Fragrant Sentence Examples
The fragrant ocean was too dark to see.
I am very glad because I love the warm sunshine and the fragrant flowers.
The kitchen would smell of good food and her soft neck would be as fragrant as spring flowers.
There was a boat floating on the water, and the fragrant lilies were growing all around the boat.
The valleys within the hill ranges are fragrant with aromatic shrubs.
The ocean air was fragrant and heavy, and moonlight pierced the forest canopy in patches.
Large tracts of mountain are clothed with fragrant scrub composed of these and other plants.'
Both are fragrant, and may be used as perfume.
Many possess a fragrant odour and are prepared in large quantities for use as artificial fruit essences.
Here were great oaks and splendid evergreens with trunks like mossy pillars, from the branches of which hung garlands of ivy and mistletoe, and persimmon trees, the odour of which pervaded every nook and corner of the wood--an illusive, fragrant something that made the heart glad.
AdvertisementSimilarly Sargon (715 B.C.) in his Annals mentions the tribute of Shamsi, queen of Arabia, and of Itamara of the land of Saba' - gold and fragrant spices, horses and camels.
Some species afford valuable timber; such are Acacia melanoxylon, black wood of Australia, which attains a great size; its wood is used for furniture, and takes a high polish; and Acacia homalophylla (also Australian), myall wood, which yields a fragrant timber, used for ornamental purposes.
The spice "Calamus" or "Sweet-cane" of the Scriptures, one of the ingredients of the holy anointing oil of the Jews, was perhaps one of the fragrant species of Andropogon.
Krummholz oil, valued in Germany as an outward application in rheumatism and for bruises and sprains, is distilled from the young branches, and a fragrant white resin that exudes in some quantity from the buds is used for similar purposes and as a perfume, under the name of Hungarian balsam it is sold in the towns of Germany, being probably obtained from the Carpathians.
In the countries bordering the Mediterranean are groves of oranges and olive trees, evergreen oaks, cork trees and pines, intermixed with cypresses, myrtles, arbutus and fragrant tree-heaths.
AdvertisementIn Norway the sprays, like those of the juniper, are scattered over the floors of churches and the sitting-rooms of dwelling-houses, as a fragrant and healthful substitute for carpet or matting.
From the alighting board, instead of the former spirituous fragrant smell of honey and venom, and the warm whiffs of crowded life, comes an odor of emptiness and decay mingling with the smell of honey.
The prevalent bush plants are khansa (umbrella mimosa), acacias, aloes, and, especially, Boswellia and Commiphora, which yield highly fragrant resins and balsams, such as myrrh, frankincense (olibanum) and " balm of Gilead."
Sow fragrant or showy annuals to flower in pots during winter; and grow on a set of decorative plants for the same object.
Its fragrant shoots and the fine yellow green of the young leaves recommend it to the ornamental planter.
AdvertisementThe wood of the cedar of Lebanon is fragrant, though not so strongly scented as that of the juniper or red-cedar of America.
They admit of being forced into early bloom, like the hyacinth and tulip. They vary with a white, creamy or yellow perianth, and a yellow, lemon, primrose or white cup or coronet; and, being richly fragrant, they are general favourites amongst spring flowers.
It is detected by heating with ordinary alcohol and sulphuric acid, which gives rise to acetic ester or ethyl acetate, recognized by its" fragrant odour; or by heating with arsenious oxide, which forms the pungent and poisonous cacodyl oxide.
The fine red fragrant heart-wood takes a high polish, and is much used in cabinet-work and inlaying, but the small size of the planks prevents its more extended use.
A splash of water makes it fragrant and makes it less dry, but reduces the aftertaste.
AdvertisementGrave his name, and pour the fragrant balm upon the icy stone.
Clusters of medium sized white very fragrant blooms, each having a hint of cream at the heart of the flower.
He made his prison-cell fragrant with the sweet incense of prayer.
Ceylon cinnamon of fine quality is a very thin smooth bark, with a light-yellowish brown colour, a highly fragrant odour, and a peculiarly sweet, warm and pleasing aromatic taste.
The starchy matter contained in its rhizome is associated with a fragrant oil, and it is used as hair-powder.
He is indeed the Victorian Theocritus; and, as English country life is slowly swept away before the advance of the railway and the telegraph, he will be more and more read for his warm-hearted and fragrant record of rustic love and piety.
A violet odour and a fragrant oil were said to distil from her tomb; and when it was opened nine months afterwards the flesh was found uncorrupted.
Add the chiles carefully (the oil might splatter) and toast them until fragrant, 3 to 5 seconds per side.
In India, the aromatic basmati rice is very popular; the word basmati means fragrant.
The words which express our faith and piety are not definite; yet they are significant and fragrant like frankincense to superior natures.
Marienbad is enclosed on all sides except the south by gently sloping hills clad with fragrant pine forests, which are intersected by lovely walks.
A good vanilla pod is plump, moist and deliciously fragrant.
They produce fragrant flowers 2-5cm (1-2in) across, usually shallowly cup-shaped, singly or in umbel-like corymbs.
The delicately fragrant formula is speedily absorbed and leaves hands feeling clean and fresh.
Unusual lilac shaped curved florets in flattish heads which are also slightly fragrant.
It produces sweetly fragrant, urn-shaped double, blush pink flowers in dainty sprays, amid bright green foliage.
The flowers become fragrant in May to attract pollinators.
The plants grow to a height of 16 inches and have very fragrant, flavorful leaves.
Take fragrant spices; gum mastic, aromatic shells, 4 galbanum; add pure frankincense to the spices in equal proportions.
Fragrant freesias with Courier Delivery £ 22.00 from 20 sweet-smelling long-stemmed Dutch Freesia in mixed colors.
He clings with regret to the golden chalices and fragrant incense of Catholicism.
It has its own garden area and lovely views from the terrace, across the fragrant maquis to the blue of the bay.
You can spoil yourself with a relaxing fragrant massage during your stay.
They have profuse, fragrant, bright golden yellow, spherical, fluffy flowerheads, 5mm (0.25in) across.
You stroll along the footpath, reaching out to gently touch the petals of these fragrant roses.
This rich, golden seasoning has been made from the highest quality sesame seeds, carefully roasted then pressed to expel their fragrant oil.
Enticed by the scent of fragrant spices and raucous chatter, I wander down the hill.
Fragrant, orange flowers with prominent dark stamens are borne in dense terminal spikes up to 25cm long.
Hedychium coccineum ' Tara ' has large spikes of dense, fragrant, orange trumpet-shaped flowers with prominent darker orange stamens.
The deep pink, fragrant sweet pea (Lathyrus latifolius) is a good choice.
Orchids on the east slope include common twayblade, marsh helleborine, common spotted, fragrant and bee.
Ideal for cut flowers Lady Diana Lots of pale violet blue flowers on long sturdy stems Margot Large cream fragrant flowers.
The changed breath in the mouth of the faster is more fragrant to Allah than the scent of musk.
Waxy snow-white intensely fragrant flowers which fade to pale pink as they age.
Cinnamon Bread Cinnamon flavored wheat dough, mixed with ordinary sourdough for a speckled, fragrant breakfast bread.
In the green house is an exquisite species called Pelargonium triste whose tiara of creamy-yellow flowers with purple blotches are spicily fragrant at night.
Noble Fir stays fragrant longer than most evergreen needles and has a silvery-blue hue.
Make a revitalizing footbath using tinctures and fragrant herbs, such as peppermint.
Unlike aromatherapy, in which fragrant herbs are used to stimulate the emotions through the sense of smell, Bach Flower Essences infuse the essential qualities of plants and some minerals into a tincture.
Essentially, women's perfume is a mixture of fragrant oils, from plants, animals and synthetic sources.
Separated into the top, middle, and base notes, this volatility affects the length of time each remains fragrant.
Temple Balms - Use these fragrant combinations of essential oils and natural butters to lift your spirits or help you get to sleep.
Varieties of cheeses are also included and many dishes are fragrant with tomatoes, olive oil, and olives.
Cook until the onions soften a bit and the garlic becomes fragrant.
Add the garlic and, as soon as the garlic starts to become fragrant, add the flour.
Saute the onion in the olive oil until the onion is transparent and fragrant.
A spoonful of miso is simply mixed with hot water to produce a fragrant and subtle soup.
You may be thinking to yourself, "But silk flowers aren't fragrant."
A. integrifolia has drooping spikes of fragrant yellow blossoms, which form a dense bush a few feet in height.
Like the garden Raspberry, it sends up strong annual shoots, which in rich soils reach 6 feet, bearing scented leaves, the leaves and not the flowers being fragrant.
Buckbean (Menyanthes) - M. trifoliata is a beautiful and fragrant native of Britain, found in shallow streams or pools, in very wet marshy ground, and in bogs; its strong creeping, rooting stems often floating in deeper water.
It has slender-stalked leaves, broad leaflets, and in early summer dense erect clusters of pinkish fragrant flowers; a valuable hardy tree.
Its white, fragrant flowers are in long, erect plumes.
In very early spring it has clusters of fragrant rosy-purple flowers before the leaves unfold.
Cape Pond-flower (Aponogeton) - A. distachyon is a beautiful and fragrant water-plant from the Cape of Good Hope, hardy in many parts of these islands.
Chinese Jasmine (Trachelospermum) - Climbing shrubs with evergreen leaves and fragrant white flowers, hardy upon warm walls in favoured places.
The fragrant flowers, which have primrose-colored petals and red anthers, come in April.
They are 3 inches long, white turning to deep rose, and very fragrant.
It makes a large club-shaped bulb 2 to 3 feet long, with spreading leaves many feet in length and massive spikes of fragrant flowers during August.
The flowers are in large bunches in May and June, pure white and fragrant, resembling Hydrangea.
It is a climber, and was found by Dr Henry covering the cliffs of the Ichang Gorge with clusters of fragrant white flowers.
It is at its best towards the end of June, and at that time it carries myriads of sweetly fragrant tubular flowers.
The blossoms are funnel-shaped, 1 inch to 1 1/4 inches long, dividing at the mouth into five rounded divisions and measuring there 1 inch across; they are pale pink, stained with yellow in the throat, and fragrant.
Siberia, it is hardy in the open air, requires no protection during winter, and we have never known it fail to bear freely its charming and fragrant flowers.
Nearly all are more or less fragrant, particularly caespitosa, marginata, fragrans, and eximia.
The neat grey leaves are nearly like those of a Rock Rose, while the charming pure white flowers, composed of petals set like a Maltese cross, are fragrant and appear in June.
Foster as "an exceedingly charming plant," and fragrant, the odour not being unlike the Lily-of-the-Valley.
In color the leaves are dark green, with flecks of white on the upper surface, and the flowers whitish and fragrant.
The male flowers are fragrant, in clusters of eight to twelve.
Ground Nut (Apios Tuberosa) - A graceful tuberous-rooted perennial of twining habit, with leaves cut into five lance-shaped leaflets, and fragrant brown flowers in dense clusters from July to September.
They are pink in bud, opening white and retaining a flush on the outside; they are finely fragrant and last a long time.
China, and is hardy, thriving in light moist humus, and covered during early summer with white funnel-shaped flowers in small clusters, followed by fragrant oval berries, at first red, but black and sweet when ripe.
Its leaves are Plum-like and shining, with saw-like edges, and the flowers pure white, fragrant, with prominent yellow-tipped stamens.
The most notable are S. humilis, of neat tufted habit, 1 1/2 feet high, flowers white, fragrant, succeeded by blue-black fruits.
S. ruscifolia is 2 feet or more high, of dark lustrous green, flowers milk-white, fragrant, and vieing with the Alexandrian Laurel for its utility in the cut state.
C. tomentosa (Fragrant Hickory) growing nearly 100 feet high and inhabiting the cold regions of the West and New England.
The flowers are deliciously fragrant and in color dull purplish green, but it does not bloom so freely out of doors as in a cool conservatory.
Honesty (Lunaria) - When well grown this old-fashioned plant, L. biennis, is beautiful, not only on account of its fragrant purple blossoms, but from the silvery flat seedpods that succeed them.
The flowers form long, drooping, branched racemes, and are fragrant.
J. integrifolia (Jaborosa) - An interesting dwarf perennial, allied to the Mandrake, growing 9 to 12 inches high, with broad leaves, and white tubular flowers about 2 inches long, fragrant and handsome.
The newest kind, and the hardiest and best, is Vilmorins Jasmine Box (P. decora), with laurel-like leaves and fragrant white flowers in early spring.
When mixed with even the most delicate flowers of the stove or Orchid-house, its silky sky-blue fragrant flowers possess a charm and softness equalled by scarcely any other flower of the same color.
Iris Variegata - A handsome Flag of the Germanica group, 1 to 2 feet high, with large, slightly fragrant flowers, having bright yellow standards and claret-red falls beautifully veined.
The flowers are a dull violet-purple and very fragrant, but only come towards autumn, when the plant is well established.
America, resembling the Common Bay in its fine appearance and fragrant leaves, and attaining a height of 30 feet or more in parts of Ireland and at Penjerrick, near Falmouth, Cornwall.
Its fragrant, pale yellow flowers come in autumn, perfuming with a Jessamine-scent the fields of the Crimea about the Bosphorus.
Madeira Vine (Boussingaultia) - B. baselloides is a luxuriant trailing plant of the Spinach order with shoots 16 to 20 feet long, flowering late in autumn, the flowers small, white, fragrant, and becoming black as they fade.
They are borne in long terminal panicles, sometimes 9 inches long and 6 inches through, and are fragrant.
Cornuti (the common Milk-weed)-also known as A. syriaca-grows vigorously to a height of 4 feet, and bears umbels of deep purple fragrant flowers, of which bees seem to be fond.
A. quadrifolia (Four-leaved Milk-weed) bears fragrant terminal heads of lilac-white flowers early in the summer.
Krelagei may be recognised by flowers of a purple or plum color, with the yellow marking less vivid; the whole flower is smaller, also less fragrant; in fact, is almost wholly without scent, and it flowers ten or fourteen days earlier.
It is the most fragrant of true Rhododendrons, the flowers composed of finely crisped petals, and clear pale rose fading to white.
Sophora Secundiflora - A low dense tree or leafy shrub, with ornamental foliage composed of neat rounded leaflets with a glossy surface, and strongly fragrant violet-blue flowers borne in a dense spike.
N. selaginoides grows about 9 inches high, forming dense compact tufts of slender stems, in late autumn covered with small white, orange-centered blossoms fragrant at night.
Silver Berry or Missouri Silver Tree (Elaeagnus Argentea) - Has very fragrant tubular yellow flowers, followed by an abundance of nearly globular, dry, mealy, edible fruit.
It flowers in autumn, and the blossoms are fragrant.
European P. illyricum, 1 to 2 feet high, which bears in summer umbels of large white fragrant blossoms.
P. maritimum is also hardy in the south, if planted at the foot of a warm wall in light soil its large white flowers, in clustered heads, are very fragrant and semitransparent in texture.
P. Lampeni is also grown against walls, where it bears a profusion of fragrant, creamy-white flowers, but it is tender, and probably now confined to collections.
H. psycodes bears spikes 4 to 10 inches long of handsome and fragrant purple flowers.
Rock Beauty (Petrocallis) - P. pyrenaica is a beautiful little alpine plant, forming dense cushions 2 to 3 inches high, resembling a mossy Saxifrage, with fragrant pale lilac flowers, faintly veined, coming in April.
The flowers are delicate pale rose, not very large, but very fragrant.
The creamy white flowers of the wild plant are pretty and fragrant.
The best known is S. chinensis, with twining stems of 10 to 25 feet, bearing simple glossy leaves and pale rosy flowers during early summer, half an inch across and fragrant.
The pure white fragrant flowers open in June and July on pendulous panicles, 6 to 9 inches long, that hang in a row beneath the branches, one from each joint.
Its small flowers are whitish, fragrant and form in early summer.
America. The only species certainly in cultivation is S. robustum, a hardy plant 2 to 3 feet in height, with graceful plumes of closely-packed, creamy-white and fragrant flowers in August.
These three primary divisions-the Ten-week, Intermediate, and Biennials-require each different treatment, and Stocks are so easily grown, so fragrant and handsome, that they will ever deserve care in our gardens.
The last is a good evergreen of dense growth, with fragrant leaves, green through the winter.
The leaves are greyish, the white, fragrant flowers borne in terminal inflorescences in August.
The flowers, in large terminal and axillary panicles, are white and fragrant, and at their best in September.
Its stems and leaves give off a fragrant hay-like odour when dried; and in May the small white flowers, dotted over the tufts of whorled leaves, are pretty.
Tuberose (Polianthes) - P. tuberosa is a native of the East Indies, but strong imported bulbs of this deliciously fragrant plant, if inserted in warm soil, will flower well in the open air during August.
Twin Flower (Linnaea) - A little evergreen creeper, L. borealis having slender upright stalks bearing two flowers each, delicately fragrant white, often tinged with pink, and drooping.
Nymphaea Alba Carrisbrooki - A new kind raised in California, and described as bearing flowers of bright flesh pink, and fragrant.
Leaves rich green above and brown beneath, the fragrant flowers of pale pink, the outer segments of pale olive-green, and pale yellow stamens.
Of good size and fragrant, its flowers are of deep crimson with orange stamens, coming freely to the end of September.
They are early, free, and fragrant, of a conspicuous shade of wine-red with orange-red stamens.
Nymphaea Alba Odorata Rosea - The Cape Cod Water-Lily-a plant of moderate vigour, with petals of a uniform bright rose color with yellow stamens, and fragrant.
The flowers, deliciously fragrant and of a pale dingy lilac, are gathered in short panicles upon stems of 4 to 12 inches.
The scent is strong and fragrant, and compared to other gardenia species, jasminoides is the least fussy if grown in the proper conditions.
Produces fragrant white or cream flowers, depending on cultivar.
Usually sporting small, highly fragrant purple flowers, the milkweed is worth planting in your butterfly garden.
Butterfly Bush gets its name because butterflies are highly attracted to its fragrant flowers.
These fragrant flowers are a favorite among hummingbirds and gardeners alike.
As a result, the flowers are showy and fragrant, but the vine is not overly aggressive the way pure exotics can be.
While this is a beautiful and fragrant plant, it is highly aggressive.
There are few things that make a garden more inviting than a network of fragrant vines twining around trellises and arbors.
Instead of letting the short days and little sun get you down, choose to surround yourself with a fragrant and colorful display of nature.
Chamomile-a wonderfully fragrant herbal flower and widely used tea.
The rich palate formed in traditional Sauvignon Blanc style with lemon-grapefruit brightness, granite minerals, and turning round with buttery vanilla and again with honeydew melon, apricots, and fragrant honeysuckle.
The modern day Pinot Noirs from the Yarra Valley are beautifully fragrant, elegant and savory wines, and the Chardonnays are crisp yet complex wines with world class structure.
The wines are fragrant, spicy, complex, and elegant.
The fragrant wines are not made using Methode Champenoise.; rather, they are made in the Charmant method to preserve freshness.
Adolescents using therapeutic baths to relieve emotional stress may add a few drops of essential oils of lavender or other fragrant herbs to the bathwater.
If you are looking for a fragrant shampoo that is easy to find and moderately priced, there are many options available.
Aromatherapy and homeopathic practitioners also use herb grinders to create fragrant or medicinal herbal mixtures to help improve the health and wellness of their patients.
Aromatherapy is popular today and these fragrant natural oils are used in many spas to calm and soothe.
Aromatherapy is beneficial to many as fragrant candles are lit and relaxation takes place in homes, spas, doctor's offices, by pool sides, and at social gatherings.
If you're after a fragrant candle with a wide scent throw, you'll want to invest in good quality wax and fragrance oils.
When choosing fragrant oils for candle making, be sure to check the label to ensure that the flash point is suitable for candles.
These reeds provide a continuous source of scent for your home, using fragrant oils and a natural process of dispersing the fragrance.
This means that the wickless candles are long lasting and are perfect for people who like highly fragrant products in their home.
Scentsy candle bars are soft bars of fragrant wax that are ideal to use in your candle warmer.
Apple votive candles are a fragrant, fresh option for a fall centerpiece or a homey accent for a nostalgic kitchen.
Specific apple varieties, such as granny smith, golden delicious, and Macintosh can also be fragrant choices for apple scented candles.
Apple candles can be used to surround a fruit bowl, or a large fresh apple can be partially cored to create a fun, fragrant candle holder.
Apple votive candles are a fragrant option for many autumn decorations, and they are available in a wide range of delicious scents.
The waterer feeds the tree the right amount of liquid to keep it fresh and fragrant.
Lei are made from fragrant tropical flowers, including plumeria, orchids and puakenikeni.
While many people have luck marketing their handcrafted goods, others revel in the mere joy of creating useful and fragrant body products.
Centerpieces and table decorations of Orchids and Hibiscus are a fragrant and eye-catching way to set the visual tone of the party.
From blueberry muffins and powdered sugar cookies to vanilla birthday cakes and Belgian waffles, it seemed almost nothing was off limits in the fragrant world of bath gels.
Washing women in medieval and renaissance Europe were actually known as "lavenders" because they would dry laundry on lavender bushes and scent drawers with the fragrant herb.
The rich, fragrant body lotion was introduced as a flanker product to the already best-selling fragrance.
The air was heavy and fragrant, the wet, solid sand near the ocean welcome after her initial attempt to keep up in the sugary sand higher up the beach.
This balsam gives the tree a fragrant odour when the leaves are unfolding.
She marveled at the world, the gentle sunshine, beautiful sky, the fragrant ocean breeze that ruffled her pink-striped blond hair, the soft crunch of gravel beneath her shoes.
Four hours later, we stand in the still balmy and fragrant gardens of the Mamounia hotel.
It is decked with racemes of small fragrant white blossoms in spring which attract butterflies and bees.
The Emir also benefits from 24 hour security and features private, landscaped gardens with many stunning fragrant bushes, shrubs and vibrant bougainvillea.
In spring and summer the meadows have a rich collection of wet meadow plants including great burnet and the fragrant meadowsweet.
Dishes include lobster carpaccio with olive oil and caviar, fragrant stuffed tomatoes or strawberries scented with hibiscus petals.
The highly fragrant flowers, arranged in large terminal racemes, are borne in spring.
In early or mid-winter it bears fragrant, yellow, dark red or orange flowers, with crimped petals, on the bare branches.
Love to Know's article on Fragrant Herbs is a good starting place to learn more about these plants.
Ancient Romans, Greeks, and Egyptians were familiar with the concept of using fragrant plants as part of their religious ceremonies, for medical purposes, and to make cosmetics.
It has bunches of fragrant white flowers and broad foliage.
It is a thin bush, 2 to 3 feet high, having fragrant leaves.
Nymphaea Alba Laydekeri Rosea - One of the most useful of hardy Water-Lilies, with fragrant, pale pink flowers, passing through several shades to deep rose as they fade away.
They are of glistening purity, fragrant, and very full of petals guarding the cluster of golden anthers.
Potted plants such as ivy, philodendron, begonias, and fragrant herbs are wonderful to work with, and improve air quality.
Most candles made of soy on the market today are fragrant.
The heavy scent of fragrant sea swept over him, the chill of the ocean kept out of the city by its thick walls.
It is different from the white fragrant sandal-wood, which is the produce of Santalum album, a tree belonging to a distinct natural order Santalaceae.
When Prince Andrew reached the room prepared for him and lay down in a clean shirt on the feather bed with its warmed and fragrant pillows, he felt that the battle of which he had brought tidings was far, far away from him.
From Gorki, Bennigsen descended the highroad to the bridge which, when they had looked at it from the hill, the officer had pointed out as being the center of our position and where rows of fragrant new-mown hay lay by the riverside.
The heavy Caribbean air of the Sanctuary was warm and fragrant with the scent of the sea.
Nothing made sense to her numbed mind, aside from the fragrant ocean, the fine sand that slid through her fingers like silk, and the warm-cool sensations caused by a combination of afternoon sun and sea breeze.
The beautiful, warm air was peculiarly fragrant, and I noticed it got cooler and fresher as we went on.
The balmy morning breeze drifting in from the small window was fragrant with the scents of the ocean and bread from the Sanctuary's kitchens.
Yet they have never been without some distinct recognition of a supreme being, whom they call Andriamdnitra, " The Fragrant One," and Zanahc ry, " The Creator " - words which are recognized all over the island.
Long before I learned to do a sum in arithmetic or describe the shape of the earth, Miss Sullivan had taught me to find beauty in the fragrant woods, in every blade of grass, and in the curves and dimples of my baby sister's hand.
Chiefly rock plants with handsome and fragrant flowers, the smaller sorts growing in light sandy soil, and the larger border plants in rich garden earth.
The conidia are fragrant and are carried by bees to the stigma of the bilberry; here they germinate with the pollen and the hyphae pass with the pollen tubes down the style; the former infect the ovules and produce sclerotia, therein reducing the fruits to a mummified condition.
The flowers are white, axillary and slightly fragrant, - often two or three together on separate pedicels.
The fragrant ocean breeze was chilly as it brushed his skin, and his movements fell into the rhythm of the ebb and flow of waves.
It is a small, twiggy, resinous fragrant shrub found on bogs and moors in the British Islands, and widely distributed in the north temperate zone.