Fortitude Sentence Examples
He showed fortitude in the face of a hostile society.
I pray we have the fortitude to carry on fighting.
Fortitude is required to ensure competitive strength.
The Mahratta peasantry possess manly fortitude under suffering and misfortune.
This unfortunate man died under torture, which he bore with fortitude.
Fortitude of character is not always found in the most likely places.
In this sense, fortitude is a special virtue; it is the virtue of courage in adversity.
Here the decisive battle, which ruined his hopes, and in which Charles distinguished himself by conspicuous courage and fortitude, was fought on the 3rd of September.
In figures such as Martin Luther King, the world draws moral fortitude and an example of the effectiveness of non-violent struggle.
During the first three centuries the fortitude of these "witnesses" won the admiration of their brethren.
AdvertisementSeveral of the more important fragments are found in Cicero, who expresses a great admiration for their manly fortitude and dignified pathos.
Many incidents recorded in the histories make manifest the meekness, fortitude and even cheerfulness with which he went to his death.
You have a chance to help here, but it will take some intestinal fortitude on your part.
Next day he died, having shown the greatest fortitude.
Thank you all for the intestinal fortitude to stand for what's right, like static pages fit for the purpose!
AdvertisementAmong these may be mentioned these hardships with a fortitude and patience which go far to counterbalance his faults.
He therefore exhibits fortitude in its clearest and most perfect form.
He died a few hours afterwards with great fortitude.
The next day he died, having shown the greatest fortitude.
But this was too great a demand upon his fortitude, and he finally yielded and signed the treaty of Madrid, after having drawn up a secret protest.
AdvertisementEach of the 121 runners will be ably backed by a support team as they undertake the grueling test of physical and mental fortitude.
This condition of mind can be obtained only by "living conformably to nature," that is to say, one's whole nature, and as a means to that man must cultivate the four chief virtues, each of which has its distinct sphere - wisdom, or the knowledge of good and evil; justice, or the giving to every man his due; fortitude, or the enduring of labour and pain; and temperance, or moderation in all things.
Alexander returned to his see triumphant, but died soon after, and was succeeded by Athanasius, his deacon, with whose indomitable fortitude and strange vicissitudes the further course of the controversy is bound up.
On the approach of misfortune, however, she showed great courage and fortitude.
His fortitude is the more extraordinary because his domestic feelings were unusually strong.
AdvertisementIn other words, these wines may offer investment opportunities for wine collectors…or just a superlative wine to be enjoyed later if one has patience and fortitude.
This plant is a feng shui symbol of great strength and fortitude.
If they're old enough, you could sit down with them and discuss the outcomes-from hope and dreams to the fortitude that removes you from a bad situation.
This helps dieters who are confused or losing their fortitude.
To be a landlord takes fortitude, but to be a landlord without proper insurance coverage takes a brazen disregard for financial well-being.
His sensitiveness received a second blow in an unsuccessful love affair, which, however, he bore with fortitude.
Ferdinand, known as " the Constant," from the fortitude with which he endured captivity, died unransomed in 1 443.
Only in a secondary sense is approval due to certain " abilities and dispositions immediately connected with virtuous affections," as candour, veracity, fortitude, sense of honour; while in a lower grade still are placed sciences and arts, along with even bodily skills and gifts; indeed, the approbation we give to these is not strictly moral, but is referred to the " sense of decency or dignity," which (as well as the sense of honour) is to be distinguished from 1 In a remarkable passage near the close of his eleventh sermon Butler seems even to allow that conscience would have to give way to self-love, if it were possible (which it is not) that the two should come into ultimate and irreconcilable conflict.
The former, while accepting utility as the criterion of " material goodness," had adhered to Shaftesbury's view that dispositions, not results of action, were the proper object of moral approval; at the same time, while giving to benevolence the first place in his account of personal merit, he had shrunk from the paradox of treating it as the sole virtue, and had added a rather undefined and unexplained train of qualities, - veracity, fortitude, activity, industry, sagacity, - immediately approved in various degrees by the " moral sense " or the " sense of dignity."
There were many desertions and occasional symptoms of mutiny, but for the most part the soldiers bore their suffering with heroic fortitude.
Operation Fortitude, put in place to combat alcohol-fuelled violence, has had a real impact.
But if they choose to do this, they must have the intestinal fortitude to hold fast!
Or deliberately capsize the kayak to teach her fortitude?
The concept of ' ordinary fortitude ' or ' customary phlegm ' is a difficult one.
Malta's bright story of human fortitude and courage will be read by posterity with wonder and with gratitude through all the ages.
It is said that Nicocreon, tyrant of Cyprus, commanded him to be pounded to death in a mortar, and that he endured this torture with fortitude; but the story is doubtful, having no earlier authority than Cicero.
In all his life nothing became him so well as his manner of leaving it; but the fortitude he then showed, even if it was not merely the courage of despair, cannot blind us to the fact that he was little better than a reckless and vicious spendthrift, who was not the less dangerous because his fiercer passions were concealed beneath an affectation of effeminate dandyism.
This unfortunate man died under torture, which he bore with fortitude, in Muharram 126 (November 743).
Christian Fortitude is essentially firmness in withstanding the seductions of good and evil fortune, resoluteness in the conflict perpetually waged against wickedness without carnal weapons - though Ambrose, with the Old Testament in his hand, will not quite relinquish the ordinary martial application of the term.
Sometimes, but I admire his fortitude.
He now again maintained all the theories which he had formerly advocated, and, after a trial that lasted only one day, he was condemned to be burnt as a heretic. The sentence was immediately carried out on the 30th of May 1416, and he met his death with fortitude.
In arranging his list, however, he defers to the established doctrine of the four cardinal virtues (derived from Plato and the Stoics through Cicero); accordingly, the Aristotelian ten have to stand under the higher genera of (1) the prudence which gives reasoned rules of conduct, (2) the temperance which restrains misleading desire, and (3) the fortitude that resists misleading fear of dangers or toils.
By batting for nearly nine hours in the match he displayed a fortitude to match anything achieved in his previous 78 tests.
Year after year he lay patiently in a dungeon, compared with which the worst prison now to be found in the island is a palace.2 His fortitude is the more extraordinary because his domestic feelings were unusually strong.
Others in the party also showed great fortitude in coping with vertigo induced by some of the difficult parts of the route.
Examples of word jewelry include the seven virtues, which are faith, hope, charity, fortitude, justice, temperance, and prudence.
You need to make sure that you are fueling your body with the best foods possible so you have the strength and fortitude to make it through the full nine months with as much energy as possible.
If you're not sure you have the fortitude to walk away and cut your losses when you're hurting, don't even start.
People who lack the fortitude and willpower to stay bound in a tight corset all day can opt to be locked into their undergarment.
For the present he experienced a sharp rebuff of fortune, which he met with his usual fortitude.
Her residence was at Rhenen near Arnheim, where she received many English visitors and endeavoured to maintain her spirits and fortitude, with straitened means and in spite of frequent disappointments.
The "Fortitude" and "Juno" kept up a cannonade for 22 hours and then hauled off, the former being on fire and having sixtytwo men killed and wounded.
He was tried by the Revolutionary Tribunal on the 24th of October 1793, condemned to death and guillotined on the 31st of the month, displaying on the scaffold a stoic fortitude.
The fragments of Pacuvius quoted by Cicero in illustration or enforcement of his own ethical teaching appeal, by the fortitude, dignity, and magnanimity of the sentiment expressed in them, to what was noblest in the Roman temperament.
This brief account of the conspicuous part taken by Abdur Rahman in an eventful war, at the beginning of which he was not more than twenty years old, has been given to show the rough school that brought out his qualities of resource and fortitude, and the political capacity needed for rulership in Afghanistan.
The chief suburbs are Kangaroo Point, Fortitude Valley, New Farm, Red Hill, Paddington, Milton, Toowong, Breakfast Creek, Bulimba, Woolloongabba, Highgate Hill and Indooroopilly.
The frank bearing, fortitude and self-sacrificing heroism of the best type of the soldierly character find expression in the persons of Achilles, Telamon and Eurypylus; and a dignified and passionate tenderness of feeling makes itself heard in the lyrical utterances of Cassandra and Andromache.
To give up dancing on the village green was still harder; and some months elapsed before he had the fortitude to part with his darling sin.
Judson was perhaps the greatest, as he was practically the first, of the many missionaries sent from the United States into foreign fields; his fervour, his devotion to duty, and his fortitude in the face of danger mark him as the prototype of the American missionary.
No doubt they will show the stoical fortitude that is the hallmark of their state and carry on eating.
Even applying the normal fortitude to secondary victims only is the rule still justifiable?
In general it is the simple homely virtues that are enjoined on men in Proverbs - there is no mention of courage, fortitude, intellectual truthfulness, and no recognition of beauty as an element of life; the ethical type is Semitic, not Hellenic, and the sages emphasize only those qualities that seemed to them to be most effective in the struggle of life; their insistence on the practical, not the heroic, side of character is perhaps in part the consequence of the position of the Jewish people at that time, as also the silence respecting international ethics belongs to the thought of the times.