Forever Sentence Examples
I will forever be grateful.
It took me forever to get it out of the closet in your apartment.
We can't keep falling forever, you know.
Now that choice is forever gone.
He could promise to love her forever, but hadn't her father said the same thing to Mom?
I'm forever amazed at your ingenuity.
Was it lost forever?
They'll bloom forever, if it makes you happy.
Believe in your heart forever how very much I loved you.
She didn't know if she'd hurt him enough to drive him away forever or if there was a sliver of him that still wanted her.
AdvertisementThe urge to hide forever made her feel sick.
The struggle which the frontier settlers of Pennsylvania had made in the state legislature to secure unlimited issues of paper money and the enactment of laws favourable to the debtor class prejudiced him against the West, and he tried to introduce into the constitution a clause guaranteeing forever the political supremacy of the states east of the Alleghanies.
As soon as the men of the various regiments began to disperse among the wealthy and deserted houses, the army was lost forever and there came into being something nondescript, neither citizens nor soldiers but what are known as marauders.
He swore to stay with her forever, just like she wanted him to, and she felt sorrow.
But I don't have forever to find you.
AdvertisementBrutus was gone forever. .She covered her face and started to cry.
This is the first good night I've had in forever.
Perhaps I shall take up these studies later; but I've said goodbye to Mathematics forever, and I assure you, I was delighted to see the last of those horrid goblins!
I don't know about forever, but you'd be hard pressed to find a better view.
The astronomers forever comment on and observe them.
AdvertisementIf they were permanently congealed, and small enough to be clutched, they would, perchance, be carried off by slaves, like precious stones, to adorn the heads of emperors; but being liquid, and ample, and secured to us and our successors forever, we disregard them, and run after the diamond of Kohinoor.
They'd have to hide forever and hope he never had the chance to snatch her cousins.
Whatever may be said of the original creation of the Constitution, whether by the states or by the people, its development under the influences of a growing nationalism was a strong support to Webster's argument, and no other speech so strengthened Union sentiment throughout the North; its keynote was "Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable."
Shall we forever resign the pleasure of construction to the carpenter?
Our life is like a German Confederacy, made up of petty states, with its boundary forever fluctuating, so that even a German cannot tell you how it is bounded at any moment.
AdvertisementThe year 1999 will be remembered forever.
No, but I can't sit on the fence forever - and I do want another baby.
She couldn't stay with Mary forever.
If, for some reason, she was stuck here forever, at least he wasn't going to hurt her, as long as she followed his rules.
You cannot avoid me forever.
Then you leave me alone forever.
I know it won't last forever but as long as we can, we have to do everything in our power to keep it alive.
Later, Dean heard the movement of the mortuary men coming for Edith—the hushed conversation and the bumping and thumping as the lifeless shell of this troubled woman was bagged and forever removed from Bird Song.
The morning wind forever blows, the poem of creation is uninterrupted; but few are the ears that hear it.
Those dreadful moments he had lived through at the executions had as it were forever washed away from his imagination and memory the agitating thoughts and feelings that had formerly seemed so important.
An eternity ring from the Everlon jewelry collection can be a wonderful way to symbolize love that will last forever.
If you don't get those taken care of first, the pain that those problems cause could demoralize you and cause you to fall out of the sport of jogging forever.
As an everlasting expression of love, je t'aimerai pour toujours is a promise to love someone forever.
As far as Champion is concerned, the days of the uniboob syndrome when working out are gone forever.
Smooth and underwired, these bras are great for wearing under tees and button-down shirts--and they could last forever with the proper care.
Before The Monkeys left, they told the models, oh he's real funny and he's really a good guy, and made me sound like I've known them forever.
Remember to play up the waistline, and a high cut brief will make legs look like they go on forever.
Just because he was first discovered by an indie label (Bloodshot), he is forever labeled "alt country."
Plus, you can't stay in high school forever.
The list of great country songs could go on forever.
Other thoughts collided with her emotions, ones that reminded her that she was forever trapped with some otherworldly creature that viewed her as a food supply and nothing more.
I wear it too, when I'm alone, and pretend that we are one forever.
Later, Dean heard the movement of the mortuary men coming for Edith—the hushed conversation and the bumping and thumping as the lifeless shell of this troubled woman was bagged and forever removed from Bird Song.
She's had a crush on you forever.
To let me think the Guardian was dead forever?
One day and one night – then they would be together forever.
The demon was gone from Tiyan forever.
Those years were gone forever.
He didn't say he was leaving forever.
As in, I get to live forever?
You wanted to keep me around forever.
Jackson was settled about 1820, incorporated as a town in 1823, chartered as a city in 1854, and in 1907 received a new charter by which the sale of intoxicating liquors is forever prohibited.
The most rewarding aspect of living forever is you have unlimited time to perfect your abilities and accumulate wealth.
He sat helpless, against the wall with his arms resting on his knees, aching for her; fearful that tonight would forever change all they had become to each other.
Sometimes she answered as if she were alone, talking out loud, reminiscing, remembering the tiniest of details of a life now forever changed.
For all the misery of the uphill climb, this downhill dash was fused in his memory forever, and in one brief moment he knew this Colorado country was where he belonged.
One day and one night – then they would be together forever.
She was going to sit in that chair and chase away that feeling — banish it from the house forever.
It is imperative for the Habsburgs that the cause of his death and all of the young baroness found beside him be concealed forever.
Some of that data may be lost forever, or they may be awaiting discovery by archeologists.
Technology marches forward—perhaps not forever, but as close to forever as we can understand.
Though the youth at last grows indifferent, the laws of the universe are not indifferent, but are forever on the side of the most sensitive.
We must live, we must love, and we must believe that we live not only today on this scrap of earth, but have lived and shall live forever, there, in the Whole, said Pierre, and he pointed to the sky.
But he had no time to utter the decisive word which the expression of his face caused his mother to await with terror, and which would perhaps have forever remained a cruel memory to them both.
They are not designed to last forever, so if you're contemplating spending a lot of money on a pair of custom painted lenses, it's best to know ahead of time how many times you will be able to wear them before you toss them.
They were produced in 2007 in limited quantities so once they are sold out they will be gone forever.
Seniors have a lot of patience at the table and in line, but do not tip well and take forever to finish their food.
If you're a busy professional, cheats can make the difference between finishing a game and walking away from it forever.
Should there be a child from the relationship between your husband and the other woman, staying married will mean that you will forever be in a relationship with four people.
She told me that I am the love of her life and she wants to be with me forever.
If that's the case, tell your partner that nothing would make you happier than holding him/her in that chair forever.
You could also define the time period better than forever.
If there's no penalty for taking forever to get your date, there's not much point in playing.
If you're waiting to feel nothing for your ex, you might be waiting forever.
Remember, it won't last forever, so really get to know yourself and what you love.
Some free websites save on their costs by fully automating their sites, and when users complain, very little is done (if anything) and it takes forever.
Your signature line may be somewhat emotional and can vary from "No Longer Yours" or "Goodbye Forever."
Now that you have met the right woman, you want to create a romantic proposal she will remember forever.
The De Beers slogan, "A Diamond is Forever," perfectly epitomizes the company's commitment to excellence and perfection.
With that type of quality inherent in every exclusive piece, such lustrous gems truly make an impression to last forever.
A tattoo is a forever memorial of something significant.
While this phrase means that you still love someone (very much), you may also want to say that you will love someone forever, which requires an additional expression, or a different verb conjugation.
Just because it looks like lingerie, that doesn't mean it should be banished to behind your closed bedroom door forever.
Camis are forever one of the most versatile things a girl can have in her wardrobe, and to teens, they're perhaps even more versatile than usual.
It's hard to go wrong with a company called Made in USA Forever, which sells all manner of clothes, cosmetics, home items, toys and even food.
Forever 21 - This store has some of the cutest lingerie pieces at some of the best prices, like their sexy ruffle boy short by Sophie and Me for under five dollars.
Brick and mortar stores include Victoria's Secret, Frederick's of Hollywood and smaller chains like Rue 21, Forever 21 and Charlotte Russe for bras, camis, panties and boyshorts.
Even fun little casual clothing shops like Rue 21, Forever 21, and Charlotte Russe offer a selection of strapless bras.
Leather lingerie can last forever if you take care of it!
Shipping is based on package weight and destination, and they offer a forever guarantee on products.
She signed to Virgin Records, and in 1988, she released Forever Your Girl.
Forever Your Girl was remixed to become the album Shut Up and Dance, which went to number 7 in the US album charts.
Not only would it become a huge success, it would change the music industry forever.
The good news, though, is that lead singer Kevin Rowland was right when he sang, "I'll hum this tune forever."
The new album included the previously unreleased song "Forever" which rose to number 2 on the Billboard Hot 100.
In addition to touring for the "Forever" album, Brown also appeared as a guest star in many songs during 2008.
The Elvis Presley biography is the story of a musician who ushered in a major cultural revolution and will be forever known as "the king of rock'n'roll."
Irish music radio changed forever with the legalization of commercial radio in 1989.
Forever tied together with Tupac Shakur, Notorious B.I.G. was first friends with the West Coast rapper, then, following a falling out, a verbal enemy.
Handmade birthday cards can become real works of art that will be treasured forever.
Auditioning for a show like American Idol is an experience that you'll remember forever.
This will come after he's already admitted that he's had a crush on this girl forever, and always wanted to approach her.
While Josh skips school and jeopardizes his chance of graduating, Ebony is hard at work trying to finish her courses and enroll in college, all while coming to terms with the fact that her life is about to change forever.
Torres, her two daughters and numerous volunteers work with the dogs to rehabilitate them with the ultimate goal of adopting the dogs to suitable "forever homes" (a home that the dog will live in for the rest of its life).
He granted me a position directly supporting the Council, if I walked away from her forever.
Dean knew in time, he'd get over the sudden death of Edith Shipton but he also knew the fact he failed to stop her from killing herself would remain with him forever.
Up until yesterday he thought they would be together forever.
She wore a silk blouse, Jimmy Choo's and a pencil skirt with a slit up the side, which gave just a glimpse of leg that went on forever.
Oh, it's beautiful, you can see forever!
I am not going to let you do something you will regret forever.
If they didn't try to make this work he would regret it forever.
As much as it pains me, you should give your mother this time, we have forever.
I heard the Immortal underworld is an awful place. What if Death decides to keep you or Rhyn drops you in Hell forever?
If he stayed, he'd lose her forever.
One day everything every other day and then...nothing will ever be the same...forever.
He had risen to fear, heartache, anxiety, bliss, pain and a hundred other feelings that made you beg to be able to bury your head beneath the covers and stay in the warm cocoon of sleep forever.
She simply felt sad, as if she had lost someone forever.
This had to be Lori's darkest hour — and yet, she would have a part of Josh forever.
You don't have enough cheeseburgers to keep me distracted forever.
We let all those precious moments pass us by - until they were lost forever.
No, I am not of a kind; I am unique in my perfection and my ability to forever remain undetected!
My lifelong friend Martha, gone forever; Martha whom I loved in so many different ways for so many years.
Fear didn't dictate her mood—it was a sense of resignation and total helplessness, as if she'd been sucked into a black hole of bureaucracy where she'd remain forever.
It said, 'this is Paul and his wonderful wife Jennifer whom I'll love forever,' blah, blah, blah.
We talked about writing a will, but it was one of those things you never get around to doing—we're all going to live forever.
The air seemed a lot crisper and we felt like we could walk forever.
When they did, Colonel Leavenworth was warned to do something decisive or he would lose Indian respect forever.
June 6th 1944 is a date forever etched into our consciousness.
Rivals seem to go on forever with little more than an occasional cosmetic face-lift.
Grace is free unmerited favor for sinners giving them full forgiveness in Jesus Christ forever.
The landscape during the safari is outstanding and the views of the stunning white fells seem to go on forever!
It wouldn't surprise me if this is the original ferrule; it will probably last forever!
Right now it's instead of passing piece to mark after three days. Hours on end forever fluffing chip.
And these foresaid Gifts of my predecessors, with their appendages and right divisions, I freely grant forever to the foresaid church.
And these foresaid gifts of my predecessors, with their appendages and right divisions, I freely grant forever to the foresaid gifts of my predecessors, with their appendages and right divisions, I freely grant forever to the foresaid Church.
They covered Average White Band, Return To Forever jazz funk against the tide of punk.
We could argue that globalization has forever shaken this debate.
We love you forever, risen Lord of eternal glory.
Once you tear or even badly strain the groin it can stay with you forever in some form or another.
The Macaris, like the ancient Mayan cities and abandoned sisal haciendas, seemed forever lost.
By using this book, a simple scrapbook will become a beautiful heirloom to be treasured forever.
Puberty doesn't last forever, but when it starts and when it ends is a little different for everyone.
You don't have to feel like this forever; there is hope!
Personalized gifts are thoughtful and meant to be kept forever.
Once you find a mask that you like you might be inclined to want to stick with that style forever.
No One Lives Forever was a FPS that came out in early 2000s and starred Cate Archer, who basically was a female James Bond.
The king first person shooters, Halo and Halo 2, changed gaming forever with the introduction of realistic physics and awesome gameplay.
Before disappearing forever, the Nightmare King sires a son in the most isolated place in the universe to reclaim the evil crown his father once had.
We don't have to take this abuse forever.
Known as Cassius Clay earlier in his career, this pugilist will forever be known for what he was able to achieve in the ring, as well as in the political arena.
It was an overnight success that helped forever cement Nintendo's role in the video game market.
Games downloaded from the Virtual Console are yours forever!
Will you be able to escape or will stay in there forever?
Never again are your Sims forced to live forever with children who never grow up and move out of the house!
Never again are they doomed to live forever period.
Forever embedded in the minds of gamers everywhere, this revolutionary puzzler still remains afloat today amongst a sea of mediocre current-gen puzzle games.
With the onslaught of strange disappearances and mysterious events, the threat upon the city is on the rise and the utopian haven is in danger of being tarnished forever.
Know that as soon as a phone is unlocked, whether from the factory or through your own aftermarket modification, the phone is unlocked forever (unless you or your carrier lock it again).
Any family touched by ataxia telangiectasia is forever affected.
It seems as if it goes on forever and winds down when the baby is exhausted or when gas or stool is passed.
To the infant, once the caregiver cannot be seen, she is gone forever (lack of object permanence).
The craving can be so strong, even years and years after initial withdrawal has been accomplished, that a previously addicted person may be virtually forever in danger of slipping back into substance use.
Move over, American Idol - America's Best Dance Crew is changing the face of competitive performing forever - and viewers are loving it.
During the "disco" era, though, ballroom dance itself became less popular, and might have disappeared forever were it not for shows like Strictly Come Dancing and Dancing with the Stars.
While it may sound complicated, you do not have to be a professional dancer or take lessons forever in order to enjoy disco.
Forever at Peace offers five different plastic caskets for pets and will ship them to your door.
Learn about the Oklahoma City Bombing Memorial, which is a place to remember the lives lost and changed forever.
A task force of 350 members discussed ways to create a memorial that would forever keep the tragedy that took place fresh in people's minds.
Memories are Forever has famous poets such as William Shakespeare and Henry Vaughan.
The Later Heaven bagua represents changes in an environment and the constantly and forever changing universe.
The first step to understanding the Golden Ratio is to realize the accepted full number is 1.618033989, although it can continue forever.
Electrolysis can remove these pesky intruders forever at an affordable cost.
Banish shaving forever by visiting a salon specializing in hair removal in Washington D.C. Once you know what you are looking for, you will find you have a lot of options.
He or she can prescribe stronger shampoos or other treatments to rid you of your itchy, flaky scalp forever.
The Forever Your Girl era saw the songstress graduate to the decade's familiar big hair, complete with high ponytails, feathered bangs, and loud clothes to match.
Moreover, spending time at camp will encourage independence, give you a much needed break, and create memories that your child will carry with him forever.
You won't be able to collect unemployment benefits and compensation forever, so one of the one-stop career centers could come in handy for you.
Discovering a new pregnancy is a memorable moment that stays with the expectant mother forever.
Angel Babies Forever Loved, Hannah's Prayer Ministries, and Born Angels provide support for parents who have lost a child through miscarriage, stillbirth, or early infant death.
She said to USA Today, "I don't like the average woman being misled into thinking that fertility is something that goes on forever."
Their fantasy of the squeaky clean teenager from Clarissa Tells it All and Sabrina the Teenage Witch was apparently crushed forever.
Even though it may seem like you've been pregnant forever, there is a good reason why babies take nine months to be born.
The stages of pregnancy may appear to take forever as you wait for your baby's arrival, but so many changes take place as the systems of the body form and grow that the duration of pregnancy seems remarkably quick.
Forever known as "The Girl in the Bikini", Brigitte Bardot herself would be proud of the available bikinis at Shop Wiki.
Of course, this swimsuit is more of a novelty item because the scent can't last forever.
Jag was founded in Australia in 1972, forever revolutionizing the way the world looks at denim.
Zappos - When you want to find the best bandeau tankinis without searching forever online, simply go to this site and type in what you're looking for and watch practically every designer brand come up.
Friendship is forever and everyone should try to get along.
The Batman Forever Batmobile used in the movie had a different design than previous incarnations, and the toy version reflects this fact as well.
The Batmobile in Batman Forever also had some features in common with earlier models.
As the movie is more than a decade old, most Batmobile toys from Batman Forever are only available secondhand.
With its unique design, the Batman Forever Batmobile is one that fans of all ages will want to add to their collection.
A college-educated housewife named Ruth Handler bought a German fashion doll and was inspired to change the face of toys forever.
These "forever" pieces are the ones you want to spend more money on, so don't be afraid to shop labels you might otherwise rule out.
Then there are the countless mall boutiques, like Forever 21, Mango and H&M, that offer inexpensive items and cater to trendy crowds.
It was powerful enough, however, to stick forever in the national conscience.
Forever 21 - This store has both casual dresses and dressier styles.
Go to Forever 21 to check out dark denim overall coverall skirts and shorty sets at an affordable base.
It may not have been the epitome of what is considered stylish today, but it had its share of successful looks that have ingrained themselves in our memories forever.
Forever 21 is a great source for a few inexpensive, highly fashionable finds.
Shop at Forever 21 for budget-friendly blouses with plenty of embroidery and beading, and in styles to complement multiple body types.
However, no vacuum lasts forever and Kenmore vacuums are just as prone as other models to suffer from common problems like clogs, broken belts, broken light bulbs, ruined air filters and worn brush rolls.
While the tiny kitchen appliance is big on power, it won't last forever -- especially if you use it frequently.
Electric razors are easy to use and super-convenient, but their blades don't last forever and replacement blades can be quite expensive.
It is an animal shelter that houses abandoned dogs, cats and pocket pets, such as rabbits and hamsters, for the purpose of finding them new forever homes.
Those who surrender animals but want to know that they've found forever homes can pay a fee to get a one-time update.
Located at 423 Kayes Drive, Normal, Illinois, the Humane Society of Central Illinois is dedicated to preventing and protecting animals from neglect, abuse and cruelty and to finding homes for animals in need of a forever home.
If you are interested in adopting a pet the main website has a searchable database of all animals in need of a new forever home.
If there is not any room at the shelters, they are brought to a foster home until there is room at the shelter where they stay until they find their forever home.
In 1954, Jonas Salk changed the face of the NFIP forever when large field trials of his polio vaccine proved successful.
Whether you choose Christmas pajamas in a holiday print, matching plaid flannel robes or simply wear your favorite nightshirt, the traditions you create in your pajamas will be remembered forever.
The list and descriptions of some of the best Christmas films could go on forever.
The activity will become a fond holiday memory that they will keep forever.
A good Renaissance costume is forever, so if you're devoted to faire-going, you should invest in a costume you love.
A beautiful mask will be on the expensive side, but when the party is over, it makes a striking wall decoration you can keep forever - until you take it down for another ball, of course.
After all, trying to find the famous KISS boots alone could take forever!
You can buy a treasure to keep and wear forever.
Photographs capture special moments in our lives and help us to retain them forever.
We had fought with our parents to be together forever , who were opposed to inter caste marriage.
The fact that your girlfriend was also your first same-sex relationship means that she is likely to remain in your memory forever, regardless of whether the relationship continues or ends.
I am so worried that I'm going to lose her forever.
Is it true when a guy is going out with another girl you could tell during sex either if he has an orgasm faster or takes forever?
In this process, I've lost my best friend, we've been friends forever.
Diamonds are forever - those words have become an integral part of a diamond's mystique and its symbolism of lasting, committed relationships.
The idea of diamonds being associated with the everlasting was first popularized by Ian Fleming's James Bond novel "Diamonds Are Forever" in 1956.
Since those popular entertainment appearances, the prestige of associating diamonds with the eternal has grown, including world-renowned De Beers adopting the slogan "a diamond is forever" as one of their corporate icons.
While diamonds may not be truly eternal, their true age is as close to forever as most people can ever hope to achieve.
With such consistent popularity, it is no surprise that diamonds are forever the leading choice of individuals, couples, and jewelers throughout the world.
A marquise diamond wedding ring is a unique and beautiful ring that will be treasured forever.
Just make sure you do the research ahead of time to decide if the intended recipient of the ring would enjoy wearing it forever as much as you'd enjoy giving it today.
Platinum maintains its color forever and will not yellow or tarnish like some of the other white metals.
Platinum is very dense and will last forever.
There are many ways to propose to your girlfriend in a way that both of you will remember forever.
Proposal poems can create happy memories that couples can cherish forever.
The proposal poem will be a cherished memory of the engagement that will last forever.
A little planning early on can help to ensure that the proposal is made in a way that will be remembered with fondness forever.
The wide selection of ring designs will allow you to find a unique ring to treasure forever.
The concept of Everlonia to demonstrate the love of two people binding them together forever.
This website, A Diamond is Forever, also offers three dimensional images of the jewelry as well as other important information.
A complete list of stockists can be found on the A Diamond is Forever where to buy pages of the website.
According to the official website, A Diamond Is Forever, the designs are meant to be a testimony to how true love can survive and thrive through both happy and difficult times.
More information about the Everlon collection can be found on the A Diamond is Forever website.
Make the marriage proposal and ring presentation a romantic moment you and your beloved will treasure forever.
Eternity bands symbolize everlasting love, or a promise to love someone forever.
Others want to present the ring to a beloved as a symbol of forever love.
In 1941, Frances Gerety, a copywriter, came up with the slogan "A Diamond Is Forever" for De Beers.
In 1947, DeBeers launched its first ad campaign using the "A Diamond Is Forever" slogan.
Some of the more recent DeBeers commercials specifically mention the fact that a man can make "three months' salary last forever," so this is what many, but not all, women have come to expect.
Sure, a diamond may last forever, but it's infinitely more important for the marriage to last.
If you've always loved sapphires, there's a good chance this is the ring you'll love forever.
Select a diamond and setting you know in your heart will be cherished forever.
These sentimental cards have been around forever, and they are often filled with heartfelt rhymes that focus on expressing a syrupy message.
Does that burger flipper have big dreams or has he resigned himself to doing the same job forever?
It looks ridiculous when one totes around a Fendi baguette while wearing Old Navy sweatpants and a poorly-stitched top from Forever 21.
A wallet does not last forever, unlike your student loans, but it should be a faithful companion, the sort of item you should feel ashamed to lose.
In particular, the line's basic leather and signature fabric totes have earned themselves formidable respect for being "forever" bags - that is, carryalls that easily fit into almost any wardrobe and last a lifetime.
If your focus is on "forever" bags, however, you'll want to put more thought and effort into finding the right one, and you might even take a look at some designer handbags.
Bear in mind that these are "forever" bags that you can count on carrying for years - and even decades - to come, with the potential to pass them on from generation to generation.
If you do love the look but aren't quite on board with the idea of carrying something large (like one of LV's famed Keepall 55 bags, a roomy "forever" style carryall), consider a clutch.
It's worth it to check mall stores like Roxy and Forever 21, also.
They can be friends forever, as well as soul mates because this pair just seems to click.
Once you've attracted a Virgo, you'll have a partner forever.
However, if these traits don't conform to your natural personality, consider looking elsewhere; no one can keep up and act forever.
He rarely makes that first step toward breakup because he's forever in pursuit of the perfect relationship.
If you're already in love, find out if you and your partner are meant to last forever by taking a look at how your signs interact in relationships in the long run.
Her reassuring acceptance is the glue that holds this relationship together and bonds them forever as only earth and water can.
Apartner who can shift in and out of the role of lover and pal will surely capture his heart forever.
The courses have been adapted for online presentation from the Parents Forever™ program, a research-based program designed and tested by educators at the University of Minnesota.
Most of the games are priced from $10 to $20, but once they are purchased, they can be played forever.
Chore Worksheets-Discover the secret weapon to end the "chore wars" in your home forever!
Tinkerbell is the mischievous side kick of the spirited and forever young boy who won't grow up, Peter.
Beast, with time ticking down in the form of a rose until he is forced to be a beast forever, allows her in -- all while his former staff hope Belle will change everything.
This event sends the Earth into a period of darkness and mourning forever marking the number 13 as a number representing very bad luck.
These lending practices would lead to their downfall, as the King became envious of their power and wealth, and when the Knights Templar refused to lend the King any more money, he decided to end the Knights Templar forever.
This happened in May of 2009, and the man stated that his life has been forever negatively impacted.
Their views about God, life and death are altered forever.
The experience will alter your life forever, and you'll carry it with you until your death.
There are certain skeptics and atheists that believe there is no afterlife and that when we die, we cease to exist forever.
Just because the dresses will get sold or preserved, the shoes don't have to be put away forever.
Bruno Magli will forever be known as the brand connected to O.J. Simpson during his famous court case in 1995.
The styles you'll find here tend to be classic as opposed to fashionable--the type of shoes you'll want to keep forever, knowing they'll never go out of style.
Once the season is over, these unique styles disappear forever.
The Woolfelt is the clog in its original form - in essence, the show that Karl Stegmann imagined his company would design forever.
Despite this, it can be quite cost-effective to select a pair of slippers that will actually withstand these annual replacements and instead become the "forever slippers" you rely on day in and day out.
After all, you will be photographed more than you have ever been and those images will be immortalized in your yearbook and on Facebook forever.
Even stores like Forever 21 and Alloy carry low-priced platform boots with wedge heels.
Unfortunately, running shoes do not last forever.
At once elegant and timeless, these shoes will be a memorable part of your wardrobe forever.
Unfortunately, the actor died in 2002 and Timmy passed away forever.
At the end of the third season, Washington's contract was not renewed for season 4 and Burke was written out of the show, forever sundering the Christina-Burke relationship.
I remember thinking how cool it was to be working on that set, and that I wanted to do this forever!
Like other teen dramas, Degrassi also took on the school shooting that left a mark on the characters forever.
Johnny Depp, for example, had his "Winona Forever" tattoo converted to read "Wino Forever" after his well-publicized break-up from Winona Ryder.
You just have to be persistent when it comes to coming up with a design that you can not only live with but one that you will love forever.
Temporary lower back tattoos can be a lot of fun to wear, and you don't have to live with one forever.
After all, this will be on your body forever.
A tattoo is forever, and it is a decision you will always have to live with.
It will be with you forever and always remind of you of its special significance.
The Eternal Flame was to be kept in the First Temple as well as the Second Temple and the flame was to last forever.
This "true love" tattoo reads "Winona Forever" and this obviously was not the case and he has since had it modified by removing part of "Winona" and shortening the banner so it now reads "Wino Forever".
If you're German you may view the fall of the Berlin Wall as a sign of true patriotism and your tattoo could be a piece of the wall with the words "Freedom Forever" in your native language.
Don't rush; this tattoo will last forever (unless you laser it off)!
A tattoo is a permanent piece of ink that will forever remind you of your mental place and interests at the time that you got inked.
If you love the look of tattoos but you can't decide on a single image you'd like to have forever, temporary ink is the ideal way to explore your options of images and tattoo placement.
Rosary tattoos are powerful remembrances and tattoos are forever; in addition to discussing this type of tattoo with the artist, you can also discuss it with your priest or other spiritual advisor before proceeding.
No matter who you get tattooed with, make sure they'll be around as long as your tattoo - meaning forever.
Choose someone who you feel comfortable with; once you have selected an artist you will be ready to sit in the chair and have your body forever changed.
Have a look at the phenomenal collection brought to you by Sparkles Forever.
Sparkles Forever has been featured in many magazines for their cut-above fashions and remarkable prices.
Some of the older watches are very difficult to find since many were produced in very limited editions like the Jaeger LeCoultre Batman Forever Reverso.
This watch was originally created as a JLC product placement for the movie, Batman Forever.
Built to function forever and made to last with kinetic energy powered by your body's natural movements.
The watches here showcase exceptional design that delights the senses and quality craftsmanship that lasts forever.
A bad instructor at a fitness club may not guide a practitioner properly, resulting in injury and forever souring the experience.
This is one section you hope will remain forever blank.
Many would-be entrepreneurs love this step, so much so that they end up remaining at the idea stage forever!
While the sporty MG brand seemed lost forever after the plant closings of the 1970s, the Chinese helped MG Motor UK Limited is making sure that the brand remains alive and well.
If you've never experienced a serious injury, it's easy to lose sight of the fact that cheerleading can result in head, neck and back injuries that can change a life forever.
We use traditional methods (more or less depending on the quilter) and often traditional patterns, producing beautiful quilts that we hope our family members will treasure and keep forever.
Instead of tossing that pile of memories or keeping it in a drawer forever, make a T-shirt quilt.
I started my return to knitting with a giant knitted afghan in Red Heart's Hokey Pokey yarn (variegated orange yarn, mind you). the design was simple but it took forever to finish.
Sock knitters are forever coming up with new and exciting methods for knitting socks.
Try this fun project that draws on participation from the whole family, and create a keepsake that your child will want to hold on to forever.
Ask the children to imagine how God must have felt to give His only Son so that people who had not even been born yet, like the children in your class, could live forever.
You don't have to give up cheesecake forever on the South Beach Diet.
Diet patches, such as Hoodia products, follow the same money-making path, since the patches do not last forever and need to be replenished.
Over time you'll be able to judge a little better what a tablespoon or half a cup looks like and you won't be chained to your measuring cups forever.
You cannot stay on it forever due to the health concerns.
Generally, the story arc involves great personal change for the hero, and his life is forever altered by the adventure.
The meteor shower changed the town landscape, leaving families wounded and forever altered, while blessing one childless couple, the Kents, with a son.
Trying to locate and recover him, the landing party discovers the Guardian at the Gate of Forever, an artifact that can show them images of the past.
Although City on the Edge of Forever is one of my personal favorites, a couple other episodes come to mind- For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky and All of Our Yesterdays.
Doomsday MachineAforementioned in this article are "The City on the Edge of Forever" and "The Trouble With Tribbles".
Wee fairies are considerably less dangerous to mortal folk, and there are no legends of wanderers roaming forever in search of a once-glimpsed fair one the size of a dragonfly.
The theme is familiar - of immortals living forever, choosing a few unsuspecting humans to initiate into their ranks, hiding from the majority population but blending in with them.
Claudia and Louis form a family of sorts, and as time goes on, she grows mentally but is physically forever the age she was at her death/conversion.
These fallen angels are either described as servants of the Lightbringer (Satan), servants in hell or condemned to walk among the very humans they so despise until the end of the world, forever denied the glory of their creator again.
In effect, this wormhole bridge could remain open forever to allow non-stop travel to and from whatever destination you desire.
Sue, her brother Johnny, future husband Reed and Reed's best friend Ben Grimm were all exposed to cosmic rays which forever altered their DNA.