Founding Sentence Examples
Up to the present he was far from having any idea of founding a society.
Derkinderen, describing the founding of the city.
In both fields he displayed much talent, and by writing his Synopsis of the Indian Tribes within the United States East of the Rocky Mountains and in the British and Russian Possessions in North America (1836), and by founding the American Ethnological Society of New York in 1842, he earned the title of "Father of American Ethnology."
He took part in founding the university of Halle (1694), where he became second and then first professor of law and rector of the university.
The industries include shipbuilding, rope and sail making and iron founding.
In the same year Duff took part in founding the Calcutta Review, of which from 1845 to 1849 he was editor.
During his primacy (1616-1637), when he had the whole influence of the court, and the sympathy and the assistance of the Catholic world behind him, he put the finishing touches to his life's labour by founding a great Catholic university at Nagyszombat (1635), and publishing a Hungarian translation of the Bible to counteract the influence of Gaspar Karoli's widely spread Protestant version.
She employed the proceeds of the vast sums coming to her from the confiscation of the property of the suppressed Jesuit order in founding schools and colleges all over Hungary.
On the intellectual side the new movement found its champion and its Maecenas in Bishop Strassmayer, who for over 50 years devoted the surplus revenues of the wealthy see of Dya Kovo (Djakovo) to national purposes, and was mainly instrumental in founding at Zagreb the southern Slav Academy (1867), the first Croat university (1874) and a modern gallery and school of arts.
In March 1915, 28 schoolboys of Banjaluka were sentenced to terms varying from two years to four months for founding a local Yugoslav society.
AdvertisementHe was instrumental in founding the first chair of Greek, which was filled by his friend Rudolph Agricola, and he also established the university library and a college for students of civil law.
Jealous, however, of the preference shown by the Dutch farmers in Natal to another commandant (Gert Maritz), Potgieter speedily recrossed the Drakensberg, and in November 1838 he and his followers settled by the banks of the Mooi river, founding a town named Potchefstroom in honour of Potgieter.
His zeal in founding monasteries earned for him his surname "the Pious," and canonization by Pope Innocent VIII.
Asclepiades had many pupils who adhered more or less closely to his doctrines, but it was especially one of them, Themison, who gave permanence to the teachings of his master by framing out of them, with some modifications, a new system of medical doctrine, and founding on this basis a school which lasted for some centuries in successful rivalry with the Hippocratic tradition, which, as we have seen, was up to that time the prevailing influence in medicine.
The founding of new teaching universities, in which England, and even France, had been at some disadvantage as compared with Scotland and Germany, strengthened the movement in favour of enlarging and liberalizing technical training, and of anticipating technical instruction by some broader scientific discipline; though, as in all times of transition, something was lost temporarily by a departure from the old discipline of the grammar school before a new scheme of training the mind in scientific habits and conceptions was established or fully apprehended.
AdvertisementHe started a theological college (the Scholae Cancellarii), founded night schools, delivered courses of lectures on church history, held Bible classes, and was instrumental in founding a society of mission preachers for the diocese, the "Novate Novale."
The bestowal of alms, offerings of rice to priests, the founding of a monastery, erection of pagodas, with which the country is crowded, the building of a bridge or rest-house for the convenience of travellers are all works of religious merit, prompted, not by love of one's fellowcreatures, but simply and solely for one's own future advantage.
All that can be said is that both archaeological and epigraphic evidence indicates that no very long interval separated the empire of the Semitic kings of Agade from that of the kings of Sumer and Akkad, whose rule was inaugurated by the founding of the Dynasty of Ur.1 To use caution in accepting the chronological notices of the later kings is very far removed from suggesting emendations of their figures.
Sir Alexander obtained for it in 1613 a charter as a burgh of royalty, and also in 1592 a charter for the founding of a university.
There is considerable agricultural trade, and iron founding is carried on; while in the neighbourhood some copper, lead, granite and slate are worked and exported in small vessels; coal, timber and general merchandise being imported.
AdvertisementNo laboratories were accessible to ordinary students, who had to content themselves with what the universities could give in the lectureroom and the library, and though both at Bonn and Erlangen Liebig endeavoured to make up for the deficiencies of the official instruction by founding a students' physical and chemical society for the discussion of new discoveries and speculations, he felt that he could never become a chemist in his own country.
In Persia their numbers and their zeal stimulated the old churches into vigour and led to the founding of new ones.
Mont-de-Marsan, the oldest of the bastides, was founded in 1141, and the movement for founding them lasted during the 12th, 13th and 14th centuries, attaining its height between 1250 and 1350.
The other industries of Johannesburg include brewing, printing and bookbinding, timber sawing, flour milling, iron and brass founding, brick making and the manufacture of tobacco.
He made his name immortal by founding on Mt Sceberras " a city built by gentlemen for gentlemen " and making Valletta a magnificent example of fortification, unrivalled in the world.
AdvertisementFurther, the queen wasp, and also the queen humble-bee, commences unaided the work of building and founding a new nest, being afterwards helped by her daughters (the workers) when these have been developed.
He proposed founding a new sect with the help of Franklin, who after leaving his shop ridiculed him for his long square beard and for keeping the seventh day.
The industries of Arnstadt include iron and other metal founding, the manufacture of leather, cloth, tobacco, weighing-machines, paper, playing-cards, chairs, gloves, shoes, iron safes, and beer, and market-gardening and trade in grain and wood are carried on.
In that capacity he took an important part in the negotiations respecting the founding of the new kingdom of Belgium.
When he resigned office in the early 'eighties he established the Semmon Gako, or school for special studies, at the cost of the 30,000 yen which had been voted him when he received the title of count, and subsequently he was instrumental in founding other schools and colleges.
Massachusetts led, about 1850, in the founding of town and city libraries supported by public taxes, and by 1880 had established more of such institutions than existed in all other states combined.
During the disturbed reigns of Basil's seven immediate successors, Isaac by his prudent conduct won the confidence of the army; in 1057 he joined with the nobles of the capital in a conspiracy against Michael VI., and after the latter's deposition was invested with the crown, thus founding the new dynasty of the Comneni.
He favoured the use of the organ and of prayers in the vernacular, and was instrumental in founding schools on modern lines.
He was always engaged in founding new concerns or amalgamating existing ones.
After the battle of Kadesiya and the founding of Kufa by the Arabs, Hira lost its importance and fell into decay.
To this victory was assigned the founding of the Ara maxima by Evander.
Then followed weary years of ruinous delay and official inquiry, during which Hobson died after founding Auckland.
Concrete in a shell is a name which might be applied to all the methods of founding a pier which depend on the very valuable property which strong hydraulic concrete possesses of setting into a solid mass under water.
He sought to spread Christianity by introducing the Cistercians, founding bishoprics, and building churches and monasteries.
The International Exhibition of 1851, the creation of the Museum and Science and Art Department at South Kensington, the founding of art schools and picture galleries all over the country, the spread of musical taste and the fostering of technical education may be attributed, more or less directly, to the commission of distinguished men which began its labours under Prince Albert's auspices.
The supremacy of China is indicated by occasional missions sent, as on the founding of a new dynasty, to Peking, to bring back a seal and a calendar.
By the end of 1908 he had distributed over £io,000,000 for founding libraries alone.
But mention must also be made of his founding of Carnegie Hero Fund commissions, in America (1904) and in the United Kingdom (1908), for the recognition of deeds of heroism; his contribution of £500,000 in 1903 for the erection of a Temple of Peace at The Hague, and of £150,000 for a Pan-American Palace in Washington as a home for the International Bureau of American republics.
In spite of his political reforms, he opposed the admission of the plebeians to the consulship and priestly offices; and, although these reforms might appear to be democratic in character and calculated to give preponderance to the lowest class of the people, his probable aim was to strengthen the power of the magistrates (and lessen that of the senate) by founding it on the popular will, which would find its expression in the urban inhabitants and could be most easily influenced by the magistrate.
Originally planted on the Baltic shore for the express purpose of christianizing their savage neighbours, these crusading monks had freely exploited the wealth and the valour of the West, ostensibly in the cause of religion, really for the purpose of founding a dominion of their own which, as time went on, lost more and more of its religious character, and was now little more than a German military forepost, extending from Pomerania to the Niemen, which deliberately excluded the Sla y s from the sea and thrived 'Archbishop of Gnesen 1219-1220.
He did much good also in founding throughout the country schools for the education of the sons of the upper classes, but as yet nothing had been done for popular education properly so-called.
She did much for letters in Spain by founding the palace school and by her protection of Peter Martyr d'Anghiera.
Nine years after the death of Bede (735), Boniface, "the apostle of Germany," sanctioned the founding of Fulda (744), which soon rivalled St Gallen as a school of learning.
Another generation passed, and the scholars of the East and West met at the council of Florence (1439) One of the envoys of the Greeks, Gemistus Pletho, then inspired Cosimo dei Medici with the thought of founding an academy for the study of Plato.
Meanwhile, in 1563, notwithstanding the opposition of the university of Paris, the Jesuits had succeeded in founding the Collegium Claromontanum.
In 1863, under Napoleon III., Victor Duruy encouraged the study of history, and also did much for classical learning by founding the Ecole des Hautes Etudes.
As the archpastor of Denmark Absalon also rendered his country inestimable services, building churches and monasteries, introducing the religious orders, founding schools and doing his utmost to promote civilization and enlightenment.
The societies or individuals undertaking village settlements must do so from philanthropic motives, inasmuch as within two years of the founding of a village, the land, under pain of forfeiture to the state, must be transferred gratuitously to the villagers.
When the founding of the Round Table is ascribed to Merlin it is generally in close connexion with the Grail legend, forming the last of a series of three, founded in honour of the Trinity - the first being the table of the Last Supper, the second that of the Grail, established by Joseph of Arimathea, The number of knights whom the table will seat varies; it might seat twelve or fifty or a hundred and fifty; nowhere, save in Layamon, do we find a practically unlimited power of accommodation.
Hubert's ambition of founding a great family was not realized.
Why did it not provide for its mixed multitude of divinities by founding a universal church, in which all the gods of all nations might be worshipped along with the one ineffable Deity?
As one of the Aztec chiefs at the time of the founding of their city was called Tenoch, it is likely that from him was derived the name Tenochtitlan or " Stone-cactus place."
The beginning of the new era was marked by the founding of Phillips Exeter Academy (1781), and later several other similar schools were opened.
The plan of 1821 to use the Literary Fund for founding and maintaining a state college for instruction in the higher branches of science and literature was abandoned in 1828 and the only state institutions of learning are the Plymouth Normal School (1870) at Plymouth, the Keene Normal School (1909) at Keene, and the New Hampshire College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, organized as a department of Dartmouth College in 1866, but removed to Durham, Strafford county, as a separate institution in 1891.
He was chiefly instrumental also in founding the Loyal and Patriotic Society of Upper Canada, which raised funds for the relief of the wounded and the assistance of the widows and orphans of the slain.
The town, which for long was a mere village, owed its origin to the founding of a large Benedictine monastery, with its church, the seat of the metropolitan archbishop of Sicily.'
The name Buddha (Buddas) which occurs in the legendary account of Mani, and perhaps in the latter's own writings, indicates further that he had occupied his attention with Buddhism when engaged in the work of founding his new religion.
In the next year he was on the Bay of Fundy and had a share in founding the first permanent French colony in North America - that of Port Royal, now Annapolis, Nova Scotia.
In the south of the continent France also crowned La Salle's work by founding early in the 18th century New Orleans at the mouth of the Mississippi.
In 1724 he was nominated to the rich deanery of Derry, but had hardly been appointed before he was using every effort to resign it in order to devote himself to his scheme of founding a college in the Bermudas, and extending its benefits to the Americans.
Long had been the trial, and greatly had Mazarin been to blame in allowing the Frondes to come into existence, but he had retrieved his position by founding that great royal party which steadily grew until Louis XIV.
Iron founding and forging, which have their chief centre at Pamiers, are principal industries.
The manufacture of machinery, heavy iron goods and nails, and copper and iron founding, are important industries, and there are important metallurgical and engineering works at Montataire, about 2 m.
He laid the foundations broadly in evangelism, finance, temperance and education, founding in the latter connexion a middleclass school at Shebbear, at which generations of ministers' sons and numerous students for the ministry have been educated.
Industries include the manufacture of paper, iron founding, brewing and tanning.
On the 21st of August, while the Indians were demoralized by a sortie from the garrison, the town was evacuated, and the inhabitants made a 1 The exact date of the founding of Santa Fe is not known, but the best opinion has fixed the date between 1604 and 1608, and favours the year 1605.
At Ripon started one of the disconnected movements that resulted in the founding of the Republican party.
Industries include founding, engineering, malting, flour-milling, rose-growing and the making of clothing and boots and shoes.
Besides founding townships in the west and north of Greece, it acquired dependencies among the Cyclades and joined the great mercantile alliance of Miletus and Aegina.
In 1882 he was largely responsible for founding the Egypt Exploration Fund, and in 1884 for starting the Society of English Medallists.
In 408 the Carthaginian invading army under Hannibal, after capturing Selinus, in'vested and took Himera and razed the city to the ground, founding a new town close to the hot springs (Thermae Himeraeae), 8 m.
Its industries embrace iron founding and enamel working.
Besides the manufacture of sheeting, towelling, ticks, dowlas and sail-cloth, the principal industries include flax-spinning, net-making, bleaching, dyeing, tanning, brewing, brass and iron founding, and there are potteries, flour-mills, engineering works, fisheries, and factories for the making of oil-cloth and linoleum.
In 1862 he endowed the chair of Sanskrit in the university of Edinburgh, and was the main agent in founding the Shaw fellowship in moral philosophy.
The city is the seat of Lawrence college (changed from university in 1908), an interdenominational (originally a Methodist Episcopal) co-educational institution, founded in 1847 as the Lawrence Institute of Wisconsin and named in honour of Amos Adams Lawrence (1814-1886) of Boston, son of Amos Lawrence, and giver of $io,000 for the founding of the Institute.
Gregory's successor, Urban VIII., supplemented the establishment of the congregation by founding a great missionary college, where Europeans might be trained for foreign labours, and natives might be educated to undertake mission work.
In 1830 ten societies with 106 stations and 147 agents were at work; 1834 saw the founding of the Basel Mission on the west coast, the American Mission in Madura, the American Presbyterian Mission in Ludhiana.
It would require many a volume to tell of what they have done for civilization, freedom, the exploration of unknown regions, the bringing to light of ancient literatures, the founding of the science of comparative religion, the broadening of the horizon of Christian thought in the homelands, and the bringing of distant peoples into the brotherhood of nations.
He also had much to do with founding the British and Foreign Bible Society and the Religious Tract Society, and in conjunction with James Bennet, minister at Romsey, wrote a well-known History of Dissenters (3 vols., 1809).
With this method of making molten cast iron in the hands of a people already familiar with bronze founding, iron founding, i.e.
The first is by " steel founding," i.e.
He took an active part in the founding of the American Bible Society in 1816, of which he became the first president.
The industries and manufactures of Bremen are of considerable variety and extent, but are more particularly developed in such branches as are closely allied to navigation, such as shipbuilding, founding, engine-building and rope-making.
About the year 1170 Lambert le Begue, a priest of Liege, who had devoted his fortune to founding the hospital and church of St Christopher for the widows and children of crusaders, conceived the idea of establishing an association of women, who, without taking the monastic vows, should devote themselves to a life of religion.
In 1658 a stockade was built by the order of Governor Peter Stuyvesant, and from this event the actual founding of the city is generally dated.
Again in 1814, on the expulsion of the French, when there was much talk of founding an independent state, the same name was suggested for it.
He also did much for the advancement of learning, founding, among other institutions, United Provinces, and made many concessions ` to them.
Other thriving industries include bleaching, dyeing, calico-printing, weaving (carpets, shawls, tartans), engineering, tanning, iron and brass founding, brewing, distilling, and the making of starch, cornflour, soap, marmalade and other preserves, besides some shipbuilding in the yards on the left bank of the White Cart.
The discovery of new lands in the West by the Norsemen came in the course of the great Scandinavian exodus of the 9th, 10th and firth centuries - the Viking Age - when Norsemen, Swedes and Danes swarmed over all Europe, conquering kingdoms and founding colonies.
At any rate, the incontrovertible facts of the Vinland voyages are that Leif and Thorfinn were historical characters, that they visited, in the early part of the 11th century, some part of the American continent south-west of Greenland, that they found natives whose hostility prevented the founding of a permanent settlement, and that the sagas telling of these things are, on the whole, trustworthy descriptions of actual experience.
We read of his building an ivory palace and founding new cities, the effect perhaps of a share in the flourishing commerce of Phoenicia.'
His fame as a preacher increased, and under the direction of Thomas Charles of Bala he established numerous Sunday schools, and gave and secured considerable Welsh support to the founding of the London Missionary Society, the British and Foreign Bible Society and the Religious Tract Society.
It was out of the question, therefore, to think of founding on solid material, and yet it was desired to have a head of water of 13 or 14 ft.
Simcoe set to work with great energy to develop the province, but he quarrelled with the governor-general over his pet scheme of founding military colonies of retired soldiers in different parts of the province, and retired in 17 9 6.
These religious associations, coupled with the fertility of the soil, led to the founding of a Cistercian abbey in 1 217.
The most noteworthy of these was Duke Rudolph IV., a son-in-law of the emperor Charles IV., who showed his interest in learning by founding the university of IV olph Vienna in 1365.
In or about that year she aided in the founding of a monastery at Stow, Lincolnshire.
Though accused of avarice and pluralism, Phillpotts was generous in his gifts to the church, founding the theological college at Exeter and spending large sums on the restoration of the cathedral.
On the different days of the year each hour was determined by a fixed star culminating or nearly culminating in it, and the position of these stars at the time is given in the tables as in the centre, on the left eye, on the right shoulder, &c. According to the texts, in founding or rebuilding temples the north axis was determined by the same apparatus, and we may condude that it was the usual one for astronomical observations.
The interval was spent by him in founding the city Fostat (Fustat), near the modern Cairo, and called after the camp (Fossatum) occupied by him while besieging Babylon.; and in reducing those coast towns that still offered resistance.
The industries are iron and brass founding, brewing, and the manufacture of shoes, paper, cement and Turkish fezes.
Spanning the Wepowaug river near a gorge and not far from its mouth is a granite bridge and tower, built, as a memorial to the first settlers, in 1889, in connexion with the celebration of the 250th anniversary of the founding of the town.
In 1664 Milford, with the other members of the Jurisdiction, was absorbed by Connecticut; this caused considerable dissatisfaction and some of the inhabitants under the lead of Robert Treat removed to New Jersey and assisted in the founding of Newark.
The various religious secessions in Scotland led to the founding of a large number of sectarian and subscription schools, and at the Disruption in 1843 the Free Church made provision for the secular as well as the religious instruction of the children of its members.
In 1901 the number of persons engaged in working of the raw material was 23,263, of whom 8258 were employed in steel smelting and founding, 7781 at blast furnaces in the manufacture of pig-iron, and 7224 at puddling furnaces and rolling mills.
One William Paterson, instrumental in founding the Bank of England, conceived the plan of a Scottish East India Company, which, in 1695, obtained a patent by act of parliament.
The chief industries include bleaching, calico-printing, cotton-spinning, weaving, iron and brass founding, engineering and the manufacture of sanitary appliances.
We know that at the same time that some Scandinavian folk were harrying all the western lands, others were founding Garbariki (Russia) in the east; others were pressing still farther south till they came in contact with the eastern empire in Constantinople, which the northern folk knew as MikillgarOr (Mikklegard); so that when Hasting and Bjorn had sailed to Luna in the gulf of Genoa the northern folk had almost put a girdle round the Christian world.
In 1088 the emperor Alexis Cornnenus, by a golden bull, which is still preserved, granted the island to St Christodulus for the purpose of founding a monastery.
Accordingly, some years after the fall of Jerusalem - we cannot tell the exact date or the author's name - the book which we call the Gospel according to St Matthew was written to give the Palestinian Christians a of St full account of Jesus Christ, which should present Him as the promised Messiah, fulfilling the ancient Hebrew prophecies, proclaiming the kingdom of heaven, and founding the Christian society.
Its industries consist of iron founding and cloth weaving, and there are considerable horse and cattle markets.
The next definite stage is the dynasty of the Israelite Omri, to whom is ascribed the founding of the city of Samaria.
In 1798 Napoleon, returning from his unsuccessful attempt at founding an empire on the Nile, came to stir up a Syrian rising against the Turkish authorities.
Epinal originated towards the end of the 10th century with the founding of a monastery by Theodoric (Dietrich) I., bishop of Metz, whose successors ruled the town till 1444, when its inhabitants placed themselves under the protection of Kin& Charles VII.
The description of the great gold lions of Solomon's throne, and the laver of cast bronze supported on figures of oxen, shows that the artificers of that time had overcome the difficulties of metal-working and founding on a large scale.
Loftus, however, favoured the project of founding a university in Dublin, though on lines different from Perrot's proposal, and it was largely through his influence that the corporation of Dublin granted the lands of the priory of All Hallows as a beginning of the endowment of Trinity College, of which he was named first provost in the charter creating the foundation in 1591.
About 1157 Henry the Lion, duke of Saxony, forced his vassal, the count of Holstein, to give up Lubeck to him; and in 1163 he removed thither the episcopal see of Oldenburg (Stargard), founding at the same time the dioceses of Ratzeburg and Schwerin.
The enlightened mind of Warren Hastings did indeed anticipate his age by founding the Calcutta madrasa for Mahom medan teaching, and by affording steady patronage alike to Hindu pundits and European students.
He took a prominent part in 1816 in founding the American Bible Society; was a judge of Westchester county from 1818 to 1843, when he was removed from office by the party in power in New York, which hoped, by sacrificing an anti-slavery judge, to gain additional strength in the southern states; joined the American anti-slavery society in 1834, and held several important offices in this organization.
This led to the evacuation of the eastern part of India (called Hind by the Arabs, Sind being the name of the western part), and to the founding of the strong cities of Mahfuza and Mansura, for the purpose of controlling the land.
Mansur could now give his mind to the founding of the new capital.
The revolt was suppressed with great difficulty, and it came out that it was due to the secret instigation of Afshin, who hoped thereby to cause the fall of the Tahirids, and to take their place, with the ulterior object of founding an independent kingdom in the East.
Meanwhile, indignation at Antony's un-Roman excesses, and alarm at Cleopatra's rumoured schemes of founding a GrecoOriental empire, were rapidly increasing.
The founding and the growth of such communities furnish matter for an interesting chapter in the history as well of ancient as of modern civilization; and the regulation of the relations between the parent state and its dependencies abroad gives rise to important problems alike in national policy and in international economics.
Convinced that only by proper scientific investigations could the wholesale destruction of Egyptian antiquities be avoided, she devoted herself to arousing public opinion on the subject, and ultimately, in 1882, was largely instrumental in founding the Egypt Exploration Fund, of which she became joint honorary secretary with Reginald Stuart Poole.
Gustavus and his successor did much for Finland by founding schools and gymnasia, building churches, encouraging learning and introducing printing.
After two centuries of struggle the Russians succeeded in colonizing the fertile valleys of the Oka basin; in the 12th century they built a series of fortified towns on the Oka and Klyazma; and finally they reached the mouth of the Oka, there founding (in 1222) a new Novgorod - the Novgorod of the Lowlands, now Nizhniy-Novgorod.
In this letter Owen, who was holding his court in Llanbadarn near Aberystwith, demands his own acknowledgment as sovereign of Wales; the calling of a free Welsh parliament on the English model; the independence of the Welsh Church from the control of Canterbury; and the founding of national colleges in Wales itself.
The enthusiastic course of the Methodist movement under Howell Harris, Daniel Rowland and William Williams; the establishment of Welsh Sunday Schools; the founding of the Bible Society under Thomas Charles of Bala; and the revival early in the 19th century of the Eisteddfodau (the ancient bardic contests of music, poetry and learning), have all contributed to extend the use of the Welsh language and to strengthen its hold as a popular medium of education throughout the Principality.
He was an enlightened pontiff and collaborated with Cassiodorus in founding at Rome a library of ecclesiastical authors.
The formation of clans and tribes, the transitions from the hunting to the pastoral life, and from the pastoral to the agricultural - the struggle with forest and swamp, the clearings for settlement, the protection of the dwelling-place, the safety of flocks and herds, the production of corn, - the migration of peoples, the founding of colonies, the processes of conquest, fusion, and political union - have all reacted on the elaboration of the higher polytheisms, before bards and poets, priesthoods and theological speculators, began to systematize and regulate the relations of the gods.
This was the Gothic Society, which was Lorenzo Hammarskold1 8 182 who in (75-7) 1803 introduced the views of Tieck and Schelling by founding the society in Upsala called " Vitterhetens Va,nner," and by numerous critical essays.
In Marcion's own view, therefore, the founding of his church - to which he was first driven by opposition - amounts to a reformation of Christendom through a return to the gospel of Christ and to Paul; nothing was to be accepted beyond that.
In 1547 the elector John Frederick the Magnanimous of Saxony, while a captive in the hands of the emperor Charles V., conceived the plan of founding a university at Jena, which was accordingly established by his three sons.
Next in order came the Wesleyans and the Glasgow Missionary Society (Presbyterian), the last-named society founding in 1824 the station of Lovedale - now the most important institution in South Africa in connexion with native missions.
The task of founding new and better administrative machinery in the new colonies was left to Lord Milner, and was begun even before the war had ended.
Schwarz took an important part in the founding and directing of the German Protestantenverein, and became an eminent exponent of liberal theology.
Doubtless, at the first founding of the school Zeno himself and Zeno's pupils were inspired with this hope; they emulated the Cynics Antisthenes and Diogenes, who never shrank out of modesty from the name and its responsibilities.
It was Diniz who initiated the needful reforms. He earned his title of the rei lavrador or "farmer king " by introducing improved methods of cultivation and founding agricultural schools.
Settlements were made in or near the limits of the present city soon after the founding of Newark, in 1666, and, on account of the mountainous ridge in this region, they were generally referred to collectively as " Newark Mountain."
In 1892, however, Thaxter rediscovered it and showed its bacterial nature, founding for it and some allied forms the group Myxobacteriaceae.
Originally the peshwa was only prime minister, but afterwards he supplanted his master and became chief of the state, founding an hereditary dynasty, with the capital at Poona.
Founding ethics on the native and cultivable capacity in men to appreciate worth in men and actions, and, like the ancient Greek thinkers whom he followed, associating the apprehension of morality with the apprehension of beauty, he makes morality wholly independent of scriptural enactment, and still more, of theological forecasting of future bliss or agony.
They soon became Catholics; and then in all the usages of religion, in church building, in founding monasteries, in their veneration for relics, they vied with Italians.
He also added greatly to the importance of the city by founding the famous university of Prague.
The surrounding district, to which it gives its name, abounds in ironmines, and iron founding and smelting are the most important branches of industry in and near the town.
He contributed largely to several scientific periodicals, and was instrumental in founding the Astronomical (1820) and Statistical (1834) Societies.
Its industries include iron founding, machinery, and manufactures of cloth, matches and starch.
The name is derived from that of the Ta-ta Mongols, who in the 5th century inhabited the north-eastern Gobi, and, after subjugation in the 9th century by the Khitans, migrated southward, there founding the Mongol empire under Jenghiz Khan.
He gained considerable successes and made an arrangement with the Romans for a joint attack upon the Samnites; but the Tarentines, suspecting him of the design of founding an independent kingdom, turned against him.
Constance died in 1034, and the rebel brother Robert was given the duchy of Burgundy, thus founding that great collateral line which was to rival the kings of France for three centuries.
The clear water of the upland becks and the plentiful supply of water-power led to the founding of small paper-mills in remote valleys before the days of steam, and some of these primitive establishments still exist.
In the same year George Weymouth explored the southwest coast, kidnapped five Indians, and carried them to England, where three of them lived for a time in the family of Sir Ferdinando Gorges, who soon became the leader in founding Maine.
It turned its attention in the first place to East Africa, and several expeditions were sent out, which resulted in the founding of a Belgian station at Karema on Lake Tanganyika.
Mr Stanley, as agent of the Association, spent four years in the country,founding stations and making treaties with various chiefs.
He undertook numerous tours in India, consecrating churches, founding schools and discharging other Christian duties.
Their criticism amounts to nothing more than a crude attempt to rationalize the current legends and traditions connected with the founding of cities, the genealogies of ruling families, and the manners and customs of individual peoples.
The first of these historians was probably Cadmus of Miletus (who lived, if at all, in the early part of the 6th century), the earliest writer of prose, author of a work on the founding of his native city and the colonization of Ionia (so Suidas); Pherecydes of Leros, who died about 400, is generally considered the last.
It has a considerable trade in corn and live stock, and its industries comprise founding and carriage-building, tanneries, breweries and potteries.
These people formed what was known as the Albany settlement, founding Port Elizabeth and making Graham's Town their headquarters.
The Great Trek, as it is called, lasted from 1836 to 1840, the trekkers, who numbered about 7000, founding communities with a republican form of government beyond the Orange and Vaal rivers, and in Natal, where they had been preceded, however, by British emigrants.
In 1821 he co-operated with Saint-Amand Bazard and others in founding a secret association, modelled on that of the Italian Carbonari, with the object of organizing a general armed rising against the government.
The series as a whole has been accepted as finally authoritative, supplanting its predecessors of similar aim, and almost - in the words of Theodore Roosevelt - founding a new school of naval historical writing.
The chief industries of the town are iron casting, copper and lead smelting, cannon founding, the manufacture of furniture and carriages, liqueur distilling, lithographing and printing.
Columbia is the seat of the University of Missouri, a coeducational state institution, established in 1839 and opened in 1841; it received no direct financial support from the state until 1867, and its founding was due to the selfsacrifice of the people of the county.
After this the king abode for more than a year in Wales, organizing the newly conquered principality into a group of counties, and founding many castles, with dependent towns, within its limits.
Gascony being, as usual, out of hand, he crossed to Bordeaux in 1286, and abode in Guienne for no less than three years, reducing the duchy to such order as it had never known before, settling all disputed border questions with the new king of France, Philip IV., founding many new towns, and issuing many useful statutes and ordinances.
At the Diet of 1825, when the motion for founding a Hungarian academy was made by PM Nagy, who bitterly reproached the Magyar nobles for so long neglecting their mother-tongue, Szechenyi offered to contribute a whole year's income (60,000 florins) towards it.
The founding of colonies, the beginning of a battle, the calling together an army, the sittings of the senate, decisions of peace or war, were occasions, not always but frequently, for taking auspices.
In the same year the members of St John's College commemorated his success by founding in the university an Adams prize, to be given biennially for the best treatise on a mathematical subject.
Among other industries that have largely contributed to the welfare of the town are dyeing and bleaching, brass and iron founding, tanning, machine-making, brewing and distilling, milling, rope-making and the making of soap and candles,while the collieries in the immediate vicinity are numerous and flourishing.
In 1896 Dr Sven Hedin discovered in the desert not far from the town of Khotan, in a locality known as Borasan, objects in terra-cotta, bronze images of Buddha, engraved gems, coins and MSS.; the objects, which display artistic skill, give indications of having been wrought by craftsmen who laboured to reproduce Graeco-Indian ideals in the service of the cult of Buddha, and consequently date presumably from the 3rd century B.C., when the successors of Alexander the Great were founding their kingdoms in Persia, Khwarezm (Khiva), Merv, Bactria (Afghanistan) and northern India, and from that date to the 4th or 5th century A.D.
Green and Bradley in founding a school of thought.
She formed the project of founding a house in which all the original rules of the Carmelite order would be observed.
The metallurgical industries of the place are extensive, and include iron and copper founding and the manufacture of steam-engines, machinery, chain-cables and a great variety of heavy iron goods.
He had some share in founding the Berlin Academy of Sciences, of which he was president in 1 733, and he received a degree from the university of Oxford.
He became a member of the Whig club founded by Grattan; and he actively co-operated with Theobald Wolfe Tone in founding the Society of the United Irishmen in 1791, of which he became the first secretary.
At any rate he seems rather to have addressed himself more especially to the task of founding churches in Meath, Ulster and Connaught.
But while the strength of France was wasting away at Puebla or Mexico, Bismarck was founding German unity.
Charlemagne had created the kingdom ofAquitaine especially to defend Septimania, and William, duke of Toulouse, from 790 to 806, succeeded in restoring Frankish authority down to the Ebro, thus founding the Spanish March with Barcelona as its capital.
The opportunity of founding political liberty upon the vote and the control of taxation, and of organizing the administration of the kingdom so as to ensure that the entire military and financial resources should be always available, was gone beyond recall.
While founding her colonial empire England had come into collision with France; and the rivalry of the Hundred Years War had immediately sprung up again between the two countries.
Abu 1-`Abbas as-Saffah, the founder of the Abbasid caliphate, made it his capital, and such it remained until the founding of Bagdad in 762.
Some English merchants had violated the shadowy claim of Spain to the whole west coast of America by founding a settlement at Nootka Sound.
His wife, Helena de Kay, a grand-daughter of Joseph Rodman Drake, assisted, with Saint Gaudens and others, in founding the Society of American Artists, now merged in the National Academy, and the Art Students' League of New York.
Though she made no special distinction of creed in her charities, she was a notable benefactor of the Church of England, building and endowing churches and church schools, endowing the bishoprics of Cape Town and of Adelaide (1847), and founding the bishopric of British Columbia (1857).
While Desargues and Pascal were founding modern synthetic geometry, Rene Descartes was developing the algebraic representation of geometric relations.
The industries of Homburg embrace iron founding and the manufacture of leather and hats, but they are comparatively unimportant, the prosperity of the town being almost entirely due to the annual influx of visitors, which during the season from May to October inclusive averages 12,000.
While still duke of Brabant he had been the first to call the attention of the Belgians to the need of enlarging their horizon beyond sea, and after his accession to the throne he gave the first impulse towards the development of this idea by founding in 1876 the Association Internationale Africaine.
The close resemblance between specimens from Jurassic rocks placed in one or other of the genera Thinnfeldia, Dichopteris, Cycadopteris, &c., illustrates the unsatisfactory custom of founding new names on imperfect fronds.
A subordinate of Hadadezer named Rezon (Rasun) succeeded in establishing himself in Damascus and in founding there a royal dynasty.
The funds for the erection of the theatre were raised in part by the issue of 1000 certificates of patronage (Patronatsscheine), but the bulk of the sum was raised by founding "Wagner Societies" from St Petersburg to Cairo, from London to New York; these societies sprang up with such success that the theatre was opened in the summer of 1876 with the first complete performance of Der Ring des Nibelungen.
Abbe, after the founding of -the glassworks at Jena, who effected, independently of his predecessors,.
In the following year he took the lead in providing secondary and higher education in Poona under Indian direction by founding an English school and the famous Eergusson College.
Stricken by remorse, she entered Torpor and was revived by Nanna with his own blood, shortly before the founding of Rome.
James Martin 21st Century School The ECI is a founding member of a generous benefaction to create the James Martin 21st Century School.
In 2002 Bill also became the founding chairman of the UK Association of Online Publishers, a position he still holds.
The result was that the defeatist position adopted in 1938 by the founding congress of the Trotskyist Fourth International lacked political purchase.
He was previously founding curator of Tate St Ives and also responsible for the Barbara Hepworth Museum.
Founding Artistic director of the renowned Green Room Arts Center in Manchester she is also former Director of the Merseyside Festival of Comedy.
Luxembourg's referendum was the first since the 1930s in the tiny duchy, one of the six founding members of the EU.
Arnold Spencer-Smith was the founding editor of the student magazine, The Queens ' Courier, renamed after two issues The Dial.
Many people see him as the founding father of modern economics.
Our first Chairman was Michael Young, founding father of numerous public interest organizations, among them Consumers Association.
These three men, let us remember, are the founding fathers of European federalism.
Founding Artistic Director of the renowned Green Room Arts Center in Manchester she is also former Director of the Merseyside Festival of Comedy.
August 2002 Global Web Limited joins the e-Learning Alliance Global Web Limited is pleased to become a founding member of the Scottish e-Learning Alliance.
United Airlines is a founding member of the Star Alliance, the first comprehensive global airline network.
United is a founding member of Star alliance and together with its alliance partners, flies to over 760 cities in 112 countries.
Active in founding the first PCGB, Manchester 1909, for which he obtained special postmark from Postmaster-General.
Late in 2004, founding guitarist Andy Powell, bassist Bob Skeat and drummer Ray Weston were joined by Finnish guitar slinger Muddy Manninen.
In bell founding these partials have acquired their own names of hum tone, prime, tierce, quint, and nominal.
The trustees appeared to rely on the Chairperson, who was also the founding trustee, to run the Charity.
After short stays at Avignon and Rome, Vincent found his way to Paris, where he became favourably known to Monsieur (afterwards Cardinal) de Berulle, who was then founding the congregation of the French Oratory.
Mahommedan Spain followed the fate of Africa, and in 1170 the Muwahhadis transferred their capital to Seville, a step followed by the founding of the great mosque, now superseded by the cathedral, the tower of which they erected in 1184 to mark the accession of Ya`kub el Mansur, From the time of Yusef II., however, they governed their co-religionists in Spain and Central North Africa through lieutenants, their dominions outside Morocco being treated as provinces.
In 1754 he joined with his brother, Philip Livingston, his brother-in-law, William Alexander ("Lord Stirling") and others in founding what is now known as the Society Library of New York.
He took part in founding the Mathematisch-Physikalisches Seminar, to give students a practical acquaintance with the methods of original research.
Mariana holds that the founding of the Inquisition, by giving a new impetus to the idea of a united kingdom, made the country more capable of carrying to a satisfactory ending the traditional wars against the Moors.
There is no evidence, so far as we can see, of his having been aware of Merrem's views; but like that anatomist he without hesitation divided the class into, two great " coupes," to which he gave, however, no other names than " Oiseaux normaux " and" Oiseaux anomaux "-exactly corresponding with his predecessor's Carinatae and Ratitae-and, moreover, he had a great advantage in founding these groups, since he had discovered, apparently from his own investigations, that the mode of ossification in each was distinct; for hitherto the statement of there being five centres of ossification in every bird's sternum seems to have been accepted as a general truth, without contradiction, whereas in the ostrich and the rhea, at any rate, L'Herminier found that there were but two such primitive points, 3 and from analogy 1 Their value was, however, understood by Gloger, who in 1834, as will presently be seen, expressed his regret at not being able to use them.
Between 746 and 748 Boniface was made bishop of Mainz, and became metropolitan over the Rhine bishoprics and Utrecht, as well as over those he had established in Germany - thus founding the pre-eminence of the see of Mainz.
The pioneer in this field was August Kekule, who, in 1865 (Ann., 137, p. 129; see also his Lehrbuch der organischen Chemie), submitted his well-known formula for benzene, so founding the " benzene theory " and opening up a problem which, notwithstanding the immense amount of labour since bestowed upon it, still remains imperfectly solved.
It is not wonderful that the Quakers, persecuted and oppressed at home and in New England, should turn their eyes to the unoccupied parts of America, and cherish the hope of founding, amidst their woods, some refuge from oppression, and some likeness of a city of God upon earth.
A revolt of the Hungarian Protestants, in consequence of the persecuting policy of the house of Habsburg, now led to a renewal of the war between Turkey and Austria, due in part to the overweening ambition of Kuprili's successor, Kara Mustafa, who desired to immortalize his tenure of office by some great exploit, and who cherished dreams of founding for himself a western Moslem Empire.
The title of " apostle " was not limited to the immediate disciples of our Lord, but was given to missionaries or evangelists who went about founding new churches; the prophets spoke by revelation; the teachers were enabled by supernatural illumination to instruct others.
Here he took part in founding Jena University (1548); opposed the "Augsburg Interim" (1548); superintended the publication of the Jena edition of Luther's works; and debated on the freedom of the will, original sin,'and, more noticeably, on the Christian value of good works, in regard to which he held that they were not only useless, but prejudicial.
How the Roman bishopric rose in status till it became the papacy, how the individual popes - in spite of these and similar repulses - advanced steadily on their path, how they succeeded in founding their primacy within the Church, and in re-establishing and maintaining that primacy notwithstanding severe defeats and long periods in which their prestige sank to the vanishing point, is told elsewhere (see Papacy).
In January 1790 he collaborated with Malouet in founding the Club des Impartiaux and the Journal des Impartiaux, the names of which were changed in November to the Societe des Amis de la ConstitutionMonarchique and Journal de la Societe, £.9'c., in order to emphasize their opposition to the Jacobins (Societe des Amis de la Constitution).
Founding himself to some extent on the traditional motives, Diirer conceived and carried out a set of designs in which the qualities of the German late Gothic style, its rugged strength and restless vehemence, its love of gnarled forms, writhing actions and agitated lines, are fused by the fire of the young master's spirit into vital combination with something of the majestic power and classic severity which he had seen and admired in the works of Mantegna.
He was most active and energetic in his efforts, not only for the improvement of Stafford - shire pottery, but almost equally so for the improvement of turnpike roads, the construction of a canal (the Trent & Mersey) and the founding of schools and chapels.
He began by founding the Order of the Immaculate Conception, consisting of 72 young noblemen who swore a special oath of allegiance to the crown, and were to form the nucleus of a patriotic movement antagonistic to the constant usurpations of the diet, but the sejm promptly intervened and quashed the attempt.
About this time the brothers Robert and James Haldane devoted themselves to the work of promoting Evangelical Christianity, James making missionary journeys throughout Scotland and founding Sunday schools; and in 1798 the eccentric preacher Rowland Hill visited Scotland at their request.
Stricken by remorse, she entered torpor and was revived by Nanna with his own blood, shortly before the founding of Rome.
The nature and source of conflict has also been a central interest for sociological theorists since the founding of the discipline.
We helped and the Alliance and Matt helped and both received a standing ovation from the 1200 delegates to the founding conference.
The founding members of the band 's supporters club.
Let me say a word more about the sponsors who are founding these academies.
The National Archives include America's founding documents and veterans' service records.
Kevin O'Connor, host of This Old House, Tedd Benson, founder of woodworking company Bensonwood, and Steve Kieran, founding partner of architectural firm Kieran Timberlake Associates, LLP, gave the keynote address.
Even though the Constitution guarantees our religious freedom and forbids an official state religion or church, many of the founding fathers openly practiced Christianity, and it is obviously apparent in many patriotic American traditions.
Her expertise has led to everything from speaking spots on TV shows to the founding of Face Works Day Spa in Richmond, Virginia.
Margaret Smoot and Michael McLean wrote this fantastic journey through the minds of the founding fathers and how the citizens of today perceive them.
Two generic founding fathers, Patrick and James, travel to our modern day to show the audience what it was like to write the Constitution, and to discuss the importance of its principles.
His father provided unwavering support, driving him to numerous skate contests in California, building skate ramps and even founding the California Amateur Skateboard League and the National Skateboard Association.
Moore was one of the founding investors in the Planet Hollywood chain of restaurants, along with Bruce Willis, Sylvester Stallone, and Arnold Schwarzenegger.
The goal of Palm Beach Junior College from founding was to serve the Palm Beach community and surrounding areas.
The company has carried more than 10 million passengers since its founding.
Founding members Demakes, Fiorello and Grief originally were part of the band Good Grief while the members were still in high school before moving on to create LTJ.
Famous ex-members of the band include Matt Sharp, who was the band's founding bassist and played on The Blue Album and Pinkerton.
They have since regrouped around founding members Jerry Cantrell and Sean Kinney, bassist Mike Inez and new vocalist William DuVall and released a new studio album in 2009.
What led you to the big and tall industry and founding of Casual Male Retail Group?
Since its founding, its goals have remained the same.
Since its founding in 1982, EA has produced hundreds of video games, either under on its own banner or through the efforts of subsidiary game producers.
However, both PlayStation and Xbox have suffered the same fate, cracked by deft programmers and by allowing their founding companies to fall prey to piracy.
Founding a religion gives a nation several bonuses, but can also lead to both internal and external conflicts.
Parents were concerned and urged for the founding of the ESRB.
Founding the Alexander Doll Company in 1923, she introduced cloth dolls representing popular characters of fictional works, nursery rhymes and famous people of the times.
Due to the sheer number of different dolls produced by the company since their founding in 1923, doll collectors often find it difficult to choose from the many beautiful retired Madame Alexander dolls.
Together as a unit, JabbaWockeez rocked America's Best Dance Crew, and will go down in history as the founding winners of what is sure to continue to be a successful show.
Ms. Wandra began her research of how the environment related to human condition in the 1960s, founding her Pyramid School of Feng Shui in 1989.
In mythological accounts, Aphrodite also wed Poseidon and the mortal Kadmos (founding king of Thebes).
You may find birth, marriage, wills, baptism and death records from parishes in the United Kingdom and other countries as well, dating back to the church's founding.
In addition, the minutes of church meetings may contain valuable information related to founders, founding families and church members.
What started as simply creating a curriculum for my daughters soon expanded beyond my family to the founding of a Christian book company.
Beyonce first entered the spotlight in 1997 as a founding member of the Destiny's Child.
Bob Anderson is the founding force and current CEO, but daughter Lisa Anderson Wall serves as the company President, supported by husband and Sales Director Justin Wall.
In the 100+ years since the company's founding, Philips appears to be right on target with that mission.
Under his guidance and leadership, the organization quickly became prolific, as they had a founding member able to get the job done and had no qualms about making waves in order to do so.
An early discovery of Siberian garnets by Soviet geologist Larissa Popugaieva may have led to the eventual founding of Mirny Mine.
Arguably the founding father of the designer jean, Guess has come to be known as an iconic fashion brand geared toward American youth.
If the original Judeo/Christian basis used for the founding of the Dove Foundation makes you worry that the films chosen are going to be largely religious based or influenced, don't let it.
A founding family was that of the Hardys.
The town of Mystic Falls includes a council of town elders (comprised of founding family members) that are aware of vampires.
After Leo's death, she turned her mourning to business, founding Fusion with Kendall, Mia, Simone and Liza.
The second season has featured many shocking changes to Mystic Falls including a wake of destruction left by Katherine and the brutal paranormal twists for two founding family members.
In addition to numerous local appearances, Scott devoted a great deal of time to charitable endeavors including serving as a founding board member of the Lucille Ball-Desi Arnaz Center.
In fact, ever since its founding, Skybus has consistently offered fares that are, on average, 65 percent lower than their competition.
The founding fathers wanted a name that would make their watch line "Close to the hearts of people everywhere", so they adopted the name Citizen Watch Company.
In keeping with its founding fathers' motto of becoming "Close to the hearts of people everywhere" Citizen continues to pioneer precision dive watches like the ones featured in the sections below.
Iyengar emerged as founding fathers of updated and accessible styles of yoga.
Sri T Krishnamacharya is the founding father of modern yoga practice.
She excelled at sales and moved to another gift corporation before founding her own company in 1963.
She died in 1996 but left a legacy of founding a multimillion company listed as one of America's best places to work.
This fortunate decision resulted in the founding of Hallmark.
He played an active role in the development of the sport of cheerleading in the 1940s including founding the National Cheerleader's Association (NCA).
Sometimes this is relatively mild, such as the chant which talks about "1908, they made a mistake, in 1913, they had a bad dream..." referring to the founding years of competing sororities.
Many of the original founding values are still important in the organization today, including fairness, honesty, citizenship, courage, and compassion.
Since the company's founding in 1928, Farmers Insurance has been committed to helping communities in which their customers, agents, and employees live and work.
Since its founding, the ASPCA has grown into a nationwide pet humane organization with over one million supporters.
The Cure's most reliable founding members are lead singer Robert Smith and bassist Simon Gallup.
The 2 founding members would search New York and Southwestern Connecticut for members to permanently join the band.
He was a founding member of one of hip hop's first and most legendary groups, N.W.A., along with Dr. Dre, Eazy-E, The D.O.C., and MC Ren.
Furler was one of the band's original founding members, and is continues to be the lead vocalist and primary songwriter.
Their first live performance was at a local elementary school in the founding members hometown of Stillwater, Oklahoma.
Johnson is best known for being a founding member of The Time.
That sound has evolved as the band has signed to numerous labels including EMI (their founding home), Harvest, Capitol, Tower and lastly Columbia over their active years (1965 to 1996).
It was perhaps the founding of a complete new genre that would go on to rule the airwaves 10 years down the line.
Shortly after signing the deal, bass player and founding member Jeremy Davis left the group.
At the beginning of the fourth season, SG-1 founding team member Colonel Samantha Carter was assigned to command the City.
By the series fourth and final season, Archer was instrumental in the founding of a Federation of Planets, a formalized alliance between the Andorians, the Vulcans, the Tellarites and the humans of Earth.
Although the Star Trek Enterprise recap ended with the fourth season tying up loose ends such as the founding of the Federation, it did establish Jonathon Archer as a pivotal figure in Star Trek history.
By that criteria, the history of blogs would have begun with the founding father of the web, Tim Berners-Lee.
Italy is a founding member of the World Organization Scout Movement (WOSM), and young men and women become scouts under the Italian Catholic Guides and Scouts and the National Corps of Italian Boy and Girl Scouts.
During that season, which marked the 50th anniversary of the founding of the American Football League, teams paid homage to older generations.
The Army's service uniform dates back to the founding of the United States, and the blue color of the uniform worn today is of particular importance.
World Wide Web history indicates Tim Berners-Lee officially invented the founding principles and technologies of the World Wide Web on August 6, 1991.
The attempts of the government to counteract his influence by founding a rival paper, the Vilag, only increased his importance and added to the political excitement.
A papal bull having also been obtained, on the 28th of August 1425, the archbishop, in the course of a visitation of Lincoln diocese, executed his letters patent founding the college, dedicating it to the Virgin, St Thomas Becket and St Edward the Confessor, and handed over the buildings to its members, the vicar of Higham Ferrers being made the first master or warden.
Iron and copper founding, brewing, tanning, and the manufacture of gunpowder, confectionery, heavy iron goods, gloves, boots and shoes and cotton goods are also carried on.
Other leading industries are hosiery, tanning (with the largest yards in Scotland), dyeing, iron and brass founding, engineering and boot-making.
His work in founding the kingdom was a personal vocation, the spirit of which He communicates to believers, "thus, as exalted king," sustaining the life of His Kingdom.
The industries of the town include manufactures of cotton, silk, earthenware, machinery and tobacco, with brass and iron founding; while slate and stone are quarried, and there are coal, iron and lead mines in the neighbourhood.
The town has industries of tanning, founding, carriage-building and flour-milling.
He was also a prime mover in the establishment of the Cambridge Astronomical Observatory, and in the founding of the Cambridge Philosophical Society.
Chagrined at finding no notice taken of a wild scheme for founding a military colony in the South Seas which he had submitted to Pitt, he turned to Irish politics.
In October 1791 Tone converted these ideas into practical policy by founding, in conjunction with Thomas Russell (1767-1803), Napper Tandy and others, the society of the "United Irishmen."
Helmond is one of the industrial centres of the province, and possesses over a score of factories for cotton and silk weaving, cotton printing, dyeing, iron founding, brewing, soap boiling and tobacco dressing, as well as engine works and a margarine factory.
Hetti, who occupied the see from 814 to 847, is said to have been the first archbishop of Trier, and Radbod acquired the rights of the counts of Trier in 8 9 8, thus founding the temporal power of the see.
To Aristotle (384-322 B.C.) must be given the distinction of founding scientific geography.
The most celebrated voyage of antiquity undertaken for the express purpose of discovery was that fitted out by the senate of Carthage under the command of Hanno, with the intention of founding new colonies along the west coast of Africa.
The methods adopted by the zemstvos for improving the condition of agriculture have included the formation of agricultural councils, the appointment of inspectors, and the founding of museums, meteorological stations and depots for the sale of agricultural machinery.
Plymouth was the first permanent white settlement in New England, and dates its founding from the landing here from the "Mayflower" shallop of an exploring party of twelve Pilgrims, including William Bradford, on the 21st of December (N.s.) 1620.
The National Verein, its work being done, was now dissolved; but Bennigsen was chiefly instrumental in founding a new political party - the National Liberals, - who, while they supported Bismarck's national policy, hoped to secure the constitutional development of the country.
The threat that seems to be conveyed in these words, of trying to promote a new crusade, was never carried out; the remaining years of Dominic's life were wholly given up to the founding of his order.
Until nearly a century after the founding of the Carolinas there was not a town in North Carolina that had a population of 1000, and the urban population of the state was exceptionally small at the beginning of the rapid rise of the manufacturing industries about 1880.
Towards the end of Ruysbroeck's life, in 1378, he was visited by the fervid lay-preacher Gerhard Groot (1340-1384), who was so impressed by the life of the community at Groenendal that he conceived the idea of founding a Christian brotherhood, bound by no monastic vows, but living together in simplicity and piety with all things in common, after the apostolic pattern.
In 1229 the Order began the conquest of Prussia, founding fortresses at each step to rivet its conquests (for instance, at Thorn, named after Toron in Palestine), much as the AngloNormans had done in their conquest of Wales.
It was said that Zeus threw it down from heaven when Ilus was founding the city of Ilium, Odysseus and Diomedes carried it off from the temple of Athena, and thus made the capture of Troy possible.