtaking storytelling into a shorter game, creating a pick-up-and-play title that's both inexpensive and fulfilling.
With the updated hardware and capabilities of the Game Boy Advance, Game Boy Advance SP and Game Boy Micro, games have become more fulfilling.
Instead, the best Mario Party DS cheats are those that reward you for completing certain feats and fulfilling certain requirements.
Again, this was a two button affair, but the character animations and move lists were a lot more fulfilling than that which was found in Pro Wrestling.
They still have everyday needs to fulfill, (eating, bathing, having fun, etc.), but the game takes Sim living to a whole new level with the addition of "Aspirations", which are met by fulfilling the "Wants" and avoiding "Fears".
More intensive and more fulfilling, this version (instead of the Associate version) will allow the students in the program to really fully become dancers in the styles of dance that they've chosen to learn.
Merit Badge Counselors oversee the system of fulfilling the requirements for each badge and thus obtaining them.
It is not very fulfilling to build the same site over and over again.
Setting up a server can be a lengthy yet fulfilling process.
After partially fulfilling the duties of the office for one session, he wa.s led to resume the charge of St George's, the clergyman who had been chosen by the congregation as his successor having died before entering on his work.