Forename Sentence Examples
Always use the forename by which the holder wishes to be known.
If the employe has two forenames do not enter both in the first ' Forename ' field.
If you only enter a part surname (or wildcard - see below) you must enter a forename as well.
The abbreviated forename as in the official lists is shown.
A new love of Siegfried Sassoon's life was to be a 21-year-old officer William Park Atkin who adopted the forename Gabriel.
Personal names should be listed surname or family name first, followed by forename or given name or initial followed by a full stop.
The driver record number matched the details held by DVLA for the offender which included her second forename.
The rankings were based on the first forename recorded on the birth register.
Or ' Marie ' must be entered as a separate second forename in the second forename field.
Believe at this point that Elizabeth SESSIONS mother's forename was Marsha.
AdvertisementOften, people use a middle name as the forename.
The coincidence of the fairly rare father's forename of Benjamin seems to indicate that these are the same families.
A child's forename or surname can be changed, names can be added or rearranged.