Freezes Sentence Examples
It freezes generally from November to April.
The soil freezes many feet deep over immense areas even in southern Siberia.
In one case (represented by the point A in the figure) the solid which freezes out is a conglomerate of crystals of the compound with those of antimony, in the other case C with those of copper.
The former section, which is too shallow to store up any large amount of heat during the summer, freezes for three or four months along the shores, effectually stopping navigation on the lower Volga, but out in the middle ice appears only when driven there by northerly winds.
You'll look around when you get a search warrant, or hell freezes over—whichever comes first!
The lake freezes usually at the end of December, or in the beginning of January, so solidly that a temporary post-horse station is erected on the ice in the middle of the lake, and it remains frozen till the second half of May.
It often freezes in winter.
The shortness of the summer, the deficiency of drainage and the depth to which the soil freezes in winter, are the circumstances which determine the characteristic features of the vegetation of the tundras.
As we pass to cases with higher and higher carbon-content, the primary austenite which freezes in cooling across region 2 forms a FIG.
The Missouri river is often closed by ice, and the Mississippi at St Louis, partly because it is obstructed by bridges, sometimes freezes over so that for weeks together horses and wagons can cross on the ice.
AdvertisementSo were early autumn frosts and late spring freezes.
But he made no reference to his work till 1783, when he presented to the Royal Society some "Observations on Mr Hutchins's experiments for determining the degree of cold at which quicksilver freezes."
As soon as the pump has sufficiently exhausted the air from the vessel containing the water, vapour is rapidly given off and is absorbed by the acid until sufficient heat has been abstracted to bring about the desired reduction in temperature, the acid becoming heated by the absorption of water vapour, while the water freezes.
You'll look around when you get a search warrant, or hell freezes over—whichever comes first!
I went to see their " hell freezes Over " concert at Murrayfield Stadium almost 10 years ago.
AdvertisementAcross the UK, there are reports that newly-qualified nurses are struggling to find Band 5 posts because trusts have imposed recruitment freezes.
Snowball's chance in hell " no chance " is from 1931; till hell freezes over " never " is from 1919.
In winter water sometimes freezes on it in a spectacular icefall.
The fiery blasts of summer, furnace-heated over the red-hot Kizil Kum, are hardly less to be feared than the ice-cold shamshir (or north-western blizzard) of winter, which freezes men when it finds them in the open desert, and frequently destroys whole caravans.
This freezes beautifully in single serving containers.
AdvertisementA short shutter speed freezes action, while a longer shutter speed captures motion blur.
The best action photography freezes the drama and passion of the game in a single moment so it can be slowly appreciated.
Never fear, I am here with a great, new recipe which, even if you don't over buy on fruit, is so good and freezes great.
Remember, this freezes very well and will keep if you use one of those vacuum bag systems for up to three months in the freezer and up to one week in the refrigerator.
This recipe freezes very well, and it will keep in the refrigerator for about five days if kept in an air tight container.
AdvertisementThe plant early forces its way up even through the frost-bound earth, but the tender flower-spike, tender only in infancy, is nipped in the bud if rain fall on it and freezes.
Weed the bed once more, and plant any last spring flowering bulbs before the ground freezes.
Remember to keep watering your plants and shrubs until the ground freezes.
Clear bottles can be placed over plants to protect them from heavy freezes.
A cloche isn't practical to use throughout the winter for large sections of the garden, but for one or two areas it may take some southern gardens through a few freezes in January and February.
Frost damage occurs when water freezes on the surface of the plant.
In gardening zones 8 through 10, you may be able to harvest these vegetables throughout the winter with just a little bit of added protection against heavy frosts or deep freezes.
Heaving occurs when soil freezes, then thaws.
Sapphire (blue) - Adds 25% damage and freezes the enemy for a turn.
Also, avoid using water filters since the water that freezes in the filter will destroy it.
On others, you may find that the operating system or user interface "freezes" unexpectedly.
More difficult songs include steps requiring players to jump on two arrows at once, freezes requiring them to hold their foot on an arrow until the freeze disappears, and steps that fall at the half or quarter-beat of the music.
The sperm bank freezes the sperm and keeps it until it is needed.
Dig the planting hole before the ground freezes.
The Eagles reunited in '94 with an MTV concert recording and subsequent album release in November, 'Hell Freezes Over', entitled so because of a comment made when the band initially broke up!
At some point, someone (who has secretly been chosen by the host of the party) becomes a statue and freezes in the middle of what he is doing.
In this surgery, the physician freezes the tumor, killing the cancerous cells.
Liquid nitrogen freezes skin tags on the skin.
When the area freezes, the skin tag drops off.
It freezes more readily and is not affected by the Mediterranean current.
Nearer the coast, where the melting on the surface is more considerable, the wet snow freezes hard during the winter and is more or less transformed into ice, on the surface of which rivers and lakes are formed, the water of which, however, soon finds its way through crevasses and holes in the ice down to its under surface, and reaches the sea as a sub-glacial river.
The lake never freezes over, and is less obstructed by ice than the other lakes, but the harbours are closed by ice from about the middle of December to the middle of April.
It is only the water that freezes; the dissolved salts are excluded in the process in a regular order according to temperature.
The solution then freezes, until the heat liberated is enough to raise the tern perature to the point of equilibrium given by the tendency of the solution taken in contact with ice to approach the true freezing point on one side and the temperature of the enclosure on the other.
Eutectic here freezes 7 Austenite+Cementite Pro-eutectoid Cementite forms progressiuely 882930 1200 0 U a 5 6 ?
At this point selection ceases; the remaining molten metal freezes as a whole, and in freezing splits up into a conglomerate eutectic of (1) austenite of about 2.2% of carbon, and therefore saturated with that element, and (2) cementite; and with this eutectic is mixed the " primary " austenite which froze out as the temperature sank from v to v'.
The salinity of the water is much less than that of the ocean, containing only 1.05% of salt, and the lake freezes every year for a great distance from its shores.
Thallous chloride, T1C1, is readily obtained from the solution of any thallous salt, by the addition of hydrochloric acid, as a white precipitate similar in appearance to silver chloride, like which it turns violet in the light and fuses below redness into a (yellow) liquid which freezes into a horn-like flexible mass.
Sakhalin is separated from the mainland by the narrow and shallow Strait of Tartary or Mamiya Strait, which often freezes in winter in its narrower part, and from Yezo (Japan) by the Strait of La Perouse.
The port freezes on an average 127 days every year.
The lake never freezes over, though the temperature of the water does not, even in summer, rise far above freezing point.
The harbours and exits of the lake freeze over, but the body of the lake never freezes completely.
The river is usually closed by ice from November or December to March or April, and at rare intervals it freezes in October.
It seldom freezes for more than one month, and the harbours are rarely ice-bound.
The water then freezes in virtue of the cold produced by its own evaporation or by the drying of the moistened wrapper.
When the oxide-free metal is heated gently in dry ammonia it is gradually transformed into a blue liquid, which on cooling freezes into a yellowish-brown or flesh-coloured solid, potassamide, KNH 2.