Fowl Sentence Examples
Domestic and wild fowl are generally abundant.
When fully dilated, the pupil is round in all birds; when contracted it is usually round, rarely oval as in the fowl.
The red jungle fowl (Gallus ferrugineus), supposed to be the ancestor of our own poultry, is not good eating; and the same may be said of the peacock (Pavo cristatus), except when young.
The fowl possesses all five ossifications at birth, and for a long while the middle piece forming the keel is by far the largest.
Lelewel, the Polish historian, considers that it is merely a translation into Latin of some such name as Kura, signifying "a fowl."
This excellent book is written by an experienced bantam and large fowl poultry breeder and show judge.
Crop and food residues are used to grow earthworms to feed fish and fowl.
In addition, the first year's diet included various fowl and fish.
Then, it is true, two lateral points of ossification appear at the margin, but subsequently the remaining three are developed, and when once formed they grow with much greater rapidity than in the fowl, so that by the time the young duck is quite independent of its parents, and can shift for itself, the whole sternum is completely bony.
The birds include the ostrich, marabout, vultures, kites, hawks, ground hornbill, great bustard, guinea fowl, partridge, lesser bustard, quail, snipe, duck, widgeon, teal, geese of various kinds, paraquets, doves, blue, bronze and green pigeons, and many others.
AdvertisementAllrich also doesn't shy away from seafood, fowl or other meats. is a great way to compare the flight rates of all the major travel websites, including Orbitz and Travelocity, in one fowl swoop.
The custom is vouched for by travellers as still observed in Borneo, Burma, Uganda and elsewhere, the animal chosen being a pig or a fowl.
In disposition they are quiet and gentle, and do not show much intelligence; they are also less noisy than the true lemurs, only when alarmed or angered making a noise which has been compared to the clucking of a fowl.
Some have added fish to their dietary; but, speaking generally, all who are called vegetarians will be found to abstain from the use of flesh and fowl and almost invariably also from fish as food.
AdvertisementSome of them inhabit forests and others the more open country; but setting aside size (which in this group varies from that of a quail to that of a large common fowl) there is an unmistakable uniformity of appearance among them as a whole, so that almost anybody having seen one species of the group would always recognize another.
The dog, the cat, the pig, the domestic fowl (which is not very obviously related to the bantam of the woods), the buffalo, a smaller breed than that met with in the Malayan Peninsula, and in some districts bullocks of the Brahmin breed and small horses, are the principal domestic animals.
In March 1626 he came to London, and when driving one day near Highgate, was taken with a desire to discover whether snow would act as an antiseptic. He stopped his carriage, got out at a cottage, purchased a fowl, and with his own hands assisted to stuff it with snow.
The guinea-fowl, however, has long been in this condition in Jamaica and St Helena, and the fowl in Hawaii and other Polynesian islands.
A large kind of fowl known as Lan (from the province Lar, in southern Persia) is said to be a descendant of fowls brought to Persia by the Portuguese in the 16th century.
AdvertisementThere are also wild duck, geese and other water fowl, hawk's bill, laggerheads and partridges.
The gallinaceous birds include the peacock, which everywhere adorns the forest bordering on the plains, jungle fowl and several pheasants; partridges, of which the chikor may be named as most abundant, and snowpheasants and partridges, found only at the greatest elevations.
Natural immunity against toxins must be taken into account, and, if Ehrlich's view with regard to toxic action be correct, this may depend upon either the absence of chemical affinity of the living molecules of the tissues for the toxic molecule, or upon insensitiveness to the action of the toxophorous group. It has been shown with regard to the former, for example, that the nervous system of the fowl, which possesses immunity against tetanus toxin, has little combining affinity for it.
Of these three classes, and of other than purely zoological interest, are mosquitoes, which swarm in summer in the interior in vast numbers; sea fowl, which are remarkably abundant near the Aleutians; moose, and especially caribou, which in the past were very numerous in the interior and of extreme economic importance to the natives.
Geese, ducks and other water fowl frequent the lakes and bays in the migratory season, and eagles, gulls, hawks, kingfishers, owls, plover, woodcock, " partridge " (ruffed grouse), robins, orioles, bobolinks, blue birds, swallows, sparrows, and many other insectivorous birds are common.
AdvertisementSome abstained from all living creatures; others ate fish; others fish and fowl.
Besides the dog and the pig, which (with the domestic fowl) must have been introduced in early times, the only land mammals are certain species of rats and bats.
The fen-drainage resulted in the extinction of many local industries, such as the trade in goose-feathers and the export of wild fowl to the London markets, a 17th-century writer terming this county "the aviary of England, 3000 mallards with other birds having been caught sometimes in August at one draught."
She jumped aside, allowing the fowl avalanche to plunge down the trail.
They are a cross between a common bantam and a polish fowl.
Domestic animals include buffalo, which are used as draft animals, fowl, pigs, goats, cats, and dogs.
Main course was guinea fowl, roast shallots, creamed celeriac, truffled egg, with thyme and pine nut tart.
Guinea fowl stewed with Treviso chicory and Crème Fraîche is a deliciously rich and caramelized dish, using the maroon chicory from Treviso.
Artificial insemination spreads fowl cholera, a major bacterial disease of intensively reared turkeys.
The best way to raise the Black Spanish fowl is to go late in the evening and raise coop and all.
A fowl was killed, as well as a small jug of corn beer drunk.
During the fatal night a fowl house of a nearby farm had been entered and 6 fowl stolen.
Seem to have fallen fowl of " Judge not, lest ye be judged " there haven't we Christopher?
The taking of wild fowl for market was made on an immense scale.
A ' Bantam ' is a type of small domestic fowl.
They were given a dead guinea fowl to eat, feathers and all.
The red jungle fowl is the ancestral species of all domestic chicken breeds.
D Devonshire Traditional Breed Center Chickens - wide range of pure bred large and bantam fowl for beginner and experienced keeper.
Brown the guinea fowl in a frying pan in the butter, then transfer to a roasting tin, breast down.
The only thing that let me down is the fact i can't find a website on it, like the Artemis fowl books.
In real life, the ducks choose a new partner every year, so the nature of the fowl is in contradiction to the symbolism of fidelity.
Many crafters have brought their talents to the table creating a variety of fowl feathers sure to make you ruffle in delight.
A simple peacock plume or spotted fowl feather is a great way to add instant texture and a dose of exotica to your cut and is much more affordable than a full highlight or coloring service.
Of course, ponds and rivers will have fecal matter from fish and fowl in them, which can cut down on some of the enjoyment.
A Paleo diet indicates that the bulk of Amsterdam's recipes attempts to omit dairy and carbohydrate products altogether and focus on high protein elements such as almond flour and quality meats and fowl, a more ancestral approach to eating.
Two ponds attract wild fowl and migrating waders including shelduck, greenshank and sandpiper.
Uses For active immunization of chickens to reduce mortality and infection caused by Salmonella gallinarum (fowl typhoid) and Salmonella enteritidis.
As a generic name for the feathered vertebrates " bird " has replaced the older " fowl," a common Teutonic word, appearing in German as Vogel.
The serial number of these nerves depends chiefly upon the length of the neck, the extremes being represented by Cypselus (loth-14th cervical) and Cygnus (22nd-24th), the usual numbers of the common fowl being the 13th-17th nerves.
Other features reminiscent of the original barbarous rites in the primitive caverns of the East, no doubt also occupied a place in the cult; bandaging of eyes, binding of hands with the intestines of a fowl, leaping over a ditch filled with water, witnessing a simulated murder, are mentioned by the Pseudo-Augustine; and the manipulation of lights in the crypt, the administration of oaths, and the repetition of the sacred formulae, all contributed toward inducing a state of ecstatic exaltation.
Clad in Eastern paraphernalia, he officiated at the numerous sacrifices indicated by the remains of iron and bronze knives, hatchets, chains, ashes and bones of oxen, sheep, goats, swine, fowl, &c. There was pouring of libations, chanting and music, and bells and candles were employed in the service.
The ordinary guinea fowl of the poultry-yard (see also Poultry And Poultry-Farming) is the Numida meleagris of ornithologists.
He beat at the empty air for a moment like a rotund fowl about to seek its roost.
Meat and Poultry - A moderate intake of chicken, guinea fowl and quail are the perfect enhancements to most meals.
Watson also stated that veganism applies "to the exclusion of flesh, fish, fowl, eggs, honey, animal milk and its derivatives, and encourages the use of alternatives for all commodities derived wholly or in part from animals."
Yancey got up the next morning in a fowl mood and stayed that way for several days.
The common domesticated fowl is not indigenous.
About the size of a large domestic fowl, they are birds of nocturnal habit, sleeping, or at least inactive, by day, feeding mostly on earth-worms, but occasionally swallowing berries, though in captivity they will eat flesh suitably minced.
While discussing noses, he says that those with thick bulbous ends belong to persons who are insensitive, swinish; sharp-tipped belong to the irascible, those easily provoked, like dogs; rounded, large, obtuse noses to the magnanimous, the lion-like; slender hooked noses to the eagle-like, the noble but grasping; round-tipped retrousse noses to the luxurious, like barndoor fowl; noses with a very slight notch at the root belong to the impudent, the crow-like; while snub noses belong to persons of luxurious habits, whom he compares to deer; open nostrils are signs of passion, &c.
The dung of the domestic fowl is very similar in character.
Birds of passage include the buzzard, kite, quail, wild fowl of various kinds, golden thrush, wagtail, linnet, finch and nightingale.
Snipe and various species of wild fowl are found in the marshes, and pelicans and storks abound along the banks of the Euphrates and Tigris.
The domestic fowl was un.known in.
A frog or fowl or guinea-pig held in some unnatural pose, and retained so forcibly for a time, becomes "set" in that pose, or rather in a posture of partial recovery of the normal posture.
Kircher's experimentum mirabile with the fowl and the chalk line succeeds best with the decerebrate hen.
The commonest of these have the head of a fowl, and the arms and bust of a man, and terminate in the body and tail of a serpent.
The principal colony has its summer quarters on the Stora-Lule Lake, possesses good boats and nets, and, besides catching and drying fish, makes money by the shooting of wild fowl and the gathering of eggs.
Got back to the Lion and had cold fowl and champagne.
One of the special dishes of the day last spring was roast guinea fowl on bed of spinach with a topping of foie gras.
On the menu might be anything from stuffed guinea fowl to seared sea bass with aubergine and basil infusion.
And in Marseilles they make an excellent dish of a common fowl, which is often so insipid.
What does " Guinea fowl and ginger sausages with spring onion mash and port wine jus " say to you?
The reed marshes on your left are a nature reserve for wild fowl and are known locally as the " Bents " .
The flu can affect all types of birds, especially migratory fowl.
The rent to be paid by them was often nominal, consisting of a fowl, a pair of gloves, or a flower.
Outbreaks of Newcastle Disease (fowl pest) are the main constraint to village chicken production, causing fatalities of up to 100% .
The disease particularly affects poultry, which includes chicken, duck, goose, turkey and guinea fowl.
Usually the decision to vaccinate, except for fowl pox, should be made on the basis of area experience and expert advice.
The LC of the pigeon are longer than those of the domestic fowl or Japanese quail.
Zog was part man, part beast, part fish, part fowl, and part reptile.
Yes, go to the yard and fetch a fowl, please, a cock, and you, Misha, bring me some oats.
The Irish Water Spaniel was bred to be a hunting dog that would also retrieve water fowl.
The Wetlands Canine formula with roasted fowl contains roasted quail, duck and turkey.
The common gamer term "gib" (derived from giblet, the dense gizzard organ you find in some table fowl) was born in these games - an enthusiastic word for the bloody chunks that go flying when you shoot an opponent.
Pinot Grigio's saving grace is its bone-dry and sprightly acidity that makes it a natural companion to seafood, particularly shellfish, fowl, light pastas, and cheese.
Nicely matches most Italian pastas, fowl, meats, mushrooms, or just a wedge of Taleggio.
Fish, fowl, and lean meats can be consumed in small amounts.
The macrobiotic diet is similar, with brown rice being a staple, but with the addition of other protein sources such as fish and fowl, tofu, and other soy products (miso, tempeh).
Fish, fowl, and lean meats can be consumed in moderation.
A balanced diet includes fresh vegetables and fruits, legumes, whole grains (cereal, bread, rice, pasta, and other grains), eggs, dairy products, fish, fowl, and lean meat as preferred.
Iron can be provided by eating green leafy vegetables, raisins, meat, eggs, liver, fish and fowl, nuts, and whole grains.
Potassium food sources include dairy foods, fish, fresh and dried fruits, beans and peas, meats, fish and fowl, and whole grains.
Dorothy sprang forward and caught the fluffy fowl in her arms, uttering at the same time a glad cry.
For instance, in the fowl its volume increases about fifty-fold, growing from some 6 in.
Cuvier seems to have acquiesced in the corrections of his views made by Geoffroy, and attempted no rejoinder; but the attentive and impartial student of the discussion will see that a good deal was really wanting to make the latter's reply effective, though, as events have shown, the former was hasty in the conclusions at which he arrived, having trusted too much to the first appearance of centres of ossification, for, had his observations in regard to other birds been carried on with the same attention to detail as in regard to the fowl, he would certainly have reached some very different results.
Among game birds are three varieties of bustard, guinea fowl, partridges, sand grouse and wild geese.
The avifauna is very rich in migratory water and marsh fowl (Grallatores and Natatores), which come to breed in the coast region; but only five land birds - the ptarmigan (Lagopus alpinus), snow-bunting, Iceland falcon, snow-owl and raven - are permanent inhabitants of the region.
Among game birds the bustard, guinea fowl, sand grouse (kata), blue rock, green pigeon, partridge, including a large chikor (akb) and a small species similar to the Punjab sisi; quail and several kinds of duck and snipe are met with.
The rule laid down by the Order is abstinence so far as possible from all foods which are obtained by the cruel infliction of pain, and the minimum that is set is complete "abstinence from flesh and fowl," while net-caught fish may be used by associate members.
Elliot, Gallinaceous Game Birds of North America (New York, 1897) and Wild Fowl of the United States and British Possessions (1898), and Robert Ridgway's learned and invaluable Birds of North and Middle America, published by the Smithsonian Institution, Bull.
It had hitherto been generally believed that the mode of ossification in the fowl was that which obtained in all birds - the ostrich and its allies (as L'Herminier, we have seen, had already shown) excepted.
Among the larger birds are cranes, herons, the ibis, storks, eagles, vultures, falcons, hawks, kites, owls, the secretary birds, pelicans, flamingoes, wild duck and geese, gulls, and of game birds, the paauw, koraan, pheasant, partridge, guinea fowl and quail.
The animal most suitable for experimenting upon is the fowl, but other animals have been found to react.
Thus Krawkow and Nowak, employing the frequent subcutaneous injection of the usual organisms of suppuration, have induced in the fowl the deposition within the tissues of a homogeneous substance giving the colour reactions of true amyloid.
When hardened in spirit, however, the greater part of this experimental amyloid in the fowl vanishes, and the reactions are not forthcoming.
These observations have been verified in the rabbit, mouse, fowl, guinea-pig and cat by Davidsohn, occasionally in the dog by Lubarsch; and confirmatory observations have also been made by Czerny and Maximoff.
Dorking has long been famous for a finely flavoured breed of fowl distinguished by its having five toes.
In modern usage " fowl," except in " wild-fowl " or " water-fowl," is confined to domestic poultry.
Geoffroy here maintained that the five centres of ossification existed in the duck just as in the fowl, and that the real difference of the process lay in the period at which they made their appearance, a circumstance which, though virtually proved by the preparations Cuvier had used, had been by him overlooked or misinterpreted.
The latter commemorates, according to tradition, the fowl which was the first living being to cross the bridge and thus fell a prey to the devil, who in hope of a nobler victim had sold his assistance to the architect.
Of small game, hares, jungle fowl, peacocks, partridges, snipe, woodcock, wild ducks and geese, and green pigeons are numerous in the tarai, and jungle fowl and pheasants in the hills.