Froze Sentence Examples
She froze for a second.
He froze at the distant voice in his head.
He froze, his face twisted with pain.
The words froze in her mouth as the door opened.
Jessi froze, not completely connecting with the fact she stood in a place unlike the coastal southern California area.
A tall lean figure entered the diner and she froze – Cade.
One night in the beginning of winter, before the pond froze over, about nine o'clock, I was startled by the loud honking of a goose, and, stepping to the door, heard the sound of their wings like a tempest in the woods as they flew low over my house.
There was a knock at the door; Jenn opened it and froze.
She recognized the familiar voice and froze.
He looked up and froze.
AdvertisementShe shifted the sack of groceries to get a better look, and froze.
Jonathan froze, staring at it.
Dialing one last time, she looked up and froze.
They stepped into the cooler house, and her attention was caught by Talal, who froze in mid-stride along her path toward the northern wing.
The forest below her rustled, and she froze.
AdvertisementLana froze, hoping they didn't notice the lone figures in the middle of the field.
Kris asked. The jungle stilled around them, and the snake-like branches froze.
Vara froze mid-step as he entered.
Touching the case at her side, she froze.
They understood that the saddles and Junot's spoon might be of some use, but that cold and hungry soldiers should have to stand and guard equally cold and hungry Russians who froze and lagged behind on the road (in which case the order was to shoot them) was not merely incomprehensible but revolting.
AdvertisementSomething moved in the brush not far away and she froze.
He moved silently down the alley and had almost reached her when she froze.
She froze when she saw the disaster that was her apartment.
Deidre glanced over her shoulder and froze.
He tossed the coat and froze.
AdvertisementShe looked first in the mirror and froze.
She wiped her eyes and started to sit, then froze.
Both figures froze, before Jenn scrambled to obey.
The forest was soon filled with the sound of pursuers. Katie needed no further encouragement. She pulled her arm free and ran behind Gabriel as he kept to the invisible path. A shadow caught her attention. She glanced over and froze, tripping.
Weaving in and out of people, Jenn made her way to her street and froze.
She froze at the faint voice, unable to determine if it was the demon who spoke.
She froze for a second with the whip in the air.
She froze with fear and his voice raised an octave.
Poised in the middle of turning a page, she froze.
Xander yanked the door open and froze.
Jessi did and froze.
At this point selection ceases; the remaining molten metal freezes as a whole, and in freezing splits up into a conglomerate eutectic of (1) austenite of about 2.2% of carbon, and therefore saturated with that element, and (2) cementite; and with this eutectic is mixed the " primary " austenite which froze out as the temperature sank from v to v'.
She froze, Kyle's words about vampires returning to her.
Rhyn froze, staring at the body of his half-brother.
The Watchers blamed him for stripping the Guardians' magic when he froze time, but he began to wonder if they hadn't done it themselves.
This allowed the temperature on the grass to fall to -1.8C, the lowest of the month, that froze dew formed.
I thought for a moment the woman might cry out but my look froze her to silence.
The door opened, and he froze.
Dustin met her gaze, and he froze.
She ran her tongue across her gums again and froze.
At least she had the mind of a deity still, the memories and … She froze.
She froze at the cultured voice with its rich accent, knowing the woman at the nearest table spoke about her.
Startled, she froze, watching the giant warriors fight until Leyon wrenched her forward.
She froze, willing the man not to look left, or he'd see her.
Darian froze, listening for a moment for any sign she was somewhere else in the house.
She froze as her hands reached for her book rather than the sword.
He froze halfway down to the chair and stared at her, his startled gaze roving over her face.
Megan froze and her heart skipped a beat.
Jessi froze, listening for him.
He froze and oriented himself, suddenly aware of what he did.
By the time the army reached the little Ukrainian fortress of Hadjacz in January 1709, wine and spirits froze into solid masses of ice; birds on the wing fell dead; saliva congealed on its passage from the mouth to the ground.
Damian froze as he saw the photo of Czerno dragging Sofia to a car.
At least she had the mind of a deity still, the memories and … She froze.
The water from my radiator accidently froze at twelve midnight.
A severe frost on Christmas morning 1962 froze many water pipes.
Oil fuel froze, rubber tires broke apart and steel riggings cracked.
She froze there, her eyes irresistibly anchored on the handsome man at the piano.
Talon stumbled, and Dusty froze rather than pounced, his head whipping around.
She froze, the warmth of the magic leaving her as fear replaced it.
She froze at the sight straight out of her vision—the little boy, Cody, spread-eagled in the street near the storm drain.
A brunette woman worked to stabilize her, and Sofia froze in place.
They all froze, and a look of surprise crossed Rainy's stormy features.
Her heart slowed, and she froze inside the doorway.
She froze in the middle of the in-between place.
She opened her eyes and froze, recognizing the shadow world.
She froze then looked around to ensure no one was there to overhear them.
Gabriel froze mid-strike at his words and lowered the bo.
It froze, looking from him to the woman on the bed before his eyes settled on Katie.
She froze, surprised by his action as well as the warm shock running through her.
Surprised, she froze when she felt the knife against her cheek.
She froze with her back to him.
Brady froze and straightened from packing supplies, striding into the med center.
Lana froze, turning to see him moving.
Lana froze for a moment then started forward jerkily.
The boy froze then bolted.
He froze again and looked at her hard then shrugged.
Rhyn froze. The voice was Gabriel's, but the assassin's argument was unlike Gabe, who would know exactly what Rhyn would do after their conversation in Hell.
Kiki froze halfway through the doorway, frowning. Kris breathed a sigh, wondering how one tiny woman could make him tense enough he wanted to raze the beach.
She froze, hand on the doorknob.
She froze, horror replacing exhaustion.
Candice had started to lift her hand, but it froze as she stared at him.
She might have screamed, but memory of what happened to Alex froze her vocal cords.
A tall lean figure entered the diner and she froze – Cade.
She froze at the sight straight out of her vision—the little boy, Cody, spread-eagled in the street near the storm drain.
Rhyn scampered down the tree and fell far enough to knock his breath out. Demons flew overhead, unable to see through the canopy. He froze, watching them circle then leave, and stood, catching his breath. Fear penetrated him, colder than the rain. Katie was vulnerable. Gabe was vulnerable.
Weiland, who was singing with Velvet Revolver at the time, claimed Velvet Revolver froze him out the band when he announced his Stone Temple Pilot plans.
He froze on the bottom step, the hair at the back of his neck standing up.
She froze as their lips met.
He entered his office and froze, sensing the presence of the otherworldly being.
Oh, he got worms out of rotten logs since the ground froze, and so he caught them.