Fostering Sentence Examples
We see no reason to oppose a national scale of fostering allowances.
The formula, designed to be gentle enough even for sensitive eyes, works by conditioning and making lashes healthier and fostering growth, thus enhancing their appearance.
While fostering a Rottweiler is a lot of work, it also provides a great deal of satisfaction.
Fostering involves caring for children while their parents are unable to, whereas adoption provides children with a permanent home.
Fostering a love of reading-Using computers are an excellent way to foster a child's love of reading.
It also may be beneficial to discuss how not to deal with the situation so members who may not think they are doing anything wrong, will see that they are fostering their volatile emotions.
As unlikely as it may seem there are some things that we can agree on, namely the role music lyrics can play in fostering some good in our society.
Tahiti and her Islands, located in the South pacific, are notorious for fostering romance.
Green River Community College offers an intimate and tranquil environment ideal for fostering personal growth while learning transferable skills.
They often have curriculum elements that focus on improving student self-esteem, fostering growth of individuality, and enhancing social skills.
AdvertisementThe treatment objectives for this group are to encourage abstinence and re-enforce safety by fostering the continuation of not driving while drinking and not driving with others who are drinking.
Finding one activity that the child excels at is essential in fostering a positive self-image.
Parent should face the issues honestly and directly while fostering a positive relationship with their AD/HD child.
Sock monkey kits can be an affordable and entertaining way to teach kids basic skills like gluing and sewing, while also fostering their imaginations.
The enactments against Irish dress and customs, and against marriage and fostering proved a dead letter.
AdvertisementFoster care - Many people balk at the idea of fostering a child because they fear the idea of becoming attached to him or her only to have to say goodbye after a few months or even years.
In addition, many private colleges take great pride in fostering a "community" atmosphere that encourages students to make friends with their classmates.
The nutrient helps the immune system by fostering growth of the thymus gland and keeping it from shrinking due to stress.
Aries doesn't have time for sentimentality, nostalgia, or the act of staring out windows and fostering a poetic sigh.
Role playing is a powerful tool to fostering creativity in preschoolers and what preschooler doesn't love to play house?
AdvertisementBy supporting their children, they are fostering a greater sense of self-esteem and building a positive, nurturing relationship as well.
In recent years, this once archaic or geographically-focused practice attained acceptance in additional cultures, fostering greater awareness about scarring as a form of body art and eventual wide-spread understanding.
Instead of fostering creativity, you'll be setting him or her up for a frustrating experience.
It is Campbell who is credited with fostering the writers who are now considered writers of the Golden Age of Sci-Fi.
Italy was broken up into districts, each offering points for attack from without, and fostering the seeds of internal revolution.
AdvertisementThe moment that he had got rid of the honest and capable old justiciar Hubert de Burgh, who had pacified the country during his minority, and set the machinery of government once more in regular order, Henry gave himself over to fostering horde after horde of foreign favorites.
Its favourable situation in the midst of a plain intersected by the principal highways of central Europe, together with the fostering care of its rulers, now began the work of raising Leipzig to the position of a very important commercial town.
But theology, or the mixture of the two, he regarded as a source of evil to both - fostering the vain belief in a hostility of philosophers to religion, and meanwhile corrupting religion by a pseudo-science.
The Center for Life is a unique science village in the heart of Newcastle upon Tyne, fostering advancement in the life sciences.
Weaving his personal journey with his revelations about Chinese education, Gardner plows new ground for thinking about and fostering creativity.
These include fostering learner engagement, enabling multiple roles for both learners and tutors, and appropriate focusing of assessed tasks.
It was established in 1893 with the objective of fostering interest in ferns and fern allies.
We need to make an effort to start schemes ourselves, and get local authorities actively fostering and encouraging community wind power.
For more information about fostering please contact the Family Placement Team.
In many developing countries fostering digital inclusion is a major aim of government.
In 1808 he was consecrated assistant and successor to the bishop of Brechin, in 1810 was preferred to the sole charge, and in 1816 was elected primus of the Episcopal Church of Scotland, in which capacity he greatly aided in the introduction of many useful reforms, in fostering a more catholic and tolerant spirit, and in cementing a firm alliance with the sister church of England.
Instead of happiness and love, he or she may experience anger and fear, so it's very important that families spend time fostering a bond with the child.
Regardless, the complainants blamed the education system for not fostering a thirst for knowledge and catering to the attention-less masses that wish to play the games but always felt dumb.
There are also positions available fostering animals and helping with special events.
Fostering creativity and producing content on a regular schedule.
There is a tendency towards the fostering of feminine home industrieslace-making, linen-weaving, &c.
In the latter course they were encouraged by the high prices of wool during the, 4th century, and by Edward III.'s policy of fostering both the export of wool and the home manufacture of woollen goods.
There are besides a number of learned societies in the various provinces for the fostering of special provincial or national aims. There are also a number of societies for the propagation of culture, both amongst the Hungarian and the non-Hungarian nationalities.
It is connected by railway with Berlin, Hamburg, Bremen, Hameln, Cologne, Altenbeken and Cassel, and the facilities of intercourse have, under the fostering care of the Prussian government, enormously developed its trade and manufactures.
The International Exhibition of 1851, the creation of the Museum and Science and Art Department at South Kensington, the founding of art schools and picture galleries all over the country, the spread of musical taste and the fostering of technical education may be attributed, more or less directly, to the commission of distinguished men which began its labours under Prince Albert's auspices.
Protection was demanded as a means both of aiding young industries and of fostering a home market for agricultural products.
The fostering care of the science-loving pope extended also to the field of ecclesiastical literature; and the greatest importance attaches to the energy he developed as a collector of manuscripts and books.
The extension of the railway system has, however, had its usual effect in fostering commerce, and the mineral and manufactured products of the province are freely exported.
He greatly aided in the introduction of many useful reforms, in fostering a more catholic and tolerant spirit, and in cementing a firm alliance with the sister church of England.
These boards, however, were not to supersede the societies, but to supplement their work, by collecting information, fostering interest, registering results and acting as referees when required.
When the tsar Ivan the Terrible (1533-1584) began the great advance of Russia into Northern Asia, a large number of missionaries accompanied the troops, and during the 17th century many thousands of Tatars were baptized, though from lack of fostering influences they lapsed into heathenism.
Its situation is very beautiful, the moist climate (mean annual rainfall, 74 in.) fostering on the steep surrounding hills a vegetation unusually luxuriant for the latitude.
When serving in King Oswio's court, he attracted the notice of the queen, Eanfled, who, fostering his inclination for a religious life, placed him under the care of an old noble, Cudda, now a monk at Lindisfarne.
Beneath an outward gloss of refinement these nobles were, as a class, coarse and selfish, and they made it their chief object to promote their own interests by fostering absolutist tendencies.
Under the fostering care of the judges, a belief sprang up that to call oneself a " Jansenist, " and oppose the Unigenitus, was to show oneself a lover of civil and religious liberty.
The Porte espoused the cause of the Bulgarians, partly to pacify them, but still more to strengthen its hold on all the Christians of Turkey by fostering their differences.
Under the fostering care of the margraves of Meissen, and then of the electors of Saxony they attained great popularity.
Its rise to its present position is mainly due to the fostering care of the Danish kings who conferred certain customs privileges and exemptions upon it with a view to making it a formidable rival to Hamburg.
The agricultural department of the government of Bengal are now fully alive to the importance of fostering the jute industry by showing conclusively that attention to scientific agriculture will make two maunds of jute grow where only one maund grew before.
The nobles from this time forward retired into the country and the mountains, fortified themselves in strong places outside the cities, and gave their best attention to fostering the rural population.
He exhibits the great achievements of the latter part of the 15th and the early portion of the r6th centuries; the art and literature, the material prosperity of the towns and the fostering of the spiritual life of the people.
In England he won great personal popularity, and accomplished much in fostering the good relations of the two great English-speaking powers.
In 1826 in Genesee county the disappearance of a printer named William Morgan was attributed to Free-Masons and aroused a strong antipathy to that order; and the anti-Masonic movement, through the fostering care of Weed, Francis Granger (1792-1868) and others, spread to other states and led eventually to the establishment of a political organization that by uniting various anti-Jacksonian elements, polled in the New York state election of 1832 more than 156,000 votes for Francis Granger, their candidate for governor against Marcy, who was chosen by about 10,000 plurality.
To him is due the fostering and the reformation of the National Military Academy at West Point, which he found in disorder, but left in a most efficient state.
It is a matter of history that both mother and daughter were active agents in fostering that view of the social relations of the sexes which found its most famous expression in the "Courts of Love," and which was responsible for the dictum that love between husband and wife was impossible.