Forgive Sentence Examples
He was quick to forgive her father.
I beg you to forgive me.
You will have to forgive me.
I can forgive you, but I'm not sure I can ever trust you.
I could look in their windows, and God forgive me, I did.
If only adults could forgive and forget that way.
I love and forgive everybody now.
I think she's wrong; you deceived one another, and you are both going to have to forgive to have a future.
I forgive you, Jonny.
Please let me know what you think about the house, and try to forgive me for troubling you so much.
AdvertisementCan you forgive me?
Given the circumstances, she could forgive him.
I forgive you for breaking your promise.
I begged it to forgive me, to continue healing my people.
Forgive me if I have caused you unpleasantness.
AdvertisementIf you don't want to forgive me or can't, I understand, she started.
Of all the things she'd done, she'd never be able to forgive herself for hurting him.
He'd never forgive himself for that, even if Rhyn's mate deserved little more respect than the half-demon himself.
And the old man said, 'God will forgive you, we are all sinners in His sight.
It helped but wasn't enough for him to be able to forgive her just yet.
AdvertisementHe could forgive her for what the man did – that was his doing, but not for what Lori intended to do to Carmen.
I'm ready to forgive you, but we're never going to put this in the past if you keep up this farce.
Forgive me, nishani, I should have taken you yesterday.
She could almost forgive him expressing his blunt opinion to his father.
It was said of old time, 'Lord forgive them, they know not what they do!'
AdvertisementNow he had to learn to forgive himself.
To truly forgive someone, you must not have any malice or desire to do harm to that person.
Which means I can forgive any trespass she may have committed.
He first implored her to forgive him and Sonya and consent to their marriage, then he threatened that if she molested Sonya he would at once marry her secretly.
Forgive us for Christ's sake, eh? said the peasants, smiling joyfully at him.
On his last day, sobbing, he asked her and his absent son to forgive him for having dissipated their property--that being the chief fault of which he was conscious.
I only came in to look and did not notice... forgive me...
Creditors may forgive some of the interest and penalties, but they typically do not reduce principal.
It would be his last night with the Immortals, for no one would forgive him once he followed through with the plans forming in his mind.
I knew that if we were ever going to make it together, I would have to truly forgive you.
Thou who art in that heaven, save, forgive, and protect me!
Forgive thy enemy, do not avenge thyself except by doing him good.
He continually hurt Princess Mary's feelings and tormented her, but it cost her no effort to forgive him.
He asked his sister to forgive him for not having told her of his resolve when he had last visited Bald Hills, though he had spoken of it to his father.
Tell him only that I beg him to forgive, forgive, forgive me for everything....
They'd much rather forgive some fees and slash rates and get most of their money back than lose everything if you declare bankruptcy.
The Department of Education will even allow you to pay a percentage contingent on your income and then forgive any remaining balance left over at the end of a 25 year period.
Even when I said I was willing to forgive you ... for something you didn't do.
He'll never forgive me for this.
Do you think you can ever forgive me?
We may forgive posterity for the paucity of information left to us, but we ourselves shall not be judged so lightly by posterity.
Well, then, I won't; only forgive me, Sonya!
Her looks asked him to forgive her for having dared, by Natasha's intermediacy, to remind him of his promise, and then thanked him for his love.
The reminder not to let anger gain control, and to not let the sun go down while still angry should prompt us to forgive.
For those gifts received on your wedding day, your guests will forgive you if you wait up to two weeks after returning from your honeymoon to get their thank you cards into their hands.
Perhaps in a decade or so, the American population will forgive the Chicks for their anti-patriotic behavior.
Time will tell if the incident will tarnish Richards' reputation or if fans are willing to forgive and forget.
The general public can forgive plenty of things that celebrities do, but alleged child pornography is not one of them.
Americorps does not forgive loans outright, but it does offer a Segal Americorps Education Award that you can claim after completing service.
But if Quinn got drunk and slept with Betsy, like years ago, you'd understand and forgive her, wouldn't you?
She might even begin to forgive her sinful daughter.
Howie will devastated but he'll probably take Julie's side and forgive her.
Martha, who I failed to forgive when she stumbled in one drunken moment of need, was gone forever.
Though he had visited Rhyn regularly, Gabriel never was able to fully forgive himself for what felt like a betrayal of the only friend he had.
Will you forgive me?
Had anyone been run over i'd never forgive them.
When they prayed for all traveling by land and sea, she remembered Prince Andrew, prayed for him, and asked God to forgive her all the wrongs she had done him.
God would forgive him, and Carmen said she did.
I'll forgive your indiscretion with the Guardian, my dear.
He didn't know if she'd understand—or forgive him—for what he was about to do to her.
You'll forgive Past-Death for hurting you.
He could forgive her for what the man did – that was his doing, but not for what Lori intended to do to Carmen.
It's impossible to fight or forgive such outright bigotry.
I fear, my gift will be a little late, but you will forgive when you know how exceptionally busy I have been.
Anne could not forgive this very public humiliation and it widened the breech between them into a gaping chasm.
Jesus so godlike, being executed on the cross says, " Father, forgive them, they know not what they do.
Forgive me if I have been sounding idealistic in all this.
I'm just a guy who gets interested in such things, forgive me.
Maybe he should go out and get laid so we're even and I can forgive him.
I guess I can forgive him the blatant commercialism, I'm sure the money keeps him out there doing what he does best.
Is it possible to forgive and to overcome the mutual distrust?
I am a young student, so please forgive me if my questions sound immature.
But O'Grady himself he did not forgive, and the Irishman continued to plague him with what Macdonell called " most scurrilous invective.
I asked Jesus if he wqas real to forgive me for living me own life and to help me sort it out.
Then again, when you have a USAF Rockwell B-1B lancer attending everyday you can maybe forgive them.
The EU is no longer a cozy club of politicians who can forgive their peers for the odd lapse.
Robin Oake has found the grace to forgive, Kamel Bourgass, his son's alleged murderer.
You must forgive my ignorance, my dear fellow, but being a simple country parson, legal matters are not exactly my forte.
He asked God to forgive our society's preoccupation with material gain.
If you forgive the pun in the question what's your view about changing the clocks?
You might just forgive the odd style slip-up with a setting like this, tho.
Rather, we have an opportunity to forgive, and so give up needless suffering, and instead suffer for real causes.
Whose sins thou dost forgive, they are forgiven; and whose sins thou dost retain, they are retained.
A spirit that would forgive all trespasses of prior wrong doing for just a simple moment of your time?
Pa-pa!" he called after him, sobbing, "forgive me!"
What do you think?"--she was speaking hurriedly, evidently afraid her strength might fail her-- "Will he ever forgive me?
Pierre replied, that he has nothing to forgive....
If you forgive the pun in the question what 's your view about changing the clocks?
The results are so easy on the eye that I am almost willing to forgive them their twee little name.
I could even forgive the one lady whose shrill, warbling voice almost drowned out the other twenty five there.
I must give a mea culpa to my parents before they will forgive me for my wrongdoing.
I hope you can find it in your heart to understand why I did what I did and to forgive me.
A part of her might never forgive him for what he did... and that was a dark part of her personality that she didn't want him to see.
He'd never forgive me.
Lori had asked Alex to forgive her.
Since Katie had invited him up several times, she had obviously matured enough to forgive him.
I was willing to forgive you, just like you were willing to forgive me.
He doubted he could ever forgive her, but he could at least pity her.
Maybe he was ready to forgive her now.
Once she was in his arms, she would forgive him.
Any chance of safety that lay in the friendliness of a strong party in the council was more than nullified by the bitter personal enmity of the queen, who could not forgive his share in her mother's divorce and her own disgrace.
If he had not given a definite pledge to forgive the bishops who had taken part in the young king's coronation, he had at least raised expectations that he would overlook all past offences.
The final imposition of hands and the bestowal of power to forgive sins at the end of the ordination rite for priests in the Roman Pontifical is later even than the tradition of instruments.
Neither could forgive Tisza for repudiating his earlier Radical policy, the so-called Bihar Programme (March 6, 1868), which went far beyond the Compromise in the direction of independence, and both attacked him with a violence which his unyielding temper, and the ruthless methods by which he always knew how to secure victory, tended ever to fan into fury.
They permitted external conformity with the dominant Church, and held that Christ would forgive it.
In the Lutheran church also the practice of private confession survived the Reformation, together with both the exhibitive (I forgive, &c.) and declaratory (I declare and pronounce) forms of absolution.
Learning the secret of his birth, he, full of remorse, sought the prophet who, he had heard, had power on earth to forgive sins.
Cyprian (Ep. 63) affirms (c. 250) that his predecessors on the throne of Carthage had used water, and that many African bishops continued to do so, " out of ignorance," he says, " and simplemindedness, and God would forgive them."
He could, never forgive Gustavus for having forestalled the revolution, and his morbidly irritable and suspicious temper saw slights and insults in the most innocent conjunctures.
It is remarkable that he should not have discovered in her the qualities so obvious to modern champions of her character - easiness, gullibility, incurable innocence and invincible ignorance of evil, incapacity to suspect or resent anything, readiness to believe and forgive all things.
Although, with the exception of Seward, he was the most prominent Republican in the country, and had done more against slavery than any other Republican, he failed to secure the nomination for the presidency in 1860, partly because his views on the question of protection were not orthodox from a Republican point of view, and partly because the old line Whig element could not forgive his coalition with the Democrats in the senatorial campaign of 1849; his uncompromising and conspicuous anti-slavery record, too, was against him from the point of view of "availability."
On the morning of the 7th of November Katte was beheaded before Frederick's window, after the crown prince had asked his pardon and received the answer that there was nothing to forgive.
But He claims that " the Son of Man bath authority on earth to forgive sins."
If the fatherhood of God stands out clearly, we may remember a passage of St Mark also which speaks of " the Heavenly Father " as forgiving those who forgive.
Why vicarious suffering is needed, or why the God who is the loving Father does not simply forgive, as in the parable of the prodigal son, is not asked.
When the sinner has expiated his crime they are ready to forgive.
But it should be noted that the primary reference of "binding and loosing" is, according to rabbinical usage, rather to the laying down of rules than to condoning breaches of them; and nothing is said to confine the words "Whose soever sins ye forgive" to the offences of Christians already baptized, and they should be held to include preaching the Gospel and baptizing converts as well as the administration of internal discipline.
Starting his career as a perjurer, it is curious that he was singularly slow to suspect perjury in others; he was the most systematically betrayed of all English kings, because he was the least suspicious, and the most ready to buy off and to forgive rebels.
The old sage who held that the first Whig was the Devil, was yet compelled to forgive Burke's politics for the sake of his magnificent gifts.
His temper was irritable, and his hasty utterances exposed him to retorts which he did not readily forgive.
In company with Paul Bocage he began to write for the stage, and not without success; at all events, he continued to exist until, three years after the quarrel, his father consented to forgive him.
Meaning you forgive me for what I did, but you've got other fish to fry?
Forgive me, my queen, but I lack the wisdom you seek.
Mums always said that you had to learn to look over their faults – forgive them as you would want them to forgive yours.
Not likely – nor could she forgive herself.
Having reassembled the horn I found I could forgive it these small transgressions - it is such an elegant looking beastie.
Its worth saying that we have had a few microphone issues, so please forgive the occasional crackle.
If he holds anger against us, we must freely forgive in the heart and do all we can to make it right.
However anyone expecting another ' please forgive Me ' or ' Everything I Do ' may be a little disappointed.
I told my wife that I begged her to forget the past, to forgive me whatever wrong I may have done her, and that I had nothing to forgive.
Forgive me for troubling you...
If you think someone has wronged you, forget it and forgive!
Clematis are actually fairly tough plants, and if you prune them too vigorously, they're apt to forgive your mistake and still flower the following year.
If it's all a little over the top, your guests will forgive you.
The General calls for a gun salute and while he can't forgive the alien's race, he gives him thanks for standing by Master Chief until the end.
First they need to forgive their boss and company.
Since you do not know what she has done, how can you forgive her?
And I just couldn't forgive him at the time.
If you are the kind of guy who can put the past behind him, who can forgive and forget, then getting back with your girlfriend may work.
It is more important that you forgive and continue making slow progress, then give up and continue with the old behavior.
On the contrary, I think the reason you can't truly forgive your boyfriend is that the behaviors he displayed are all images that are like neon signs in your mind telling you to pay attention, something is not right here.
The first is, learn to trust that what he told you was the truth and forgive his indiscretions.
He said he loved me but I obviously was never going to forgive him and he could not live this way.
I told him to move on, I just can't forgive him twice.
We do not talk about what happened and I have not yet chose to forgive and take him back.
If you can't forgive, are you demonstrating love?
In which case, she may not be ready to forgive you for your behavior.
Perhaps the "foolish" was so hurtful she won't forgive you.
Your partner may eventually forgive the breakup, but that is considerably less likely should you be found to have plagiarized Shakespeare during the process.
While some people choose to forgive and forget, others cannot forget and have to end the marriage relationship.
While some people do forgive and forget, being cheated on is a traumatic experience and it definitely signals it's over.
The key to both of these situations is to forgive yourself.
Two strong-willed souls cannot coexist unless there is a desire to compromise and forgive.
Leo would do well to take a page out of Aquarius's book of operations and learn to live and let live and always forgive.
The best advice then is for you to forgive and truly forget.
The contradictions of adulthood mark the series as they struggle with their drama, their growing up and their need to forgive betrayals of trust.
Grace's mother advises her to forgive Adrian and to forgive herself, because it is not Grace's fault that Jack strayed.
Congratulate yourself for each new, healthy eating and exercise routine you establish, and forgive yourself for any lapses along the way.
Most companies may forgive a minor infraction or two, but others impose hefty fines for any claim.
Sunny folk pop with lovely little melodies is what you will find here, and the singer's voice is one-in-a-million that you'll forgive them for this dreadful name.
Phair fans will be willing to forgive them for their stock of free downloads, including downloads of live performances.
Ultimately she would forgive him, so why not start now?
Knowing Howie, I felt certain he loved her enough to forgive her.
I also forgive both of you, Gabe.
How could he ever forgive his mate for what happened?
Maybe he would forgive his father eventually.
Mums always said that you had to learn to look over their faults – forgive them as you would want them to forgive yours.
Not likely – nor could she forgive herself.
Maybe she should forgive him and leave the fighting behind.
He has nothing but contempt for the Epicureans, and cannot forgive their neglect of literary style.
I forgive him all his pride.
The unhappy king was compelled to promise to forget and forgive this offence, and was then restored to a certain amount of freedom and power; the barons believed that when freed from the influence of Gaveston he would prove a less unsatisfactory sovereign.
He wasn.t fooled by any of his brothers, especially Sasha and Rhyn, whose treachery had been too personal for him to forget or forgive.
But if I forgive her for the sake of doing right, then let union with her have only a spiritual aim.
I said that a fallen woman should be forgiven, but I didn't say I could forgive her.
Offer to make partial payments, and ask that they freeze further late fees and/or forgive some fees already incurred.
Without spoiling more plot details (you'd never forgive me!), the prince ends up alone with the dagger back in Persia and must locate the stolen Hourglass of Time.
The lighting effects and texture maps aren't nearly as impressive as they could have been, but given that this is one of the first games to be sold for the PS3, I can forgive these relatively minor (and ultimately forgettable) shortcomings.
The singer admits he wasn't very good, but asks Little Santa Claus to forgive him and bring presents anyway.
He didn't know if she'd understand—or forgive him—for what he was about to do to her.
If she died, Jackson would never forgive himself.
Please forgive me, darling....
Then why was it so difficult to forgive him?
If only she could forgive and forget the way they did.
I suppose this rights your wrong, though I will never forgive you.
If I let you kick my ass, will you forgive me?
Forgive me, Daddy,' he says, 'for Christ's sake!'
But, as I came to your palace this morning, I kept saying to myself, 'When our lord Al Mansour learns just how it was that I borrowed the gold, I have no doubt that in his kindness of heart he will forgive me the debt.'
They would have disagreements - even fights, but they would forgive each other.