Friend Sentence Examples
You're my most perfect friend in the entire world.
Sleep was not her friend during the day.
This time, my sweet little friend will assist me!
A friend, certainly, but their relationship was also romantic so best friend didn't seem like a good description.
Acquaintances were shallow and many, but if a person had one true friend in a lifetime, they were blessed.
Connie was a friend like that.
She is my best friend.
I want my best friend back, too.
I turned and left the room with my friend weeping on the bed.
The moon will not sour milk nor taint meat of mine, nor will the sun injure my furniture or fade my carpet; and if he is sometimes too warm a friend, I find it still better economy to retreat behind some curtain which nature has provided, than to add a single item to the details of housekeeping.
AdvertisementHer friend called today.
Was that what he was hinting at when he said she was his best friend - that he needed someone to talk to?
It's my friend in there who was assaulted.
Now, dear friend, Please accept these few words because of the love that is linked with them.
I surely deserve the comfort of a little friend to sooth my troubled mind.
AdvertisementDear and precious Friend, How terrible and frightful a thing is separation!
The birds were silent, watching her to see if she was friend or foe.
Annie was my friend, not Howie.
You're the only one of us who is his longtime friend.
I enjoyed it last September until I became bored; I even had a little friend, as I recall.
AdvertisementI was calling my friend.
You're the best friend I've ever had and things around here could never be the same without you.
Is he your friend?
The grown-up members of the family, not to mention his wife, were pleased to have back a friend whose presence made life run more smoothly and peacefully.
I went to see a friend.
AdvertisementI could use a friend.
He may be a very bad man but we won't know until we have a friend of ours check the license plate.
He'd never gotten over her friend refusing to date him after she dumped him.
He's been my friend for almost t…ten years.
From your loving little friend, HELEN A. KELLER.
Pierre looked at his friend and, noticing that he did not like the conversation, gave no reply.
Solitude had always been her friend.
Lisa tugged her friend by the arm.
Lisa half dragged her gapping friend down the hall.
Even so, I don't know anyone who admits to understanding him - much less calling him a friend.
Mr. Cade, do you mind if I have a friend over now and then?
Cynthia removed the rag from her face and stared at her friend.
Where can I find you, my next little friend?
But first I need company and the affection of a sweet little friend.
It's not easy information to pull up but I have a friend.
Dusty's words floored him, and Damian couldn't help but feel hurt that his best friend hadn't told him of his suspicions sooner.
After eleven pairs of shoes, two stray dogs who gave up on me, and a girl friend who skipped off with a coal truck driver in West Virginia, here I am.
Then it is beautiful to observe with what patience, sweetness, and perseverance Helen endeavours to bring the unruly fingers of her little friend into proper position.
Mortemart, Hippolyte's friend, addressed him firmly.
We were delighted when Brandon called and told us he was bringing a friend.
Can she describe our chubby friend with the mustache?
Her friend, Mr. John Hitz, whose native tongue is German, says that her pronunciation is excellent.
Another friend, who is as familiar with French as with English, finds her French much more intelligible than her English.
Indeed, when some friend is trying to speak to Miss Keller, and the attempt is not proving successful, Miss Sullivan usually helps by spelling the lost words into Miss Keller's hand.
She and all the Rostov family welcomed him as an old friend, simply and cordially.
She is the first person in this house; she's my best friend, cried the prince.
Besides the Bezukhov family, Nicholas' old friend the retired General Vasili Dmitrich Denisov was staying with the Rostovs this fifth of December.
She must be friend.
Jane, our GPS, as Betsy named her, didn't let us down and we found our friend's cabin at the end of a dusty road, hungry for dinner after a six hour drive.
Four dissimilar individuals, tied to a damaged being known only to one of us who at one time hated him for the loss of her friend.
Now play time with my frightened friend will be hurried.
I drove by earlier with my family and we thought we saw a friend's rig back in the corner.
Darian was gone, Jonny distracted by his newfound gun, and she in need of a friend.
Jule was my closest friend until things went to shit.
Dropping it now would be like losing another friend.
Now he's a friend.
She seemed untroubled that her best friend tried to seduce her husband.
Humphries is out of the system, according to a friend of mine.
Is that your friend?
I think my wife, a friend and a young girl are shopping at your mall and I believe they're in danger!
It's a dare, my little friend.
Preferably if the friend is a doctor?
If you're interested in being the friend of someone like me.
As much as Jake annoyed her, he was still her friend.
The Immortal who posed as her only friend and surgeon for years – who also nearly killed her – stood before her.
She's missing her friend Caleb since he and his parents left.
I think he's a friend of Mr. Westlake.
My friend Mrs. Worthington saw it.
He's a good friend.
She wasn't going to lose her only friend, not after all he'd done for her.
As much as she loved her friend, she couldn't help feeling betrayed.
He was probably the best friend the girls had.
One friend suggests she advertise on dating sites.
No, but you are so nice... but it won't do...not that... but as a friend, I shall always love you.
As for Luke the Fluke, he sounds like John Luke Grasso to a tee and a prime suspect for killing my friend's sister.
He was calm and patient as always, but she wasn't about to piss off her last friend on the planet.
She couldn't … couldn't bear the thought of another friend dying because of her!
Frustrated with herself for assuming the worst about her remaining friend, she returned to the veranda.
His friend was troubled, and he didn.t know why.
She'd keep an eye on her friend to make sure nothing else happened.
She'd lost the ability to feel anger-- or feel at all-- and just wondered what her friend wanted.
She'd known her friend to be a little arrogant, but this was something different.
More of a friend she could trust.
A friend can take you beyond the security measures.
Thinking he needed to say goodbye to an old friend, she agreed.
His friend was dying and instead of getting the support he needed from his family, he had been sworn to silence.
He was the son of Thomas Ken of Furnival's Inn, who belonged to an ancient stock, - that of the Kens of Ken Place, in Somersetshire; his mother was a daughter of the now forgotten poet, John Chalkhill, who is called by Walton an "acquaintant and friend of Edmund Spenser."
When her friend added that some of the pupils he had seen in Budapest had more than one hundred tunes in their heads, she said, laughing, "I think their heads must be very noisy."
They have no friend Iolaus to burn with a hot iron the root of the hydra's head, but as soon as one head is crushed, two spring up.
I hope, my dear friend, you will carry out your father's wish?
Such a friend that I burned my arm for her sake.
Returning from his journey through South Russia in the happiest state of mind, Pierre carried out an intention he had long had of visiting his friend Bolkonski, whom he had not seen for two years.
Marya Ignatevna Peronskaya, a thin and shallow maid of honor at the court of the Dowager Empress, who was a friend and relation of the countess and piloted the provincial Rostovs in Petersburg high society, was to accompany them to the ball.
Ah, my friend, it has of late become hard for me to live.
Without taking leave of his new friend, Pierre left the gate with unsteady steps and returning to his room lay down on the sofa and immediately fell asleep.
Once she had a talk with her friend Natasha about Sonya and about her own injustice toward her.
When Lisa questioned Sarah about the car, she passed it off as a friend of Giddon's, and quickly changed the subject.
Damian suspected what kind of hell Dusty had been through and was pleased to see his trusted friend looking good.
Cynthia Dean, in hoping for further confirmation that the bones had been switched, tried to contact the parents of Caleb Jones, Martha's friend who was with her in the mine.
Dean was more than pleased to hear his old friend's voice.
Gabriel knew his friend well enough to know he was contemplating.
Though rough around the edges, Rhyn was the best friend Gabriel had ever had.
She recalled clearly the decision she'd forced him to make and kicking him out of her bed, the moment he resigned his soul to her to save his friend's life.
If nothing else, Wynn was going to make a terrific friend.
Gabe turned towards Rhyn, in sore need of a pep talk as only his best friend could provide.
Jared was a thorn in Darkyn's side, but he was also a friend of the half-demon Rhyn.
She showered and left her room, mourning the loss of her last good friend.
I already got one friend killed by a demon, Deidre said, guilt assailing her at the memory of Logan.
This is my friend, Wynn.
Her longtime friend was impossible to read, as usual, and she saw the similarity in features between him and Andre.
Death gave him a pointed look, waiting for him to jump to his friend's defense as he always did.
Would you do anything for your friend?
Just say yes, you'll do anything for your friend, and I'll spare him a little longer.
I have one friend in the universe.
Evelyn, her best friend and landlord, shifted beside her before waving a manicured hand at the clear night above them and asking, "Ever wonder what's out there?"
And she smiled, happy for her friend and not too unhappy with her choice of husband-to-be.
I mean, this is supposed to be you starting your lives together, not hauling around your poor spinster of a friend who's about to be abandoned.
Her friend hadn't been joking about her being considered petite and unique.
Kiera looked at her friend, guilty for hurting her feelings despite her need to return to her own world.
What had started out as a favor to her friend was turning into something else.
Even after a month she couldn't go a night without thinking of her friend.
She'd dreamt of Evelyn last night and awoke missing her friend.
No, telling him that she didn't like his most trusted friend seemed … petty.
She wondered if he felt hurt at his best friend's betrayal but didn't have the nerve to ask.
She didn't doubt Jetr had reached out to Evelyn, or her friend would never have come.
I've been a friend of his family for generations.
It strikes me the boy could use a friend.
A neighbor friend tried to call me but they didn't know my married name.
He pulled himself up onto the horse beside his friend's.
A gift from his Dad, Ed had always been a good friend and listener.
Ed wasn't too crazy about the arrangement, but castrating a 23-year old stallion wasn't something he would want to do even if it wasn't his friend.
My friend's name is Aaron Blankenship and his co-worker's name is Robert Sein.
When his friend knocked on the door, he waited for Carmen to answer it and when Gerald made the introductions, Alex said nothing – not even when Rob made a comment that would normally have raised an eyebrow.
This wasn't his friend and he wasn't going to defend or reprimand him.
He offered to dig the grave but his friend was supposed to pick him up for an overnight, so she told him to go back to the house so he wouldn't get dirty.
Gerald was here because Alex was his friend.
I'm also a friend.
Her stupidity had cost a life this time – the life of a dear friend.
No. He was your friend.
Gerald is Alex's friend.
It must have been terrible for you – having to make a promise to a dying friend like that.
No, he caught me in the parking lot and said you were helping a friend, but you wanted to invite me to this party.
Eden had been more than a friend, assuming the role of Xander's mother when his died.
Jonny sent another note, this one detailing the activities of Ashley's day down to the license plate number of the friend Ashley ditched school to meet.
Will you let my friend here leave?
He joined a small crowd of people gathered around the unmistakable body of Xander and his friend, Jule.
He and his friend fought hard, with the intensity of men who fought for a purpose other than exercise.
He didn't seem surprised to see his alleged friend.
Germanicus, whom he sent to the East, concluded a treaty with Artabanus, in which he was recognized as king and friend of the Romans.
He entered the Protestant Church, and in 1663, through the influence of his friend Abraham Heidanus, who had assisted him in his greatest need, he obtained a poorly paid lectureship at the university.
Patroclus, the friend of Achilles, who came to the help of the Greeks, was slain by Hector with the help of Apollo.
The Jews in particular had a friend at court.
He had sought the acquaintance of Benjamin Franklin, who was a friend of his sister Miss Howe, a clever eccentric woman well known in London society, and had already tried to act as a peacemaker.
This friend had not considered it an obstacle to ordination.
A friend of compromise, like most of the men of his cloth, Wallqvist dissuaded all revolutionary expedients at the outset, though when the king proved immovable the bishop materially smoothed the way before him.
A considerable legend has attached itself to Nicholas through the persistent but mistaken identification of him with the mysterious "Friend of God from the Oberland," the "double" of Rulman Merswin, the Strassburg banker who was one of the leaders of the 14th-century German mystics known as the Friends of God.
The identity and personality of this "Friend of God," who bulks so largely in the great collection of mystical literature, and is everywhere treated as a half supernatural character, is one of the most difficult problems -in the history of mysticism.
Jundt (Les Amis de Dieu, 1879) shared Preger's view that the Friend was a great unknown who lived in or near Chur (Coire) in Switzerland.
And as all the writings bear the marks of a single authorship it has been assumed, especially by Denifle, that "the Friend of God" is a literary creation of Merswin and that the whole collection of literature is the work of Merswin (and his school), tendencyliterature designed to set forth the ideals of the movement to which he had given his life.
During the trying winter of 1854-55, the suffering he was compelled to witness, the censures, in great part unjust, which he had to endure and all the manifold anxieties of the siege seriously undermined his health, and although he found a friend and ardent supporter in his new French colleague, General Pelissier (q.v.), disappointment at the failure of the assault of the 18th of June 1855 finally broke his spirit, and very shortly afterwards, on the 28th of June 1855, he died of dysentery.
At Naples he was tried as a traitor, and on the 29th of October was beheaded with his friend and companion Frederick of Baden, titular duke of Austria.
In 1544, in spite of some opposition, he founded a university at Konigsberg, where he appointed his friend Osiander to a professorship in 1549.
He was the son of a tailor, and was left an orphan in his eighth year; but, through the kindness of a friend, admission was gained for him into the military school of his native town, which was then under the direction of the Benedictines of Saint-Maur.
A remarkable man now comes to the front - Dion, the friend and disciple of Plato - and for a time the trusted political adviser of his nephew Dionysius.
She pretty certainly was the chief cause of his early introduction to good society, the abbe de Chateauneuf (his sponsor in more ways than one) having been her friend.
The Henriade had got on considerably during the journey, and, according to his lifelong habit, the poet, with the help of his friend Thieriot and others, had been "working the oracle" of puffery.
He returned to France during the Consulate, and in 1801 married the marquise de Lescure, widow of his brother's friend, who was mortally wounded at Cholet.
In 687 he retired to Farne, and died on the island on the 10th of March 687, the same day as his friend Hereberht, the anchorite of Derwentwater.
Although Louis Philippe had been his friend since the days of the Revolution, he accepted no office from the monarchy of July.
From this time he lived mostly in retirement, finding a congenial home with Lord Weymouth, his friend from college days, at Longleat in Wiltshire; and though pressed to resume his diocese in 1703, upon the death of Bishop Kidder, he declined, partly on the ground of growing weakness, but partly no doubt from his love for the quiet life of devotion which he was able to lead at Longleat.
An opponent of church government in any form, he was no friend to the rigid and tyrannical Presbyterianism of the day, and inclined to Independency and Cromwell's party.
About this time he was hampered by the persistent opposition of the vicechancellor Mikhail Vorontsov, formerly his friend, now his jealous rival, who was secretly supported by Frederick the Great.
The accession of Russia to the anti-Prussian coalition (1756) was made over his head, and the cowardice and incapacity of Bestuzhev's friend, the Russian commander-in-chief, Stephen Apraksin, after the battle of Gross-Jagersdorf (1757), was made the pretext for overthrowing the chancellor.
The last-named studied under him (78-77 B.C.), and speaks as his admirer and friend.
At first he was a friend of King John, whose illegitimate daughter, Joanna, he took to wife (1201); but the alliance soon fell through, and in 1211 John reduced Llewelyn to submission.
In 1597 Libavius described a "peculiar kind of tin" which was prepared in India, and of which a friend had given him a quantity.
On his recovery Peter's fondness for his friend overcame his sense of justice.
She was buried at St Denis, her funeral oration being pronounced by her friend Bossuet, and it was asserted that she had been poisoned by order of her husband.
This means very much, though his modesty led him to call in the aid of his friend Saul to cope with the new and expanding situation (25 f.).
After the death of his more moderateminded friend Adolf Sander (March 9th, 1845), Hecker's tone towards the government became more and more bitter.
Among its early members Cogers Hall reckoned John Wilkes, one of its first presidents, and Curran, who in 1773 writes to a friend that he spent a couple of hours every night at the Hall.
And, although that monarch was ostensibly the friend of Florence, they did not hesitate, even in his presence, to assert their own independence, and, casting the Florentine ensign, the Marzocco, into the Arno, made instant preparations for war.
Under the influence of his friend and instructor, the Mollah Ahmed Effendi, he became, nominally at least, a full Osmanli, and entering the Turkish service, was afterwards secretary to Fuad Pasha.
Montmorin did not dare to come to a decision without consulting his masterful friend, but on the other hand neither Mirabeau nor La Marck were under any illusions as to the broken character of the reed on which they had perforce to lean.
At the next vacancy, not later than 409, he succeeded to the bishopric of Nola, and this office he held with ever-increasing honour until his death, which occurred shortly after that of Augustine, whose friend he was, in 431.
Many great men were glad to call him their friend, and even kings asked his advice and were amused by his fables.
I had another tree friend, gentle and more approachable than the great oak--a linden that grew in the dooryard at Red Farm.
The only person that we supposed might possibly have read the story to Helen was her friend, Mrs. Hopkins, whom she was visiting at the time in Brewster.
Dear friend, I can do nothing.
You'd put me in the position of choosing my freedom or my friend's life?
This sacrifice was the least he could do for his friend.
Gabriel was his only friend who didn't judge him.
Wanting to give his friend, Rhyn, a moment of peace with his dead-dead parents, he waited until Rhyn was gone before withdrawing from the shadows.
To see my friend and protect his mate.
He still didn.t doubt his friend or his decision, but he was the only one.
She left him alone in the dark with his thoughts, and he began to understand more how his friend Rhyn felt in a world that was pitted against him.
Rhyn watched him, concerned at finding his sole friend so affected by the recent change in his life.
Whatever that brings, been my only brother and friend, Rhyn replied in the same tone.
Rhyn brought you here to help our friend, Lankha.
You forget, Kris, he was my brother, too, and I considered him a friend.
Another Sanctuary maybe, so I can find my friend Ully?
Katie tried to suppress it, not wanting to offend her friend, but it escaped.
Gabriel had been a friend to all the Council members, though he suspected the assassin favored Rhyn the most.
You need a healer, my friend.
With a sinking heart, he realized he.d lost the Jade who.d been his friend and lover for a few hundred years.
Something was drastically altered about his friend, and the thin collar around his neck told Kris everything he needed to know.
Even as he spoke the words, he knew he'd never disregard his friend.
Kiera managed a hurt tone and rolled on her side to frown at her blurry best friend of fifteen years.
She didn't want to lose the friend she regarded as a sister.
Her first thought went to Evelyn's wedding, and another thrill went through her as she realized she could actually afford something nice for her friend.
You show up on your in-laws' doorstep with your friend in tow?
He wondered if years of disappointment had driven his most trusted friend away as greed did Ne'Rin's father.
She was doing what she thought was best for her friend, and Kiera would hate that.
She met Romas's eyes over her friend's head.
She took it absent-mindedly and followed her friend through the mansion.
Evelyn left Kiera's room with a frown, uncertain how to make everything up to her friend.
Why was she worried about upsetting her friend when her friend hadn't given her the same consideration?
Not only had she been dragged to another planet by her best friend, but now she was about to be betrayed by a prisoner she tried to free.
It was a good, perfect little life, so much more than she ever expected, with the exception that her best friend in the universe-- Kiera-- might as well have been dead to her as far as Romas and his clan were concerned.
That Kiera's warrior was at least willing to do something so painful gave her some hope for her friend.
Evelyn knew she didn't deserve to feel at peace after the mess she dragged Kiera into, but she did feel it, and it made her genuinely content for the first time since she'd kidnapped her best friend.
It was very unlike his friend and second-in-command to allow his control to slip in such a drastic way.
A'Ran crossed his arms, more hesitant to consider his second in command-- and closest friend-- being a traitor now that his sister was involved with Ne'Rin.
That she, a starving artist who'd been dragged across the universe because her best friend felt sorry for her, was the key to saving an entire race of people was unimaginable.
Kiera stood dumbly, staring at her friend.
She loved her friend but understood if Evelyn was there, it wasn't necessarily for her.
Kiera said nothing, trying to think the best of her friend while anger stirred.
Kiera rose and turned away, wondering how her friend was so clueless while standing in front of her painting of A'Ran.
Instead, they literally forced her to wed Jerome Shipton, a widowed family friend twelve years her senior.
But Gladys' friend is another problem.
It was a scene from another time as Dean's friend and his smiling wife handed the reins to the urban couple.
She did attempt to engage an uninterested climber in a conversation about her Great-aunt Annie being one of the founders of the Ouray Woman's Club, back in 1897 and how she helped form the Ouray Library, with her friend, the famous millionaire, of Hope Diamond fame, Tom Walsh.
Now, six months later, in spite of the windshield pockmarked from the gravel roads of Ouray County, it felt like an old friend.
I got the word from this friend, an old maid clerk who likes me 'cause I didn't treat her like shit like everyone else does.
Your very good friend Sheriff Weller is busy chasing speeders and bike-nappers.
Dean slapped his friend on the back.
Pleased to meet any friend of Donnie's and Bird Song.
The long-term prognosis looked good and arrangements made for a friend to stay with her during her convalescence.
His face lit up in a smile at seeing his friend and the two bounced over to the sofa together.
Reumont was the friend and adviser of Frederick William IV.
A complete edition of his dramatic works, edited by his friend and rival Tamayo y Baus, has been published in seven volumes (Madrid, 1881 - 1885).
The unknown author, as may be inferred from the treatise itself, did not write to make money, but to oblige his relative and friend Herennius, for whose instruction he promises to supply other works on grammar, military matters and political administration.
Still more famous was Albert, count of Mansfeld (1480-1560), an intimate friend of Luther and one of the earliest and staunchest supporters of the Reformation.
He then followed the fortunes of his friend Maurice, the new elector of Saxony, deserted Charles, and joined the league which proposed to overthrow the emperor by an alliance with Henry II.
His most influential friend was Pompey, who, when settling the affairs of Asia (63 or 62 B.C.), rewarded him with the title of king and an increase of territory (Lesser Armenia).
He was a favourite of the gods, and an intimate friend of Achilles, to whom he was commissioned to announce the death of Patroclus.
His character is drawn in most favourable colours as a good son, a loving husband and father, and a trusty friend.
Then Achilles, to revenge his friend's death, returned to the war, slew Hector, dragged his body behind his chariot to the camp, and afterwards round the tomb of Patroclus.
The leading earlier Cynics were Antisthenes, Diogenes of Sinope, Crates of Thebes, and Zeno; in the later Roman period, the chief names are Demetrius (the friend of Seneca), Oenomaus and Demonax.
After the death of Voltaire (1778), whose friend and correspondent he had been for more than thirty years, he was regarded as the leader of the philosophical party in the Academy.
The persecution of the Lollards, which began with the burning statute of 1401, may be accounted for by Henry's own orthodoxy, or by the influence of Archbishop Arundel, his one faithful friend.
The first American-built loccmotive, the Best Friend, of Charleston, was made at the West Point Foundry, New York, in 1830, and was put to work on the South Carolina railroad in that year.
A second engine, the West Point, also built at West Point Foundry for the South Carolina railroad, differed from the Best Friend in having a horizontal boiler with 6 or 8 tubes, though in other respects it was similar.
In the following year he made his first acquaintance with the literature of Spain under the influence of his friend and biographer, Ticknor; and, while its attractiveness proved greater than he had at the outset anticipated, the comparative novelty of the subject as a field for research served as an additional stimulus.
His first introduction to the historic scenes the study of which afterwards formed the passion of his life took place in 1751, when, while along with his father visiting a friend in Wiltshire, he discovered in the library " a common book, the continuation of Echard's Roman History."
Deyverdun, a young Swiss with whom he had formed a close and intimate friendship during his first residence at Lausanne, and finally decided in favour of the land which was his " friend's by birth " and " his own by adoption."
Lord Sheffield merely replies, somewhat weakly it must be said, that his friend never intended the words to be taken literally.
Having sold all his property except his library - to him equally a necessary and a luxury - Gibbon repaired to Lausanne in September 1783, and took up his abode with his early friend Deyverdun, now a resident there.
He was essentially humane; and it is worthy of notice that he was in favour of the abolition of slavery, while humane men like his friend Lord Sheffield, Dr Johnson and Boswell were opposed to the antislavery movement.
He died at Bournemouth on the 21st of December 1889, and was succeeded in the episcopate by Westcott, his schoolfellow and lifelong friend.
Provence about 360, but he spent the early part of his life in the monastery of Bethlehem with his friend Germanus, and his affinities were always Eastern rather than Western.
He was also of a most humane disposition and a friend of Liberal institutions.
In 1215 the bishop of Toulouse, Dominic's great friend, established them in a church and house of the city, and Dominic went to Rome to obtain the permission of Innocent III.
He was canonized in 1234 by Gregory IX., who, as Cardinal Ugolino, had been the great friend and supporter both of Dominic and of Francis of Assisi.
He served first in Holland, and in the Thirty Years' War he commanded from 1638 to 1639 the French contingent in the army of his friend Bernard of SaxeWeimar, distinguishing himself particularly at the siege of Breisach in 1638.
The date of this interview is probably determined by the fact that Aristotle visited his friend Hermias, tyrant of Atarneus, in 347-345 B.C. There is no reason to doubt the probability or even the accuracy of the narrative.
Warned by the change of his friend's manner Judas fled.
But Hyrcanus was well content to forgo the title to political power, which he could not exercise in practice, and Antony had been a friend of Antipater.
Their opponents also had secured a friend at court and seem to have prevented any effective measure of redress.
Small coteries of Jewish minor poets and philosophers were formed, and men like Kalonymos and Immanuel - Dante's friend - shared the versatility and culture of Italy.
Mendelssohn became a warm friend of Lessing, the hero of whose drama Nathan the Wise was drawn from the Dessau Jew.
The panegyrics of Aldus Manutius require to be received with some caution, since he was given to exaggerating the merits of his friend, and uses almost the same language about a young Pole named Stanilaus Niegosevski; see John Black's Life of Torquato Tasso, ii.
The first house of the Brethren was founded at Deventer by Gerhard Groot and his youthful friend Florentius Radewyn; and here Thomas a Kempis received his training.
However, he regarded St Anselm as his friend, and he showed the customary liberality to religious houses.
Auguste Marie Raymond, prince d'Arenberg, known as the Comte de la Marck, was a Flemish nobleman who had been proprietary colonel of a German regiment in the service of France; he was a close friend of the queen, and had been elected a member of the states-general.
He saw also that much of the inefficiency of the Assembly arose from the inexperience of the members and their incurable verbosity; so, to establish some system of rules, he got his friend Romilly to draw up a detailed account of the rules and customs of the English House of Commons, which he translated into French, but which the Assembly, puffed up by a belief in its own merits, refused to use.
Dumont was a Genevese exile, and an old friend of Romilly's, who willingly prepared for him those famous addresses which Mirabeau used to make the Assembly pass by sudden bursts'of eloquent declamation; Claviere helped him in finance, and not only worked out his figures, but even wrote his financial discourses; Lamourette wrote the speeches on the civil constitution of the clergy; Reybaz not only wrote for him his famous speeches on the assignats, the organization of the national guard, and others, which Mirabeau read word for word at the tribune, but even the posthumous speech on succession to the estates of intestates, which Talleyrand read in the Assembly as the last work of his dead friend.
In 1790 he conducted the military operations on the Dniester and held his court at Jassy with more than Asiatic pomp. In 1791 he returned to St Petersburg where, along with his friend Bezborodko (q.v.), he made vain efforts to overthrow the new favourite, Zubov, and in four months spent 850,000 roubles in banquets and entertainments, a sum subsequently reimbursed to him from the treasury.
There he would be in close connexion with his friend and patron Spencer Compton, 2nd earl of Northampton.
Here he became private chaplain to Richard Vaughan, 2nd earl of Carbery (1600-1686), whose hospitable mansion, Golden Grove, is immortalized in the title of Taylor's still popular manual of devotion, and whose first wife was a constant friend of Taylor.
From time to time Jeremy Taylor appears in London in the company of his friend Evelyn, in whose diary and correspondence his name repeatedly occurs.
A very charming piece of work of a lighter kind was inspired by a question from his friend, Mrs Katherine Phillips (the "matchless Orinda"), asking "How far is a dear and perfect friendship authorized by the principles of Christianity?"
In 1658, through the kind offices of his friend John Evelyn, Taylor was offered a lectureship in Lisburn, Ireland, by Edward Conway, second Viscount Conway.
The first biographer of Jeremy Taylor was his friend and successor, George Rust, who preached a funeral sermon (in 1668) which remains a valuable document.
Oldham wrote other satires, notably one "addressed to a friend about to leave the university," which contains a well-known description of the state of slavery of the private chaplain, and another "dissuading from poetry," describing the ingratitude shown to Edmund Spenser, whose ghost is the speaker, to Samuel Butler and to Abraham Cowley.
In October 1838 Louis was sent with a friend to the metropolis, to a school in the Quartier Latin, preparatory to the Ecole normale.
Up to that time he had never seen a silkworm, and hesitated to attempt so difficult a task; but at the reiterated request of his friend he consented, and in June 1865 went to the south of France for the purpose of studying the disease on the spot.
In Paris he frequented the salons, especially those of Mme Graffigny - whose niece, Mlle de Ligniville ("Minette"), afterwards Mme Helvetius and his lifelong friend, he is supposed at one time to have wished to marry - Mme Geoffrin, Mme du Deffand, Mlle de Lespinasse and the duchesse d'Enville.
Even his friend Malesherbes thought he was too rash, and was, moreover, himself discouraged and wished to resign.
Two newspapers were open to him - the Traveller, edited by a friend of Bentham's, and the Morning Chronicle, edited by his father's friend Black.
Bucer was his friend at Cambridge, and he preached Bucer's funeral sermon in 1551.
About 1299 a regency was appointed in Scotland in the name of Baliol, and a letter of Baliol mentions Robert Bruce, lord of Carrick, as regent, along with William of Lamberton, bishop of St Andrews, and John Comyn the younger, a strange combination - Lamberton the friend of Wallace, Comyn the enemy of Bruce, and Bruce a regent in name of Baliol.
Thence he went to Kohistan, where the governor, Nasir Lek, was his intimate and devoted friend, and received him with great ceremony upon the frontier.
Firdousi confided to him that he contemplated writing a bitter exposition of his shameful treatment at the hands of the sultan of Ghazni; but Nasir Lek, who was a personal friend of the latter, dissuaded him from his purpose, but himself wrote and remonstrated with Mahmud.
Cardinal David Beton, the head of the French and Catholic party and therefore Mary of Lorraine's friend and ally, produced a will of the late king in which the primacy in the regency was assigned to himself.
As the attendance at his classes continually increased - pagans thronging; to him as well as Christians - he handed over the beginners to his friend Heracles, and took charge of the more advanced pupils himself.
He commenced his great work on the textual criticism of the Scriptures; and at the instigation of his friend Ambrosius, who provided him with the necessary amanuenses, he published his commentaries on the Old Testament and his dogmatic investigations.
Even Heracles, his former friend and sharer of his views, took part against him; and by this means he procured his own election shortly afterwards as successor to Demetrius.
After imposing these harsh terms on his enemy, the conqueror might naturally have shown clemency to the Tirolese leader, Andreas Hofer; but that brave mountaineer, when betrayed by a friend, was sentenced to death at Mantua owing to the arrival of a special message to that effect from Napoleon.
The lord lieutenant had a strong personal liking for Swift, who was also a friend of Lady Carteret's family.
Willughby, the younger of the two, and at first the other's pupil, seems to have gradually become the master; but, he dying before the promise of his life was fulfilled, his writings were given to the world by his friend Ray, who, adding to them from his own stores, published the Ornithologia in Latin in 1676, and in English with many emendations in 1678.
Then his papers were handed over to his friend and successor Professor Burmeister, now and for many years past of Buenos Aires, who, with meister.
Under the caliphate of Mamun, Saman, a Persian noble of Balkh, who was a close friend of the Arab governor of Khorasan, Asad b.
As the friend and adviser of the emperor's son, Pippin, he assisted for a while in the government of Italy, and was later sent on three important embassies to the pope, in 792, 794 and 796.
In 1806 he journeyed to Italy, and was for more than a year private tutor at Rome in the family of Wilhelm von Humboldt, who became his friend and correspondent.
The name of Llandilo implies the town's early foundation by St Teilo, the great Celtic missionary of the 6th century, the friend of St David and reputed founder of the see of Llandaff.
A friend even more sympathetic he found in Maximilian II.
In 1833 Moshesh invited the missionaries of the Societe des Missions Evangeliques of Paris to settle in his country, and from that day until his death proved their firm friend.
His early friend and school companion, Adelmann, archdeacon of Liege, wrote to him letters of expostulation on the subject of this report in 1046 and 1048; and a bishop, Hugo of Langres, wrote (about 1049) a refutation of the views which he had himself heard Berengar express in conversation.
They will frequently refuse to work for a wage when they most stand in need of cash, and yet at the invitation of one who is their friend they will toil unremittingly without any thought of reward.
He was the traditional king of Sipylus in Lydia (or of Phrygia), and was the intimate friend of Zeus and the other gods, to whose table he was admitted.
His studies of the eruptive rocks of Corsica, Santorin and elsewhere; his researches on the artificial reproduction of eruptive rocks, and his treatise on the optical characters of felspars deserve special mention; but he was perhaps best known for the joint work which he carried on with his friend Michel Levy.
He took up the task with the greatest zeal, although Berengar had been his personal friend; he was the protagonist of orthodoxy at the councils of Vercelli (1050), Tours (1054) and Rome (1059).
The goddess Irnina (a form of Ishtar, q.v.) in revenge kills Eabani, and the balance of the epic is taken up with Gilgamesh's lament for his friend, his wanderings in quest of a remote ancestor, Ut-Napishtim, from whom he hopes to learn how he may escape the fate of Eabani, and his finally learning from his friend of the sad fate in store for all mortals except the favourites of the god, like Ut-Napishtim, to whom immortal life is vouchsafed as a special boon.
He performed prodigies of valour, but was slain by Achilles, after he had himself killed Antilochus, the son of Nestor and the friend of Achilles.
About 1142 a family friend brought Thomas under the notice of Archbishop Theobald, of whose household he at once became an inmate.
He became Henry's bosom friend and was consulted in all affairs of state.
Between this precinct and the Propylaea were a number of statues, among them the celebrated heifer of Myron, and perhaps his Erechtheus; the Lemnian Athena of Pheidias, and his effigy of his friend Pericles.
He was a man of exemplary life and a friend of Erasmus and the humanists, besides being a persona grata at the court of Louise of Savoy and Francis I.
But Ortiz proved a friend and presented them to Paul III., who gave them leave to go to Palestine to preach the Gospel, bestowing upon them abundant alms. He likewise gave licence for those not yet priests to be ordained by any catholic bishop on the title of poverty.
By his wife Margarethe Schleierweber, the daughter of a French corporal, but renowned for her beauty and intellectual gifts, he was the father of Karl Friedrich Moritz Paul von Briihl (1772-1837), the friend of Goethe, who as intendant-general of the Prussian royal theatres was of some importance in the history of the development of the drama in Germany.
He worked in conjunction with Luther's friend, John Lange, and was opposed by the Franciscans under Conrad Kling.
The reversion to the Roman communion of his old friend Crotus led to his mordant Responsio amici (1532, anon.) to the Apologia (1531) of Crotus.
She had thirteen children - Frederick Henry, drgwned at sea in 1629; Charles Louis, elector palatine, whose daughter married Philip, duke of Orleans, and became the ancestress of the elder and Roman Catholic branch of the royal family of England; Elizabeth, abbess and friend of Descartes; Prince Rupert and Prince Maurice, who died unmarried; Louisa, abbess; Edward, who married Anne de Gonzaga, "princesse palatine," and had children; Henrietta Maria, who married Count Sigismund Ragotzki but died childless; Philip and Charlotte, who died childless; Sophia, who married Ernest Augustus, elector of Hanover, and was mother of George I.
Mason was a near neighbour and a lifelong friend of George Washington, though in later years they disagreed in politics.
In his letters to his friend Mathilde Wesendonck, it appears that while he was composing Tristan he already had the inspiration of working out the identification of Kundry, the messenger of the Grail, with the temptress who, under the spell of Klingsor, seduces the knights of the Grail; and he had, moreover, thought out the impressively obscure suggestion that she was Herodias, condemned like the wandering Jew to live till the Saviour's second coming.
The highest English authority on Wagner is his friend Dannreuther, whose article in Grove's Dictionary is classical.
He now formed the design of joining the Austrian army, for the purpose of campaigning against the Turks, and so crossed over from Dover to Calais with Gibbon, who, writing to his friend Lord Sheffield, calls his fellow-passenger "Mr SecretaryColonel-Admiral-Philosopher Thompson."
Southey, the friend of Wordsworth, was a resident of Keswick for forty years (1803-1843), and was buried in Crosthwaite churchyard.
A great friend of Erasmus, whom he invited to Cambridge, whilst earnestly working for a reformation of abuses, he had no sympathy with those who attacked doctrine; and he preached at Paul's Cross (12th of May 1521) at the burning of Luther's books.
Although he was not the author of Henry's book against Luther, he joined with his friend, Sir Thomas More, in writing a reply to the scurrilous rejoinder made by the reformer.
A separate stratum in the Gilgamesh epic is formed by the story of Eabani - introduced as the friend of Gilgamesh, who joins him in his adventures.
A divine bull is sent to wage a contest against Gilgamesh, who is assisted by his friend Eabani.
The 9th and 10th tablets, exclusively devoted to Gilgamesh, describe his wanderings in quest of Ut-Napishtim, from whom he hopes to learn how he may escape the fate that has overtaken his friend Eabani.
The position of a Friend did not carry with it necessarily any functions; it was in itself purely honorary.
Among his most sympathetic portraits are those of his friend Pierre de Breze and of Jacques Coeur.
As a poet he is associated with his friend Catullus, whom he followed in style and choice of subjects.