Foreshortened Sentence Examples
The usual form of ice-crystals in clouds is a right hexagonal prism, which may be elongated as a needle or foreshortened like a thin plate.
As the line of centres becomes more ob.ique, the surface is seen more and more foreshortened and the brilliancy diminishes continuously.
For the rest of the time, we have to do the best we can with greatly foreshortened vision.
So difference is foreshortened by rapid communication, and the world appears less strange.
Animal and human figures are rounded and foreshortened, although she occasionally creates elongated designs on long, narrow strips of canvas.
As has been explained the mean distance of a group of stars can be readily determined from the parallactic motion, which, when not foreshortened, is approximately four times the parallax; but to obtain a complete knowledge of the distribution of stars it is necessary to know, not merely the mean parallax of the group, but also the frequency law, i.e.