Foremost Sentence Examples
That should be foremost in all of your minds.
Our first and foremost priority is recovering abducted children, as soon as possible.
He was the foremost Jewish figure of the 18th century, and to him is attributable the renaissance of the House of Israel.
The ice gave way under one of the foremost soldiers, and one leg slipped into the water.
Foremost, you should feel comfortable and secure wearing the outfit.
First and foremost, he demanded that the balance must be used in all investigations into chemical changes.
First and foremost, whenever possible, take your child shopping with you.
A waterproof jacket is, first and foremost, a functional garment.
First and foremost, no one wants to receive trash.
First and foremost, you've got to consider your individual time frame.
AdvertisementThese shoes are, first and foremost, favorites during the spring and summer.
First and foremost, it's a fashion statement.
Of all the thoughts on Kris.s mind, Hannah and Jade were foremost.
Darian is a Guardian first and foremost.
An even more forcible speech, delivered later in the same session, in support of a bill for repeal - ing the embargo and non-importation acts, marked him as one of the foremost men in Congress.
AdvertisementForemost among epic poets, though not equally successful as a dramatist, was Mihaly Vorbsmarty (q.v.), who, belonging also to the close of the last period, combines great power of imagination with elegance of language.
I say, Fedor! said the foremost peasant.
In the foremost place, immediately under the icons, sat Barclay de Tolly, his high forehead merging into his bald crown.
First and foremost, make sure whatever you wear fits you properly.
First and foremost, get all dancers to live a healthy lifestyle.
AdvertisementFirst and foremost, you will want to take the necessary legal steps to protect yourself and your studio before posting on the Web.
First and foremost, it is a risk-free opportunity.
First and foremost, only low-income individuals and families are eligible for HUD housing.
First and foremost if you're allergic to bee stings, never take bee pollen.
First and foremost, a summer dress should be practical for the season.
AdvertisementFirst and foremost, traditional fundraising is a great way to go.
First and foremost, have a vision statement for your group.
First and foremost, the ring is returned to whomever purchased it, generally to the man.
First and foremost, a marriage proposal must be sincere.
In the Yale Divinity School his influence was powerful, and in 1833 one of his foremost opponents, Bennet Tyler (1783-1858), founded in East Windsor a Theological Institute to offset Taylor's teaching at Yale.
Foremost among these was Ilayyim Vital, author of the 'Ez hayyim, and his son Samuel, who wrote an introduction to the Kabbalah, called Shemoneh She`arim.
Foremost among them was the hospital founded by George Heriot - the " Jingling Geordie " of Scott's Fortunes of Nigel - the goldsmith and banker of James VI.
On the other bank Fort Chaudanne is now the innermost of several forts facing towards the southwest, and the foremost of these works connects the fortifications of the left bank with another chain of detached forts on the right bank.
It was not, indeed, simply a reactionary or undemocratic measure; it was, as The Times correspondent pointed out, " a measure sui generis, designed to defeat the objects of the universal suffrage movement that compelled the Coalition to take office in April 1906, and framed in accordance with Magyar needs as understood by one of the foremost Magyar noblemen."
Foremost amongst the Italians was Antonio Bonfini, whose work, Rerum Hungaricarum Decades IV., comprising Hungarian history from the earliest times to the death of King Matthias, was published with a continuation by Sambucus (Basel, 1568).
By the close of the year the situation had become so envenomed that Bissolati, the foremost Italian advocate of conciliation, found it necessary to withdraw from the Orlando Cabinet, and on Jan.
Sir Richard Owen (1804-1892) may be regarded as the foremost of Cuvier's disciples.
Against this force there advanced a Boer force under Lukas Meyer from the east, and, more slowly, the foremost portion of the main Boer army from the north, while at the same time other Transvaalers descended upon the railway between Glencoe and Ladysmith, and the Free Staters from the passes of the Drakensberg advanced towards Ladysmith, the British centre of - operations at which the reinforcements sent from India gathered.
The elector Frederick, called the Victorious, was one of the foremost princes of his time.
For a few months indeed Lamartine, from being a distinguished man of letters, an official of inferior rank in diplomacy, and an eloquent but unpractical speaker in parliament, became one of the foremost men in Europe.
Foremost among these were the writings of Epicurus; but he had also an intimate knowledge of the philosophical poem of Empedocles, and at least an acquaintance with the works of Democritus, Anaxagoras, Heraclitus, Plato and the Stoical writers.
Under his guidance the church grew to be one of the strongest of that denomination in the West, and Mr Collyer himself came to be looked upon as one of the foremost pulpit orators in the country.
He returned from that visit one of the foremost literary men in Europe, with views, if not profound or accurate, yet wide and acute on all les Brands sujets, and with a solid stock of money.
On his death the Witan which had attended his funeral elected to succeed him Harold, the foremost man in England, and the leader who had attempted to check the spread of the Norman influence fostered by the Confessor.
He was the foremost man in Europe, and England had reached a height of power and glory such as she had never attained before.
In 1631 he published his Traite des religions, a book that still lives; and from this year onward he was a foremost man in the church.
He was foremost in support of the claims of the Presbyterians and against the bishops; advocated the indiscriminate infliction of penalties, and demanded that the officials of the commonwealth should be compelled to refund their salaries.
Foremost among these stand the Schack Gallery, bequeathed by the founder, Count Adolph von Schack, to the emperor William II.
After he had been two years at the Ecole Polytechnique he took a foremost part in a mutinous demonstration against one of the masters; the school was broken up, and Comte like the other scholars was sent home.
Alboin, the Lombard king, captured it in 568, and it was one of the chief residences of the Lombard, and later of the Frankish, monarchs; and though, like other cities of northern Italy, it suffered much during the Guelph and Ghibelline struggles, it rose to a foremost position both from the political and the artistic point of view under its various rulers of the Scaliger or Della Scala family.
Amongst the foremost names of tIie school are those of Montomitsu (11th century), Nobuzane (13th century), Tsunetaka (13th century), Mitsunohu (15th and 16th centuries), his son Mitsushige, and MitsuOki (17th century).
Foremost among the weeklies comes the New York Nation (1865).
The death of Pitt left Fox so manifestly the foremost man in public life that the king could no longer hope to exclude him from office.
The popularity he won was of political service in preparing the way for the union of North and South Germany, and he was the foremost advocate of the imperial idea at the Prussian court.
Her brother, John Barrymore (1882-), who first appeared on the stage in Magda in 1903, had also, by 1921, established his position as one of the foremost American actors as had also another brother, Lionel, whose first appearance was in 1893.
Of foremost importance are the reactions termed the malonic acid and the aceto-acetic ester syntheses; these are discussed under their own headings.
The landing was effected in the face of strenuous opposition, Wolfe leading the foremost troops.
This failed for several reasons, the foremost being that the language was not Arabic but Phoenician, and because professors and teachers, whose personal ascendancy was based on the official prominence of Italian, did not realize that educational institutions existed for the rising generation rather than to provide salaries for alien teachers and men behind the times.
In the organization of Victoria University he took a foremost part, and, as chairman of the Board of Studies at Owens College, he presided over the general academical board of the Victoria University.
This contains but a fragment of his scientific discoveries, but it is sufficient to put him in the very foremost rank, though its full value was not recognized until pointed out by Lord Kelvin in 1848 and 1849.
The superior qualities of the soil, together with the usually warm and moist months of spring and summer, make Iowa one of the foremost states of the Union in agriculture and stock-raising, especially in the production of Indian corn, oats, hay and eggs, and in the raising of hogs, horses, dairy cows and poultry.
William of Orange, who had passed through several phases of religious conviction, stood first and foremost for toleration.
Worcester and Middlesex counties are agriculturally foremost.
As a state she may justly be said to have been foremost in the struggle against slavery.'
His learning made him the equal and the friend of Grotius, and of the foremost contemporary scholars.
Of the old school of the "New England Theology," Smith was one of the foremost leaders of the new school Presbyterians.
The college to which Hofmann devoted nearly twenty of the best years of his life was starved; the coaltar industry, which was really brought into existence by his work and that of his pupils under his direction at that college, and which with a little intelligent forethought might have been retained in England, was allowed to slip into the hands of Germany, where it is now worth millions of pounds annually; and Hofmann himself was compelled to return to his native land to find due appreciation as one of the foremost chemists of his time.
Thus, whilst the detachment was still disposed as a series of rearguards, the foremost fractions of it stood to fight on the Yalu, against odds of four to one.
If Mr Roosevelt did not invent this term he literally created as well as led the movement which made Conservation in 1910 the foremost political and social question in the United States.
It was regarded by the followers of Quesnay as entitled to a place amongst the foremost products of human wisdom, and is named by the elder Mirabeau, in a passage quoted by Adam Smith, as one of the three great inventions which have contributed most to the stability of political societies, the other two being those of writing and of money.
The foremost advocate at the bar, he was known to have declined the highest prize in the profession rather than promote a measure of which he disapproved; a very prominent member of the House of Commons, whose action had been more than usually independent of party, he had separated himself from his political friends and maintained a position as the dignified and forcible opponent of disestablishment.
A great general could hardly fail to become the foremost man in the state.
Even after the conquest of Slovakia by the Hungarians, which resulted in Slovak territory being separated from Czech territory till they were reunited in 1918, an intellectual connexion between the two branches of the one family was always maintained, and some of the foremost names in Czech literature are those of writers who were Slovaks by birth.
In Slovakia the foremost name is that of the poet Hviezdoslay.
Among contemporary composers in 1921 the foremost were Foerster, Novak, Ostrcil, and Suk; and as executants Sev ik, Kubelik and Ondricek.
The currency issue had been foremost in the campaign, but the Republicans had also proclaimed themselves in favour of a return to the unqualified protective system.
It will thus be seen that Legendre's works have placed him in the very foremost rank in the widely distinct subjects of elliptic functions, theory of numbers, attractions, and geodesy, and have given him a conspicuous position in connexion with the integral calculus and other branches of mathematics.
It includes Budaeus and the elder Scaliger (who settled in France in 1529), with Turnebus and Lambinus, and the learned printers Robertus and Henricus Stephanus, while among its foremost names are those of the younger (and greater) Scaliger, Casaubon and Salmasius.
C. Buell in Kentucky had likewise drilled his troops to a high state of efficiency and was preparing to move against the Confederate general Albert Sidney Johnston, whose reputation was that of being the foremost soldier on either side.
In May 1535, at the age of fourteen, he went up to St John's College, Cambridge, where he was brought into contact with the foremost educationists of the time, Roger Ascham and John Cheke, and acquired an unusual knowledge of Greek.
In the 3rd century, under Gallienus and Probus, the city contained the chief imperial mint and treasury; and an engraved coffer, found in Croatia, dating from the 4th century, and representing the five foremost cities of the Empire, includes Siscia along with Rome, Byzantium, Carthage and Nicomedia.
There was nothing original in the treatment, but it showed such power of appreciating the new ideas of the Fichtean method that it was hailed with cordial recognition by Fichte himself, and gave the author immediately a place in popular estimation as in the foremost rank of existing philosophical writers.
In the States of the province of Holland pensionary of the order of nobles (Ridderschap) was the foremost official of that assembly and he was named - until the death of Oldenbarneveldt in 1619 - the land's advocate, or more shortly, the advocate.
These two are still among the foremost producers.
In philosophy, Collins takes a foremost place as a defender of Necessitarianism.
There are several important agricultural colleges for the practical education of young men in farming, foremost amongst them being the Ontario Agricultural College at Guelph.
A coalition cabinet was formed, including the foremost Liberals and Conservatives drawn from the different provinces.
During the reigns of Federigo and Guidubaldo, Urbino was one of the foremost centres of activity in art and literature in Italy.
Foremost among standing peace agreements are, of course, the International Hague Conventions relating directly to peace, agreements which have not only created a special peace jurisdiction for the settlement of international difficulties by judicial methods but also a written law to apply within the scope of this jurisdiction.
Suffolk's fall in 1450 left Richard of York the foremost man in England.
In the 16th and 17th centuries, painting replaced architecture as the distinctive art of Andalusia; and many of the foremost Spanish painters, including Velazquez and Murillo, were natives of this province.
The Borgia's foremost thought had been for his family; Julius devoted his effort to the Church and the papacy.
C. Oersted (21st July 1820) were still in 1821 apprehended in a somewhat confused manner even by the foremost men of science.
Swaying upward with the roll of the ship the two foremost brows came down scraping and grinding along the mole.
Foremost in this work were William Ellis and John Williams (q.v.), who formed a native agency to carry the gospel to their fellow islanders, and so inaugurated what has since been a characteristic feature of South Sea Missions.
Two devoted adherents of William of Orange, Paul Buys, advocate of Holland, and Johan van Oldenbarneveldt, pensionary of Rotterdam, were the statesmen who at this difficult juncture took the foremost part in directing the policy of the confederacy.
Foremost among these was the great commercial capital, Amsterdam, whose rich burgher patriciate did not scruple on occasion to defy the authority of the States-General, the stadholder and even of the States of Holland themselves.
Foremost among these elements is carbon, which iron inevitably absorbs from the fuel used in extracting it from its ores.
As the foremost end of the billet emerges from the furnace it enters the first of a series of roll-trains, and passes immediately thence to others, so that before half of the billet has emerged from the furnace its front end has already been reduced by rolling to its final shape, that of merchant-bars, which are relatively thin, round or square rods, in lengths of 300 ft.
In spite of its dismembered condition, and the sufferings it underwent at the hands of its French neighbours in various periods of warfare, the Rhenish territory prospered greatly and stood in the foremost rank of German culture and progress.
Miss dough's personal charm and high aims, together with the development of Newnham College under her care, led her to be regarded as one of the foremost leaders of the women's educational movement.
In the nature and extent of his studies, in the solidity of his work, and in the philosophic spirit which animated his life he ranks as the foremost historian of the United States, and as an American historian second to none of his European contemporaries in the same line.
John, in spite of the unpopularity of his ill-success, was forced into the foremost place.
Foremost among German academies is the Academy of Sciences (Akademie der Wissenschaften) in Berlin, founded in 1700 on Leibnitzs great plan and opened in 17ff.
Several princes and other leading personages, foremost among whom was the emperor Maximilian I., had spent a good deal of time and money in collecting the manuscripts of the medieval chroniclers, and these now began to be printed.
He took a foremost part in almost every good work in his diocese, social or educational, political or religious; while he found time also to cultivate friendly relations with thinking men and women of all schools, and to help all and sundry who came to him for advice and assistance.
Lysias lifted up his voice to denounce Dionysius as, next to Artaxerxes, the worst enemy of Hellas, and to impress upon the assembled Greeks that one of their foremost duties was to deliver Sicily from a hateful oppression.
Of prose writers we have Geoffrey Malaterra, Alexander abbot of Telesia, Romuald archbishop of Salerno, Falco of Benevento, and above all Hugo Falcandus, one of the very foremost of medieval writers.
No orator of modern times rose more rapidly to a foremost place.
The society of sciences, that of northern antiquaries, the natural history and the botanical societies, &c., publish their transactions and proceedings, but the Naturhistorisk Tidsskrift, of which 14 volumes with 259 plates were published (1861-1884), and which was in the foremost rank in its department, ceased with the death in 1884 of the editor, the distinguished zoologist, I.
He continued to represent the borough, and the district into which it was merged by the Reform Act of 1885, until 1900, when his attitude towards the South African War - he was one of the foremost of the so-called "Pro-Boer" party - compelled his retirement.
His claim to the title of the foremost Persian romanticist he fully established only a year or two after the Makhzan by the publication of his first epic masterpiece Khosrau and Shirin, composed, according to the oldest copies, in 576 A.H.
From Flanders to Rome his distinction was acknowledged, and artists of less invention, among them some of the foremost on both sides of the Alps, were not ashamed to borrow from his work this or that striking combination or expressive type.
Of the outlying buildings in connexion with the Alhambra, the foremost in interest is the Palacio de Generalife or Gineralife (the Moorish Jennat al Arif, " Garden of Arif," or " Garden of the Architect ").
In his day he was undoubtedly one of the foremost political leaders of the country, but his reputation has not stood the test of time.
Albert Hall Lord Rosebery advised them to concentrate upon the reform of the House of Lords, that assembly being, as he said, a foremost obstacle to the passing of legislation on the lines of the Newcastle programme; but he was unable to suggest in what direction it should be reformed.
The first portion of his Histoire de la Reformation, which was devoted to the earlier period of the movement in Germany, gave him at once a foremost place amongst modern French ecclesiastical historians, and was translated into most European tongues.
In 1575, at the General Assembly, Andrew Melville, now a man of thirty, and, with Buchanan, the foremost scholar of Scotland, especially in Greek, caused the lawfulness of bishops to be mooted.
The foremost and highest place, that of the " essential and supernatural " elements of religion, he would have reserved for its moral and spiritual truths, " its chief evidence and chief essence," " the truths to be drawn from the teaching and from the life of Christ," in whose character he did riot hesitate to recognize " the greatest of all miracles."
He at once made friends, who stood him in good stead all his life, foremost among whom were Edward Burne-Jones, who was a freshman of his year, and a little Birmingham group at Pembroke.
Reinald II., the Black (1326-1343), was one of the foremost princes in the Netherlands of his day.
The works of Damascenus give him a foremost place among the theologians of the early Eastern Church, and, according to Dorner, he "remains in later times the highest authority in the theological literature of the Greeks."
In the course of the ensuing ten years he published a large amount of original work, much of it dealing with the theory of invariants, which marked him as one of the foremost mathematicians of the time.
He cannot be called a great ecclesiastical statesman, but lie administered his office well and was undoubtedly one of the foremost public men of his day.
His forceful, facile pen gave him great influence from the first; but though a foremost member of several great deliberative bodies, he can fairly be said never to have made a speech.
It placed Jefferson among the foremost leaders of revolution, and procured for him the honour of drafting, later, the Declaration of Independence, whose historical portions were, in large part, only a revised transcript of the Summary View.
But Jefferson was throughout the chief inspirer and foremost worker.
They are possessed of certain privileges, such as exemption from the chief taxes and the duty of bearing arms. They, however, often take a foremost part in tribal administration, and are frequently called upon to perform the office of arbitrators in questions of disputed policy, &c. In the Jemda, too, the Marabout at times takes the place of honour and keeps order.
He soon came to be looked upon as one of the foremost authorities on educational matters in America, and in 1894 was elected president of the National Educational Association.
Foremost among its buildings must be mentioned its five chief churches, stately Gothic edifices in glazed brick, with lofty spires and replete with medieval works of art - pictures, stained glass and tombs.
John Gerson, the foremost theologian of France, wrote a manual of instructions (still extant) for the first of his tutors, Jean Majoris, a canon of Reims. His second tutor, Bernard of Armagnac, was noted for his piety and humility.
In politics he was throughout inclined toward Conservatism, and after the rise of parties under the federal government he stood with Alexander Hamilton and John Adams as one of the foremost leaders of the Federalist party, as opposed to the Republicans or Democratic-Republicans.
English coal is foremost among the imports, which also include timber and grain, while iron ore, Caen stone,' butter and eggs and fruit are among the exports.
He had now secured a leading if not the foremost place among the chemists of the French capital, and the demand for his services as adviser in technical problems and matters of practical interest made great inroads on his available time.
He belonged to the foremost family of Mecca, the Omayyads, and that he should favour his relations and the Koreish as a whole, in every possible way, seemed to him a matter of course.
With Leibnitz, on the other hand, the logical problem holds the foremost place in philosophical inquiry.
During these years he was perhaps the foremost champion of Union in the South, and strenuously opposed the Kansas-Nebraska Bill, which he declared prophetically would unite the various elements of opposition in the North, and render the breach between the sections irreparable.
Foremost in importance among the former stand the episcopal cities.
Foremost in this struggle stood the cities of Lombardy, most of which all through the barbarian invasions had kept their walls in repair and maintained some importance as economic centres, and whose popolo largely consisted of merchants of some standing.
Of Etruscan origin also is the Umbrian alphabet, represented first and foremost in the bronze tablets from Gubbio (the ancient Iguvium).
Foremost among the city's many monuments is that erected to the memory of George Washington.
In wheelwork of this kind the contact of each pair of teeth commences at the foremost end of the helical front, and terminates at the aftermost end; and the helix is of such a pitch that the contact of one pair of teeth shall not terminate until that of the next pair has commenced.
The Christian virtues were scorned by the foremost actors and the ablest thinkers of the time, while the antique virtues were themes for rhetoric rather than moving-springs of conduct.
Equilibrium was maintained by diplomacy, in which the humanists played a foremost part, casting a network of intrigue over the nation which helped in no small measure to stimulate intelligence and create a common medium of culture, but which accustomed statesmen to believe that everything could be achieved by wire-pulling.
From that time until his death he was admittedly the foremost man of the continent.
His faith in a strong nationalistic policy was gradually undermined, and he finally became the foremost champion of particularism and the recognized leader of what is generally known as the "States Rights" or "Strict Construction" party.
The church was at the time very powerful, the people generally sympathizing with her system, and her assemblies being attended by many of the nobles and the foremost men.
Of 1203 ministers 451 left her, and among these were many of her foremost men.
Scientific and practical questions connected with the possibility of laying an Atlantic submarine cable then began to be discussed, and Lord Kelvin was foremost in developing true scientific knowledge on this subject, and in the invention of appliances for utilizing it.
For many ages, even down to the early part of the 14th century, Egyptian flax occupied the foremost place in the commercial world, being sent into all regions with which open intercourse was maintained.
As a preacher, Tholuck ranked among the foremost of his time.
On the death of Hardicanute in 1042 Godwine was foremost in promoting the election of Edward (the Confessor) to the vacant throne.
Foremost in the work of preaching and educating were SS.
This famous editio princeps of the Welsh Bible, first and foremost of Welsh classics, was further supplemented under James I.
The success of the Baptists of Virginia in securing step by step the abolition of everything that savoured of religious oppression, involving at last the disestablishment and the disendowment of the Episcopal Church, was due in part to the fact that Virginia Baptists were among the foremost advocates of American independence, while the Episcopal clergy were loyalists and had made themselves obnoxious to the people by using the authority of Great Britain in extorting their tithes from unwilling parishioners, and that they secured the co-operation of free-thinking statesmen like Thomas Jefferson and James Madison and, in most measures, that of the Presbyterians.
His life from first to last was one of devotion to science, and he must be accounted, on intellectual grounds, one of the foremost men of the 19th century.
His great influence on the entire church, his wonderful success in planning, financing, and carrying out necessary ecclesiastical reforms, and the constructive and executive ability he displayed in his diocese, make him one of the foremost Catholic emigrants to the United States.
And this is fulfilled when he obeys the commands of law and the true order; when he tends his cattle and fields, in contrast with the lawless and predatory nomad (Dahae); when he wars on all harmful and evil creatures, and on the devilworshippers; when he keeps free from pollution the pure creations of Ahuramazdauire foremost, but also earth and water; and, above all, when he practises the Good and True in thought, word and work.
The Persian tribes were welded by Cyrus into a singh nation, and now became the foremost people in the world (se PERSIS and CYRUS).
ForemOst among these was MahomPurt her med Ilasan Khan, hereditary chief of those Kajars Confusion.
The latter, who died in 1325 (725 A.H.), two years before his friend IJasan, occupies the foremost place among all the Persian poets of India by the richness of his imagination, his graphic style, and the historical interest attached to his writings.
He was a prolific writer, and at the time of his death he occupied the foremost position in England both as a logician and as an economist.
The greatness of the opportunity was rightly stated by the governor of Natal (Sir Matthew Nathan), who declared that the convention might create a commonwealth which should add to and not draw upon the strength of the empire - a commonwealth which in culture as in power would be among the foremost nations of the world.
However, some names appeared in the Cancioneiro Gerale which were to be among the foremost in Portuguese literature, e.g.
The foremost literary figure of the time was the encyclopaedic Francisco Manoel de Mello (q.v.), who, though himself a Spanish classic, .strove hard and successfully to free himself from subservience to Spanish forms and style.
The curve obtained on joining the former points then brings out a number of facts, foremost among which are (1) that as long as the conditions remain constant the doubling periods - i.e.
The foremost place in its chief industry, ship-building, is taken by the Vulcan yard, situated in the suburb of Bredow, which builds warships for the German navy.
There are three questions without the discussion of which this notice of one of the foremost writers of the world would not be worthy of its present place.
Henry was by general concession the foremost of American physicists.
He is first and foremost a story-teller; his theme is like that of the bards, a heroic event.
Under its ancient name of Urci, Almeria was one of the chief Spanish harbours after the final conquest of Spain by the Romans in 19 B.C. It reached the summit of its prosperity in the middle ages, as the foremost seaport of the Moorish kingdom of Granada.
From 1801 to 1809 he was partly in opposition, partly in office, fighting for the foremost place.
Conant was the foremost Hebrew scholar of his time in America.
Dauphine was one of the first of the provinces to feel the excitement of the coming revolution; and Barnave was foremost to give voice to the general feeling, in a pamphlet entitled Esprit des edits enregistres militairement le zo mai 1788.
Here he stepped at once into the foremost rank as a preacher, and his church was thronged with thoughtful men of all classes in society and of all shades of religious belief.
Augustus had been designated (not indeed officially, but none the less regularly) as princeps - the first citizen or foremost man of the state.
In 1638 ship-money was levied on Bedfordshire, and in the Civil War that followed, the county was one of the foremost in opposing the king.
One more poet, and a real one, is Vasile Carlova (1809-1831), whose Ruins of Tirgovishtec sufficed to place him among the foremost Rumanian.
First and foremost is its ascription to the Lord Himself, which we can hardly be mistaken in regarding as an attempt to claim yet higher sanction than was claimed by the various compilations which were styled " apostolic. " This fact alone would lead us to infer the pre-existence of certain of the latter.
Vigfusson, Gudbrandr (1828-1889), the foremost Scandinavian scholar of the 19th century, was born of a good and old Icelandic family in Breibafjord in 1828.
The Progressive party, the name taken by those who sought a permanent settlement under the British flag, lost their leader, and South Africa its foremost statesman by the death, in May 1902, of Cecil Rhodes, a few weeks before the end of the war.
He sat at first on the Extreme Left; but his philosophic and critical temperament was not in harmony with the recklessness of French radicalism, and his attitude towards political questions underwent a steady modification, till the close of his life saw him the foremost representative of moderate republicanism.
Tested by the power and effect of his teaching influence, Cousin occupies a foremost place in the rank of professors of philosophy, who like Jacobi, Schelling and Dugald Stewart have united the gifts of speculative, expository and imaginative power.
Gladstone that he included her, in an article in the Speaker, among the foremost English poetesses of the day.
As an orator Senator Evarts stood in the foremost rank, and some of his best speeches were published.
These tend to show that Artemis was first and foremost a nature goddess, whose cult shows numerous traces of totemism.
Conrad, a member of the former family, who took the title of "duke in Franconia" about the year 900, was chosen German king in 911 as the representative of the foremost of the German races.
To the Jesuits, the foremost champions in this struggle, it seemed indis pensable that the confessional should be made attrac tive; for this purpose ecclesiastico-moral law must be somehow " accommodated " to worldly needs; and the theory of " Probabilism " supplied a plausible method for effecting this accommodation.
The name of Hallgrim Petursson, whose Passion-hymns, " the flower of all Icelandic poetry," have been the most popular composition in the language, is foremost of all writers since the second change of faith.
The sagas of the south are either lost or absorbed in that of Nial (970-1014), a long and complex story into which are woven the tales of Gunnar Nial, and parts of others, as Brian Boroimhe, Hall o' Side, &c. It is, whether we look at style, contents or legal and historical weight, the foremost of all sagas.
The post-classical literature falls chiefly under three heads - religious, literary and scientific. Under the first comes foremost the noble translation of the New Testament by Odd Gottskalksson, son of the bishop of Holar.
The result was the publication, in 1349, of the Zakonik Tsara Dushana (Tsar Dushan's Book of Laws), a code of great historical interest which proves that Servia was not much behind the foremost European states in 1 Dushan is a term of endearment, derived from dusha, "the soul," and not, as formerly believed by Western philologists, from dushiti, " to strangle."
The reformed doctrines were readily accepted in Strassburg about 1523, its foremost champion here being Martin Bucer, and the city was skilfully piloted through the ensuing period of religious dissensions by Jacob Sturm von Sturmeck, who secured for it very favourable terms at the end of the war of the league of Schmalkalden.
Galileo Galilei, Kepler's most eminent contemporary, took a foremost part in dissipating the obscurity that still hung over the very foundations of mechanical science.
He was now, as a matter of course, foremost in the public affairs of Athens.
Foremost among the Educa- educational institutions is the South Slavonic Academy Educa- of Sciences and Arts (Jugoslavenska Akademija Znanosti i Umjetnosti), founded by Strossmayer and others in 1867, as an improvement on a learned society which had existed since 1836.
Foremost among the industrial establishments are Whitehead's torpedo factory, Messrs Smith & Meynie's paper-mill, the royal tobacco factory, a chemical factory, and several flour-mills, tanneries and rope manufactories.
According to legend, Rashi and Godfrey of Bouillon - of the foremost leaders of the Crusade - were intimate friends.
Foremost among the latter was the distinguished Swiss naturalist and bee-keeper, Francois Huber, who was led to construct the leaf-hive bearing his name after experimenting with a single comb observatory hive recommended by Reaumur.
There he gained the acquaintance of many of the foremost scientific men of the day, and quickly made a name for himself both as a teacher and an investigator, attaining within ten years the honour of membership of the Academy of Sciences.
By his advice, at the beginning of January 1576 a diet was summoned to Jedrzejow to confirm the election of Bathory, and from the time of that monarch's arrival in Poland till his death ten years later Zamoyski was his foremost counsellor.
Since 1900 Nebraska has become one of the foremost winter wheat states, second only to Kansas.
Nashville is one of the foremost educational centres in the Southern states.
Mining.-Mining is now the foremost industry, the gross production in 1905 being valued at £1,858,218 as compared with £1,500,000, the value of agricultural production, which is next in importance.
He now came forward as the professed champion and leader of the democracy, and, owing to the moderate abilities of his rivals and opponents, he was for some years undoubtedly the foremost man in Athens.
It may be safely said of the United Kingdom that it takes the foremost position in the world as regards the extent of the oil and fat industries.
The United Ste tes takes the foremost place in the world for the production of cottonseed and maize oils, lard, bone fat and fish oils.
Immediately in front of the foremost row of seats a hood or sloping screen of wood covers a part of the orchestra, and another hood of similar shape starts from the front of the stage at a slightly lower level.
The foremost foothill of the range is the steep crag of Mons Titanus, crowned by the towers of the republic of San Marino.
So far, the only possibility benefit is Howie being the world's foremost expert on July, 1932 in West Virginia!
Yes, I do… when you told me you planned to marry Sarah; my foremost concern was how difficult your death would be for her.
At the moment it probably wasn't the foremost issue for her, but later it would matter.
He then hired England's foremost architect, James Wyatt, to build a medieval abbey for him to live in.
At the end of this time, the college enjoyed high scientific repute and Owen had become the foremost anatomist in Europe.
John Woodbridge is the UK's foremost expert in airbrush make-up artistry.
Claire Tomalin is our foremost literary biographer whose last book Pepys won the Whitbread Book of the Year prize.
The foremost concern for persons with diabetes who use chromium is the development of kidney problems.
Petr Eben is one of the foremost composers from the Czech Republic.
David Bellamy is now the country's foremost climate change denier.
The Division is the UK's foremost supplier of saturated polyester resins for the manufacture of flexible urethane foam and polyurethane elastomers.
Written by one of the world's foremost rigging experts, Arena Rigging presents both the theoretical and the practical components of rigging.
He is a foremost exponent of the calligraphy art form.
Included are some of the foremost electronic composers in the world making music for two of the foremost electronic composers in the world making music for two of the foremost groups in the Natural Art world.
The EC's website describes gatS as " first and foremost an instrument for the benefit of business.
Foremost policy analysts learn could sign the local grog with almost passengers.
Ten seconds later, I rang the country's foremost medical humorist to ask him to join me.
They span his remarkable 36 years as the US's foremost intellectual and anti-imperialist champion.
I knew him to be the foremost authority then living on the coastal trading ketch.
And the campaign to gain fair pay for fe lecturers has been among the foremost priorities for NATFHE.
Dark Horse Comics presents Museum of Terror, a series of horror stories by Japan's foremost creator of horror manga.
Dundee United have come a very long way in four decades, progressing from comparative obscurity to become one of Scotland's foremost clubs.
Williams has earned a reputation as one of Britain's foremost realist painters.
This report was prepared by Dr. Alan Judd (University of Sunderland ), one of the world's foremost authorities on seafloor pockmarks.
In his heyday, the officer was one of the foremost proponents of naval air power and led by example!
Aberdeen Journals Limited is the foremost newspaper publisher in the North of Scotland and employs over 550 staff in the local area.
Foremost, it will periodically revisit each RSS site to check if any new information or items have been added.
O Waly, Waly Oliver Cromwell Born in Bombay, Patricia Rozario is the foremost internationally acclaimed Indian soprano.
First and foremost they created unified fields of exchange and communication below Latin and above the spoken vernaculars.
Undeniably the foremost virtuoso of the sitar, Nishat Khan transcends all musical barriers with his provocative emotional expression and supreme technical mastery.
Swiss made, high quality construction by Bergeon, the world's foremost watch tool maker, and the preferred choice for professional watchmakers.
When, however, in connexion with the quarrel about the archbishopric of Cologne (1837), political Catholicism raised its head menacingly, Leo turned against it with extreme violence in his open letter (1838) to Goerres, its foremost champion.
Here, too, he made the acquaintance of Claude Mydorge, one of the foremost mathematicians of France, and renewed an early intimacy with Malin Mersenne (q.v.), now Father Mersenne, of the order of Minim friars.
The attack was opened by Gisbert Vo g t, foremost among the orthodox theological professors and clergy of Utrecht.
It was at this time that the lesser nobility, foremost among whom were Louis of Nassau (brother of William), Philip de Marnix, lord of Sainte Aldegonde, and Henry, count of Brederode, began to organize resistance, and in 1566 a confederacy was formed, all the members of which signed a docu ment called "The Compromise," bywhichthey bound themselves to help and protect one another against persecution, and to extirpate the Inquisition from the land.
First and foremost of these was Erasmus; others were Hermann von dem Busche, the missionary of humanism, Conrad Goclenius (Gockelen), Conrad Mutianus (Muth von Mudt) and pope Adrian VI.
Two lateral outgrowths of the foremost portion of the oesophagus, afterwards becoming constricted off, as well as two ingrowths from the epiblast, contribute towards its formation, at least as far as both Metaand Heteronemertines are concerned.
Among travellers Eudoxus of Cyzicus occupies a foremost rank, since, between 115-87 B.C. he visited India and the east coast of Africa, which subsequently he attempted in vain to circumnavigate by Celestial globes were made much earlier than terrestrial ones.
He soon came to be recognized as one of the foremost debaters on those economical and commercial questions which at that time so much occupied the attention of parliament; and the most prejudiced and bitter of his opponents were fain to acknowledge that they had to deal with a man whom the most practised and powerful orators of their party found it hard to cope with, and to whose eloquence, indeed, the great statesman in whom they put their trust was obliged ultimately to surrender.
Its two foremost leaders were Doctor Trumbic and Mr. Supilo (two of the makers of the Resolution of Fiume) and it also included Doctor Hinkovic (known as the chief advocate in the Zagreb treason trial), Ivan Mestrovic the sculptor, the Slovene deputies Gregorin and Trinajstic, the Bosnian Serb deputies Stojanovic, SrSkic and Vasiljevic, publicists of repute such as Marjanovic and Banjanin, and prominent representatives of the Yugoslav colonies in North and South America, such as the scientist Pupin and the shipping magnate Baburica.
A famous passage, and one short enough to quote, is that describing the old blind doge Dandolo, who had "Grant ochoison de remanoir (reason for staying at home), car viels hom ere, et si avoit les yaulx en la teste biaus et n'en veoit gote (goutte)," and yet was the foremost in fight.
In 1643, when a Scottish army was formed to intervene in the English Civil War (see Great Rebellion) and placed under the command of Alexander Leslie, earl of Leven, the foremost living Scottish soldier, Leslie was selected as Leven's major-general.
Entering politics at the dreariest and least profitable stage in Canadian history, he took the foremost part in the movement which made of Canada a nation; he guided that nation through the nebulous stages of its existence, and left it united, strong and vigorous, a monument to his patriotic and far-sighted statesmanship. His statue adorns the squares of the principal Canadian towns.
The Czechoslovak Republic was first and foremost concerned, while avoiding all that may smack of chauvinism or imperialism, to maintain its integrity within the frontiers assigned to it by the Peace Conference.
Schelling was prematurely thrust into the position of a foremost productive thinker; and when the lengthened period of quiet meditation was at last forced upon him there unfortunately lay before him a system which achieved what had dimly been involved in his ardent and impetuous desires.
More significant still is the way in which the foremost Chinese officials have turned to missionaries like Timothy Richard and Griffith John for assistance in guiding the new impulse.
He took an active share in the Oregon controversy, asserting his unalterable determination, in spite of President Polk's faltering from the declaration of his party's platform, not to " yield up one inch " of the territory to Great Britain, and advocating its occupation by a military force; indeed he consistently regarded Great Britain as the natural and foremost rival of the United States, the interests of the two nations, he thought, being always opposed, and few senators fought more vigorously the Clayton-Bulwer Treaty or Great Britain's reassertion of the right of search on the high seas.
Swiss made, high quality construction by Bergeon, the world 's foremost watch tool maker, and the preferred choice for professional watchmakers.
For now, you need customer feedback first and foremost, and you need to do whatever is required to bring in customers for the purpose of obtaining that feedback.
Decorate it with love first and foremost, and you'll find the details easily fall into place.
The Shield Pro, like McAfee, includes a firewall, and is reputed to consume little computer resources, its foremost praise.
Keep in mind that how a child proceeds along that path has a tremendous amount to do with their role models, which are firstly, and foremost, their parents.
First, and perhaps foremost, is the cost of your initial investment.
First and foremost, ASID offers a ways for students to network and make contacts with professional interior designers that will be useful after graduation.
Candice Olson, Canada's foremost interior designer, takes a homeowner's vision and beautifully fulfills it in this thirty minute dynamo.
There are several reasons for this desirability, but the foremost is the color saturation quality of the fiber.
It's quite obvious that a perfume bottle is used first and foremost to store fragrances.
This is a product, first and foremost, for those areas of the face that benefit from some extra color.
The difference between this and other bronzers is, first and foremost, in the color variation.
Foremost on my "worthiness" list is whether the product can produce a number of looks with just a few colors - if so, I know it's worth the price and will pay for itself over time.
Benefit cosmetics is known first and foremost for its adorable, colorful packaging.
You are spending money to have fun, first and foremost.
And never forget that cooking is first and foremost fun.
Prom is first and foremost a giant dance for most teens in the United States.
Since vegetarians don't eat animal products, one of the first and foremost important things to do when creating new vegetarian recipes is to find a new protein source.
First and foremost, always have her present when you're shopping - having her there to try on dresses is much easier than playing a sizing guessing game.
As a security company first and foremost, Securitas is best known for the services it provides.
Royal Caribbean is one of the world's foremost cruise lines with its innovative ships and superior roster of activities and entertainment for everyone aboard.
While cruise lines typically try to maintain their published schedules, safety is their foremost concern.
Boxers are completely devoted to their families, first and foremost.
Dogs are carnivores first and foremost, but adding some veggies and fruits to their diet will provide a natural source of vitamins, fiber, minerals and antioxidants.
There are collars that are designed with the safety of your dog being the foremost purpose for the collar.
The foremost place in this section belongs to G. p. maximus.
Trex Company, Inc. is a member of The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC), the nation's foremost coalition of leaders from every sector of the building industry.
There is no denying the comfort a men's short sleeve dress shirt with a button-down collar, and that's the first and foremost argument in their favor.
First and foremost, they are ideal for wearing to the office during cold weather.
As you determine how to prank your parents, consider first and foremost what types of pranks will be safe and which ones are best left out of your plans.
Consider first and foremost the physical safety of all parties involved.
There are several assumptions, the foremost being that your retirement fund will be your sole source of income.
First and foremost, the larger size is worth a mention when it comes to the Kanaha style.
First and foremost, look for 100 percent UVA (Ultraviolet type A) and UVB (Ultraviolet type B) protection in a pair of shatter-resistant lenses.
Women, first and foremost, still want good games, and this is finally coming to fruition.
You'll notice that most online content is catered toward an older audience, but ClubPenguin is designed for kids first and foremost.
First and foremost is the inclusion of Knuckles the Echidna who would go on to become one of the best loved and most recognised of all the characters in the 'Sonic Universe'.
It is, first and foremost, a multimedia machine.
McClure's practice in India, her knowledge of Swedish massage and reflexology along with her knowledge of yoga postures, which she had already adapted for babies, served to make her the foremost authority on infant massage.
First and foremost, dance step graphics often come in the old fashioned form of black and white footprints mapping out the various maneuvers of social dance.
Declutter. This is one of the first and foremost rules of feng shui.
The first and foremost characteristic of all Jennifer Aniston sedu hair styles deals with the quality of hair.
First and foremost, if you're going short, you need an excellent cut for thick hair.
How to create Sedu styles is the first and foremost important aspect of using this unique tool, and a video offers visual training and important information on the process.
Barb Shelton is one of the foremost speakers in Christian homeschooling.
During the late 19th and early 20th century, Singer was the foremost manufacturer of treadle machines.
First and foremost, a full bust requires support.
Hooters may be an eating establishment, but it's known first and foremost for its waitresses - the Hooters Girls.
Of course, Hooters Girls are really recognized first and foremost for their uniforms.
As one of the world's foremost swim wear brands, Speedo has been serving the water sports world for decades.
First and foremost, you can use a word processing program to create your own list, categorized in any format you want.
First and foremost, it is a powerful antioxidant that fights free-radicals.
Women's classic professional clothing is always going to be about the suit, first and foremost.
First and foremost, Apple Bottoms is synonymous with denim.
Obviously, a shaver is suppose to shave, first and foremost.
First and foremost, have a clear and concise message you can convey to the community foundation you will be communicating with.
First and foremost, you are giving individuals a fresh start at life by creating job opportunities and training programs that come out of your donations' proceeds.
First and foremost, you can donate funds to help keep the organization supplied with all they need to continue making a difference.
First and foremost, it should present your organization in a good light.
First and foremost, it does not only put money into your group's fund, but also puts it back into the pockets of local businesses that need it most during tough economical times.
First and foremost, it provides family, friends and giving companies with a tax write off, which is always welcomed when April comes along.
He is at an age when feeling insecure about his sexuality, and his manhood are first and foremost on his mind, which is perfectly normal.
Fossil, Inc. is one of America's foremost watch and accessories companies.
First and foremost we have a commitment to fine craftsmanship and we stay true to our principals of form and fashion, staying in tune with today's woman.
Some of them may be constructed of beautifully soft, touchable material, but the majorities are run-of-the-mill versions designed to be, first and foremost, extremely functional.
It practices utility first and foremost, but its easy style is a great addition to anyone's casual repertoire of travel gear.
Though it has always been, first and foremost, a military tool used to conceal target spots, the transition of camouflage to everyday life is not surprising.
Though the fun exterior print is probably what will appeal most to your child, it's the contents within that should be first and foremost on your mind as you pack the tote.
With that in mind, your purse - however unique it is - should first and foremost be spacious enough to store everything you need for the night.
First and foremost, if your sun sign is in Pisces, your entire chart is "rinsed" with the characteristics of that sign.
The passion that symbolizes their element is the foremost quality that Aries shares with Sagittarius and Leo.
Relevant content and the safety of children are foremost in the selection, providing for the security of the kids who use the engine.
Every parent wants to think foremost of their child's fun when it comes to summer camp, but before you enroll them in the great water park day camp forty-five minutes away, remember that you're adding that travel time every day.
LoveToKnow Movies is a community first and foremost and we want to know what you think of the community.
First and foremost the movies were a ratings powerhouse as millions of television viewers watched Brian's Song in the beginning of the 70's.
First and foremost, fan fiction is written about copyrighted characters and settings, thus making it illegal to profit from infringing on those worlds.
First and foremost, they are designed to catch you up on any programming you may have missed due to work, vacation, or anything else that pried you away from your favorite dramatic excitement.
The show's focus remains family first and foremost.
Practicing good hygiene will be the first and foremost recommendation made to you.
The best tattoos are first and foremost, well thought out.
First and foremost, it can show your affinity to the sun.
According to the Roller Coaster Database, the foremost authority for the roller coaster census, there are more than 560 roller coasters in Europe, approximately 60 of which are in France.
Watch connoisseurs argue about many things, but foremost is the debate between watch straps and bracelets.
First and foremost, when buying vintage watches, the most important thing is that the watch still keeps time.
This helps to keep the wedding foremost in people's minds and ensures that they have plenty of time to plan for the big event.
First and foremost, any body movement during pregnancy is of great importance to the health of the mother and child.
Foremost, the area defined as a 'home office' must be designated only for work use.
First and foremost, you'll need a valid passport with at least six month's left on it.
Now published in both print and electronic forms, the Black Book has evolved over the years to become one of the foremost sources for U.S. and Canadian used car values.
In addition to all of your cheerleading commitments, LSU is first, and foremost, a college.
First and foremost, prioritize the tasks that you have to do.
First and foremost, it saves you money - an average of $0.16 per load.
Carbohydrate elimination is the first and foremost step to take when dieting to treat candida overgrowth as bacteria thrives on them for life and reproduction.
The function of protein is first and foremost to build the body, not fuel it; that's for carbohydrates and fat.
First and foremost, consult your doctor.
When beginning with weightlifting techniques, your first and foremost priority at this point is to learn the proper movements without overdoing it or getting sloppy so that you pull something.
Read on to learn more about why aerobic activity is your first and foremost strategy within an effective exercise routine.
First and foremost is the cardio workout.
First and foremost, your aim must be to avoid injury.
Foremost Insurance Company- Farmers acquired this company in March of 2000.
Foremost is the industry leader for specialty insurance products for mobile homes, travel trailers, motor homes, and other similar dwellings.
Your family is of the utmost importance when deciding the policy that you will ultimately pay for, so consider first and foremost their welfare.
First and foremost, discuss insurance and payment plans with your current dentist to see what you can expect to find.
Foremost, babydoll lingerie is flattering for nearly every figure.
First and foremost, it's important that you wear the right size bra.
First and foremost, a good corset forces you to have perfect posture.
Many groups that tout morals first and foremost, such as churches, private schools, and strictly professional places of business will more than likely be against the low rise thong, or any form of revealing underwear at all for that matter.
Foremost, these designers provide lasting quality and up-to-date styles.
First and foremost, of course, is what you want the finished piece to look like.
Foremost, gowns flatter any bodytype, while leaving a little to the imagination.
No matter which theme you ultimately choose for your dinner party, keep your guests' comfort and entertainment foremost in your mind, and the evening is sure to be a success.
He is the foremost authority of runway walking in the world.
Always consult a regular doctor first and foremost if you are suffering from acne so severe that it affects your quality of life.
For that reason, many people seem to prefer using it as a body wash first and foremost.
While your foremost concern might be deciding what exactly to wear for each occasion, you may also want to pay heed to the unpleasant problems brought on by mosquitoes.
What topical prescription acne medications do, first and foremost, is dry the skin.
Indeed, this sector of the beauty industry is one of the foremost in the world, and certainly one of the most advanced.
First and foremost was an overwhelming urge to punch his lights out but past similar responses hadn't produced positive results.
Edith Shipton was, first and foremost, a very manipulative and self-centered woman who had a love-hate relationship with every man she ever met.
Wide as were Virchow's studies, and successful as he was in all, yet the foremost place must be given to his achievements in pathological investigation.
Foremost among the leaders of the revolutionary armies were Manuel Belgrano, and after March 1812 General Jose de San Martin, an officer who had gained experience against the French in the Peninsular War.
The foremost heroes of the first crusade were Netherlanders.
Loretto School, one of the foremost public schools in Scotland, occupies the site of the chapel of Our Lady of Loretto, which was founded in 1534 by Thomas Duthie, a hermit from Mt Sinai.
After this event he actively opposed the government, his eloquence making him the foremost orator among the members of the Left.
During these years he won a foremost place among the preachers of Scotland.
Among famous names of recent times foremost stands that of the artist Josef Israels.
The brain innervates the eyes and feelers, and must be regarded as a " syncerebrum " representing the ganglia of the three foremost limb-bearing somites united with the primitive cephalic lobes.
The Cunard arrangement was the first of various measures that worked for a commercial rapprochement between the New England states and Canada, culminating in the reciprocity treaty of 1854, and Boston's interests are foremost to-day in demanding a return to relations of reciprocity.
The Cid of history, though falling short of the poetical ideal which the patriotism of his countrymen has so long cherished, is still the foremost man of the heroical period of Spain - the greatest warrior produced out of the long struggle between Christian and Moslem, and the perfect type of the Castilian of the 12th century.
From an industrial point of view Moravia belongs to the foremost provinces of the Austrian Empire.
The lands of the family lay chiefly on the Welsh Marches, and from this date the Bohuns take a foremost place among the Marcher barons.
Maria Theresa considered herself first and foremost as the heiress of the rights of the house of Austria.
Petermann (1822-1878) must always occupy a foremost place in the history of cartography.
It was not until he became secretary (1837) of the newly created board of education of Massachusetts, that be began the work which was soon to place him in the foremost rank of American educationists.
Although some of its foremost exponents were famous Talmudists, it was a protest against excessive intellectualism and Aristotelian scholasticism.
The siege had lasted fifty-three days when, on the 29th of May 1453, a tremendous assault was successful; the desperate efforts of the Greeks were unavailing, Constantine himself falling among the foremost defenders of the breach.
The archduke Charles was the foremost amongst many workers who had realized that numbers were absolutely needed to confront the new French methods.
His standard work on algebra, written in Arabic, and other treatises of a similar character raised him at once to the foremost rank among the mathematicians of that age, and induced Sultgn Malik-Shgh to summon him in A.H.
No other country has been able to equal Brazil in the production of coffee, and under better labour conditions the country might compete with the foremost in the production of cane sugar, cotton and tobacco.
Among the many historians of Magyar literature Francis Toldy alias Schedel holds the foremost place.
Probably the foremost among them is Sigismund Justh, who died prematurely in the midst of his painful attempt at reconciling French " realistic " modes of thought with what he conceived to be Magyar simplicity (A puszta konyve, " The Book of the Puszta," prairie of Hungary; A Peitz legenddja, " The Legend of Money "; Gdnyo Julcsa, " Juliet Ganyo "; Fuimus).
Terence's earliest play was the Andria, exhibited in 166 B.C. A pretty, but perhaps apocryphal, story is told of his having read the play, before its exhibition, to Caecilius (who, after the death of Plautus, ranked as the foremost comic poet), and of the generous admiration of it manifested by Caecilius.
Such is the great mind of Aristotle manifested in the large map of learning, by which we have now to determine the order of his extant philosophical writings, with a view to studying them in their real order, which is neither chronological nor traditional, but philosophical and scientific. Turning over the pages of the Berlin edition, but passing over works which are perhaps spurious, we should put first and foremost speculative philosophy, and therein the primary philosophy of his Metaphysics (980 a 211093 b 29); then the secondary philosophy of his Physics, followed by his other physical works, general and biological, including among the latter the Historia Animalium as preparatory to the De Partibus Animalium, and the De Anima and Parva Naturalia, which he called " physical " but we call " psychological" (184 a 10-967 b 27); next, the practical philosophy of the Ethics, including the Eudemian Ethics and the Magna Moralia as earlier and the Nicomachean Ethics as later (1094-124 9 b 25), and of the Politics (1252-1342), with the addition of the newly discovered Athenian Constitution as ancillary to it; finally, the productive science, or art, of the Rhetoric, including the earlier Rhetoric to Alexander and the later Rhetorical Art, and of the Poetics, which was unfinished (1354-end).
His father died in 1817, and the son passed several years (1820-1824) in Ohio with his uncle, Bishop Philander Chase (1775-1852), the foremost pioneer of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the West, the first bishop of Ohio (1819-1831), and after 1835 bishop of Illinois.
It is also worth mentioning that it was usual to read the police by-laws of a town at regular intervals to the assembled citizens in a morning-speech (Morgensprache).2 To turn to Italy, the country for so many centuries in close political connexion with Germany, the foremost thing to be noted is that here the towns grew to even greater independence, many of them in the end acknowledging no overlord whatever after the yoke of the German kings had been shaken off.
But these works, while proving Scaliger's right to the foremost place among his contemporaries as Latin scholar and critic, did not go beyond mere scholarship. It was reserved for his edition of Manilius (1579), and his De emendatione temporum (1583), to revolutionize all the received ideas of ancient chronology - to show that ancient history is not confined to that of the Greeks and Romans, but also comprises that of the Persians, the Babylonians and the Egyptians, hitherto neglected as absolutely worthless, and that of the Jews, hitherto treated as a thing apart, and that the historical narratives and fragments of each of these, and their several systems of chronology, must be critically compared, if any true and general conclusions are to be reached.
Above all, the Church, including the Society of Jesus, naturally favoured the Habsburg claimant, who represented its two foremost champions, Spain and Austria.
Each played a foremost part in the revival of learning.
In Congress he was conspicuous as a Radical Republican in Reconstruction legislation, and was one of the managers selected by the House to conduct the impeachment, before the Senate, of President Johnson, opening the case and taking the most prominent part in it on his side; he exercised a marked influence over President Grant and was regarded as his spokesman in the House, and he was one of the foremost advocates of the payment in "greenbacks" of the government bonds.
The foremost printer and translator was a certain Diakonus Koresi, of Greek origin, who had emigrated to Walachia and thence to Transylvania.
First and foremost a new translation of the whole Bible was undertaken by Samuel Klain.
But Balzac did him justice; Rotrou, as we have seen, never failed in generous appreciation; Moliere in conversation and in print recognized him as his own master and the foremost of dramatists.
Monod was undoubtedly the foremost Protestant preacher of 19th-century France.
He was then one of the foremost scientific men in London, and he had a large surgical practice.
Foremost on his mind was the surrogacy thing.
The first and foremost reason to treat reflux is to relieve symptoms and improve your quality of life.
How do you nurture the nation's foremost creative talent?
First and foremost you need tenacity and you need to be technically very competent.
I had just sunk my head on this when the bells rung fire, and in hot haste the engines rolled that way, led by a straggling troop of men and boys, and I among the foremost, for I had leaped the brook.
The foremost Frenchman, the one with the hooked nose, was already so close that the expression of his face could be seen.
On seeing the hussars, the foremost began to turn, while those behind began to halt.
First and foremost, encourage the daily Bible reading habit.
How do you nurture the nation 's foremost creative talent?
First and foremost, it is important to do your homework.
First and foremost, cats and dogs are profoundly different.
First and foremost, just be aware of the activities you participate in that increase greenhouse gases, which in turn increases the effects of global warming.
First and foremost, curtain rods need to suit the curtains you have in mind.
First and foremost if you're going to be drinking champagne and partaking in an open bar, it's best to have someone else do the driving.
This theme relies first and foremost on beautiful weather.
First and foremost, when shopping for new pants for your daughter, you should have her with you if at all possible.
First and foremost, jackets are designed to keep you comfortable in cool weather - remember, that's cool, not cold.
First and foremost, they will be the most organized and legitimate, as they determine and set the deals of every vacation package out there.
First and foremost, set a budget before you look.
First and foremost, you can monitor what your child plays.
First and foremost, the infant's respiratory distress must be addressed.
First and foremost, you will not always receive the individual attention you expect for your money.
First and foremost, make sure you have permission to do so, especially in a studio with students under 18.
First and foremost, you should make it a priority to visit their Website and determine what job fits your qualifications.
First and foremost, you'll want to make sure that any toys you purchase are safe for your children to play with.
He could not deny his foremost reaction was the desire for more.
Upon the refusal in November of the Lords to concur in the address of the Commons requesting the removal of the queen from court, he joined in a protest against the refusal, and was foremost in all the violent acts of the session.
Its foremost representative was Francis Makemie, already mentioned, who, in 1683, as an ordained minister of the presbytery of Laggan, was invited to minister to the Maryland and Virginia Presbyterians.
The rule of Rosas was now one of tyranny and almost incessant bloodshed in Buenos Aires, while his partisans, foremost amongst whom was General Ignacio Oribe, endeavoured to exterminate the Unitarians throughout the provinces.
Tasmania during the last few years has attained the foremost position in the production of tin, the annual output now being about £363,000.
In the south (of the Netherlands) Christianity was spread by the labours of devoted missionaries, foremost amongst whom were St Amandus, St Bavon and St Eligius, and bishoprics were set up at Cambrai, Tournai, Arras, Therouanne and Liege.
Among the centrifugal forces which determined the future of the Italian race must be reckoned, first and foremost, the new spirit of municipal independence.
The glands occur in groups, and lead into common ducts which open usually so much reduced that the foremost apparent ventral sclerite of the abdomen represents the third sternite.
The academy is one of the foremost secondary schools in the country, and among its alumni have been Daniel Webster, Edward Everett, Lewis Cass (born in Exeter in a house still standing), John Parker Hale, George Bancroft, Jared Sparks, John Gorham Palfrey, Richard Hildreth and Francis Bowen.
For more than half of his brief life he held a prominent position in the very foremost rank of natural philosophers.
American universities have owed much to Jewish generosity, a foremost benefactor of these (as of many other American institutions) being Jacob Schiff.
The Jews of America have also taken a foremost place in the succour of their oppressed brethren in Russia and other parts of the world.
Under Honorius, it became the seat of the prefecture of the Gauls and one of the foremost cities in the western empire.
On the 8th of June he was appointed on a committee with Jefferson, Franklin, Livingston and Sherman to draft a Declaration of Independence; and although that document was by the request of the committee written by Thomas Jefferson, it was John Adams who occupied the foremost place in the debate on its adoption.
On the lath of December, when the Swedish approaches had come within 280 paces of the fortress of Fredriksten, which the Swedes were closely besieging, Charles looked over the parapet of the foremost trench, and was shot through the head by a bullet from the fortress.
These qualities soon made Poggendorfs Annalen the foremost scientific journal in Europe.
Hardly had the Horse Guards passed Rostov before he heard them shout, "Hurrah!" and looking back saw that their foremost ranks were mixed up with some foreign cavalry with red epaulets, probably French.
He greeted the men of the foremost regiment and gave them the order to march, thereby indicating that he intended to lead that column himself.
Natasha was foremost in setting a merry holiday tone, which, passing from one to another, grew stronger and reached its climax when they all came out into the frost and got into the sleighs, talking, calling to one another, laughing, and shouting.
Yes, I do… when you told me you planned to marry Sarah; my foremost concern was how difficult your death would be for her.