Free-soil Sentence Examples
The Free Soil party nominated him for governor of the state in 1853, but he was defeated.
He was a Free Soil candidate for Congress (1850), but was defeated; was indicted with Wendell Phillips and Theodore Parker for participation in the attempt to release the fugitive slave, Anthony Burns, in Boston (18J3); was engaged in the effort to make Kansas a free state after the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Bill of 1854; and during the Civil War was captain in the 51st Massachusetts Volunteers, and from November 1862 to October 1864, when he was retired because of a wound received in the preceding August, was colonel of the First South Carolina Volunteers, the first regiment recruited from former slaves for the Federal service.
In politics Field was originally an anti-slavery Democrat, and he supported Van Buren in the Free Soil campaign of 1848.
After gaining recognition as one of the most prominent members of the Suffolk bar, he became associated in 1848 with the Free Soil movement, and took a prominent part in the Buffalo convention of that year.
He was ardently opposed to the extension of slavery and supported Martin Van Buren, the Free Soil candidate for the presidency in 1848.
He served from 1852 to 1856 in the Missouri legislature as a Free Soil Democrat, in 1856 joined the Republican party, and in1857-1859and1861-1862was a member of Congress, where he proved an able debater.
In 1848, largely on account of his personal attachment to Martin Van Buren, he participated in the revolt of the "Barnburner" or free-soil faction of the New York Democrats, and in 1855 was the candidate of the "softshell," or anti-slavery, faction for attorney-general of the state.
First, for many years the Free-Soilers gained strength; then in 1855 in an extraordinary party upheaval the Know-Nothings quite broke up Democratic, Free-Soil and Whig organizations; the FreeSoilers however captured the Know-Nothing organization and directed it to their own ends; and by their junction with the anti-slavery Whigs there was formed the Republican party.
Free-Soil Democrat1851-1853Whig1853-1854-1854-1855 Know-Nothing1855-1858Republican1858-18611 Endecott, by commission dated the 30th of April 1629, was made " governor of London's plantation in the Massachusetts Bay."
The split broke up the rule of the "regency," Marcy accepting the " Hunker " support and a seat in Polk's cabinet, while Wright, Butler and Van Buren joined the " Barnburners," a step preliminary to Van Buren's acceptance of the " Free Soil " nomination for president in the campaign of 1848.
AdvertisementIn 1854 the newly organized Republican party, formed largely from the remnants of the Whig party and including most of the Free Soil Democrats, with the aid of the temperance issue elected Myron Holley Clark (1806-1892) governor.
In 1848 he left the Whig party and became one of the chief leaders of the Free Soil party, serving as presiding officer of that party's national convention in 1852, acting as chairman of the Free Soil national committee and editing from 1848 to 1851 the Boston Republican, which he made the chief Free Soil organ.
Syracuse has been the meeting-place of some historically important political conventions; that of 1847, in which occurred the split between the " Barnburner " and " Hunker " factions of the Democratic party, began the Free Soil movement in the state.
At Buffalo in 1848 met the Free-Soil convention that nominated Martin van Buren for the presidency and Charles Francis Adams for the vice-presidency.
These candidates, however, received no electoral votes and a popular vote of only 156,149, of which but 25,329 were polled in New York, By 1856 they abandoned their separate organization and joined the movement which resulted in the formation of the powerful Republican party, of which the Free Soil party was the legitimate precursor.
AdvertisementHe drafted the famous Free-Soil platform, and it was largely through his influence that Van Buren was nominated for the presidency.
In 1842 the moral issue had become political, and the Liberty Party was organized, which in 1848 united with the Free Soil Party; but as the Whig Party approved the policy of non-extension of slavery, these parties did not succeed so well united as under separate existence.
In 1854, however, the Liberty and Free Soil parties, the Democrats opposed to the Kansas-Nebraska.
In 1851, however, by means of "Free-Soil" votes, he was chosen governor, and was re-elected by the same coalition in 1852.
He was a prominent member of the free soil party, and was one of the organizers of the Republican party in New York.
AdvertisementIn 1848 he was nominated for governor of New York by the Free Soil party, but was defeated by Hamilton Fish.
In 1852 the Free-soil candidate for the presidency received only 350 votes in New Jersey; and in 1856 the Democratic candidate received a plurality of 18,605 votes, even.
He took an active part in the organizing of the Free Soil party, in revolt at the Whigs' nomination of a slave-holding southerner for the presidency; and in 18 4 8 was defeated as a candidate for the national House of Representatives.
He practised law in Boston, and won a wide reputation by his speeches for the Free Soil party in 1848.
In 1848 he actively supported Martin van Buren, the Free Soil candidate, for the presidency, and in 1852 he supported Franklin Pierce, but soon afterwards helped to organize the new Republican party, and presided at its preliminary convention at Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, in February 1856.
AdvertisementAn enthusiastic humanitarian on all subjects, Dr Howe was an ardent abolitionist and a member of the Free Soil party, and had played a leading part at Boston in the movements which culminated in the Civil War.
In 1848 he received the Demo ratic nomination for the presidency, but owing to the defection of the so-called " Barnburners (see Free-Soil Party) he did not receive the united support of his party, and was defeated by the Whig candidate, Zachary Taylor.
A. squarrosa is the best-known species, thriving in free soil and sunny parts of the rock garden; they are more curious than attractive.
In March and April the seed should be sown in the open ground in a free soil and an open situation; but if the plants are intended for pot culture, the sowing should be two months earlier.
America; these graceful shrubs are worth a place in the range of southern country, while they thrive in free soil and sheltered lawns, but are often cut down in severe winters.
There are several named varieties, the most attractive being the sky-blue (coerulea), which in early spring forms sheets of bright color edgings in free soil.
Sea Buckthorn (Hippophae) - H. rhamnoides is a beautiful seashore native shrub, happy in any free soil.
It is of moderately rapid growth, and flourishes in any good, free soil.
These come in early spring or sometimes even in autumn, and the plant does best in a cool, shady place with free soil.
Wild Senna (Cassia) - The only hardy member of a great family, with us it is nearly herbaceous, dying back, and so deserving a warm place in a free soil.
Compost, animal manure, grass clippings or raked leaves are just a few of the many free soil amendments you can add to your garden soil to increase nutrient content and water retention.