Frederick i Sentence Examples
Inside its boundaries there is the restored Remigius Kirche, apparently dating from the time of Frederick I.
The town has equestrian statues of the emperor Frederick I.
Saalfeld grew up around the abbey founded in 1075 by Anno, archbishop of Cologne, and the palace built by the emperor Frederick I.
In return for a contribution to the costs of a crusade, he obtained from the emperor Frederick I.
As the capital of the free county of Burgundy, or Franche-Comte, it was united with the German kingdom when Frederick I.
The council formed a sequel to the peace of Venice (1177), which marked the close of the struggle between the papacy and the emperor Frederick I.
In 1147 he went on crusade, and after his return renounced Bavaria at the instance of the new king Frederick I.
In, 160 the citizens revolted against Archbishop Arnold, and in 1163 the walls of the city were pulled down by order of the emperor Frederick I.
The tomb was again opened by the emperor Frederick I.
He is the Christian emperor directly inspired by angels; his sword Joyeuse contained the point of the lance used in the Passion; his standard was Romaine, the banner of St Peter, which, as the oriflamme of Saint Denis, was later to be borne in battle before the kings of France; and in 1164 Charles was canonized at the desire of the emperor Frederick I.
AdvertisementOn the 31st of May 1188 he concluded a treaty with the Romans which removed difficulties of long standing, and in April 1189 he made peace with the emperor Frederick I.
Since 1397 the office of burgrave of Nuremberg had been held by John's brother, Frederick, who in 1415 received Brandenburg from King Sigismund, and became margrave of Brandenburg as Frederick I.
Hartwig, archbishop of Bremen, wished these sees to be under his authority, but Henry contested this claim, and won the right to invest these bishops himself, a privilege afterwards confirmed by the emperor Frederick I.
During these years he had also helped Frederick I.
Having obtained a divorce from his first wife in 1162, Henry was married at Minden in February 1168 to Matilda (1156-1189), daughter of Henry II., king of England, and was soon afterwards sent by the emperor Frederick I.
AdvertisementHe acquired the Saxon palatinate in 1179, on the death of Adalbert, count of Sommerschenburg, went to Italy to assist Frederick I.
HesseHomburg was formed into a separate landgraviate in 1622 by Frederick I.
A feud with Henry the Lion, duke of Saxony, was followed, in 1158, by a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, and in 1162 Albert accompanied the emperor Frederick I.
When Duke Henry the Lion of Saxony fell under the ban of the empire in 1 i 80, and his duchy was divided, the bishops of Munster and Paderborn became princes of the empire, and the archbishop of Cologne, Philip of Heinsberg, received from the emperor Frederick I.
But as the sultan grew old his numerous sons, who held each the command of a city of the empire, embittered his old age by their mutual rivalry, and the eldest, IKutb ed-din, tyrannized over his father in his own capital, exactly at the time that Frederick I.
AdvertisementThe most famous relics discovered during the middle ages, were those of the apostle James at St Jago de Compostella in Spain (see Pilgrimage), the bodies of the three kings, which were brought from Milan to Cologne in 1164 by the emperor Frederick I.
The town is picturesquely situated at the foot of the slopes of the Apennines, and is crowned by a medieval fortress (Rocca), begun by the emperor Frederick I.
It was originally founded by the electoral prince Frederick, afterwards Frederick I.
The struggle for its possession continued until 1156, when King Frederick I.
A new era of government set in when, in consequence of Henry being placed under the imperial ban in 1 r80, the duchy was given by Frederick I.
AdvertisementThis prince, who had married a daughter of Frederick I.
This privilege, by which the archbishop was lord of the city and his Vogt its judge, was frequently confirmed by subsequent emperors, ending under Frederick I.
Yet in the privilegium granted to the townspeople by Frederick I.
The three kings of Cologne (Kaspar, Melchior and Balthazar) were supposed to be the three wise men who came from the East to pay adoration to the infant Christ; according to the legend, the emperor Frederick I.
While the chroniclers were recording the deeds of Frederick I.
Otto was also related to the great house of Hohenstaufen, a relationship which gave him access to sources of information usually withheld from the ordinary monastic annalist, and his work is very valuable for the earlier part of the career of Frederick I.
This period of aristocratic rule, which dates practically from the accession of Frederick I.
On an island in the river are the ivy-covered ruins of the imperial palace which Frederick I.
The Third Crusade (1189) to recover Jerusalem was led by Frederick I.
Passing over his younger son Frederick on account of his youth, he appointed as his successor his nephew Frederick III., duke of Swabia, afterwards the emperor Frederick I.
But under his weak successors the independence of the cities reached such a pitch as to be manifestly intolerable to an energetic monarch like Frederick I.
This dates most probably from the early part of the 11th century, but it received its present form mainly during the reign of the emperor Frederick I.
Early in 1720 Charles XII.'s sister, Ulrica Leonora, who had been elected queen of Sweden immediately after his death, was permitted to abdicate in favour of her hus- Frederick I.
But in 1152 the German king Conrad III., whom the papal party and the Roman republic had in vain begged to intervene, was succeeded by Frederick I.
Podesta s or rectors were first appointed by the emperor Frederick I.
Casale Monferrato was given by Charlemagne to the church of Vercelli, but obtained its liberty from Frederick I.
Repairing to Holstein, he got into the good graces of Frederick I.
Meanwhile the bishop of Wurzburg had regained his former power in the duchy, and this was confirmed in 1168 by the emperor Frederick I.
Christopher's son Louis, the founder of the Collegium illustre, died childless in 1593 and was succeeded by a kinsman, Frederick I.
The second book opens with the election of Frederick I.
In 1547 during the war of the league of Schmalkalden the town was besieged by the elector of Saxony, John Frederick I.
The senate thereupon exiled Arnold, and the pope, with the impolitic co-operation of Frederick I.
The site of the tomb is marked by a stone slab, with the inscription Carlo Magno, and above it hangs the famous bronze chandelier presented by the emperor Frederick I.
He was one of the first of the magnates to adhere to the Reformation and its promoter King Frederick I.
During his short pontificate, however, he played the part of a peacemaker; he came to terms with the emperor Frederick I.