Frozen Sentence Examples
She stood frozen, searching for him.
I can cross the frozen tundra.
She stood, frozen with fear as his dark figure moved past her.
You look half frozen to death.
He dropped to his knees and wiped messily at the snot streaming from his nose and the tears frozen to his cheeks.
It was frozen, but it would soon thaw in this heat.
Once I went on a visit to a New England village with its frozen lakes and vast snow fields.
Bianca took one cautious step onto the frozen waves.
Lisa stared at the bowl, the liquid frozen half way up her throat.
No more searching for frozen half-tires in the snow and stomping the water out of them.
AdvertisementDuring the winter the river is frozen.
Deidre sat frozen, aware of their concerned gazes.
We've never frozen immortals before.
Baked by day and frozen by night.
The sight of him struck her like a frozen water balloon.
AdvertisementShe couldn't stand, not with her frozen body, and she rolled onto her back, out of the water.
She still had some meat in her freezer, as well as some frozen colostrum.
Frozen water pipes and unheated bedrooms had to be something new for a wealthy socialite.
Much later, in the darkest part of the night, Dean's mind was creating picture stories to amuse itself while his body lay in frozen and unmoving slumber like a fallen mannequin.
Jessi sat frozen, unable to fathom that the simple red gem was capable of such magic.
AdvertisementThe Guardians had frozen in mid-speech and were looking toward the mansion.
In spite of the cold, I try to open the window to rid this room of the smoke and whiskey breath of those who visited here, but the frame is frozen fast.
The rivers are frozen from Dec. to Feb.
I have noticed that a portion of Walden which in the state of water was green will often, when frozen, appear from the same point of view blue.
Frozen beef is also sent to England.
AdvertisementAt intervals the trees lost their icy covering, and the bulrushes and underbrush were bare; but the lake lay frozen and hard beneath the sun.
Why is it that a bucket of water soon becomes putrid, but frozen remains sweet forever?
Two weeks passed and I'd put Howie Abbott from my mind when Betsy called one evening as I heated a frozen dinner in my lonely apartment.
Everyone and everything around them had frozen in mid-movement, like an eerie sculpture garden.
Her mouth opened in a frozen scream as the burning pain paralyzed her.
They're not much for dancing, but they are a must for climbing frozen water!
Three Others with glowing purple eyes stood several feet away, frozen in surprise.
We started tossing stuff in the blender with frozen blood.
Unfortunately all the rivers are frozen for many months every year.
Fitzstephen tells how, when the great marsh that washed the walls of the city on the north (Moorfields) was frozen over; the young men went out to slide and skate and sport on the ice.
In the winter of1813-1814the Thames was again frozen over.
These frozen metals in general form compact masses consisting of aggregates of crystals belonging to the regular or rhombic or (more rarely) the quadratic system.
The metals to be referred to are always understood to be given in the compact (frozen) condition, and that, wherever metals are enumerated as being similarly attacked, the degree of readiness in the action is indicated by the order in which the several members are named - the more readily changed metal always standing first.
A small sphere of the fluid, if frozen suddenly, would retain this angular velocity.
Probably no extinct animal has left such abundant evidence of its former existence; immense numbers of bones, teeth, and more or less entire carcases, or " mummies," as they may be called, having been discovered, with the flesh, skin and hair in situ, in the frozen soil of the tundra of northern Siberia.
Pursuing his irresistible march, Charles X., with his eyes fixed steadily on Copenhagen, resolved to cross the frozen Great Belt also.
About the same time a war was fought in northern Europe (1655-60), celebrated chiefly for the three days' battle of Warsaw (28th, 29th, 30th July 1656), and the successful invasion of Denmark by the Swedes, carried out from island to island over the frozen sea (February 1658), and culminating in a long siege of Copenhagen (1658-59).
The 1 Marshal Luxemburg, who was left in command of the army in Holland during the winter of 1672-73, had indeed made a bold attempt to capture Leiden and the Hague by marching a corps, from Utrecht across the frozen inundations.
During the rapid formation of ice the still unfrozen brine is often imprisoned between the little plates of frozen water; hence without some special treatment sea-ice is not suitable as a source of drinking water.
After long continued frost the last of the included brine may be frozen and the salts driven out in crystals on the surface; these crystals are known to polar explorers by the Siberian name of rassol.
The influence of wind and tide breaks up the frozen surface of the sea, and sheets yielding to the pressures slide over or under one another and are worked together into a hummocky ice-pack, the irregularities on the surface of which, caused by repeated fractures and collisions, may be from 10 to 20 ft.
The miners are protected by the frozen wall, which may be 4 or 5 ft.
During the months of December, January and February the rivers are frozen up, and even the Gulf of Chih-li is fringed with a broad border of ice.
Boston Harbor has been frozen over in the past, but steamtugs plying constantly now prevent the occurrence of such obstruction.
Its greatest breadth within the town is from 80 to 90 yards, and it is usually frozen from November to March.
He was not greatly beloved by his clergy, who felt their intellectual distance too great, and were alternately frozen by his taciturnity and appalled by his sarcasm.
In the market for frozen lambs the colony remains at present without a rival.
In 1907 the export of frozen meat was valued at £3,420,000.
Though not yet quite equal in importance to wool or frozen meat, dairy-farming is almost entirely carried on by small farmers and their families, who supply milk to factories.
Shortly before this the protests of Hungary had succeeded in procuring the rejection of a cargo of Argentine frozen meat which had been destined for Vienna.
As a group they are cosmopolitan, their northern limit approaching that of the permanently frozen subsoil, while in the southern hemisphere the southern point of Patagonia forms the farthest limit.
In January the northern water areas of the continent are frozen and snow-covered; Hudson Bay becomes unduly cold, and the greatest southward bending of the isotherms is somewhat east of the continental axis, with an extension of its effects out upon the Atlantic; but the southward bending isotherms are somewhat looped back about the unfrozen waters of the lower Great Lakes.
Beyond this we often find the calefactorium or day-room - an apartment warmed by flues beneath the pavement, where the brethren, half frozen during the night offices, betook themselves after the conclusion of lauds, to gain a little warmth, grease their sandals and get themselves ready for the work of the day.
Every year there are, normally, two distinct periods of high water; one an early freshet due mainly to the heavy winter rainfall on the lower river, when the upper river is still frozen hard; the other in the late spring, due to the setting in of rains along the upper courses also, and to the melting of the snow in the mountains.
In general it may be said of church architecture, more truly than of any other, that artistically it is " frozen music."
So intense is the cold in Tibet that these springs are sometimes represented by columns of ice, the nearly boiling water having frozen in the act of ejection.
If all the water be frozen, we have the vapour pressure curve of ice OB; while, if the pressure be raised, so that all the vapour vanishes, we get the curve OC of equilibrium between the pressure and the freezing point of water.
In the winter the frozen river is the usual highway.
The borders must be covered sufficiently deep with leaves or manure to prevent the soil from freezing, as it would be destruction to the vines to start the shoots if the roots were frozen; hence, when forcing is begun in January, the covering should be put on in November, before severe frosts begin.
All vegetable roots that are yet in the ground, and not designed to be left there over winter, must be dug up in this latitude before the middle of the month or they may be frozen in.
Remove the snow that accumulates on cold frames or other glass structures, particularly if the soil which the glass covers was not frozen before the snow fell; it may remain on the sashes longer if the plants are frozen in, since they are dormant, and would not be injured if deprived of light for eight or ten days.
It is the mother-liquor or " bittern " frozen.
As freezing progresses, at each successive temperature reached the frozen austenite has the carbon-content of the point on Aa which that temperature abscissa cuts, and the still molten part or " mother-metal " has the carbon-content horizontally opposite this on the line AB.
In other words, the composition of the frozen part and that of the mother-metal respectively are p and q at the beginning of the freezing, and r and t' at the end; and during freezing they slide along Aa and AB from p to r and from q to t'.
This, of course, brings the final composition of the frozen austenite when freezing is complete exactly to that which the molten mass had before freezing began.
The exports are chiefly coal, sheep, tallow, wool, frozen meat and hides.
The lands on both banks of the river shared the same fate, due probably to the fact to which Gibbon has drawn attention, that at this period the Danube was frequently frozen over.
During the greater part of the year this sea is frozen, but, while hardly ever free of ice, there are normally navigable channels along the coasts from the beginning of June to the end of September connected by transverse channels.
This grand feat of arms was marked by many points of interest, such as the capture of the Dutch ships, which were frozen in the Helder, by the French hussars, and the splendid discipline of the ragged battalions in Amsterdam, who, with the richest city of the continent to sack, yet behaved with a self-restraint which few revolutionary and Napoleonic armies attained.
The tidal harbour is enclosed by stone breakwaters, and large vessels enter and load frozen meat direct from the refrigerator cars.
The eastern reaches of the Hari Rud river are frozen hard in the winter, rapids and all, and the people travel on it as on a road.
On May 6 1915 the " Aurora," which had been frozen in and made fast by many cables to the shore at Cape Evans, was blown out to sea with all the ice and was held fast for 315 days, during which time she drifted northward through Ross Sea nearly in the same direction and at nearly the same rate as the " Endurance " was drifting at the same time in the Weddell Sea.
The rice comes principally from India and Madagascar; cattle are imported from Madagascar, sheep from South Africa and Australia, and frozen meat from Australia.
The eastern edge of the basin is formed by a ridge of gypsum and on its margin grow palms. In parts the salt lies thick on the plain, which then has the appearance of a lake frozen over.
There are several excellent harbours (notably that of Ytternas), which were at one time of great importance to Russia from the fact that they are frozen up for a much briefer period than those on the coast of Finland.
The strait is very rarely frozen over, though history records a few instances; and the Golden Horn, the inlet on either side of which Constantinople lies, has been partially frozen over occasionally in modern times.
It has an excellent modern harbour, and its roadstead, which is never frozen, is well protected from east and west winds, and partly also from the south, but its depth is only II to 14 ft., reaching 35 ft.
The lake begins to freeze in October, but it is only about the end of December that it is frozen in its deeper parts; and it remains ice-bound until the end of March, though broad icefields continue to float in the middle of the lake until broken up by gales.
For six or seven months of the year (November to April) the Pamirs are covered with snow, the lakes are frozen, and the passes nearly impracticable.
Instability, again, which lies at the root of Spencer's definition "continuous adjustment of internal relations to external relations" is displayed by living matter in very varying degrees from the apparent absolute quiescence of frozen seeds to the activity of the central nervous system, whilst there is a similar range amongst inorganic substances.
They availed themselves of a very hard winter to penetrate into the land over the frozen water.
Merino cross with early-maturity longwool, Down, or other close-wooled rams, are good butchers' sheep, and most of the frozen mutton imported into the United Kingdom has had more or less of a merino origin.
The northern part of the Gulf of Bothnia is frozen every winter.
This river is frozen for an average of 123 days every year in its lower parts and nearly loo days at Perovsk.
This and other crater lakes are said never to be frozen over.
Davy Postle read a paper before the Royal Society of Victoria, suggesting the conveyance of meat on board ship in a frozen state by means of refrigerated air, and in 1869 he showed by experiment how it could be done; but his apparatus was not commercially developed.
The first successful cargo of frozen mutton from Australia was also brought by a Bell-Coleman machine in 1879.
Fleuss consists of a vacuum pump capable of reducing the air pressure to a fraction of a millimetre, the suction pipe of which is connected first with a vessel containing sulphuric acid, and second with the vessel containing the water to be frozen.
The water to be frozen is contained in galvanized FIG.
When the water is frozen the moulds are dipped in a tank containing warm water, and on being tipped the blocks of ice fall out.
The cooling of residential and public buildings in hot countries, though attempted in a few cases in the United States and elsewhere, is yet practically untouched, the manufacture of ice and the preservation of perishable foods (apart from the frozen and chilled meat trades) have in many countries hardly received serious consideration, but in breweries, dairies, margarine works and many other industries there is a large and increasing field for refrigerating and ice-making machinery.
The winter is long and severe, and even in summer the soil is frozen.
Wool is extensively worked, and meat is frozen for export.
Jonny snatched the sword Dusty used against Talon and plunged it through the frozen demigod.
Cynthia suggested a funeral, complete with a shoebox coffin and a solemn burial, a feat Dean would have guessed impossible given the frozen earth.
These incredibly tuned climbers were as at home on rock-face cliffs as frozen water falls, the steeper and higher the better, and by the sound of it, the world was getting a whole lot smaller.
A massive collection of sinister looking implements was growing—tools of their trade, all apparently necessary in order to remain aloft when maneuvering up or down perpendicular columns of frozen water.
Dean dumped some sort of casserole, frozen and packaged, into the oven without bothering to read what would emerge as their supper.
The leg wound from Shipton's flailing ice ax had been an eight-stitcher of no permanent consequence but the clump of frozen mountain Dean caught on the head kept him fuzzy and blurred his vision for a day and a half, necessitating the stay.
He stopped, frozen in his tracks, feeling something he had not felt in many, many years–fear.
The vampire stood frozen, fear returning to her eyes.
Dean had showered and changed and was sitting under a tree licking a frozen yogurt desert and chatting with a group of riders from Texas when the old man strolled up.
Her chest was neither frozen nor heavy from the demon, her blood no longer tainted by black!
These preventative measures include using thawed, not frozen bait, which causes it to sink deeper in the water quicker.
Using the frozen glycerol stock a 1 liter Terrific Broth + 100 µg/ml ampicillin culture was inoculated.
In the process of searching through the freezer, she causes an avalanche of frozen foods to fall to the floor.
After exploring the splendid, white marbles of Aphrodisias, we drive through hilly backcountry to marvel at Pamukkale's ' Frozen Waterfall ' .
Make sure you take along some frozen fish bait, just in case the dogfish are feeding.
The animal experimentation involved in Cold Buster's development included rats being frozen, starved, and injected with drugs, including barbiturates.
Freshly picked beans can be frozen very successfully after briefly blanching them.
Will eat most live foods as well as frozen bloodworms and, eventually, flake food.
After about three weeks or so, the fry can be weaned onto frozen adult brine shrimp and crushed flake food.
Feedings should include live brine shrimp, frozen food, algae and the traditional flakes.
I dont mind this but I do buy frozen and use that with fresh, ie fresh carrots, frozen broccoli.
However, all told, frozen burritos could well turn out to be simply TOO MUCH BOTHER to even consider.
The gaps in these images are where the frozen cadaver was initially divided with a saw to produce portions of a more manageable size.
The cells were collected by centrifugation, transferred to 50 ml tubes, resuspended in 30 ml binding buffer, and frozen.
One of their first pop videos involved working with frozen chickens for three days under the lights at Peter Gabriel's studio.
One of my companions' water tube was frozen solid as it was minus 10 with the wind chill factor.
The harvested antibody is filtered and stored frozen until the end of a culture run when it is pooled and purified by column chromatography.
One by one, thousands of cartons rolled off the production line filled with frozen confection, ready to be shipped off.
This is a 2 year project with several expeditions to the frozen continent.
Wind is particularly damaging when the ground is frozen and there is no protective snow cover.
The most successful baits are black lugworm in a cocktail with frozen crab or razorfish.
The top bait without doubt is peeler crab, be it fresh or frozen.
And frozen yogurt, graham crackers and fruit juices are good snacks.
Other cheeses can be frozen but on defrosting they may become rather crumbly.
The seat of my pants, slightly damp from the water fetching episode, had frozen to its surface.
Arrange on 4 serving plates with a scoop of ice-cream or frozen dessert on each plate.
These are supercooled dewdrops that freeze as the temperature lowers; at -2.0C some of the water droplets were frozen.
Two weeks of rolling ship and frozen land requiring vast amounts of brain power just to remain dignified, certainly takes its toll.
Several hours elapsed post mortem before this cadaver was frozen and the colon is greatly distended with gas.
We're reviving frozen embryos right now, for instance.
Wide range of take-away frozen food from our freezers, also free-range eggs (hens permitting ).
The three main points are to keep the seeds cool, but not frozen, dark and to exclude air.
Most of the earth's surface water is permanently frozen or salty.
Good choice of different flavored sausages delivered ready frozen.
The turf and snow is well frozen but thin with plenty of rocky moves in between.
The snow remained frozen as we continued up hill.
Trumble sat frozen, amazed that he had actually done it.
If kept frozen continuously, they will be safe indefinitely.
Brakes For over 40 years, Brakes has specialized in developing and supplying frozen, chilled and ambient food products to the catering industry.
Using individual crocks or bowls, spread the frozen green beans on the bottom.
I was frozen stiff, hungry and by now rather grumpy.
Theories of halo nucleus scattering often use an approximation in which the halo nucleus scattering often use an approximation in which the halo is appeared frozen during the collision.
He shows us a crystalline layer called surface hoar, the dusting of frozen dew you often see.
The sledge ran out of control and carried him across the frozen lake.
Frozen cell pellets were thawed on ice over night and re-suspended in a total volume of 50 ml lysis buffer.
At other times, he may buy frozen horse mackerel or even white fish that has been found dead in the trawl.
We have found mammoths quick frozen which suggests that there was an instant cooling period.
Even the famed frozen mammoths get a look in (the box is charmingly entitled ' ancient guts ' ).
This is the perfect place to soak away the stress of urban life or enjoy a frozen margarita at sunset.
At home, consider having a meringue, an ice lolly or some frozen fruit perhaps red berries or grapes.
Fresh samples of tumor and normal colonic mucosa were taken at the time of surgery and snap frozen in liquid nitrogen.
Fresh mussels are normally bought live in their shell although frozen green-lipped mussels are also available.
Theories of halo nucleus scattering often use an approximation in which the halo is appeared frozen during the collision.
Frozen raw oysters will keep in a standard UK freezer for up to three months.
Throw the frozen or fresh chopped veggies into the last several minutes of boiling pasta.
A pack of frozen peas wrapped in a damp towel applied for 10 minutes would suffice.
Although it sounds complicated, it can be assembled fairly quickly, using frozen pastry, grated cheese and tinned chick peas.
Frozen or canned peas are acceptable, although I am not a great fan of canned food.
Then leave it in the freezer for a few hours before returning to collect a large frozen phallus!
Having American Community Mutual Insurance Company a dilated of emergency physicians a quot frozen.
Typical products include wine, frozen vegetables, fruit juice, fruit preserves, pickles, frozen shellfish.
Gordon also mentions that frozen water supply pipes were a problem.
Dan took some great pix of the spiders webs in our garden this morning which were all frozen!
Mix the frozen petits pois into the softened onions.
We tried skating on frozen ponds with borrowed skates (not very successfully, as I remember ).
Always follow the cooking instructions on ready stuffed fresh and frozen poultry.
Stir in the frozen Chinese vegetables and return the mixture to the boil, then add the frozen prawns.
I am a big fan of ready made frozen puff pastry.
It was the expressions on the faces, frozen at the moment of death, that caused the greatest revulsion.
In 2002 her first short screenplay, Frozen Assets, was selected for production via the Short Film Factory screenwriting scheme.
Chinese and Thai supermarkets are also an excellent source of frozen seafood, including tiger prawns with their heads on.
The Unit uses only frozen semen for DI treatment.
So in a new procedure she had slivers of her ovaries taken out and frozen.
Ice cracked at the lake's edges at first, revealing a frozen slush beneath.
In some places the tracks were coated in deep slush that was partially frozen making for some interesting driving conditions!
But why are we so snobby about frozen produce, asks Joanna Blythman.
It's the leeks that I'm lifting this morning that are frozen solid.
Apart from ice-cream these include sorbets, water ice, fruit ice, frozen desserts and iced smoothies.
One idea would be to inject frozen mammoth sperm recovered from the ice into the eggs of female elephants.
A ' frozen moment ' activity puts a spotlight upon parts of the story through dramatic representation.
The frozen sprat actually landed 10 feet behind her up the bank.
Some frozen peas former first team stalwart David Lees scored 51 out of Werneth's total of 177 all out.
Flavored butters also enliven grills and pan-fried steaks and can be shaped into cylinders and frozen for use at a later date.
They found him three days later, frozen stiff in that old truck.
A northerly sweeps the frozen plain lifting the silent snow in white swirls.
Give them 5 seconds to make a frozen tableau of the photo.
Shops selling skiing tat, expensive bars, bare concrete architecture with wedges of frozen slush on each step.
At low temperatures, there is not enough thermal energy available to allow torsion angle changes, so the conformation becomes frozen in.
A few slices of frozen banana or some silken tofu give an extra creamy texture.
Frozen vodka tonics were served up a flight of broad mahogany steps in a nearby tree.
You can not easily grow food, if at all, on deserts, frozen tundra or ocean floors.
Ice and frozen turf are not required for upward progress.
Meanwhile, Mo attempts to defrost her frozen turkey in the bath.
February 2004 Apart from the occasional twinge, I had almost forgotten about my frozen shoulder.
Don and Tony sell meat, eggs, cheese, frozen vegetables and meat freezer packs.
This group includes fresh, frozen and tinned varieties, salad vegetables, beans and lentils, dried fruit and fruit juice.
The motif is no longer diachronic; in Quadrant II time is frozen and the motif becomes vertical, going downwards.
She recently visited Iceland, drawn by its unique frozen landscape that is still volcanic.
He said, " Toasters don't just turn bread into toast, they are also used to warm frozen waffles.
Dozens of production lines turn out Birds Eye brand foods ranging from frozen peas to potato waffles to beef burgers.
We've seen him trudging through snow in Canada's frozen wasteland.
Suddenly the prospect of spending the day climbing frozen waterfalls seems not very attractive.
Heavenly effects subtly transform the venue to create an interstellar frozen wonderland every night.
Ready frozen meats including poultry should be placed in the freezer in its original wrapping.
Very easy to follow instructions made my frozen yogurt in about 12 mins.
Y Y PP in use, or the water in them become frozen, the lighting of the fire would cause the water to expand, and having no outlet it would in all probability burst the boiler.
The quantities of dead meat imported increased with great rapidity from 1891 to 1905, a circumstance largely due to the rise of the trade in chilled and frozen meat.
Some two hundred species of flowering plants struggle for a precarious existence in the tundra region, the frozen ground and the want of humus militating against them more than the want of warmth.
Periodic variations of level due to meteorological causes account for the Baltic being fuller in the time of the summer rains than in winter, when the rivers and lakes are frozen and most of the precipitation on the land is in the form of snow.
You warm your back and your belly gets frozen.
They looked like rabbits caught in the headlights of a car, frozen with terror.
The recipe works very well with frozen raspberries too.
If you like chunky potatoes in the soup however, these will not be so chunky when you reheat the frozen soup.
We are also working for the resolution of frozen conflicts in the South Caucasus.
In real terms, the basic State retirement pension has been frozen for 24 years.
A portion of each monthly sample is stored frozen, should retrospective analysis be required.
They accuse Chile alone of dumping 60,000 tons of frozen salmon filets onto the European market.
The sphere of frozen moonlight gleamed, overshadowing the sunlight, shining like a beacon to light the path to a glorious future.
The only people to escape being frozen are Ulysses, his son Telemachus, alien girl Yumi and pet robot Nono.
Some frozen peas Former first team stalwart David Lees scored 51 out of Werneth 's total of 177 all out.
Plasma, fresh-frozen means the supernatant plasma separated from a whole blood donation or plasma collected by apheresis, frozen and stored.
The ground remained frozen and so the thawing snows and heavy rain, combined and the flood resulted.
Any colostrum that has been frozen should be thawed gradually in warm to hot water.
Top Cooking Make sure frozen meat and poultry are fully thawed before cooking.
Use commercially frozen barbecue foods as the freezing process kills the toxoplasmosis parasite and always make sure food is cooked right through.
Giles, rumpled and with unbuttoned shirt, poked his head around the kitchen door and saw her frozen in the hall.
He said, Toasters do n't just turn bread into toast, they are also used to warm frozen waffles.
We 've seen him trudging through snow in Canada 's frozen wasteland.
After the cake is frozen, you may need to cut it so that it is perfectly square, depending upon the pan that you use.
There are certain brands that make fresh refrigerated or frozen organic baby food, but unfortunately, these items are expensive, often too expensive for the average family.
Most of what your baby eats can be made in bulk and frozen.
Meals, especially frozen one dish meals that can be easily warmed up in the oven.
Most of the seafood sold there has been frozen and is displayed in the case, slowly thawing out and losing freshness and flavor.
Seafood is often shipped frozen, and freezing affects taste and texture.
Fish frozen aboard ships is better than previously frozen fish in seafood display cases.
Frozen crabs and crab parts should be selected for color.
Fresh - Raw, has never been frozen or cooked and is preservative-free.
Previously frozen - Frozen seafood that has been thawed for sale.
Fresh or flash frozen - Seafood frozen while it's still fresh.
Nor will frozen food, tobacco or alcohol products be delivered to a doorstep.
Trees can be planted any time the ground is not frozen, though spring and fall are the most popular times for tree planting (probably because mild weather is less of a shock to the plant).
Often, meats are sealed and frozen for shipping and sometimes express delivery is required.
This is then condensed against a frozen coil inside the dehumidifier.
If you don't purchase a lot of frozen food items, the mini freezer will save you money both from the initial purchase (usually under $200), to the energy savings on your electric bill.
If you would like to enjoy Chinese food in the comfort of your own home, prepackaged and frozen products make it a cinch.
Yu Sing is a product line offered by Michelina's frozen dinner.
In addition, many frozen dinner lines, such as Budget Gourmet and Lean Cuisine, include a few Chinese-inspired dishes, including stir-fry and chicken recipes.
Packaged and frozen Chinese foods go on sale at grocery stores just like any other product.
Are you wondering where to buy a Margaritaville Frozen Concoction Maker?
Perhaps you've heard good things about the Margaritaville Frozen Concoction Maker but you're not exactly clear on what it can do or how it operates.
When you decide where to buy your Margaritaville Frozen Concoction Maker, check for a warranty.
If you're wondering where to buy a Margaritaville Frozen Concoction maker, the first place you'll probably want to check is the official website, Margaritaville Cargo.
You can also locate the DM2000, the DMO500 Bahamas 36-ounce Frozen Concoction Maker, the Margaritaville DM 3000 Tahiti Frozen Concoction Maker, as well as accessories for all models.
If you need your drink maker immediately, stop by and see if they have a Margaritaville Frozen Concoction Maker in stock.
Be sure that when you're purchasing one of the Margaritaville machines that you know exactly which one you're getting as they're not always marked with anything but "Margarita Frozen Concoction Maker" or something similar.
Dry ice is frozen carbon dioxide useful for freezing things due to its temperature of -109 degrees Fahrenheit and is sometimes used in freezing and shipping items that should remain frozen.
You can also use it to keep your frozen goods safe if your freezer malfunctions.
Some people purchase live mice for their cats to kill and eat, or buy frozen mice to feed to their cats.
It can be frozen in a glass jar for longer storage, or you can use an ice cube tray, and take out cubes as you need them.
They can also be frozen for up to one month.
Most commercially prepared raw pet foods are frozen or refrigerated, and all you need to do is open the package and feed your pet.
There are also six frozen mixes that are created for those pet owners that like to formulate their own foods for their pets.
Frozen mixed drink recipes are handy to have when the weather gets warmer and you want to sip something cool and refreshing.
There are many common frozen mixed drink recipes that are standard cocktail fare.
If you're looking for something a little different, here are some frozen mixed drink recipes that are not quite as common.
The beauty of frozen mixed drinks is that they can withstand a lot of tinkering.
Go ahead and make substitutions, add more or less of any ingredient and experiment to create new and tasty frozen drinks.
Garnish it with frozen cranberries on a cocktail pick or a wedge of lemon or lime.
Mint Juleps were traditionally served in a frozen pewter cup.
Try a refreshing Frozen Mint Julep by muddling the mint in simple syrup, and then straining the leaves and blending the remains with bourbon and cracked ice in a blender.
Unfortunately, many Daiquiri recipes require three teaspoons of sugar, strawberry syru, and high amounts of frozen concentrate that can be high in calories.
The first is to use frozen strawberries along with their syrup.
Frozen strawberries will certainly add more strawberry "flavor" to your drink due to the high amount of syrup present in the package.
However, frozen strawberries often contain preservatives and a high sugar content that will make your drink less healthy.
Since strawberry syrup, frozen strawberries and even fresh strawberries contain a measure of sugar, very little refined sugar is needed in your recipe.
When compared to the cost of frozen strawberries, not to mention fresh ones, the price is an absolute steal.
Some are frozen, some are liquid and some come in powder form.
This tequila based drink is a little sweet and a little sour, and it can be served on the rocks, blended frozen and with or without a salt rim.
Piña Coladas can be served on the rocks, although they are typically blended and served frozen.
Like many other tropical Mexican drinks, Daiquiris can be served on the rocks or frozen.
Nothing says summertime like a frozen rum strawberry Daiquiri.
If strawberries aren't in season, you can use frozen strawberries, and just leave out a little of the ice to compensate.
Besides choosing the freshest ingredients, the other key to making a great frozen rum strawberry Daiquiri is using the right blender.
Another option, if you have the money, is to purchase a frozen drink machine to ensure consistently smooth Daiquiris.
Bacardi sells a can of frozen strawberry Daiquiri mix; check your grocer's freezer, or you can purchase liquid strawberry Daiquiri mix.
If fresh strawberries aren't available, you can use a bag of frozen strawberries instead.
Last but not least, you can't make a frozen Daiquiri without ice.
Basically, a slush is a frozen drink that is similar in consistency to an Italian ice.
It is similar to a frozen Daiquiri, although it can contain larger chunks of ice.
Besides the honeydew, you'll need frozen strawberries, corn syrup, lime juice and white rum.
Place 12 ounces of frozen strawberries, a third of a cup of corn syrup, two tablespoons of lime juice (fresh or bottled) and a quarter cup of white rum in the blender.
To pare down the sweetness, try using unsweetened frozen strawberries and perhaps halving the amount of sugar or corn syrup.You can also use diet soda in the first recipe if you'd like to reduce the calorie content some.
Tradition dictates that Mint Juleps be served in a special frozen pewter cup.
You may vary this recipe by adding one cup of strawberries, one teaspoon of sugar, one teaspoon of frozen concentrate orange juice and blending until smooth.
Frozen tropical alcoholic drinks are perfect for sipping poolside or on a white sandy beach overlooking your favorite ocean, lake or river.
All frozen tropical drinks contain fruit, fruit juice, fruit-flavored alcohol or a combination of these ingredients.
To properly make a frozen tropical drink, you must have a blender or smoothie maker.
Even if you use finely crushed ice, you can't truly produce the desired consistency of a frozen drink without one ofthese tools.
The ice crystals in frozen fruit help make the drinks thick anddistribute the other ingredients more evenly.
Pour the liquids, preferably chilled, into the blender container first, followed by the frozen fruit and ice or dairy products.
Frozen daiquiris are among the most popular frozen alcoholic drinks.
They require the simplest of ingredients and are easily flavored with any soft fresh or frozen fruit.
You can turn a frozen cocktail into a dessert-type drink just by adding some frozen yogurt or ice cream to the blender.
Just like the daiquiri recipe, the smoothie can be made with your choice of frozen soft fruits and applicable liqueurs.
Unlike a cold beer or soft drink, frozen tropical alcoholic drinks are meant to be sipped.
Until the cardholder speaks to the security company's security department and confirms transactions, the account may remain frozen.
Joint bank accounts can be frozen while the financial settlement is being worked out.
The system was tested on frozen lakes and icy roads in Sweden and received top marks.
Canning and preserving fruits and vegetables - This reduces the dependency on having to buy frozen or canned fruits and vegetables during the winter months.
Switching to fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables and avoiding other canned foods is another great way to reduce your consumption of BPA.
Of the planet's water, 97.5 percent of it is salt water and of the 2.5 percent that is fresh, 2 percent of that is frozen in the polar ice caps.
An estimated 50 tons of carbon are frozen in the tundra.
Permafrost, which is solid, frozen soil, constitutes about 25 percent of the land area in the Northern Hemisphere.
Plant life now covers once frozen tundra, a reflection of increasing temperatures.
Look in your produce department, refrigerated juice section and the frozen section of your favorite grocery store for juice blends or find a supplement at your health food store.
Because acai berries break down rapidly after harvesting, outside of Brazil you will find acai as frozen berries, freeze-dried powder, or juice.
You can also enjoy acai as a juice or purchase it as a frozen pulp.
The pulp is frozen for shipment to other parts of the world.
As long as it's frozen quickly the fruit will retain its incredible antioxidant powers.
The fruit has to be shipped to the US from South America, and for this journey the berries must be frozen.
However, if the berries are not immediately frozen after being picked (within two to three hours) they lose a significant portion of their antioxidants.
Independent testers have found that the Supreme pills use premium acai fruit that is frozen within one hour of being picked.
These berries make great pies or other confectionery treats, and can be frozen, canned or dried.
Frozen herbs retain their flavor and add bold accents to dishes throughout the year.
Place in the freezer until the herbs are frozen solid.
Pack the frozen herbs tightly into freezer containers.
When the cubes are frozen solid, pop them out of the tray into freezer bags or containers.
Use the same amount of frozen herbs as you would fresh herbs in a recipe.
Though dried basil is not as strongly flavored as fresh or frozen basil, you can still create wonderful dishes using dried basil.
Frozen basil tastes best when used in culinary dishes such as pesto, stews or sauces where a drop or two of olive oil just adds to the dish rather than clashes with it.
If you spoon out a measured amount, such as a tablespoon, into each compartment, you will know precisely how much each little frozen basil cube holds, making it easier to use it throughout the winter in your recipes.
Use a waterproof marking pen and note the contents and date frozen.
Frozen basil can be defrosted and used in recipes such as pesto.
Or simply pop out a frozen basil cube like an ice cube and toss it into your bubbling pot of stew or another recipe.
The heat melts the frozen basil, allowing the contents to mix into your recipe.
You should use frozen basil within six months for the best flavor.