Francais Sentence Examples
Sorel in the Grands ecrivains francais.
The Revue contemporaine (1852), founded by the comte de Belval as a royalist organ, had joined to it in 1856 the Athenaeum francais.
Pere Desgodins in 1899 issued from Hong-Kong a large Tibeto-LatinFrench dictionary, Dictionnaire thibetain-latin francais.
In 1819 his play Les vepres Siciliennes was performed at the Odeon, then just rebuilt; it had previously been refused for the Theatre Francais.
The Mission archeologique fran4aise au Caire, established as a school by the French government in 1881, was re-organized in 1901 on a lavish scale under the title Institut francais darchologie orientale du Caire, and domiciled with printing-press and library in a fine building near the museum.
He has not received much recent attention from critics and monographers, but his Origines du droit francais, cherchees dans les symboles et formules du droit universel was edited by Emile Faguet in 1890 and went into a second edition in 1900.
In his Histoire des francais des divers etats, ou histoire de France aux cinq derniers siecles (10 vols., 1828-1844) he undertook to describe the different classes and occupations of the community.
Three years later, being thrown upon his own resources, he began a course of lectures in his own house, and formed literary connexions with Le Courrier francais, Le Globe, L'Encyclopedie moderne, and La Revue europeenne.
He edited the Patriote francais from 1789 to 1793, and being a well-informed and capable man took a prominent part in affairs.
Thwaites (Cleveland, 1896 ff.); and on early voyages in Pierre Margry, Decouvertes et etablissements des Francais (6 vols., Paris, 1879-1888).
AdvertisementRenan, Les rabbins francais, pp. 647 foil.; Perles, Salomo ben Abraham ben Adereth, pp. 15-54; Jewish Encyclopaedia, s.v.
Schoenfield, Aus den Staaten der Barbaresken (Berlin, 1902); Sir Harry Johnston, The Colonization of Africa (Cambridge, 1905); Gaston Loth, La Tunisie et l'c uvre du protectorat francais (Paris, 1907); Professor Arthur Girault, Principes de colonisation et de legislation coloniale, vol.
Le Canada francais (Quebec, 1888-1891), edited by the staff of the Laval University, and Canadiana (1889-1890), were important historical and literary reviews.
Marivaux brought out a Spectateur Francais (1722), which was coldly received; it was followed by fourteen or fifteen others, under the titles of La Spectatrice (1728-1730), Le Radoteur (1775), Le Babillard (1778-1779), &c. Of a similar character was Le Pour et le contre (1723-1740) of the abbe Prevost, which contained anecdotes and criticism, with special reference to Great Britain.
Les Arts (1902); Gazette des beaux-arts (1859), monthly, with Chronique des arts; Revue de fart ancien et moderne (1897) monthly; L'Art decoratif, monthly, Art et decoration, monthly; L'Art pour tous, monthly; La Decoration, monthly; L'Architecture- journal of the Soc. centrale des Architectes francais, weekly; L'Art (1875) is no longer published.
AdvertisementHis prose Avis au peuple francais (August 24, 1790) was followed by the rhetorical Jeu de paume, a somewhat declamatory moral ode addressed "a Louis David, peintre."
During the agitations that preceded the Revolution Cerutti took the popular side, and in 1788 published a pamphlet, Memoire pour le peuple francais, in which in a clear and trenchant style he advocated the claims of the tiers etat.
Fragments of a French poem on the subject will be found in the Bulletin de la soc. des anciens textes francais (1877).
After 1830 he contributed to different newspapers - Le Constitutionnel, Le National and the Courrier francais - until 1833, when he gave up politics in order to devote himself to the history of ancient philosophy, undertaking a translation of Aristotle,which occupied him the greater part of his life (1837-1892).
In 1693 he was engaged to publish a second volume of the Neptune francais, which was to include the hydrography of the Mediterranean.
AdvertisementManuel, formerly a member of the Convention, to the Liberal paper, Courrier francais, where he became a member of the staff which carried on a fierce pen-and-ink warfare against the Restoration.
He wrote a small book of memoirs of this campaign, Allemands et francais (1871), in which he spoke of the conquerors without bitterness; this attitude was all the more praiseworthy as his mother was an Alsatian, and he was unable to resign, himself to the loss of Alsace and Lorraine.
Du Cange took considerable interest in the history of the later empire, and wrote Historia Byzantina duplici commentario illustrata (Paris, 1680), and an introduction to his edition and translation into modern French of Geoffrey de Villehardouin's Histoire de l'empire de Constantinople sous les empereurs francais (Paris, 1657).
But on the 12th of June in the following year she succeeded, after great difficulty, in making a debut at the Theatre Francais, as Camille in Corneille's Horace, when her remarkable genius at once received general recognition.
See Marins et soldats francais en Amerique, by the Viscomte de Noailles (1903); Beatson, Naval and Military Memoirs of Great Britain, vol.
AdvertisementHe is said to have collaborated with the elder Dumas in Mademoiselle de Belle-Isle, and a comedy of his, L'Ecole du monde, was produced at the Theatre Francais in 1840.
Both the orderly arrangement of these diagonal chains and the agreement which exists between the tectonic and geological phenomena are well shown in the geological and hypsometrical maps published in the Annuaire du Club Alpin francais for 1891 and 1892 by MM.