Francs Sentence Examples
She left him two thousand francs "to buy books with."
His widow left a sum of Ioo,000 francs to the Institut de France, to found in his memory scholarships in political economy or law.
The communal tax did not exceed on the average two francs annually for each family.
This second issue amounted to 800,000,000 francs and carried no interest.
The public debt in 1919 was 349,000,000 francs.
At the end of a month, she tells us, her earnings amounted to fifteen francs.
It is estimated that this cardinalate cost France about eight million francs.
The consequence of these further issues was instant depreciation, and the note of Too francs nominal value sank to less than 20 francs coin.
At this value they were converted into 800,000,000 francs of land-warrants, or mandats territoriaux, which were to constitute a mortgage on all the lands of the republic. These mandats were no more successful than the assignats, and even on the day of their issue were at a discount of 82%.
A grant of 40,000 francs having been obtained from the chamber, a national edition was issued in seven 4to vols., bearing the title Ouvres de Laplace (1843-1847).
AdvertisementC. Rives in 1831, by which France had bound herself to pay an indemnity of twenty-five millions of francs for French spoliations of American shipping chiefly under the Berlin and Milan decrees, and the United States in turn agreed to pay to France 1,500,000 francs in satisfaction of French claims. Livingston's negotiations were conducted with excellent judgment, but the French Chamber of Deputies refused to make an appropriation to pay the first instalment due under the treaty in 1833, relations between the two governments became strained, and Livingston was finally instructed to close the legation and return to America.
In 1838 he obtained the pension Suard, a bursary of 150o francs a year for three years, for the encouragement of young men of promise, which was in the gift of the academy of Besancon.
In 1875 the Invalides numbered 642, and the hOtel cost the state 1,123,053 francs.
A month after his death, in March 1883, the prize of 3000 francs was awarded to him.
In 1762 he was invited by Catherine of Russia to become tutor to her son at a yearly salary of 100,000 francs.
AdvertisementThe cost of operations amounted to an initial expenditure of 6.25 francs, and an annual expenditure of about 2.3 francs per head of the population.
There are 26 justices of peace, to whose decision are referred slight contraventions of the law (lrraLQµara) and civil causes in which the amount claimed is below 600 francs.
A stipend, ranging from 5000 francs a year to 250 francs, was attached to each grade of the institution.
Exactions at the expense of Hanover and Naples helped to lighten the burdens of French finance; Napoleon's sale of Louisiana to the United States early in 1803 for 60,000,000 francs brought further relief to the French treasury; and by pressing hard on his ally, Spain, he compelled her to exchange the armed help which he had a right to claim, for an annual subsidy of 2,880,000.
The revenge of the autocrat was characteristic. Besides driving Stein from office, he compelled Prussia to sign a convention(8th of September) for the payment to France of a sum of 140,000,000 francs, and for the limitation of the Prussian army to 42,000 men.
AdvertisementGrave and serious in manner, speaking slowly, but with energetic gestures, simple and abstemious in his life - his daily bill of fare being reckoned as hardly costing a couple of francs - Leo XIII.
In 1858 the representatives of Austria, Belgium, France, the Netherlands, Piedmont, Russia, the Holy See, Sweden, Tuscany and Turkey appropriated the sum of 400,000 francs in recognition of the use of his instruments in those countries.
A first issue was made of 400,000,000 francs' worth of assignats, each note being of loo francs' value and bearing interest daily at a rate of 5%.
They were to be redeemed by the product of the sales, and from certain other sources, at the rate of 120,000,000 francs in 1791, ioo,000,000 francs in 1792, 80,000,000 francs in 1793 and 1794, and the surplus in 1795.
This pledge, however, was soon broken, and further issues brought the total up to 3,750,000,000 francs.
AdvertisementIn comparison with other French officials, they are well paid (the salary nowadays ranges from 39,000 to 18,000 francs according to the class).
He pressed him to remain; he gave him (the words are Voltaire's own) one of his orders, twenty thousand francs a year, and four thousand additional for his niece, Madame Denis, in case she would come and keep house for her uncle.
The total saving effected is stated to be equivalent to 3 francs per ton of beetroot worked up. This system is also being tried on a small scale with sugar-cane juice in the West Indies.
In the penal code the penalty for interfering with and molesting worshippers is slight, a fine of from 16 to 300 francs and prison from six days to three months, while damage or insult to the objects of worship brought only 16 francs to soo francs fine, and prison from fifteen days to six months.
The values of the coinage are pieces of 5 and 10 centimes in bronze, of 50 centimes, 1 franc and 2 francs in silver, of 10 francs and 20 francs in gold.
In 1792 the citizens had to pay 2,000,000 gulden to the French general Custine; and in 1796 Kleber exacted 8,000,000 francs.
The state subsidy having been withdrawn, the Institute voted a yearly subscription of Io,000 francs and nominated a commission of five members, one for each section, who managed the Journal.
Buloz is said to have eventually enjoyed an income of 365,000 francs from the Revue.
It was proposed to utilize the money set free by this operation to indemnify by a milliard francs the emigres for the loss of their lands at the Revolution; it was also proposed to restore their former privileges to the religious congregations.
The attempt to reduce the brigand-soldiery, and especially the ordinances passed by the estates of Languedoil at Orleans in 1439, which not only gave the king an aid of ioo,000 francs (an act which was later used by the king as though it were a perpetual grant and so freed him from that parliamentary control of the purse so important in England), but demanded as well royal nominations to officerships in the army, marked a gain in the royal prerogative which the nobility resolved to challenge.
From 13,000,000 to 17,000,000 francs is the annual amount of the state budget, and the debt, consisting of loans contracted principally for the construction of railways, of which there are about 350 m., is 12,000,000 francs.
On the assumption of the imperial title by Napoleon in May 1804, Talleyrand became grand chamberlain of the empire, and received close on 500,000 francs a year.
On the 9th of July 1815 he became foreign minister and president of the council under Louis XVIII., but diplomatic and other difficulties led him to resign his appointment on the 23rd of September 1815, Louis,, however, naming him high chamberlain and according him an annuity of 100,000 francs.
For some revolutionary articles in the local papers of Marseilles he was condemned in 1871 to three years' imprisonment and a fine of 6000 francs.
The last gained him the friendship of the Marchesa di Barolo, the reformer of the Turin prisons, and in 1834 he accepted from her a yearly pension of 1200 francs.
His experiences here were unsatisfactory, but he abjured duly and was rewarded by being presented with twenty francs and sent about his business.
Joseph took this step in April 1811, and proceeded to Paris in order to extort better terms, or offer his abdication; but he had to return with a monthly subsidy of 50o,000 francs and the promise that the army of the centre (the smallest of the five French armies) should be under his control.
This point of view suggested numerous projects, as chimerical as they were generous; two millions sterling (50 million francs) were expended with a view to installing Parisian unemployed workmen as colonists, but this attempt failed miserably.
In a few years he had incurred a debt of 56 million francs, a burden assumed by the impoverished state.
Partly supported by imported eggs, the production of silk in France was maintained, and in 1853 reached its maximum of 26,000,000 kilos of cocoons, valued at 117,000,000 francs.
In 1867 de Quatrefages estimated the loss suffered by France in the 13 years following 1853, from decreased production of silk and price paid to foreign cultivators for graine, to be not less than one milliard of francs.
In 1873 the Academy of Inscriptions decreed to him the biennial prize of 20,000 francs, and in 1878 he was elected a member of the Institute.
The obligatory Referendum obtains in the case of all laws, and of decrees relating to an expenditure of over half a million francs, while 12,000 citizens have the right of initiative in the case of legislative projects, and 15,000 may demand the revision of the cantonal constitution.
It is reckoned that there are 2430` "Alps" or mountain pastures in the canton, of which 1474 are in the Oberland, 627 in the Jura, and 280 in the Emme valley; they can maintain 95,478 cows and are of the estimated value of 462 million francs.
A deputy receives an annual honorarium of 4000 francs and a railway pass.
The Belgian citizen on reaching the age of thirty-five, providing he is married or is a widower with legitimate offspring and pays five francs of direct taxes, gets a second vote.
The government in 1904 voted nearly 7,000,000 francs in aid of the religious establishments of, and the benevolent institutions kept up by, the Roman Church.
The grant to other cults amounted to 118,000 francs, but small as this sum may appear it is in due proportion to the relative numbers of each creed.
It is of interest to note that the state railways derived a revenue of 249,355 francs (or nearly io,000) from the penny tickets for the admission of non-travellers to railway stations.
In 904theaverage value of notes in circulation was 645,989,100 francs.
The gold coins are for 10 and 20 francs, silver for half francs, francs, 2 francs and 5 francs.
Order was soon restored, and a fine of twelve million francs imposed on the rioters.
A glass cup with reliefs carved in the blue and white technique of the Portland Vase, representing a pastoral sacrifice, which was sold by auction in Paris in 1912 for 64,000 francs, was said to have come from Heraclea Pontica.
But it is very largely pastoral, containing 168 mountain pastures or "alps," maintaining each summer 4000 cows, and of an estimated capital value of 2,682,955 francs (the figures for Ausser Rhoden are respectively loo alps, 2800 cows, and 1,749,900 francs).
The council-general of the department had granted him a sum of 600 francs, and the town council promised an annual pension of 400, but in spite of friendly help and introductions Millet went through great difficulties.
He had renounced the beaten track, but he continued to study hard whilst he sought to procure bread by painting portraits at Io or 15 francs apiece and producing small "pastiches" of Watteau and Boucher.
Millet was at Cherbourg; there he remarried, but having amassed a few hundred francs he went back to Paris and presented his "St Jerome" at the Salon of 1845.
This last work, exhibited in 1848, obtained conspicuous success, but did not sell till Ledru Rollin, informed of the painter's dire distress, gave him Soo francs for it, and accompanied the purchase with a commission, the money for which enabled Millet to leave Paris for Barbizon, a village on the skirts of the forest of Fontainebleau.
A contract by which he bound himself in 1860 to give up all his work for three years had placed him in possession of 1000 francs a month.
A council of war, before which he was tried, condemned him to pay the cost of restoring the column, 300,000 francs (12,000).
In the fishery on public grounds in 1896 only 6370 fishermen were engaged, employing 1627 vessels and boats, valued at 1,473,449 francs, and apparatus worth 211,495 francs, while only 13,127,217 kilograms of oysters were taken, or about 320,000 bushels, valued at 414,830 francs.
Fully 40,000 men, women and children are employed, and the output in 1896 was 1,536,417,968 oysters, worth 1 7,537,77 8 francs.
The pay of the gardiens de la pain is from 1400 to 1700 francs; brigadiers get 2000 francs; sous-brigadiers 1800 francs; officiers de pain 3000 to 6000 francs.
In 1838 he bought for 330,000 francs Desire Dalloz's place in the Court of Cassation.
His territories were at once invaded by a FrancoSpanish army, and on the 6th of June 180r he was forced to conclude the peace of Badajoz, by which he ceded the frontier fortress of Olivenza to Spain, and undertook to pay 20,000,000 francs to Napoleon and to exclude British ships from Portuguese ports.
John, and sought to conciliate the Portuguese by reducing the requisition demanded by Napoleon from 40,000,000 francs to 20,000,000.
Having had the soundness of this method tested by Jean Darcet (1725-1801), the professor of chemistry at the College de France, the duke of Orleans in June 1791 agreed to furnish a sum of 200,000 francs for the purpose of exploiting it.
He now created the compagnies d'ordonnance, and endeavoured to organize the militia of the francs archers.
On the 10th of September 1793 he obtained a vote of one hundred million francs for constructing vessels, and from September 1793 to January 1794 reorganized the military harbours of Brest and Cherbourg.
In 1840 he described a process for the electro-gilding of silver and brass, for which in the following year he received a prize of 3000 francs from the French Academy of Sciences.
The place was saved, but in a sortie she was captured by the Burgundians, who sold her for 10,000 francs to Bedford.
Assignats were issued with such reckless profusion that the total for the three years of the Convention has been estimated at 7250 millions of francs.
The new sovereign and her government refused to ratify the agreement which had been illegally obtained, choosing rather to pay a million francs as compensation to the French company.
It includes the towns of Monaco (3292), Condamine (6218) and Monte Carlo (3794) The principality at one time included Mentone and Roccabruna, now known as Roquebrune, which towns, however, were ceded to France in 1861 for a sum of four million francs.
Portugal had to submit to far harsher terms, and could only purchase peace by the cession of territory in Guiana, by a disadvantageous treaty of commerce, and by payment of twenty-five million francs.
Spain had to pay a monthly subsidy of six million francs, and to enforce strict neutrality upon Portugal, this involving war with England.
After the proclamation of the Empire, Eugene received the title of prince, with a yearly stipend of 200,000 francs, and became general of the chasseurs d cheval of the Guard.
The three were paid seven francs in a lump sum for the night.
Another woman claimed a hospital birth can cost 25,000 francs (£ 25 ).
She did not know that we never have twenty francs.
They made a calculation, and declared that I had lost nearly a hundred thousand francs.
The aero club winning 3 races in 5 years would retain the cup and the winning pilot would receive 75,000 francs.
It was a pair of diamond ear-rings of great beauty, for which I had given fifteen thousand francs.
Holdings worth up to 10,000 Swiss francs were released in their entirety.
Most guides seem to charge 25000 - 50000 Malagasy francs a day for their services.
As a result of the economic plundering of Belgium between 1940 and 1944 the damage suffered amounted to 175 billions of Belgian francs.
The total net result showed a sum of about 5 million French francs.
Once we had got rid of our last few Swiss francs we headed back to the French side of the station.
He earns some twenty thousand francs a year and spoils a thousand francs ' worth of canvas.
There is no national monetary unit in Andorra, both French francs and Spanish pesetas are accepted.
The former serfs occupy on the average about an acre, paying a rent of from twenty to twenty-four francs.
It is now the second most populous (109,161 inhabitants) town (ranking after Zurich) in the Swiss Confederation, while it is reputed to be the richest, the number of resident millionaires (in francs) exceeding that of any other Swiss town.
Some curious traits are recorded of this life - one being that in the terrible famine year of Malplaquet a hundred francs a year were added to the usual boarding expenses, and yet the boys had to eat pain bis.
In France, Madame de Pompadour was their enemy because they had refused her absolution while she remained the king's mistress; but the immediate cause of their ruin was the bankruptcy of Father Lavalette, the Jesuit superior in Martinique, a daring speculator, who failed, after trading for some years, for 2,400,000 francs and brought ruin upon some French commercial houses of note.
Twelve hundred francs' pension for life.
The first time he had recourse to his new judge was when a French prisoner, a colonel, came to him and, after talking a great deal about his exploits, concluded by making what amounted to a demand that Pierre should give him four thousand francs to send to his wife and children.
Choosing from the A la Carte section I started with the Quail with a vinaigrette salad and foie gras at 85 francs.
The proceeds were invested in such a way at Paris as to bring him in a yearly income of between 6000 and 7000 francs (equal now to more than L500).
The second brief visit, in 1647, partly on literary, partly on family business, was signalized by the award of a pension of 3000 francs, obtained from the royal bounty by Cardinal Mazarin.
The policy of protection was further accentuated by raising the impost on corn from 5 to 7 francs per hectolitre (23/4 bushels).
By 1796 the issues had reached the enormous figure of 45,500,000,000 francs, and even this gigantic total was swollen still more by the numerous counterfeits introduced into France from the neighbouring countries.
The assignats had now become totally valueless - the abolition of the "maximum" the previous year (1795) had produced no effect, and, though, by various payments into the treasury, the total number had been reduced to about 24,000,000,000 francs, their face-value was about 3 o to I of coin.
The total length, including branches to Adana, Orfa (the ancient Edessa) and other places was to exceed 1550 m.; the kilometric guarantee granted was 15,500 francs (f,;620).
The capital sum per section was fixed, in round figures, at 54,000,000 francs (£2,160,000), subject to adjustment when the section was completed and its actual length definitely measured up. A minimum net price of 812% was fixed for the realization of these securities on the market.
The first series (54,000,000 francs or £2,160,000), was duly handed over to the concessionaires in 1903, and was floated in Berlin at 86.4% realizing the sum of £1,868,000.
On the 6th of November 1766, Lagrange was installed in his new position, with a salary of 6000 francs, ample leisure for scientific research, and royal favour sufficient to secure him respect without exciting envy.
On the establishment of the confederation of the Rhine, his son Prosper Louis (to whom, becoming blind, he had ceded his domains in 180 3) became a member (5806), and showed great devotion to the interests of France; but in 5850 he lost his sovereignty, Napoleon incorporating Meppen with France and Recklinghausen with the grand - duchy of Berg, and indemnifying him by a rent of 240,702 francs.