Freshness Sentence Examples
I like Scott for his freshness, dash and large honesty.
His various works still retain their freshness and vital attraction.
One of these, Freedom of Mind, is remarkable for freshness of thought and terseness of expression.
In the sunshine the air was warm, and that warmth was particularly pleasant with the invigorating freshness of the morning frost still in the air.
The freshness of the new field which was opened up to the imagination - so full of vivid lights and shadows, light-hearted fun, grinding hardship, stirring adventure, heroic action, warm friendships, bitter hatreds - was in exhilarating contrast to the world of the historical romancer and the fashionable novelist, to which the mind of the general reader was at that date given over.
In the shadowy age which preceded the Stone age and hardly ended later than 10,000 B.C., the cave-dwellers of the Dordogne could draw elks, bisons, elephants and other animals at rest or in movement, with a freshness and realism which to-day only a Landseer can rival.
They have, however, a freshness and philosophical vigour, which more than makes up for their want of system, and which raises them far above the level of most scholastic writings.
Helen has the vitality of feeling, the freshness and eagerness of interest, and the spiritual insight of the artistic temperament, and naturally she has a more active and intense joy in life, simply as life, and in nature, books, and people than less gifted mortals.
In some respects there is more freshness and interest in the speculations which burst forth so ardently in the end of the th and the first half of the 12th century.
As he crossed the dam Prince Andrew smelled the ooze and freshness of the pond.
AdvertisementLike Wordsworth she lays us on the lap of earth and sheds the freshness of the early world.
The subterranean passage of the Alpheus in the upper part of its course (confirmed by modern explorers), and the freshness of the water of Arethusa in spite of its proximity to the sea, led to the belief that it was the outlet of the river.
Whereas Plato's main problem had been the organization of the perfect state, and Aristotle's intellect had ranged with fresh interest over all departments of the knowable, political speculation had become a mockery with the extinction of free political life, and knowledge as such had lost its freshness for the Greeks of the Roman Empire.
In these his language is vigorous and dignified; he states the results of his labour and thought with freshness and lucidity; tells numberless stories in a most delightful manner, and exhibits a wonderful talent for the representation of personal character; the many portraits of historic persons of all orders which he draws in these prefaces are as brilliant in execution as they are exact and convincing.
It lacks for the moment the interest of freshness; it is like a wonderful picture seen so constantly that it fails any longer to concentrate attention.
AdvertisementIts carpets have a great reputation in the Balkan Peninsula for their quaint designs, durability and freshness of colour.
No Englishman of that day stood in the same repute abroad, and foreigners, noble or learned, who came to England, never forgot to pay their respects to the old man, whose vigour and freshness of intellect no progress of the years seemed able to quench.
The unfailing freshness and charm of the contrast between the importance, the gravity, in some cases the dry and abstruse nature, of their subjects, and the lightness, sometimes almost approaching levity in its special sense, of the manner in which these subjects are attacked is a triumph of literary art of which no familiarity dims the splendour, and which no lapse of time can ever impair.
The bright green of the sugar fields is a striking feature in a view of Mauritius from the sea, and gives a peculiar beauty and freshness to the prospect.
He brought with him into our rearguard all the freshness of atmosphere of the French army, which was so alien to us.
AdvertisementHowever, these favors should be done within days of the wedding to ensure freshness.
When ordering truffles, read shipping policies carefully - to ensure freshness, expedited shipping may be required, and many chocolatiers will not ship truffles to hot climates where they may be damaged before they are received.
Pastels in her collections are offset with sophisticated black or chocolate, and her colored bags invite freshness and fun into modern style.
The freshness will show in your final product, and your guests will love it.
Veggies are a great way to bring freshness to your picnic.
AdvertisementThe freshness, the air of leisure, the enthusiasm of discovery that mark the work of these old writers have lessons for the modern professional zoologist, who at times feels burdened with the accumulated knowledge of a century and a half.
The fingers of the clock had been pushed back; once more things were as they had been at the time of the First Crusade; once more the West must arm itself for the holy war and the recovery of Jerusalem - but now it must face a united Mahommedan world, where in 1096 it had found political and religious dissension, and it must attempt its vastly heavier task without the morning freshness of a new religious impulse, and with something of the weariness of a hundred years of struggle upon its shoulders.
The second class of Hungarian modern novelists is led by the well-known Koloman Mikszath, a poet endowed with originality, a charming naiveté, and a freshness of observation from life.
Notwithstanding its defects, Froude's History is a great achievement; it presents an important and powerful account of the Reformation period in England, and lays before us a picture of the past magnificently conceived, and painted in colours which will never lose their freshness and beauty.
There are many interesting points about this list, which still shows considerable freshness of judgment.
His style is copious and flexible; abundantly idiomatic, but without any affectation of being so, it carries with it the force and freshness of popular speech, while it lacks not at the same time a flavour of academic culture.
In no department did activity immediately stop; but the old freshness and creative exuberance was gone.
As political writers imagined a patriarchal innocence prior to codes of law, so men of letters sought in popular unwritten poetry the freshness and simplicity which were wanting in the prevailing styles.
The innovation was at first received with some disfavour; critics accustomed to polite formalism censured it as extravagant and undignified; but the freshness and beauty of its melody soon silenced all opposition, and did more than anything else throughout the 18th century to establish the principle of nationalism in musical art.
But on the road, the highroad along which the troops marched, there was no such freshness even at night or when the road passed through the forest; the dew was imperceptible on the sandy dust churned up more than six inches deep.
Where many management books are drier than a diver 's underpants this has a freshness and zing about it.
That's why smell is a good indicator of freshness.
A tiny time keeper has been created that should keep everyone from housewives to medical personnel aware of the freshness of any given item.
Perfume aromas are not only defined as rose or lavender, but described by the emotions they present such as softness, romance or freshness.
The freshness of a gleaming tube makes it more intriguing than the basic stubby black package.
A minty hint of Indian patchouli adds freshness, while the subtle additions of rich cedar wood and musk create an original combination.
When you get your greens home, take the time to wash them and then store them in a plastic bag or container to help them retain their freshness.
Orijen uses air-tight packaging to help preserve freshness - Some other companies add unhealthy chemicals like ethoxyquin and BHT as preservatives.
One of the more remarkable points of this bikini is the freshness of its black and white stripe color.
Keep your coffee from being exposed to oxygen, light, moisture and heat to preserve its freshness.
Recently ground coffee beans add a freshness to any cup of coffee but are particularly good for French press coffee.
In all the literary work which has been mentioned, the originality and freshness of the French genius are no less conspicuous than its saturation with the new learning and with Italian studies.
Fresh incidents were inserted, new motives suggested and speeches composed in order to infuse the required life and freshness into these dry bones of history.
I did not need to go outdoors to take the air, for the atmosphere within had lost none of its freshness.
For power and range of imagination, for freshness and vividness of conception, for truth and originality of presentation, few Roman poets can compare with him when he is at his best.
While the hunting party is resting Siegfried tells stories of his boyhood, thus recalling the antecedents of this drama with a charming freshness and sense of dramatic and musical repose.
The special characteristics of its masters are freshness of colour, vivacity of expression and distinct originality.
There is an unquestionable want of vigour, but to readers of that day the want of vigour was entirely compensated by the presence of freshness and grace.
They are distinguished by artistic form, purity of expression and strict attention to the laws of metre and prosody, qualities which, however good in themselves, do not compensate for want of originality, freshness and power.
All, however, seem to agree that among the qualities for which the style of Herodotus is to be admired are simplicity, freshness, naturalness and harmony of rhythm.
In 1498, Columbus, when exploring the Gulf of Pal-la, which receives a large part of the outflow of the Orinoco, noted the freshness of its waters, but made no examination of their origin.
It is as a poet that he has been known to the Jews to the present day, and admired for the youthful freshness and beauty of his work, in which he may be compared to the romantic school in.
Further, it discusses, as Hort observes, certain indestructible problems which much early Christian theology passes by or deals with rather perfunctorily; and it does so with a freshness and reality which, as we compare the original 3rd-century basis with the conventional manner of the Epitome, we see to be not unconnected with origin in an age as yet free from the trammels of formal orthodoxy.
Although the whole conception of the work implies that confusion of the provinces of poetry and history which was perpetuated by later writers, and especially by Lucan and Silius Italicus, yet it was a true instinct of genius to discern in the idea of the national destiny the only possible motive of a Roman epic. The execution of the poem (to judge from the fragments, amounting to about six hundred lines), although rough, unequal and often prosaic, seems to have combined the realistic fidelity and freshness of feeling of a contemporary chronicle with the vivifying and idealizing power of genius.
But it was Blicher's use of patois which delighted his countrymen with a sense of freshness and strength.
His various and unceasing productiveness, his freshness and vigour, and the inexhaustible richness of his lyric versatility, early brought Drachmann to the front and kept him there.
Vernon have adduced experimental evidence as to the induction of variation by such causes as difference in the ages of the parents, in the maturity or freshness of the conjugating germ cells, and in the condition of nutrition for the embryos.
This familiarity with the facts of art, though neither deep nor historical, gave a freshness to his lectures on aesthetics, which, as put together from the notes of 1820, 1823, 1826, are in many ways the most successful of his efforts.
Furthermore the interesting volumes of his Bibliotheca das Sciencias Sociaes show extensive knowledge, freshness of views and critical independence and they have greatly contributed to the education of his countrymen.
It is derived from springs which burst through the beds below sea-level with such force as to retain their freshness in the midst of the surrounding salt water.
There was a homely eleva tion in his discourses, a natural freshness in his piety, a quiet enthusiasm in his manner, that charmed thoughtful hearers.
The general aspect of the district is that of a flat even country, dotted with clusters of bamboos and betelnut trees, and intersected by a perfect network of dark-coloured and sluggish streams. There is not a hill or hillock in the whole district, but it derives a certain picturesque beauty from its wide expanses of cultivation, and the greenness and freshness of the vegetation.
His oratory was rough and unpolished, but full of freshness and force and genuine feeling.
The latest source, it is true, is without their freshness and life, but it is a matter for thankfulness that the simple compilers were conservative, and have neither presented a work entirely on the lines of P, nor rewritten their material as was done by the author of Jubilees and by Josephus.
The plan of all is the same - an open court, with a tesselated pavement, and one or two marble fountains; orange and lemon trees, flowering shrubs, and climbing plants give freshness and fragrance.
His eyes looked a little bloodshot to her; his face had lost something of its ruddy freshness.
Where many management books are drier than a diver's underpants this has a freshness and zing about it.
New settings of use, idiom and construction continually surprise us, and, in spite of occasional harshness, secure for his style an unusual freshness and freedom.
The Enquiry does not go beyond an analysis of sense perception, and is therefore more limited in scope than the later Essays; but if the latter are more mature, there is more freshness about the earlier work.
Undoubtedly this half-poetic style (animated as it is and redeemed from any charge of bastardy by the freshness and vigour which pervade it) adds not a little to the charm of the book.
But in John this symbolism figures a great historic fact, the joyous freshness of Jesus' ministerial beginnings, as indicated in the sayings of the Bridegroom and of the new wine, a freshness typical of Jesus' ceaseless renovation of souls.
Only at night and in the forests while the dew lasted was there any freshness.
Unconsciously she sat up, smoothed her hair, got up, and went to the window, involuntarily inhaling the freshness of the clear but windy evening.
They disappeared into the forest, and Count Orlov-Denisov, having seen Grekov off, returned, shivering from the freshness of the early dawn and excited by what he had undertaken on his own responsibility, and began looking at the enemy camp, now just visible in the deceptive light of dawn and the dying campfires.
The whole poem has the freshness and fragrance and rathe bloom of fancy.
Thirdly, the variety and freshness of the sushi served on the conveyor belt was very poor.
Clarity, freshness and taut rhythms were the hallmark of the Beethoven.
Check the florist's page to determine what you should do if you're disappointed by the arrangement and look for things like freshness guarantees while you're there.
This is not to say that you'll have to sniff all the fruit on the shelf, but one or two should be indicators enough for you to make an informed decision about freshness.
Most of the seafood sold there has been frozen and is displayed in the case, slowly thawing out and losing freshness and flavor.
While there is no arguing with the variety of vegetables available in supermarkets, freshness is relative.
To test freshness, peel back the leaves slightly and run a thumbnail against one of the kernels.
With an emphasis on freshness and fun, you may just find yourself looking for a famous chunk of their soap, a fizzing bath bomb, or moisturizing body butter.
Buy your products at the local studio to insure freshness and authenticity.
With a flair for beautiful presentation and freshness, this style of cooking pleasingly touches all the senses.
Best if used by - This means that the product is not at its peak freshness after this date but can still be used at the buyer's discretion.
The benefit of this practice is that the ingredients can be used at the peak of freshness and thus at the peak of their flavor.
This will help to avoid waste and ensure maximum freshness.
It offers remarkable freshness and depth of flavor, yet it's all too often abandoned for the more wildly popular chocolate and vanilla.
Some of us decided we would now cook for our dogs just as we do for our families, taking control of freshness and quality into our own hands.
This will remove any moisture that may be retained and infuse the bedding with a natural freshness.
You may prefer the freshness of food grown locally.
Lingerie tends to last longer with air drying as opposed to dryer heat, so hang your intimates in a laundry room, lay flat to dry or hang them on a clothesline for added freshness.
Add to that a couple small additions, like the ability to break out of submission manuevers with a matched tap of the C-stick, and there is just enough "freshness" to make this game feel new.
The company was launched in 2002, and has been receiving rave reviews for the flavor and freshness of their varietals ever since.
This type of packaging preserves the wine's freshness, making it work well for fruity wines that taste best in their youth.
The fragrant wines are not made using Methode Champenoise.; rather, they are made in the Charmant method to preserve freshness.
Water is associated with purity, calmness and freshness.
Even when it isn't stained, you should soak it in plain white vinegar after every wearing to help maintain its freshness.
Freshness You wouldn't buy milk that was three days past its expiration date.
They must be properly balanced, and must also be watered regularly to ensure their freshness lasts all season.
New members are always signing up and adding an element of freshness to the cyber-dating scene.
They want originality, freshness and good manners.
Capturing the translucent blue freshness of the oceans, aquamarine is the stone of harmony and friendship making it a fitting choice for an engagement, wedding, or anniversary ring.
Moreover, freshness and quality are not usually a big issue with store-bought rice flour as it stores easily and safelyin a cool dry place.
You may experience more issues with freshness by grinding your own flour, as some methods can easily invite mold growth into the process.
The colors and freshness exhibited in Allrich's photos are worthy of the highest praise.
It revives a sense of youth in some people and serves as a reminder of spring, a time of freshness and new growth.
Whether you are a young woman just getting started in your twenties, or an established high-roller, you'll enjoy the freshness of these totes.
It is typical for produce shippers to treat fruits and vegetables with a wax to seal them for freshness, but that same wax also seals in dirt, bacteria and germs.
Food storage containers designed to keep air out and freshness in are available in a number of different materials.
Many will only send these via overnight delivery to ensure freshness.
Alas, without the chemistry of the original characters, and the freshness of the original premise, now nine years old, the new cast could not generate the ratings it needed to survive, and it left the air in 2002.
The menu is seasonal, offering items based on freshness and availability throughout the year.
You cannot go wrong starting with the garden fresh salad because you can definitely taste the freshness.
This, the longest of his works, added much to existing knowledge, especially as to the relations between England and the continent, but it lacked something of the freshness of his earlier books; he was over seventy when it was completed, and he was never quite at home in dealing with the parliamentary foundations of English public life.
His finest passages are thus characterized by a freshness of feeling and enthusiasm of discovery.
He seldom succeeded in retaining the freshness of his first idea more completely than in his last picture - "Clytie" - which was left unfinished on his easel.
In 1877 he came forward again with one volume of verse, another of fiction, a third of travel; in each he displayed great vigour and freshness of touch, and he rose at one leap to the highest position among men of promise.
Once coffee is ground it begins to lose flavor and freshness rapidly.