Fortune-telling Sentence Examples
It was a subtle shift, an undercurrent of cool energy that brushed by him, like when Sofi used her voodoo fortune-telling powers around him.
Although punishment by whipping and by standing in the pillory was prohibited by an act of Congress in 1839, in so far as the Federal government had jurisdiction, both these forms of punishment were retained in Delaware, and standing in the pillory was prescribed by statute as a punishment for a number of offences, including various kinds of larceny and forgery, highway robbery, and even pretending " to exercise the art of witchcraft, fortune-telling or dealing with spirits," at least until 1893.
The desire to learn what the future has in store is nearly as old as the sense of responsibility in mankind, and has been the parent of many empirical systems of fortune-telling, which profess to afford positive knowledge whereby the affairs of life may be regulated, and the dangers of failure foretold.
It is probably from their original Indian home that the traditional dukkeripen (fortune-telling) of the gipsies has been derived.
They live principally in boats, travelling from place to place, profess Mahommedanism, and gain their subsistence by wood-cutting in the Sundarbans, fishing, fortune-telling and trading in trinkets.
Might there be a psychic; some fortune-telling soothsayer clairvoyant oracle bitch sticking her witch-nose into my business?
Since I became some sort of recently resurrected fortune-telling vampire.
This invaluable compendium reveals the many secrets of the ancient arts of fortune telling.
Also used in Feng Shui and as an ancient Chinese oracle or fortune telling.
Asking Your Question Our Tarot Readers do not use the Tarot for ' Fortune Telling '.
AdvertisementIt's also one of the reasons the I Ching has survived as a popular method of fortune-telling for thousands of years.
Today, you will often see neon signs blaring from outside commercial buildings, announcing psychic and fortune telling services.
The legitimacy of free fortune telling can be questionable and, in many cases, can undermine the entire profession of fortune telling.
The dishonest or sometimes phony methods applied to these free divinations practices do nothing to aid the legitimacy of the fortune telling arts.
Still, some individuals prefer the mysticism of the divination arts, and these people fuel the fortune telling community.
AdvertisementThus, the field of fortune telling lives on in modern society alongside technological and scientific advancements that could have rendered the divination arts obsolete.
Psychics who conduct their business in a legitimate manner should not suffer persecution, but there are hordes of scam psychic projects within the fortune telling community that invite opposition.
A legitimate free fortune telling should establish trust between a client and his psychic.
After those first free minutes are up, the clock starts ticking, and you start paying for any more fortune telling or advice.
These celebrations also included singing, dancing and fortune telling.
AdvertisementThe fortune-telling aspect was also a part of this celebration and young women believed they could divine who their husband would be by using objects such as apple peels, mirrors and pieces of yarn.
While the practice of telling ghost stories, fortune telling and honoring the dead has by and large fallen by the way side, this holiday is still a popular one with children, not to mention quite a few adults.
Asking Your Question Our tarot Readers do not use the Tarot for ' Fortune Telling ' .