Frank Sentence Examples
I will be frank with you.
He introduced himself simply as Frank and said he was at my disposal.
This young man, of whom I spoke to you last summer, is so noble-minded and full of that real youthfulness which one seldom finds nowadays among our old men of twenty and, particularly, he is so frank and has so much heart.
The new tsar, Alexander III., was an apt pupil of his tutor Pobedonostsev (q.v.), the celebrated procurator of the Holy Synod, for whom the representative system was a modern lie," and his reign covered a period of frank reaction, during which there was not only no question of affected even the stolid and apparently immovable masses of the peasantry.
I had a good, frank talk with Mrs. Keller, and explained to her how difficult it was going to be to do anything with Helen under the existing circumstances.
In a frank, cordial letter which was delivered to Cobden on his landing in Liverpool, Lord Palmerston offered him the presidency of the Board of Trade, with a seat in the Cabinet.
Frank Buckland, who visited the place, states that after a little while they allowed him to take hold of them, scratch them on the back, and play with them in various ways.
The new practice was received at first with contempt and even ridicule, and afterwards by Stoll and Peter Frank with only grudging approval.
Under the supervision of the, reform committee, such arms as had been smuggled in were distributed, and Colonel Frank Rhodes was given charge of the armed men.
In any case the native Frank, accustomed to commercial intercourse and diplomatic negotiations with the Mahommedans, could hardly share the unreasoning passion to make a dash for the "infidel."
AdvertisementBeing the starting-point of the "overland route" to India, and the residence of the chief foreign consuls, it quickly acquired a European character and attracted not only Frank residents, but great numbers of Greeks, Jews and Syrians.
When she had finished the letter she carried it to her mother and spelled, "Frank letter," and gave it to her brother to take to the post-office.
The King's Own was a vast improvement, in point of construction, upon Frank Mildmay; and he went on, through a quick succession of tales, Newton Forster (1832), Peter Simple (1834), Jacob Faithful (1834), The Pacha of Many Tales (1835), Japhet in Search of a Father (1836), Mr Midshipman Easy (1836), The Pirate and the Three Cutters (1836), till he reached his highwater mark of constructive skill in Snarley-yow, or the Dog Fiend (1837).
Zirconium also forms double sulphates of the type Zr203(S04M)2 nH20, where M =K, Rb, Cs, and n=8 for K, 15 for Rb, 11 for Cs (Rosenheim and Frank, Ber., 1905, 38, p. 812).
By his speeches and messages, and by his frank use of one of the greatest of modern social engines - the newspaper press - he created a public opinion which heartily supported him.
AdvertisementBut it was inevitable that, when the barbarians, Lombard or Frank, were once established on the mainland of Italy, Venice should be brought first into trading and then into political relations with their near neighbours, who as masters of Italy also put forward a claim to sovereignty in the lagoons.
The author relates a conversation between Otkar the Frank (Ogier the Dane) and the Lombard king Desiderius (Didier) on the walls of Pavia in view of Charlemagne's advancing army.
When the Mongol conquests threw Asia open to Frank travellers in the middle of the 13th century their minds were full of Prester John; they sought in vain for an adequate representative, nor was it in the nature of things that they should not find some representative.
Frank of Charlottenburg, who finds that a concentrated solution of cuprous chloride in an acid, the liquid being made into a paste with kieselgiihr, is the most effective.
Further, he not only created a style of his own, but, instead of taking the substance of his writings from Greek poetry, or from a remote past, he treated of the familiar matters of daily life, of the politics, the wars, the administration of justice, the eating and drinking, the money-making and money-spending, the scandals and vices, which made up the public and private life of Rome in the last quarter of the and century B.C. This he did in a singularly frank, independent and courageous spirit, with no private ambition to serve, or party cause to advance, but with an honest desire to expose the iniquity or incompetence of the governing body, the sordid aims of the middle class, and the corruption and venality of the city mob.
AdvertisementThey are a fine, frank race, naturally open-hearted and free-handed, fond of change and given to an out-door life; but they do not seem to improve on being brought into contact with civilization.
In the 9th and 10th century it was even made obligatory, by the decrees of the synods of Mainz (813) and Tribur (895), on priests throughout the Frank Empire to wear it at all times, especially when travelling.
But her frank recklessness, her generosity, her invariable good temper, her ready wit, her infectious high spirits and amazing indiscretions appealed irresistibly to a generation which welcomed in her the living antithesis of Puritanism.
Germany, but the bulk of the people were heathen, in spite of the efforts of Frank and Irish missionaries and the command of King Dagobert I.
Benjamin Friedman is disarmingly frank about some of the further consequences.
AdvertisementMrs. Freeman and Carrie and Ethel and Frank and Helen came to station to meet us in a huge carriage.
Frank Stranahan built the house in 1906 as part of his barge ferry business.
Frank wants to talk to you, but I've got a question first.
I considered calling Frank Vasapolli but I would be revealing my Keene location.
He discerned their capabilities, studied their characters, and sought to remedy their defects by frank and searching criticism.
Frank has claimed to have found oats, buckbeans, spurry, turnips, mustard, potatoes and Norway maples exercising it; Nobbe and others have imputed its possession to Elaeagnus.
Apart from the extremists on Develop- one side or the other, frank reactionaries on the De ment of Right and Socialists on the Left, two main divisions political of opinion revealed themselves in the congresses of parties.
For the Fourth Crusade the primary authority is Villehardouin's La Conquete de Constantinople, an official apology for the diversion of the Crusade written by one of its leaders, and concealing the arcana under an appearance of frank naïveté.
A frank opponent of the extremist policy of Charles X., he tried to save him in 1830; in company with Antoine d'Argout he visited the Tuileries and persuaded the king to withdraw the ordinances and to summon the Council.
On the 29th of September a Greek naval force, commanded by an English Philhellene, Captain Frank Abney Hastings, had destroyed some Turkish vessels in Salona Bay, on the north side of the Gulf of Corinth.
Gold-mining and quartz-mining are its principal industries, and in 1907 Nevada county's output of gold (104,J90.76 oz., worth $2,162,083) was second only to that of Butte county (134,813.39 oz., worth $2,786,840) in California; the county is the leading producer 1 Died the 21st of September, 1890, and Frank Bell became governor by virtue of his office as lieutenant-governor.
Frank Mildmay, or the Naval Officer, was published in 1829, and The King's Own followed in 1830.
Any frank recognition of the abbe's even general principles involves the abandonment of the identification of theology with scholasticism or even with specifically ancient thought in general.
Joseph Frank (1774-1841), a German professor at Pavia, afterwards of Vienna, the author of an encyclopaedic work on medicine now forgotten, embraced the Brunonian system, though he afterwards introduced some modifications, and transplanted it to Vienna.
Reinhard, who considered Arthur O'Connor "a far abler man," accurately read the character of Lord Edward Fitzgerald as that of a young man "incapable of falsehood or perfidy, frank, energetic, and likely to be a useful and devoted instrument; but with no experience or extraordinary talent, and entirely unfit to be chief of a great party or leader in a difficult enterprise."
Many find employment as artisans, small dealers, porters and soldiers in Egypt, where they are usually noted for their honesty, and frank and cheerful temperament.
These were followed by Scribner's Magazine (1887), the New England Magazine (1889), the Illustrated Review of Reviews (1890), McClure's Magazine (1893), the Bookman (1895), the World's Work (1902), the American Magazine (1906) succeeding Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly, and Munsey's Magazine (1889).
Lebanon during the Frank period of Antioch and Palestine, the Maronites being inclined to take the part of the crusading princes against the Druses and Moslems; but they were still regarded as heretic Monothelites by Abulfaragius (Bar-Hebraeus) at the end of the 13th century; nor is their effectual reconciliation to Rome much older than 1736, the date of the mission sent by the pope Clement XII., which fixed the actual status of their church.
Besides his relations with his maitresse en titre, the countess Lichtenau, the king - who was a frank polygamist - contracted two "marriages of the left hand" with Fraulein von Voss and the countess Ddnhoff.
The latter wished for more fasting, the prohibition of second marriages, a frank, courageous profession of Christianity in daily life, and entire separation from the world; the bishops, on the other hand, sought to make it as easy as possible to be a Christian, lest they should lose the greater part of their congregations.
But independent critics (among whom may specially be named Francois de Pressense) held that Manning came well through the ordeal, and that Purcell's Life had great value as an unintentionally frank revelation of character.
In 799 the Balearic Islands had been handed over to Charles, and a long warfare was carried on both by sea and land between Frank and Saracen until 810, when peace was made between the emperor and El-Hakem, the emir of Cordova.
The Christians' of Bithynia were evidently quite frank about them to Pliny (c. 112), and Justin in his Apology reveals everything to a pagan emperor (c. 150).
He returned to America in 1840, was a tutor for a few months (1840-1841) at Bowdoin, and in 1842, shut out from any better place by distrust of his German training and by his frank opposition to Unitarianism, he became pastor of the Congregational Church of West Amesbury (now Merrimac), Massachusetts.
See Straits Settlements Blue Book 1906 (Singapore, 1907); The Straits Directory (Singapore, 1907); Sir Frank Swettenham, British Malaya (London, 1906).
The name Brussel seems to have been derived from Broeksele, the village on the marsh or brook, and probably it was the most used point for crossing the Senne on the main Roman and Frank road between Tournai and Cologne.
In 1563 he was sent to Spain, where his natural abilities were improved by a good education, but he lacked the frank and tolerant spirit of his father, resembling rather his uncle Philip II.
After some negotiations, an interview took place between him and Mr (afterwards Sir) Lepel Griffin, the diplomatic representative at Kabul of the Indian government, who described Abdur Rahman as a man of middle height, with an exceedingly intelligent face and frank and courteous manners, shrewd and able in conversation on the business in hand.
In 1439, in the reign of Zara Yakub, a religious discussion between an Abyssinian, Abba Giorgis, and a Frank had led to the despatch of an embassy from Abyssinia to the Vatican; but the initiative in the Roman Catholic missions to Abyssinia was taken, not by Rome, but by Portugal, as an incident in the struggle with the Mussulmans for the command of the trade route to India by the Red Sea.
A court-leet and view of frank pledge used to be held half-yearly at Easter and Michaelmas, and a court-baron in May.
Thus Cardinal HergenrOther holds that it was written by a Frank in the 9th century, in order to prove that the Greeks had been rightfully expelled from Italy and that Charlemagne was legitimate emperor.
We may still hold the opinion of Dollinger that it was intended to impress the barbarian Pippin and justify in his eyes the Frank intervention in favour of the pope in Italy; or we may share the view of Loening (rejected by Brunner, Rechtsgeschichte) that the forgery was a pious fraud on the part of a cleric of the Curia, committed under Adrian I., 4 with the idea of giving a legal basis to territorial dominion which that pope had succeeded in establishing in Italy.
Readers of Scott's Pirate will remember the frank contempt which Magnus Troil expressed for the Scots, and his opinions probably accurately reflected the general Norse feeling on the subject.
Mazarin was not a Frenchman, but a citizen of the world, and always paid most attention to foreign affairs; in his letters all that could teach a diplomatist is to be found, broad general views of policy, minute details carefully elaborated, keen insight into men's characters, cunning directions when to dissimulate or when to be frank.
Lamoureux, Hand-Book of Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro, 1887); Frank Vincent, Around and About South America (New York, 1890), chapters xxv.
His consort Eudoxia (daughter of a Frank general, Bauto whose father was Arbogast), a woman of strong will, exercised great influence over him; she died in 404.
This work was refused; the jury alleged that a statue of Diana demanded drapery; without drapery, they said, the goddess became a "suivante de Venus," and not even the proud and frank chastity of the attitude and expression could save the Diana of Houdon (a bronze reproduction of which is in the Louvre) from insult.
In the more "extreme" x 5a churches the surplices are frank imitations of the Roman cotta.
Beside or behind the voluptuous or intellectual attractions of beauty and culture, she had about her the fresher charm of a fearless and frank simplicity, a genuine and enduring pleasure in small and harmless things no less than in such as were neither.
In view of the scarcely disguised ambitions and intrigues of the Austrian court, Montgelas now believed that the interests of Bavaria lay in a frank alliance with the French republic; he succeeded in overcoming the reluctance of Maximilian Joseph; and, on the 24th of August, a separate treaty of peace and alliance with France was signed at Paris.
At different periods he was editor of the Christian at Work (1873-76), New York; the Advance (1877-79), Chicago; Frank Leslie's Sunday Magazine (1879-89), New York; and the Christian Herald (1890-1902), New York.
His irrespressible and often daring humour, together with his frank distaste for much conventional religious phraseology, was a stumbling-block to some pious people.
When the Frank took the imperial crown of the west, Sicily still kept its allegiance to the Augustus who reigned at Constantinople, and was only torn away piecemeal from the empire by the next race of conquerors.
In return for these, the antrustion enjoyed certain valuable advantages, as being specially entitled to the royal assistance and protection; his wergeld is three times that of an ordinary Frank; the slayer of a Frank paid compensation of 200 solidi, that of an antrustion had to find boo.
In 1301 his grandson and namesake granted to East Looe a market and fair, view of frank pledge, ducking stool and pillory and assize of bread and ale.
The frank bearing, fortitude and self-sacrificing heroism of the best type of the soldierly character find expression in the persons of Achilles, Telamon and Eurypylus; and a dignified and passionate tenderness of feeling makes itself heard in the lyrical utterances of Cassandra and Andromache.
In addition to the Mahommedan quarters, usually called after the trade of the inhabitants or some notable building, there are the Copt or Christian quarter, the Jews' quarter and the old " Frank " quarter.
The last is the Muski district where, since the days of Saladin, " Frank " merchants have been permitted to live and trade.
The Danes, the southernmost branch of the Scandinavian family, referred to by Alfred (c. 890) as occupying Jutland, the islands and Scania, were, in 777, strong enough to defy the Frank empire by harbouring its fugitives.
For generations the obstinately heathen Saxons had lain, a compact and impenetrable mass, between Scandinavia and the Frank empire, nor were the measures adopted by Charles the Great for the conversion of the Saxons to the true faith very much to the liking of their warlike Danish neighbours on the other side.
The young emperor was frank and cordial; Frederick was more cautious, for he detected under the respectful manner of Joseph a keen ambition that might one day become dangerous to Prussia.
He was followed by Sir Stanley (afterwards Lord) Buckmaster, who was succeeded by Sir Frank Swettenham jointly with the late Sir Edward Cook.
He inherited his father's love of art and of nascent science; but this fault was forgiven him, as his manners were popular, his horsemanship good, and his bearing frank and free.
These elements are, briefly stated, (1) a strong partiality for subjects dealing with humble life, in country and town, with the fun of taverns and village greens, with that domestic life in the rough which goes to the making of the earlier farces in English and French; (2) a whimsical, elfin kind of wit, delighting in extravagance and topsy-turviness; (3) a frank interest in the pleasures of good company and good drink.
A further change in the meaning of the name is marked by its conferment on Pippin the Frank e by Pope Stephen.
The territory of the later duchy of Gelderland was inhabited at the beginning of the Christian era by the Teutonic tribes of the Sicambri and the Batavi, and later, during the period of the decline of the Roman empire, by the Chamavi and other Frank peoples.
There was grace, nevertheless, in his manners; and his frank and earnest address, his quick sympathy (yet he seemed cold to strangers), his vivacious, desultory, informing talk, gave him an engaging charm.
The bishops, to whom the manor belonged until the Reformation, had difficulty in enforcing their warren and other rights; in 1351 Bishop Grandison obtained an exemplification of judgments of 1282 declaring that he had pleas of withernam, view of frank pledge, the gallows and assize of bread and ale.
The Afghans, inured to bloodshed from childhood, are familiar with death, and audacious in attack, but easily discouraged by failure; excessively turbulent and unsubmissive to law or discipline; apparently frank and affable in manner, especially when they hope to gain some object, but capable of the grossest brutality when that hope ceases.
The European, especially if he come from India, is charmed by their apparently frank, openhearted, hospitable and manly manners; but the charm is not of long duration, and he finds that the Afghan is as cruel and crafty as he is independent.
Just beyond this point Mr. Frank Wild was landed on a new coast called Queen Mary Land in lat.
Both titles were borrowed by the Merovingian kings for the administrative machinery of the Frank empire, and under them the functions of the duke remained substantially unaltered.
This writing is so singularly frank and unconventional that its drift is not at once apparent to the literary student.
At the same time one also meets with frank avowals of a superstitious fear lest any irregularity in the performance of the obsequial rites should cause the Fathers to haunt their old home and trouble the peace of their undutiful descendant, or even prematurely draw him after them to the Pitri-loka or world of the Fathers, supposed to be located in the southern region.
Possessing frank and open manners, untiring and unresting energy, and a prowess which found its native element in difficulty and danger, he seemed the embodiment of the chivalrous and warlike spirit of his age, and was the model of all the qualities which then won highest admiration.
First of all must be named the Frank in whose lifetime the dual conception of universal empire and universal church, divinely appointed, sacred and inviolable, began to control the order of European society.
The Frank conquest is represented by the " Crusaders' Tower " at Kolossi, and the church of St Nicholas at Nicosia; and, later, by masterpieces of a French Gothic style, such as the church (mosque) of St Sophia, and other churches at Nicosia; the cathedral (mosque) and others at Famagusta (q.v.), and the monastery at Bella Pais; as well as by domestic architecture at Nicosia; and by forts at Kyrenia, Limasol and elsewhere.
Sir Frank Lascelles, who had been appointed minister to Persia in July, arrived at Teheran in the late autumn of 1891.
Sir Frank Lascelles left Persia in the early part of 1894, and was succeeded by Sir Mortimer Durand, who was appointed in July and arrived in Teheran in November.
All, or almost all, the clever young men of the brilliant generation of 1830 passed under his influence; and, while he pleased the Romanticists by his frank appreciation of the beauties of English, German, Italian and Spanish poetry, he had not the least inclination to decry the classics - either the classics proper of Greece and Rome or the so-called classics of France.
Frank and open in his manners, fairly truthful, faithful to his word, temperate and enduring, and looking upon courage as the highest virtue, the true Baluch of the Derajat is a pleasant man to have dealings with.
He has made frank confession of his nescience, and in certain passages his critical judgment and sober sense and circumspection are quite striking.
These dates are given in the following memorial distich with a frank indifference to quantity and metre "Vult Crux, Lucia, Cinis, Charismata dia Quod det vota pia quarta sequens feria."
In return for the transfer by the pope of the Frank crown from the decayed line of Clovis to his own, Pippin crossed the Alps, defeated Aistulf and gave to the pope the lands which Aistulf had torn from the empire, Ravenna and the Pentapolis (754-756).
Henceforth they were equally with the Italians the subjects of the Frank kings.
But the establishment of the Frank kingdom, and still more the re-establishment of the Christian empire as the source of law and jurisdiction in Christendom, had momentous influence on the history of the Italianized Lombards.
Federal troops, called for by Governor Frank Steunenberg, again took charge, and about Boo suspected men in the district were arrested and shut up in a stockade known as the " bull-pen."
Theystood, therefore, at a great disadvantage when a new and aggressive Catholic power appeared in Gaul through the conversion of the Frank Clovis or Chlodwig.
Toulouse passed away to the Frank; but the Goth kept Narbonne and its district, the land of Septimania - the land which, as the last part of Gaul held by the Goths, kept the name of Gothia for many ages.
At the diet which opened in December 1522 at Nuremberg he was represented by Chieregati, whose instructions contain the frank admission that the whole disorder of the church had perchance proceeded from the Curia itself, and that there the reform should begin.
The Frank knights fought desperately, but were utterly defeated (14th of April 1205); the count of Blois was slain, and the emperor captured.
Father and Uncle Frank are down town.
Now that she has grown up, nobody thinks of being less frank with her than with any other intelligent young woman.
I wanted her to write to her Uncle Frank this morning, but she objected.
To be quite frank, Mary, I expect Father's character sometimes makes things trying for you, doesn't it?
Couples have many questions to ask before getting engaged, and if you're not ready for frank discussions about possibly upsetting topics, you may not be ready for a marriage proposal.
In the next year followed the Considerations sur les richesses et le luxe, combating the opinions of Necker; and in 1788 the more valuable Considerations sur l'esprit et les mceurs, a book which abounds in sententious, but often excessively frank, sayings.
The frank recognition that local income taxes are impossible, and that taxation on property for local purposes can only be applied to real property, where it becomes, usually or frequently, in the nature of a rent-charge, would have saved the legislature and the public an infinity of laborious discussion.
In addition to having its press organs, the Bond from time to time published official utterances less frank in their tone than the statements of its press.
He returned to Italy with Ursicinus, when he was recalled by Constantius, and accompanied him on the expedition against Silvanus the Frank, who had been forced by the unjust accusations of his enemies into proclaiming himself emperor in Gaul.
Wessex was won over by an independent adventurer, the Frank Birinus, who had no connection with the earlier arrivals in Kent.
The emperor seemed to be threatening the independence of the North, and in terror and resentment the Scandinavian peoples turned first to strike at the encroaching Frank, and soon after to assail the other Christian kingdoms which lay behind, or on the flank of, the Empire.
Disarmed, however, by the dukes frank submission they wisely resolved not to push him to extremes, and the first council which was appointed to act for the new monarch was a sort of coalition ministry in which Lancasters followers as well as his foes were represented.
The true tendency of Castlereaghs foreign policy was not understood, nor had he any of the popular arts which would have enabled Canning to carry public opinion with him in cases where a frank explanation was impossible.
He sought the courts of Tuscany and Naples and tried to enlist Frank sympathies, inventing (probably) the curious myth, so often credited since, that the Druses are of crusading origin and owe their name to the counts of Dreux.1 1 Sophisticated Druses still sometimes claim connexion with Rosicrucians, and a special relation to Scottish freemasons.
He was a genial companion, frank and outspoken, and a good man of business.
Nothing can be clearer or more frank and comprehensive in its destructiveness than the revolutionary anarchism of Bakunin.
Bakunin's methods of realizing his revolutionary programme are not less frank and destructive than his principles.
These three conditions were interdependent; and Henry IV., with his persuasive manners, his frank and charming character, and his personal valour, seemed capable of keeping them all three.
Intermarriages had not been uncommon between Frank and Visigoth, but they had rarely led to any other result than to subjct the Arian ladies who were sent from Spain, or the Catholic ladies who came from France, to blows and murder by their husbands and their husbands families.
The Arab called them the Christians of Al Frank, and distinguished them from the Gallicians.
Gessi, who had most successfully governed his province, found his position under Raouf intolerable, resigned his post in September 1880 and was succeeded by Frank Lupton, an Englishman, and formerly captain of a Red Sea merchant steamer, who was given the rank of bey.
The passages with gates at each end within which most Frank shops in modern Smyrna lie, are a survival of the semi-fortified residences of the European merchants.
When the emperor of Austria summoned a meeting of the German princes at Frank Christian monarchy against the revolution as the chief duty of the Prussian government.
Friends he won readily, and he held them in devoted attachment by the solid worth of a frank, ardent, generous, warm-hearted and highminded character.
Nicholas could not believe that Christian powers would resent his claim to protect the Christian subjects of the sultan; he believed he could count on the friendship of Austria and Prussia; as for Great Britain, he would try to come to a frank understanding with her (hence the famous conversations with Sir Hamilton Seymour on the 9th and, 4th of January 1853, reviving the " Sick Man" arguments of 1844), but in any case he had the assurance of Baron Brunnow, his ambassador in London, that the influence of Cobden and Bright, the eloquent apostles of peace, was enough to prevent her from appealing to arms against him.
He is, I should say, too frank, for he talks so openly before people, which he should not do, and with difficulty restrains himself.
Yet this young man's frank appraisal was none of those.
Look Swami, you're not talking to the FBI or the cops; I'm just private citizen Frank Vasapolli.
Agnes then gave me Frank Vasapolli's cell phone number saying he was out in the field.
At the end of 1966, the twins hatched a plot to free Frank Mitchell, the mad axeman.
Frank is a very nervous dog who isn't used to being left alone.
Frank Bruce, the sculptor, has perfected his own style, which he calls, " archetypal abstractionism " .
Before joining academia full time Frank worked for asset managers in the field of Socially Responsible Investments.
Frank couldn't partake - he's a recovering alcoholic.
I would consider tabling an Early Day Motion if that is asked of me. Holborn and St Pancras MP Frank Dobson was equally appalled.
But the former health secretary Frank Dobson says another 75 backbenchers oppose the white paper.
Frank's Park fireworks, Callender's Band tightly packed in the small bandstand.
Frank threw the score at me and told me to write several sections of solo horn parts for 1 st baritone.
His former boss Frank Lynch has threaten to sue West Midlands Police over the issue.
His production of Frank McGuinness's there came A Gypsy Riding opens at the Almeida in January.
Frank Skinner is putting the finishing touches to an old Gypsy caravan in the Bull Inn's yard.
Frank Morgan landed 2 10lb common carp, Ron Broom landed a 10lb mirror carp all on Friday night.
Frank often grazed the cattle on the Common in the sixties.
In October 1999 " Smiley ", Frank's play about the great cellist Jacqueline du Pre, was premiered in Brussels.
So he asked the centipede in the box, " would you like to go to Frank's with me and have a beer?
Also met a chum from the 19th Battalion, Frank Long.
It was sold from Frank Cooper's shop at 83, The High in distinctive earthenware crocks that have now become collector's items.
Frank and Steve were working on the lhs front valve crosshead slidebars (below ), reaming the hole nearest the camera.
A frank answer, so I brave the frank question, ' Do you feel personally culpable for that disaster?
At the Closing Ceremony the flag was carried by Frank Duffy, skip of the wheelchair curling team.
Frank wants to know whether strawberry daiquiri or sherry was preferable for exchange formal halls; strawberry daiquiri was generally approved of.
Although Frank is the muscle, Riley is no helpless damsel in distress.
Frank Field, a former welfare minister, said building a new system would prove disastrous.
Might this be the catalyst for a full and frank disclosure of the paper's attitude to " editorial "?
Even Frank seemed somewhat downcast â a bad sign, as heâs normally a cheery soul, despite the anger raging inside him.
Acknowledgements Frank van Harmelen provided many insightful comments on a preliminary draft of this paper.
The Woodlands Flock was started in 2004 with the purchase of 8 pedigree shearling ewes from Mr Frank Martin's Humby Flock.
The enduring fame rests on The Diary of a Young Girl (sometimes called The Diary of Anne Frank ).
To be brutally frank, what happened to me is nothing compared to what happens every day to many people.
Gilligan pointed to New York Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly's astonishingly frank security briefing on the London attacks.
The Warder's handbook for 1952 is refreshingly frank.
In an unusually frank and forthright address at th... read more.
In a remarkably frank interview, published in the weekly paper Demos, Gouveia accused the party's secretariat of being " inactive " .
Jane's nephew Edward Austen and her brother Frank became the front-runners.
Frank is waiting for his share in an old bullion heist - ' cept he's shot the other five in the meantime.
Diseases affecting the hypothalamus In contrast, damage to the hypothalamus often leads to frank obesity.
His whole behavior reflected spiritual idealism, with sometimes the postures of a visionary, sometimes the frank outbursts of a child.
This enabled Frank Bisby to give us a bird's eye view of species identification in the third millenium.
Is not that the very man Frank had the impudence to bring here last Tuesday week?
Still feeling incomplete, the band recruited Frank to fill out their sound.
Rashleigh, who has become an informer, is killed by Rob Roy during an attempt on Frank's life.
Returning Hammer Frank Lampard ignores the jeers to give the champions a first-half lead after Michael Essien is stretchered off.
Frank Lee tackles the left-liberal literati about the UK economy.
He was, in turn, replaced by Frank Wakefield, another great bluegrass mandolin master.
The court case is a frank admission that the company has failed to gain market share despite having technologically competitive products.
We also had 2 fantastic masseuses, Michelle Pereira and Frank Isaac who volunteered there time and skills to help.
The Astronomer Royal, Sir Frank Dyson, unveiled the memorial, slightly later than planned, in February 1927.
To achieve this his methods were often mendacious or, more charitably, less than frank.
No gold, just frank nonsense and myrth, mulled liquor and innocent festive merriment.
I also believe Lee also appeared on the Frank Skinner show a while ago, in a sketch about Prince Harry needing a minder.
I honestly believe if Dirty Frank had n't nobbled him at New Year we would be well clear of Everton now.
Working in conjunction with Knight Frank's network of regional offices, we cover the entire UK market.
David Perry and Frank Gun set sail for some delicious double penetration with the lovely Eva.
Together we will create a frank reflection of the artist's persona and practice.
He's relatively new to front-line politics, replacing Frank Dobson when he went off to be humiliated in the London Mayoral elections.
Paul Frank Black Patricia polo Top £ 39.99 Black structured cotton polo top with small Julius emblem on left chest.
My distinguished predecessor, Frank Haynes, was a Bevin boy.
Williams team principal Frank Williams hailed the deal as a landmark step toward making his outfit competitive once again.
Frank Maguire had once been OC of the Ira prisoners in Crumlin Road jail.
The arena, to be run by boxing promoter Frank Warren, will host major televised sporting events.
Frank Whittle Frank Whittle, in 1929, was the first to propose the idea of jet propulsion in the modern sense.
Frank later became a mink rancher which was his occupation for almost 30 years.
Free Loading Frank was back to start of the evening in a typically raucous fashion.
Two years later there is, sadly, an entry recording the death of Frank, aged 7. Harvesting with horse-drawn reaper and binder.
Frank Stone is attempting to start to share the philosophy of revolution under cover of his pizza restaurant.
Less than optimal intake of selenium may have adverse effects on psychological function, even in the absence of signs of frank selenium deficiency.
His frank acceptance of the situation marks him as either an innocent man, or else as a man of considerable self-restraint and firmness.
But the film is more than just a ' frank ' portrayal of feminine middle-aged sexuality.
The desert world portrayed in Critical Mass bears a remarkable similarity to Frank Herbert's Dune.
Much loved sister-in-law of Betty, Frank and families, Margaret, Vic and families.
London office space shrinks 18 July 2006 London office space is becoming increasingly sparse, according to new research by estate agent Frank Knight.
Middlesbrough was around for a while, and from there came Frank Auffret, who rode speedway for Middlesbrough, Hull and England.
Frank Skinner was famously 30 years old before he tried stand-up for the first time.
Frank wants to know whether strawberry daiquiri or sherry was preferable for exchange formal halls; strawberry daiquiri or sherry was preferable for exchange formal halls; strawberry daiquiri was generally approved of.
Two sitting patients (1.3 %) experienced frank syncope.
Constantly taunted by Frank Burke for lack of masculinity.
I had a beautiful three-piece Frank Usher outfit, with a pink hat, bag and shoes.
It promised Frank O'Hara gone trucking on the interstates.
By the time Frank reached the age of 18 he was no longer a Minor and became unprotected from the law applying to Adults.
The second XI under Frank Newby won the Division 1 title and the Lawrenson Cup in 1979 to make it a truly vintage year.
Burnley absorbed everything that was thrown at them, with Frank Sinclair and John McGreal looking watertight in the center of Burnley's defense.
Frank Thompson had seen 14 waxwings near Sainsbury's and a similar number on West Park Avenue, Newby in December.
Ashley Cole crossed a good ball into the area; Frank Lampard met the ball but just headed wide of the near post.
The science fiction writer, Frank Herbert, featured clones in many of his novels.
It is a railway junction of some consequence, with cultivation of vines, fruit and vegetables, brewing, tanning, &c. Diedenhofen is an ancient Frank town (Theudonevilla, Totonisvilla), in which imperial diets were held in the 8th century; was captured by Conde in 1643 and fortified by Vauban; capitulated to the Prussians, after a severe bombardment, on the 25th of November 1870.
Frankfort (said to have been named after Stephen Frank, one of an early pioneer party ambushed here by Indians) was founded in 1786 by General James Wilkinson, then deeply interested in trade with the Spanish at New Orleans, and in the midst of his Spanish intrigues.
As compilers and authors of works in various scientific branches allied to history, may be particularly mentioned-in statistics and geography, Alexius Fenyes, Emeric Palugyay, Alexander Konek, John Hunfalvy, Charles Galgoczy, Charles Keleti, Leo Beothy, Joseph Korosi, Charles Ballagi and Paul Kiraly, and, as regards Transylvania, Ladislaus Kovary; in travel, Arminius Vambery, Ignatius Goldziher, Ladislaus Magyar, John Xantus, John Jerney, Count Andrassy, Ladislaus Podmaniczky, Paul Hunfalvy; in astronomy, Nicholas Konkoly; in archaeology, Bishop Arnold Ipolyi, Florian Romer, Emeric Henszlmann, John Erdy, Baron Albert Nyary, Francis Pulszky and Francis Kiss; in Hungarian mythology, Bishop Ipolyi, Anthony Csengery,' and Arpad Kerekgyarto; in numismatics, John Erdy and Jacob Rupp; and in jurisprudence, Augustus Karvassy, Theodore Pauler, Gustavus Wenczel, Emeric Csacsk6, John Fogarasi and Ignatius Frank.
It proved a congenial task, and led to the writing of his Personal Memoirs, a frank, modest and charming book, which ranks among the best standard military biographies.
The dissidence of dissent, however, filled him with uneasiness, and he abhorred Luther's denial of free will and his exaggerated notion of man's utter depravity; in short, he did nothing whatever to promote the Protestant revolt, except so far as his frank denunciation and his witty arraignment of clerical and monastic weaknesses and soulless ceremonial, especially in his Praise of Folly and Colloquies, contributed to bring the faults of the Church into strong relief, and in so far as his edition of the New Testament furnished a simple escape from innumerable theological complications.
In the difficulty with which he expressed himself and in a certain indecision of character the king was curiously unlike his father, the frank and impetuous Henry of Navarre, and his absolute son Louis XIV.
It was her boast that she was as "frank and original as any Englishman."
On the rzth of June Knollys wrote to Cecil at once the best description and the noblest panegyric extant of the queen of Scots - enlarging, with a brave man's sympathy, on her indifference to form and ceremony, her daring grace and openness of manner, her frank display of a great desire to be avenged of her enemies, her readiness to expose herself to all perils in hope of victory, her delight to hear of hardihood and courage, commending by name all her enemies of approved valour, sparing no cowardice in her friends, but above all things athirst for victory by any means at any price, so that for its sake pain and peril seemed pleasant to her, and wealth and all things, if compared with it, contemptible and vile.
Her contemporaries, scorning her low birth rather than her vices, attributed to her a malicious political role of which she was at heart incapable, and have done scant justice to her quick wit, her frank but gracious manners, and her seductive beauty.
Upon this matter there has been, it is true, some diversity of opinion among modern scholars, but it is now generally admitted, and can be abundantly shown, that he was not only diligent in gathering material, but also far more thorough-going than most writers of antiquity in discriminating between trustworthy and untrustworthy reports, frank in acknowledging his ignorance, scrupulous in indicating his authorities in doubtful cases, less credulous than most of his contemporaries, and unfailingly honest.
It might have emerged in any case; but Canning, with his brilliant popular gifts and his frank appeal to popular support, gave it a revivifying stimulus which it would never have received froman aristocrat of the type of Castlereagh.
He laughed at that, and his laugh was merry and frank.
I asked her what she had written to Frank.
Review Frank Capra has made an excellent job of a good story which is allowed to unfold itself in a restrained manner.
Frank 's feathers are ruffled when he loses, but he falls for Annie and she is offered a job as his assistant.
So across the sawdust floor sauntered Frank, with those coal black eyes of his glued to Ellie like it was her lucky day.
A Frank Casper throw in found Martin Dobson who hit a scissor kick toward the edge of the Preston box.
In Frank on the Beach, she has him play sex-kitten, sprawled like a second-rate rent boy in the muddy surf at sunset.
The desert world portrayed in Critical Mass bears a remarkable similarity to Frank Herbert 's Dune.
Some years later, Frank, now in his late sixties, returns to Hong Kong to search for Lizzy.
Closure Emma is haunted by memories of the death of sister while she and Frank hunt a spree killer.
It all started in the taxidermy shop of my good friend, Frank Gentry.
Frank 's eye took him into Thoroughbred breeding where he also had notable success.
Frank Zito (Joe Spinell) is a deeply disturbed man, haunted by the traumas of unspeakable child abuse.
Jackson C. Frank was the understudy for the role of jester on the sidelines in a cast.
Frank is lovely, but a very nervous dog and is n't used to being left alone.
Would Frank Sinatra, for instance, be considered a more voracious reader than Sammy Davis Jr.
Burnley absorbed everything that was thrown at them, with Frank Sinclair and John McGreal looking watertight in the center of Burnley 's defense.
Frank Thompson had seen 14 waxwings near Sainsbury 's and a similar number on West Park Avenue, Newby in December.
Because of their happy, married lives, Frank and Beth's work dalliance didn't last long.
Frank was ambivalent about his breakup with Jane.
It took a great effort for Frank to treat his rude cousins graciously.
Digital baby monitors can easily be purchased off the Internet, and many retailers offer user reviews and comments that can give you a frank and honest look into the product's usability.
To be completely frank, use Kazooit as a last resort if you absolutely can't get an iPod mini somewhere else.
Frank and Louie is the name of an adult cat that was born with two faces.
Frank's side of the face is the only one with an esophagus, so Frank is the side which is given food.
One of the recurring themes in Diary of a Wimpy Kid, is that Frank, Greg's father, thinks that Greg is too "wimpy."
In this book, Frank tries to get Greg to sign up for all sorts of "manly" activities.
Frank discussions peppered with appropriate displays of affection along with peer-based therapy can help teens cope with an ongoing divorce while equipping them to make their own personal relationships last the duration of their lives.
To maintain balance and promote harmonious relations, be frank with your co-parent in what you expect.
Fallingwater is one of the best surviving examples of architect Frank Lloyd Wright's concept of "organic" architecture, incorporating nature into building and design.
Still, despite all, the home remains a gem, one of Frank Lloyd Wright's finest.
Visitors will also enjoy the spacious museum gift shop, loaded with Frank Lloyd Wright-inspired gifts, cards, furnishings, and artwork.
Designed by famous architect Frank Lloyd Wright, Taliesin West served as his home and studio during his illustrious career.
The home was designated as a National Historic Landmark in 1982, and The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, which was started by Wright in 1940 as a nonprofit institution, currently owns Taliesin West.
It serves as the main campus of the Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture, which offers accredited undergraduate and graduate degrees in architecture and provides K-12 outreach education programs.
Also housed at Taliesin West are the Frank Lloyd Wright Archives as well as rotating exhibitions.
Renowned architect Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959) had a long and prolific career, designing over 1,000 works during his life.
Like many of Frank Lloyd Wright's structures, Taliesin West is oriented horizontally to take advantage of panoramic desert views.
Founders Frank Toskan, a makeup artist and photographer, and Frank Angelo, a businessman, sought to introduce a high-quality cosmetics line that could be used for photo shoots.
Established in Toronto, Canada by make up artist and photographer Frank Toskan and businessman Frank Angelo, MAC cosmetics brought reliable and versatile cosmetics to fashion photo shoots worldwide.
Although co-founder Frank Angelo died in 1997, the company was sold that same year to Estee Lauder Companies.
The actress spent a year developing the newest scent with perfumer Frank Volkl, of the international perfume house Firmenich, and fragrance consultant Anne Gottlieb.
I fully expected either one or none of these promises to actually hold true - it seemed a bit ambitious to me, to be frank - but I also wanted to be fair.
Founded in 1985 by Frank Toskan and Frank Angelo, Makeup Art Cosmetics main mission was to serve the makeup artists on photography shoots.
As a photographer himself, Frank Toskan saw the need for a professional quality makeup line that could withstand the bright lights and often intense heat of a typical photo shoot without melting away.
In 1967, Frank Wanlass patented the first CMOS, or complementary-symmetry metal-oxide-semiconductor.
With frank discussions of sexuality, and storylines dealing with everything from school shootings to drug abuse, it's easy to see why commercials for the show have used the tagline, "It goes there."
Frank'n Styne is a hilarious take on the Frankenstein story as the great grandson of the original comes to Castle Styne as heir to the mysteries of his predecessors, but it's the score that really steals the show!
Frank Sinatra and Bob Hope made their homes here for a number of years, as does Kirk Douglas.
Though she only recorded two studio albums, Frank and Back to Black, she won a number of awards for her work including five Grammy Awards.
During the mid 1960s, Tom strengthened his hold on American audiences by modeling himself after popular crooners like Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin with his release Green Green Grass of Home.
One recent entry discussed how Moon Unit Zappa, daughter of the late rocker Frank Zappa, decided to name her daughter Mathilda Plum-even though her own offbeat name was relentlessly mocked in the 1970s.
The cover, named Frank, has grown to be a symbol of Tiger and his career, and has even been featured in commercials and parodies.
Anthony Frank Hawk was born on May 12, 1968 in San Diego, California, to Frank and Nancy Hawk.
Former Apprentice wannabes Ereka Vetrini, Amy Henry, Krista Frank and Katrina Campins were all reportedly offered $250,000 to pose for Playboy, but none of the women accepted the offer.
Small Paul is a division of the Paul Frank line, and its children's and infant line does not disappoint.
If you're looking for something unique, shop at stores such as Nordstrom or Saks Fifth Avenue, where clothing lines such as Paul Frank and Splendid are sold.
Paul Frank's infant and toddler line, entitled "Small Paul", is famous for its iconic Julius monkey and it designs fun brightly colored T-shirts and onesies for infant boys.
Paul Frank, particularly the Small Paul line, is also another fun place to shop for clothing that veers from mainstream culture.
Paul Frank is a label worn by many extreme sports enthusiasts such as the skate crowd.
Even a skull and crossbones is made happy when appliquéd on Paul Frank items.
Other very notable artists who have recorded versions of Besame Mucho include none other than Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra, Nat King Cole and Jimmy Dorsey.
The tragedy also destroyed all of the equipment of the band Frank Zappa and The Mother's of Invention, making it an expensive accident for the early 1970s' rock scene.
It was later recorded by Frank Sinatra and many others from Amy Grant to the Cheetah Girls to Alvin and the Chipmunks.
Having a frank and open discussion about your own goals and expectations and listening to your future teacher's responses, not to mention getting a bit of his or her teaching philosophy, can get both of you off to a good start.
For the most part, shareholders breathed a sigh of relief upon Nardelli's departure, but many have doubts that incoming CEO Frank Blake has what it takes to run such a large a retail business.
Your decision should begin with a frank discussion about needs and finances.
Marcella Frank, DO offers her services in the Snoring and Sleep Apnea Center in Capital Health System's Flud Campus.
Dr. Frank is an internist specializing in pulmonary sleep medicine.
However, and unfortunately, the customer reviews on this site might tell the other side of this product's story, and they, to be frank, don't paint a pretty picture.
By 1960, because of declining attendance and the inability to modernize the park, LeSourdsville Lake was sold to former Cedar Point concessionaires Frank Murru and Howard Berni.
The California-based company was formed in 1991 under the name Silicon and Synapse by Mike Morhaime, Frank Pearce and Allen Adham.
He manages to work his way onto the good side of powerful kingpin Frank Lopez.
There are contemporary styles that are sleek and might even catch Frank Gehry's eye or put a grin on Antoni Gaudí's face.
Hitching Post Winery - Gray Hartley and Frank Ostini.
Dr. Konstantin Frank's Vinifera Wine Cellar - Known locally as Dr. Frank's, has won over 61 wine medals.
Visit this winery to taste a few of over 30 wines produced here including Dr. Frank Rkatsiteli 2007, Salmon Run Meritage 2006 and Chateau Frank Célèbre Rosé.
Frank Robinson, Pemberton's bookkeeper, named the drink Coca Cola and with his unique script handwriting wrote out that name.
In a frank breech the baby's legs are folded up against its body.
A frank breech baby also has his buttocks down, but his legs will stretch straight up with his feet by his head.
The frank breech position is the preferred position for successful vaginal breech birth, and the majority of breech fetuses are in this position.
Frank breech-A breech position where the baby is bottom first and his legs are extended upward so that his feet are near his head.
When asking for a stylist's advice, be sure to answer their questions thoroughly and honestly for a frank evaluation.
Ask to speak to a manager at CitiMortgage and be frank in your description of your inability to pay.
Natalie Portman, Robin Williams, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Gary Grant, and Frank Sinatra are some of the many famous only children.
This legendary San Francisco performance space has been in almost continuous operation since opening its doors in 1920, and has seen the likes of Frank Sinatra, The Marx Brothers, and Carmen Miranda dazzle its audiences.
This short list includes the real characters from Clint Eastwood's Escape from Alcatraz movie, Frank Morris and brothers Clarence and John Aglin.
Frank Grimaldi has been practicing quality dental care for over 20 years, specializing in patients who struggle with overcoming their fears and phobias related to oral health.
Brands include Paul Frank, O'Neill and Aqua Swimwear, and many pairs are under $40.00.
There, you'll find Paul Frank's Jackie Blue 2 Piece Swimsuit Bikini.
The overall impression that's left is one of wearing a piece of fabric (to be frank, it's almost like a rope) around your neck.
To be frank, anyone can slap on a G-string or a similar revealing suit that leaves nothing to the imagination.
If not, search the national site and look for comments as people will be very frank and talk about a shop's advantages and disadvantages.
A man by the name of Frank Shailor was credited as being the mastermind behind the toaster as a contained unit, despite the fact that there were already toasters on the market other than the one manufactured by GE.
Written by Frank Peretti, this book is the charming story of how Daniel and his mother must sell a box of old Christmas ornaments to help pay the rent after the family falls on hard times.
Frank McCourt, author of Angela's Ashes, 'Tis, and Teacher Man, taught English literature at a high school in New York.
If you're the type who wants to pick and choose from only the brightest and boldest bags out there, look to Paul Frank.
Since he only used the first name "Frank", Frank Capra was halfway to the podium to make his speech before he realized the actual winner was Frank Lloyd.
In the early years, for films like Snow White, there were Larry Morey and Frank Churchill, who created both the haunting "Some Day My Prince Will Come" and the uplifting "Whistle While You Work."
Watching a Bolly film is a bit like watching the work of the Three Stooges, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Frank Capra, and Gene Kelly all rolled into one giant film can.
In Magnolia, Cruise plays Frank T.J. Mackey.
Another interesting movie is Frank Clarke's 1991 drama Blonde Fist.
Frank De Vol played Mr. Eaglewood in Parent Trap.
According to, Frank Marshall, the producer of the other Jurassic Park movies said he was not interested in getting a fourth Jurassic Park movie off the ground.
The film is directed by Frank Capra of It's A Wonderful Life fame.
What's great about EVP recordings on YouTube is that you can listen to EVP recordings from all types of EVP collection devices including Frank's Box, the Telephone to the Dead, a Ghost Box and various other devices.
On June 23, 1929, after losin