Fortunately Sentence Examples
Fortunately, breakfast was nothing like she imagined.
Fortunately, Gerald and Sam had escaped.
I am serious and fortunately in a perfect position to act.
Fortunately she had a forgiving nature.
Fortunately, no human-made weapon was able to hurt him.
Fortunately, there was no opportunity to discuss the situation with the children present.
Fortunately Alex didn't notice.
Fortunately, Brutus wasn't the culprit.
Fortunately he was also caring and compassionate.
Fortunately, I'm not the one with my soul on the line.
AdvertisementFortunately, her father heard a car drive away so the time of abduction was clearly set.
Fortunately, room 22 was taken and they settled for adjoining rooms on the second floor near the end of the building.
But fortunately for us both, I am a little stronger, and quite as obstinate when I set out.
Fortunately, Jonathan had already gone to bed.
Fortunately, after a week or two, the public grew bored with the subject and it slipped away like a bear in winter.
AdvertisementFortunately, he was good at reminding her what kind of …creature he actually was.
Fortunately there had been no sign of slain deer or wild dogs.
Fortunately, she had leverage, and she Saw she might need it before the week was over.
Fortunately, there's no shortage of great restaurants in town.
Fortunately, the curls were now loose waves.
AdvertisementFortunately, Bill was equally smitten with Katie.
Fortunately, things look bleaker every day, he replied with amusement.
But, fortunately for her, she felt her eyes growing misty, she saw nothing clearly, her pulse beat a hundred to the minute, and the blood throbbed at her heart.
Fortunately, her mind was on auto-pilot.
Fortunately, he had the foresight to make it a legal adoption.
AdvertisementFortunately Morino saw the ad for Apple Hors Devours in the local paper and recognized Alfonso's cell phone number before they made their first sale.
Fortunately, the possibilities are endless.
The position seemed critical; but, fortunately for the king, the south and west gave no effective support to the rebellion.
Thomas's work, fortunately, fell into the hands of a true poet in the person of Gottfried von Strassburg, whose Tristan and Isolde is, from a literary point of view, the gem of medieval German literature.
Fortunately, you don't have to be a genius to be a successful startup founder.
Fortunately, most people believe there's no real long-term damage caused when a celebrity decides to give his/her child an unusual name.
Fortunately, there are more options than most preemie parents realize - even at your local mall.
Fortunately, babies don't have a lot of preferences in the decorating department.
Fortunately, a few simple principles can guide your choices.
Haitian families must sometimes place their children in orphanages because they cannot afford to feed them, but fortunately, these orphanages are typically family run and offer good care to the children.
Fortunately, there is a variety of baby monitors for the hearing impaired on the market.
Fortunately there is one good source for almost every Eurail package available, the RailEurope homepage.
Fortunately for you this means bargains galore.
Some consumers may have difficulty finding just the right tree from local merchants, but fortunately there are many online options for different sizes, styles, and species of Christmas trees.
Fortunately, the process is not difficult.
Fortunately, the digital age means valuable support and factual information lies a few keystrokes away.
The map, apparently of the 3rd century, was copied by a monk at Colmar, in 1265, who fortunately contented himself with adding a few scriptural names, and having been acquired by the learned Conrad Peutinger of FIG.
Fortunately for herself, and for Russia, Elizabeth Petrovna, with all her shortcomings, had inherited some of her father's genius for government.
The supply of agency for these duties is, fortunately, not deficient.
Fortunately the college was more or less successful, owing largely to his enthusiasm and energy, and many of the men who were trained there subsequently made their mark in chemical history.
Fortunately mosquitoes are not a serious plague outside a few marshy localities.
Fortunately a tolerance is soon established in the majority of cases.
Fortunately, too, at this crisis of their history, the Lithuanians were blessed with an altogether exceptional series of great rulers, who showed themselves fully capable of taking care of themselves.
Fortunately for the integrity of the Polish state the premature death of Alexander in 1506 brought upon the throne his capable brother Sigismund, the fifth son of Casimir IV., whose long reign of gismundl., forty-two years was salutary, and would have been so 6-1548.
For Poland, unlike Scotland, was fortunately, in those days of difficult inter-communication, not too far off, and it is indisputable that in the first instance it was the papal nuncios, men like Berard of Camerino and Giovanni Commendone, who reorganized the scattered and faint-hearted battalions of the Church militant in Poland and led them back to victory.
Fortunately for Poland the political horizon was absolutely - unclouded.
There was in it a beautiful mosaic of which, fortunately, drawings exist.
It was, however, fortunately found easy to remedy this.
The church is fortunately well preserved.
Two baroque chapels were added in the 17th and 18th centuries, which are fortunately shut off from the rest of the church.
But we have fortunately preserved to us an elaborate plan of the great Swiss monastery of St Gall, erected about A.D.
Fortunately it is, as a rule, painless.
For all that, St Celestine, during his brief tenure of the papacy, tried to spread his ideas among the Benedictines, and induced the monks of Monte Cassino to adopt his idea of the monastic life instead of St Benedict's; for this purpose fifty Celestine monks were introduced into Monte Cassino, but on Celestine's abdication of the papacy the project fortunately was at once abandoned.
Fortunately for Russia the autocratic power was now in the hands of a man who was impressionable enough to be deeply influenced by the spirit of the time, and who had sufficient prudence and practical common-sense to prevent his being carried away by the prevailing excitement into the dangerous region of Utopian dreaming.
From December 1863 to March 1865 he was chairman of the committee on foreign affairs; as such, in 1864, he was unwilling to leave the delicate questions concerning the French occupation of Mexico entirely in the hands of the president and his secretary of state, and brought in a report very hostile to France, which was adopted in the House, but fortunately, as it proved later, was not adopted by the Senate.
C is compensated by permanent magnets athwartships and horizontal; D by masses of soft iron on both sides of the compass, and generally in the form of cast-iron spheres, with their centres in the same horizontal plane as the needles; E is usually too small to require correction; A is fortunately rarely of any value, as it cannot be corrected.
Fortunately too for him, the Swedish government delayed hostilities in Scania till February 1644, so that the Danes were able to make adequate defensive preparations and save the important fortress of Malmo.
The two next would be cut to three buds, which here also are fortunately so situated that the one to be left is on the lower side of the branches.
It was a terrible wound, but fortunately not fatal.
They were fortunately able to avail themselves of it.
Fortunately there was no break of continuity in the policy of the States, the chief conduct of affairs remaining, until his death in 1720, in the capable and tried hands of the grand pensionary Heinsius, who had at his side a number of exceptionally experienced and wise counsellors - among these Simon van Slingeland, for forty-five years (1680-1725) secretary of the council of state, and afterwards grand pensionary of Holland (1727-1736), and Francis Fagel, who succeeded his father in 1699 as recorder (Griffier) of the States-General, and held that important office for fifty years.
This injury fortunately can be cured either by reheating the steel to Ac 3 when it " refines," i.e.
Fortunately the phosphorus, turned from a curse into a blessing, develops by its oxidation the needed temperature, though the fact that this requires at least i.
Fortunately its embrittling effect on cast iron is very much less than on steel, so that the upper limit or greatest tolerable proportion of phosphorus, instead of being o.10 or better 0.08% as in the case of rail steel, may be put at 0.50% in case of machinery castings even if they are exposed to moderate shocks; at 1.60% for gas and water mains in spite of the gravity of the disasters which extreme brittleness here might cause; and even higher for castings which are not exposed to shock, and are so thin that the iron of which they are made must needs be very fluid.
Fortunately most of the art treasures which the palace contained were saved.
Fortunately for him, he was too young to be elected deputy to the Convention, and while his father was voting for the death of Louis XVI.
It seems that Pascal in driving to Neuilly was run away with by the horses, and would have been plunged in the river but that the traces fortunately broke.
On that side, fortunately, there is no possibility of doubt or difficulty to any competent inquirer.
The attention of the British engineers was then called to this serious calamity; and fortunately for Egypt there was serving in the country Col.
Fortunately, too, it was possible to supply him with the necessary funds to complete and remodel the canal system.
The Romanists saw the significance of this movement and, fortunately for them, were able to profit by the dissensions which were breaking out in the ranks of their opponents, especially the doctrinal differences between the followers of Luther and those of Zwingli.
Fortunately, however, he was singularly open to conviction, and Otto von Bismarck, though not yet in office, was already in his confidence.
The decease of Prince Alexander left the house of Orange without a direct heir male, but the prospect of a disputed succession had fortunately been averted by the marriage of the king in 1879 with the princess Emma of Waldeck-Pyrmont.
Fortunately for knowledge, respect for the sacredness of the letter has led to the collection of all the revelations that could possibly be collected - the " abrogating " along with the " abrogated," passages referring to passing circumstances as well as those of lasting importance.
He had now, however, to act on the defensive, and fortunately for him, the Russians, on the death of the empress Elizabeth, not only withdrew in 1762 from the compact against him, but for a time became his allies.
Fortunately each word, each clause, each idea in the discourse is repeated, commented on, enlarged upon, almost ad nauseam, in the suttas, and a short comment in the light of those explanations may bring out the meaning that was meant.'
Fortunately his friend Holderlin, now tutor in Frankfort, secured a similar situation there for Hegel in the family of Herr Gogol, a merchant (January 1797).
The news of this disaster fortunately found Clive returned to Madras, where also was a squadron of king's ships under Admiral Watson.
Fortunately the study of proper motions teaches us with some degree of certainty something of the general mean distances and distribution of these more distant stars, though it cannot tell us the distances of individual stars.
Fortunately for him he was murdered (end of January 661), thereby posthumously attaining an importance in the eyes of a large part of the Mahommedan world (Shi`a) which he had never possessed during his life.
In the British Isles, though the conditions are variable enough, they are less extreme, and, fortunately for those engaged in the pursuit, only one size of frame is acknowledged by the great majority of bee-keepers, viz.
Fortunately for the Netherlands the attention of Philip was at their time of greatest weakness riveted upon his contemplated invasion of England, and a respite was afforded which enabled Oldenbarneveldt to supply the lack of any central organized government by gathering into his own hands the control of administrative affairs.
To understand what he went through during the latter months of the siege, it is only necessary to read his own journal, a portion of which, dating from 10th September to 14th December 1884, was fortunately preserved and published.
Fortunately the development of the Kantian system itself furnishes such treatment as is necessary of the former reference.
Fortunately, a cool console managed to keep them in separate seats.
Fortunately, he was good at reminding her what kind of …creature he actually was.
Fortunately he recovered from this great blow to become Prime Minister in 1940 and save Western civilization!
Fortunately most dogs that are aggressive toward other dogs are not aggressive toward people.
Most of the Samasamajists fortunately evaded arrest, but were in constant danger of discovery.
Fortunately they managed to hang on and give a boost to their play-off aspirations.
Fortunately I had already ordered three sets of these spiral bevels to be cut from the blanks I supplied.
Finely being court up in London's electrical blackout, fortunately we were not on the tube.
Fortunately, despite the odd blemish, this second installment of Folk Heartbeat has some very enjoyable moments indeed.
The rowing boat of Soviets saved me in under a minute, fortunately.
Fortunately, now you do not have to be a computer boffin to create a simple site.
Fortunately, Viva! 's new and updated Vegetarian Guide to the Lake District provides a timely boost for local businesses.
Fortunately I also have the continuing expert support of Andreas when I hit that brick wall!
Fortunately there was a guy from the Kenya Wildlife Service who was apparently having a busman 's holiday from the Mara.
If this was America, I'd never have opened my door but fortunately Oxford still retains some basic civility.
The company still exists today but fortunately making watches for a more passive clientele.
Fortunately the air space is fitted with a moisture absorbing chemical, which eliminates condensation inside the double glazing.
Fortunately we could both continue without any problems and a fair old ding dong we had too.
Fortunately, the majority of the factors shown below can be changed or influenced by you with a little elbow grease.
Fortunately, they had access to three social encyclicals.
Fortunately Johnny Pate's arrangements are so scintillating and Curtis ' unique soaring falsetto so alluring that even the old chestnuts sound great.
Fortunately, the tower and spire were retained, keeping for our city its third spire for which we are now famed.
Fortunately for me, I'm not foolhardy enough to send complete strangers thousands of pounds without some protection against fraud.
Fortunately as the day went on it softened further down, built a kicker a played on that for an hour or two.
Fortunately, the massive landslide higher up the valley had been cleared.
With [t] and [d ], fortunately, there are English loanwords in Japanese which may provide a model.
Fortunately we had come equipped with a bag of dust masks.
We fortunately have a milkman delivering to the remote cottage which like everything else around here is named after Agglestone.
Fortunately, Londoners without his resources can find excellent Vietnamese nosh in Hackney.
Fortunately it is not so one-dimensional as not to have some quieter passages as well.
She was, fortunately, able to get her pill elsewhere, but Kerrie was understandably outraged.
Edmundo's Godfather, fortunately, had loans outstanding in the British Army, and so a bit of bartering was negotiated.
Fortunately (for the pigeons ), the young peregrines still had some serious learning to do!
Fortunately the hull planking was in better condition than we expected.
Fortunately, it's easy to increase the potassium in your diet.
Fortunately (after a previous experience) we had a travel potty.
Fortunately he had recently come across a couple of old wheels together with fairly presentable tires, at a breaker's yard.
Fortunately God does not follow the rules of chess.
Fortunately this won't be a problem with Neverwinter Nights 2, the long awaited sequel due for release later in the year.
Fortunately, cyclists are allowed to use the sidewalk.
Fortunately, you have a slew of weapons at your disposal.
Fortunately I didn't have a wife at home to explain my mad shopping spree.
Their ship is not intended to reach its destination, but fortunately, they have a stowaway criminal with some useful abilities.
Inside, he found that accumulated debris has almost completely blocked the oil strainer, fortunately without the engine having suffered any damage.
Fortunately they had just relocated the birds about 100 meters away sitting in a dead tree, what a little stunner this parrot is.
Fortunately for Iraq, Saddam has failed miserably in his attempts to fully subjugate the people of Iraq.
Fortunately, you possess good traits for doing this.
Fortunately, it 's more than " killer on the loose kills teeny boppers in the woods ".
Fortunately, this country drew back from such unthinkable measures.
Also a chance to spot this week 's vainglorious egomaniac who can talk a great script but fortunately for us ca n't write one.
Fortunately, Anneka is also a committed vegetarian, ardent Viva !
The weakest of the bunch, A Ship Named Francis, which attempts a humerous note, is fortunately also the shortest.
Fortunately, most laminates are made with ' balanced ' fabrics, with equal yarn distribution in warp and weft directions.
Fortunately, my daughter was n't a girly wuss - still is n't - and raised no objections to wearing boys shoes.
Fortunately, with quality neonatal care, babies who are twenty-four weeks have an excellent chance of survival.
Fortunately for those moms who choose to breastfeed, none of this preparation is required.
Fortunately, it's easier than ever to successfully treat all stages of rash and discomfort in the diaper area.
Fortunately, many states have lemon laws that protect people who have purchased used cars.
Fortunately, this is one of those items that has come down in price a lot over recent years, so you can probably get a decent amount of space to hold everything you need.
Fortunately, not all records have suffered this fate and you can still find some great gems.
Fortunately, there are dozens of places to buy both real and artificial trees and savvy consumers can easily comparison shop to find the best tree for their budget.
Fortunately for you, LCDs and plasmas have pretty comparable prices.
Fortunately, buying and selling these precious metals is relatively simple (much more so than investing in stocks, for instance), and requires very little prior experience.
Fortunately, you have a number of options for invisible fences.
Fortunately, there are a variety of places on the Internet where you can get any type of surveillance camera that you might be looking for.
Fortunately for pet lovers, the world is much more pet-friendly than ever before.
Fortunately, these boxes are easy to find and can be purchased at practically any pet store.
Fortunately, not a lot of blood is needed, so the restraint time is minimal.
Fortunately, these names are not copyrighted and are ripe for a potential pet owner's picking.
Fortunately, for youngsters who like their stories with a bit of suspense and terror involved, there's no shortage of scary read alouds for children.
Fortunately, the perfect vodka martini isn't difficult to make; it just requires the exact correct ingredients mixed the right way.
Fortunately, it's easy to make the perfect martini by taking a hint from James Bond who, in one of Ian Fleming's famous novels, outlined the ingredients for the perfect martini made with vodka rather than gin.
Fortunately, most banks offer a locator tool on their website, so you can always find an ATM close to you.
Fortunately, there are several steps you can take to avoid falling victim to an identity predator.
Fortunately, many different lenders work with these types of loans.
Fortunately, after you declare bankruptcy, many lenders will be eager and willing to give you a card.
Fortunately, it's not difficult to find appropriate legal options to make divorce of all kinds proceed as smoothly as possible.
Fortunately, paying and receiving spousal support is far less complicated than it seems at first.
Fortunately, modern times call for modern solutions and the vast amount of information available to the public helps to shine a comforting light on areas that once were sheathed in darkness and fear.
Fortunately, we live in an enlightened modern world that has come to understand some of the deeper issues surrounding children of divorced families.
Both beds and sofas take up a lot of space, but fortunately it can be cut in half with the use of a foldable sofa bed.
Fortunately it's easy to replace the seat and back cushions, ensuring that your chair will be a comfortable place to relax for many years to come.
Fortunately, there are plenty of options on the table for you.
Fortunately many pieces can now be purchased online.
It's not easy for everyone to get to North Carolina, but fortunately many of the items sold in these Hickory furniture outlets can be purchased online or over the phone.
Fortunately, Baker furniture outlets allow people to buy these great products for less than their regular prices.
Fortunately Broyhill office chairs are designed with health and comfort in mind.
When you read that global warming can only really be combated if government and industry step up, it's easy to become discouraged; but fortunately, there are many simple ways to save the environment on an individual basis.
Fortunately, however, there are many other materials that biofuels can be derived from, so much more research and study is needed in this area.
Fortunately, research is currently underway to improve current renewable energy technologies and develop new technologies that can make green energy available to the entire population.
Fortunately, scientists recognized the inaccuracy of the term.
Fortunately, tax incentives are available at the state and federal level and in many cases local government levels as well.
Fortunately, remedies such as homeopathy have few if any side effects, so you can explore the exact dose that you need.
Fortunately, since it is such a helpful herbal product, steps have been taken to preserve the trees from extinction by planting a lot of them to farm for their bark.
Fortunately, there are several options for herbal treatments.
Fortunately, there are plenty of interior design resources in the City of Brotherly Love to help them find their flare.
Fortunately, interior design firms are abundant in the nation's capitol, giving you plenty of opportunities to implement your own style or explore the basics of interior design.
Fortunately there are several free and low-cost interior design programs available to give you a hand.
Fortunately, with so many different sports bedding choices for nurseries, it really won't matter if you choose the bedding first, or if you start by decorating the rest of the room.
Fortunately there are many online planning tools that can help you get the job done.
Fortunately, you don't have to travel to the American southwest to buy an authentic looking Southwestern themed lamp.
Fortunately, slowly but surely, we are well on our way.
Fortunately, everything you could possibly want can be found with just a little searching.
Fortunately, rich formulas are easy to come by, as are milks, gels, pads and wipes.
Fortunately, a quick slick is all it takes - I consider this the high-end equivalent of a tinted lip balm.As mentioned, the formula is sheer, so even the darkest colors will not overpower the way a traditional lipstick might.
Fortunately, it is easy to learn and there are plenty of available resources to help you.
Fortunately the makeup application process doesn't have to be a difficult or costly experience.
Fortunately, you don't need your own personal stylist to bring the runway to the real world.
Fortunately, my first spritz of Magnifique offered great potential right from the start.
Fortunately the applicator allows some control with regard to the amount of product that is applied, but in the end I felt let down by the amount of work that went into making it look natural on my skin.
Fortunately, the answer is yes, and you can figure out which team you're on by running a very simple test.
Fortunately, today's makeup manufacturers have started to embrace ethnic women instead of turning them away.
Fortunately, Longo realized this and included a "how to" section on his website called Magnetic Beauty.
Fortunately, with a steady hand and a cat eye makeup tutorial, you too can emulate these looks at home.!
Fortunately, its pint-sized packaging does not compromise the integrity of the makeup.
Fortunately, the mass marketing of MAC makeup hasn't affected its superior quality.The professional-grade MAC eye makeup is nothing like its drug store counterparts.
Fortunately, with a little practice you can achieve the appearance of flawless skin.
Fortunately, these can be successfully covered with the right product.
Fortunately, you don't have to sacrifice the safety of traditional banking for the convenience of Internet banking.
Fortunately there are some "tells" or "giveaways" that people do online that can work just as well sometimes.
Fortunately, you can avoid some of the guesswork by deferring to experts in the field.
It pays to compare, and fortunately, a few websites have already done the groundwork for you.
Fortunately, Shrek games free online cost nothing, are age appropriate for almost any child, and can provide hours of entertainment.
Fortunately, online banking is arguably an even safer way to deal with your finances, and the offerings from Chase make online banking easy, even for those who have never done it before.
Fortunately, there are a multitude of websites to choose from if you want to enjoy this great game in a free online version.
Fortunately, there are a number of options for viewing television as it happens online.
Fortunately, your browser will walk you through any plugins that you may need to install.
Fortunately, if you have decent photography skills, and know how to market your talent, you have a legitimate chance to make a viable income from your images.
Fortunately, with a competitive market there is a camera model available to suit everyone's needs.
Fortunately, it's easier than you may think to apply special effects to your digital photographs.
Fortunately for fans of instant photography, land cameras by Polaroid are not quite finished.
Fortunately, you can use a few simple shopping tips to earn free scrapbook supplies with your purchases.Selling scrapbook supplies is a highly competitive business.
Fortunately, digital design offers a number of career opportunities for crafters interested in working at home.
Fortunately, using chipboard to create beautiful pages for your albums is a relatively simple process.
Fortunately, there are plenty of digital scrapbooking freebies that can help you decide if this method of creating layouts is right for you.
Fortunately, the best thing about scrapbooking is that there are no rules!
Fortunately, there are several quick tips you can employ in order to transform amateur efforts into a memorable masterpiece.
Fortunately, they are easy to find and even easier to make.
Fortunately, LoveToKnow Scrapbooking is here to help.
Fortunately, free scrapbooking elements are plentiful and available in a wide variety.
Fortunately, you don't have to work for the company to design a stunning Creative Memories layout.
Fortunately, more and more companies have started to offer scrapbook pages for free via their websites.
Fortunately, you don't have to look far to find an avalanche of Disney-themed scrapbook supplies.
Fortunately, you don't have to look very far to find decent scrapbook templates for free.
Fortunately, most scrapbookers are great creative thinkers and can find inventive ways to save on supplies.
Fortunately, with the boom in scrapbooking in the last two decades, it is no longer a challenge to attend a gathering of scrapbooking fans.
Fortunately, there is no shortage of innovative techniques scrappers can use to make their cookbook scrapbooks fresh and fabulous.
Fortunately, with a little knowledge and some great resources, you'll be able to predict what type of skiing you're likely to encounter, even if it's months away.
Fortunately, skiers at that level are also capable of correctly evaluating their performance on different ski lengths.
Fortunately, if a binding is correctly installed by a ski-shop technician, it will stay secure for the entire life of your skis.
Fortunately, their close proximity to each other means that families and groups of mixed levels, or groups of skiers and snowboarders can share lodging but visit different areas.
Fortunately, by understanding more about anger moods, you can begin to control the anger and reduce the stress in our lives.
Fortunately, dealing with this stressor isn't as difficult as you might believe it is.
Fortunately, there are many other ways to find stress balls at discount prices.
Fortunately, you will find plenty of ways to add unique flair to your outfits.
Fortunately, they're small enough that this won't take long, and it's worth it to have something a bit more unique.
Fortunately, there are several ways to turn an otherwise racy dress into a more modest selection.
Fortunately, trends trickle down in this area as well, so junior girls will find plenty of ways to add unique flair to their outfits.
Fortunately, you can still find that perfect prom dress while staying within your budget.
Fortunately, there are alternatives for both rennet and milk that vegetarians and vegans alike can enjoy.
Fortunately, leading nutritionists and medical experts were able to set the record straight and quell concerns.
Fortunately for those looking to eliminate the Easter time staple from their diets, there are a number of excellent egg substitutes available.
Fortunately, there are plenty of amazing vegan options for your morning meal.
Fortunately, it is quite simple to make your own vegan version so you don't have to miss out on this classic!
Fortunately, it's simple to make your own soup at home with vegetable stock or store-bought vegetable broth.
Fortunately, there are ways you can reduce the stress involved in hiring a professional wedding photographer.
Fortunately, putting up websites listing all the wedding details keep loved ones informed without having to recite the information on a daily basis.
Fortunately, wedding insurance is available.
Fortunately, his parents decided to ignore the advice.
Fortunately times have changed, plus size beach wedding dresses are available in a wide variety of style as long as you know where to look.
Fortunately today's styles allow for hemlines of all lengths whether mini or midi.
However, bridal stores traditionally offer try-on samples in a size 8!Fortunately, some companies are adapting to meet the changing needs of their clientele.
Fortunately, invitation wording doesn't need to be difficult.
Fortunately, fall wedding ideas are easy to find.
Planning your perfect wedding can be a stressing situation, but fortunately a wedding planning timeline can help make this exciting time of your life precede a little smoother.
Fortunately, there are several options for keeping everyone fed and not being eaten out of the reception hall and home.
Fortunately, there's nothing quite as enjoyable as planning a fairytale wedding!
Fortunately, wedding invitation experts Eunice and Sabrina Moyle from Hello!Lucky Wedding Invitations have some great tips to help you.
Fortunately, there isn't an easier season to plan for than summer which generally features the most predictable weather patterns.
Fortunately, raspberries are one of the most popular fruits, so you'll likely please everyone at your wedding when you incorporate them into your cake in any way you choose.
Fortunately, though tobacco addiction can be tough to beat, it is possible to kick the habit.
Fortunately, there are a number of helpful and educational websites that address the problem and offer support for families and addicts.
Fortunately, the majority of BDD sufferers don't reach that point, but enough people do to make it necessary to ask if someone is feeling that way.
Fortunately, you can still have a novelty shower curtain and be healthy.
Fortunately this style of bedding is no longer reserved exclusively for the wealthy.
Fortunately luxury bedding can be mixed and matched with other kinds and still look stylish and fashionable.
Fortunately, this isn't an impossible task.
Fortunately, there are many varieties of bedding from which to choose, ranging from vibrant themed sets to understated monochrome blankets and comforters.
Fortunately, honoring Star Wars and its characters in cake form isn't too difficult, and there are plenty of specialty decoration products that can help.
Fortunately for him, he only suffered minor injuries.
Fortunately, he lost that part to Jesse Spencer.
Fortunately, you can sign up for a daily email newsletter from the site if you're worried about missing a post.
Fortunately for celebrity house-hunters, there are plenty of pictures and galleries available online that you can view from the comfort of your computer chair.
Fortunately for both Kanye and his droves of fans, his positive actions and talent far outweigh his temper tantrums.
Fortunately, there are many exercises that strengthen and tone the legs, creating a shape that rivals that of celebrity legs in no time.
Fortunately for him, in this case, size truly doesn't matter.
Fortunately modern science has proven that smoking can lead to any number of diseases and health concerns, so the younger generation is well-informed of the dangers.
Fortunately for the measurement-minded, there are plenty of websites that include these numbers for a wide variety of celebrities.
Fortunately they are free to browse, however.
Fortunately, attitudes have been growing and changing over the years, and today actors of all races and creeds enjoy the same successes.
Fortunately for fans, these stars leave behind legacies in their movies, television shows, musical recordings, and other works.
Fortunately, clothes for toddlers are readily available in a range of prices and styles to suit various occasions, from casual play to those special events that call for cute, frilly dresses or little boys' suits.
Fortunately for parents of mini-fashionistas, Dora clothing is easy to find.
Fortunately, there are also well styled dresses that can answer to a slightly older girl's wish to look trendy and a parent's wish that she still look age-appropriate.
Fortunately, the market for children's apparel has nearly quadrupled since the 1980's.
Fortunately, when you shop online, you can find some great deals.
Fortunately, the task of finding great deals on designer duds for kids has gotten easier in the last two decades.
Fortunately, these flaws are simple to fix.
Fortunately, today's girls don't have to sacrifice style for function.
Fortunately, there are multitudes of stores to choose from, and even your local department stores will often sell formalwear for little girls around the winter holidays and springtime.
Fortunately for today's shopper, savings can be found in local stores as well as online.
Fortunately, polo shirts have long been a fashion staple, so they are relatively easy to find during every season.
Fortunately, frazzled parents can find peace of mind when they purchase all things Elmo, especially clothes for toddlers.
Fortunately, the least of your problems is finding a good online college to attend.
Fortunately, the federal government, as well as some private agencies, has made it possible to do just that.
Fortunately, we're not always expected to foot the bill without some kind of assistance.
Fortunately for those seeking distance education opportunities, despite the perception that physical education is only about exercise and being active, there is a great deal more to a physical education degree than just exercise.
Fortunately, for educational purposes, distance learning graduate courses are as challenging for the student as on-campus courses and in some instances, more so.
Fortunately, there are plenty of places to take advantage of online learning opportunities in the UK.
Fortunately, Celebrity ships visit a wide range of cruise destinations, including Alaska, the Caribbean, and Europe.
Fortunately, disasters are rare and cruise ships have a variety of safety procedures and appropriate emergency equipment on board to deal with unusual situations quickly and efficiently.
Fortunately, the company says it plans to resume its Baltimore cruise to nowhere in the future.
Fortunately, you don't have to go bankrupt in order to experience the area's perfectly preserved glaciers, forests, mountains, and exotic wildlife.
Fortunately, modern day technology has made it easier than ever to score big savings on last minute sailings.
Fortunately, sunset sailings are offered on all four major Hawaiian Islands-Oahu, Maui, the Big Island and Kauai.
Fortunately, you don't have to drain your bank account in order to sail to North America's last frontier.
Fortunately, the rivers do not ice over until January, allowing for holiday travel through December.
Fortunately, the company offers specials and discounted fares throughout the year.
Fortunately, there are free tickets available that anyone can take advantage of.
Fortunately, there are several ways to find discount Sea World tickets and other ways to save.
Fortunately, there are still several ways to make your own discounts to ensure you get the most value from your day at the park.
Fortunately, there are many ways to find discount theme park tickets, and occasionally there are even ways to find free amusement park tickets if you are a savvy shopper.
Fortunately, the four theme parks that comprise Disney World and the various resort hotels associated with the Disney World experience feature multiple opportunities for Disney character interactions.
Fortunately, there are a number of ways adrenaline junkies can satiate their sweet tooth without going into debt.
Fortunately, gamers recognized the difference between titillating and tawdry, and BMXXX was an absolute bomb.
Juggling the various tasks can be a real challenge, but fortunately there's enough strategy (and bonuses for good performance) to make this game a real winner.
Now all he can do is roll, but fortunately you have a magic wand, called a "stylus".
Fortunately, the aliens discover a clever way of getting rid of the garbage -- lining them up in colored groups of three.
Fortunately, you'll also collect items that will help you combat these nasty tricks.
Fortunately, the game does help you with spell casting and shows you where to interact with certain items.
You can use the arrows and button in the in-game menus, which is of limited use; fortunately, there's also a blank space in the middle where you can stand between dances to avoid having the game go haywire in the menus.
Fortunately, each bad guy you kill in Darkwatch leaves behind a glowing blood dot which replenishes your health.
Fortunately, you can keep playing against the same opponent until you win.
Fortunately, a few brave people have risen up to try and stop the guild.
Fortunately, there are ways to push groups of enemies back, like the Mana Blast that knocks them back and stuns (or kills) those in a specific range.
Fortunately for the player, as the game progresses new moves and abilities are opened for purchase based on points earned for destruction.
Fortunately, controlling the cars is decent.
Fortunately for him, his father was good friends with Hiroshi Yamauchi, the president of a toy company.
Fortunately it's easier (and cleaner!) than training a real dog.
Fortunately, new patches were created that corrected the majority of the problems and I was able to continue with it.
Fortunately, although you'd be hard pressed to figure it out by looking at the packages, both work on the same basic principle.
Fortunately, your fellow gamers rant their Sony shortcomings in many gaming forums.
Fortunately, the Prince will get access to "Recall" the famous reversing time option that allows you to move back a few seconds to allow you to correct a mistake.
Fortunately ,in the game menu, there is an option to see all the combos available.
Fortunately Riviera gives you ample opportunity to check your enemies' stats, weaknesses and so forth.
Fortunately, your trusty horse Argo takes you wherever you want to go and you don't have to walk everywhere on foot.
Fortunately, you will get magic weapons as you complete certain game levels.
Fortunately there are a few saving features that make the game worth playing.
Fortunately, for a game addict like me, they offer a game pass.
Fortunately, they usually try to carry the most popular titles.
Fortunately, they will be pleased with the match types available, which include such staples as hardcore, first blood and submission matches, as well as the Royal Rumble, Elimination Chamber, and more.
Fortunately, the good folks at Crave have thrown in a tutorial feature that covers all of the card games, which is especially helpful when it comes to the lesser know Baseball and Pineapple variants.
Fortunately, online wine retailers provide the option to purchase futures from winemakers.
Fortunately, Siduri has a record that predominantly leads its imbibers to the former state rather than the latter.
Fortunately, Pinotage wines lean more towards its biological Pinot Noir heritage rather than its Cinsault genes and make for good medium-bodied wines that match with food very well.
Fortunately for wine lovers, Joseph Phelps also offers many extremely affordable high quality wines, including the Pastiche series.
Fortunately, Quivira Vineyards continues to make quality wines.
Fortunately, more recent vintages have yielded exceptional Chardonnays, as well.
Fortunately, the winery continues to make amazing Pinot Noir wines.
A reputation that has unfortunately followed the wine throughout the years, but fortunately is beginning to fade.
Fortunately, taking care of an EPDM roof is not difficult or particularly time consuming.
Fortunately, LoveToKnow Cell Phones is here and we've taken some of the work out of your searching.
Fortunately, the competition is fierce, so you can find a good cell phone plan deal by searching and comparing the cell phone calling plans offered by different companies.
Fortunately, most of the time, you have to allow the pairing, so the obvious precaution is to not allow someone into your phone that you don't know or recognize since the name of the phone appears on your screen.
Fortunately, the nerve cells are not always completely destroyed.
Fortunately in most colonized people, this does not happen, and the result of this colonization is long-lasting immunity against the particular strain.
Fortunately, thyroid disease can be treated with medication.
Fortunately, certain safe, natural remedies are effective in treating canker sores.
Fortunately, the bacteria that cause meningitis are not as contagious as the common cold or the flu, and they are not spread by casual contact or by simply breathing the air where a person with meningitis has been.
Fortunately, the effects of some snake bites can be counteracted with antivenin.
It was a very small, very disingenuous, inevitably an anomalous, and in the vanity of proclamations and other concomitant incidents rather a ridiculous affair; and fortunately for the dignity of history - and for Fremont - it was quickly merged in a larger question, when Commodore John Drake Sloat (1780-1867) on the 7th of July raised the flag of the United States over Monterey, proclaiming California a part of the United States.
Fortunately the birds soon become tame in confinement, and a little patience will enable an attentive observer to satisfy himself as to the process, the result of which at first seems almost as unaccountable as that of a clever conjuring trick.
The records are fortunately dated, and belong to the period from 9 B.C. to A.D.
Fortunately, the plans for defence had been well and truly laid by Cadorna in the limited time that was available, and, still more fortunately, his foresight had caused elaborate preparations to be made on Monte Grappa.
The façade is fine, and the interior, divided into three naves by columns, with galleries over the aisles, has fortunately not been restored; the vaulting of the crypt has, however, been covered with modern stucco.
Fortunately for the unimpeded expansion of Italian art, little was brought to light of antique workmanship during the 14th and 15th centuries.
These and other reasons, notably the manufacture of much fictitious wine with the aid of sugar (fortunately stopped by the rigid new wine laws), led to the grave wine crisis, which almost amounted to a revolution in the Midi in the spring and summer of 1907.
Fortunately, young Calhoun had the opportunity, although late, of studying under his brother-in-law, the Rev. Moses Waddell (1770-1840), a Presbyterian minister, who afterwards, from 1819 to 1829, was president of the University of Georgia.
Fortunately some informality prevented the sentence being executed, and he was soon afterwards acquitted and set at liberty.
The Talmud outlived the reactionary tendencies of the Qaraites (q.v.) and of the Kabbalah, and fortunately, since these movements, important though they undoubtedly were for the evolution of thought, had not within them the power to be of lasting benefit to the rank and file of the community.
The observations of Spruce are of themselves almost conclusive as to the possibility of Europeans becoming acclimatized in the tropics; and if it is objected that this evidence applies only to the dark-haired southern races, we are fortunately able to point to facts, almost equally well authenticated and conclusive, in the case of one of the typical Germanic races.
Her next-door neighbours, Poland and Russia, were necessarily her competitors; fortunately they were also each other's rivals; obviously her best policy was to counterpoise them.
Fortunately, the domination of the Caps was not for long.
Fortunately, both in these quarrels and in all his difficulties with Stephen, he secured the strong and uniform support of the Roman Curia.
Fortunately these officers responded to the call of the executive.
The common standpoint, the relation to contemporary or earlier systems, with all that goes to make up the character and spirit of Stoicism, can, fortunately, be more certainly established, and may with reason be attributed to the founder.
To this supposed residence at Meudon and to the previous stay at Rome, however, are attached two of the most mischievous items of the legend, though fortunately two of the most easily refutable.
Up to 1909 this was the only Assyrian palace which had ever been explored systematically, in its entirety, and fortunately it was found on the whole in an admirable state of preservation.
Most fortunately for Europe, the Teutonic races already settled in Gaul rallied to the defence of the empire against invaders infinitely more barbarous than themselves.
Eusebius' biography of Constantine shows what distortion of fact the father of Church history permitted himself, but the Ecclesiastical History was fortunately written for those who wanted to know what really happened, and remains to-day an invaluable repository of Christian antiquities.
Fortunately, however, for him, he broke his leg on the journey, and his arrival was thus delayed till the news of Queen Mary's death freed him from further danger.
Fortunately the two men on whom the chief responsibility fell in this great crisis were equal to their task.
He telegraphed for reliefs from every available quarter, fortunately being able to divert the troops then on their way to China.
Though the two great princes of Central India, Sindhia and Holkar, wisely and fortunately remained true to the British, troops belonging to both of them joined the mutineers.
Fortunately not very much of actual repainting was accomplished except on some parts of the garments.
Fortunately the famine of 1900 was little felt.
Bolingbroke's daring spirit, however, recoiled from no extreme, and, fortunately for Swift, he added so much of his own to the latter's MS. that the production was first delayed and then, upon the news of Anne's death, immediately suppressed.
His manuscripts were fortunately preserved.
Fortunately, however, for the peace of Cape Colony at that time, Sir Charles Warren, sent by the imperial government to maintain British rights, removed the invading Boers from Stellaland and Goshen - two so-called republics set up by the Boer freebooters - in March 1885 and no rebellion occurred.
Fortunately good water is tolerably plentiful; for, though the wells are mostly undrinkable, and even the famous Zamzam water only available for medicinal or religious purposes, the underground conduit from beyond Arafa, completed by Sultan Selim II.
Fortunately for the Americans, however, the company in 1824 sent to the Columbia river as its chief factor and governor west of the Rocky Mountains Dr John McLoughlin (1784-1857), who ruled the region with an iron hand, but with a benevolent purpose, for twenty-two years.
Fortunately the pope interfered for a moment to lighten the friction; being threatened with a new invasion by the emperor Frederick, he suspended the sentences and sent legates to patch up a peace.
Fortunately for the duke of Guienne the majority of his subjects had no desire to become Frenchmen; the Gascons felt no national sympathy with their neighbors of the north, and the towns in especial were linked to England by close ties of commerce, and had no wish whatever to break off their allegiance to the house of Plantagenet.
Fortunately for Bolingbroke the young earl was only six years of age; not a voice was raised in his favor in parliament.
Fortunately for the king his subjects laid all the blame upon his mouthpiece the cardinal, instead of placing it where it was due.
Fortunately for Elizabeth, Francis died in 1560, and the French government passed into the hands of Catherine de Medici, who had no cause to love her daughter-in-law and the Guises.
Fortunately for Poland, the tsar and the king of Sweden now quarrelled over the apportionment of the spoil, and at the end of May 1656 Alexius, stimulated by the emperor and the other enemies of Sweden, declared war against her.
Fortunately, Biren was, sufficiently prudent not to meddle with foreign affairs or with the army, and these departments in the able hands of two other foreigners, who thoroughly identified themselves with Russia, Andrei Osterman and Burkhardt Miinnich (q.v.) did great things in the reign of Anne.
How the stars really move in space, and how the sun travels among them, can be ascertained only with the aid of materials collected by the spectrograph, which has now fortunately been brought to comply with the arduous conditions of exactitude requisite for collaboration with the transit instrument and its allies, the clock and chronograph.
Fortunately for him, a new rising had just broken out; the mob burst into the court, and he was acquitted.
His desire to observe the southern heavens led him to propose, in 1750, an astronomical expedition to the Cape of Good Hope, which was officially sanctioned, and fortunately executed.
Fortunately it is found nowhere outside Africa.
Flanders tired of it, but fortunately for Edward III.
Fortunately, you can live the dream thanks to the Twilight riverboat.
Fortunately, with the advent of last minute cruises, even the thriftiest traveler can afford to let loose on a spur-of-the-moment ocean adventure.
Fortunately, finding affordable last minute cruises on Carnival is relatively easy.
Fortunately, there are ways to take a Disney cruise without breaking the bank.
Fortunately, you don't have to go overboard planning a vow renewal service all by yourself.
Fortunately, there are ways you can save on sailings to South America.
Yes, fortunately there is a test that can show whether or not these puppies are related.
Fortunately, in the past ten years, Greyhound rescue organizations have convinced racetrack owners to bring their dogs to the various rescue shelters throughout the US.
Fortunately, more enlightened minds have prevailed and the majority of pet owners wish to protect and preserve their dog's health and welfare.
Fortunately, there are ways to help protect your pup from parvo virus.
Fortunately, the modern veterinary practice is to use pain medication to make patients comfortable, which alsohelps speedrecovery.
Fortunately, there are a number of places where you can purchase such a bed on the Internet, as well as locally.
Fortunately, Rottweiler rescues are available to help displaced Rotties find a loving, forever home.
Fortunately the colors of the flowers are for the most part simple, and raisers should steer clear of the ugly striped kinds.
Fortunately, harvesting sunflower seeds is not difficult and there are a couple of ways to do it.
Fortunately, many of the online sites that provide tabs also give helpful tips and advice.
Fortunately, there are a variety of pickup covers that hide the pickup behind something a little more aesthetically pleasing.
Fortunately, there are a number of books on the market specifically designed forplayers who wish to learn the music of Brazil.
Fortunately, there are websites with scales and other exercises on them tohelp you become used to playing Brazilian guitar.
Fortunately, refrigerators are offered in a wide variety of external finishes, making it easy to find the perfect match.
Fortunately, you should have no problems acquiring samples from manufacturers to determine the best fit.
Fortunately they're also easy to install yourself.
Fortunately the Internet means that it is possible to 'window shop' extensively from the comfort of an armchair, looking at different bracelets and gemstones online.
Fortunately, the Internet has many jewelry websites that carry a variety of designs for men and women.
Fortunately, silly bands are easy to locate.
Fortunately, most online-based shops will have reasonable exchange or return policies if the suit turns out not to work as well as you'd hoped.
Fortunately for us, Andrew was right - there are many guys out there who want exactly what we offer.
Fortunately, there are now publications like GQ and Men's Vogue that cater to the previously underserved men's fashion market.
Fortunately, there are a number of support groups that can give information and assistance.
Fortunately, finding these tees is a simple task.
Fortunately, there is a good range to choose from that is specifically designed to be flexible and comfortable so that your swing is wholly uncompromised.
Fortunately, you won't have to look far.
Fortunately, there's no dearth of comfortable, cozy coats available in extended sizes.
Fortunately, "stylish" can be defined in many ways.
Fortunately, there is simply no dearth of styles available for the fashion-conscious man who wants something that looks as great as it feels and performs.
Fortunately, you can find organic beef in other places, as well.
Fortunately, there are ready-made mixes available, as well as recipes to help you quickly whip up a batch with a few simple ingredients.
Fortunately, shopping online provides effective options, but your best alternative is local suppliers.
Fortunately, even if you restrict your choices to USDA-certified organic brands, you will still be able to choose from plenty of high quality skin care products.
Fortunately, enough people are passionate about their corn that you won't need to look far to find a source for corn seeds that are certified as organic.
Fortunately, you have the choice and the power to decide what is right for you and your family.
Fortunately many manufacturers have caught on to the increasing demand to provide more options for those beyond a C or D cup, and even the opportunity to purchase a custom-made plus size bra is now available.
Fortunately for plus size gals, lingerie retailers know that full-figured women want to look attractive and offer a variety of corsets especially for the more curvaceous.
Fortunately, with books like Big Girl Knits, Family Circle Easy Plus Size Knits and More Big Girl Knits, you have more choices when it comes to sweater sizes.
Fortunately, with stylish women like Queen Latifah and Jennifer Hudson to look to, bigger girls are seeing that they can dress well all the time and show off their best features.
Fortunately, curvy gals have a selection in hiking shorts sure to please even the most avid hiker.
Fortunately, there are plenty of options in seasonal clothing and this includes the very versatile vest.
Fortunately, you can find bras in nearly every shade imaginable and many of them are made just for the full-figured woman.
Fortunately, the fashion industry is finally aware of the demand and has stepped up with great dresses and suits in a range of sizes and styles.
Fortunately, designers have woken up to reality and stepped up with excellent party wear for the woman of size.
Fortunately, designers now understand how to create dresses for the fuller figure that are appropriate for the season and the woman wearing the dress.
Fortunately, plus size women have many options in this category.
Fortunately, many more options are available than ever before.
Fortunately, plenty of individual designers have come to the rescue and you can go online and find some great choices.
Fortunately, the Internet offers a range of choices and online shops understand that something you order may not look or fit exactly as you hoped, so they provide free exchange or return services.
Fortunately for junior girls, there's a wider selection than ever of attractive prom gowns in plus sizes.
Fortunately, if tankinis appeal to you, there are many attractive styles available.
Fortunately, there is no dearth of plus size maxi dresses at affordable prices available.
Fortunately, many fitness clothing manufacturers understand that people who like to exercise come in a variety of sizes.
Fortunately, that includes embracing our youthful, free-spirited sides with colorful patterns, goofy prints and bright hues.
Fortunately, there are quite a few sites that sell body stockings for those vixens who want to spice things up a bit.
Brick and mortar lingerie stores may not offer as wide a variety as many women would like, but fortunately the Internet offers a wealth of sites that allow you to purchase plus size body stockings in any color or size.
Fortunately, they are all available at a variety of price points, so even if you're watching your wallet you can comfortably purchase a flattering piece without suffering buyer's remorse.
Fortunately, there are plenty of online options.
Fortunately, the plus size clothing industry is finally boundless, no longer limited to the handful of shapeless, less-than-flattering pieces that were once the norm.
When you are both plus size and petite finding the right clothing to fit your shape can be difficult, fortunately specialty designers offer options for women's petite size 20 pants.
Fortunately, you shouldn't have to choose, as there are a lot of wonderful coats on offer.
Fortunately, cocktail parties and weddings are not the only venues that call for evening attire, or your statement-making garment would spend most of its time in the closet.
Fortunately, they have a very detailed website that allows you to do some proper browsing so that you can narrow your choices before you get to the store.
Fortunately, the truth is that senior sex, while different from the sex you had in your 20s, can still be hugely satisfying and fulfilling.
Fortunately, there are lubricants and other products available for women experiencing this, which allow for a normal sex life.
Fortunately, most of this abuse is rare.
Fortunately, there are many options for mature individuals who need -- or prefer -- to leave the driving to someone else.
Fortunately, with the retirement of baby boomers, there should be options in big and small towns.
Fortunately, there are plenty of places with good climates, good facilities, and plenty of amenities for seniors from which to choose.
Fortunately, most problems associated with CPAP use have simple solutions.
Fortunately, these sensations disappear with continued treatment.
Fortunately, using prescription or OTC products to stop snoring is effective for most of the estimated 90 million Americans who snore.
Fortunately, most problems caused by CPAP have simple solutions.
Fortunately, there are some effective treatments to try that you can do from the comfort of your home to ease this problem.
Fortunately, there are many sleep aids that can help to stop snoring no matter which sleep position you prefer.
Fortunately, teeth grinding protection can help prevent the complications of bruxism and keep the teeth, jaw, and mouth healthy.
Fortunately, cataracts can be removed and vision restored in the majority of patients if other significant ocular diseases do not exist.
Fortunately, the following online shopping sites will help to give you a running start.
Fortunately, Flash Pass is available for the coaster and can allow riders to bypass the lengthy line if they are willing to pay the extra charges for the privilege.
Fortunately, there are many different ticket options to suit different guests' needs, and there are many ways to save money when visiting Cedar Point.
Fortunately, there are many ways to save money when visiting Cedar Point.
Fortunately, savvy guests can find ways to save on a Cedar Point visit without sacrificing the fun at this world class amusement park.