Fraud Sentence Examples
Lucian's own close investigations into Alexander's methods of fraud led to a serious attempt on his life.
And yet they do, because fraud is a small part of the overall picture.
The fraud was detected by a Jew, who was one of the envoys of Alphonso.
Fraud protection can prevent your from becoming a victim.
Here he was accused of fraud for having substituted one name for another in a deed of transfer of national lands.
There is no cost to individuals to request a fraud alert.
Bank fraud occurs when an individual opens a bank account in the name of another person.
Fraud is not something done only to individuals.
Medical, tax, illegal immigration and Social Security fraud are additional types of identity theft.
Contact your creditors to alert them of the fraud.
AdvertisementBank fraud and identity theft unfortunately occurs frequently, and these white-collar crimes are often committed over periods of years and can go unnoticed for quite some time.
Bank fraud and identity theft investigations in Ontario are taken very seriously.
Initially she was charged with over 50 accounts of fraud, but the charges were later lumped together into only one charge of fraud over $5,000, to which she pleaded guilty.
Bank fraud is a crime, as is identity theft, and such cases will be investigated by the police in the instance that fraud occurs.
Such is the case with a discovered fraud operation in Ontario, Canada.
AdvertisementAs you can see, while Ontario bank fraud and identity theft investigations are sometimes successful, the penalties for such fraud are not necessarily always severe enough to act as a deterrent.
With the right focus on how this type of fraud occurs, and with tips to help you protect yourself, you may be able to stop this crime from affecting you.
This is a question often asked by those who have learned about this type of fraud.
By being vigilant, you can reduce many of the risks associated with this type of fraud.
A 98 percent approval rating, same-day (free) account set-up, fraud protection, and a variety of service levels to suit businesses from small to large make this a great option for all kinds of situations.
AdvertisementTransUnion fraud alerts are a line of defense against the growing problem of identity theft.
A TransUnion fraud alert will notify potential creditors that you may have been a victim of identity theft.
An initial fraud alert will remain on your report for 90 days.
An extended fraud alert can remain on your report for up to seven years.
If you realize there is no longer a threat of identity theft, or you made a mistake, you can request that TransUnion remove the fraud alert.
AdvertisementSpecifically, consider if they offer fraud protection and CW2 Acceptance.
If it takes you longer than 90 days to amass all the necessary proof, you can put in another 90-day fraud alert.
This issue first made headlines in 2008 when officials from Visa Canada reported that they were investigating potential fraud at the Toronto airport.
This type of fraud can occur in any nation around the globe since most airport kiosks are similar in design.
An Equifax fraud alert lets lenders know you suspect you have been the victim of identity theft.
Individuals can begin the process of getting an initial 90 day fraud alert or an active duty alert by downloading a form from the website.
Additional fraud alert options exist for military personnel.
An active duty fraud alert offers protection to active duty military personnel for an extended period of 12 months.
In cases of extended fraud alerts, the file will contain documentation the consumer filed with federal, state or local law enforcement documenting the fraudulent activity.
Fraud alerts do not immediately fix identity theft problems.
Note that you always have the option to have the fraud alert removed if you find that you no longer need it.
Additional fraud alert options exist for active duty military personnel.
Prevention is key, so once you determine that you are at risk for identity theft or fraud, you can implement the necessary measures to prevent the fraud from taking place.
A basic package may just monitor your report or score, while the more comprehensive packages will include debt analysis and fraud alerts.
If you're interested in fraud alerts, Trusted ID allows you to set them up via Equifax and renew them every 90 days.
This does not mean they can instantly eliminate suspected fraud or inaccurate information.
Email attachments are a prime opportunity for a fraud thief to put spyware on your machine.
The best laid plans still don't prevent all fraud from happening, and you need to know as soon as possible if a thief somehow got hold of your personal information.
However, enough people fall for them that it is still a lucrative money making fraud for the criminals.
TransUnion fraud alerts help protect you from further identity theft.
Identity theft websites provide you with the information and resources you need to fight this type of fraud.
The website is one of the most thorough websites related to identity theft and other types of fraud.
You can use the FTC website to file a complaint with the FTC about an organization or company that may be responsible for this type of fraud.
Otherwise, the financial institution may prevent use of the card as a fraud protection service, based on it noticing that your purchases are in an unusual location.
Visit the TransUnion, Equifax and Experian websites to learn about fraud protection, too.
This can help to minimize any fraud with these accounts.
However, shortly thereafter, TM received some bad publicity when they were accused of fraud for charging clients to teach them to "fly".
In early 2008 Anderson filed for an annulment, citing fraud as the cause.
The suit also alleges that there was a breach of contract, invasion of privacy, and fraud.
The couple split just four months after the wedding, citing "fraud" in their annulment papers.
The fraud label instigated rumors that Chesney was a gay celebrity.
Renee has said that fraud is simply a "technical term".
Several months later, she was charged with securities fraud and eight other counts related to insider trading.
Four months later, however, Zellweger was filing for divorce.Rumors swirled when Zellweger cited "fraud" as the reason for her divorce petition.
Since this famous domestic diva served time in prison for securities fraud, many people wonder what happened to Martha Stewart.
The number one thing to watch for is fraud.
The company offers a secure shopping online environment and even guarantees to cover the $50 not covered under the Fair Billing Act in the unlikely event that fraud occurs while shopping on its web site.
This website offers fact sheets on topics such as home safety checklist for seniors, education for those caring for people with dementia, and addressing health fraud.
Obviously, if the total is $699.99 for everything be sold and the price rises near there or past that, it's better to just wait and buy everything locally so you don't get ripped off on the shipping or from fraud.
Try to learn about the dolls so you can spot fraud or reproductions.
Meetings usually cover important topics such as detecting fraud, ways to care for your special items, and current values.
Adoption fraud may involve the misrepresentation and fraudulent concealment of a child's pre-adoption history.
They may provide expert insight into cases of medical malpractice, fraud, sexual assault and more.
She may head over to court to provide expert testimony in a malpractice or insurance fraud case or consult with the insurance company to provide an expert opinion on a particular case.
Experts recommend checking your report with at least one of the companies every few months to alert you to any incidents of fraud.
A reverse mortgage can be a good thing for people who are age sixty-two or older and who have equity in their homes, but consumers should be aware of reverse mortgage fraud complaints before starting the process of applying.
The largest issue with reverse mortgage fraud is the possibility of seniors losing their homes as a result of not fully understanding the reverse mortgage process.
Most reverse mortgage fraud complaints come from seniors who sign a power of attorney allowing the perpetrator of the fraud to enter into a reverse mortgage illegally leaving the seniors with no funds or home.
Another fraud consists of homeowners under the age of sixty-two who attempt to acquire a reverse mortgage with no qualifying senior residing in the home.
Read the FBI Intelligence Bulletin on reverse mortgage fraud complaints.
This publication explains what a reverse mortgage is and clearly outlines what is fraud.
If the criminal activity had anything to do with mortgage or business fraud there is a good chance the license application may be denied.
When consumers file a complaint against a mortgage broker the complaints generally range from simple bad customer service to outright fraud.
A complaint of rudeness is treated much differently than a complaint of fraud, so complaints must be made through proper channels.
In order to understand the mortgage fraud Countrywide and Bank of America faced recently, it is important to understand the background of this organization.
If you believe you were a victim of fraud or deceptive lending due to working with Countrywide, consider your options.
The National Council Against Health Fraud also published a report online skeptical of wheat grass juice.
People can also find ways to express rising gas prices in a costume, or election fraud.
The site should also have a policy for preventing spam and fraud within the personal ads.
Look at the site's policies to see if there is any kind of monitoring to help prevent fraud.
When financial disasters occur like a loss of savings, loss of a long time job or loss through fraud, a person may experience feelings of inadequacy or may feel like a failure.
Poe War has a query letter for an article about Internet fraud.
How does the practitioner do in cases of RSPK (poltergeists), misperception / misinterpretation, and fraud?
While most name brand coupons are legitimate, coupon fraud is an increasingly common problem.
When searching for printable cat food coupons, be on the lookout for signs of coupon fraud.
These are all signs of coupon fraud, which is illegal.
Due to concerns about coupon fraud, some stores specifically exclude printable online coupons from double coupon events.
Unfortunately, the demand for printable coupons has led to a huge increase in coupon fraud.
Using fake coupons is illegal, so it's a good idea to familiarize yourself with the signs of coupon fraud before you spend time searching for printable Fresh Step cat litter coupons.
This helps reduce coupon fraud by limiting the number of times you can print an offer from one computer.
Unfortunately, the increase in printable coupons has led to an increase in coupon fraud.
Asking for a code is common for many pizza places who are trying to prevent coupon fraud in their establishments.
The United States government does not tolerate fraud in relation to SNAP benefits.
Food stamp applications are verified on a regular basis and there are hotline numbers in every state for people to report cases of fraud.
She runs her own veterinary clinic and only takes over the family farm when her father Ken Davis, Sr. (played delightfully by James Read of North and South and Charmed) faces charges for fraud.
Make Me a Match - Jane's guardian angel returns as a human just as she discovers that a matchmaking service is committing fraud.
Is a study linking vaccines and autism a fraud?
The retraction of the study is a slap in the face, but finding the study linking vaccines and autism a fraud is devastating to the researcher.
The website, We Support Dr. Andrew Wakefield offers his response to the allegations and findings of fraud.
He states, "My research and the serious medical problems found in those children were not a hoax and there was no fraud whatsoever.
Is the study linking vaccines and autism a fraud?
Like their biometric counterparts, blink cards pose reduced risk of fraud since most thieves typically don't use stolen cards for small buys according to Gould.
The only exclusion to this general rule involves cases of fraud.
Just as forensic accounting can be used to detect fraud after it has occurred, the same methods can be used to prevent it by investigating business systems for weaknesses.
Particularly since the passage of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and various high-profile examples of corporate fraud, forensic accounting has become one of the fastest-growing financial careers.
Many business schools offer courses and an increasing number offer bachelor or masters degrees in the field, and many forensic accountants have either the Certified Public Accountant or Certified Fraud Examiner designations.
Whether it's bad business ethics related to executive behavior, creative accounting techniques, lack of transparency, political contributions, or fraud, it all spells disaster for businesses hoping to have a long-term future.
It offers stiffer criminal penalties for securities fraud, defrauding shareholders and destroying or altering records in federal investigations.
Anything promising a dollar or two per envelope or asking you to pay money up front is probably a fraud.
One of the primary scams going on during the time of the early 1900's was medical fraud.
The BBB went on to aid law enforcement in their fight against fraud.
Keeping clear financial records is not only important for knowing how much money a business has, but it is also important for spotting problems such as fraud and money mismanagement.
The Center for Science in the Public Interest's article, "Calorie Burning Enviga Tea Drink a Fraud, Group Says" states that claims that the drink can burn calories is misleading.
The company also investigates fraud, saving customers millions.
Though a warranty deed offers considerable protection against fraud and other property concerns, there are additional methods that should be taken to ensure there are no problems after the purchase.
Employers will have to teach employees about this new law and provide training in how to detect and report fraud.
Consumers can find out about insurance requirements, regulations, and how to file a formal complaint if they feel as though they have been victims to fraud from an insurance company, provider, or broker.
If your question is regarding possible insurance fraud in California, you can file a formal complaint through the Internet.
Before filing the complaint, however, you should check to make sure that the particular issue you have is something this department deals with since not all fraud complaints are handled by this department.
Paperless statement are a great way to protect your privacy since mailed paper statements are often thrown away and can lead to identify fraud if found by anyone looking to make a profit on your identity.
The FDIC also does not cover losses caused by theft or fraud at the bank.
In the 1990s, a woman in Sacramento was charged with fraud after she sold almost a thousand fake life insurance policies.
The establishment of these standards helps to ensure that these independent car insurance brokers are bound by rules and regulations that will help to prevent occurrences of fraud.
Just a few months after getting married, Zellweger filed for an annulment of the marriage, citing fraud.
Carl was very much a skeptic, and stood firmly against scientific fraud.
Many people fail to realize the potential consequences associated with such widespread dissemination of personal information, including identity theft, fraud, and personal safety issues.
In 2005, mortgage broker Alex Stenback broke the story that there was a 2005 mortgage fraud investigation being conducted by the FBI.
We lost his mother to cancer at an early age and his father is in jail, convicted of fraud.
At the same time it cannot be gainsaid that it has opened the way to fraud.
The history of the false Smerdis is narrated by Herodotus and Ctesias according to official traditions; Cambyses before his death confessed to the murder of his brother, and in public explained the whole fraud.
But the political dangers to be apprehended from the disruption of the English Church were sufficiently serious to palliate the fraud.
Slaves who were admitted to holy orders, or who entered a monastery, became freemen, under certain restrictions framed to prevent fraud or injustice.
In after times the only way in which the discomfiture of the bishops could be explained was by asserting that they had been silenced by fraud or violence.
It was characteristic of the morality of his time and the spirit of the English navy as it had been shaped by the corrupt government of Charles II., that the officers concerned quarrelled violently and accused one another of fraud.
In London four ale-conners, whose duty it is to examine the measures used by beer and liquor sellers to guard against fraud, are still chosen annually by the liverymen in common hall assembled on Midsummer Day.
In 1907 the legislature appointed a committee to investigate the charge of fraud.
Faith" in the twentieth of the Thirty-nine Articles was inserted by fraud.
Fraudulent interpolation, whether the fraud be pious or otherwise, does occur, but is comparatively rare.
He was tried by a court of inquiry, who found that his conduct to natives had been "unjustifiable and oppressive," that he had used abusive language to his native officers and personal violence to his men, and that his system of accounts was "calculated to screen peculation and fraud."
All Israel is represented symbolically in the twelve stones with which he built the altar; and the water which he poured upon the sacrifice and into the surrounding trench was apparently designed to prevent the suspicion of fraud!
Their conclusion rested on the supposed elimination of all known physical causes for the movements; but it is doubtful from the description of the experiments whether the precautions taken were sufficient to exclude unconscious muscular action or even deliberate fraud.
The stains of idolatry, vice and fraud are not visible on the flesh, yet they resemble real dirt.
Italy was and ever has been a land of cities; and, ever since the downfall of Rome and the decay of the municipal system, the bishops of the cities had really been at the head of the peaceful and industrial part of their population, and were a natural refuge for the oppressed, and sometimes for the mutinous and the evil doers, from the military and civil powers of the duke or count or judge, too often a rule of cruelty or fraud.
The free-state men regarded this as including the right to property in offspring of slaves, and therefore as pure fraud.
There can be small doubt that both the duchess and tile German King (Maximilian had succeeded, to his fathers crown in 1493) were perfectly well aware that they were aiding a manifest fraud.
So a black whirl and torment of rapine, violence and fraud was encircling the Western world, as a life went out which, notwithstanding some eccentricities and some aberrations, had made great tides in human destiny very luminous.
That of 1816 was signed by Black Hawk himself, who declared, however, when in 1823 Chief Keokuk and a majority of the two nations crossed the river, that the consent of the chiefs had been obtained by fraud.
As no regular budget was attempted, as accounts were not kept, and as audit was unknown, the opportunities for fraud and embezzlement were endless.
This book was long the storm-centre of Pentateuchal criticism, orthodox scholars boldly asserting that any who questioned its Mosaic authorship reduced it to the level of a pious fraud.
This theory gives some plausibility to the charge that the book is a pious fraud.
All doubt on the subject may, however, be held to have been effectually set at rest by the masterly exposure of the whole fraud drawn up by Professor Mayor in the preface to the edition above referred to of the Speculum.
Fraud was charged in the Territorial election.
One intrigue into which he drifted in 1791, with a Mrs Reynolds, led to the blackmailing of Hamilton by her husband; and when this rascal, shortly afterwards, got into trouble for fraud, his relations with Hamilton were unscrupulously misrepresented for political purposes by some of Hamilton's opponents.
In 1500, when Cesare Borgia fell on Romagna with violence and fraud, this Malatesta shared the fate of other petty tyrants and had to fly for his life.
Try as I might, I could fathom no reason why he'd perpetrate such a complex fraud.
He was fraud, pure and simple.
Once again the real threat of fraud on the Internet has highlighted the fact that consumers fear going on line.
Curiously, very few people get worked up about this UK situation compared to the numbers who wax indignant about European fraud.
A lot of pious fraud went on in writings of the ancient world.
If you agree with the premise, then you will see why he is being held for fraud.
According to these ultra-leftists, the whole concept of progress was a fraud designed to win acquiescence for the intensification of capitalist domination.
Prodigy was held liable for defamatory allegations of fraud made against a company called Stratton Oakmont on a Prodigy maintained bulletin board.
Recently the Brooklyn district attorney 's office had handled seven major cases of fraud.
The Finance Bill introduces important measures to modernize taxes to keep pace with a changing world, and to tackle tax avoidance and fraud.
But trial all-postal ballots in four English regions were hit by delays and some fraud allegations.
To secure for itself all those lands it used every imaginable and unimaginable method, including bribery, fraud and coercion.
British as the inventor of television, was John logie Baird really a hero or a fraud?
European Court rules against Revenue & Customs in vat carousel fraud case; Have you entered into an artificial VAT avoidance scheme?
I think it's time all of us who can see through this shabby fraud to start openly criticizing these charlatans.
He also colluded in benefit fraud by allowing employees time to sign on as unemployed.
Common types of bankruptcy fraud include petition mills, false oath, concealment of assets, and fraudulent conveyance.
In the first six months of 2001 alone, there was a 37.5% increase in employe fraud cases passing through the criminal courts.
This audit trail should be a strong disincentive to attempts at fraud.
The NHS is admittedly a huge organization and eliminating fraud completely, although desirable, can probably never be more than a pipe dream.
Moreover, Geller has never participated in repeatable experiments under conditions that would preclude fraud.
Fraud can also be linked to other serious criminal activity taking place outside the organization, including extortion and money laundering.
Spokesman Mark Almond said only Labor's overwhelming victory prevented a firestorm of protests against voter fraud.
Absolute fraud foisted on the people of the North East.
Fortunately for me, I'm not foolhardy enough to send complete strangers thousands of pounds without some protection against fraud.
Back to top What can I do to combat fraud?
Gedling Boro Council will seek to prevent, deter and detect fraud wherever possible.
The National Benefit fraud Hotline receives more than 4000 calls every week from members of the public who suspect benefit fraud.
Spending Review 2000 SDA targets 8. The SFO seeks to deter fraud.
Back to top How can I report suspected benefit fraud?
First Judicial Review Attempt " We have lost a battle, but the war against electoral fraud continues " - John Hemming.
The address at which the alleged fraud may be taking place.
Government accused of ignoring warnings on postal vote fraud.
For example, we must give information to authorized benefit fraud investigators where fraud investigators where fraudulent benefit claims are suspected.
The fraud is therefore known as carousel fraud or missing trader fraud.
This got reported as " paternity fraud is an urban myth ", which is silly.
More resources needed to tackle vat fraud, says Baker Tilly Press release Read more.. .
If not I think they should be investigated for online fraud, if proven fraudulent.
Unfortunately findings sometimes may appear fraudulent even when fraud has not taken place.
Combating passport fraud is likely to become even more hi-tech in the future.
It is undemocratic, increasingly illiberal and riddled with fraud and corruption.
Portable and personal, they pose a virtually impenetrable barrier to fraud.
Craig Dean was not indicted in the whiskey investment fraud.
However, the main threat continues to be external fraud, perpetrated by individuals or organized criminal gangs.
Internal auditors typically do not have the training to conduct a fraud investigation on their own.
For example, we must give information to authorized benefit fraud investigators where fraudulent benefit claims are suspected.
Recent examples of its work vary from land registration to offenses of fraud, and from housing law to double jeopardy.
Fraud was listed has been changing Dakota legislature to.
And of course a working knowledge of the properties of metals could easily lend itself to deception and fraud.
Leon robbins 's fraud bureau quot.
And if your employees know you are on a constant lookout for fraud, it makes them less likely to try anything.
The main fraud was the notion that marihuana was a deadly menace.
Leakage in interconnect costs operators millions every month & often goes un-checked because Fraud & Revenue Assurance Teams do not understand the problem.
He said the mix-up showed there was a massive potential for fraud in the all-postal ballot...
Much of the fraud perpetrated through contact centers can be tackled through technology.
On top of that with ID fraud on the up, you feel the presser in getting you forms as quickly as possible!
We may check your details with fraud prevention agencies.
False declarations of species having been captive-bred or artificially propagated is the second most common type of CITES fraud.
If anyone can possibly explain why a practice should have reams of protocols on such issues as fraud - please do let me know.
It included measures on electoral registration, preventing election fraud, and postal vote administration.
He also has worked on large-scale fraud related asset recovery cases, which has included obtaining emergency injunctive relief in the United States.
Isn't this eerily reminiscent of the Jenin fraud?
Government agencies may use this information to investigate suspect companies and individuals, uncover new scams, and spot trends in fraud.
These include domestic servitude, sexual exploitation and benefit fraud.
Acquisitive crime (particularly shoplifting, burglary and fraud) are the primary means of funding drug misuse.
Uri is certainly 25 percent fraud and 25 percent showman, but fifty percent is real.
Contrary to popular belief, much computer fraud and abuse is not technically sophisticated.
We see from the Epistle of John how mortally afraid of gnostic spiritualism were the founders of the historical fraud.
Think internet fraud significant just percent London stock market grow in the.
Telcora Interconnect Fraud & Revenue Leakage Training hailed a great success by Cable & Wireless.
Others want you to fraud could save fact Thomas hogarty the benefit package.
Unfortunately we cannot take fraud tip-offs that do not relate to the East Herts District.
But he is eventually unmasked as a coward and a fraud.
In the UK, the present government has been particularly vigorous in its pursuit of fraud.
On the strength of this body of evidence Sabatier rejects all theories of fraud or hallucination, whatever may be the explanation of the phenomena.
Vulgar materialism sneers at the problem; duty is a fraud or hobgoblin, a mere superstition.
The acts of the Robber Synod were examined; fraud, violence and coercion were charged against it; its entire proceedings were annulled, and, at the third session, its leader, Dioscurus, was deposed and degraded.
Among the grounds on which a divorce may be obtained are adultery, extreme cruelty, fraud, abandonment for three years, gross neglect of duty, habitual drunkenness, a former existing marriage, procurement of divorce without the state by one party, which continues marriage binding on the other, and imprisonment in a penitentiary.
It seems to have been common among the Jews, and the case of the witch of Endor is narrated in a way to suggest something beyond fraud; in the book of magic which bears the name of Dr Faustus may be found many of the formulae for raising demons; in England may be mentioned especially Dr Dee as one of the most famous of those who claimed before the days of modern spiritualism to have intercourse with the unseen world and to summon demons at his will.
The deists, compelled by their view of the relation of God to nature to regard miracles as interventions, disposed of the miracles of the Bible either as " mistaken allegory " or even as conscious fraud on k the part of the narrators.
Meantime the substance of true religion - justice, charity and a humble walk with God - is forgotten, fraud and deceit reign in all classes, the works of the house of Ahab are observed (worship of foreign gods).
Machiavelli conceived the strongest admiration for Cesare's combination of audacity with diplomatic prudence, for his adroit use of cruelty and fraud, for his self-reliance, avoidance of half-measures, employment of native troops, and firm administration in conquered provinces.
Her profession of a desire to be instructed in the doctrines of Anglican Protestantism was so transparently a pious fraud as rather to afford confirmation than to arouse suspicion of her fidelity to the teaching of her church.
But expulsion is only resorted to in cases where members are guilty of offences rendering them unfit for a seat in the House, such as being in open rebellion, being guilty of forgery, perjury, fraud or breach of trust, misappropriation of public money, corruption, conduct unbecoming the character of an officer and a gentleman, &c. It is customary to order the member, if absent, to attend in his place, before an order is made for his expulsion (see May, Parliamentary Practice, 1906, p. 56 seq.).
According to Vasari, Marcantonio, in copying Diirer's series of the Little Passion on wood, had imitated the original monogram, and Darer, indignant at this fraud, set out for Italy in order to protect his rights, and having lodged a complaint against Marcantonio before the signory of Venice, carried his point so far that Marcantonio was forbidden in future to add the monogram of Darer to copies taken after his works.
The high value of realty in San Francisco naturally offered extraordinary inducements to fraud, and the largest part of the city was for years involved in fraudulent claims, and its peace broken by " squatter "-troubles.
The hoax was finally exposed by Professor Othniel C. Marsh of Yale; and George Hall of Binghamton, N.Y., confessed to the fraud, his object having been to discredit belief in the "giants" of Genesis vi.
Friedman goes on to point out that almost anywhere in the world today, it would be impossible to get away with this fraud.
Are you not weary of that stupid, meaningless, constantly repeated fraud?
Is n't this eerily reminiscent of the Jenin fraud?
Is more than riverboat designed in in the delta tax fraud on.
To safeguard against fraud and losses, we have a range of operating procedures and controls in place.
Newtownabbey Ballyclare Radiolink The project aims to reduce levels of business crime which includes shoplifting, fraud and forgery in the area.
There is not a shred of truth to Creation Science at all Creation Science is an abhorrent fraud.
Skeptics of levitation have come up with several theories as to its cause including hallucination, hypnosis, or fraud.
We see from the Epistle of John how mortally afraid of Gnostic Spiritualism were the founders of the historical fraud.
Think internet fraud significant just percent london stock market grow in the.
Introduction We will investigate any situation where we suspect serious tax fraud.
Benefit Fraud Help us save the taxpayers money Report benefit cheats !
According to the Federal Trade Commission, telemarketing fraud now costs Americans at least $ 40 billion a year.
Others want you to fraud could save fact thomas hogarty the benefit package.
Of course, he might be unmasked as a fraud.
Present security concerns around electronic voting and fraud are acknowledged in the report, but the watchword for the future of voting is âchoiceâ.
If you are not covered by state or federal lemon laws you might want to look into consumer fraud laws where you live.
Even private sellers are often bound by auto fraud laws.
If you believe that you have been the victim of outright deception, auto fraud is the avenue that you want to pursue.
Private collectors may sell their coins at auctions or in private transactions, but working with an individual increases the risk of fraud due to a lack of checks and balances.
Hedge funds are not regulated by any independent authority so this means that these investments are at a higher risk than average of fraud via the managers.
It offers cardholders protection against fraud and the ability to select the type of spending for which they earn three points for every dollar spent.
They carry a 24.99 percent interest rate, but also have fraud protection.
It is usable at any Chevron or Texaco station, has no annual fee and protects users against fraud.
This includes 24-hour notices of any significant changes and the $25,000 identity fraud insurance.
TransUnion offers many resources on their website to help you protect you against fraud and identity theft.
A fraud protection tip for this scam is never to answer an email requesting you for personal account information.
A fraud protection tip to avoid this scam is to never allow anyone to see you enter your pin number.
One form of fraud protection from this scam is to use the same ATM for all of your cash withdrawal transactions.
If you lose your card or suspect fraud report it immediately to your account's customer service number.
Reporting fraud is a tedious process, so focus on protecting yourself.
Some companies will not hold you liable for charges incurred through fraud as long as a police report is on file.
Contact your bank's fraud liability policy before you begin using any debit card.
Finally, remember a debit card is linked to your checking account- if fraud occurs it may drain all of your funds.
Chase Manhattan also offers a Fraud Detector program for customers who are concerned about identity theft and financial fraud.
American Express also has a dedicated team who deals with fraud and identity theft attempts against customers.
Fraud Protection - With fraud protection you will not be held liable for any unauthorized charges made if your card is stolen.
Identity fraud services can be a real sanity saver after an identity theft.
In these circumstances, you should insist that the other party provide you with identity fraud services.
Most of these errors are mere processing errors that can be easily corrected, but in cases of stolen identity or other fraud, these errors can take a tremendous amount of time and energy to correct.
These unused cards can be open to fraud if somebody finds and uses the account.
Most bank issued debit cards have zero fraud liability or a cap on the amount of consumer responsibility of around $50.
Zero Fraud Liability - If unauthorized purchases are charged to your MasterCard account, you will not be held liable for those purchases.
You can prevent identity theft before it happens to you or your children with a fraud alert system like LifeLock.
Each card has the Visa Zero Liability fraud protection - If you immediately report your card as lost or stolen, you are not responsible for purchases made by someone else.
The protection benefit includes full protection against fraud and extended warranty coverage.
This act, commonly called the FACT Act, established the National Fraud Alert System.
Fraud alert systems also require documentation to prove that the person requesting information about a child is the parent or guardian of the child.
Identity theft is the unauthorized access of information (such as through a data breach), and may not necessarily translate to fraud.
Sadly enough, friendly fraud also continues to be a problem, accounting for 17 percent of theft victims.
Friendly fraud is caused by the use of our sensitive information (checkbooks, bills, social security information and Personal Identification Numbers [PINS]) by family or friends who have immediate access to our information.
If fraud of a noticeable amount occurs on your account, your financial institution may contact you.
The media has sensationalized cyber crime and hacking to the extent that many people have been led to believe that using the Internet makes you more susceptible to identity theft and/or fraud.
In fact, monitoring accounts online through Internet banking provides a strong security advantage since it can actually help detect potential fraud much faster than waiting for and reviewing paper statements.
The Federal Trade Commission chooses to define identity theft as "a fraud that is committed or attempted using a person's identifying information without authority."
Wells Protect - Cardholders are automatically protected against liability due to fraud and card theft.
Innovis will work with fraud victims to get errors and fraudulent items removed from the report.
This will allow you to better track your spending, and help you catch suspicious purchases on your account in case of fraud.
In case the fraud specialists and alert system don't stop the fraud in time, you needn't worry as you are not responsible for paying even $1 of fraudulent purchases on your account.
Chase offers protection from fraud online via fraud management alerts and a secure website connection.
You can also set your account up to send fraud alert statements and warnings in cases where unusually account activity is present.
Furthermore, instead of carrying currency notes that can get lost or stolen, you can simply use your card that has built-in fraud protection.
If they wait too long to report the activity, the fraud will still be investigated; however, the cardholder may be liable for up to $50 of the unauthorized charges.
The Federal Trade Commission will investigate if the total value of the fraud is over $2,000 and the Secret Service will get involved if the total value is over $150,000.
The fraud will be investigated just as diligently on a family member as it would be if the fraudulent use was by someone you don't know.
If you do become a victim of fraud, it's easiest to recoup your money if you can contest the charge and report it as fraud.
TransUnion also offers help for consumers dealing with fraud and identity theft, including comprehensive information on how to protect your report.
There is more than one type of fraud alert, but the basics of each is the same.
Equifax's 90 day fraud alert is the basic option.
This greatly reduces your chances of falling victim to fraud.
No one wants to be a victim of bank fraud or identity theft, but unfortunately, these crimes do occur.
Perpetrators of these crimes, which can bring its victims to financial and personal ruin, do not discriminate by nationality; bank fraud and identity theft occur all over the globe.
If you are living in Ontario and you find yourself the victim of fraud, you may wonder what options there are for bank fraud and identity theft investigations.
The answer to this depends upon the scale at which the fraud occurs.
A large scale bank fraud is going to draw more investigation on the part of law enforcement than if one person has his or her identity stolen, simply because the loss is so much greater and the crime more severe when the amounts are high.
It may be due to insurance fraud, or because the individual does not qualify for the procedure himself.
Unfortunately, some grocery stores will no longer take Internet coupons because of instances of fraud.
It's not surprising that incidents of coupon fraud have been increasing.
Difference of opinion as to the absolutely "irremissible" character of mortal sins led to the important controversy associated with the names of Zephyrinus, Tertullian, Calistus, Hippolytus, Cyprian and Novatian, in which the stricter and more montanistic party held that for those who had been guilty of such sins as theft, fraud, denial of the faith, there should be no restoration to church fellowship even in the hour of death.
The laws usually contain provisions punishing fraud or bribery practised at a primary, similar to those which apply to the subsequent elections to office.
The efforts of Roman Catholic scholars have been directed (since Baronius ascribed the forgery to the Greeks) to proving that the fraud was not committed at Rome.
The Supreme Court dismissed the bill on the grounds that equity has no jurisdiction over political matters; that, assuming the fraudulent character of the objectionable constitutional provisions, the court was in effect asked to assist in administering a fraud; and that relief "must be given by them {the people of the state} or by the legislative and political departments of the government of the United States."
Sivaji was an extraordinary man, showing a genius both for war and for peaceful administration; but he always preferred to attain his ends by fraud rather than by force.
It was the effect of undue influence, suspicious circumstances, fraud and mistake.
In 1889 the Democrats were charged with fraud in the 34th election precinct of Silverbow county, and, the dispute remaining unsettled, two legislatures were seated.
At the outbreak of the Revolution, intoxicated with republican ideas, he threw himself with enthusiasm into politics, was elected an officer in the National Guard of the Aisne, and by fraud - he being yet under age - admitted as a member of the electoral assembly of his district.
This is done, not always with any deliberate consciousness of fraud (although it must be clearly recognized that truth is not one of the "natural virtues," and that the sense of the obligations of truthfulness was far from strong), but rather to emphasize the importance of what was written, and the fact that it was no new invention of the writer's.
Contract of sale or barter with warranty could be dissolved for fraud, provided action was taken within a limited time after the fraud had become known.
Let others--the young--yield afresh to that fraud, but we know life, our life is finished!
There have been several professional photographers (all detected in fraud sooner or later) who made it their business to take photo complaints, to certain epidemics of the middles ages,' and to phenomena that have occurred at some religious revivals.
Most spiritualists know that much fraud in connexion with them has been discovered - frequently by spiritualists themselves - and that the conditions favourable to obtaining them are often such as favour fraud.
The rare recurrence of the same inspectors would obviously facilitate fraud, if any such were intended.
That there was fraud, and complicated fraud, in the guardians of the dauphin may be taken as proved by a succession of writers from 1850 onwards, and more recently by Frederic Barbey, who wisely attempts no ultimate solution.
If a codex could not be obtained by fair means, he was ready to use fraud, as when he bribed a monk to abstract a Livy and an Ammianus from the convent library of Hersfield.
It seems to have begun in really voluntary agreements; but for these the unscrupulous greed of the traders soon substituted methods of fraud and violence.
The public refused to believe that the baby was Mary's child, and declared that a fraud had been perpetrated to secure a Roman Catholic heir.
We may still hold the opinion of Dollinger that it was intended to impress the barbarian Pippin and justify in his eyes the Frank intervention in favour of the pope in Italy; or we may share the view of Loening (rejected by Brunner, Rechtsgeschichte) that the forgery was a pious fraud on the part of a cleric of the Curia, committed under Adrian I., 4 with the idea of giving a legal basis to territorial dominion which that pope had succeeded in establishing in Italy.
The design of the writers of the New Testament, as well as that of Jesus, was not to teach true rational religion, but to serve their own selfish ambitions, in promoting which they exhibit an amazing combination of conscious fraud and enthusiasm.
The fraud was short-lived, and Darius I.
In the United States imprisonment for debt was universal under the common law, but it has been abolished in every state, except in certain cases, as where there is any suspicion of fraud or where the debtor has an intention of removing out of the state to avoid his debts.
Clark secured his election to the senate in 1899, but Daly furnished to the Committee on Elections and Privileges such evidence of bribery and fraud that it decided against seating him.
At this moment a notorious fraud was perpetrated on the Stock Exchange by an uncle of his and by other persons with whom he habitually acted in his speculations.
Preventing violent crimes and crimes against the weak usually take precedent over fraud and economic crimes.
There used to be a good deal of fraud practised at elections, including personating and repeating, as well as a good deal of bribery in a few states and in some of the larger cities.
It's a fraud, lads!
A fraud, yes, but Youngblood did his homework.
By an audacious fraud that represented him as an enemy, and Polk as a friend of protection, Clay lost the vote of Pennsylvania; and he lost the vote of New York by his own letter abating the force of his previous opposition to the annexation of Texas.
With the evolution of rank, however, and the concentration of magico-religious power in the hands of certain orders, there is less solidarity and more individualism, or at all events more opportunity for sectional interests to be pursued at other than critical times; whereupon fraud and violence are apt to infect religion.
Garnet, it is true, claimed to limit the justification of equivocation to cases " of necessary defence from injustice and wrong or of the obtaining some good of great importance when there is no danger of harm to others," and he could justify his conduct in lying to the council by their own conduct towards him, which included treacherous eavesdropping and fraud, and also threats of torture.
There is no step, no crime or petty fraud he commits, which in the mouths of those around him is not at once represented as a great deed.
For such offences as witchcraft, fraud, removing landmarks, and adultery the criminal had his heart cut out on the altar, or his head crushed between two stones, while even lesser punishments were harsh, such as that of slanderers, whose hair was singed with a pine-torch to the scalp.
I pulled Sackler off that check fraud case and gave him the Wasserman business full time.
The Roman oratory of the law courts had to deal not with petty questions of disputed property, of fraud, or violence, but with great imperial questions, with matters affecting the well-being of large provinces and the honour and safety of the republic; and no man ever lived who, in these respects, was better fitted than Cicero to be the representative of the type of oratory demanded by the condition of the later republic. To his great artistic accomplishment, perfected by practice and elaborate study, to the power of his patriotic, his moral, and personal sympathies, and his passionate emotional nature, must be added his vivid imagination and the rich and copious stream of his language, in which he had no rival among Roman writers or speakers.