Formers Sentence Examples
The formers Roman ambition was made more and more plainly visible by the occupation of the kingdom of Naples and of the Marches,and the entry,of Miollis into Rome; while Junot invaded Portugal, Radet laid hands on the pope himself, and Murat took possession of formerly Roman Spain, whither Joseph was afterwards to be transferred.
I can still see undignified fifth formers being forced to put on caps before being allowed to leave.
Only sixth formers were allowed to use the center staircase.
The report will be presented to the City's key opinion formers at next Tuesday's APCIMS annual conference in London.
Instead of changing the existing law these opinion formers simply let deregulation occur through the back door.
They sold the glasses to sixth- formers and staff, and to members of the public at Wymondham's Dickensian evening.
Sixth formers are role models for the rest of the school, setting a standard to strive for.
In order to maintain porosity, pore formers such as starch, carbon, or thermosetting resins are added.
The management of finance was scarcely satisfactory, for though Giolitti, who had succeeded Magliani and Perazzi at the treasury, suppressed the formers illusory pension fund, he lacked the fibre necessary to deal with the enormous deficit of nearly 10,000,000 in 1888-1889, the existence of which both i Perazzi and he had recognized.
The second has a very small area, showing that the work done in reversing the magnetization is small; the metal is therefore adapted for use in alternating current trans formers.
AdvertisementThis intention produced me dissensions among the Habsburgs, especially between impertal the emperor and his brother Ferdinand, and other SUCCeS causes were at work, moreover, to undermine the 51011, formers position.
All the Protestant re - formers are of theological importance - Luther, Melanchthon and 1 " Mystical Theology " is described in Addis and Arnold's Catholic Dictionary as a " branch " of Moral Theology.