Formality Sentence Examples
The words of formality trailed off as she stared at the room.
Usually they have an element of formality.
While the number of attendants varies based on the event formality, there will generally be fewer attendants for vow renewal ceremonies.
Dusty was a stickler for formality from his men, while Jule's hemisphere was far more relaxed.
If you are unsure of the formality of an event and want to be sure you are not over or underdressed, it's usually a good idea to contact your hostess.
The key to choosing the perfect gown for your perfect day is to match your dress to the overall theme and formality of the wedding.
Be sure to match the formality of the bag to the event.
The location will dictate the number of people invited and the formality of the renewal ceremony.
Be sure to choose stationary to print the reception invitation on that is fitting with the formality of the wedding.
Some also include weaved bodices with pearl accents while others feature crinoline slips for added formality.
AdvertisementBefore you begin shopping, take the time to decide on the formality of the outfit you want to purchase.
Guests thrive on the formality of the QM2; it is often the reason passengers select this ship for their cruises to the Mediterranean, Caribbean, and across the Atlantic.
Hair should be more coifed with the traditional business look, and accessories such as stainless steel watches or cuff links can add an extra boost of formality.
You can then sport this ensemble to cocktail parties, dinner dates or any event that calls for well-dressed chic without too much formality.
At the same time, it is also important to recognize that attention to formality was not abandoned altogether.
AdvertisementChoose an all-sequin top if you seek attention, formality and fanciness, or opt for sequined accent pieces if you just want to dress up your everyday wardrobe a bit.
The theme of the wedding plays a large part in dictating the formality of wedding gowns for plus sized women.
Once you have decided on your theme and the level of formality, you can move on to the thrill of examining and choosing the fabric and style for your wedding gown.
Formality of office - Some specialists are in traditional medical facitilities.
Much more formality is kept between the student and the teacher, with ritualized greetings and farewells during every lesson.
AdvertisementEventually, officially-recognized music with specific beats became assigned to each dance, each one being a unique mixture of Latin dance, African drum beats, and European formality.
The formality of a ceremony is very helpful for children.
Take care to balance your look carefully with the formality of the event, the design of your dress, and your other accessories, including jewelry and makeup.
Dark denim stands up to the formality of evening cocktails and instantly slims your figure.
The key is matching your outfit to the formality of the event to avoid being under or overdressed.
AdvertisementThere are some who question the actual "formality" of pants to begin with.
The signature is more of a formality as the receiver most assuredly knows who has sent the note, but it is courteous to do so.
In those situations, courtship was not much of an issue, but more a formality.
Use a colon after the greeting to show formality.
In this version, the "I'm Going to Grandma's House" formality is done away with.
Politeness, formality, respect, and knowledge of basic French phrases are gateways to winning help and assistance on your trip.
More than likely, the relationship you have with a supervisor or executive warrants telling them in person, and thus, the letter of resignation is a company formality.
In many cases, this letter is a formality only.
An internal plan, such as a strategic plan, needs not have this level of formality to it.
A formal letter of request has a touch more formality to it and follows a strict business letter format and protocol.
Another benefit of downloading an invitation is the ability to choose the specific invitation paper, which can further customize the correspondence for any level of formality.
Even a casual tea party is still a tea party, and the theme indicates a certain level of formality.
The wording will give insight into the party's formality and give the guests additional information beyond the typical "who, what, when and where" of most invites.
Both the wording and images need to convey the party theme, formality and information clearly.
You could even have some fun with a Halloween tea party, if you're not too concerned with tradition and formality!
Plated dinners will lend a formality to the party.
It is not permissible to wear uniform A for these activities due to its formality.
Each was nearly a copy of the others, unremarkable in its cold formality.
But it's just a formality.
That's what matters, not a formality that only creates more stress.
Here the tenancy ends on the expiry of the prescribed term, without notice to quit or any other formality.
But this was a mere legal formality, and on the whole the marriage seems to have met the views of both parties, 'neither of whom had any affection for the other.
In Hindu law a Gandharva marriage is one contracted by mutual consent and without formality.
In all formality, he abdicates the throne and his position as king.
However, a dress shorter or longer than the bridesmaids' dresses is acceptable as long as it is the same level of formality.
Should you choose to have the men wear jackets, you may not want to add a tie, depending on the formality of your wedding.
Crazy grooms cakes can be a fun way to indulge in the wild side and celebrate the groom during the wedding festivities without jeopardizing the formality of the actual wedding cake.
A fun and outrageous groom's cake can be a great way to relieve wedding planning stress and to enjoy a more unique dessert without sacrificing the traditional formality of the wedding cake.
This will keep the formality consistent throughout the wedding party and give your best friends a chance to feel gorgeously glamorous at the same time.
This means that there are a wide variety of different styles and types to choose from to match your wedding theme, formality, and style.
Of course, a caterer will add a bit of sophistication to the occasion and perhaps even bring a bit of formality to an otherwise casual menu.
Depending on the wedding's formality, another alternative to the jacket is to slip on an elegant dolman sleeve cardigan.
In addition, even if you have the perfect fall fashion trend and fabric, you still need to remember to dress for the formality of the wedding.
Choose the fabric and style of outfit that coincides with the formality of the wedding.
While you should still pay attention to formality, you usually have a little more leeway in dressing children for comfort at a September wedding than with adults.
The right wedding wear for women guests depends not only the formality of the wedding itself, but also the woman's personal style and preferences.
Classic dress shapes, like the a-line and sheath dress, are perfect choices for a wedding of any formality.
Whether they're dressing for comfort, formality, or shock value, these celebrities have made an impression on the fashion world.
In fact, many parents purposely avoid putting very dressy clothing on their young children because they don't want to worry about keeping the clothes clean or because they prefer comfort over formality.
Similar to mailed announcements, however, an email engagement announcement should follow the same relative level of formality as the upcoming nuptials.
As long as you give guests the information they need, offer some clues about the formality level of your event, and make everyone feel welcome, you really can't go wrong with the way you word your invitation for this special event.
When it comes to engagement party invitation protocol, let the formality level of the party guide your invitation choice.
Though writing character references involves less formality than writing an employment reference, you will want to follow the correct letter layout.
Her artists and artisans alike aim at symmetry, not by an equal division of parts, as we do, but rather by a certain balance of corresponding parts, each different from the other, and not numerically even, with an effect of variety and freedom from formality.
The third session of the diet-13th of May to 13th of June 1825 - was a mere formality.
This is a formality of unwritten terms only, he said.
Members decided to observe the formality of reappointing the current auditor in order to meet its statutory mandate.
A punt seemed a formality, but the ball was snapped directly to Barry Murphy who successfully converted for a first down.
He was only twelve when, without the formality of an examination, he became a midshipman.
None has the routine formality, the writing to a formula, which we find in the works of other pretenders to the title.
Agents who previously shunned formality can now be expected to seek formal agreements.
This ' boy ' has a tie on, perhaps signifying age or formality, yet he is sitting in a tree house.
By far the most frequent and important of the religious ceremonies is that of baptism (masbutha), which is called for in a great variety of cases, not only for children but for adults, where consecration or purification is required, as for example on all Sundays and feast days, after contact with a dead body, after return from abroad, after neglect of any formality on the part of a priest in the discharge of his functions.
The manumissio minus justa was effected by a sufficient manifestation of the will of the master, as by letter, by words, by putting the pileus (or cap of liberty) on the slave, or by any other formality which had by usage become significant of the intention to liberate, or by such an act as making the slave the guardian of his children.
In the 8th century Charlemagne, through the Capitularies, tried in vain to galvanize preaching; such specimens as we have show the sermons of the times to be marked by superstition, ignorance, formality and plagiarism.
A man in intellect and courage, yet without conceit or bravado; a woman in sensibility and tenderness, yet without shrinking or weakness; a saint in purity of life and devotion of heart, yet without asceticism or religiosity; a knight-errant in hatred of wrong and contempt of baseness, yet without self-righteousness or cynicism; a prince in dignity and courtesy, yet without formality or condescension; a poet in thought and feeling, yet without jealousy or affectation; a scholar in tastes and habits, yet without aloofness or bookishness; a dutiful son, a loving husband, a judicious father, a trusty friend, a useful citizen and an enthusiastic patriot, - he united in his strong, transparent humanity almost every virtue under heaven.
Hassidic Jews came a close second for their distinctive black and white formality softened by casual unbuttoned jackets and stringy hair bangs.
Although much care is used when selecting a given name for a Chinese baby, that name is more of a formality and often not even used in the typical Chinese home.
Finally, closed toe pumps suggest a formality; they may also be best for a chilly winter wedding.
Bridesmaid dress styles range in formality from super casual prints to formal floor-length ball gowns, just like wedding dresses.
This will avoid both of you showing up in the same dress or wearing gowns of opposite formality.
Let your invitation tell your guests what kind of celebration they will be attending - the colors, the theme, the level of formality.
Color can be used to reflect many different aspects of your wedding - the season, the location, or the level of formality.
Day time weddings mean more casual tuxedos while night time dictates formality.
Since the mother of the groom's dress should match the bridesmaids' dresses in formality,many mothers choose to have a similar dress length.
Much of his now ample income is believed to have been spent in secret charities, and he kept a simple table at which, "without the formality of an invitation, he was always happy to receive his friends."
After a long trial, carried out with elaborate formality and great unfairness, the unhappy Joan was found guilty of proclaiming as divine visions what were delusions of the evil one, or of her own vain imagination, and when she persisted in maintaining their reality she was declared a relapsed heretic, and burnt at Rouen on the 30th of May 1431.
In 1830 his father caused him to be crowned king of Hungary, a pure formality, which gave him no power, and was designed to avoid possible trouble in the future.
The situation of Athens relatively to the surrounding objects is singularly harmonious; for, while it forms a central point, so as to be the eye of the plain, and while the altar-rock of the Acropolis and the hills by which it is surrounded are conspicuous from every point of view, there is no such exactness in its position as to give formality, since it is nearer to the sea than to Parnes, and nearer to Hymettus than to Aegaleos.
It wanted the element of legality, or at least of formality, which distinguished both these bodies.
Under Owen scholastic studies were maintained with a formality and dogmatism unsuited to Locke's free inquisitive temper.
This formality having been gone through, the flight of the first bird which passed over the body was watched, the direction being regarded as that in which the sorcerer must be sought.
The fathers, who were filled with suspicion, would only allow the legates of the pope to preside over them on condition of their recognizing the superiority of the council; the legates ended by submitting to this humiliating formality, but in their own name only, thus reserving the judgment of the Holy See.
It is said that the people wept as they passed by; but if so this may have been a customary formality, for the religion of these nations must have quenched all human sympathy.
This was at the time regarded merely as a formality imposed by circumstances, and one not to be seriously entertained; but it became more and more evident that the recovery of the temporalities was the real mainspring of Leo's whole policy.
On the continent of Europe the classic example is still the Jardin des Plantes in Paris, where, however, system lends more of formality than of beauty to the general effect.
They originally summoned the comitia curiata, and when its meetings became merely a formality, acted as the representatives of that assembly.
Following the example set by Maximilian he called himself emperor without waiting for the formality of a coronation at Rome.
Until 1904 the finances of Korea were completely disorganized; the currency was chaotic, and the budget was an official formality making little or no attempt at accuracy.
Such a man expresses his ideas much better by word of mouth than in the cold formality of print; and Fenelon's contemporaries thought far more highly of his conversation than his books.
Before the year i 180 Bruges was the recognized capital of Flanders, and the formality of proclaiming the new counts was always performed on the marche du vendredi, where the railway station is to-day.
The prince walked in quickly and jauntily as was his wont, as if intentionally contrasting the briskness of his manners with the strict formality of his house.
His first interview was disappointing; the coldness and formality of the aged philosopher checked the enthusiasm of the young disciple, though it did not diminish his reverence.
Belts of shrubbery may be placed round the slips outside the walls; and these may in many cases, or in certain parts, be of sufficient breadth to furnish pleasant retired promenades, at the same time that they serve to mask the formality of the walled gardens, and are made to harmonize with the picturesque scenery of the pleasure ground.
The election itself might, and did, become a mere formality; but the condition precedent of election, the acceptance of the charter, invariably limiting the royal authority, remained a reality.
The formality and conventional grace of the epistle were elements with which the leaders of romantic revival were out of sympathy, and it was not cultivated to any important degree in the 19th century.