Fringed Sentence Examples
It is often decorated with a fringed border from top to bottom.
The border was fringed or was ornamented with bunches of tassels.
It stands upon the slope and summit of the cliffs above Filey Bay, which is fringed by a fine sandy beach.
Both pairs of wings similar, narrow and fringed.
Melaniidae, but mantle-border not The freely projecting fringed and reproduction oviparous.
The river is not deep and can be forded in many places; the banks are fringed with thick bush and dom-palms. At the junction of the Ganale and the Web the river is swift-flowing and 85 yards across; just below the Daua confluence it is 200 yds.
The coast and tide-water rivers are fringed with mangrove, and the sandy plain reaching back to the margin of the inland plateau is generally bare of vegetation, though the carnahuba palm (Copernicia cerifera) and some species of low-growing trees are to be found in many places.
The sea-coast, bays and tide-water rivers are still fringed with mangrove, and on the sandy shores above Cape Frio grow large numbers of the exotic cocoa-nut palm.
Long fringed robes were worn by Hittites of both sexes, and the women represented at Mar`ash and Zenjirli wear FIG.
The coast-line is fringed with small islets and shoals and reefs, which make navigation dangerous.
AdvertisementThere abound "beautifully laid out gardens, public and private, and solidly constructed roads, some of them bordered with bamboos and other delicately-fronded trees, and fringed with the luxuriant growth of semi-tropical vegetation."
The colour varies from earthy brown to blackish, and the greater part of the body is thinly covered with hair, and the ears and tail are fringed.
The bay itself is a shallow indentation of the coast, and is fringed with high picturesque cliffs, breached in places by steepsided narrow gullies.
During the months of December, January and February the rivers are frozen up, and even the Gulf of Chih-li is fringed with a broad border of ice.
The technical name, Notonecta, meaning "back-swimmer," alludes to the habit of the insect of swimming upside down, the body being propelled through the water by powerful strokes of the hind legs, which are fringed with hair and, when at rest, are extended laterally like a pair of sculls in a boat.
AdvertisementThey then become low and are fringed with mangrove swamps.
In several cases there is a canal in the centre lined with stone, and protected by low parapets or banks, while almost every street and square is fringed with trees.
The same beautiful adaptation to the surroundings exists also in Ptenopus (with fringed toes) and Stenodactylus, which are likewise deserticolous.
Each of these limbs was twobranched, the external branch consisting of a slender fringed flagellum possibly respiratory in function, and the inner of a normal jointed ambulatory leg.
The eastern coast is fringed by long-stretching sand reefs, enclosing lagoons so narrow and continuous that they are popularly called rivers.
AdvertisementIt has a relatively rapid descent toward the inner lowland, and a very gradual descent to the coast prairies, which become very low, flat and marshy before dipping under the Gulf waters, where they are generally fringed by off-shore reefs.
Nearly all the rest of the coast is fringed by off-shore reefs, built up by waves from the very shallow sea bottom; in virtue of weak tides, the reefs continue in long unbroken stretches between the few inlets.
The Gulf of St Lawrence with its much indented shores and the coast of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick supply endless harbours, the northern ones closed by ice in the winter, but the southern ones open all the year round; and on the Pacific British Columbia is deeply fringed with islands and fjords with well-sheltered harbours everywhere, in strong contrast with the unbroken shore of the United States to the south.
It is fringed by alluvial deposits and lagoons, which are for the most part of very modern formation, for as late as the 4th or 5th centuries Aquileia was a great seaport.
It now passes to the veliger phase, a definitely molluscan form, in which the disproportion between the area in front of the ciliated circlet and that behind it is very greatly increased, so that the former is now simply an emarginated region of the head fringed with cilia.
AdvertisementFormed partly by alluvium carried down by perennial streams from the mountains of Lebanon and Galilee, and fringed by great sand-dunes which the sea throws up, Phoenicia is covered with a rich and fertile soil.
Bright orange, yellow, red and purple hues predominate and are set off very effectively against the dark green pines with which the margins of the canyon are fringed, and the white foam of the river at the bottom of the chasm.
The party of travellers whose journey in 394 is narrated in the Historia monachorum found at the chief towns along the Nile from Lycopolis (Assiut or Siut) to Alexandria, and in the deserts that fringed the river, monastic habitations, sometimes of hermits, sometimes of several monks living together but rather the life of hermits than of cenobites.
On the north the hills rise gradually from the shore, which is fringed with oleander bushes and indented with small bays.
The head is long, light in the jowl, and wide between the eyes, with long thin ears inclined slightly forward and fringed with long fine hair.
The north-east shores of Lake Huron and its large expansion Georgian Bay are fringed with thousands of islands, mostly small, but one of them, Manitoulin Island, is 80 m.
The eastern coast is fringed with multitudes of small islands, and other islands, some of considerable size, are situated in the open towards the north and west.
The head of the bay is fringed with islands and reefs, behind which is the mouth of the Santiago river, Poza Harbour, San Lorenzo Bay, Pailon basin and a network of navigable channels, all of which are difficult of access.
The upper end of the bay and its northern shores are fringed with swamps through which numerous estuaries penetrate for some distance inland.
There is a low, mountainous ridge, called the Zampo Palo, running through it, and its eastern shores have some moderately high bluffs, otherwise the island is low and swampy, and its shores, except the eastern end, are fringed with mud banks.
It has the same moderately long, plump body, with a low dorsal crest, the continuation of the membrane bordering the strongly compressed tail; a large thick head with small eyes without lids and with a large pendent upper lip; two pairs of well-developed limbs, with free digits; and above all, as the most characteristic feature, three large appendages on each side of the back of the head, fringed with filaments which, in their fullest development, remind one of black ostrich feathers.
Kashmire-kitopi; jhalardar, fringed cap, &c.
The south and west coasts are fringed by about 200 islands (exclusive of islets), two-thirds of which are inhabited; 100 of them are from 100 to 2000 ft.
In places the sands are fringed by long lines of Casuarina trees; in others, and more especially in the neighbourhood of some of the river mouths, there are deep banks of black mud covered with mangroves; in others the coast presents to the sea bold headlands, cliffs, mostly of a reddish hue, sparsely clad with greenery, or rolling hills covered by a growth of rank grass.
The southern shore is fringed by a steep range of mountains, with several thriving villages along the coast.
At this point, where it pierces a range of limestone hills, the course of the river is very picturesque, fringed as it is by cliffs which rise woo ft.
The coast is here thickly fringed with islands (the skargard), through which a main channel, the Saltsjo, penetrates from the open sea, which is nearly 40 m.
The streams are fringed with willows; fruit trees and alfalfa fields fill the irrigated valleys, and the lower mountain slopes are better covered with a thorny arborescent growth.
In addition to the stretches of marsh along the coast, the eastward-flowing rivers of the Coastal Plain are fringed with large areas of swamp land, some of which is well forested.
Thus, when acting as swimming organs, the appendages, or their rami, are more or less flattened, or oar-like, and often have the margins fringed with long plumose hairs.
B, Upper and filiform and fringed surface of same; valves closed.
They have heavily fringed necks and tufted tails; the bucks carry long sublyrate and heavily ringed horns, but the does are horn- - - less.
The headlands, the deep indentations and the numerous islands in the bays and beyond produce a beautiful mingling of land and sea and give to the whole ocean front the appearance of a fringed and tasselled border; west of the mouth of the Kennebec River are a marshy shore and many low grassy islands; but east of this river the shore becomes more and more bold, rising in the precipitous cliffs and rounded summits of Mt Desert and Quoddy Head, 1527 and 1000 ft.
There are always eight tentacles, which are hollow and fringed on their sides, with hollow projections or pinnae; and always eight mesenteries, all of which are complete, i.e.
This section is fringed northwards by the sandy beach of the Caspian, here almost destitute of natural harbours, and rises somewhat abruptly inland to the second section, comprising the northern slopes and spurs of the Elburz, which approach at some points within 1 or 2 m.
All round its head and also along the body the skin bears fringed appendages resembling short fronds of sea-weed, a structure which, combined with the extraordinary faculty of assimilating the colour of the body to its surroundings, assists this fish greatly in concealing itself in places which it selects on account of the abundance of prey.
From any part of the salt tract one may see the boundary of the inner arable part of the district fringed with long lines of trees, from which every morning the villagers drive their cattle out into the saliferous plains to graze.
They lie along the course of the Andraki river, whose navigable estuary is still fringed with ruinous quays.
The violet-coloured face, which has no beard, is fringed by large bushy whiskers and surmounted by a white band above the brows.
Castres, the busiest and most populous town of its department, is intersected from north to south by the Agout; the river is fringed by old houses the upper stories of which project over its waters.
Like the highlands of Siberia, those of Turkestan are fringed by a girdle of plains, having an altitude of 1000 to 1500 ft., and these again are skirted by an immense lowland area reaching only 400, 300 and 150 ft.
Northward (the direction first to be followed) it is low, sandy and fringed with shoals, for here is one point at which the central plain extends to the coast.
The isochromatic lines, unless the dispersion be excessive, follow in the main the course of the curves of constant retardation, and the principal lines of like polarization are with a crossed polarizer and analyser dark brushes, that in certain cases are fringed with colour.
Coronae have an intensely bright central aureole which is almost white and fringed with yellows and reds.
Frogbit, fringed water lily and amphibious bistort are all attractive floating plants.
Here, the edge of the lough is fringed by stands of great fen-sedge along with other commoner swamp types.
An old borrow pit fringed by willows contains an interesting aquatic flora including spiked water milfoil and common water crowfoot.
White sand beaches fringed with palms house 14 spacious beach bungalows.
Landscape Key Characteristics Rolling drumlins with broad areas of wetland and bog in inter-drumlin hollows; small rounded loughs are fringed by moss.
The large ears are finely fringed and carried slightly inclined.
A long wooden jetty snakes out into the water from a perfect white beach fringed by mangrove trees.
Caressed by sea breezes, it offers post card views of sandy white beaches fringed with swaying palms.
The parkland character is of grazing pastures fringed with beech woods.
Thoracic limbs lack pincers, branched and fringed with hairs, and mainly used for swimming.
Beaches of soft white sand fringed by palms lead to the Indian Ocean.
The hollows, rich in S. cuspidatum, are occasionally fringed by great sundew Drosera anglica.
Black-whiskered Vireos were everywhere and we spent an enjoyable lunch break swimming in a truly tropical bay fringed with palm trees.
The chairs are William and Mary period and retain their original fringed red velvet upholstery.
Situated in an inter-drumlin wetland this small mesotrophic lake is fringed by a mosaic of notable vegetation communities.
The shores of the larger islands are fringed in some parts with a dense barrier of mangroves, backed by an often impenetrable thicket of tropical undergrowth, which, as the ridges are ascended, give place to taller trees and deep green bushes which are covered with orchids and trailing moss (orchilla), and from which creepers hang down interlacing the vegetation.
Thus, taking the continent as a whole, it may be described as a plateau, fringed by a lowlying well-watered coast, with a depressed, and for the most part arid, interior.
In the deeper valleys and on the lowlands of West Siberia the larches, pines and silver firs, intermingled with birches and aspens, attain a great size, and the streams are fringed with thickets of poplar and willow.
The shores are fringed with the mangrove; the prickly pear grows luxuriantly in the most barren districts; and wherever the ground is left to itself the sage bush springs up profusely.
They are entirely insectivorous, bask on the broiling hot sand and then can run fast enough; otherwise they are sluggish, dig themselves into the sand by a peculiar shuffling motion of the fringed edges of their flattened bodies, and when surprised they feign death.
Its eastern and southern shores are flat and marshy, the north-western craggy and fringed by numerous small rocky islands, the largest of which are Valamo and Konnevitz, together having an area of 14 sq.
You can choose a plain finished edge or opt for fringed ends.
Next, you need to decide if you like the look of a fringed rug or prefer the cleaner line of a fringeless rug.
One thing to remember when making this decision is that fringed rugs will collect more trash and debris than a fringeless rug will.
In some, a girl begins to wear the skirt after menarche; in others menarche is recognized by a change from a small leather panel skirt to a fringed skirt that wraps all the way around the body.
The flowers are borne on stout stalks, which vary in length with the depth of the water, and are beautifully fringed and suffused with pink.
S. stellata is a graceful plant from American woods, with starry white flowers deeply fringed at the edges, on stems of 18 inches high.
The flowers are small and devoid of petals, but described as glowing like red fringed buttons all along the stems in early spring.
Annual flowers raised from the scarlet Poppy of our fields, in varied colors; single and double forms, some self-colored, and others variegated or fringed.
A newer species is the Chinese C. retusus, which is not so pretty, though its flowers are white and fringed.
Listeri, is charming, with spikes of soft rosy flowers beautifully fringed at the edges.
Bristly Green Briar (Smilax Bona-Nox) - The root-stocks have large tubers; the stems are slightly angled, the branches often four-angled, the leaves green and shining on both sides, and their margins fringed with needle-like prickles.
Fringed Houseleek (Sempervivum Fimbriatum) - One of the most profusely blooming kinds, the dark rose-colored flowers appearing in summer on stems 6 to 10 inches high.
The leaves, which are in small rosettes, are smooth on both sides, strongly fringed, and terminate in a long point, being marked at the end with a large purple spot.
The flowers of the Schizocodon are like those of a large Soldanella, prettily fringed, deep rose in the centre, passing into blush or almost white towards the edges.
Phlomis Tuberosa - In good soils, 3 to 5 feet, with handsome dark-green leaves and dense whorls of rosy-purple flowers in summer, partly fringed with white hairs.
The grassy leaf tufts reach dinner-plate dimensions, and yield numerous pretty fringed flowers of lilac hue with rich orange centres.
S. pusilla has kidney-shaped leaves, and a corolla less deeply fringed.
The very small S. minima, with its minute round leaves and its single flower, fringed for a portion of its length only, is rare.
Good single kinds are Maid of the Mist, white with finely fringed petals; The Bride, also white; Flag of Truce, Miss Sherwood, with pale pink edges; Danebrog, a very handsome flower in scarlet and white; and Mephisto, scarlet and black.
The double forms are yet more varied, including those known as the Carnation and Paeony-flowered Poppies, the first with fringed petals, and the second with very full broad ones.
H. blephariglottis bears in July spikes of white flowers beautifully fringed.
H. fimbriata has a long spike of lilac-purple flowers beautifully fringed.
S. Walkeri is a curious cruciferous half-hardy annual from Chili, about 1 foot high, with slender stems, and numerous white almond-scented elegantly fringed blossoms.
T. dependens bears white bell-shaped flowers fringed around the mouth, drooping gracefully from the under side of the branches of an elegant evergreen shrub, which thrives in the open air in our warmest coast gardens.
The short dress features a black, fringed hem.
Remember to add suede fringed boots and a peace symbol necklace to complete the look.
For example, if you're unhappy about wrinkles around your eyes, opt for a fringed cut to frame that area, and just brush the fringes forward when you style.
Push away bangs and fringed bangs add versatile sexiness that is easy to style and becoming on every face shape.
If reptiles are more your thing, the Fringed Reptile bikini might be the perfect suit for you.
Shop at Faith21 for fringed halter tops that look a lot like a handkerchief top, but don't leave your back exposed.
For super easy fringed ornaments, buy double-sided tape at the craft store.
Whether you opt for fringed boots or beaded sandals, your shoes will be of significant importance, so make sure you plan wisely and opt for casual suede shoe.
Designs vary widely, from fringed black leather to vintage and leather designs.
The Purrfect Present carries a fringed cute black and white cat tapestry tote bag for a look that is a little bit glam.
All you need to do is toss it on with fun socks or sandals, a complementary smoking jacket or fringed coat, and a headscarf like 1970s Rhoda.
The look is rounded out by long sleeves and a slightly fringed and flirty hem.
The river banks, however, are fringed with trees, and in the more undulating lands the timber belts vary from a few hundreds of yards to 5 or 10 m.
On the east coast the force of the north-east monsoon, which beats upon the shores of the China Sea annually from November to February, has kept the land for the most part free from mangroves, and the sands, broken here and there by rocky headlands thickly wooded, and fringed by casuarina trees, stretch for miles without interruption.
On both the east and the west coast the islands are thickly wooded, but whereas the former are surrounded by beautiful sands and beaches, the latter are fringed by mangrove-swamps.
The coast in the vicinity of Dives is fringed with small watering-places, those of Cabourg (to the west) and of Beuzeval and Houlgate (to the east) being practically united with it.
The Trichopterygidae, with their delicate narrow fringed wings, are the smallest of all beetles, while the Platypsyllidae consist of only a single species of curious form found on the beaver.
The coast is fringed by numerous islands, in some instances separated only by narrow straits from the mainland.
On the dome-like tops of such mountains as are too high for trees are large clusters of rhododendrons and patches of grasses fringed with flowers.
It is fringed on either side by high border ridges, which -subside on the north-west into a stretch of high plains, 1500 to 2000 ft.
The latter is fringed throughout its whole length by a chain of dunes, which rise in places to a height of nearly 200 ft.
Spire of shell somewhat elongated; mantle-border fringed; viviparous; fluviatile.
Almuces were occasionally made of silk or wool, but from the 13th century onward usually of fur, the hem being sometimes fringed with tails.
The surface of the peninsula was very hilly and irregular, the shore-line was deeply indented with coves, and there were salt marshes that fringed the neck and the river-channel and were left oozy by the ebbing tides.
Industry and Commerce.-Boston is fringed with wharves.
These larvae are minute oval creatures with a comparatively short apically fringed caudal prolongation and furnished with two pairs of short two-clawed processes, which may represent the limbs of anthropods and possibly the two pairs of legs found in Acari of the family Eriophyidae.
The coast rises in a succession of hills (fringed by a narrow margin of beach) until Cape Guardafui is reached.
The Eure, which at this point divides into three branches, is crossed by several bridges, some of them ancient, and is fringed in places by remains of the old fortifications, of which the Porte Guillaume (14th century), a gateway flanked by towers, is the most complete specimen.
Several low chains of mountains have their base on the lower terrace and run from south-west to north-east; they are known as the Nerchinsk Mountains in Transbaikalia, and their continuations reach the northern parts of the Gobi.4 The great plateau is fringed on the north-west by a series of lofty border-ranges, which have their southern base on the plateau and their northern at a much lower level.
She was represented standing, in a long tunic; on her head was a helmet, ornamented with sphinxes and griffins; on her breast was the aegis, fringed with serpents and the Gorgon's head in centre.
Sometimes, however, it was of matting or was seated with leather, or it would take the form of a narrow fringed girdle resembling that of many African tribes.
It is fringed, along the coasts, by low-lying marshes and lagoons, alternating with tracts of rich soil and wastes of sand.
The cliffs of the Head, however, are pierced with caverns and fringed with rocks of fantastic outline.
The mild winter climate has fringed the coast with seaside resorts, the rugged heights attract tourists in summer, and the vast masses of slate have given rise to the largest slate quarries in the world.
Thence over the whole southward stretch to Mizen Head in county Cork is found that physical appearance of a cliff-bound coast fretted with deep fjord-like inlets and fringed with many islands, which throughout the world is almost wholly confined to western seaboards.
The coast west of the mouth of the Isonzo is fringed by lagoons, and has the same character as the Venetian coast, while the Gulf of Trieste and the Istrian peninsula have a steep coast with many bays and safe harbours.
A number of petty peoples, of whom little definite is known, fringed Palestine from the south of Judah and the Delta to the Syrian desert.
This lies in the anterior part of a groove fringed with hairs on the inferior petal.