Forego Sentence Examples
I'll forego the pleasure and take Carmen's advice.
The fact that the bishops were prepared to forego their opposition was not unknown in Rome.
Students on a tighter budget may forego these luxuries in order to pay lower rent.
You don't have to forego style for comfort.
You can also forego the meat for a simple vegetarian meal.
You can forego the good night kiss, if you find it that objectionable.
Happily Van Helsing has not summoned me, so I need not forego my sleep.
I would forego my inherent tendency toward badge snobbery to give the Superb serious consideration for my company car.
Why would anyone want to forego meeting in person in favor of meeting online?
While cubic zirconia is an option for those who still want the look of a diamond without paying the high prices, some would prefer to forego the diamond look altogether if they aren't actually purchasing a genuine diamond.
AdvertisementTraveling is stressful enough; with the right wallet, you can forego some of that stress knowing essentials are safe and organized just how you need them.
These stylish accessories forego trendy elements in favor of classic silhouettes, high-quality material and impeccable construction.
If your school colors are orange, yellow and black for example, you might want to forego the black!
Or you can forego the issue of a skirt altogether by opting for a cute pair of cheer-shorts.
You should not forego eating the "free foods" your diet may have included.
AdvertisementIf you are at all concerned with the size of your carbon footprint, choosing to forego a high protein diet in favor of a more moderate plan is an easy way to reduce oil consumption.
Resistance Bands - If you want to forego the heavy weight equipment altogether, a great alternative is resistance bands.
Many people are choosing to forego these expenses in lieu of at home cardio.
You may find that a less expensive warranty is available if you are willing to forego some of the benefits.
For example, many insurance plans will cover things like root canals and emergency surgery, but will forego paying for biannual checkups.
AdvertisementSome women with strapless dresses choose to forego traditional bras altogether, choosing coverage in the form of breast petals or adhesive cups.
A shrinking cup size is no excuse to forego the gym in lieu of a frozen coffee drink with whipped cream.
The default screen that comes up is full of text-based links, but you can forego wading through keyword-based pages and skip right to the actual images themselves by clicking on the images link at the top of the Google page.
Some people may also choose to forego low carb dieting if they have experienced any of the side effects of going low carb.
The diet, which had the power of the purse, could not be absolutely dispensed with; but it .was summoned as seldom as possible, the king often preferring to forego his subsidies rather than listen to the unanswerable remonstrances of the estates against the illegalities of his government.
AdvertisementIncense was not burnt in private masses, so that the clergy were accustomed to celebrations without it, and would naturally forego it on any plausible ground."
Ultimately it became necessary to forego even the pretence of maintaining relations of friendship, and the British functionary at that time, Captain Macleod, was withdrawn in 1840 altogether from a country where his continuance would have been but a mockery.
But the whole course of this expansion had been watched with suspicion by Japan, from the time of the Saghalien incident of 1875, when the island power, then barely emerging from the feudal age, had to cede her half of the island to Russia, to the Shimonoseki treaty of 1895, when the powers compelled her to forego the profits of her victory over China.
A first step must be to expedite agreement to create incentives for states to voluntarily forego the development of fuel cycle facilities.
He needs the whole variety of dietary components homemade baby foods can offer, including the calories we would rather forego!
They should plainly forego experiments that are themselves risky or unethical.
If we forego this assumption, the question is 1 In strictness the force must be supposed to act upon the medium in its actual condition, whereas in (18), previously cited, the medium is supposed to be absolutely uniform.
For owners who would have no difficulty paying a large vet bill on demand, it might make more sense to forego purchasing a policy altogether.
Many people forego traditional draperies in their beach homes.
The last alternative is that you may opt to forego all patterns and use a solid color for your cushions to become an accent color in your kitchen design.
Some people even decide to forego their cable or satellite service and just watch everything over the Internet.
Regardless of how many subjects are in your shot, it's a good idea to position them naturally and forego contrived arrangements.
How the Hershey favors are presented is another way to personalize and customize the treats, especially if the couple is on a tight budget and prefers to forego personalized wrappers.
According to Scoop, the "maid" of honor will be photographer David LaChappelle, and the bride will forego her wedding bikini for a traditional white wedding gown (hey, you in the back, no snickering).
A lack of patience, congestion and overall discomfort can make it very tempting to forego a night of treatment.
Anyone who wants to forego the discomfort and inconvenience of an influenza attack may receive the vaccine.
You may have to forego top knots and braids with a bob haircut, but there are plenty of ways to keep your look fresh and exciting when you have shorter locks.
Since many woman experience hand swelling during pregnancy, you may need to forego your favorite bulky rings, but there is no reason you can keep wearing a studded necklace or thick leather bracelets.
Not only are the prices beyond reasonable, but the convenience of being able to shop in your pj's with a hot cup of cocoa in hand is simply too irresistible to forego!
Wear one over a tank top on a cool spring evening when you want to forego the jacket and look a little more dressed up.
If you're willing to forego the traditional skirt and shell, you may have the opportunity to get a killer deal.
Retiring early does not mean that you have to forego health insurance.
Shelf bra camis were designed so that women could dress lightly and forego wearing a bra while still enjoying support and modesty.
You could also choose to forego the effort yourself and support the arts by picking up some handmade cards at a craft fair, a specialty shop or any local art gallery.
The complicated plot is constructed with greater skill than is usual with this dramatist, and the pathos of particular situations, and of the entire character of Penthea - a woman doomed to hopeless misery, but capable of seeking to obtain for her brother a happiness which his cruelty has condemned her to forego - has an intensity and a depth which are all Ford's own.
The secret of Fredericks great popularity was partly the national pride excited by his foreign achievements, partly the ascendance over other minds which his genius gave him, and partly the conviction that while he would forego nmrne of his rights he would demand from his vassals nothing more than was sanctioned by the laws of the Empire.