Fretful Sentence Examples
She is never fretful or irritable, and I have never seen her impatient with her playmates because they failed to understand her.
A young player with a head injury may be extremely irritable or fretful or may cry constantly.
Moreover, there was little for them to eat, and as the officers became hungry they became fretful.
The queen was opposed to the Disestablishment of the Irish Church (1869) - the question which brought Gladstone to be premier - and though she yielded with good grace, Gladstone was fretful and astonished because she would not pretend to give a hearty assent to the measure.
With friends like these, who needs Iraqi enemies or a fretful fourth estate gunning to get you?
His temper and life seem to have been remarkably free from all that was jarring, jealous and fretful; unless, indeed, we are to accept as true the account of his wife's character which represents her as having been no fit mate for him, but an incorrigible shrew and skinflint.