Frescos Sentence Examples
Those from Tiryns are a most remarkable series; the figure frescos which have been reconstructed represent women in procession, a chariot group and a boar hunt.
It seems possible to trace some of the older and better frescos in the catacombs to a very early age; and Bible manuscripts were often copiously illuminated and illustrated even before the middle of the 4th century.
The most famous frescos are also reproduced on the website.
In the Italian Renaissance, only a thin veneer of society's elites participated in the creation or ownership of the frescos, music, statues, and paintings; most were only passive observers.
One of the most beautiful example of faux painting that still exist are frescos.
Murals have been drawn in inks made of animal and vegetable dyes, painted in egg tempera frescos, paneled in wood and are now available in a wide range of options.
While frescos aimed at portraying actual painted figures and are also the forerunner of the modern mural, the subtle washes of color in many remain bright examples of a look that is achieved when color is applied on a utilitarian medium.