Formulated Sentence Examples
The latter formulated his theory of beauty.
While the detective had formulated a plan to confirm the listening device, he needed help to carry it off.
Pasteur first formulated the idea that bacteria are responsible for the diseases of fermented liquids; the corollary of this was a demand for pure yeast.
The event showed that he judged the situation rightly - the religious scheme announced by him, though not accepted in all its details, became the dominant policy of the later time, and he has been justly called ' The stricter marriage law is formulated in Lev.
In spite of the gravity of the charges formulated against many prominent men, the report merely deplored and disapproved of their conduct, without proposing penal proceedings.
Greek philosophy for our purpose begins with Socrates, who formulated the Design Argument.
The grounds of suspicion have been formulated "Pope Innocent III.
In the succeeding session his service was marked by a report, from which resulted the present monetary system of the United States (the fundamental idea of its decimal basis being due, however, to Gouverneur Morris); and by the honour of reporting the first definitely formulated plan for the government of the western territories,' that embodied in the ordinance of 1784.
This position he founded on the law of wages formulated by Ricardo, and accepted by all the leading economists, that wages are controlled by the ordinary relations of supply and demand, that a rise in wages leads to an increase in the labouring population, which, by increasing the supply of labour, is followed by a corresponding fall of wages.
When once the fixed conditions which any hypothetical group of entities are to satisfy have been precisely formulated, the deduction of the further propositions, which also will hold respecting them, can proceed in complete independence of the question as to whether or no any such group of entities can be found in the world of phenomena.
AdvertisementTurkey now made a show of going even beyond the demands formulated by Europe, and the international conference which met at Constantinople during See Mr Baring's reports in Pall.
Kohlrausch formulated a theory of electrolytic conduction based on the idea that, under the action of the electric forces, the oppositely charged ions moved in opposite directions through the liquid, carrying their charges with them.
These are taken from the various schools of interpretation mentioned above, and are now formulated in the words used by the bishop when, in ordaining to any office, he places the vestment on the ordinand with the appropriate words, e.g.
The united Hussites formulated their demands in a statement known as the "articles of Prague."
The moderate party thus obtained the upper hand; and it formulated its demands in a document which was finally accepted by the Church of Rome in a slightly modified form, and which is known as "the compacts."
AdvertisementUnder the leadership of General Deodoro da Fonseca a praetorian system of government, in which the military element was all-powerful, came into existence, and continued till February 1891, when a national congress assembled and formulated the constitution for the United States of Brazil.
William of Champeaux (1070-1121), who is reputed the founder of a definitely formulated Realism, much Y as Roscellinus is regarded as the founder of Nominalism, was instructed by Roscellinus himself in dialectic. Unfortunately none of William's philosophical works have survived, and we depend upon the statements of his opponent Abelard, in the Historia calamitatum mearum, and in certain manuscripts discovered by Cousin.
In recent times many mathematicians have formulated other kinds of algebras, in which the operators do not obey the laws of ordinary algebra.
Tyler then formulated a number of fresh demands, including the confiscation of ecclesiastical estates and the institution of social equality.
It is one of Darwin's great merits to have made use of these observations and to have formulated their results to a large extent as the laws of variation and heredity.
AdvertisementThe principle employed in these investigations is due to C. Huygens, and may be thus formulated.
The diminution of the star disks with increasing aperture was observed by Sir William Herschel, and in 1823 Fraunhofer formulated the law of inverse proportionality.
The importance of the general conclusions above formulated, as imposing a limit upon our powers of direct observation, can hardly be overestimated; but there has been in some quarters a tendency to ascribe to it a more precise character than it can bear, or even to mistake its meaning altogether.
But he is rather the practised debater who will admit his opponent's principles for the moment when he sees his way to moulding them to his own purposes, than the philosophical statesman who has formulated a theory from whose terms he will not move.
A wave of military enthusiasm arose throughout the empire, and as the formation of a seventh division practically drained the mother-country of trained men, a scheme for the employment of amateur soldiers was formulated, resulting in the despatch of Imperial Yeomanry and Volunteer contingents, which proved one of the most striking features of the South African campaign.
AdvertisementThe conditions under Accidents which explosives may be stored, handled and used are from carefully formulated in the mining laws of most states, fro Explosives.
Folk-right is the aggregate of rules, formulated or latent but susceptible of formulation, which can be appealed to as the expression of the juridical consciousness of the people at large or of the communities of which it is composed.
It may be said of the philosophy of Benedetto Croce that it has formulated the truth of the unity of the spirit in the form most acceptable to the Western world.
Although the law was first clearly and rigorously formulated by Sir Isaac Newton, the fact of the action indicated by it was more or less clearly seen by others.
When the Christian faith is being formulated, undue emphasis may be put on one aspect, and thus so partial a statement of truth may result in error.
As Duke Albert sided with Osiander, Chemnitz resigned the librarianship. Returning (1553) to Wittenberg, he lectured on Melanchthon's Loci Communes, his lectures forming the basis of his own Loci Theologici (published posthumously, 1591), which constitute probably the best exposition of Lutheran theology as formulated and modified by Melanchthon.
Hence, as far as any physical characters can be formulated for the various tribes (and their validity is very doubtful) the Yue-Chi type is Turkish rather than Mongol or Ugro-Finnic. In such points of temperament as military ability and power of assimilating Indian and Persian civilization, the YueChi also resemble the Turks, and some authorities think that the name Turushka or Turukha sometimes applied to them by Indian writers is another evidence of the connexion.
It had its roots in New a literature and in forms of thought remote from the common track; it had been formulated before the Prag- great advances in psychology which marked the course matism.
With this, one line of tendency in Roman Catholic doctrine reached its climax; the pope and the council use " dogma " in a distinctive sense for what is definitely formulated by authority.
The same council defines not indeed dogma but faith - inseparable from dogma - as4 (1) revealed, (a) in Scripture or (b) in unwritten tradition, and (2) taught by the church, (a) in formulated decrees, or (b) in her ordinary magisterium.
Not only does the correction involve the substitution of papal authority for a universal consent of " pastors " and " the faithful "; it also deliberately ranks the unformulated teachings of the church on points of doctrine as no less de fide than those formulated.
The identification of dogma with revelation remains, with another distinction in support of it, between " material dogmas " (all scriptural or traditional truth) and " formal " or ecclesiastically formulated dogmas.'
Here we have essential Congregationalism, formulated for the first time in England as the original and genuine Christian polity, and as such binding on those loyal to the Head of the Church.
Theramenes specially studied the constitutional side of this movement and formulated a new party-cry, " the constitution of our fathers."
But the theory of such a combined structure could not be formulated at that time, and it was proved, partly by experiment, that a simple tubular girder of wrought iron was strong enough to carry the railway.
So far as Nestorius himself is concerned, however, it is certain that he never formulated any such doctrine;2 nor does any recorded utterance of his, however casual, come so near the heresy called by his name as Cyril's deliberately framed third anathema (that regarding the "physical union" of the two hypostases or natures) approaches Eutychianism.
The Latin Church, which, by combining the tradition of the Roman centralized organization with a great elasticity in practice and in the interpretation of doctrine, had hitherto been the moulding force of civilization in the West, is henceforth more or less in antagonism to that civilization, which advances in all its branches - in science, in literature, in art - to a greater or less degree outside of and in spite of her, until in its ultimate and most characteristic developments it falls under the formal condemnation of the pope, formulated in the famous Syllabus of 1864.
As every attempt to rationalize nature implies a certain process of criticism and interpretation to which the data of sense are subjected, and in which they are, as it were, transcended, the antithesis of reason and sense is formulated early in the history of speculation.
It must be noted that this theory of the " Treasure " was not formulated until some time after Indulgences in the modern sense had become established in practice.
In 1799 an Englishman, Thomas Andrew Knight, after experiments on the cross-fertilization of cultivated plants, formulated the conclusion that no plant fertilizes itself through many generations.
This connexion of ideas was not of course explicitly before the prophet's mind, for the distinctive features of a national religion could not be formulated so long as no other kind of religion had ever been heard of.
The church gradually expressed her most peculiar convictions in dogmas, which were formulated by philosophical methods, but were irreconcilable with Neoplatonism (the Christological dogmas); and the further this process went the more unrestrainedly did theologians resign themselves to the influence of Neoplatonism on all other questions.
At the various congresses, from Aix-la-Chapelle (1818) to Verona (1822), therefore, he showed himself heartily in sympathy with the repressive policy formulated in the Troppau Protocol.
This claim cannot easily be stated in language of precision; it is indicated rather than formulated in the last of the five points specially submitted by the treaty.
As we cannot without a tittle of evidence accept such a consequence, we conclude that Aristotle formulated the distinction between argumentative and adventitious, artificial and inartificial evidences, both in the Rhetoric to Alexander and in the Rhetoric; and that the former as well as the latter is a genuine work of Aristotle, the founder of the logic of rhetoric.
And, while Yahweh's kingship was a living and present fact, it refused to be formulated in fixed invariable shape.
The metamorphoses of the Cirrhopoda were described and figured by him in 1830 in a very complete manner, and the legitimate conclusion as to their affinities was formulated by him.
The years of his pontificate were marked by the steady development and diffusion of those ultramontane ideas which were ultimately formulated, under the presidency of his successor Pius IX., by the council of the Vatican.
In the same canons the rule for the position of the communion tables, which has been since regularly followed throughout the Church of England, was formulated.
In this connexion the interesting scheme formulated by Hertz (1894) deserves notice.
The deliberations follow a simplified procedure, which is founded more on equity than on the more strictly legal forms, and decisions are given in the shortest possible form, in answer to carefully formulated questions or dubia.
The language is much ruled by laws of euphony, which have been strictly formulated by native grammarians.
The knightly ages will always enjoy the glory of having formulated a code of honour which aimed at rendering the upper classes worthy of their exceptional privileges; yet we must judge chivalry not only by its formal code but also by its practical fruits.
After the death of Lopez the government was administered by a triumvirate consisting of Cirilo Rivarola, Carlos Loizaga and Jose Diaz de Bedoza, until, in November 1870, the present constitution was formulated.
Finally, the psychology of Hobbes, though too undeveloped to guide the thoughts or even perhaps arrest the attention of Locke, when essaying the scientific analysis of knowledge, came in course of time (chiefly through James Mill) to be connected with the theory of associationism developed from within the school of Locke, in different ways, by Hartley and Hume; nor is it surprising that the later associationists, finding their principle more distinctly formulated in the earlier thinker, should sometimes have been betrayed into affiliating themselves to Hobbes rather than to Locke.
The decree of the diet, formulated in April, forbade the reformers to make further religious changes, while the toleration which was conceded to Romanists in Lutheran states was withheld from Lutherans in Romanist states.
As the British troops retired to Upper Egypt, his followers seized the evacuated country, and the khalifa cherished the idea, already formulated by the mahdi, of the conquest of Egypt, but for some years he was too much occupied in quelling risings, massacring Lne Egyptians in the Sudan, and fighting Abyssinia, to move seriously in the matter.
Hence the "principle of Peirce" may be formulated as being that "every truth has practical consequences, and these are the test of its truth."
Yet the document is of great interest, as in it we find formulated for the first time in an official despatch those exalted ideals of international policy which were to play so conspicuous a part in the affairs of the world at the close of the revolutionary epoch, and issued at the end of the 10th century in the Rescript of Nicholas II.'
Though alarmed by the revolutionary agitation in Germany, which culminated in the murder of his agent, the dramatist Kotzebue, Alexander approved of Castlereagh's protest against Metternich's policy of " the governments contracting an alliance against the peoples," as formulated in the Carlsbad decrees, 1819, and deprecated any intervention of Europe to support " a league of which the sole object is the absurd pretensions of absolute power."
In a pass examination the question has to be considered how far, if at all, excellence in one subject shall compensate for deficiency in another, a question which is indeterminate until the precise object of the whole examination is formulated.
Their claim to large privileges and a considerable share in the government of the county were formulated in a document drawn up at Nijmwegen in April 1436.
No party is formed, no programme is announced, no doctrine is formulated; without assuming the title of Messiah, He offers Himself as the centre of expectation, and seems to invite an unlimited confidence in His person.
Himself a peasant's son and acquainted with the grievances under which the peasant lived, he had at various times formulated most of the demands which afterwards figured conspicuously in the Twelve Articles.
The first seat of the sanhedrin was at Jamnia (Yebna), where the Rabbinic system began to be formulated.
An axiom based upon this view has been formulated, and although paradoxical it may well be quoted here.
Motawakkil, in 850, formulated an edict by which these sectaries were compelled to wear a distinctive dress and to distinguish their houses by a figure of the devil nailed to the door, excluding them at the same time from all public employments, and forbidding them to send their children to Moslem schools.
Historically this doctrine was formulated as the declaration of independence of the insurgents in revolt against the pretensions of absolutist logic. It drew for support upon the psychological movement that begins with Fries and Herbart.
There is similar difference of opinion as regards the statement that Archelaus formulated certain ethical doctrines.
The full working out is in general difficult, the comparatively simple problem of three bodies, for instance, in gravitational astronomy being still unsolved, but some general theorems can be formulated.
And accordingly it is exactly in connexion with these two incarnations of Vishnu, especially that of Krishna, that a new spirit was infused into the religious life of the people by the sentiment of fervent devotion to the deity, as it found expression in certain portions of the epic poems, especially the Bhagavadgita, and in the Bhagavatapurana (as against the more orthodox Vaishnava works of this class such as the Vishnupurana), and was formulated into a regular doctrine of faith in the Sandilya-sutra, and ultimately translated into practice by the Vaishnava reformers.
He caused a scheme of humanistic education to be formulated, and gave employment at his court to rhetoricians, of whom Alcuin was the most considerable.
He surpassed them both in the distinctness with which he saw results, and in the boldness with which he formulated and followed his conclusions.
As a part of the plans of the national government for reclamation of land in the arid states, imposing schemes have been formulated for such work in Colorado, including a great reservoir on the Gunnison.
His mind, strongly imbued with the theocratic ideal, saw more clearly than any other the enormous increase of influence which would accrue to a strictly celibate body of clergy, separated by their very ordination from the strongest earthly ties; and no statesman has ever pursued with greater energy and resolution a plan once formulated.
This reputation he owes partly to the vast fertility of his pen - according to the historian Sozomen he was credited with having written altogether 3,000,000 lines - partly to the elegance of his style and a certain measure of poetic inspiration, more perhaps to the strength and consistency of his personal character, and his ardour in defence of the creed formulated at Nicaea.
The legal, religious and other decisions formulated in the pontifical communications of one generation usually became the venerated teaching of the next, and a new class of literature thus sprang into existence.
They do not, however, exclude the possibility that by the side of the scholasticism of the early Jewish academical circles was the more popular thought which, forming a link between Jews and Christians, ultimately fell into neglect as Judaism and Christianity formulated their theologies.
It need not, therefore, surprise us that the man who formulated the sum of virtue in justice and benevolence was unable to be just to his own kinsfolk and reserved his compassion largely for the brutes, and that the delineator of asceticism was more than moderately sensible of the comforts and enjoyments of life.
The tres Daciae formed a commune in so far that they had a common capital, Sarmizegethusa, and a common diet, which discussed provincial affairs, formulated complaints and adjusted the incidence of taxation; but in other respects they were practically independent provinces, each under an ordinary procurator, subordinate to a governor of consular rank.
Finally, at the Riksdag of Vesteras, in 1544, though no definite confession of faith was formulated, a final breach was made with the traditions of the old religion.
Jevons arrived quite early in his career at the doctrines that constituted his most characteristic and original contributions to economics and logic. The theory of utility, which became the keynote of his general theory of political economy, was practically formulated in a letter written in 1860; and the germ of his logical principles of the substitution of similars may be found in the view which he propounded in another letter written in 1861, that "philosophy would be found to consist solely in pointing out the likeness of things."
Alphonso d'Albuquerque (q.v.), who succeeded Almeida in 1509, found it necessary to modify the policy formulated by his predecessor.
The ethical end is taken to be the idea of humanity, not in the abstract as formulated by Kant, but in the context of the state and of history.
Two laws were formulated by Savart with respect to the length of the continuous portion of a jet, and have been to a certain extent explained by Plateau.
The same men were not seldom assaulted under the name of "theists"; the later distinction between "theist" and "deist," which stamped the latter word as excluding the belief in providence or in the immanence of God, was apparently formulated in the end of the 18th century by those rationalists who were aggrieved at being identified with the naturalists.
These concessions, which were formulated in the so-called Compacts, granted to the Bohemians the right of communion in both kinds, and of preaching the gospel freely, and also to a certain extent limited the power of the clergy to acquire worldly goods.
The estates had at their meeting in March of the previous year drawn up a document consisting of twenty-five so-called Articles, which formulated their demands with regard to matters of religion.
Stoicism formulated a doctrine of providence or necessity.
The opinion that the whole plot was the work of Salisbury, that he acted as an agent provocateur and lured on his victims to destruction, repeated by some contemporary and later writers and recently formulated and urged with great ability, has no solid foundation.
According to all the authorities, the essential qualification for the title is the denial of certain beliefs which the Pharisees held to be implicitly contained in Scripture, and therefore necessarily part of Judaism as soon as they were formulated.
Kirchhoff's contributions to mathematical physics were numerous and important, his strength lying in his powers of stating a new physical problem in terms of mathematics, not merely in working out the solution after it had been so formulated.
Ten years before Buckle published his history, Karl Marx had already formulated the "economic theory of history."
In a book issued in 1921 in justification of his own actions, Mr. Lansing explained that he disagreed with Mr. Wilson on various points, including that of incorporation of the League of Nations in the Peace Treaty; but he was overtly responsible with him for signing the Treaty, and on his return to Washington he urged that the Treaty as formulated be adopted by the Senate.
Even before his graduation in September 17 20 as valedictorian and head of his class, he seems to have had a well formulated philosophy.
He edited his father's incomplete History of the Work of Redemption, wrote in answer to Stephen West, A Dissertation Concerning Liberty and Necessity (1797), which defended his father's work on the Will by a rather strained interpretation, and in answer to Chauncy on universal salvation formulated what is known as the " Edwardean," New England or Governmental theory of the atonement in The Necessity of the Atonement and its Consistency with Free Grace in Forgiveness (1785).
The question of aesthetics would then be formulated - What is it in things that makes them beautiful, and what is the relation of this aspect of the universe to its ultimate nature, as that is expounded in metaphysics?
The interest in abstract exposition of clearly formulated theological ideas is everywhere subordinate to the polemical purpose.
The Manchester Education Union and the Birmingham Education League had already formulated in the provinces the two opposing theories, the former standing for the preservation of denominational interests, the latter advocating secular rate-aided education as the only means of protecting Nonconformity against the Church.
In one of these papers Levy formulated the requirement now generally adopted in France that the vertical pressure at the upstream end of any joint, calculated by the law of uniformly varying stress, should not be less than that of the water pressure at the level of that joint in order to prevent intrusive water getting into the structure.
A vow or prayer formulated in or through a certain name was fraught with the prestige of him whose name it was.
After 1876 she had paid increasing attention to philosophy, with her friend Dr Robert Lewins, and the two had formulated a system of their own, which they called "HyloIdealism."
Edward was detained in the sonth for a year, partly by negotiations with France, partly by a renewed quarrel with his parliament, and during his absence Comyn recovered Stirling and most of the other places which had received English garrisons., It was not till 5300 that the king was able to resume the invasion of Scotland, with an army raised by grants of money that he had only bought by humiliating concessions to the will of his parliament, formulated in the Articuli super cartas which were drawn up in the March of that year.
As a formulated creed, the Druse system is not a thousand years old.
This is not fully formulated even in the Lutheran Formula of Concord, nor yet in the Calvinistic canons of Dort and Confession of Westminster, though these and other Protestant creeds have various instalments of the finished doctrine.
Much may be added to formulated belief; it is not admitted that anything has been or can be withdrawn.
Along with the fundamental doctrine, certain characteristics have always marked its professors; namely, a large degree of toleration, a minimizing of essentials, a repugnance to formulated creed, an historical study of Scripture.
Sometimes, again, whole theories of ethics have been formulated which can be seen in the end to be efforts to subordinate moral conceptions to conceptions belonging properly to institutions or departments of human thought and activity which the moral consciousness has itself originated.
He is hampered by a distinction between " absolute " and " relative " ethics definitely formulated in the last two chapters of The Data of Ethics.
Investigation shows that of these nineteen 2 only are valid, and rules have been formulated which give the reasons for the invalidity of the remaining 45.
The internal features of Genesis demand some formulated theory, more precise than the indefinite concessions of the 17th century, beyond which the opponents of modern literary criticism scarcely advance, and the Graf-Wellhausen theory, in spite of the numerous difficulties which it leaves untouched, is the only adequate starting-point for the study of the book.
The third point is that many theories which have been formulated with respect to such matters are unsatisfactory owing to the small amount of information concerning many of the tribes in the interior.
Finance was in a deplorable state, and as controller-general he formulated a new fiscal policy, consisting of neither fresh taxation nor loans,but of retrenchment.
Their influence was felt in the creeds which formulated the orthodox dogmas in regard to the Trinity and the Incarnation.
The interdependence of motion and force was not indeed formulated into definite laws by Galileo, but his writings on dynamics are everywhere suggestive of those laws, and his solutions of dynamical problems involve their recognition.
The constancy of this velocity in the case of the sun and a single planet is formulated in Kepler's second law.
Thus a hypothesis may be ruled out by principles or postulates without any reference to the concrete facts which belong to that division of the subject to explain which the hypothesis is formulated.
This theory of the atonement was formulated by Origen.
Dorner has formulated a theory which explains the development of the conception of Satan in the Holy Scriptures as in correspondence with an evolution in the character of Satan.
Keith Devlin Henri Poincaré formulated his now famous conjecture on topology exactly 100 years ago.
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The infallibility of the pope was not defined until 1870 at the Vatican Council; this definition does not constitute, strictly speaking, a dogmatic innovation, as if the pope had not hitherto enjoyed this privilege, or as if the Church, as a whole, had admitted the contrary; it is the newly formulated definition of a dogma which, like all those defined by the Councils,continued to grow into an ever more definite form, ripening, as it were, in the always living community of the Church.
Those who hold the latter opinion have been able to assert that since the Vatican Council no infallible definition had yet been formulated by the popes, while recognizing the supreme authority of the encyclicals of Leo XIII.
Against the first kind of argument, as formulated by Moses Mendelssohn, Kant advances the objection that, although we may deny the soul extensive quantity, division into parts, yet we cannot refuse to it intensive quantity, degrees of reality; and consequently its existence may be terminated not by decomposition, but by gradual diminution of its powers (or to use the term he coined for the purpose, by elanguescence).
The school of Cuvier was lamentably deficient in embryologists; and it was only in the course of the first thirty years of the igth century that Prevost and Dumas in France, and, later on, Ddllinger, Pander, von Bar, Rathke, and Remak in Germany, founded modern embryology; and, at the same time, proved the utter incompatibility of the hypothesis of evolution as formulated by Bonnet and Haller with easily demonstrable facts.
And as the hypothesis of " specific centres," thus formulated, was heterodox from the theological point of view, and unintelligible under its scientific aspect, it may be passed over without further notice, as a phase of transition from the creational to the evolutional hypothesis.
His claim to eminence rests on the facts that he developed and formulated the doctrines of the older Sceptics, and that he handed down a full and, on the whole, an impartial account of the members of his school.
He did not obey the laws of I linear perspective as they are formulated in the Occident, nor did he show cast shadows, but his aerial perspective and his foreshortening left nothing to be desired.
Petavius's great work De theologicis dogmatibus (especially the 1st vol., 1644) made the word " dogma " current for doctrines which were authoritative as formulated by the church.
But though he formulated no system of philosophy, and seemed to show the influence now of Plato, now of Kant, or of German thought as filtered through the brain of Coleridge, he was, like his American master, associate and friend, steadily optimistic, idealistic, individualistic. The teachings of William Ellery Channing a little before, as to the sacred inviolability of the human conscience - anticipating the later conclusions of Martineau - really lay at the basis of the work of most of the Concord transcendentalists and contributors to The Dial, of whom Alcott was one.
His ethical theory of "fitness" (see Ell-Tics) is formulated on the analogy of mathematics.
But whilst, in its more comprehensive acceptation, the term Hinduism would thus range over the entire historical development of Brahmanical India, it is also not infrequently used in a narrower sense, as denoting more especially the modern phase of Indian social and religious institutions - from the earlier centuries of the Christian era down to our own days - as distinguished from the period dominated by the authoritative doctrine of pantheistic belief, formulated by the speculative theologians during the centuries immediately succeeding the Vedic period (see Brahmanism).
He formulated the conception, therefore, of electric charge as consisting in a displacement taking place in the dielectric or electromagnetic medium (see Electrostatics).
Why, it is as easy to teach the name of an idea, if it is clearly formulated in the child's mind, as to teach the name of an object.
The Christian schoolmen formulated the rule called Occam 's Razor.
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To remove your eye makeup, use a cotton ball and an eye makeup cleanser that is specially formulated to dissolve shadows, liner and mascara.
If you regularly use a toothpaste formulated to whiten teeth, you may not notice much of a change.
Differently formulated from its competition, this mascara's wand dips into a makeup mixture that forms small "tubes" around your lashes, abolishing clumps, streaks, and flakes that are common culprits of most eye makeup products.
The SofTap® line of permanent cosmetics consists of gentle products formulated to make permanent makeup application as pain-free and easy as possible.
Some are formulated specifically to impart a bronze glow to the skin, for example, while others are made especially for individuals with exceptionally oily skin.
Inside the eye-catching packaging is a collection of multicolored powder pearls, formulated to brighten and even the skin tone.
For all other waterproof cosmetics, seek out cleansers specifically formulated for waterproof blends.
Not only are the prices right, the products are formulated to provide your skin with pampering, indulgent care.
There's even a lineup of "professional colors," which are created with the help of makeup artists and formulated to be even longer lasting than the basic colors.
Some women rely on other products not specifically formulated for removing eye makeup.
If your skin is naturally sensitive, you already recognize the importance of reading ingredient lists and remaining faithful to products that are formulated for your skin type.
The best eye makeup removers are formulated to wipe away the mess and leave behind smooth, refreshed, soft skin.
Though the American makeup remover is formulated to remove even waterproof products, this particular version is only available overseas.
For those seeking an organic approach to skincare, or for the many women who have sensitive skin that reacts negatively to traditionally formulated skin cosmetics, mineral makeup has proved worthy for many reasons.
The blushes, bronzers and foundations in this line are all powder formulated.
It was a brand I'd all but ignored for years, mainly because the colors seemed a bit too bland and not necessarily formulated with my coloring in mind.
Next up in my test run was the Face Contouring Trio, a set of three powders formulated to sculpt facial features, diminish the appearance of flaws and create a more polished look.
If you're using face paints, look specifically for products formulated in the United States.
Formulated to operate like liquid eyeliner, customers are encouraged to apply the product once a day.
New to the world of products formulated to extend the life of eye makeup, Trish McEvoy Eye Base Essentials is a newcomer to a line already chalk full of enticing color cosmetics, skincare products and fragrances.
Available in several colors, this base is formulated to do all of the above - and a little bit more.
Go there to learn how to apply all of his specially formulated products, or stay right here on Lovetoknow to learn how to properly use Shimmer and Sparkle.
All products are formulated with sustainable raw materials, and are great for folks with sensitive skin because they're paraben- and propylene glycol-free.
This lip color is formulated to do more than add color though.
Liparazzi Lip Gloss is formulated with a combination of Jojoba and Vitamin E to nourish and treat the lips.
The color base of most concealers formulated for blemishes is yellow or green.
Specially formulated foods that have higher amounts of nutrients or phytochemicals.
If you are really motivated, you can find specially formulated margarines.
If the adolescent has formulated a plan, ask for details.
Several manufacturers make flavored toothpaste specially formulated for dogs.
It is completely formulated in a laboratory, but often package labels bear the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) stamp of approval, meaning that the food has passed the AAFCO feeding trial.
Some companies conduct their own extensive feeding trials to ensure that their dog food is nutritionally balanced and formulated to maintain good health for a dog's entire lifetime.
Shampoos can be human beauty products or shampoos formulated especially for dogs.
Other dog shampoos are formulated to remove urine and food stains from your dog's coat.
Pro Plan Senior is formulated for the special needs of dogs aged seven and up.
Bramton Lawn Spot Away, sold at is formulated to restore a healthy pH to yellow spots and help the grass green up again.
An older dog requires a different diet, one that is specially formulated for the mature pet.
They come in colored-coded and clearly marked packages, formulated according to your pet's age and weight.
You can choose a specific flavor or opt for a variety specially formulated for your dog's size.
Puppy food is formulated with the extra calories your pet needs to support his rapid growth and energy level.
Foods formulated for large breed dogs are prepared with the growth needs of large dogs in mind.
The Lamb and Rice formula is formulated for dogs that may have allergies or whose owners just prefer the protein of easily digestible lamb for their dogs.
Chicken and Rice is formulated for dogs with food sensitivities and allergies.
Canidae Platinum is formulated for overweight and senior dogs that may need decreased calories with high nutrition.
Formulated specifically to be higher in protein and without carbohydrates, it mimics a diet that an animal would normally have if they were in the wild.
This food is specially formulated for great digestibility and absorption.
Halo has a separate dry dog food specially formulated for puppies and available in the same flavors as the dry adult dog food.
The approved labels read formulated to meet AAFCO's nutrient requirements.
Chicken Meal & Brown Rice Senior Dry Dog Food - Older dogs have different nutritional needs, and California Natural's answer is their senior dry dog food that is specially formulated to meet the needs of aging dogs.
Lamb Meal & Rice Adult Large Bites Dry Dog Food - Specially formulated for adult dogs, this dog food is made with 100 percent lamb meal, so it's the single meat source in this dog food.
In addition to the above adult dog foods, California Natural has foods specially formulated for puppies ages 12 to 18 months.
While a few flooring systems do require specially formulated glue be applied to each piece of laminate, some are been pre-glued at the factory and only require a damp sponge to re-activate the glue.
Specially formulated for poorly ventilated decks, docks and low to the ground decks where moisture is a problem, Sikkens Cetol SRD has exceptional performance and durability.
This organic lotion is formulated with a rich combination of essential oils and plant extracts designed just for babies.
This product is formulated with a mixture of high-quality natural oils and emulsifiers designed to be especially effective for hydrating the tender skin of babies.
Earthlings Organic Baby Wash and Cleanser is suitable for bathing babies who have extra-sensitive skin and is specially formulated to help prevent and control diaper rash and cradle cap.
Surya Color Fixation - Formulated to extend the color of dyed hair and to revitalize damaged hair to bring back shine.
The Henna Powder is formulated with 100 percent plant ingredients, enriched with vitamins and nutrients.
This will allow you to use a fertilizer formulated to the exact needs of your garden.
While human shampoos can actually damage a dog's fur, dog shampoo is formulated to work with a dog's special grooming needs.
At an organic dog groomers, you can expect all of the products to be formulated with organic ingredients and to be gentle on your dog's skin.
Medications - Some medications are formulated to cause a chemical reaction in the brain, which in turn, can result in a night terror.
This collection was formulated to appear modern, chic, detailed and stylish.
These are specially formulated polymers that are literally fused into the lenses.
Culture-A test in which a sample of body fluid is placed on materials specially formulated to grow microorganisms.
Recommended dosages vary with age, so parents should be should to give vitamins to children that are specially formulated for children.
Oral rehydrating solutions are formulated based on physiological properties.
The drug is formulated for IM administration only.
Creams, lotions, or ointments not specifically formulated for dermatitis can intensify the irritation.
These elite salon products were first introduced in 1979 by a father-son duo, the father of which also formulated the popular Redken line.
These specially formulated products are designed to combat the detrimental effects of aging on hair, including damage caused by years of mistreatment.
Today, Matrix provides a number of exceptional hair products specially formulated for different types of hair without sacrificing the company's commitment to quality.
To counteract those changes, consider using shampoo and conditioner specially formulated to deeply moisturize hair and keep it soft and supple.
The Frederic Fekkai glossing products consist of shampoos, conditioners, and hair treatments such as mists and styling creams that are formulated with small amounts of olive oil.
This is why Fekkai specially formulated his Apple Cider Vinegar Clarifying Shampoo which works alongside a Clearing Rinse to remove residual styling product build-up.
This is why he has formulated his personal hair care line, Jonathan Product, using de-ionized water, and has ensured that each of his fabulous shampoos and styling aids are completely free of sodium lauryl sulfates.
The Brunette Goddess Shampoo is a color enhancing shampoo specifically formulated to preserve the color tones of brunette hair.
Fortunately, Tigi has formulated several treatments to aid in the preservation of your hair.The Dumb Blonde Reconstructor is a leave-in treatment that can be used either in the shower or overnight.
Dermo-calm is formulated for sensitive scalps.
Nioxin also manufactures several hair product lines that either aid in the repair of damaged strands or are formulated to enhance volume and shine.
Facial hair-off cream specially formulated for the more sensitive skin of the upper lip, chin, and cheeks.
All products are formulated with sustainable, organic or renewable plant-based ingredients, as well as non-petroleum minerals.
Pur Hair does offer a limited number of styling products that are specially formulated to continue offering hair color protection long after the initial treatment.
Paul Mitchell's InkWorks is a collection of colors formulated to bring out that creative, edgy streak you've kept hidden away.
Use high quality hair products including shampoo and conditioner specially formulated for the exact hair type for at least a month prior to the wedding to be sure hair is properly cared for.
People tend to buy products that contain the newest ingredients, formulated from cutting edge technology.
The "normal" blend of Herbal Essences shampoo is formulated to provide balanced moisture and healthy cleansing for average hair types.
In effect, every shampoo from Herbal Essences is "normal" because everyone's hair is normal, and the shampoos are formulated to promote the type of hair style the user wants.
Use specially formulated shampoos for color treated hair so the color will last as long as possible.
Not only will your color require constant touch-ups, you'll always want to have your color formulated by the best colorist you can afford.
This combination hair-loss therapy program includes specially formulated shampoos and conditioners, a hair-growth stimulating solution, vitamins and a series of monthly appointments at a local Hair Club office for treatments.
Redken hair color is specifically formulated only for use in salons, and the company's certified colorists are trained to give superior service and provide top-notch results.
Formulated in a gel cream consistency, you can add shine, take control and help define curls in just one step.
Choose from specially formulated shampoos to revitalize, clarify or protect your hair, and finish up with matching conditioners or other hair treatments.
Some kits are formulated for use anywhere on the body while others are specifically for certain parts of the body, like the bikini area.
Raztec has a physician formulated ant-inflammatory shampoo and DHT inhibiting spray called Crinagen that when working together can successfully prevent DHT from reaching hair follicles.
This rate is formulated from the rates being offered by 16 contributor panel banks.
While all brands of birth control pills work to prevent pregnancy, each pill is formulated slightly differently.
Even if you do choose to stick to pet food flakes, the diet should be specially formulated for a box turtle and fed in the right amount according to each turtle's size.
Always use a cleaner formulated especially for swimwear, and be sure to wash suits after each day's swim.
Eddie Bauer trunks, for example, are formulated with SPF 40, which promises to block more than 95% of ultraviolet rays.
Instead, use a mild garment wash like Woolite or some other brand of cleanser formulated especially for use with swimwear and lingerie.
Finally, they sell specially formulated baby sunscreen, so you have the added bonus of one-stop shopping for all your sun fun needs.
There are plenty of specialty products formulated for situations like this, so don't just grab the first thing you see on the shelf.
Each Probiotic Pearl is formulated with True Delivery Technology, trademarked by the company, ensuring proper delivery of the enzymes to the intestines.
There are even Carlson fish oil products formulated especially for kids, so it is easy to find one that works for the unique needs of each member of your family.
Boku Superfood was designed and formulated by a licensed Naturopathic Doctor, with the intention of creating a high quality and nutritious product for people who would like a simple way to add more fruits and vegetables to their diet.
MemoRise is a supplement specially formulated to support mental health and claims to reduce common problems associated with memory and absentmindedness.
Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C is a specially formulated vitamin supplement manufactured by LivOn Laboratories.
In addition to stand alone vitamins, there are a number of vitamin blends that have been specially formulated to address hair regrowth issues.
Nioxin Intensive Therapy Recharging Complex - This herbal multivitamin blend is formulated to promote hair, skin, and nail growth.
Prostrex is formulated to help reduce inflammation and enlargement of the prostrate.
Mold release is a specially formulated substance that will help to release a candle from the mold.
Fragrance diffuser oils have been formulated specifically for use with fragrance diffusers.
Diffuser oils are perfect for using with fragrance reeds as the carrier oil, which is the oil that the essential oil or synthetic fragrance oil has been blended with, has been specially formulated to carry the oils through the reed.
Synthetic fragrance oils have the advantage of being specially formulated and developed for home fragrance purposes, therefore are often stronger and longer lasting than some essential oils.
Jazz dance costumes aren't usually like ballet costumes; they're not always formulated to show off every flinch of a muscle.
Once you have formulated the words, the next step is to select the vehicle that will distribute them.
Horoscopes are formulated by first analyzing which traits a person has because of the position of the planets when that person was born, and secondly, where the planets will be in the near future.
As with human food, the quality ranges from the very basic foods to high-quality dog foods that are formulated for special diets or conditions.
Specially formulated glue holds all the pieces together so you are unlikely to be hobbling around with a broken strap anytime soon.
This ink is formulated to glow under a UV light without any of the harmful affects of other chemical mixtures.
Whether your floor is hardwood or laminate Mannington Ultra Clean has been formulated to handle your cleaning needs.
If your hardwood floor has been stained, it may be possible to remove the stain with a cleaner formulated for hardwood flooring, but always read the label carefully and test the cleaner in an inconspicuous area first.
If you don't feel comfortable creating your own cleaning solution, you can purchase specifically formulated products from patio furniture supply stores.
Glycerin soap from the store is not formulated to be melted or re-used.
So often, diet food is considered to be laboratory formulated meals altered to offer less fat or sugar.
Many satin robes can be laundered at home using a gentle cycle and detergent formulated for delicates.
However, by following a basic skin care route that pairs using products specially formulated for dry skin with proper nutrition, you can keep your dry skin can looking and feeling great.
Toners or astringents formulated for acne-prone skin remove the excess surface oil that can cause breakouts.
However, using a light, non-greasy moisturizer formulated for your skin type will keep your skin hydrated while preventing future breakouts.
Many more companies offer products formulated to make the skin look younger.
Alpha hydroxy is also formulated in lower concentrations for daily home use.
This company offers a range of vitamin and mineral supplements formulated to increase skin elasticity, manage weight, and improve skin health.
Use small amounts of soaps or cleansers specifically formulated for babies, and take care to wash gently with a soft cloth.
Older children can be bathed more frequently, but continue using gentle products formulated for babies to protect the skin from drying out.
Be sure to use a sunscreen with a high SPF that is specially formulated for babies.
These items are made with DHC's signature olive oil and botanicals, but they are formulated especially for masculine skin.
The Obagi-C Rx system is formulated for people with mild to moderate sun damage.
Since every product is formulated with vitamin C, Obagi-C Rx delivers much higher doses of the vitamin than other leading products.
What was once merely cleansers and moisturizers is now a vast, almost dizzying array of products formulated to treat everything from acne to aging.
Their anti-aging line is very popular, and they also have products formulated for other skin types and problems, such as acne-prone skin and hyperpigmented skin.
The M.D. Forte skin care regime involves using specific products formulated for your skin type and condition in the morning and evening to obtain desired results.
They are formulated to resemble a pH balance that is closer to that of natural skin, so the products work with minimal irritation.
Mass-produced soaps contain synthetic ingredients formulated to remove dirt and oil, while a natural cleansing bar uses organic ingredients for its cleaning power.
The Body Shop's Tea Tree Oil collection is formulated to dry up acne without drying up the surrounding skin.
For those with acne-prone skin, try a cream cleanser specifically formulated for acne, such as Neutrogena Oil Free Acne Wash Cream Cleanser.
Formulated to combat the signs of aging in the delicate eye area, these creams contain wrinkle-fighting, line-inhibiting, collagen-producing ingredients that carry with them the allure of smooth, supple, youthful skin.
It contains ingredients formulated to refresh and energize the skin leaving a healthy, revitalized glow.
The result was SolarNail® Liquid, a blend of oils and vitamin E formulated to penetrate and protect the nails and surrounding skin.
Penny Price Massage Cream, formulated for the head and neck, is manufactured using grapefruit, peppermint, chamomile, and rosemary.
Clean & Clear Advantage is formulated to eliminate them using gentle, effective ingredients.
This collection is formulated to wake up the skin and leave you looking awake and glowing.
Many are formulated with particular skincare needs in mind.
Each Yon-Ka item is formulated with a combination of ingredients contained in plant and marine extracts, including vitamins, fruit acids and trace elements.
Yon-Ka's plant- and marine-infused products are all gentle, but select products are formulated to work specifically on skin that is extra-sensitive or problematic.
Consumers around the world rely on L'Oreal sunscreen, which is formulated to provide effective protection against harmful solar rays.
Not limited solely to sunscreen, the line includes a variety of items formulated to provide the strongest and most effective line of defense against harmful rays.
Active Anti-Wrinkle and Brown Spot is a facial cream formulated to protect against premature aging and the development of age spots, which are typically caused by the sun.
You can keep your baby hydrated with a variety of fluids and protect their skin from distressing sunburns by applying a specially formulated sunscreen.
Fortunately, the market is saturated with products formulated to maintain the skin's natural moisture.
This unique cream is formulated for individuals with aging skin.
Cetaphil's moisturizing cream is formulated specifically for chronic dry skin, and it's especially ideal for individuals who deal with sensitivity.
Ideal for individuals with acne-prone skin, this product is formulated to work on even the most stubborn blemishes.
Decleor specializes in elegant skin care products formulated for various types.
Formulated to combat excess oil and control shine, these types of products can mean the difference between an uncontrollably slick surface and a fresh face!
They're formulated to make the experience more relaxing, therapeutic and healing to the mind and body.
If you're searching specifically for items formulated to counter the harmful effects of free radicals, you may want to keep an eye out for antioxidants skin care products.
These over-the-counter and prescription products typically contain a combination of strong ingredients formulated to attack the blemish, minimize the chances of future breakouts and reduce excess oil (which contributes to acne formation).
Fortunately, for every over-the-counter and prescription treatment available on the market today, there is a natural treatment formulated to provide similar benefits.
Juice Beauty's Blemish Clearing Serum contains organic apple, lemon, raw cane sugar, vitamin antioxidants and co-enzyme Q10, all formulated to clear blemishes and even the skin tone.
Serums, eye creams, moisturizers, sunscreens and even cosmetics all pack a powerful combination of ingredients formulated to diminish the appearance of aging skin.
The award-winning lineup is formulated to pamper and protect.
Many are formulated specifically for aging skin.
Whether it's foundation packed with sunscreen or an anti-stretch mark cream suddenly touted as the new wrinkle erasing miracle, there's simply no dearth of skin care products formulated to help us reclaim our lost youth.
Formulated to really attack the deepest of lines, these creams are known to work over a period of time and result in smoother, more youthful skin.
Many products are formulated to work overnight, while others are ideal to wear underneath makeup during the day.
There are "deep" products formulated for everything from the face to the hands.
This serum is formulated to hit those deep wrinkles at their core, decompress them and essentially lend the skin a fuller, smoother appearance.
All three products are formulated to stimulate the skin's renewal process, smooth lines on the face and neck, reduce crow's feet and signs of photo aging, prevent premature aging on younger skins and firm the skin.
When undergoing or recovering from chemotherapy or radiation, it is important to use specially formulated creams and lotions to protect and heal the skin, and Lindi cancer skin care products are some of the best.
The Lindi Soothing Balm is specially formulated to hydrate and prevent skin from further dryness.
Scented formulas can be synthetically formulated or naturally formulated with the use of essential oils.
Designed to address the effects of sun exposure and subsequent aging signs, the products are formulated with nine anti-aging elements, known as RE9.
The collection includes a daily cleanser, exfoliating mask, daily balancer (formulated to remove any lingering traces of cleanser), lightweight moisturizing cream for day and night and eye cream.
This is thanks to the various dermatological procedures available, each formulated to give the skin a smoother, healthier appearance.
Look for moisturizers that are formulated for African American skin that is oily or prone to blemishes.
Purchase sunblocks that are formulated for sensitive skin.
Avoiding oil in products, using products that are formulated for people with sensitive, acne prone skin, and eating a healthy diet is a step in the right direction.
Black Opal has an Acne and Blemish Control Complexion Bar, formulated to unclog pores and reduce shine, according to the Black Opal web site.
You'll find plenty of treatments formulated to heal the itch and calm the situation down.
Easily one of the most buzzed-about lines to hit the skincare industry in years, Olay Pro X is formulated to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles in 28 days.
The Olay Pro X line, then, is formulated to repair weakened moisture barriers in aging skin by increasing the cellular turnover rate.
The lotion is formulated for daytime use.
Wrinkle Smoothing Cream is formulated to smooth uneven skin, revealing supple texture on the face and neck.
This small collection is formulated to target various skin issues that may occur due to aging.
In fact, there has been such intense focus on its potential dangers in the media that many skincare manufacturers have formulated aluminum free antiperspirants to offer consumers another option.
Note that antiperspirants and deodorants are two different things completely - deodorant is formulated to mask odor, while antiperspirant blocks sweat.
It is formulated to absorb quickly without leaving any greasy residue behind.
It's gentle enough to use even on the face, and is formulated to calm extremely dry, uncomfortable skin.
While the active acne-fighting ingredients are the same as those found in skin care products tailored to teens, the cosmetics formulated for adult women are less drying, and many also feature anti-aging ingredients.
Find a cleanser specially formulated for acne or acne-prone skin.
Age Less 15 is an innovative serum formulated to essentially "correct" aging skin within six to fourteen weeks of regular usage.
A unique blend of ingredients, including plant extracts, are formulated to help stretch marks look smaller and less obvious.
However, it is important to keep in mind that the creams are formulated specifically for treating stretch marks, so they may not work as effectively at treating acne scars as a product designed to treat acne scars.
These creams are specifically formulated for blemishes and use on the face.
Although Avon stetch mark creams are not formulated for acne marks, since they are designed to reduce scarring, they may be able to lessen blemish scars.
While a standard sunscreen can be applied to the scalp and hair as needed rather than a specific hair product, those formulated for hair and scalp use will help combat excessive product build up.
The OPI Axxium Soak Off Gel Lacquer isn't permanent, per se, but it is formulated to last longer than the OPI nail polishes you purchase at the salon.
Unlike at-home manicures, which many women know begin to chip at the first sign of any type of activity, the Axxium manicure is formulated to last for at least two weeks.
The long wearing OPI gel nail polish color is formulated to easily soak off within several weeks of application.
Formulated to eliminate the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, many anti-aging products are quite effective.
Not surprisingly, many of them have hopped on the anti-aging skincare bandwagon and started to offer treatments and specialized products formulated to eradicate lines, wrinkles and age spots.
The Revelage series is formulated specifically to stop the signs of aging by targeting problems with special botanical blends.
They are formulated in Switzerland at the Arbonne Institute of Research and Development (AIDR) and manufactured in the United States.
The Arbonne FC5 line features four products formulated for normal to dry skin.
Cream is formulated for normal, dry, and even the most sensitive skin.
Intensive Eye Cream is formulated with a higher level of kinetin to deeply moisturize the delicate skin around the eyes.
The RevitaLift system is formulated to fight the signs of aging.
Nail Envy is a highly effective nail strengthener formulated with wheat protein and calcium.
Clinique Deep Comfort is formulated to alleviate dry skin through a potent formula that essentially drenches the skin with long-lasting moisture.
It is formulated with ingredients like salicylic acid, squalene and shea butter, which work together to slough off dead skin cells and reveal the smooth, supple layer underneath.
As the war raged on longer than anyone expected, the Confederate War Department formulated a system to issue uniforms and other equipment needed for the Confederate volunteer regiments.
Once you have formulated an idea of how you want your web page to look begin searching free designs so you won't waste time trudging through things that you really are not interested in.
While I hadn't formulated in my mind how to tackle the problem, I resolved to attack it one on one and keep animosity at bay.
Betty-Boop or whatever your name is, if you tarry much longer I may be forced to introduce myself, though taking you, at least at this time, would cause a mild alteration to my carefully formulated plans.
Having once formulated his idea, he made it more general in order to apply it to the history of all nations.
Praetor ius's Cammerton, or chamber pitch, formulated in his diagrams for voices and instruments, is, he says, a whole tone higher; equivalent, therefore, to a' 475.65.
It was at such an inopportune time that the most extensive combination of Labour yet brought into action against capital formulated its demands.
In 1868 the International Bureau of Telegraphic Administrations was constituted at Berne, and a convention was formulated by which a central office was appointed to collect and publish information and generally to promote the interests of international telegraphy.
It is generally stated that this argument was for the first time definitely formulated in Aristotle's philosophy.
Free will had not yet been formulated as a problem.
Free will is shaping itself towards discussion in Aristotle's Ethics, but is hardly yet a formulated problem.
The sovereigns of Sardinia, Naples, Portugal and Spain were dethroned, the pope was driven from Rome, the Rhine Confederation was extended till France obtained a footing on the Baltic, the grand-duchy of Warsaw was reorganized and strengthened, the promised evacuation of Prussia was indefinitely postponed, an armistice between Russia and Turkey was negotiated by French diplomacy in such a way that the Russian troops should evacuate the Danubian principalities, which Alexander intended to annex to his empire, and the scheme for breaking up the Ottoman empire and ruining England by the conquest of India, which had been one of the most attractive baits in the Tilsit negotiations, but which had not been formulated in the treaty, was no longer spoken of.
The resistance to motion round a curve has not been so systematically studied that any definite rule can be formulated applicable to all classes of rolling stock and all radii of curves.
France began to move in this direction in 1865, and has formulated elaborate provisions for their construction and regulation.
In December 1793 was issued the first number of the Vieux Cordelier, which was at first directed against the Hebertists and approved of by Robespierre, but which soon formulated Danton's idea of a committee of clemency.
These laws, as formulated by him, are that (1) there is a coincidence of form of the anterior palatal and of the cranium in birds of the same order; (2) there is a likeness between the anterior palatal bones in birds of the same order; (3) there are relations of likeness 1 The title of the English translation is Johannes Muller on Certain Variations in the Vocal Organs of the Passeres that have hitherto escaped notice.
Some of the theories regarding miracles which have been formulated may be mentioned.
On Christmas day 1201, Philip, Alexius and Boniface all met at Hagenau 1 and formulated (one may suppose) a plan for the diversion of the Crusade.
They, therefore, through a convention at Buhler's Plains (July 17, 1810), formulated plans for a more effective government.
Mitscherlich in 1820; and he confirmed his conclusions by showing the agreement with the law of atomic heat formulated by Dulong and Petit in 1819.
Dumas repudiated the accusation, affirming that he held exactly contrary views to Laurent; but only to admit their correctness in 1839, when, from his own researches and those of Laurent, Malaguti and Regnault, he formulated his type theory.
Meyer formulated these compounds as nitroximes or nitro-isnitroso derivatives, viz.
To the student of ecclesiastical history it is remarkable as exhibiting a form of Christianity widely divergent from the prevalent types, being a religious fellowship which has no formulated creed demanding definite subscription, and no liturgy, priesthood or outward sacrament, and which gives to women an equal place with men in church organization.
There Arianism was formulated and there Athanasius, the great opponent of both heresy and pagan reaction, worked and triumphed.
All of Arbonne's skin care products are formulated at the Arbonne Institute of Research and Development in Switzerland and made in the United States.